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10/17/2012 2:11:36 AM
Hi Miguel,

This video is so inspiring and beautiful done. Thanks so much for sharing.

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/17/2012 5:02:41 PM

Sheldan Nidle 10-16-12…”Certain actions are ready to begin which will lead to success in our many ventures”


  • Presently, several areas of activity are being brought to completion, forming the foundation of your new reality.
  • Our sacred allies are uniting the ancient foundations of many tribal nations with that of the old monarchies of Europe, Asia, the Americas and Africa.
  • What are required are documents that honor common law concepts while forging a new and unique form of global governance.
  • Our sacred associates understand that what they are doing is producing a legal fusion of the elements that form the essential ‘scaffolding’ of modern nation-states, whilst also bringing up-to-date the legitimacy of present global tribal governance.
  • Your world is moving swiftly through a series of inevitable, Heaven-decreed events which will disassemble the evil that this global cabal has put in place over the last few centuries.
  • What our sacred allies are doing is thus much more than merely replacing an illegally appointed series of governments. They are opening up your reality to the changes you so desperately require.
  • The next phase is to be done rather rapidly, which is why we have come to set up a first-contact mission for a world that currently does not meet any of our normal criteria for contact.
  • The transformation is both spiritual, based upon the decrees of Heaven, and technological; about a century’s worth of sequestered devices are to be released.
  • We come with news about a number of events that are soon to happen in your reality… Certain actions are ready to begin which will lead to success in our many ventures.
  • Various legal decisions have been put forth which set the stage for several documents to possess now the power of law.
  • What is being created is a chain of documents that leaves the dark no alternative except to resign.
  • We work therefore with joy and determination as we prepare the dark ones for their inevitable exit from power, despite their ongoing commitment to finding a way out. In fact, there is none.
  • A new timeline is being set which requires their immediate resignation; hence our blessed resolve.


Sheldan Nidle Update 10-16-12
13 Ix, 2 Tzec, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We return with more to discuss. Presently, several areas of activity are being brought to completion, forming the foundation of your new reality. As we informed you recently, your world is based on the original legitimacy of certain institutions dating back thousands of years. The individuals who represent these ancient power bases are in the process of creating new documents that will constitute the legal platform for your new form of governance. A series of meetings whose sole agenda is to focus on the complexities of creating a new world are currently underway. Try to imagine the intricacies involved in such an undertaking! Our sacred allies are uniting the ancient foundations of many tribal nations with that of the old monarchies of Europe, Asia, the Americas and Africa. Numerous documents need to be discussed, modified, and interwoven into a specific prototype that renders invalid and thus unseats the current de facto regimes of your world. This authentication process needs to be done properly and in the right order in order to confer legitimacy on this lofty goal.

Our sacred associates understand that what they are doing is producing a legal fusion of the elements that form the essential ‘scaffolding’ of modern nation-states, whilst also bringing up-to-date the legitimacy of present global tribal governance. What are required are documents that honor common law concepts while forging a new and unique form of global governance. Ultimately, this operation will change the basic concept of government as you know it. Your present indirect (representative) system of governance needs to change via a well-thought-out transfer of power to enable true transparency in government to come into being. The aim is to establish a judicious ‘people-power’ contract with you. The great thinkers of the late 18th century created documents that achieved this within the context of their times. Now it is necessary to modernize these documents as part of the process of preparing you for your grand shift in consciousness. This is just one of the tasks presently being accomplished behind the scenes.

As you know only too well, you live in a society that constantly threatens basic human rights and this taint is no longer viable. You are also on the brink of forming a true galactic society. You need government documentation that is flexible enough to reflect your growing needs as you morph from your present state of consciousness into your fully conscious one. The first step is to restore all that the dark cabal has illegally taken from you; the next, is to enlarge the body politic to include your Agarthan kin and us. Your world is moving swiftly through a series of inevitable, Heaven-decreed events which will disassemble the evil that this global cabal has put in place over the last few centuries. Your economies are crumbling and the cabal’s system of carefully selected leaders is failing to save this group from the multi-faceted catastrophe that it has brought about over the past half-decade. Behind the disintegrating facade a new epoch for humanity is taking shape and it is a process that needs to be supported and actively promoted. Many things, and especially disclosure, need to be brought out from the shadows.

What our sacred allies are doing is thus much more than merely replacing an illegally appointed series of governments. They are opening up your reality to the changes you so desperately require. Heaven has chosen this time for a radical altering of your consciousness, which is being carried out in a series of steps that have taken over two decades to reach this point. The next phase is to be done rather rapidly, which is why we have come to set up a first-contact mission for a world that currently does not meet any of our normal criteria for contact. Once you become fully conscious, you will require our immediate mentoring and advice on how to swiftly create your own galactic society. For nearly two decades, we have been watching and assisting both you and Gaia, and carefully interacting with those on your world who are dedicated to changing how your societies function. The transformation is both spiritual, based upon the decrees of Heaven, and technological; about a century’s worth of sequestered devices are to be released.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come with news about a number of events that are soon to happen in your reality. Long ago, we were put on this Earth to provide a means for the Light to prepare humanity for distant change in its reality. Over the millennia we have grown both in number and wisdom. Our mission has remained the same; that is, to be messengers and mentors to every surface human. In recent months we have been joined by Ascended Masters from every corner of this galaxy. A grand covenant among us has forgathered to bring this realm to the Light! Together with our sacred associates we forged a bond to enable us to use our abilities to change this realm and oust the dark from the vast power it still retains. This task is reaching a most exciting point. Certain actions are ready to begin which will lead to success in our many ventures.

