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10/15/2012 1:03:39 AM
A fascinating collaboration on U.S.' coming new bill

Bix Weir: The Hidden Meanings in the New US$100 Bill

2012 OCTOBER 14

Posted by Stephen Cook

Bix Weir: The Hidden Meanings in the New US$100 Bill

Stephen: I have been receiving and reading Bix Weir’s analyses of the silver and gold market for some time. He is well-versed in the markets and makes some fascinating predictions. He is also wildly accurate at times.

This latest post was a non-Bix subscriber, free, Public Road Update. He seems to be far more financial system-based than spiritual; but he is likely on to a ‘sideline’ to the imminent arrival of NESARA… Thanks to Kauilapele

By Bix Weir, Road To Roota – October 13, 2012

The Hidden Meanings in the New $100 Bill!

First of all, I must admit that I am one of those “Conspiracy Nuts” who loves to read meaning into the back of the US $1 bill like I’m trying to solve a centuries old puzzle.

The “All Seeing Eye”, the pyramid, “One World Government”, Masonic symbols, the implications of the Latin words, even the words “In God We Trust” added in 1955…all of it…I’m a big fan of secret meaning. Just Google “US Dollar Hidden Meaning” and you will find almost EVERY INTERPRETATION you can imagine.

Since I don’t know which is true…I tend to believe ALL OF THEM. More fun that way. If you think this is all hogwash and there is no meaning to the back of the $1 bill…”Duh, it’s just a nice picture”…then this article is not for you. So, of course, I was more than excited when the new $100 bill was FINALLY announced and IT HAD ALL THAT GOLD ON IT! read more…

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10/15/2012 1:07:14 AM

Angels Radiate God’s Influence to Humanity

2012 OCTOBER 14
Posted by Steve Beckow

Some people first coming to this site are surprised. Extraterrestrials? Ascended Masters? Angels!

Angels seem to be the hardest to accept. Never mind that the Bible sees angels deliver the glad news of the messiah’s coming, rescue people from dire situations, protect the prophets, etc.

Never mind that the Koran was dictated by an angel (the same one who delivered the glad tidings about the messiah). Never mind the growing literature on angelic visitations, the detailed accounts by incarnated ascended masters like Beinsa Douno, or even the radio shows today where they speak to us. Angels for some people are the last straw.

Having finished the job of sweeping the darkness from the Earth (or nearly so), we now face the task of introducing some of the Light warriors who did it and no one needs more introducing than angels. So again I take up the task of writing an article on the angels and I’d write many more if I had the time.

I’ve written whole sections of websites on the subject. You’re welcome to go there and study them. (1) Let’s look at how angels serve humanity by bestowing God’s light upon us, how they’re depicted journeying back and forth between the various orders of life and the Divine, and who serves them as they serve us.

The Nineteenth-Century spirit teacher, “Imperator,” who later revealed himself to be the prophet Malachi, reminds us of the problem we face regarding angels: “The ladder between Heaven and earth has always been [there], but man’s unbelief [has] cut him off from the ministry of angels.” (2) Our lack of acceptance of higher-order beings in general, but angels in particular, cuts us off generally from receiving their services – and gifts.

As Imperator tells us, the angels radiate God’s influence to humanity. They bestow enlightenment on people, the light emanating from God.

“We desire to show you that God Himself is the center of influence, and that His influence, flowing through intermediary agencies, permeates humanity; and those influences (angelic, you call them) influence mankind.

“Man becomes the means of disseminating the knowledge of which he is the unconscious recipient. Man may cultivate the power given to him and aid the work he is chosen for, fostering the dwelling of the Spirit of God among men. The power of God comes from on high, descending through the angel ministers, permeating His chosen messengers, showing men how they may be fellow-workers with God.” (3)

Throughout history the wisest among us attest to the angels’ bestowal of light upon humans, like St. Paul, whose higher self, Saul, speaks to us today in channeled messages: “Are [angels] not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” (4) By “heirs of salvation” he means those who merit enlightenment.

After we attain the highest enlightenment available to us from them, it’s rumored that we become equal to them, if not angels ourselves. Here is Pseudo-Dionysius on the subject:

“In time to come, when we are incorruptible and immortal, when we have come at last to the blessed inheritance of being like Christ, then, as scripture says, ‘we shall always be with the Lord.’ In most holy contemplation we shall be ever filled with the sight of God shining gloriously around us as once it shone for the disciples at the divine transfiguration.

