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10/16/2012 12:52:01 AM

SaLuSa 10-15-12…”In These Final Days… Concentrate More on Your Personal Journey”


  • …your personal awakening is growing stronger, and people are more ready to speak amongst themselves about Ascension.
  • Subconsciously every soul instinctively knows what is right for them, and clearly they must feel at ease with their decision.
  • In the higher vibrations you can locate each other by thought, and at some point you will be able to travel anywhere instantaneously.
  • On Earth you often feel that you have to “fight” to establish yourself, and you cannot very easily determine who are your true friends… That will soon be a thing of the past…
  • …already those of the Light are drawing away from those who are not.
  • [In the Higher realms] All knowledge is shared and is available to every soul, unlike on Earth where it is used to establish power over others.
  • …your life plan is really all that counts where your evolution is concerned. Your present one is the most important one, because you have determined what it is you need to finish up your time in duality.
  • In these final days we suggest you concentrate more on your personal journey, and know that everything else is being taken care of.
  • …there are expectations of major changes and Disclosure is edging its way forward.


SaLuSa 15-October-2012

As we survey your world we find that your personal awakening is growing stronger, and people are more ready to speak amongst themselves about Ascension. There are obviously difficulties in conveying what it is going to mean to each individual, but at least a seed of knowledge is sown and it will grow. Naturally there are plans to give out information on a wide scale, to ensure that people understand what a wonderful opportunity is being given to every single soul. There will still be some disbelief or fear amongst those learning about Ascension for the first time, but when they see others greeting the news with open arms, they will feel more assured about their future. In reality people tend to herd together and your instinct tells you that there is safety in numbers.

It is within families that the most difficult problems are likely to occur, because where they are close knit they like to stay together. The chances are that they will have already planned to go into the future together. However, there will be instances where perhaps one member will be adamant about following their own feelings, that may be the opposite of what the others have accepted. In those circumstances you must allow that person to exercise their own freewill choice. Subconsciously every soul instinctively knows what is right for them, and clearly they must feel at ease with their decision. In general families with young children will find that they do progress together as one unit.

As we often remind you, the love bond where families or friends are concerned will ensure that there is always a link between them. So do not worry that you face permanent separation when one of you takes a different path. In the higher vibrations you can locate each other by thought, and at some point you will be able to travel anywhere instantaneously. In fact as you rise up there is a tendency to become involved in group activities, and as a group consciousness. Because there are no dark energies at those levels you will understand that every soul you meet has such a great love for every other soul. There is an immediate acceptance, trust and harmony between you all that comes from being at One with All That Is.

On Earth you often feel that you have to “fight” to establish yourself, and you cannot very easily determine who are your true friends. With rampant greed and corruption all around you it is hard to know who you can trust. That will soon be a thing of the past, and already those of the Light are drawing away from those who are not. It is the Law of Attraction at work and it is a quite natural response, and is why even now you gravitate to people with a very similar outlook. Indeed, when you have incarnated and agreed to work for the Light, you will very conveniently find your compatriots who have also done the same. You will “feel” more at home with some people rather than others, and that is because you have more in common. Clearly where your life plan is concerned, you are destined to meet certain souls who are also a part of it. That also extends to those who join in marriage, and it has not happened by chance.

In the higher realms you will have the ability to more easily identify with those who are you true brothers and sisters. Often it is because you have come from the same Star Civilization, and are serving in one of the Galactic Federations or Brotherhoods of Light. There are of course those souls who would rather serve with those who are still developing their scientific knowledge, and they are normally to be found on the different Councils that are involved with that aspect of evolution. So if that is your area of interest, it can continue. All knowledge is shared and is available to every soul, unlike on Earth where it is used to establish power over others. That is the main difference you will find when you ascend, and everything is available to all others without exception.

Dear Ones as we see you we find you worry unnecessarily, yet you have many helpers around you who will make sure your life is completed as you intended. You may nevertheless seek something more, but your life plan is really all that counts where your evolution is concerned. Your present one is the most important one, because you have determined what it is you need to finish up your time in duality. It may not be what you wished for but take it as it comes, as nothing happens of importance without some benefit to you. Also the end times are when you start to release anything connected with the lower vibrations. When you finally ascend you should only have a minimal amount of karma outstanding, and that will be written off.

