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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/5/2012 5:41:01 PM

Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven: Love is Your True Test of Reality

2012 OCTOBER 4
Posted by Anthony Morrison Michael and the Company of Heaven: Love is Your True Test of Reality

As channeled through Fran Zepeda – October 3, 2012

Hello, Dear Ones, our brave Lightworkers that you are. We come before you today to speak of Faith. Faith is an elusive term at times and at best.

We beseech you not to waiver in your faith, your faith in what is to come, of what is happening in your lives right now. For, dear ones, it all depends upon your Faith.

Faith for some right now is being put to the test, for what appears to be reality is not always what you had hoped for. We are here to tell you that now is the time to look beyond what is seemingly your reality, beyond what you are hearing and seeing and experiencing with your five senses.

Dear Ones, we are trying here to tell you that you have gone beyond that. Step out of that reality that you are seeing and hearing and experiencing with your five senses and venture into that arena of Faith where you don’t need proof in the old sense, with what you can prove with the old “scientific method”.

The real proof instead is what you feel and know in your heart of hearts. There is where you really live, and where your Reality lies. You know this. But how much faith do you have in it? How much are you willing to go the mile with it?

We of the Company of Heaven see you struggling with this at times. So much is being “thrown” at you right now. So many changes, so many shifts in perspective. It can be dizzying at times, we know, but we deplore you to hold fast to only the perspective that feels true in your heart. That is where you will be well served to dwell from now on.

Many times you may have asked yourselves: Where am I going with all this? Where will I end up? Well, dear hearts, you are already there in so many ways. Each time you go deeper into meditation, each time you allow your hearts to expand just a little more with Unconditional Love for all, each time you allow yourself to accept yourself as a Divine Being, capable of so many things, well you are there.

You are wondrous Beings, so full of promise and Light. You have made it very far on your journey. Don’t give up your faith now. Feed it with the innocence and purity of what you once experienced when you first embarked on this experiment of duality many, many eons ago.

You are coming back to that innocence and purity. It is there and never really left. Uncover it. With that is renewed your faith in yourselves as beloved and powerful Beings of Love, of the Divine, of so many facets of a magnificent Jewel of the Divine.

Your task now is to discover and polish those facets to perfection and complete illumination. Look at your soul, look at your heart and turn it and survey it to reveal the many glowing facets of who you really are. Discover yourself more and more each day. Spend more and more time marveling at the beauty and strength of who you are. You are magnificent.

So, Dear Ones, it all comes back to how you see yourselves, how you accept yourselves, how you view the diamond that is you, how you hold it up to the light and view it, how you view even what seems to be blemishes; for you just have to hold it in a different light, and that too will shine.

That different light is of course your full glory of the Divine Light that you are waking up within you, to that knowing that there is nothing that you cannot view from the perspective of your Creator, of Source, of All-That-Is, of the Divine. You are coming back to that in full capacity dear ones. Have faith in that.

Your Love will never fail you in this journey. Use it as your jeweler’s glass, as your true test of reality, as your true interpreter of what everything really means, of what it all truly is. As far as your heart of Unconditional Love is allowed to go is how far your journey takes you. You can have faith in that.

We are with you always,

I AM Archangel Michael with the Company of Heaven

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/5/2012 5:45:51 PM

Kuthumi: The Final Ascension Process

3 October 2012 - 7:26am

Sunday, 23 September, 2012 (posted 2 October, 2012)

Question: Dear Master Kuthumi, how might we consistently strive to love unconditionally, without at times getting caught up in a situation where we feel exploited or depleted? It seems necessary at times to set boundaries, but is this compatible with loving unconditionally? It feels quite a conundrum! Gerry, USA.

Kuthumi’s answer….

I Kuthumi step forward to answer this question not only for this one, but for many. This is an issue many are struggling with. Your human templates are changing which is bringing various aches and feelings of heaviness to the physical body. Though there is no actual illness, you cannot deny how your body feels. Some feel a slight dizziness around the head area, others endure bouts of forgetfulness.