“And there we shall be, our minds away from passion and from earth, and we shall have a conceptual gift of light from him and, somehow, in a way we cannot know, we shall be united with him and, our understanding carried away, blessedly happy, we shall be struck by his blazing light. Marvellously, our minds will be like those in the heavens above. We shall be ‘equal to angels and sons of God, being sons of the resurrection.’” (5)

Rumi recites the kingdoms we go through before we rejoin God, the angelic kingdom being the last:

“I died as mineral and became a plant.
I died as plant and rose to animal.
I died as animal and I was man. …
Yet once more I shall die as man, to soar
With angels blest; but even from angelhood
I must pass on: all except God doth perish.
When I have sacrificed my angel soul,
I shall become what no mind e’er conceived.
Oh, let me not exist! For Non-existence
Proclaims in organ tones, ‘To Him we shall return.’” (6)

Thus, consciousness evolves and ascends until it journeys from unconscious awareness of its identity as God to conscious awareness. The ascension journey is often represented as a ladder. The Bible uses the image of Jacob’s ladder to depict the angels descending to humanity to bring them the Light of God and then returning again.

“And Jacob … dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.

“And, behold, the Lord stood above it, and said, I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac.” (7)

We heard Imperator use the ascension image of a “ladder between Heaven and earth” to refer to the angels earlier. (8) Here he depicts the angels traversing that ladder in a way reminiscent of Jacob’s dream.

“The angels, as of old they called them, ‘spirits’ as ye know them, who traverse the space between you and your God, bring down blessings from Him, while they carry up your prayers to His Throne. These are the steps between God and Man, the channels of influence.” (9)

The Koran also uses the image of a ladder to depict the ascension journey. After all life forms have returned to God, the angels and the Holy Spirit or Divine Mother will also return to God by that ladder of ascension: “Allah … is the Lord of the Ladders, by which the angels and the Spirit will ascend to Him one day: a day whose space is fifty thousand years.” (10)

This Spirit that returns to God at the last is the Holy Spirit or Divine Mother. Ibn Arabi in his works describes her (“she” is not a she – or a he) as a male and a great Angel among angels.

“God has a great angel who has numberless hairs on his head. According to this comparison all the angels and everything else talked about [are] just like one pearl on the hair of a person. Had God given this angel the order he would have swallowed up the whole of existence as one morsel and would not have even noticed that something had passed his throat. The name of this angel is Spirit.” (11)

The most evolved among us serve the angels. On Dec. 7, 2011, when I had a personal reading with Sanat Kumara, who’s the Planetary Logos or ruler of the planet, surpised me by saying: “We all answer to Michael.” (12)

Imperator also acknowledged that he and his colleagues serve the angels:

“We come to you as the exponent of the ministry of angels. The Great Father, mindful of His Children’s wants, sends them the angel ministry of consolation, guidance and love. From the eternal realms of glory we come to minister to mankind. Angels, spirits, friends passed before, coming to minister to those left behind.” (13)

Why would all the world’s religions speak of angels or celestials or devas if these beings were not real? Why would so many disparate sources say the same thing – that angels bestow God’s light on humans and assist them to return to God? Why would people deemed to be the world’s wisest all participate in a common narrative if it was simply myth or fantasy?

In fact angels are real and one of the realities that we’ll need to become accustomed to before too much longer. So many things that were strange or mysterious to us will be revealed these days as real and intimately involved with our welfare.


(1) In First Contact, see “Introducing the Angels or Celestials,” at ; in New Maps of Heaven, see “The Angelic Plane,” at ; in From Darkness Unto Light, see from “Angels – Intimations of the evolution of consciousness through ranks of beings,” at to following sections.

(2) Spirit leader Imperator in Stainton Moses, More Spirit Teachings. Trance Teachings.Electronically published by , n.p. [Hereafter MSTTT.)

(3) MSTTT, n.p.

(4) Hebrews 1:13-4.

(5) Pseudo-Dionysius in Cohn Luibheid, trans., Pseudo-Dionysus, His Complete Works. New York and Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1989, 52-3.

(6) Rumi, ILWL, 58.

(7) Genesis 28: 10-13.

(8) MSTTT, n.p.

(9) Loc. cit.

(10) Koran, 57.

(11) Ibn Arabi, KK, 15-6.

