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10/19/2012 12:03:31 AM

Jesus: All Has to be Revealed Publicly to Help People Understand the Reason for Massive Changes

2012 OCTOBER 18
Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: All Has to be Revealed Publicly to Help People Understand the Reason for Massive Changes

As channelled by John Smallman – October 17, 2012

The intensity of your expectations continues to increase as do the energies of Love surrounding you in preparation for your awakening. Do not be discouraged by the negative news – of wars, of dishonest politics and economics, of corporate disregard for the environment, and of general corruption – because it is merely bringing out into the open what many of you have long known.

All this has to be revealed publicly to help people understand the reason that massive changes in the way you live on Earth are essential to the general well-being.

And major changes are starting to occur as those with vision and integrity increase their efforts to alert humanity to some of the more egregious damage that has been inflicted on the planet and on humanity, purportedly in the name of progress and economic necessity.

The time for willful dismissal of the best interests of humanity, by those who have taken unto themselves the right and the power to make and put into effect policies and practices whose scandalous intent is hidden from public view, are at an end.

An age of peace and abundance, when humans can truly uncover, develop, and expand their enormous creative abilities, is almost upon you. As it dawns the wonder of all life and the fashion in which it expresses itself will disclose itself in myriad displays of astounding beauty and interwoven complexity. When you begin to understand en masse the divine creative potential that has always been available to you, and of which you are all fully integrated and irreplaceable germinal collaborators, the dazzling array of possibilities that open up before you will provide you with endless delight and enchantment.

God’s Will for His creation is that it endlessly and joyously expand to provide in abundance every possible opportunity of which its participating communities could conceive for yet further enjoyment. Creation is a state of infinite and ever-expanding joy, in which all its participants are fully consciously engaged, eternally. Joy is the natural state of creation. It is to that state that all who chose to experience separation will return when they choose to terminate their collusion with the illusion, and all its concomitant pain and suffering, and open their hearts to accept, enter into, and fully engage once more with the infinite field of God’s Love.

God’s Will is inevitable and unavoidable, and because all life forms are divine creations of absolute perfection they clearly understand that while they have free will to engage with any concept of which they can conceive, nevertheless, nothing of which they can conceive on their own without Him will ever measure up to, let alone surpass, the beauty and perfection of God, and the absolute joy that being one with Him provides.

Your will is truly in perfect alignment with His Will. You have just temporarily forgotten this while you have hidden yourselves behind a thin and practically transparent veil to investigate whether the possibilities and opportunities contained within an illusory environment there could offer anything that might please or amuse you. You are discovering that it cannot, and you are preparing to let it dissolve back into the infinitely small pool of nothingness from which you imagined it, so that you can once more know Reality.

Reality is where all that God creates has its eternal existence; there is nowhere else. But there is a paradox here, in that with your free will it seems that you constructed some other reality in which you could have experiences that differed enormously from what is actually possible.

Those experiences became darker and darker as you let your imaginations run riot, until you reached the level of darkness that now seems to envelop you, by shutting your selves almost completely off from the Love of God. To do that is of course impossible, but you have been able to dramatically reduce your awareness of It as you entered into an imaginary realm of fear, deceit, and betrayal that has caused you much pain and suffering.

The desire to end that ridiculous experience has finally moved firmly into humanity’s collective field of consciousness, and you are now opening yourselves up to allow the divine field of Love, which has always enveloped you even though you chose to be unaware of it, to gently and irresistibly influence your thoughts and feelings to show you the way to your awakening. The effects of this are becoming unmistakable as you see people everywhere, who have lived for so long in fear, releasing their inflexible beliefs in the need to be able to protect themselves from the violence of others with all sorts of weapons, and seeking instead to engage lovingly with one another.

A sea-change in human relationships is under way, which will lead you out of the darkness of your illusion and Home to the warmth and joy of oneness with your Father and of all creation. An exhilarating and magnificent welcome awaits your return.

