Folks, I’m going to repost this for a few days, just to reassure some people who fear martial law, solar flares, etc.
What follows is a guide to the major pronouncements of the galactics and spiritual hierarchy on matters presumed to be of greatest importance to readers. This guide will be added to as times progress.
The Company of Heaven have been quite explicit in denying that any catastrophe will occur for the planet.
Earth changes do continue to happen, but they are moderated. There is no possibility of a general Armageddon, nuclear war, planetary destruction, or any similar event(s).
Hyperlinks only work when whole file is open. Therefore click on “read more.”
Bibliographical Note
Matthew’s Messages are located at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm
SaLuSa’s messages are located athttp://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm
Saul’s Messages are located at http://johnsmallman.wordpress.com
Abundance Program – See NESARA/The Abundance Program
Animal-Killing – See Vegetarian Diet and Ascension
Ascension and Our Needs
Ascensionitis and Upsets
Bad Aliens – See Negative Aliens
Caretaker Administrations will be Appointed
Chemtrails – See Depleted Uranium/Nuclear Fallout/Chemtrails
Children and Ascension
Depopulation and the Illuminati Goal
Depleted Uranium/Nuclear Fallout/Chemtrails
Disclosure of ET/Spaceship Presence
Divine Deadlines
Earth Changes including Global Warming, Species Extinction, and Planetary Evacuation
Fall of the Dark/Time of Troubles – See also Earth Changes
False-Flag Operations – See 9/11 Truth Will Emerge
Financial Crash – See NESARA/The Abundance Program
Galactics’ Help
General Reassurances
Gulf Oil Spill – See Oil Spill
Karma (Residual) will be Forgiven
Martial Law
Negative Aliens/Project Blue Beam
NESARA/The Abundance Program
9/11 Truth will Emerge
Nuclear Fallout – See Depleted Uranium/Nuclear Fallout/Chemtrails Nuclear War
Nuclear War
No Reason to Fear
Oil Spill
Planet X – See Niburu
Planetary Destruction
Planetary Evacuation
President Obama
Project Blue Beam – See Negative Aliens/Project Blue Beam Relax and Enjoy Yourselves
Return of the Masters
Running Out of Time
Time of Troubles – See Financial Crash/Time of Troubles
Vegetarian Diet and Ascension
Ready-Reference Guide
Abundance Program – See NESARA/The Abundance Program
The dark Ones are at last capitulating, realising that they need a way out of a predicament of their own making. Through our allies that is being offered, and once they are no longer in a position to interfere with progress, we can really become more open in helping you. Making them responsible for their acts against Humanity is not directly our concern, because there is no escape from eventually having to answer to the higher spiritual hierarchy that oversees your evolution. In other words, just like you they will have to experience the effects of their deeds and fully understand the outcome. (SaLuSa, April 4, 2011.)
The hidden truth concerning many matters of importance to you is surfacing, and there is so much more that must become public knowledge. It is important that you understand how you have been mislead for eons of time, as then you will accept the extent of the changes that will bring many new ideas into your lives. (SaLuSa, Oct. 18, 2010.)
Have no doubt that the dark Ones will stop at nothing to prevent the truth coming out. However, all such attempts are now pointless, as the momentum of the higher energies is far too powerful. You can therefore expect a rush of information as more and more people are prepared to reveal what they know. The truth is far more amazing than most of you realise, and indeed can also be quite shocking. The old paradigm is being cleansed out of sight, and the new one will simply slip into its place. (SaLuSa, Oct. 13, 2010.)
The schisms that exist now will disappear, and the truth will mould future beliefs in a common acceptance of a new understanding. Much will be laid before you, and proof will accompany the truth so that there is no doubt as to its veracity. It will mean that religious groups will assess their teachings by such standards. A coming together will be inevitable, and is to be desired. At present such groups are fearful of the truth, but it will not destroy their understanding but instead enlarge it so that it can take them forward. Otherwise such groups will disintegrate, as they cannot expect to become part of the new wave of truth if they stand still. Much help will be given to ensure that advancement takes place. (Oct. 13, 2010.)
Animal-Killing – See Vegetarian Diet and Ascension
Ascension and Our Needs
Regardless of what some people learn about the future, they do not want to give up their earthly enjoyments. The point is that some of them cannot be taken beyond this dimension anyway. However, they can be replaced by something that is much more satisfying, but it is for you to discover this through your own experiences. Man’s pleasures are often the very things that cause disease and distress, but some people cannot see the connection. You who are more enlightened will know of what we speak, and because you do have found no difficulty in giving them up. Your body is your temple, and it is your responsibility to look after it if it is to serve you well. Smoking and the taking of drugs are most damaging, and sometimes it is irreversible. Indeed, most pursuits of this nature are leading you onto the path of ruin. (SaLuSa, July 29, 2011.)
You cannot take anything with you and it is totally unnecessary, as all that you will need will be provided. In fact your needs will be considerably less, as you will experience the joys of having a new body. It will be lighter and more of energy rather than physicality. Consequently much of your bodily input will come directly from the energy around you. Also with an ever-healthy body you will not need to replenish it as you do now. Since you will eventually create through the power of thought, you will not be wanting for anything at all. (SaLuSa, Oct. 8, 2010.)
Ascensionitis and Upsets
Individually you have karma to clear, and what comes up will be anything that cannot be carried by you into the higher vibrations. (SaLuSa, Oct. 18, 2010.)
As your vibrations speed up so the growing pains have to be withstood, as they will cause you ups and downs in the way you feel. However, once you have integrated the new energies you will begin to feel on top of the world. Keep this feeling going once you experience it, and you will go through the last days without any problems. You will recognize such a time, as you will feel happy and joyful and able to ward off the negativity that surrounds you. (SaLuSa, May 5, 2010.)
Bad Aliens – See Negative Aliens
Caretaker Administrations will be Appointed
For many years you have been fooled and lied to so that governments could carry out covert actions without your knowledge. The times of automatically believing what you were told have long since passed, but because of the deliberate confusion and fear laden messages you may find it difficult to determine where the truth exists. Again we come back to your intuitive powers and if you rely upon them, by and large you will not go far wrong. Trust has to be earnt but so few politicians have been consistently honest but when they are, their words stand out and carry the ring of truth.
Because of these problems, it is planned to shake up the whole political establishment and eventually do away with party politics. Too much time is wasted on confrontation and decisions made for political gain, instead of doing what is best for all people. Changes will ensure that only those politicians that sincerely desire to give their time for the betterment of their people, will be appointed to positions within a new government.
The time for reviewing many systems and policies affecting the people will soon arrive, and it is all part of regaining your sovereignty. As a new civilisation emerges, it is you who will be treated with respect and your needs placed at the top of the list. (SaLuSa, April 11, 2011.)
Your natural inclinations move towards peace for all, and given true representation at government level you would achieve it. It is therefore important that such changes occur without delay. Together with our allies we are plotting the downfall of many corrupt groups, and their replacements are chosen for their proven support for you. …
The suddenness of changes will undoubtedly surprise you, and so they shall continue until your freedom fully restored. …
There are opportunities likely to present themselves very shortly, which will give our allies a breakthrough. We are ready to move into action when our presence is needed, and be assured that the desired outcome will be quickly achieved. (SaLuSa, July 2, 2010.)
Now is the time when great decisions are being made, and that applies equally to individuals as well as groups, who can decide your future. The calls for changes reach the ears of those in power, and they dare not ignore you for too long. Those who are well known in their own right also help your cause, and we applaud them for seeing the people of the world as One. (SaLuSa, June 23, 2010.)
The governmental changes are approaching, and with them many obstacles to you moving forward will be removed. It will be a wonderful experience for you all to jump into the future, and your new found freedom will be exhilarating and a joy you have not yet fully envisaged. (SaLuSa, June 7, 2010.)
Governmental changes are close to taking place, and with them will come those dear souls who have bided their time for such an occasion. You know some of them very well, and they will spearhead the moves towards creating world peace.
Differences of opinion will be settled amicably and fairly, and with the return of your rights no one will be wrongly treated or imprisoned. A breath of fresh air will sweep through the halls of power, and those harboring dark intentions will be replaced.
When the people realize what is taking place they will stand alongside those souls who have put themselves forward. By so doing there will be an acceptance that the old ways must be relinquished, for peaceful co-operation between all countries. You are one family on Earth, and the time has arrived to put aside all that has created separation between you all. (SaLuSa, June 2, 2010.)
Chemtrails – See Depleted Uranium/Nuclear Fallout/Chemtrails
Children and Ascension
Many of the children being born now have no lessons to learn; they have already finished their three dimensional lessons, but chose to be on earth at this important time simply to add their Light to the planet. That is why so many of them do not fit into “the box” so to speak, they are functioning beyond many of the adults who are their teachers. These children do not understand why three dimensional issues they see as irrelevant, are important to so many around them. Be patient with these children; they do need structure and love, but most of all need you to understand that they see the world from a whole different perspective than those who have not yet evolved to their level. (The Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaelle, May 2011, at http://www.onenessofall.com/newest.html.)
The Forces of Light have never gathered together on Earth in such numbers for millennia of time. This is of course in accordance with the Divine Plan, and as you know by now many young people are here with quite advanced understanding and abilities. They are spiritually prepared and wise in many ways, and they will lead you out of the lower vibrations. They do not find it easy to fit in with the old ways, and in fact they are with you to help change them. Listen carefully to them as they have much to say and teach you. (SaLuSa, Feb. 28, 2011.)