In these final days we suggest you concentrate more on your personal journey, and know that everything else is being taken care of. Be assured when it counts you will see various events manifest the final changes that are in hand, even if you are unaware of the facts. Of course there are expectations of major changes and Disclosure is edging its way forward. The financial sector changes are high on our list, but it is a mammoth challenge to get it coordinated to avoid too much chaos in the money markets. In banking their malaise still worsens and as much as they try to overcome it, they have to face an inevitable collapse. That will be the signal for the new systems to be introduced that are ready and waiting.

It is your Ascension that is most important, and you should make sure you are ready and doing your best to help create the New Age around you. Live as you envisage things will be after you have ascended, and look upon all other souls as One with you. You are not expected be their keepers, but your kindness and love for your fellow souls will bring more Light to Earth. As we see you all the sight is most wonderful, as in such a short time you have created a great blaze of Light that is for all to see in the Universe. You have truly risen to the occasion and in some ways far more than was anticipated, and you are a credit to the Human Race. There were times when it looked as if you would not make it yet here you are on the verge of Ascension.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and congratulate you all for your part in achieving success. We love you all and proudly stand by your side, We are One.

Thank you SaLuSa,

Mike Quinsey

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/16/2012 12:55:40 AM

Benjamin Fulford 10-15-12…”The oligarchs of the West keep churning their wheels but only manage to get deeper into the mud”… “The consensus is…start OSC”

Now if you do not recall what Ben means with the letters “OSC”, which appears at the very end of this article, presumably he is speaking about “Operation Santa Claus”. which he mentioned inthis post from 2 weeks ago. He said back then,

“The White Dragon Societies believe there will be less fighting over who gets what slice of the pie if the pie is big and constantly growing. That is why it is proposing the not-so-secret “inside job,” to be code named OSC, short for Operation Santa Claus… This would be a giant operation involving the Chinese, Russian, American and other militaries together with industrialists and charities. The goal would be to make sure that every child on earth receives a present and a healthy, delicious meal on December 25th, 2012, the start of the new solar year.”

So it is sounds somewhat like some have called “prosperity programs”.

In this report, Ben shares more of the background of the WDS (White Dragon Society) and how his involvement with it began. Very interesting story.

I feel this is another strong indication (as many of us have been “getting” recently) that the release of “Prosperity Funds” (in whatever form(s) it may be) is close. We shall see…

[There is a note at the end of this that explains how to subscribe to his weekly newsletter. Also I believe one can donate to his cause directly at (via Paypal), should you feel so guided.]


  • Last week 20,000 bureaucrats, journalists and government officials descended on Tokyo for a WB… and IMF… meeting and accomplished exactly nothing.
  • …the 180 or so countries that are kept out of the control room naturally refused to hand over any more money to these defunct, unlicensed institutions.
  • …attempts by cabalists to loot large Japanese institutions like the Postal Saving Bank and the Japan Agricultural Bank have run into a brick wall in recent years…
  • …at least $1.3 billion that went missing from the Japanese AIJ pension fund was traced to Lord James Sassoon…
  • …the Sassoon family, who have been in business in Asia since they made their family fortune trading in opium during and after the opium wars, is widely believed to have continued, major secret influence in Japan and Asia.
  • There has also been a recent increase in people making both public and private accusations that this writer is either CIA or MI5, which is false.
  • …murder attempts [on Ben] began for real shortly after this book was published. Later, the South Korean secret police heard of an imminent hit and alerted the Chinese who sent a delegate from the Red and Blue to offer me protection.
  • After joining the Red and Blue, this writer suggested they immediately decapitate the cabal by grabbing their top leaders and taking them to a stadium. The Red and Blue leaders instead decided on a slower approached based on a financial boycott.
  • …a very secret, very powerful Asian umbrella group known as the Bai Lun… was contacted… and they agreed that the English name White Dragon Society could be used as a name representing the consensus of benevolent Western and other world secret societies.
  • …whenever these various secret groups agree on a certain subject, the consensus is conveyed to the public via the White Dragon Society.
  • The consensus is to start OSC.