(12) Personal Reading with Sanat Kumara through Linda Dillon, Dec. 7, 2011.

(13) MSTTT, n.p.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/15/2012 1:09:10 AM

Saul: In Every Interaction Expect to Find a Loving Response

2012 OCTOBER 14
Posted by Anthony Morrison

Saul: In Every Interaction Expect to Find a Loving Response

As channeled by John Smallman – October 14, 2012

Your awakening is divinely assured, and you know that deep in your hearts.

Make a point of going to that place within frequently each day, where awareness of your divine nature dwells, to remind yourselves of how dearly your Father loves you, because it is very easy for you to be wholly caught up in the distractions of daily living, and so forget your reason for being on Earth right now.

You are all conduits for His Love, and it is essential that you keep those conduits fully open so that the love within each one of you can awaken and join with His Love as It flows through you constantly to inspire, uplift, and engage with all of humanity.

This is your task; you know it. And your innermost desire and hope is to engage with it as fully as you can. So be open, generous, accepting, compassionate listeners, sharing God’s Love by just being yourselves – and not the masks of confidence and perhaps indifference that many of you have become accustomed to put on when dealing with the distractions of the illusion (daily life) – thus helping to bring in the New Age for which all are yearning.

It is coming, it will arrive very soon, but your open and loving input is an essential and irreplaceable part of that process.

Every guide, teacher, or mystic who has entered into your world to offer you help to find your way Home, no matter what religious persuasion they represented (if any), has emphasized repeatedly that following a path of love, acceptance, and forgiveness is the only way to go. At last that message is being widely heard and understood, and so it is leading you rapidly towards awakening.

In every situation, in every interaction expect to find a loving response, and make it happen by engaging from the first moment openly and non-defensively, because that is the way to bring it about. Whenever you start off defensively the other party feels it instantly – you are after all beings of spirit, pure energy, and energy recognizes energy – and will often erect their own defensive shield in response.

You came to share love, and to do so you must make the first move in that direction. When you meet someone who is also doing this you feel it instantly and a wonderful bond is established between you. Expect to experience this with increasing frequency as more and more of you clear out your blocked or silted-up love conduits.

Maybe you have had the experience of unwinding the garden hose in spring to water your garden, and the water has refused to flow. You worked your way along the hose and found spots where frozen water had been retained, insulated from the warmth of spring by the windings of the hose.

Once those spots were thawed the water flowed freely. Well, many of you have had your inner love conduits similarly blocked because you had frozen your love inside you – perhaps through fear, or perhaps because you thought it was a sign of weakness – but now, with the intensity of the divine Love field enveloping you, those frozen blockages are dissolving, and all over the planet people are opening in love for each other and for the planet.

Spring has arrived and will lead inevitably to summer because the love that is awakening within humanity is irresistibly pushing forth buds that will soon burst forth as the most glorious blossoms.

A time of great joy approaches for humanity — a time of which you have dreamed and for which you have long been hoping. The signs of spring are all around you, if you will look for them, and you know that summer always follows spring

Allow these wondrous signs to inspire and uplift you so that your hearts sing! Then your energy frequency rises, and the uplifting effect you have on all with whom you meet and talk intensifies, encouraging them to explore and expand their own visions of a society in which all are honored, respected, accepted, and loved.

As the visions of a beautiful and harmonious environment in which all live well, creatively, and abundantly absorb your attention, the intention of the collective, of which you are all part, changes to bring it into effect.

The divine field of Love that enfolds you is guiding you steadily and purposefully homeward, because you have set your intentions in alignment with your Father’s Will for you, which is that you hurry Home to take part in the celebrations that He has prepared to welcome you.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/15/2012 1:10:44 AM

Jesus: It Brings to You a New and Magnificent Reason for Living

2012 OCTOBER 14
Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: It Brings to You a New and Magnificent Reason for Living

As channelled by John Smallman – October 14, 2012

Your awakening process is moving ahead smoothly just as divinely intended, so do not be upset or disturbed by the mainstream media reports that focus on the pain, suffering, and disasters around the world.

They are happening, but other, much more wonderful things that are not being reported are happening as well. Large numbers of people are finding compassion, forgiveness, and love in their hearts where before they seemed to be weighed down with fear, worry, and even bitterness.

This is a gigantic step forward that many are embracing enthusiastically despite the unsettling mainstream news that is flooding your media.