How can we help our children clear their karma? Children who have not been programmed by “authority figures” act upon instinct and intuition, which is in consonance with their soul contracts, and the “clearing of karma” naturally follows. It is adults who devise unnecessary complexities for themselves by overly analyzing and calculating the very things that children innately know are simple. (Matthew’s Message, Oct. 11, 2010.)
Depleted Uranium/Nuclear Fallout/Chemtrails
We have searched through all of your world and the darkness continually grows fainter as more and more Light suffices your world from energy sources in every way. We have detected only sporadic instances of the use of chemtrails, weather changing technologies, and other devices of the Illuminati over the past several weeks. (Wanderer of the Skies, July 22, 2011.)
Chemtrails are more an attack on your health but are not without their effect on your mind. As we recently mentioned, these are being cleared away so that now they have little affect upon you. (SaLuSa, July 15, 2011.)
And, in most areas where formerly chemtrails were prevalent, the skies now are clear. When some of the pilots, mechanics and others involved in those flights learned the true purpose of chemtrails—the toxic payloads were not to compensate for the hole in the ozone layer, but rather to sicken people and pollute air, water and land—they refused to continue working. Others who did know the truth participated willingly in return for handsome payment, but as funding dried up, they also left their employment. However, the most decisive factor in this situation is, some individuals who had ordered or financed the flights are among those who embraced the light, and those who want to keep chemtrails crisscrossing your skies have lost almost all means to do so. (Matthew’s Message, July 11, 2011.)
In alignment with [Earth's] goal [of Ascension], our ‘space’ brothers and sisters are using their technology to alleviate the toxic effects of the oil and its dispersants in the Gulf of Mexico as well as the toxins in other waters, chemtrails and weaponry.(Matthew’s Message, Sept. 11, 2010.)
We have for many years, going far back into the last century, dealt with many problems arising from pollution and nuclear fall-out. We have limited contamination [for instance, from depleted-uranium weapons] to avoid as far as possible genetic damage to future generations.
However, Man uses various energies to power his inventions that radiate out rays damaging to your health. Most of this is known to you, but little notice is taken by those who profit from them. Our technologies will deal with these problems and we will introduce you to clean, healthy and safe devices. (SaLuSa, May 12, 2010.)
Have no fear, Dear Ones, although you have serious troubles to contend with and they are destroying your environment, we can reverse the damage and clear any pollution that has been caused.
Much of [this] can be achieved from our craft without needing to land on your Earth’s surface. It is the type of work we have carried out for you on many occasions over the years. (SaLuSa, May 12, 2010.)
This is something we have been involved in ever since [your] first experiments with nuclear devices. A considerable amount of our time has been [given to] cleansing your atmosphere of radioactive fallout and in more recent times the chemtrails.
We have always kept watch on Mother Earth and her human population and where allowed have often limited the effects of earthquakes. (SaLuSa, March 19, 2010.)
You also are encountering the effects of low frequency emissions from HAARP and other surveillance systems, the radioactive fallout of weaponry, cell phones and electric power stations in addition to the proliferation of pollutants in your air, soil and water. If we can say “that’s the bad news,” we hasten to give you the “good news”: Your benevolent space family is using their technology to ameliorate to the greatest possible extent the damaging effects of those toxic ingredients. (Matthew’s Message, March 23, 2008.)
[Regarding] the toxins the Illuminati put into the atmosphere, including depleted uranium fallout, the issue of current speculative concern [is] that the US government is exploding materials that produce DU radioactivity. First, I repeat what I have mentioned in several messages—the technology of your space brothers and sisters is ameliorating the effects of all pollutants, including radioactivity, to the greatest possible extent, and when it is safe for them to join forces with your environmentalists and scientists, they will completely eradicate all poisons in air, water and earth. (Matthew’s Message, Feb. 3, 2007.)
In the higher frequencies where spiritual clarity reigns, … the effects of radioactivity, which even now are being alleviated by the technology of your extraterrestrial friends, no longer will affect Earth and her life forms. (Matthew’s Message, Dec. 31, 2003.)
Depopulation the Illuminati Goal
There is truth in the claims that the dark Ones have always planned to drastically reduce the population numbers, but they have been severely set back through our actions. (SaLuSa, Sept. 11, 2009.)
Evidence of this new flu effort and other Illuminati activities to drastically reduce the population is being amassed and eventually will completely eliminate that dark group’s long control through fear, ignorance and economic slavery. (Matthew’s Messages, July 18, 2009.)
Depopulation by any means is an Illuminati goal. (Matthew’s Message, Sept. 14, 2008.)
Disclosure of ET/Spaceship Presence
Dear Ones, we have never been closer to disclosure, and it steadily comes into view. However, more facts about us than ever are entering your public arena, and our activities are becoming more known. We allow that as it is time you knew how much we do for you, and in the present times we are quite busy keeping the dark Ones in their place.
We ensure that their plans only have a limited degree of success, whilst using every opportunity to turn matters into our favour. Since we know what they plan, it comes easy for us to intervene through the presence of our allies. Of course we can take direct action when necessary, and do it in a way that does not leave us being accused of interference in your affairs. You must remember that as a civilisation you are on Earth to experience duality, and we must not stop you from learning through your own actions. (SaLuSa, July 27, 2011.)
You are now wise enough to ignore the futile explanations given to account for our ships visiting Earth. The wool can no longer be pulled over your eyes and your grasp of Cosmic matters is quite outstanding, which is preparing the way for your elevation as Cosmic Beings. (SaLuSa, Nov. 17, 2010.)
Steve, this is Hatonn. You are being very conscientious about presenting accurate information — thank you. We need more sane voices like yours to offset the pure hogwash that’s circulating. Yes, of course there were ships over New York City that day. We’re showing up there and many other places all around Earth. As Suzy wrote you before, this is part of ramping up our activity to hasten the time when we’re officially recognized. (Hatonn through Suzy Ward to Steve Beckow, Oct. 15, 2010.)
[Hatonn and Matthew Ward] said that ships around the world are decloaking at various times and this will continue happening with increasing frequency, all part of the ramped-up activity that will result in official recognition. (Suzy Ward to Steve Beckow, Oct. 13, 2010.)
You really are in the heat of the moment as matters are boiling over, and something has to rapidly change. We are pushing our allies to bring a conclusion to their efforts in this connection, as we would rather that the moves are seen to come from them. However, the deadline is fast approaching, and we will be obliged to force the issue if necessary. We want to see disclosure come about quickly, as the abundance programmes are also getting nearer to manifestation. (SaLuSa, Oct. 13, 2010.)
Clearly it will not be too long before we can arrange sightings for you, rather than what appear as chance ones. The sooner your hearts can resonate and accept our vibrations, it will allow us to be far more open and contact will be possible. That is a time we greatly look forward to, and it will help release any doubts that may be held about our intentions. A full explanation of our presence will in any event be given and we know it will satisfy the majority of the people.
Others will be won over once they see the assistance we will provide, to remedy the damage to Mother Earth and the widespread pollution. It is course wider than that, as we will also instigate plans to give you the advantages of our futuristic technologies. The sooner you become independent of others for the essential tools of life, the quicker you will become self-supporting. (SaLuSa, Oct. 8, 2010.)
We of the Galactic Federation are ready to as you term it, to go public and have agreed a plan that makes everyone satisfied. All along we have taken a careful approach, as it has been essential that we be viewed for what we stand for. We are clear that our intervention will be one of co-operation, and we shall observe your protocol. We shall lead because the operations that are concerning Earth, shall require advanced understanding and knowledge that is presently beyond you.
However, we will share such information and invite some of you to take an active part in the proceedings. We want you to quickly lift up to our levels of knowledge, as you do have a mind that is capable of comprehending advanced technology. (SaLuSa, Oct. 6, 2010.)
We are excitedly waiting for the first opportunity to present ourselves to you. (SaLuSa, Sept. 13, 2010.)
Ridding Earth of toxicity will be given high priority as advancement in other ways will require a healthy environment, so all pollutants, including radiation from depleting uranium, will be dematerialized or neutralized quite rapidly with your space family’s technology. (Matthew’s Messages, Oct. 22, 2008.)
Divine Deadlines
The deadlines have happened. And we have taken a collective breath and said, all right. But there is some margin here. And we will give it to them. … The Company of Heaven, and far beyond. We want to help, so we are giving, allowing, some extra flexibility. But from our side, everything is in place. Everything is a go. (Archangel Michael, “Reading with Archangel Michael, August 1, 2011,” Aug. 3, 2011, at http://the2012scenario.com/2011/08/reading-with-archangel-michael-august-2-2011-part-1/.)
We would like to get started before next spring, so we will do all we can to assist our allies to this end. We do still of course have a deadline date by which we should have started, and clearly it is not that far into the future. (SaLuSa, July 16, 2010.)
However, the Divine Plan does not allow for continued delays and there is a final date by which action is required. The Universe is ascending and all progresses well and as planned, but we cannot allow little Earth to dictate the timing. As important as you are to the whole, you are still a relatively small cog in a very big wheel. (SaLuSa, May 17, 2010.)
We will confirm that in the whole context of your Ascension, there is an ultimate date given us by which we must be able to commence our activities. We may find it necessary to make the first move, and remove those who are holding us up in our mission to Earth and all life upon it. (SaLuSa, March 22, 2010.)
We have a timetable to guide us and have absolutely no doubt that all will be completed as intended. (SaLuSa, Sept. 11, 2009.)
It is not yet time according to our messages directly from God, who rules all major decisions in this universe and has His own timetable for optimum benefits to all concerned. (Matthew’s Message,” Aug. 21, 2009.)
Earth Changes including Global Warming, Species Extinction, and Planetary Evacuation
We have searched through all of your world and the darkness continually grows fainter as more and more Light suffices your world from energy sources in every way. We have detected only sporadic instances of the use of chemtrails, weather changing technologies, and other devices of the Illuminati over the past several weeks. (Wanderer of the Skies, July 22, 2011.)
