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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/8/2012 1:22:48 AM

Jesus: It is Time for Developing Trust by Practicing It

2012 OCTOBER 7
Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: It is Time for Developing Trust by Practicing It

As channelled by John Smallman – October 7, 2012

Humanity is on schedule to awaken as divinely planned, and that schedule will be maintained because it is your will and God’s. Focus on that knowledge and release any doubts and anxieties onto which you are holding because they depress you and lower the frequency of your energy fields.

When you open your hearts to the Love that is surrounding you, your frequency rises and your energy becomes stronger and aligns itself more fully with the divine One. You are one with your Father, but the distractions of the illusion lead you away from your memory of that and hide it from you, which is why you feel alone and separate.

Your Father always keeps you in Mind because He loves you and wills only your eternal happiness. And your knowledge of that is always with you even though you have chosen to be unaware of it while you play your games: denying His existence; or, if you believe in Him, wondering if He loves others more than you; wondering if He could even be aware of you, let alone actually care about and love you.

When you release your intense focus on illusory things – the worries and anxieties of daily living, and your own inadequacies – and start accepting life just the way it is as it flows through, you make room for His Love to enter your hearts, and you begin to become aware that It is always with you, just as you are always with Him. Peace starts replacing anxiety in your daily living.

The relationship that each and every one of you has with your heavenly Father is quite magnificent. No one is excluded because you are each perfect divine creations in whom He delights. In the illusion, when you see yourselves as separate from each other and engage in judgment, you close yourselves off from the knowledge of your oneness with Him and build for yourselves a state of fear. You then feel very insecure and construct defensive barriers around yourselves to deflect and ward off those whom you believe would attack you.

For a state of peace and abundance for all to come into being on Earth, it is essential that you release your fears and trust that you all have everyone else’s best interests at heart. Mostly, of course, you focus on the massive betrayals of trust with which human history is inundated, and which are in constant evidence everywhere you look. As a result you bought into the energy of fear that is so seemingly all-pervasive and enticing, and decided to start trusting others only when they prove to you by their actions and behavior that they are trustworthy themselves. Waiting for someone else to “do the right thing” ensures that it will never happen.

The spiritual energy enveloping the planet is highly charged, intensely powerful, and in place to help you to do the right thing, by opening your hearts and learning to love, trust, and forgive one another. When you do so, initially in small ways, you will be surprised at how effective it is in disarming those whom you thought were likely to attack you.

This is a time for developing trust by practicing it with relatives and friends. It will not always be honored, but you will find that you have the strength and the love to forgive them when it is not. Understand that whereas in previous times to trust was to lay yourselves open to be preyed upon and taken for fools, now the loving energies enveloping the Earth are inviting and encouraging all to change their attitudes and behaviors and move into the new age of peace and abundance that is approaching. These are immensely powerful energies and they are extremely supportive of your efforts to become loving and peaceful.

There is no one on earth who is not feeling these energies, and of course those who are at war with themselves – and all who engage in conflict of any kind and on any scale are at war with themselves – and who would make preemptive attacks on others should they be presented with the opportunity to do so, will be reluctant to accept and engage with these energies of Love. Their fear is well-developed from eons of betrayal.

Nevertheless, they long to feel safe, to feel loved, to feel respected, and so when they experience attitudes and behavior that demonstrate honesty, integrity, acceptance, and trust, they will begin to allow themselves to be guided by these energies and start lowering the barriers with which they have surrounded themselves.

The way forward is through loving and trustworthy behavior no matter how great the odds against such a sea-change or behavior reversal may seem to be. You are divinely guided, you are divinely supported, and you know in your hearts that this is the only path. Therefore, be loving, compassionate, and forgiving, because you know that all attacks are calls for love, and you know that the Love that supports you in every moment is invincible and irresistible.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/8/2012 1:24:25 AM

Hilarion: You Are Now Connecting With Your True Power

2012 OCTOBER 7
Posted by Alice C

HilarionHilarion: You Are Now Connecting With Your True Power

Alice C: Marlene Swetlishoff will be Stephen Cook’s guest on The Light Agenda next Wednesday, October 17.

As channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana – October 07, 2012

Beloved Ones,

The lessons you have been experiencing in the days past now come into alignment with the higher aspects of your Divine essence. Each day will bring a greater acceleration of your spiritual growth and understanding than the one before.

You are moving into fast forward in terms of greater comprehension and remembrance of the mission you have come to this Planet to implement. This mission requires that you have learned mastery of your human operating system and the foremost among these is mastery of the mind, the mastering of your thoughts as you go about your daily lives.

The energies of these times are helping in this work and your human operating system is integrating with your multi-dimensional operating system to bring a greater integration and wholeness of your true nature. This is facilitating a releasing of much tension within your system and more comfort and ease will become noticeable as you move through each day.