The oligarchs of the West keep churning their wheels but only manage to get deeper into the mud
by Benjamin Fulford 10-15-12

Last week 20,000 bureaucrats, journalists and government officials descended on Tokyo for a WB (World Bankrupt) and IMF (International Masturbation Fund) meeting and accomplished exactly nothing.

The meeting was a total waste of time because neither of these two Western controlled institutions are willing to hand over control to the people and countries of the world. As a result, the 180 or so countries that are kept out of the control room naturally refused to hand over any more money to these defunct, unlicensed institutions.

Although this writer was in Tokyo and even walked within a few hundred yards of the festivities, he did not bother to go because having attended many such meetings over the years, he knew this one was doomed to be a dud. The Chinese made their feelings clear by not sending anybody senior.

As usual, the real news was happening under the surface where a titanic battle against the old world order continues to rage. In one development in that battle, at least $1.3 billion that went missing from the Japanese AIJ pension fund was traced to…

…Lord James Sassoon via Societe Generale and HSBC, according to Japanese security police sources. At the time of this writing Sassoon has not responded to a call made to get his comment on these allegations.

However, it is clear that attempts by cabalists to loot large Japanese institutions like the Postal Saving Bank and the Japan Agricultural Bank have run into a brick wall in recent years, forcing the robbers to look further down the food chain towards the pension funds of medium and small enterprises.

In any case, the Sassoon family, who have been in business in Asia since they made their family fortune trading in opium during and after the opium wars, is widely believed to have continued, major secret influence in Japan and Asia. It also likely that some of the recently stolen money was given to certain Yakuza gangs (who will remain nameless for now) to finance certain political maneuvers.

Also, given the Societe Generale/HSBC link one wonders if this is the funding for the Japan side of the attempt to get the Japanese and Chinese people to declare war on each other. Both Lord Sassoon and Mr. Cohen of the Hoche Group (who has been paying Chinese anti-Japanese protestors) need to cease and desist immediately or else face eventual jail time.

There has also been a new development in the investigation of the attempted murder of this writer that took place in June of this year. According to the Swiss authorities, the murderers have been traced to the following Los Angeles phone number: 3236535194. The number might have been changed by now but you can be sure these people are being traced and hunted down.

There has also been a recent increase in people making both public and private accusations that this writer is either CIA or MI5, which is false.

The Japanese tax authorities have just been through 7 years of this writer’s tax returns with a magnifying glass and have determined that my income derives purely from journalism and no organized violent organization; police, criminal or otherwise, has been funding my operations.

For the sake of clarity and to blow away the clouds of disinformation being put out, let me repeat the reasons for my involvement in secret groups like the Red and Blue and the White Dragon.

This writer, after 20-years as a mainstream corporate journalist based in Tokyo, was put on a hit list after he started writing about 911 and the bio-weapon SARS. There was even a novel (Rain Fall, by Barry Eisler [published 2002]) written in which a character ["Franklin Bulfinch"] based on this writer was assassinated
in what was probably a crude warning.

The fact is, the murder attempts began for real shortly after this book was published. Later, the South Korean secret police heard of an imminent hit and alerted the Chinese who sent a delegate from the Red and Blue to offer me protection. At the same time I was invited to join the cabal and offered billions of dollars and great power as long as he went along with their depopulation plans.

After joining the Red and Blue, this writer suggested they immediately decapitate the cabal by grabbing their top leaders and taking them to a stadium. The Red and Blue leaders instead decided on a slower approached based on a financial boycott. This is why the “Ninja’s” never showed up as threatened be [by] me. Instead, this slow cutting off of the financial circulation they engineered was the ultimate trigger of the ongoing US and European “financial crises.”

The Red and Blue leaders also asked this writer to make contact with any Western secret societies that like them could only be used for the greater good. This writer then started using the Black Dragon Society name in order to contact old allies in Japan of the Red and Blue. After some convincing, the Black Dragon also supported the plan to end Western cabal rule.