Although the recent dust storm in Arizona was manmade, incidents of technologically-produced weather have been seriously reduced in number and scope. This is not to say that attempts have not been made or that any future efforts will have no effects whatsoever, but none of the most devastating events of recent years and months will be repeated. Mother Earth will release the remaining negativity in ways that achieve that end without those kinds of severe repercussions. (Matthew’s Message, July 11, 2011.)
It is true that the Earth must be cleansed and that physical changes will take place, but they will not be of the scale to destroy large areas. We monitor such changes and we use our technologies to lessen the impact upon you. If you are disturbed by recent happenings, bear in mind that the dark Ones have been behind most occurrences. We can only fully engage them when we are able to work openly with you, and can put a complete stop to their activities. (SaLuSa, July 4, 2011.)
Material purported to be a message from a high light being actually may have been written in government or corporate offices to further their agenda by sprinkling lies amidst familiar spiritual data. In other instances, some receivers, or channels, are unaware that they are reaching base entities that claim to be a well known, respected light source, and they give disinformation that their receivers pass on. Some messages—such as mammoth changes in seas and landmasses will require your evacuation by ETs and when you return to the planet, you’ll have to live underground—are pure nonsense. (Matthew’s Message, Feb. 13, 2011.)
However much some sources try to take your attention away from the future that is your destiny, it is becoming more obvious that you are in the midst of a great galactic change. The energies are changing on such a large scale, that they are being noticed because of their effect upon all forms of life.
Some of what you may term as lower life is disappearing, and other forms are mutating. It is all part of the preparations to ensure that you are ready for the transition to a higher vibration. … It is certainly a testing time, but when you are aware of why things are happening you are better equipped to deal with them, and of course we are never far away with our help.
We protect you and we will continue to monitor events to ensure there is no interference that severely delays disclosure. (SaLuSa, Nov. 29, 2010.)
The last thing we want to do is to create fear, and we have gone to considerable lengths to explain that we are limiting the effects of any changes. However, Mother Earth must achieve her own Ascension, but remember that she carries you with her in the most unique process to involve physical Beings. (SaLuSa, Nov. 17, 2010.)
We of the Galactic Federation are closely monitoring activity on Earth, as Mother Earth needs to pursue her own cleansing program. She is very much like you in the sense that she also has to shed that which cannot go through to the higher dimensions. However do not focus on the worse scenario, as you may otherwise be instrumental in bringing it about. All changes will occur with as little harm to you as possible, and we can warn you of where the most danger exists. We will be working behind the scenes to lessen the impact of them where permissible. There are minor changes occurring on the Earth’s surface all of the time, and these are quite natural and usually present little danger. (SaLuSa, Oct. 18, 2010.)
The cleansing of Earth moves on and inevitably there will be the passing of many souls as a result. They will be received in the higher dimensions with great love and understanding, and for their part it is something of a release from what is often a very poor standard of living. For those that remain in areas where the worst effects are felt, it is a cry to Humanity to find out whether they can find love and compassion for their own kind. Can you ignore their plight, or are you able to see in others yourself? It is not unusual that in the end times a civilization is tested to see how far they have traveled their spiritual paths. We see a great change for the better than even the early years following the Millennium, when your consciousness levels had already risen up. (SaLuSa, Aug. 9, 2010.)
Naturally Earth changes will impinge themselves upon you depending on where you live. Be assured however, we are fully aware of the likely results and are always present to lessen damage to life and limb. However, Mother Earth like you has a cleansing to carry out, and it is inevitable that some of you will get caught up in it. You will be found where it is intended that you be for the end-times, and you will have known this before you incarnated. (SaLuSa, Aug. 6, 2010.)
Whilst there will still be incidents that cause damage and loss of life, it will not be allowed to engulf you. Cleansing is necessary anyway, but will be carried out in a planned manner that will take into consideration your well-being.
Once we join forces you will be informed of the actions we are directing, and made aware of exactly what is to happen. Your safety will be paramount in our minds, and we have a number of options if it is necessary to move you. (SaLuSa, Apr. 23, 2010.)
Mother Earth continues to rumble away, and is waiting to finish her own preparations for Ascension. It is therefore becoming important that she is allowed to complete it very soon. There are reasons related to your safety that are holding back any increase in the cleansing operation, which must be completed in readiness for Ascension. (SaLuSa, Apr. 16, 2010.)
Remember, Dear Ones, that you are party to the cleansing of Earth, and it is your responsibility to do all you can to reverse the damage that has occurred over many years. We are of course doing our part although you may not necessarily be aware of exactly what we are doing. Much of our work goes unannounced, and it will not take place openly with your knowledge until we are able to work in unison with each other.” (SaLuSa, Apr. 16, 2010.)
You are so near to major changes upon Earth, whilst the Sun and your solar system continue to move into a higher vibration. That is already being noted, but again such information is not readily made public but held back. There has been a policy of secrecy for many years, none more so than the findings of NASA who have deliberately set out to keep you from knowing about our activities and us. (SaLuSa, Apr. 14, 2010.)
You hear of Earth changes and that a great cleansing is to take place, and you worry about your safety. Dear Ones, regardless as to what extent they take place, you will not be left to flounder or cope with it by yourself. You can be forewarned of danger and moved to safety if necessary. (SaLuSa, Jan. 22, 2010.)
Absolutely Earth will NOT be destroyed! On the contrary, she is being restored to her former health, and along her ascension pathway, her Eden beauty will return. (Matthew’s Message, Feb. 7, 2009)
The physical changes are totally under our watchful eye … as part of the cleansing and restoration of Mother Earth. (SaLuSa, Nov. 24, 2008.)
There will be other events with serious impact upon populations. But none, or their sum, will cause billions of deaths nor will entire coastlines be drastically altered by mammoth earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or flooding. As a reminder, the ET technology that is alleviating the impact of these happenings by leveling out their effects is not reducing the degree of negativity released. (Matthew’s Message, Jan. 17, 2005.)
Fall of the Dark/Time of Troubles – See also Earth Changes
Do not give up at this late stage on your onward thrust towards Ascension. The chaos has a purpose and is all part of the extensive cleansing that is well in hand. Is it not interesting that out of the attempts of the dark Ones to stall your advancement, they are actually giving the opportunity to do exactly the opposite? They are unwittingly providing the very conditions that call for a thorough cleansing of Earth. Knowing as we do of their plans, we are always looking for ways in which we can turn it to our advantage.
Sometimes their actions serve no purpose other than to illustrate that unless their progress is stopped, you are heading for greater calamities. They are a wake-up call to Humanity, to use their power to change the course of their future. If you are in a position to influence what is happening, you are being spurred on to take action. Some of you are here for exactly that purpose, and you will be inspired to use your skills accordingly. (SaLuSa, Apr. 8, 2011.)
My dear ones, you who are experiencing so much at this time. We are here with you, we see your struggles and we ask you to be patient for all is proceeding according to plan. It seems often that there is no plan, however there must be the clearing of the old before the new can come in. The two frequencies cannot continue to coexist in a shifting planet of the new. That is the problem, there are the two and they are so different, and so contradictory that it causes you confusion.
Your job is to rest within; rest in the realization that all is and always has been perfect. This sounds silly to the three-dimensional mind in the light of so many struggles on the planet, but the reality is that each of you are the manifestation of Source. Therefore, nothing–no experience, no adventure, no person, no thing can ever change that. Even in death, you are still the manifestation of Source embodying everything that is within the Divine Consciousness and therefore cannot ever really die. That is the journey dear ones, the awakening to, and then the consciousness of, this truth. 9The Arcturian Group, April 3, 2011.)
Dear Ones, you are seeing before your very eyes the fall of the great capitalist empire, that has ruled your world for many years. From the early days when the Constitution became law, it has gradually taken away your rights until today you are almost under the total control of the Illuminati. Having reached such a point in their plan for world rule, they have moved beyond their ability to sustain their authority and now it is breaking down.
These times are going to be oppressive and chaotic, before the plan for your future is revealed and instated. You can be sure that the outcome has already been decided, and follows the plan for your upliftment. As always, try to see beyond the immediate occurrences and know that they will not last very long.
Our allies are briefed and ready to take over control in many ways. It will lead to not just your “rescue”, but also a change in your direction that will put you firmly onto the path of Ascension. The clutter and last vestiges of the old will be gradually swept away, and you will learn more about your Space family and how you link to them. Together you will advance much quicker than you would otherwise have done, and life will become a joy and pleasure as Love and Light bring about great changes.
Try not to allow material problems to get on top of you, as the answers are known and they will be solved in good time. Much of the first round of changes, are to get the right people into places of authority. This is very much a priority where politics are concerned, and clearly matters will proceed more quickly when those in charge are working for the good of all people. (SaLuSa, Oct. 18, 2010.)
Over the weeks and months to come, it will become apparent that the changes are in mankind’s best interests even though at times it will be chaotic. Those of you who are already enlightened will be a calming influence, as you will re-act positively. The doubters will need their proof before they come out of their rigid mindsets, and the Light will break down their resistance. (SaLuSa, Oct. 13, 2010.)
We have been given leave by God to use stronger methods wherever necessary to dismantle the Illuminati’s remaining power bases. This does NOT mean killing anyone — God never sanctions killing, nor would we ever want to do that! For quite some time we have been permitted to override the dark ones’ free will by blocking their powerful weaponry when they attempt more events like “9/11,” and we have done that on numerous occasions. Now we also can foil their efforts to create major disruptions by blocking their communication systems and transportation modes and by diverting their intelligence couriers.