The resistance you once felt within you is now beginning to dissipate as you each accept the truth of your Being. You are now connecting with your true power that is within you and it is glorious indeed!

Your consciousness is expanding into more wholistic thoughts of peace, love and unity, for this is the new consciousness of the Earth. The new era opens before you and your new consciousness and its infinite possibility is yours for the taking.

You are stepping up to the next level and that is learning how to use your energy by thinking higher thoughts. Step into the frequencies of love and joy and radiate this from your very Being. This can be accomplished without the need for words or explanations, it requires just Being all that you are.

Spend more time going within to align with your greater Self. It is most important that you give yourself the time and space to do this, even if only for a few moments at a time. Feel your heart chakra pulsating and expanding with love, with joy, with empowerment.

No matter what situation you are facing, these qualities will help you to understand that all is well and everything is working for you in Divine order, and in Divine timing, that all that is required is for you to just BE, in peace, in calm and equilibrium. By allowing this, more profound experiences will become a normal occurrence in your daily lives.

The higher aspects of your true Being are available during your times of the silence within. There will be more information, guidance and knowledge given to you and dialogue with your Great I AM is becoming a normal activity. No matter what occurs, always come back to your heart and make your decisions from there. By following your heart and speaking your truth with courage in a calm and peaceful manner, you will find that solutions to any pressing issues come forth in a graceful flow for the highest good of all.

You have more influence on the people and situations confronting you than you realize. Speaking your truth is being supported by the new energies coming in and much ground can be gained by all. Your Angelic guides whisper softly to you to guide you upon your Path.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/8/2012 4:55:35 PM
Dear friends, the latest SaLuSa

SaLuSa 10-8-12…”Whether You Ascend Is Dependent On Your Level Of Consciousness”


  • …you must understand that whether you ascend is dependent on your level of consciousness. You must apply yourself to whatever your understanding is of being at One with all life, without exception.
  • Forgiveness is also vital when you have been the victim of someone else’s actions, even if it is not attributable to you in anyway.
  • You simply cannot move on if you persist in carrying resentment or continue to harbor negative thoughts. Let the past go and step onto a new path that leads to the Light and Love.
  • The likelihood is that those who read these words, have already decided to change their lives and concentrate on preparing for Ascension.
  • Remember that your body is your temple, and look after it and move away from any practices that you know are causing it harm. You cannot for example take your drug habits into the higher dimensions, and the sooner you are determined to break the addiction you will succeed.
  • The end of the cycle is approaching very rapidly and our delight is in seeing how the Lightworkers have lifted up the Light upon Earth.
  • …once ascended, the dark Ones will have been totally removed from your lives. The peace you have sought and prayed for will at last be yours…
  • There are a lot of changes about to occur on Earth, and have been considerably building up this year. That means your problems will grow until something in the nature of a clean sweep can be made.
  • …once the political issues are decided, the rest of the changes will follow on quite quickly.
  • You do not necessarily have to give up your attachment to your possessions to ascend, but anything that carries a low vibration cannot go forward with you.
  • In the future your every need will be looked after and you will want for absolutely nothing at all.
  • You will be lifted up in a series of progressions from where you are now, to take your place in the Golden Age of absolute beauty and joy.
  • There is such a short time before Ascension, so try to think in terms of the benefits that you are soon to receive.


SaLuSa 8-October-2012

It is never too late to turn your eyes towards Ascension, and do realize that if you feel ready you are certainly at a point where you could achieve it. It requires focus and intent to go forward, but you must understand that whether you ascend is dependent on your level of consciousness. You must apply yourself to whatever your understanding is of being at One with all life, without exception. Love is the operative word that will see you succeed, but you will need to work at it so as to overcome the very human emotions that often pull you back. You have a tendency to act first and ask questions later, so a new way of responding to situations has to be found. Forgiveness is also vital when you have been the victim of someone else’s actions, even if it is not attributable to you in anyway.

The advice given is also going to be useful when you are clearing karma connected with relationships. These are probably the hardest challenges you are likely to confront, and you are best advised to try and leave those concerned with your forgiveness. You simply cannot move on if you persist in carrying resentment or continue to harbor negative thoughts. Let the past go and step onto a new path that leads to the Light and Love. Then you will feel at ease and know that you have cut your links with the old paradigm that no longer serves you. The likelihood is that those who read these words, have already decided to change their lives and concentrate on preparing for Ascension.

Remember that your body is your temple, and look after it and move away from any practices that you know are causing it harm. You cannot for example take your drug habits into the higher dimensions, and the sooner you are determined to break the addiction you will succeed. The same principle can be applied to other addictions such as alcohol, which will in any event harm your body. Think carefully about what you need to do to ensure your upliftment, and you will receive help from your Guides. God wishes for every single soul to ascend, but accepts that having given you freewill the final choice is yours. Ask yourself seriously if you wish to remain in your present 3D cycle, and if you cannot see your way clear to desiring such a move it will be final.