A major shift has occurred. Humanity is uncovering within its collective heart energy field the glowing embers of your Father’s Flame of Love, installed there for your protection when you decided to explore the path of individuality and separation. Those embers are inextinguishable and have been waiting for this moment.

This uncovering is allowing the infinitely powerful breath of Spirit to blow upon them, returning them to their natural state — divine Flames burning eternally and enthusiastically, constantly demonstrating your Father’s undying Love for you. To find them burning within yourselves is both shocking and exhilarating! It brings to you a new and magnificent reason for living, and you want only to share it and watch it grow and expand it throughout the peoples of the world — and that is exactly what is happening.

The divine field of Love surrounding Earth and all her inhabitants is reaching into more and more hearts as you open in welcome to its loving embrace. It has always been there for you, and now millions of you, no, billions, are becoming aware of this magnificent divine gift that will assist you to release all the concepts and beliefs that have clouded your minds in confusion for eons, and led you so often to betrayal, hatred, and war — it has been these insane ideas, so firmly held, that have brought so much suffering to the peoples of the world.

Never before in your history has there been this willingness to work lovingly to let go of these concepts and beliefs that have served you so pitifully, and with increasing numbers of you opening your hearts to accept and receive the divine embrace your success is ensured.

There has always been an intense desire within the collective mind for peace and harmony to develop in all relationships and at every level of human society. However, because distrust and extreme caution have constantly proved themselves to be essential aspects of any negotiations or agreements being hammered out (for experience has taught you that ignoring or dispensing with them has frequently led to disaster), until now no one has had the courage or the incentive to seek truly open and honest discussion.

Now, however, there are very few left who have not realized that these ancient, time-worn concepts and opinions can never bring peace and harmony because peace and harmony demand trust and always honor it; and so great changes are taking place in the mind of the collective, enabling meaningful and fruitful discussion to take place to address and resolve major issues that have caused you so much continuing dissent and aggravation.

Over the last few decades many fearful souls have been learning that trust can and indeed does work, and that has been a revelation for them. Of course there have been disappointments on the road to trust; although it has often been sought, too often it has not been honored. But those disappointments were learning-experiences for all involved, because those who trusted and were betrayed, instead of descending to the level of the betrayers chose to have no more dealings with them.

Those who honored trust were themselves honored, and those who could not be trusted – truly, far fewer people are blatantly untrustworthy than you might imagine – found themselves increasingly isolated as they bewailed the dishonesty of others while pursuing their dishonest ends and continuing to lie and cheat.

Those who trusted and encouraged trust found themselves engaging ever more frequently with others who trusted and who could be trusted. This new experience was uplifting and inspiring, and with trust being honored, the love that is present in every heart began to flourish. As a result hearts everywhere began to open, allowing God’s loving embrace to envelop them and leading to today’s situation where trust is sought and expected, and the dishonoring of trust has become utterly unacceptable.

Those who for so long have succeeded in their aims and agendas, through intents and actions designed to divide and confuse others by dissemblance, are in massive disarray because their dishonesty has been uncovered for all to see, and now few will engage with them.

Trust and honesty is now seen to be the only way forward, and those who would refute that are being left on the sidelines as humanity moves powerfully forwards towards its divine destiny – a grand awakening. Focus your attention and intentions on this most momentous and significant event which is about to permanently alter the way you live and relate to one another.

Its arrival will astound and amaze you — as it sweeps in with an age of peace, happiness, and abundance that is presently far beyond your wildest dreams.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/16/2012 12:48:16 AM
Note: This and the next few posts are by Kauilapele

Poofness 10-14-12…”Another #&%#@ newsletter!”

Here’s what I’ll say here… Nothing. I’ll just let Suzy Star speak to this Poof message.

One note, I can tell you I have heard again and again (and again and again and again and again and again…) that the RV has already happened, and/or Iraq has rv’d the Dinar “in-country”, so I give that part NO credence right now (just like the 2354 times Okie and Terry K have said the RV was going to happen “tomorrow”… I’ll believe it when I see it).