As we mentioned in previous reports, our sacred secret societies are now working with a number of groups which represent the origins of your present power structure and those who have long kept the wealth of past ages in their care. These individuals and groups have come together to begin building upon the work that our sacred associates started decades ago. Various legal decisions have been put forth which set the stage for several documents to possess now the power of law. These ‘anchor documents’ are just the beginning. Many others are ready to be processed, which will establish the legalities for the global governmental changes that we intend to manifest. What is being created is a chain of documents that leaves the dark no alternative except to resign. The other issue being pursued is putting an end to a decaying financial system. The end is indeed near!

Our blessed task is to see that what we have described actually happens. This reality is being squeezed, suffused with Light, and transformed by Heaven. We dearly require a move upward in consciousness. What we are doing with our sacred associates is to ensure that Heaven’s edicts are truly manifested upon this realm. We work therefore with joy and determination as we prepare the dark ones for their inevitable exit from power, despite their ongoing commitment to finding a way out. In fact, there is none. A new timeline is being set which requires their immediate resignation; hence our blessed resolve. This drama is set shortly to end. A new reality is rising, which needs new governance, prosperity, and a formal disclosure. It is time for the surface world to rejoin galactic humanity by returning to its natural state of divine service and full consciousness.

Today, we used this message to inform you about what is brewing on your world. Many different activities are taking place that are bringing in the longed-for great changes. These will prepare you for a full disclosure and your return to full consciousness. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/17/2012 5:04:29 PM

SaLuSa: October 17, 2012

2012 OCTOBER 17
Posted by Andrew Eardley

Andrew: In today’s message SaLuSa continues with a review of our progress so far with increasing our levels of consciousness, attracting the Light and grounding it upon Earth. He encourages Lightworkers not to relax in their efforts.

He says that the dark Ones are fully contained and their ultimate removal is a formality. All that we have been promised awaits us and, with our awakening still growing faster, the appearance of the Galactics will be easier for people to accept. He says that they have set their own deadline for Disclosure and that if our leaders do not do it, the Galactics will “do their own thing” to ensure that it takes place.

SaLuSa reminds us that world peace will come before long and that war has no place in the future. The Galactics are allowed to enforce peace and have the capabilities to do so.

SaLuSa: October 17, 2012

Channelled by Mike Quinsey

Do you realize that this year in particular you have grown in levels of consciousness to the point where you have more than balanced the dark energies. You have achieved it by attracting the Light to yourselves and grounding it upon Earth.

It has helped to end the domination of the dark Ones, who can only hope to create fear and delay their inevitable defeat. They are not finished, but now we can fully contain them and protect our allies. Their ultimate removal is therefore going to be a mere formality. They can no longer look to the Reptilians for advice, and are but a pale reflection of what they used to be.

It means that the final weeks before Ascension will not be as catastrophic as some of the older predictions indicated. Indeed, with the presence of the Galactic Federation of Light who have the authority to prevent any major setback, you are going to have a fairly comfortable ride for the rest of your journey.

Meantime we call upon all Lightworkers not to relax their efforts to forge ahead with the changes within their own communities. There is much you can do at a local level to help restore your sovereignty, and we note that there are moves to become more independent.

We encourage this approach as it will lay down the foundation for what is to follow, when any laws and legislation taking away your rights will be reviewed. The cunning of the dark Ones has gradually taken them away without you realizing what has been happening. As you must know by now you have all but been on the verge of total enslavement, but that is no longer possible. It will not be long before you are freed from the controls that have taken away your freedom.

Progress is always slow on Earth but is nevertheless still heading in the right direction. You will not have to wait much longer before events occur that will signal that the end times are really underway. We know you would have wished for our presence on Earth a lot earlier, but in the long run you will have lost nothing.

All that you have been promised awaits you, and matters have long moved beyond the stage where the dark Ones can prevent them. What you have achieved so far without us is remarkable, and your awakening is still growing faster.

It will make our appearance much easier for people to accept, and we are still talking with your leaders about it. Clearly we would rather do it with them, but we have set our own deadline for it. If necessary we will do our own thing to ensure Disclosure takes place without too much delay.

We have much admiration for those Lightworkers who have worked hard at their missions, often without knowing how long they would have to do it. For everyone the end of duality comes ever closer, and they will learn that their hard work has paid off. Their dedication will be rewarded when they learn how much difference they have achieved, and understand how many souls they have helped evolve. After Ascension life will become so much easier and there will be no conflict or negativity to deal with.