We also have God’s permission to temporarily relocate a few key individuals to areas where they can do no mischief whatsoever. This is done somewhat like the cloaking of our ships in an invisible force field, which makes the disappearance baffling to those individuals’ co-workers too. So, even though you won’t see evidence of our new allowances, you know that now we’re taking even longer strides to help you rid your world of dark deeds. (Cdr Hatonn in Matthew’s Message, Oct. 11, 2010.)
We are in control of Earth but not in the sense of having taken it over, but being aware of everything that is happening. We do keep the balance at all times, but have to allow a certain degree of freewill to operate. Even so it will not affect our position or your future, but simply allow matters to flow, as they should. (SaLuSa, Oct. 4, 2010.)
As you are realising, the changes are not coming to simply restore the status quo. The old paradigm is finished and has all but served its purpose. It is only those who benefit from the old ways, that will try their hardest to cling onto what they have now. These are mainly those who have built up vast wealth and also wielded it to gain power over others. It matters not what they do as the alternative to Ascension for them is more of the same. It comes by starting again in another location, and it has happened before and proved to be an excellent way of bringing home some very hard lessons. There is no on else responsible for them, as you attract to yourself exactly what you focus upon. If therefore friends or family do not share your intent to ascend, it is clearly right to allow for different choices to be made. (SaLuSa, Oct. 8, 2010.)
Your patience will be sorely tested in the immediate future, as matters will seem to be becoming more serious. However, the answers are with us and together with our allies, we shall reverse the threatening trends that you see now. (SaLuSa, July 5, 2010.)
We have often intimated that times would get worse before there were changes for the better. You are entering such a period, but you are more prepared to see it out now because of your understanding of the issues involved. (SaLuSa, June 23, 2010.)
False-Flag Operations – See 9/11 Truth Will Emerge
Financial Crash – See also NESARA/The Abundance Program
There is no need for poverty, deprivation, or repression to be endured anywhere, and the work that is being done to bring an end to endemic worldwide privation will ensure that no one is left in need.
The changes that will occur to bring in peace and abundance for all are very complex, and the preparations necessary to bring them about are approaching completion. But there will be some confusion initially as the changes start to occur, because they are quite unprecedented – nothing like them has ever been undertaken during Earth’s long history. (Saul, July 20, 2011.)
Different aspects of the intended changes are well advanced and as they are so far reaching and extending to the whole world, you will understand that the timing is critical. It is particularly relevant to financial changes, as they require acceptance and full support if they are to quickly be set in place. The net result will be that your money will be safe and not subject to so many changes in value. The speculators that can devalue it through their rogue trading will no longer have that option, and eventually investments will become secure.
A new currency waits in the wings, and in future will hold its value as it is supported by precious metals. Printing money without such backing will no longer be allowed. Agreement to the changes is generally accepted, as it is seen as the only way out of the mess previously created by irresponsible banking. There have been many unlawful practices, and those who have lost out because of them will be compensated. Once all of that is straightened out you will find that monetary wealth will be apportioned fairly, so that all enjoy in the prosperity that will emerge. (SaLuSa, April 18, 2011.)
The hardest work has been done, and the Light is now in command. It has been firmly established upon Earth, and it will continue to rapidly grow. (SaLuSa, Oct. 13, 2010.)
The teeter-tottering of the international economy cannot be sustained much longer, nor can the history of its control by the Illuminati’s illegal manipulations remain hidden much longer. They are using obscure legal processes to hold onto their ill-gotten fortunes. Thus we cannot tell you when the economic collapse will come. However, the time cannot be far off because many nations are bankrupt or on the verge, and their leaders and economists know that there is no financial backing for the daily computer transactions in the trillions of dollars and other currencies.
When the collapse does come, welcome it in the knowledge that those who will direct the new system are at the ready and during the transition will keep financial disruptions to a minimum. You can lessen the anxiety of those around you by remaining positive, and you can do that confidently, knowing that Earth’s Golden Age is right around the corner, so to say. (Matthew’s Message, Oct. 11, 2010.)
What shall you do as the changes commence in such a way that they begin to affect your daily life. We would say carry on as normal as far as you can, and know that at the right time you will be advised as to what action to take. You will certainly be well informed as to the nature of the changes, and at some stage they will affect everyone. (SaLuSa, Oct. 8, 2010.)
We have often intimated that times would get worse before there were changes for the better. You are entering such a period, but you are more prepared to see it out now because of your understanding of the issues involved. (SaLuSa, June 23, 2010.)
What is taking place now is the chaos being perpetuated by the dark forces; they have lost their way and try to buy time by preventing us from coming.
That ploy will not work, and the longer it goes on, the more it rebounds upon them creating more dissent in their own ranks. They are imploding and fighting to keep their heads above water, but it will be to no avail as their capitulation is assured.
It is as you might say a messy business, but that is unavoidable when dealing with those who have no conscience where their actions are concerned. They also lack compassion for those whose lives they have destroyed, but one day they will be called to answer for all of their misdeeds.
Carry on as best you can, knowing that your suffering will not last and soon you will see the new direction that Mankind is heading into. (SaLuSa, May 29, 2010.)
Galactics’ Help
The answers are with us and, together with our allies, we shall reverse the threatening trends that you see now. (SaLuSa, July 5, 2010.)
When we tell you all of your problems will be solved, we mean that precisely. It cannot be done overnight, but one of the priorities is to organize abundance so that eventually no one is without sustenance.
Since we observe your whole world we know where the worst cases of poverty and decay exist, where basic needs are not covered and medical services barely exist. We will deal with those urgent problems very quickly, and what we want to see is living standards lifted up.
The Illuminati have persistently ignored these conditions, and have kept people down deliberately as part of their population cleansing. The poisoning of the earth, airways and seas is just one part of their plan but it will not succeed as they intended. We have constantly monitored these situations, and have unbeknown to you ensured that the effects are watered down. (SaLuSa, June 18, 2010.)
The individuals who propose that a collective will to make your world a better place will achieve that without extraterrestrial help do make a good point—absolutely you must act, must set the pace toward world transformation, because it is your world. But those individuals are way off track by not acknowledging that without many other civilizations’ immeasurable help that started about seventy years ago, none of you would be where you are because the planet would have died. And we assure you, your space family’s continued help will be welcomed by all except the ones who are fighting mightily to prevent reforms anywhere. (Matthew’s Message, Feb. 14, 2010.)
When you think about the worldwide problems that exist, and the extent of the changes that are coming know that it is quite an undertaking even for us. However, we have unlimited resources and complete confidence in our ability to deliver the plan. (SaLuSa, Jan. 1, 2010.)
The dark forces would have continued to control the planet through their puppets whose oppression, lies and violence resulted in fear, ignorance, apathy and spiritual dimness within the masses; and the relentless barrage of negativity would have destroyed Earth. It is not that your universal family’s help can be proven only after they alight from their crafts, roll up their sleeves and get to work. Their light and advanced technology started helping you well over sixty years ago when Earth was in death throes—that her planetary body is alive and you are living on it is proof! (Matthew’s Message, Dec. 21, 2008.)
General Reassurances
Although we hope that none of you is apprehensive about the recent predictions of cataclysms, we shall tell you that there will be no 1000-foot tsunami; no celestial bodies will collide with Earth; radiation from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant will not cause population extinction; no plague will annihilate most of the world’s peoples; living underground will not be necessary; the fight for freedom in Arab countries will not ignite WWIII. Your desires that none of those will occur are added to Earth’s intention that they will not, and the energy produced in the collective consciousness assures that none of those devastating events can be manifested. (Matthew Ward, June 11, 2011.)
I shall add that as long as any dark tentacles are lashing out, dire-sounding pronouncements, predictions, speculations and warnings will continue to swirl, and judging from emails my mother is receiving, these cause concern even to lightworkers. To ease minds about several issues that keep popping up in Internet articles or channeled messages: There will be no war with Iran; concentration-type camps will not be filled with the millions who oppose government policies; no “Planet X” or any large celestial body is on a collision course with Earth; there will be no need for your space family to evacuate all peoples before planetary cleansing makes Earth uninhabitable; NESARA is not an event that will be “announced.”
And these current issues: Russia will not engage in a major war and neither will China; and martial law will not be declared to postpone the US election and keep the Bush administration in power—a dramatic event would be needed to achieve that, and technologically advanced souls off-planet and living among you would prevent that kind of attempt. (Matthew’s Message, Sept. 24, 2008.)
Therefore I shall say only that there will be NO nuclear war and NO one on Earth can start a war in space; NO extraterrestrial civilization will invade and conquer your planet; the cleansing process will NOT flood millions of square miles of land and cause billions of deaths; there will be NO need for spacecraft to rescue you just before your planet upends itself or to live underground when you are returned; the millions who speak against US administration policies will NOT be rounded up and put in prison camps; NO manmade viruses will be unleashed and cause most of your population to die; there is NO need to invest billions of dollars in gold so economic and governmental reforms can begin.
I may be forgetting some of the discouraging or fearful-sounding situations in reports that swirl around the Internet, die down for a while and then flare up again. We urge you, PLEASE do not give even an iota of your energy to fear! Yes, physical bodies will continue to die from all the causes occurring now and the souls will continue their evolution in spirit, but fear has NO part whatsoever in this eternal cycle of life! (Matthew’s Message, May 21, 2008.)