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/19/2012 12:05:09 AM

Saul: There is No Longer Any Need for You to Continue the Cycles of Reincarnation

2012 OCTOBER 18
Posted by Anthony Morrison

Saul: There is No Longer Any Need for You to Continue the Cycles of Reincarnation

As channelled by John Smallman – October 17, 2012

The divine schedule for humanity’s awakening was established the instant your apparent separation from Reality occurred. Your Father could not let you delve into the mysteries of the unreality that you had invented, and presented as real to your collective mind, without ensuring that you could never get permanently lost there.

The Light of His Love was securely installed in each individual who chose to go with the collective into the illusion, and the timescale for your return was laid down, but with an enormous degree of flexibility built in to allow for any diversions or distractions which you might choose to engage with as you journeyed along your homeward path.

Over the eons of illusory time and place, you have all without exception endured much personal suffering and needless to say, you have also imposed much suffering on others. It was illusory, it was self-inflicted, and it never happened. But the power of your collective imagination is enormous, and you have succeeded in convincing yourselves that your history of deceit and betrayal of, and violence to one another is absolutely real.

So real in fact, that to enable you to awaken from the illusion it is essential that you completely change the attitudes it formulated and encouraged, and release all beliefs that in any way conflict with your innate ability, desire, and intent to offer indiscriminate and unconditional love to all sentient beings. It is innate because, like all of God’s creation, you were created in Love with Love as the energy that empowers and motivates you in every moment of your eternal existence.

To forgive yourselves for all the offenses and suffering that you seem to have caused to yourselves or to others is the first step that you need to take. Then you need to forgive all without exception whom you believe have in any way hurt or offended you. Many of you have been working on this for numerous Earth lifetimes, and are now also working as Light-bearers and way-showers because, having gone through much of what the majority of humanity needs to address individually, you are ideally suited and qualified to assist others in their awakening process — simply by demonstrating love, compassion, acceptance, and forgiveness in your daily living.

With the intensifying field of divine Love surrounding the planet and enveloping each one of you, there is also an overabundance of assistance available and constantly offered to you from those in the spiritual realms to ensure that you succeed in releasing all those inflexible beliefs that have served you so dismally. If it is your intent to awaken — and it is the intent of each one of you to do so, even if that intent is presently hidden below your level of conscious awareness — then you will succeed, because it is divinely ordained. Only a few, who still feel that they are not ready or willing to step out of the illusion, will remain asleep. However, when they are ready to take that step they, like you, will be afforded every opportunity to awaken, and will then do so. No one will fail to awaken, no one will be lost, because Reality allows no loss.

Knowing, as you indubitably do, that you are divine beings having an illusory experience, then it is also impossible for you not to know that your existence is eternal. Death is just an illusory concept that you have invented to describe the situation that occurs when you make the decision to lay down your physical vehicle and re-enter the spiritual realms. Until very, very recently this normally then involved a self-assessment of the life you had just lived in the illusion, in the presence of your loving and compassionate guides, to enable you to choose and plan a further Earth life that would provide you with the lessons that you chose to have presented to you.

Always, within the illusion, you have had abundant opportunities to explore and examine the beliefs and opinions that are part of the life path that you had chosen, prior to your incarnation on the earth plane, to experience, and they constantly present you with the appropriate experiential lessons. But frequently you were unable to take full advantage of these learning opportunities because the energy of the illusion is so dense and so dark.

Now, because of all the work you have done over the eons, and because of the intense and abundant help you are receiving from the divine energy field enveloping the Earth, and because your Father – Who has never ever required, demanded, or imposed suffering of any kind upon you – wants to see your suffering come to an end, there is no longer any need for any of you to continue those cycles of reincarnation that have been an obstinate, intractable, and painful part of the whole illusion. You will finally be completely free — free from the exile you chose to endure within the nightmare that the illusion became — when you awaken, as you most assuredly will.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/20/2012 12:33:11 AM
Dear friends, a new message from SaLuSa here

SaLuSa: October 19, 2012

2012 OCTOBER 19
Posted by Andrew Eardley

Andrew: SaLuSa reviews the changes we will experience during the run-up to Ascension, and gives some advice for those who wish to ascend but don’t yet consider themselves to be ready. He reminds us that we will be reassured about the future of those who take a different path, as all happens as it should according to Universal Law.

He says that the Galactics want Disclosure as soon as possible, but it must be against a peaceful background. Military might will not delay the changes, although the Illuminati intended to use it against them if they attempted Disclosure.