The end of the cycle is approaching very rapidly and our delight is in seeing how the Lightworkers have lifted up the Light upon Earth. Light attracts even more Light, and your pathway to Ascension is opening up. The time lines are converging, and soon the most powerful one will be uplifting you with Mother Earth. It must happen and will separate those who are ready from those who are not, and it is a natural result of the changes that you are going through. It also means that once ascended, the dark Ones will have been totally removed from your lives. The peace you have sought and prayed for will at last be yours, and through the Ascension process you will indeed experience the changes within yourself. It is not that you only experience the changes at that time because it commenced some years, ago but the actual Ascension will be a milestone along your way.

There are a lot of changes about to occur on Earth, and have been considerably building up this year. That means your problems will grow until something in the nature of a clean sweep can be made. The more obvious areas are connected with politics, and many countries around the world are experiencing great upheaval. It is unfortunate that it has to reach such extremes before the need for vast changes is accepted. However, once agreed there will no time wasted in setting up the new systems. We see that once the political issues are decided, the rest of the changes will follow on quite quickly. For the time being, it is you as an individual that is most important, as we wish you to realize what a wonderful opportunity is being presented to you through Ascension.

You do not necessarily have to give up your attachment to your possessions to ascend, but anything that carries a low vibration cannot go forward with you. For example some of you have pastimes or hobbies, that involve collecting memorabilia that relates to people or events that are undesirable. The new vibrations will in fact allow for the manifestation in a new Light, of many things in your reality. Everything will be expressed in an energy that will bring out the beauty and perfection in them. Objects will seem to be more “alive” and you will have a closer relationship with all sentient beings, as consciousness levels will be that much higher than previously. In real terms you will gain from ascending in so many ways, you will soon forget your time in duality. It will eventually seem like a bad dream, although you will always benefit from the experience.

In the future your every need will be looked after and you will want for absolutely nothing at all. As time progresses and you develop your skills in creation, you will be able to provide for yourself. In the meantime you will benefit from the advantages of using new technologies, that will cover your needs. It is all ready for you, and only waits the right time to be introduced and distributed. Do not however expect too much immediately, as the changeover will not happen overnight. As we have told you previously, our priority is to bring help and relief to those who are underprivileged and lack the basic necessities of life. You will be lifted up in a series of progressions from where you are now, to take your place in the Golden Age of absolute beauty and joy.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and know that If only you could get a glimpse of what is in store for you, your present worries would seem of little or no consequence. There is such a short time before Ascension, so try to think in terms of the benefits that you are soon to receive. You will have earnt your rights to them and they will totally transform your lives. We of the Galactic Federation of Light will continue to work with you after Ascension, and help you achieve full Galactic Consciousness. Until that time you will not know what it is like to have that level of consciousness, as by comparison you are now very much unaware of your real capabilities. Look at us, and you will see in us your true selves as you will be in the near future.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/8/2012 4:57:55 PM

Poofness 10-7-12…”My Gawd!!!”…”The End to the Fed is Here”…

[UPDATE 1347 HST: This article was pointed out at RMN as another relevant one. "Russia to liberate the world from US occupation"]

Similar to last week’s Poof article, which reported on the downfall of the cabal finances, this one says that the fed is dead. Other countries are, step-by-step, leaving the fabled “U.S. Federal Reserve Note” for other global reserve currencies. (btw, if you were unaware, the Federal Reserve is not Federal, nor is it in any way associated with the Republic of the United States. Here is a rather neat cartoon video that kind of explains a few things about that:

“The dark one’s are on the losing side of this operation but that does not seem to shut their mouths. Like visions in a nightmare, they taunt from the sides on anyone paying attention, they will lie with no regard that they are. This is the time, you need to use YOUR grey matter and decipher them. The game was always rigged and first thing you have to do, is accept that. The big picture is working just fine, your place in it is up to you. Do not use fear, to make decisions with. It injects toxins into everything it touches… constantly creating unintended results. Learn to use Love as your weapon… the double edged sword of truth. Your time for putting all this stuff to use, is here… opportunity, with a big O. Use what the good lord gave you.”