Since my mother is still receiving emails from people who are alarmed about those reports of worldwide evacuation plans as well as various prophesied types of dire happenings like the imminent imposition of martial law, millions will be rounded up and put in concentration camps, belligerent ETs will invade your planet, and all-out nuclear wars brewing, I think there cannot be too much emphasis upon discernment and intuition. Furthermore, our repeated assurances that NONE of those will befall you seem to fly out the window each time a fear-filled report makes the Internet rounds. The light will not permit any such reversal in its ever-increasing intensity, and Earth did not endure many, many centuries of the tyranny and bloodshed that caused all the negativity, just to have her current beloved inhabitants experience more of it! (Matthew’s Message, Feb. 24, 2008.)
We devoutly wish that fear about global warming and its projected effects would subside. We wish the same about the fear of nuclear war, global terrorism, geophysical catastrophes in which billions perish, AIDS and new diseases that will kill more billions, and, and, and. Fear is being deliberately created by the dark forces because fear’s energy is incompatible with the energy of light, so you can see that the fearful “what if” situations are making the progress of the light more difficult. Instead of feeling fear about the “unknown,” we ask that you send love-light energy to all souls, those who are suffering and those who are causing it, and judge none. (Matthew’s Message, Feb. 16, 2005.)
Gulf Oil Spill – See Oil Spill
Karma (Residual) will be Forgiven
With the end times rapidly drawing so near, may souls have elected to take on all remaining karmic experiences. For many it is therefore a hectic time, particularly at a personal level. When you ascend karma will have been cleared by you or “written off” through the Law of Grace.
Because you will be in a much higher vibrational level where there is balance and harmony, there is virtually nothing that will cause you to incur karma again. At that level, your thoughts and actions will naturally flow with the higher vibrations, and the lesser thought forms will have been cleared from your consciousness. It is a return to your normal state of being, as you were before dropping into the 3rd. Dimension. (SaLuSa, Aug. 3, 2011.)
Coming out of your present cycle of duality you will not carry karma forward, which is why it must be cleared before you can ascend. The conditions are therefore in part necessary for souls to have the opportunity to do so. (SaLuSa, March 30, 2011.)
Look at everything in terms of how you can apply the Light, to ensure you do not create further instant karma. In the end you will leave the present Earth with a clean slate, and certainly minor karmic debts will be foregone through the Law of Grace. (SaLuSa, Oct. 8, 2010.)
Martial Law
Martial law will not be declared to postpone the US election and keep the Bush administration in power—a dramatic event would be needed to achieve that, and technologically advanced souls off-planet and living among you would prevent that kind of attempt. (Matthew’s Message, Sept. 24, 2008.)
The millions who speak against US administration policies will NOT be rounded up and put in prison camps. (Matthew’s Message, May 21, 2008.)
There are pockets of speculation, even belief, that as a last resort to retain control, dark ones in power will stage a “space invasion” to unify all peoples in a common fear of the alien invaders. Thereupon the stagers would impose martial law, arrest dissenters on a massive scale, and create chaos never before seen on your planet. Even as they give no recognition whatsoever to the many reports of UFOs in your skies, they would try to plausibly fit those sightings of spacecrafts into their “invasion” plans.
Oh my! What is in chaos is the mentality of the ones who would try such a stunt! There will be NO “space invasion,” and you can rely on your benevolent brothers and sisters to thwart efforts to bring the “little grays” in battle gear out of their underground cities as proof that aliens have landed. (Matthew’s Message, April 19, 2008.)
Since my mother is still receiving emails from people who are alarmed about those reports of worldwide evacuation plans as well as various prophesied types of dire happenings like the imminent imposition of martial law, millions will be rounded up and put in concentration camps, belligerent ETs will invade your planet, and all-out nuclear wars brewing, I think there cannot be too much emphasis upon discernment and intuition. Furthermore, our repeated assurances that NONE of those will befall you seem to fly out the window each time a fear-filled report makes the Internet rounds. The light will not permit any such reversal in its ever-increasing intensity, and Earth did not endure many, many centuries of the tyranny and bloodshed that caused all the negativity, just to have her current beloved inhabitants experience more of it! (Matthew’s Message, Feb. 24, 2008.)
Will Bush deflate the dollar 50% to cause the collapse of his country’s economy as an excuse to invoke martial law? We do not see martial law having any headway in the field of potential. (Matthew’s Message, Aug. 13, 2006.)
Negative Aliens/Project Blue Beam
Also I want to debunk the warning that aliens posing as friends really are base entities who want to take over your world. Hogwash! The light grid around the planet prevents any civilization with dark intentions from being anywhere near Earth. And if the bad guys try to put their own ‘secret’ craft in the skies and bring out some of the Greys living underground and claim it’s an invasion, we can stop that charade before it gets going. (Hatonn in Matthew’s Message, Oct. 11, 2010.)
In the past there were beings who indeed did not have your best interests at heart, but they are no longer being allowed to come here as this is such a powerful and critical time in the shifting energies of your evolutionary process.
We tell you that your governments did know about and work with many of these beings and their attained technologies are even now being used by your government and the military in many ways that could actually help the public, but are not being given to you. (The Arcturians, July 6, 2010, through Marilyn Raffaele, at http://www.onenessofall.com/newest.html#.)
No forces on or off Earth can now make any difference and we of the Galactic Federation are charged with ensuring your success. … Of course there are negative Space Beings, but they are prevented from interfering with your Ascension. (SaLuSa, May 24, 2010.)
The outer ring of ships are much in the way of a protective barrier, to ensure that unwelcome visitors are not allowed to interfere with your evolution. Apart from the Galactic Federation, very few Beings from other civilisations are given permission to enter your atmosphere or land on Earth. Usually they are crews on a scientific expedition, and sometimes from another Universe. (SaLuSa, May 21, 2010.)
Clearly there will be some fear once we are introduced to you, as over a long period of time we have been depicted as some marauders from outer Space. If we had any plan to take over your Earth, clearly we could have done so easily at any time we wished. Those of you are familiar with our messages know otherwise, and that our positive energy carries with each word as you read them. Let your intuition be your guide and we are sure you will accept the truth that they carry. (SaLuSa, May 3, 2010.)
It is not to say that some E.T’s would not like to colonise Earth for its resources as they do, but your evolution is protected as it has been all along. Where contact has been made that is not in your general interest, it has been perfectly legitimate and allowed through the Law Of Attraction.
We refer to the Greys who sought bases upon Earth, and in a deal with the U.S. Government were allowed to have them in exchange for advanced technology. Such covert actions are never for your good, but for greed, power and military domination such as you have experienced. That agreement is at an end, and has no place in your immediate future.(SaLuSa, March 26, 2010.)
The likely problems that may be encountered by us in space will quickly be dealt with, by grounding any weapons or craft that are intended to be used against us. We do not have to encounter them in space, as we do not want to give the impression that we are aggressive and warlike. That would be playing into the hands of the dark Ones, who in any event have considered creating a false encounter to put fear in your hearts. As we vastly outnumber their forces and weaponry, it would in fact be totally futile for them to attempt to attack us. (SaLuSa, Jan. 25, 2010.)
NESARA/The Abundance Program
We do understand that some people have turned to undesirable practices because poverty has driven them to it. Those problems will be eradicated quite quickly, when abundance requires that the wealth of the world be fairly redistributed. Such plans are already in place and have been advanced sufficiently that they have started to be implemented.
We have the advantage of fully understanding the causes of your problems, and some are the result of the policies of the Illuminati. Keeping you in a state of need also keeps you in a state of control, and that will change because each person will ultimately need for nothing at all. Life will suddenly be shorn of the disabling reasons for your unhappiness and misery that so many are in. It is all in the plan, and of necessity once we start to put these matters right, you will be pleasantly surprised at the speed of operations. (SaLuSa, June 27, 2011.)
When we tell you all of your problems will be solved, we mean that precisely. It cannot be done overnight, but one of the priorities is to organize abundance so that eventually no one is without sustenance.
Since we observe your whole world we know where the worst cases of poverty and decay exist, where basic needs are not covered and medical services barely exist. We will deal with those urgent problems very quickly, and what we want to see is living standards lifted up.
The Illuminati have persistently ignored these conditions, and have kept people down deliberately as part of their population cleansing. The poisoning of the earth, airways and seas is just one part of their plan but it will not succeed as they intended. We have constantly monitored these situations, and have unbeknown to you ensured that the effects are watered down. (SaLuSa, June 18, 2010.)
Already the foundations are in place for a quick change, where your financial systems are concerned. Our allies in many countries are agreed on a plan for a metals backed currency, and the end of the paper currency that has led you into bankruptcy.
These are the essential changes to set up a fair system, that will protect your earnings and property from unconstitutional laws. The changes will affect the whole world and that is indeed the intention, so that you are released from unfair systems that include your tax laws. There is at last a glow on the horizon as the Light permeates into every corner of your world. (SaLuSa, May 28, 2010.)
The mood of the people will change dramatically once they are informed of our mission. We offer you release from the thralldom of many centuries of persecution, poverty and wars that have kept you in the control of the dark Ones. That alone will bring joy and hope to those who are still experiencing such conditions, and through the prosperity program will address many current issues. We will be more involved in the bigger ones that have beset your whole world.
Pollution is one that must be reversed as soon as possible, and also the lack of basic requirements that have left the poorer people in shanty towns, without proper facilities or medical care. We are well aware of the priorities where you are concerned, and regardless of size our vast fleet and personnel can handle them with ease. Free energy devices will come from us and also many sources on Earth where they have already been developed. Through deliberate policy they have been held back by the Illuminati, to protect their own investment in oil and the utilities.
You should have been able to advance your standard of living much more than it is now. Every civilization is entitled to benefit from new discoveries, that are not given simply to be enjoyed by the privileged few, or your armed forces. The ideas for such devices that already exist were intended for the good of all, and made available to you for your independence and self-sufficiency.