SaLuSa acknowledges our patience and advises us that events must get underway ‘very, very soon’. With Disclosure we are to be introduced to humanoids from our own and other star systems. Much of our planetary history is fiction in relation to previous extraterrestrial visits, but the truth will become known. He says that ‘the midnight hour is starting to chime’ and that when they are able to de-cloak more of their craft they will put on a glorious display to greet us all.

SaLuSa: October 19, 2012

Channelled by Mike Quinsey

Here we are on the verge of a great episode in your journey through duality, that will end with those who are ready to ascend leaving your present dimension. It does not mean that everything will change at once, but it will result in you being elevated to a higher dimension where you are with other souls of a similar vibration.

It will ensure a life in which you experience a close harmony and joyful relationship with all souls. The harshness and confrontation you experience now will disappear for good, as those beings who cause such problems are not ready to ascend. Ascension is for those of you who have awakened to their true selves, and aspire to lift themselves up. When you can accept all others as One with you, and live your life in the manner of giving out Unconditional Love, you are a perfect example of one who is ready.

If you do not consider yourself to be ready but nevertheless wish to ascend, focus on raising yourself up by doing your best to succeed. You will almost certainly do so as at this time there are massive inputs of energy to your world and you will attract them to yourself. You will know it is happening as few souls can receive the energy without feeling the effects. It can be felt as a slight dizziness and a general feeling of lightness within your body.

There are other conditions that may lead you to believe that you are about to fall ill, but will soon pass without any effect. You will certainly find yourself able to remain controlled when faced with disruptive forces, and it is the taming of the emotions that will enable you to reach such a level. At the same time you will be a model example to others who will benefit from your presence.

The Light as ever continues to grow exponentially and is carrying you forward faster than ever. It will meet its optimum level on the 21st December 2012 and will trigger the Ascension of Mother Earth and all those souls that are ready to go with her.

By then you will have been reassured about the safety and future of those who take a different path, and all happens as it should according to Universal Law. Put simply it states that no soul can move upwards until they have reached a similar vibration. All are cared for and by the time Ascension comes round, each one will be aware of what is to take place. As a cycle ends there are natural changes that open up the next phase of your journey that endeavors to take you higher. The opportunities are always there for every soul.

To some extent life continues as before, but already you see the signs of change that are inevitable. How much suffering occurs depends on your Governments and how quickly they adopt the new ways that are being offered to them. Military might will not delay the changes, although the Illuminati proposed to use it against us if we attempted Disclosure and appeared on your Earth.

We can easily deal with such threats but do not wish to create conditions that may rebound upon you. We are all for Disclosure as soon as possible but it must be against a peaceful background. However, it may come when you least expect it, as there is more than one country that will back such an announcement.

You have been patient for such a long time and that is appreciated, but know that events must get underway very, very soon. We are ready and rely on our allies to prepare the ground so that we can follow on. Until then proceed as normal and take things as they come one day at a time. In time all of your needs will be taken care of, even though some of you will bear more of the inconvenience than others.

We are well aware of what is likely to happen, and will not let matters get out of hand. We have looked after you and guided your path for a very long time, and we have a greater presence now than ever before. We are still unable to de-cloak more of our craft until we have removed the threat against us. Once it is however, we shall put on a glorious display to greet you all.

In the early days of UFO sightings we regularly contacted what you would call “ordinary individuals” yet even so their experiences were deliberately held back from you. We even took them on trips around your Solar System, proving that other planets had intelligent life on them, and still attempts were made to suppress the details.

With Disclosure the evidence will be totally undeniable as you are introduced to humanoids from not just your system, but from other star systems. We have been separated from you for far too long, and share your excitement at the thought of meeting you.

The Galactic Federation of Light is not in any way a military set up, but within the Universe there are forces that we need to protect ourselves against. They are mostly the dark Ones of the Reptilian group, but we hasten to add that there are others of peaceful intent. In your Galactic history there are many stories of mighty wars between civilizations.