  • The grip of the dollar is being pried off of people’s countries. They’ve had enough and aren’t taking it anymore.
  • …once the legalities, were taken care of, then massive global scale movements started happening… it took them a week but the moves were irreversible and sustainable.
  • The dark one’s are on the losing side of this operation but that does not seem to shut their mouths.
  • Like visions in a nightmare, they taunt from the sides on anyone paying attention, they will lie with no regard that they are.
  • Learn to use Love as your weapon…the double edged sword of truth. Your time for putting all this stuff to use, is here….opportunity, with a big O.
  • There are things being activated long forgotten as a pipe dream, last I heard there were 70+ programs and each one comes up you may find your self being invited bank [back] to the bank to fill out some more papers…
  • Be a stewart [steward], sit down, think about it, and then engage. The ‘collective’ of you all doing what needs done.


My Gawd!!!

Greetings and Salutations,

Take a look at what russia is saying at the momentous time in history; [Kp note: two articles I found in today's Pravda may illustrate this. article 1, article 2, article 3]

All the info can be found by going thru the business archives. The grip of the dollar is being pried off of people’s countries. They’ve had enough and aren’t taking it anymore. The end to the fed is here. If you’re broke, you’re broke. You have no wedge on the issue. Perhaps, your debtor will be kind as they dismember you. lolol That’s it, once the legalities, were taken care of, then massive global scale movements started happening. As usual, it took them a week but the moves were irreversible and sustainable. Loose lips sink ships so, I thought it best to keep my mouth shut as they got things done. They ARE reading emails and adjustments are made, accordingly.

The dark one’s are on the losing side of this operation but that does not seem to shut their mouths. Like visions in a nightmare, they taunt from the sides on anyone paying attention, they will lie with no regard that they are. This is the time, you need to use YOUR grey matter and decipher them. The game was always rigged and first thing you have to do, is accept that. The big picture is working just fine, your place in it is up to you. Do not use fear, to make decisions with. It injects toxins into everything it touches…constantly creating unintended results. Learn to use Love as your weapon…the double edged sword of truth. Your time for putting all this stuff to use, is here….opportunity, with a big O. Use what the good lord gave you.

Some are speaking for themselves, they are simply waiting for disbursement orders. There are things being activated long forgotten as a pipe dream, last I heard there were 70+ programs and each one comes up you may find your self being invited bank [back] to the bank to fill out some more papers…and they Will find you, even if you are hiding from an ex. They need you to be the mule and spread this stuff out. End world poverty and hunger, take care of the down trodden, the elderly and the children. Be a stewart [steward], sit down, think about it, and then engage. The ‘collective’ of you all doing what needs done. The circles will begin intersecting, causing the whole world to be covered in goodness. As they say, ‘money talks and b…s walks’.

Now go in peace, shake the dust off your feet, and enjoy your future.

Love and Kisses, Poofness


Stairway To Heaven
Led Zeppelin

There’s a lady who’s sure all that glitters is gold
And she’s buying a stairway to heaven
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for
Ooh, ooh, and she’s buying a stairway to heaven

There’s a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
‘Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings
In a tree by the brook, there’s a songbird who sings
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven
Ooh, it makes me wonder
Ooh, it makes me wonder

There’s a feeling I get when I look to the west
And my spirit is crying for leaving
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees
And the voices of those who stand looking
Ooh, it makes me wonder
Ooh, it really makes me wonder

And it’s whispered that soon if we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter

If there’s a bustle in your hedgerow, don’t be alarmed now
It’s just a spring clean for the May queen
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There’s still time to change the road you’re on
And it makes me wonder

Your head is humming and it won’t go, in case you don’t know
The piper’s calling you to join him
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind?

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold

And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all are one and one is all, yeah
To be a rock and not to roll

And she’s buying a stairway to heaven

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/8/2012 5:26:52 PM
Dear friends, pretty short as it is, this message from Kauilapele may help understand what is going on on Earth right now (see also next post)

Difficult to Read the “Dark” Articles Anymore…

I am finding it increasingly difficult to continue reading and reporting any “dark” involved activities. Yes they’re ongoing, and often the news is “exciting” or even “interesting”, but there is almost zero draw (pull) anymore to read those things and involve the mind, in any way, with those reports.

Today’s GaiaPortal talks about a “Dome of Containment” being placed around the planet, to contain and transmute dark energies and intentions. So in my view, I see that constantly “taking thought” (thinking about, concerning my mind with) all of those “dark” things, is really not my business. It’s the business of the Higher Ups.

I’ve been unable to write anything the last 2-3 days, as it just felt like “same old, same old” stuff. And like it’s NOT anything new. Even though I know there’s a lot going on, out in the back yard. A lot.

Sometimes I feel that the worst of it is reading the articles that often imply that there’s no hope… “So and so is going to do this and that and so and so is going to win the US election and no matter which so and so wins the whole world is still going to be in the hands of the cabal so buy my DVDs and survival supplies and products that tell you that and donate money to me and make sure you stay afraid and feeling that there’s no hope because if you don’t I won’t be able to sell my products to anybody.”

So we’ll see how it goes from here.

Aloha to all… KP

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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