The changes will not be imposed for the sake of it, but are part of our plan to bring you the comforts and protection, that will lift your experiences to a new level and bring you joy and happiness. Following that you will be in the right frame of mind to apply yourselves to the business of preparing for Ascension. That is the ultimate goal. (SaLuSa, May 7, 2010.)
The industrialized nations are in a state of turmoil due to the unsustainable debts that some have accrued and that others have enabled. Your currency markets are confused and are unable to decide which currency, if any, is sound. The turmoil will continue for some months, leading to further economic crises before the final collapse of world financial markets later in 2010.
There will be much anger, fear, blame, and general confusion before stability and soundness return to the markets early in 2011, when a new monetary and financial system, which has been carefully designed to provide long-term stability instead of short-term distortion, will come into operation.
Do not become upset as the markets flounder and then founder, as this will only be a temporary destabilization which is a necessary precursor to the establishment of the new worldwide monetary and financial system. The new system will enable the distortions and errors — which the inadequacies of your present system allowed and encouraged — to be set to rights. Then, true global cooperation of a completely harmonious nature, and that is good for all and good for the planet, will be possible and will come into operation.
As economic stability returns, safety valves will be installed to ensure that the liquidity of the financial system can no longer be threatened or drained away by unseen or unexpected leaks. Investment in necessary, environmentally sound industries will grow, while unsustainable and damaging industries will wind down and then cease operations.
With abundant free energy readily available wherever needed, coal mining and oil “harvesting” and exploration will first be greatly reduced and then finally cease, as the industries that require that kind of energy become obsolescent. Cleaning up and repairing the damage that those basically barbaric industrial conglomerates have caused will be a major task in the next few years, and much, in your terms, technologically very advanced assistance will be provided to ensure that this is done cleanly and efficiently.
World poverty will be completely alleviated as everyone’s energy and food needs become available in abundance locally, removing the need for much of the major freight transportation worldwide. The speed with which your damaged environment will be restored and healed will amaze you.
As peaceful, intelligent, and harmonious cooperation in all areas of your lives replace the stressful, competitive, and confrontational disharmony that has been standard on the planet for so long, personal stress and anxiety will dissolve, leading to an enormous reduction in sickness and ill health. Unhealthy life styles will fall away as you all start to find joy, peace, and love in every moment of your existence, and this will remove the need for escape from the constant pressure of survival issues with which so many of you are presently struggling. One of the results of these life style changes will be an astonishing falloff in addictive behavior of every kind — drugs, alcohol, food, anger, abuse, and all other forms of depraved behavior such as manipulation, control, blame, shame, and bullying of others — to be replaced by large-scale acceptance of one another as beings to be honored, respected, and cherished.
The need for enforcement agencies will be gone, because when people respect and accept one another as equally valid and worthwhile members of society, the misbehavior that enforcement agencies have been used to stop and prevent will no longer be a major issue. Peaceful, friendly, and enthusiastic cooperation will replace the legally enforced organization, manipulation, and control of people everywhere. (Saul, May 5, 2010.)
No asteroids or comets are being aimed at Earth by powerful malevolent aliens. Even if this were the case, you are surrounded by thousands of spaceships and millions of light beings with the technology to steer away any celestial body that could collide with your planet. Another rumor to create fear, that Planet X is on a collision course with Earth, also is a falsehood. (Matthew’s Message, Feb. 14, 2010.)
And please have NO concerns about Planet X, Niburu, a “brown star” or a celestial body by any other name being on a collision course with Earth. (Matthew’s Message, Oct. 19, 2009.)
No “Planet X” or any large celestial body is on a collision course with Earth; there will be no need for your space family to evacuate all peoples before planetary cleansing makes Earth uninhabitable. (Matthew’s Message, Sept. 11, 2008.)
9/11 Truth will Emerge
The facts about “9/11″ will be emerging fairly soon as well. When foreign leaders publicly state their opinion that the US government was either involved or knew beforehand and did nothing to prevent the horrific events of that day and some mainstream newspapers report that — and state that many US citizens also doubt the official story — you know that the irrefutable evidence of the truth cannot be suppressed much longer. (Matthew’s Message, Oct. 11, 2010.)
Be assured you are safe from any attempt to create a major incident that will give the dark ones more power over you. (SaLuSa, Jan. 1, 2010.)
The line has been drawn against certain activities that would endanger life on and beyond your Earth, and [the dark] are therefore curtailed in what they can do. (Ker-On of Venus, Oct. 22, 2008.)
The truth about who planned and executed “9/11.” In the higher vibrations in which Earth is now orbiting, that truth cannot be hidden much longer; when it emerges along with its even deeper purpose than controlling oil resources in the Mideast, which is to dominate the entire planet and kill or enslave its peoples, the Illuminati’s long reign of terror will meet its just end. (Matthew’s Message, Sept. 14, 2008.)
While we cannot assure that never will any terrorist acts be successful, we absolutely can assure that none on the scale of 9/11, as currently being speculated, will happen. We have mentioned before that the major terrorist acts, such as the bombing of the trains in Spain, are planned and executed by the so-called “Black Ops” faction of the CIA. It was explained that the light forces who have been counteracting major efforts were duped by false information from an Illuminati “mole” and thus were not in position to thwart that tragedy.
However, there has been complete success in causing the failure of other, similar dark efforts. Only the random acts carried out by individuals whose longstanding opposition to the forces that have subjugated them are beyond the control of the light forces on and off-planet. Given the hatred, determination and perseverance of these individuals who are willing to die along with their victims, these random acts will continue until the light of the higher frequencies touches the hearts of people on both sides. (Matthew’s Message, May 28, 2004.)
Nuclear Fallout – See Depleted Uranium/Nuclear Fallout/Chemtrails
Nuclear War
“There are restraints [against the Dark] and we can for example refer to the divine edict, that no military power will be allowed to use nuclear weapons, or start World War Three. (SaLuSa, June 27, 2011.)
[Recent events] won’t lead to World War III. That certainty is based in Earth’s expressed desire that no major war ever again will occur on her planetary body, and your benevolent ET family on and off-planet will prevent any dark attempts to circumvent Earth’s wishes. (Matthew’s Message, April 3, 2011.)
We carry out far more actions than you have been aware of, and of necessity we keep the details to ourselves. However, you have for example heard of our operations to show that we meant our orders to your governments that nuclear weapons will not allowed to be used. We proved that we could at will disable the warheads on your missile sites. (SaLuSa, Mar. 11, 2011.)
We of the Galactic Federation are more active than ever, not that we would expect you to necessarily be aware of what we are doing. With what is tantamount to the last big battle between the dark Ones and the Light, we are supporting our allies to ensure that matters do not get out of hand. Where there is even the hint of using nuclear weapons, we are preventing such a happening. So we can assure you that regardless of what you may hear or read in the Press, there will not be a nuclear war. It was a long time ago that such a Divine instruction was given to us, as so much damage and pollution has already been caused by their use or testing. Man has learnt little since the first Atomic Bombs were dropped on Japan, and even that act was unnecessary to gain a peaceful surrender. (SaLuSa, Jan. 19, 2011.)
The Galactic Federation is meanwhile keeping a firm watch on the military bases, so as to ensure that they do not interfere with the process of change. They too like all of the armed forces will become converted to serve peaceful purposes. War has absolutely no place in the future, and for that reason there will be no need for defensive employment.
Keep these things in mind when you are thrown into the midst of turmoil, as it will help you through such periods. Think peace, love and beauty as so much on Earth is ugly and has been despoiled by Man. (SaLuSa, Oct. 4, 2010.)
As we have often informed you, we will not allow nuclear weapons to be used. The time is approaching when peace will be declared, and all types of armaments will be banned. Furthermore we will also monitor Earth and prevent any attempts to falsely start wars of whatever nature. (SaLuSa, July 26, 2010.)
You will soon have to dismantle all weapons of war, and in fact once true peace has been achieved it will not be disputed or ignored. If it were it would be to no avail, as there is nothing that can be hidden from our sight however well concealed it may be. Many times in the past your governments have been warned of the dangers to Mankind, through the use of nuclear devices. Their response has been exactly the same as when we offered to help achieve peace on Earth. Each time our offers have been rejected on the orders of the Illuminati, who have instead preferred to push forward with their own agenda for self-empowerment. (SaLuSa, May 21, 2010.)
Technologically we are far superior to your dark forces, and although they have developed weapons of mass destruction we can safely handle them. (SaLuSa, March 17, 2010.)
No Reason to Fear
Although we hope that none of you is apprehensive about the recent predictions of cataclysms, we shall tell you that there will be no 1000-foot tsunami; no celestial bodies will collide with Earth; radiation from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant will not cause population extinction; no plague will annihilate most of the world’s peoples; living underground will not be necessary; the fight for freedom in Arab countries will not ignite WWIII. Your desires that none of those will occur are added to Earth’s intention that they will not, and the energy produced in the collective consciousness assures that none of those devastating events can be manifested. (Matthew Ward, June 11, 2011.)
Be assured that even if you do not have the details, we are achieving our aims to get matters really moving along. When it commences there cannot be any other outcome, as the Divine Plan will manifest regardless of any outer happenings. It is why we occasionally remind you that the Light has already achieved the victory that you have been promised. There is absolutely no reason to be fearful, and whatever you planned for yourself to go through the end–times will come to be. (SaLuSa, May 23, 2011.)
The mere promise of action at long last has greatly lifted the vibrations on Earth, and we do not want you to lose that excitement and energy of anticipation. It will carry you right past any attempts to pull you back, as you will no doubt you will have noticed a sudden flurry of negative outbursts calculated to bring back fear and uncertainty. Just keep your eyes directly ahead and do not lose sight of the reason you came to Earth at this time.