However, that era has passed and peace has been declared between the warring factions, and part of our duty is to ensure it is kept. On your Earth there is still evidence of their visits, but they are not always recognized for what they are and ignored because it does not fit in with your accepted version of history. In fact much of your history is fiction and bears little resemblance to the truth. These are areas that we shall address, as it is important that the facts are known.

Keep looking ahead as events are about to take off, and you will not be disappointed. The dark Ones are as good as finished when it comes to exercising their will upon you. They are like the toothless tiger, but still to be avoided and kept down until they can be removed. Many of you know who the leaders are as well as we do and we will not allow them to rise up again. Money still buys them time, but will never buy them their freedom to escape justice for their crimes against you. It is never too late for them to change and would do their record a lot of good, if they relinquished their quest to carry on as before.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and see that the midnight hour is starting to chime, so the countdown has begun. So please keep your cool for a little while longer, as all comes to him who waits. God Bless You All.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/20/2012 12:53:46 AM

Jesus: Love is Invincible, Inevitable, Irresistible

2012 OCTOBER 19
Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: Love is Invincible, Inevitable, Irresistible

As channelled by John Smallman – October 18, 2012

The rapidity with which essential changes are now occurring on Earth is truly amazing. Humanity is on a roll as the divine Love field penetrates and permeates the consciousness of every sentient being on the planet. T

his has always been your Father’s intent, but first it was necessary for you, of your own free wills, to allow it to happen. Love is invincible, inevitable, irresistible, and all will succumb to the wonder of Its divine beauty and perfection.

Fear, hatred, betrayal, and violent confrontation offer it absolutely no competition, except momentarily in your nightmares. And, of course, you are soon to awaken into the infinite joy and oneness of immersion in Its ever-present embrace. That is all that awaits you. It is the provider of everything that your hearts could ever desire; nothing else is conceivable, necessary, or possible; your utter satisfaction is guaranteed.

Love, to use yet another analogy, is like water: It tries to seep in everywhere, and if It cannot find a way in then It undermines foundations and washes them away, thus providing an alternate entrance.

It never ceases in Its attempts to warmly embrace all, and, like water, It eventually wears down all resistance and sweeps in harmoniously, integrating, melding with, and enveloping all that had opposed It. It will enfold within Itself anything or anyone who appears to be in any manner unloving or in opposition to It, making them one with It — because, in truth, there is nothing in existence that is not of Love.

Resistance to Love – all unloving beliefs, attitudes and behaviors – is illusory, and humanity has actually been slowly realizing that this is so. It has taken eons to reach this stage in your spiritual evolution, but now there is nothing — because there is only Love — that can prevent the completion of that evolution into your natural and eternal, divine state.

The realization that this is the case is dawning on you all, and it is raising your spirits and helping you to focus your intent far more precisely on being loving, compassionate, accepting, and forgiving, as you adjust your attitudes and practice the behaviors that move you inevitably forwards towards the moment of your awakening. Your previously irresistible attraction to judgment, blame, resentment, and anger is fading as you recognize that the sky will not fall if you choose not to insist that you are right. When you make that choice your levels of stress reduce enormously, allowing you to have fun, enjoy the moment, and “smell the roses.”

Stress reduction enlarges your personal areas of awareness because you are no longer entirely focused on protecting yourselves from all the dangers that you thought constantly threatened you and your loved ones, your teams of friends or associates, your cultures, your political and religious persuasions, in fact, all that you believed in and supported. You can begin to appreciate the values and the insights that the thoughtfully considered opinions of others have to offer instead of rushing to the assumption that they are attacks on your personal honesty and integrity. When you experience this increase in openness your automatic reflex reactions – shoot first, then ask questions – will no longer control you. You will find that confrontational situations occur far less frequently and that your lives flow far more smoothly and peacefully.

Many in the illusion are still experiencing the most extreme and terrifying nightmares, but the shock and terror of a nightmare can shake you out of your slumbers. And this is occurring as more and more of you open your awareness and acknowledge the absolute insanity of responding immediately to confrontational and threatening situations with overwhelming and unconscionable violence. For eons families, tribes, nations, and groups of the same religious or political persuasion have again and again traded insults and threats with opposing groups until the threats became promises that had to be acted on.