At around this time all sorts of people and organizations popped out of the woodwork and contacted this writer including: the CIA, the gnostic illuminati, MI6, Japanese military intelligence, various yakuza gangs, FSB, Scottish Rite Freemasons, French Freemasons, P2 lodge Italian Freemasons, etc. etc. Being in contact with these groups is not the same and being a member or of being in agreement with them.

In the end, it turned out there was a very secret, very powerful Asian umbrella group known as the Bai Lun or Hakuryu (白龍) that had both Deng Xiaoping and Chiang Kai-Sheck as members. This group was contacted via a Chinese noodle shop and they agreed that the English name White Dragon Society could be used as a name representing the consensus of benevolent Western and other world secret societies.

Thus, whenever these various secret groups agree on a certain subject, the consensus is conveyed to the public via the White Dragon Society. The consensus is to start OSC. [presumably meaning, "Operation Santa Claus"; read more at this post from 2 weeks ago]


[A subscription to Ben's full articles is only $8 per month ("Payments can... be made with a ‘PayPal’ [account]“), but Ben will allow anyone who can not pay this to subscribe for less (or free). On one page of his site he says, “All subscribers will agree to pay whatever monthly subscription price they can afford. Those who are really poor can get it for free.” In my mind, if you like the articles, and want to support Ben and his work, consider subscribing to his blog.

Ben may be contacted at any of the emails below which he provides on his websites:,,,]

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/16/2012 10:27:31 PM
Friends, what a greatly inspiring message here

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: Play in the Garden of Love

2012 OCTOBER 16
Posted by Stephen Cook

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: Play in the Garden of Love

As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ October 15, 2012

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven:

Dear friends and beloveds, we come before you today to share some secrets of life. They are not truly secrets if you look at them as the truths you have been holding on to since the beginning of duality, when you embarked on your quest for knowledge, independent of the knowledge and truth of your Divinity and Wholeness.

You always carried a thread of this true knowledge of your Divinity and Wholeness and that is the secret you are allowing to come into your consciousness as we speak.

You hold those morsels of truth deep within your hearts and they are like seeds rapidly growing to fruition. What it takes for them to grow, you often give with love and abandon, but there are times when you pull away from their nurturing because the pull of the familiar beckons you.

We ask you now to pay attention to those pulls and attractions to the familiar, and to be still for the moment and examine if they are holding you back from your vision of yourself with the New Earth. You have come so far, dear ones. It will just take your sincere attention to keep navigating the path, avoiding any pitfalls along the way.

Your Ascension is guaranteed as long as you hold the desire in your hearts, as long as you base everything on your hearts, as long as you take care to weed out any opportunistic foliage in your garden that wants to choke out your deep Love for yourself and for others.

The time has come to stay focused on the Garden of your Heart, carefully weeding out any thoughts of judgment or doubt as to your inherent Divinity, your inherent connection with Source, with Creator.

By now you all are having the opportunity to stay connected with Source, to channel your own information and knowledge that is important for you to keep going on this path of Love. Distractions are always going to be there, but you are getting better at discerning what is true for you, what is important for you and what is purely of Creator of All-That-Is.

It is like you are climbing a steep trail, and all along the way you encounter debris from a fellow traveler who is still entrenched in the old ways of thinking and doing. You are getting better at looking past those remnants and keeping your focus on the prize, the ascent, the transformation that you have all been working so hard to accomplish.

We are just a whisper away as your choices become harder in order to stay on the path. You will not have to wait much longer before you have traversed the rocky area of debris and are into the open.

We are and always have been your guides, but your connection to Source, to Creator is becoming so much stronger and more certain. The lines of communication are much clearer and you may not be used to it, but you can now tune in and receive much more accurately, where the doubts are not as prevalent.

It is like you are reaching a beautiful meadow along your path and you get to enjoy the vibrant colors of the flowers and grass and trees and sunshine and water and to get used to what you will be living in much more steadily in days to come. Get used to it. You only have to remain in the still of your heart, dear ones, to keep experiencing it and to keep knowing the luscious beauty of it.