After millennia of time and in some cases hundreds of lives, you are ready to put your feet up and take an enjoyable rest and break from the rigours and demands of duality. It is well deserved, and you will be well rewarded in many ways. (SaLuSa, Oct. 8, 2010.)
Your increasing expectancy of major changes to get under way is bringing them nearer to manifesting. Those who for whatever reason oppose them are also more active trying to prevent such progress. It is up to you, Dear Ones, to ignore such sources, and in no way give your energy to them through fear.
If your faith holds strong you will know that there is nothing to fear, as the Light is your power and protection. The truth will speak for itself and hold firm when all else falls away. As the vibrations continue to rise up, so the truth shall stand out for all to understand. The time for deceit and lies is ending and the Light shall rule supreme.
Bear in mind that some of the big events may be preceded by more chaos and turmoil. There is much of the old that clings on and must be removed. It is not always possible to do so without considerable inconvenience to you. However, all such occurrences shall be short lived because of our participation. (SaLuSa, Oct. 6, 2010.)
Oil Spill
In alignment with [Earth's] goal [of Ascension], our ‘space’ brothers and sisters are using their technology to alleviate the toxic effects of the oil and its dispersants in the Gulf of Mexico as well as the toxins in other waters, chemtrails and weaponry.(Matthew’s Message, Sept. 11, 2010.)
By Earth’s invitation, other civilizations lessened to the extent possible the damage to marine life and coastlines caused by the oil in the Gulf of Mexico.
By Earth’s desire, there will be no explosion of methane gas that could cause widespread sickness and loss of life. Your planet’s healing ability and other worlds’ technology can remedy or prevent these and other types of manmade destructiveness, whether intentional or by negligence or ignorance. (Matthew’s Message, Aug. 13, 2010.)
Earthly matters move on even if very slowly, but there is now a sense of urgency where the Gulf Oil spill is concerned. It represents a world threat, which if left unchecked and not stopped would leave you with repercussions for many years to come. Fortunately that will not be your experience, as other matters will take priority, such as Ascension.
Therefore you can expect some action that will put a stop to the leak so that the plan for your final upliftment can get under way. Have no doubt as to the outcome, as nothing will be able to stand in its way. We are an integral part of it, and you have our backing to ensure that disclosure and all that needs to follow it happens as planned. (SaLuSa, June 21, 2010.)
We are on one level ready to respond to that request, and are well equipped to clear up the mess quite quickly. First however we see the likelihood that BP will be given more time to rectify the situation. However, it must not take much longer as the environment is already badly affected. So let us see what the outcome is, and as we do we will be waiting in the wings for our call. (SaLuSa, June 18, 2010.)
Planet X – See Niburu
Planetary Destruction
Although we hope that none of you is apprehensive about the recent predictions of cataclysms, we shall tell you that there will be no 1000-foot tsunami; no celestial bodies will collide with Earth; radiation from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant will not cause population extinction; no plague will annihilate most of the world’s peoples; living underground will not be necessary; the fight for freedom in Arab countries will not ignite WWIII. Your desires that none of those will occur are added to Earth’s intention that they will not, and the energy produced in the collective consciousness assures that none of those devastating events can be manifested. (Matthew’s Message, June 11, 2011.)
The plan is for a happy ending to this cycle, and take no notice of those who are misinformed, as there will be no question of punishment of any kind. God is All Love, and sees you all as beautiful souls on the ladder of evolution. Whatever you experience, the Laws of the Universe apply and these are not draconian like many of Man’s, but both fair and just to aid your spiritual advancement. The idea of a vengeful God or one of wrath is totally false compared to the unlimited love you receive from the Father/Mother God. (SaLuSa, Jan. 22, 2010.)
Please give no energy whatsoever to dire-sounding predictions! If you feel even a moment of wavering in that respect, breathe deeply and calmly, close your eyes and envision Earth bathed in golden light. The high vibrations of that vision will lift and steady your energy system. (Matthew’s Message, Dec. 21, 2008)
Planetary Evacuation
Some messages claim that spacecraft will evacuate Earth’s residents before the cleansing destroys much of the planet, (1) and when the people are returned, they will have to live underground because the surface will be uninhabitable for many years. Evacuation will not be necessary for any reason, and far from Earth’s surface becoming uninhabitable, it will be restored to its original paradise with amazing speed. …
Concerns about a possible drastic shift in Earth’s axis are due to lack of universal knowledge, namely that about seventy years ago in your linear time, the planet was so out of balance that it was dangerously close to being pulled out of orbit; and ever since that time a powerful infusion of light from distant sources has been stabilizing Earth’s orbit along her ascension pathway. (Matthew Ward, Sept. 21, 2009. )
Fear is at the root of the “dire predictions” once again circulating and of concern to many, and we can only repeat what we have said in previous messages. Some channeled messages purportedly from light sources actually are from dark entities that have beguiled their receivers into sending out false information that will cause fear as well as confusion because it conflicts with other channeled messages.
Since numerous specific timeframes for earthquakes and tsunamis with the force to kill billions have come and gone and those predicted events did not occur, you can see why it is not logical or sensible to feel fearful about something you may never experience.
It is true that Earth must release more negativity and her natural means is geophysical events, so those will continue until the need no longer exists; however, the advanced technology of our universal family nearby the planet will continue to reduce the destructive power of manmade or naturally-occurring quakes, storms and volcanic eruptions.
While we cannot tell you that no lives will be lost and no damage will result, with absolute certainty we say that reports about spacecraft carrying out mass evacuation of the peoples are false—it will not be necessary! Another example of false information is that survivors of massive planetary destruction will have to live underground because the surface will be uninhabitable for a very long time. How totally contrary to the reality: Earth’s health is being restored and her once pristine beauty will be as well, and far more rapidly than you can imagine! (Matthew’s Message, July 18, 2009.)
President Obama
Repeatedly I have described Obama’s highly-evolved soul status, spiritual and moral integrity, purpose and intention to help create a peaceful world, and both Hatonn and I have spoken about the powerful and relentless forces Obama has been up against all along.
“With the light intensity in this energy plane Earth has reached, people who are light-receptive know which information about him is the truth and which isn’t; people who have not responded to the light will believe the lies and won’t be convinced otherwise by any additional comments from either Hatonn or me.” (Matthew Ward through Suzy Ward to Russ Michael, June 28, 2011.)
If you find that you cannot trust a source of information, then set it aside and trust in those that you have faith in. Most messages of disinformation also include some truths, which makes them more difficult to understand.
You have been informed from a number sources already that President Obama is the one chosen to lead you through the coming period.
His work cannot fully commence until the restraints upon him are removed so bear in mind that he is under much pressure to follow the advice he is being given.
You will see the real man and exalted soul that he is come to the fore when he is able to fully express himself as a Being of Light. (SaLuSa responding to allegations made by James Rinks that the President had stolen $400 billion, from The 2012 Scenario, June 28, 2011, at http://the2012scenario.com/2011/06/salusa-responds-to-allegations-against-president-obama/).
Your president is an evolved being, but he is not being allowed to bring through many of his enlightened ideas at this time, but he will. Send him Light dear ones, for he is now facing so many obstacles to his way of seeing and doing. (Arcturian Group, March 19, 2011.)
A few months ago Hatonn spoke with great passion about the powerful opposition President Obama is dealing with and the need for your supportive thoughts and prayers for him and his family. Still, my mother is besieged with emails asking why the president is taking one action or another that maintains or worsens the very situations he was elected to remedy.
The questioners, who may be attributing more authority to the office than the constitution does, are not recognizing that this government has long been the Illuminati’s bastion and their purpose in creating the misconception about the country. Their hold on many members of Congress still is strong, and only after that control ends will Obama be able to guide his administration toward national reforms and the peaceful world he is dedicated to achieving. (Matthew’s Message, March 12, 2011.)
US President Obama’s memorial address [after shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Gifford] was transmitted to us from Earth’s monitors in Nirvana. We know the soul of this man, thus better than he knows himself, yet without his conscious awareness that he willingly left his spiritually advanced civilization to serve in the vanguard of the Golden Age master plan, his words on that memorial occasion were from his heart and soul in concert with all the heavenly hosts. Matthew’s Message, Jan. 15, 2011.)
President Obama is surrounded by the dark Ones but nevertheless able to make some progress, and will continue to lay down the foundation for his final years of office. His best work is still to come and he is well aware of his destiny to lead the people out of the darkness. He is a highly spiritual soul, and will with our help and protection work with us to speedily transform your experiences, into ones of happiness and release from the draconian laws that rule your lives. (SaLuSa, Jan. 5, 2011.)
There’s complaining and bickering about problems instead of solving them and criticism about those who are trying to. I’m going to speak about the one whose circumstances most concern us and why.
Generally speaking, people know US president Barack Obama only by what he says and what your media report. Most don’t have a clue about what goes on “behind closed doors.” You see stubborn partisan politics. We see Obama’s powerful enemies within and far beyond the government who are determined to smash to smithereens his attempts at reform.
You see him looking worried and know some call him weak and say he’s leading his country in the wrong direction. We feel his pain as his efforts to improve the lives of all who are downtrodden are scuttled by a few self-servers. You see him trying to end foreign conflicts and think he should stay home and fix what’s wrong in his own country. We feel his discouragement and exhaustion as the dark ones keep stirring up trouble to dash his efforts everywhere.
The folks you call “pundits” speculate whether voters will give Obama a second term in office. We sing his praises for staying the course day after day! He has to deal with some of the very ones who threaten his life and his family’s, yet his intention to keep working for a peaceful world without poverty anywhere remains firm. You know that he and his family are protected by the Christed light grid around them, but Obama doesn’t know that.