At last, above the tumultuous cries for preemptive action to be taken against those your governments, or their advisors, fear may be a threat to you, cooler and calmer voices are being heard. The insatiable desire to rush to war over every insult that a power hungry Mogul deems has been directed personally at him is being contained. The influence of cooler heads is being acknowledged because it has finally become obvious that mutually assured destruction is just that – no one survives.

Although massive disharmony continues to bring untold suffering to many across the globe, major attitudinal changes are occurring which are helping to bring to these situations the wisdom and opportunities necessary to alleviate the suffering and to enable resolution of the differences that are causing the disharmony. Keep bearing your Light on high by constantly holding the intent that Love prevail in every situation where divisive agendas appear to be driving people apart and turning them into enemies on a personal or global scale.

Making that intent, reminding yourselves of it, and encouraging others to do likewise is an amazingly effective way to move your global society closer and closer to the peace for which you all yearn. Do not forget that every time you renew your loving intent it is magnified exponentially by the energy of the divine energy field that is surrounding the planet to assist in your awakening. Your awakening is approaching, inexorably, so focus on the present moment, reminding yourselves that Love is the divine energy supporting you constantly, and offer nothing but love to all with whom you interact, and that most definitely includes your individual selves.

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/20/2012 4:44:29 PM

Will People and the Planet Remain in Third-Dimensionality After Ascension?

2012 OCTOBER 20
Posted by Steve Beckow

Not an accurate depiction of Ascension

I’m just watching a History Channel program called The Nostradamus Effect, which is saying that, if the “rapture” occurs, it could see pilots removed from airplanes and planes falling from the sky, drivers of cars and trucks removed and major pile-ups happen, spouses disappearing before our eyes, etc.

Heavens, in attempting to state what I believe is the truth of the matter, the truth may be stranger than fiction.

The version of the truth that I prefer is that, when Ascension occurs on Dec. 21, 2012, the situation of the planet will not see some people ascend and others remain on Planet Earth to survive without the missing. It won’t see pilots disappear and planes fall from the sky.

The planet itself will ascend leaving no one here. All will leave, whether by one route or another. Can I back that contention up with quotes? Yes, I believe I can.

Before I do, however, let me acknowledge that the event called the “rapture” is indeed synonymous with the event called “Ascension,” as Archangel Michael explains.

Archangel Michael: I assure you, dear friend, that when you ascend, you will feel a sense of rapture! Now, because that is a highly charged word, I would say, “you will feel the bliss.” So we will not call it the “rapture.” But that is what it is.

Steve Beckow: I thought that might be the case, that it is a rapture.

AAM: But the word has become politicized. (1)

Matthew Ward says that “a timetable [exists] for the planet to be out of third density, [at] the end of your year 2012.” (2) No “second Earth” will appear as the celestial home for those who remain behind. According to Matthew: “The theory of a celestial body appearing as a ‘second Earth’ and becoming the third density home for souls who do not physically accompany the ‘first Earth’ into fourth density is erroneous.” (3)

Archangel Michael says that there will be no Third-Dimensional presence of Gaia after Ascension:

Archangel Michael: The 3D Earth has done her cosmetic change. It is not there [after Ascension].

Steve Beckow: It is not there.

AAM: The same way you, dear heart — as the embodiment of a singularly third-dimensional being — are no longer present. [Because I'll be in 5D and not in 3D.] At that moment, you both, and all jumped.

S: All right. So is there anything left in 3D?

AAM: No, it is all transmuted, transformed, elevated. (4)

To be sure, people who choose early Ascension will disappear from this setting, Archangel Michael tells us, and describes what that will be like for those left behind.

Archangel Michael: Let us be very clear, people will disappear. Now, in conjunction with that, they will also become a dim memory. You’ve had situations like this where you have had a pain or a bad habit or something that used to bother you very deeply, and you let it go. And then a year or two later, this situation will arise again and in a very vague way, you will say, ‘Oh, … yeah, that used to bother me,’ and then you will continue with your day.

The shifting can be incremental. It can also be, and this is going to depend on the readiness of the population, but what we are seeing right now, is that it will be in shifts. And there will be steps and doorways where some will simply go through and anchor for the whole, and then more will go through and anchor for the whole, until the entire process is completed.