If you can imagine what it is like to be with souls of a like kind, you will have some measure of how wonderful it will be. By then you will also have met with your brothers and sisters from the Inner Earth who have long moved into the Light. There will truly be a time of great celebration and naturally we will also be a part of it.

You may be tiring and anxious to move out of duality, but you should intuitively know if your journey has been completed. The final days are going to be quite hectic for some of you, who still have karmic issues to finalize. Do what you know to be right, as you cannot take anything of the old vibrations with you.

It most likely applies to you in a very personal way and, if you are not sure about it, try to find those quiet times when you can go within for the answers. You do in fact have all knowledge within, but normally do not remember to use it.

Simply make sure that your ego does not get in the way and override your Higher Self, as it acts on behalf of your old self. In time you will of course have no problems with such issues, as you will have acquired a greater level of consciousness.

The power in the world still lies with you the people, which is why the Illuminati tried to take away your rights by false and foul means. It only takes sufficient of you to come together with a common purpose and strong intent, and you would be surprised to learn how much energy it carries. Thought is powerful, but it needs to be backed by belief if you are to have any chance of achieving your aims.

Over a period of time you have contributed to different peace movements and that has taken you so much nearer to gaining it. World peace must come and it will be declared before very long. Wars are like a pestilence and have achieved nothing but misery and debt amongst the nations involved. Think of the number of families torn apart by senseless war action and the loss of loved ones.

We can tell you that those serving their countries are becoming disenchanted by what they are experiencing. Also that as the consciousness levels rise so will the numbers of those who wish to leave the services. War is a brutal game and has become more devastating as technological advances are made in weaponry. Like everything else that has no place in the future, it cannot maintain its existence and must fall into disuse.

You know, and we know, that if the same energy had been put into achieving world peace you would have had it many, many years ago. You could have been living in complete unity and enjoying a good standard of life, without poverty or need.

Of course, the peace that we talk about is to be yours anyway and will come much quicker than you might anticipate. We have been working with your authorities for a long time to bring it into being, and if possible we aim to bring it in before the year is out. It is something that we will be allowed to enforce, and have the capabilities to do so.

Nothing can be hidden from us, and we will also know if we are being lied to when agreements are drawn up. We would consider that unlikely as by then the “right” people will be leading each nation. There is no time to play around with the future of you all, therefore we will only deal with those who are positive minded and have your best interests at heart.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank those who work diligently and honestly to bring back your freedom.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/18/2012 1:32:00 AM
You are very welcome, Myrna. And yes, it very much impressed me with its beauty and message. (By the way, I failed to realize until now the post below was your post and not mine, lol)

Hi Miguel,

This video is so inspiring and beautiful done. Thanks so much for sharing.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/18/2012 1:33:41 AM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: Take Heart. Your New Life is at Hand.

2012 OCTOBER 17
Posted by Alice C
Statue of Archangel Michael defeating evil

A photo of a statue in Italy. Sent to me by my dear friend Suzanne Spooner. Michael conquering evil.

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: Take Heart. Your New Life is at Hand.

Alice C – Ron Head will feature on The Light Agenda with Stephen Cook on Wednesday November 7.

As channeled by Ron Head – October 17, 2012

We come this day with further words of encouragement to each and every person who reads or hears this message. Wherever you are, whenever you receive our words, know that we are with you in this moment and every moment.

In some places, the intellectual understanding of what we say now has not yet reached. But the inherent knowledge of the ancestors is still known. Therefore, know in your hearts that we are one consciousness, you and I, you and every being, in this universe and all others.

Never are we more than a thought away from you. There are some wonderful stories in great books telling you of times before when we spoke with you, walked with you. I tell you now that never before on your world have we made ourselves more available to you. Never before have so many seen so many signs in their day-to-days of our presence, or seen us in their dreams as often, or felt our energy surrounding them.

Our Creator has decreed your return to your full awareness. We are charged with giving all possible aid whenever you ask for it. It is our joyful and fulfilling passion to bring you home once again.

Only a little is necessary for you to do. Ask for our help and allow it. Open your hearts to the truly amazing flow of love which now engulfs and permeates this world. Only your tiniest effort to find and feel this in your heart is needed, dear one.

If you are one who has already set yourself on this path, it is time to look now at where you intend to go from here. Do you know? What would most make your heart sing if you were to get up every morning knowing that you would be able to do it? If you do not know what that is, look into your heartspace and find the beautifully wrapped gifts that you brought with you here. Carefully and happily unwrap each one. Ask us to show you what is in those presents. You may be surprised when you find what comes into your lives.

Each and every one of you is a precious gift and piece of the new world we are building. Find the confidence and faith in yourself, the self-worth, to offer it to the world. You are a precious and invaluable creation of the Creator of All That Is. You are loved beyond measure. You have been trusted with the future of this world.

Begin to see yourself as we see you. Open yourself to the unconditional love of Creator. When you feel that love, my amazing friend, breathe it into every cell of your body and then breathe it out to every corner of your life. You are the change maker. There is much joy in that.

Find each day that for which you can be grateful, even be it just your life. As you express this to the One, your life will change. Those things which you appreciate will grow. You will grow. Take heart. Your new life is at hand.

We wish you good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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