You know that he is a major part of the Golden Age master plan, but he doesn’t know that either. He acts on his convictions, principles, aspirations and innate experience as an honored leader in a highly evolved civilization who agreed to serve Earth in the most demanding position on the planet. If everyone could know this soul as we do, all the doubts and carping about him would come to a screeching halt and you would thank God for this man’s courage, wisdom, spiritual and moral integrity and his willingness to persevere! (Cdr Hatonn in Matthew’s Message, Oct. 11, 2010.)
The road has been long and bumpy, but it will not long before it becomes a smooth path taking you fully into the Light. Thereafter you will be able to say that you have truly become a Being of Light, and will start a new adventure in the higher realms.
However, the current problems need to be dealt with first, and each one of you can assist by sending out your Light to those who need help. In this way you set up a channel of Light that reaches them, and it will grow and attract even more Light.
We would ask you to include those leaders who are presently in the forefront of all that is happening, and your President Obama is one who is a major player in the events taking place. You will see that he has played a patient game to take his opportunity to unseat the dark Ones, and he will use all of his authority to do so. Timing is the essence of success, and that is something we have often stressed. (SaLuSa, June 11, 2010.)
Many of you still are questioning US President Obama’s motives or leadership abilities. Therefore we will speak briefly again about this highly evolved soul who all of you agreed prior to birth would be elected to that position and lead your world into an era of peace. We told you before the primary elections that he would become president, and everything we have said about him and his part of the Golden Age master plan in subsequent messages also is as accurate now as then. [For readers who are interested, the pertinent parts of those messages can be easily located by entering Obama in the search feature on Matthew's Messages page on www.matthewbooks.com.]
While opposition to Obama’s direction from the Republicans in Congress en masse and some members of his own party too is public knowledge, the power behind the dissension—pressure from the Illuminati global web-work—is not. Except for readers of our messages and those from other sources within the light, it is not known that the vociferous and rancorous disagreements within the US government are not as they appear to be, a stubborn partisan bloc or inflexible ideological differences—it is the influence of the light and of the darkness being played out on the United States government stage. (Matthew’s Message, March 29, 2010.)
Project Blue Beam – See Negative Aliens/Project Blue Beam
Relax and Enjoy Yourselves
If the bad guys try to put their own ‘secret’ craft in the skies and bring out some of the Greys living underground and claim it’s an invasion, we can stop that charade before it gets going. (Hatonn in Matthew’s Message, Oct. 11, 2010.)
If we suggested you enjoy yourself just now, you may wonder what there is to be happy about. However we look at you finally leaving duality behind, knowing that a great future beckons that promises everything you could possibly want. We say, live that dream now and create around you an aura of happiness that allows you to sail through life.
That will also help others who travel along with you, as the higher vibrations are extremely uplifting. Notice the difference in people’s re-actions to you, and how interested they will become in you. You will have something they would like and are not quite sure how you achieved it, or if they can too. (SaLuSa, Oct. 8, 2010.)
Some of you have all manner of fears about a so-called Project Bluebeam. (1) Others fear our ships will be attacked and this could trigger a war and so on and so on. My young friends, I can send messages … full time all day every day, until the day we arrive and every day there will be those that present new fearful scenarios that I might have to dispel. This is because you are falling for the manipulation games of those that do not wish for this event to take place.
Please, take a second. Try to think. If we are able to surround your planet with millions of ships of living light. If we are able to bring ships across thousands of light years in an instant. If our consciousness resides outside of space and time. If we can manifest a ship many miles across by desire alone. If we can defeat a warring enemy without ever attacking them. If we can disable your nuclear devices without touching them. If we can balance your planetary magnetosphere. I could go on and on. The point is, if we can do all these things and so much more, do you honestly think your Earth cabal’s tin toys and party favours are going to get in our way? They are not. (“Adamu Speaking,” Sept. 29, 2008, at http://tinyurl.com/yde2bpn.)
Return of the Masters
The Masters, who are revered and whose word is respected, will walk amongst you once more. (SaLuSa, July 13, 2011.)
It is not just the Galactic Federation that has a prime interest in you, although we will play a greater part in your lives by coming openly to you. There are legions of Angelic Beings also present, and you may be aware that they too have been showing themselves more frequently of late. The Masters also draw closer, and some of them such as St. Germain will play a prominent part in your final preparations for Ascension. Those that you have been familiar with will return to guide you to new pastures, and it will fulfil the promises made to you eons of time ago. At any time you feel doubts just remember how many Higher Beings walk alongside you, and call upon them if you need help. (SaLuSa, Jan. 31, 2011.)
We say that you are about to see the coming of many from our side; evolved and beloved brothers from many galactic nations who have been working for and with you for a long time. (The Arcturians, July 6, 2010, through Marilyn Raffaele, at http://www.onenessofall.com/newest.html#.)
The Masters … wait in readiness to return to Earth. You might say that the big guns are waiting to appear to you and that is correct, as the truth will sound be more acceptable when it comes from those who are familiar to you. Jesus and many Angelic Beings such as Archangel Michael will address you and the words will carry a powerful energy, that will leave you in no doubt that they come to you with Love and Light.(SaLuSa, March 22, 2010.
The Masters are returning, and some are already incarnate carrying out their work to bring as many souls as possible into the Light. You have your ideas as to who they are, but for the time being they prefer to work unannounced. However, once the major changes are completed, some Masters will return as names in their own right. St. Germain who is so closely connected with your evolution has always come and gone as he pleases, and he will certainly make himself known to you. He has presided over a number of important meetings concerning this period, and his influence has been powerful and brought benefits to you. (SaLuSa, Feb. 8, 2010.)
Many are understandably confused by what is going on, and seek leadership from the Masters of Wisdom who will be coming to Earth. Indeed some are already with you waiting for their opportunity to reveal who they are and serve the people. You may have already identified with a number of advanced souls, and their role has been to prepare the way. (SaLuSa, Jan. 22, 2010.)
Running Out of Time
To all who are fearful that there isn’t time for Earth to be rid of all darkness so she can meet the celestial timeframe for leaving third density, we assure you, she will make it — in the continuum, she already HAS made it! (Matthew’s Message, Oct. 11, 2010.)
Time of Troubles – See Financial Crash/Time of Troubles
Vegetarian Diet and Ascension
No, physical ascension with Earth does not require one to become a vegetarian or vegan. Each person’s body is as different as each soul, and some bodies thrive without meat in the diet while others do not. Anything that prevents bodies from being in balance is also a deterrent to wellbeing in mind and spirit, and achieving balance is the goal of all souls.
As you continue your journey with Earth into higher vibrations, your bodies will become progressively lighter and you will find fruits, vegetables and grains ever more satisfying because those foods are light-filled, and meat and seafood will become less and less appealing. Due to the horrendous maltreatment of food animals, their bodies hold the energy of pain and fear, and that energy is passed on to meat-eaters. Much seafood is contaminated by various pollutants or its genetic modification reduces nourishment value. Pay attention to your bodies — they will tell you what foods they need for maximum wellbeing.
We honor those who follow vegan diets to expose and protest the inhumane treatment of animals whose soul-level agreements are to provide their bodies for human consumption — they did not agree to suffer in the unconscionable ways they are forced to live and die! And we ask that you make every effort to have food animals treated humanely and all animals respected and appreciated for their contributions to your lives. Humans’ cruel treatment and wanton killing of animals over the centuries contributed in large part to the negativity that caused Earth to drop into deep third density, and her method of releasing negativity is what you call “natural disasters.” Logically, ending the causes of negativity eliminates the need for the means by which it is released, but beyond that, animals are souls and need to be respected as such!
Animals’ spiritual awareness, sensitivity to energy fluctuations, and extent of emotions and intelligence have long been underestimated or completely disregarded by unfeeling humans, the most brutal killers on Earth. Among some animal species, usually those most commonly considered pets, are highly evolved souls who have chosen to experience in animal bodies. Thus they have far more wisdom and spiritual clarity than many within your human population. These animals have come specifically to enhance your relationship with all animal life because this is vital to your individual journeys into the higher vibrations where cruelty in any form cannot exist. Without the awakening that has come to those who are dedicated to improving the lives of animals, Earth could not have made the progress she has in ascending out of third density. [Excerpt from April 5, 2005 message]
While “eating organically” can assist in health improvement, it is not a necessity for physical ascension. And if the higher cost of organic produce precludes your buying it, please do not feel any anxiety — that negative feeling is far more harmful than eating non-organically grown foods. Simply eat sensibly and use the power of thought, that what you are eating serves your highest good, and feel gratitude for the food. It won’t be too long before all foods will be pure, free of harmful chemicals and genetic alterations. (Matthew’s Message, Oct. 11, 2010.)
We shall make people independent and self sufficient, which means that they will not need to be taken out of their natural environment. Water, shelter and food will become available in ample supply, using methods that are reliable and easy to use. (SaLuSa, Feb. 23, 2009.)
Please have NO concerns about water ever becoming a commodity and masses dying of thirst because they cannot afford the cost! (Matthew’s Message, Sept. 24, 2008.)
The wanton destruction of your environment through oil and gas extraction, mining, logging and their resultant pollution will cease and all types of toxins in the atmosphere, soil and water will be eliminated. (Matthew, “Essay on 2012,” Dec. 31, 2007.)
In the higher frequencies where spiritual clarity reigns, there will be no … toxic pollution of air, water and soil, which … is man-designed for the purpose of causing sickness and death. (Matthew’s Message, Dec. 31, 2003.)