Now there still will be those unfortunately, (or fortunately for they are doing what they wish, although it is not my desire), that will choose to continue on in this type of a reality, of the third as you could think of it as … and they will be shifted to an alternate situation [after Dec. 21, 2012]. The people, … say who are sitting there, may blink and not even remember … or have dim sense, ‘I wonder where so and so went?’

People will disappear. It will not be cause for trauma or mayhem. It will not be the same grieving as someone in the physical realm dying. It will just be a slight shift in the case of friends. But, in the case of husbands and wives, parents and children, there would be a knowing. …

Steve Beckow: So, people will then disappear? They’ll go to the Fifth Dimension, is that correct?

AAM: Some people will disappear, yes. (5)

Theoretically the people left behind in the History Channel’s program are those who’ve refused Ascension. The program represents them being left in great turmoil to survive harsh times. But our sources tell us that they will leave with the Earth as well and simply go to other Third- or Fourth-Dimensional placements, with due care being given them. For example, Archangel Michael says:

Steve Beckow: What about — for the people who say “no”? Will they remain on this 3D Earth, or will they find themselves somewhere else?

Archangel Michael: They will find themselves elsewhere.

S: And will they find themselves elsewhere as babies, or as they are now?

AAM: They will return home. They will return out of body.

S: To the astral planes?

AAM: Yes. And they will be counseled and then reassigned as they choose. (6)

Matthew Ward discusses the subject as well, but please keep in mind that, in the quotes that follow, Matthew is discussing only those of “dark” mind who refuse Ascension. Others who are not of dark mind will also refuse Ascension. No one is disrespected for choosing not to ascend, as Matthew, SaLuSa and others have told us. All will be treated with the same honor and respect.

Matthew says: “It is Earth’s destiny to leave third density when a universal cycle opens an astral window at the end of this year, and by then no one with a dark mind and heart will be left on the planet.” (7) Not all people who choose not to ascend are “dark” souls, but Matthew, in the quotes that follow, is speaking of dark souls in particular:

“The glories of the Golden Age will be available only to the souls who absorb the light that will enable physical survival along Earth’s ascension journey into the high frequencies of fifth density. When the bodies of those who refuse the light no longer can sustain viability, the souls will go to worlds where the energy matches their lifetime energy and where they will have other opportunities to raise their consciousness and evolve spiritually.” (8)

“The ‘final exam,’ if you will, is whether they can accept the truths that shortly will start emerging about the darkness that for so long has kept your world ‘in the dark,’ especially control of the masses through religious dogma. Individuals who cannot accept the truths—enLIGHTenment—will choose at soul level to physically leave the planet.

“After a suitable time in Nirvana, where they will see how they veered from their soul contracts wherein they had chosen to awaken, they will welcome the opportunity to embody in other third-density placements and resume learning at the level where it left off.” (9)

“Those who choose to refuse the light—that is, ignore intuition and conscience or cling to their current greed, control, deceit or fear – will start to leave as the planet keeps ascending into the higher vibrations where their bodies cannot survive. Many souls will be leaving in accordance with their soul contracts, some by the geophysical upheavals and wars that will continue for a while longer.” (10)

So the picture painted by the History Channel in The Nostradamus Effect is not an accurate depiction of what will occur on Ascension. Upon the “rapture,” it represents the Earth as remaining in Third Dimensionality whereas it will not remain. And it depicts many people as remaining on that Earth as well whereas no one will remain either. All will be reassigned either to Fifth Dimensionality or else to a suitable Third-Dimensional placement or Fourth-Dimensional haven until their next incarnation.


(1) “Archangel Michael: Creating a World of Peace,” Sept. 15, 2011, at

(2) Matthew’s Message, May 8, 2011, at

(3) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 14, 2010.

(4) Steve Beckow, ”Reading with Archangel Michael, August 1, 2011” through Linda Dillon, at .

(5) “Archangel Michael: Creating a World of Peace,” ibid.

(6) Loc. cit.

(7) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 4, 2012.

(8) Matthew’s Message, Oct. 22, 2008.

(9) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 7, 2009.

(10) Matthew’s Message, Dec. 30, 2004.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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