You are discovering the secret for yourselves, and it isn’t new. It just needs to anchor more within your hearts. You were meant to play and frolic among the lush scenery of the garden of the Divine, of Source of All-That-Is. All it takes is for you to own it and accept it as a deep and abiding part of you.

We walk with you and carry you inside our hearts. You are almost there, dear ones.

Your loving brother, Yeshua, with the Company of Heaven.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/16/2012 10:32:46 PM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: Once Again We Remind You, the World is Your Reflection, Not the Reverse

2012 OCTOBER 16
Posted by Alice C

SprinklerArchangel Michael via Ron Head: Once Again We Remind You, the World is Your Reflection, Not the Reverse

Alice C – Ron Head will feature on The Light Agenda with Stephen Cook on Wednesday November 7.

As channeled by Ron Head – October 15, 2012

On this day we would like to thank each of those who have joined in the discussions on our Facebook page. This is now, and will become more of, a way for all to share the wisdom they have gleaned during this time of ascension.

We urge all of those who are spreading our messages around the world in their various languages to begin such discussions, as well. Please be aware that we know of and greatly appreciate the work you are doing. Your efforts have our total support.

There are currently very few countries on your planet which have as yet not received our messages, and even those are being reached in other ways. Feel the truth of this. Look at the success you can see on your own pages. Allow this to bouy your spirits up in this time when your news media are only telling you of negative things. You are the news media chosen by us to spread a quite different message.

There is an energy contained in these words we send which brings the love of your Creator to all who read or listen to them. If you are a translator, one who publishes these with clear intent to keep their message whole, or one who records and publishes them in video form, please know that we are aware of your efforts and work with you as well as we do this channel. Please accept our thanks and blessings as you continue this work.

Many of you have never considered yourselves to be channels, but we tell you now that you most certainly are. As you begin to feel the energies of these messages while you work with them, you will likely find yourselves becoming even more so. Even if you only read, but begin to feel these truths, you are becoming a channel for the light which is flooding into humanity now. You are a container of light. But you are not such a wonderful container. It leaks out of you and blesses all in your life. I think perhaps I should have said you were a garden sprinkler. Yes, you make wonderful sprinklers.

For many weeks now you have felt as if things were about to come to a head, as if something, you knew not what, was about to turn your world on its head. Now, since the gateway of your 10-10, this feeling is even stronger for most of you. As usual, we will stress that you are feeling changes which are about to occur inside of yourselves.

Yes, the world will soon see changes, as well. And those changes, when at last they settle down, will be welcome. But we tell you to keep a close eye on what is happening in your own minds and hearts, for that is where the true and most important changes are happening. Once again we remind you, the world is your reflection, not the reverse. If you had not changed in very significant ways, none of what you are about to see would be possible.

It has taken thousands of years for you to bring your world to this point. Enjoy the fruits of your hard work. Be of good cheer and be of one heart now, my beloved friends, my army of light. We will speak again soon. Good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/17/2012 1:23:33 AM
Friends, this is a most inspirational video. Do not miss it!

Earth, Teach Me – Try to view full screen :) Use this to help you stay grounded today :)

Published on Oct 14, 2012 by

“As goes consciousness, goes Gaia. As goes Gaia, goes DNA.” This is the teaching of Kryon for many years now. The earth has consciousness, it is alive. You can speak to it, and it to you. The indigenous knew about this and they have prayers, blessings and rituals to support their beliefs. Perhaps this is why I feel very attracted to communing with the animals in nature and the natural world. We each have this choice too – to connect with nature at a multi-dimensional level and not 3d.

This video is a culmination of a Native American prayer and my understanding of the purpose behind each teaching we ask of Gaia, which is to discover our own mastery.

Let us connect with this vibrant, living entity each day. Thank her, love her, acknowledge her in ways that you feel drawn to. Look to the indigenous or look within to your inner teacher/guide for answers.

Much love to you in these wonderful days ahead.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