From Suzy Star: “Dear Ones, Sounds like POOF is getting tried [tired] of waiting as are we!!!!!! My understanding is the trigger to release all these funds is the posting of the Dinar. Rumor has it that the revaluation (RV) has already happened and once Iraq stops all the infighting the posting will happen and we will be flowing with Abundance. Strict non=disclosure is happening and the dam can be released at any moment, hopefully within the next few hours. Remember I am just the messenger and until you get that knock on the door it is all just rumor. I have left his address in the event you want to email him direct for a consultation. I think you still need to send him a donation via PayPal. Blessings, Suzy Star”

“More than anything, I want the return of my freedom, that’s only because I Know what freedom is. Not some political statement based on jingoisms, but the kind you know in your gut. Waking in the morning and proceeding thru the day with no, ‘have tos’ or ‘got’s tos’. Total silence, with no niggling worries about anything. What happens when freedom comes each day, you make decisions based on what you choose with no threat of somebody in a uniform ringing your doorbell with papers to serve for you to be in some court…”


  • More than anything, I want the return of my freedom…
  • That freedom, and not just for people of color is arriving for All people, white, black, green, or indifferent.
  • The young one’s are reacting to something that is pushing the envelope on accepted norms.
  • If you don’t like change, better pack up now…
  • What you want to know is, ‘how much’ and when. The answer is easy; Now and more than you can imagine.
  • This is humanity’s money and the future belongs to you.
  • Many of you ‘volunteered’ to assist this process and you’ve been doing bivouac, times up, now say so.


Another #&%#@ newsletter!

Greetings and Salutations;

More than anything, I want the return of my freedom, that’s only because I Know what freedom is. Not some political statement based on jingoisms, but the kind you know in your gut. Waking in the morning and proceeding thru the day with no, ‘have tos’ or ‘got’s tos’. Total silence, with no niggling worries about anything. What happens when freedom comes each day, you make decisions based on what you choose with no threat of somebody in a uniform ringing your doorbell with papers to serve for you to be in some court. Personally, I don’t think many are ready to live without arbitrary rules, hey need them as a guardrail, living without them is too scary.

That freedom, and not just for people of color is arriving for All people, white, black, green, or indifferent. It’s bad, when you’re a slave and don’t know it. When the cell door opens, you’re afraid to venture out. Got so used to the 4 walls, you thought that Was the world. You peer out and see no guards, warden, or anything else to detain you. I learned a long time ago, you don’t need a preacher or priest, to tell you what’s right or wrong…you already know. It’s a gut thing. If you cross your own knowing, you reap the consequences and You know it. I also found that wisdom was not necessarily in the hands of the grey haired ones. The young one’s are reacting to something that is pushing the envelope on accepted norms. They know, that everybody has been a slave to the plutocrats and they refuse to settle for the status quo. Yep, the 60′s are back… with a vengeance. They won’t even accept the ‘house’ religion, it doesn’t sit in their gut very well. Lolololol and these are the future leaders. If you don’t like change, better pack up now and say ‘Lord take me home’.

What you want to know is, ‘how much’ and when. The answer is easy; Now and more than you can imagine. This is humanity’s money and the future belongs to you. Not some fat old bureaucrat’s or skinny one’s for that matter and that’s what is frightening them right now. All that I’ve said is not news to them, they know their moment is upon them and they can’t stop it, no more than they can stop the passage of time. ‘And time is no more’. You’re about to ‘see’ what that means. Time to make like a tree and leave this crap behind. Let them argue for their limitations and walk away as they talk to themselves. Many of you ‘volunteered’ to assist this process and you’ve been doing bivouac, times up, now say so. Enough, and mean it.

Catch me while you can if you want a final consult, when my door bell rings, I shut up.

Love and Kisses, Poofness


Freedom Train lyrics
James Carr

The freedom train is coming
Can’t you hear that whistle blowing
It’s time to get your ticket y’all
And get on board

It’s time for all the people
To take this freedom ride
Get to get it together
And work for freedom side by side
That’s why I tell you all now

I’m gonna ride this freedom train
I ain’t gonna live this way again
I got to get on the freedom train
From this day on I feel a free man
Yes I will, I feel a free man now

Look back and time has changed a deal
Train awaiting in the station
Going to the mountain top, y’all
And get on board

We’re gonna ride down through the valley
Under the clear blue sky
Every man is gonna walk right proud with his head up high
Come on y’all

We gotta ride that freedom train
We ain’t gonna live this way again
I got to get on the freedom train
From this day on I feel a free man now, yes I will
Yes I feel a free man now

Let’s cry no more
I got my ticket
Gonna get on board
Ride, ride, ride
We gonna ride
We gonna ride
With our heads up high
We gonna move
Gotta keep on moving
Gotta gotta gotta
Keep on moving

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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