Much is happening for all of you, particularly this year. Decisions in your lives which have been ignored must now be addressed and finally decided upon. All forms of karma, particularly karma held over from previous lifetimes, including your family members, are now required to be released. This in itself often evolves an emotional process. Know it is an essential part of balancing and overcoming the lower emotional body. This process cannot be avoided. Man is being prepared to enter the higher levels. Therefore no lower emotional issues can remain to hold you back. I have said many times the clearing of the emotional body is man’s greatest lesson. Many are now travelling this path. Know you are not alone in this process. If you are still, you will feel what is right for you to do. What you must release in order to move forward. So know the Universal energies are with you.

You are stepping higher in your understanding and awareness also. Allow me to try to make your steps a little easier as I address this question on the issue of unconditional love. Love – it is the essence, the key of all. Yet there are many forms of love. As you merge into a higher vibration your feeling of love changes and grows. Yes. You see, not so long ago when someone spoke of love it was very much a third dimensional form of love. One would think of relationship love – a husband, wife, daughter, son, and mother. That form of love was usually tied to one person and easily understood. It was a dutiful form of love. It was part of your life role and felt comfortable.

As progression came and man entered the fourth dimension, that love was required to expand out to others. There was confusion for a time. This confusion is still felt by some of you today. You see, in expanding your perception of love, you were taken out of the comfort zone, the plateau of understanding you were so enjoying. Some did not want to step out, to look at an expanded view which was encouraged by their own soul and spiritual guides. I say to you, those are times where extensive growth is available for you all. Do not fear opportunities for growth.

Love is infinite. Your love is quite capable of expanding out to every living being on Earth. You would still be capable of giving more love. This is not a selfish love, no. It is indeed an unconditional love. You feel sadness toward the victims of a flood, or an earthquake. You feel compassion for them. You do not know them. Have never met those people, yet you are capable of experiencing the emotion of compassion and concern – unconditional love.

I tell you in areas of the planet where an ecological disaster is experienced, there is in the atmosphere great love energy. This is formed by other souls on the planet sending out in thought form, unconditional love. This provides the initial healing for the planet and the souls involved. I speak of all living beings, not only the human element, but the aquatic life, the plant life, the elemental and mineral kingdoms. The healing energy accumulated is great. Many of you experience and join in this healing process without even thinking of the effect you are creating. It is wonderful.

As you progress you will feel and express unconditional love for others even more. Further, there may be nothing that you can physically do or verbalize to others. That is not always required. It is your intent that is important. And that intent is born of your thoughts and compassionate energy. These create the great loving intent and deeper love energy which will assist in manifesting a new Earth, a soul way of living.

I call it a deeper love because that simply is what unconditional love is. It extends to a much deeper level than other forms of love. Some of you are confused over this meaning of deeper love. You wonder how you can do that. What will happen? I tell you the only thing that will happen as more and more of you flow in higher energies of unconditional love, you will live in peace. You will desire peace. You will be more considerate of other beings – all beings, in your thoughts, your words and your actions. It is at this point you will experience living in Grace. Living in a higher and finer vibrational energy.

But you are still enduring transitional times. This brings me back to Gerry’s wonderful question. My friend you will only get caught up in situations where you feel exploited if you allow it. There are many situations where you will be required to set boundaries with another. Loving unconditionally does not translate to allowing you to be treated badly, or as this one would say, like a doormat, no. In such a situation you would state calmly yet firmly, that the situation is unfair, not nice, not called for, not desired. Whatever you need to say to say no, it is not acceptable and if necessary, step away. At all times you must honour yourself and maintain your spiritual dignity.

The confusion here is created in not understanding the true meaning of unconditional love. You honour yourself firstly. This is done by stating quite calmly what is acceptable to you and what is not. You honour the other person by listening to them without anger. If the final result dictates you agree to disagree or to walk away, then that simply just is. Agreement of attitude or action is unable to be reached. See this and do not feel guilty. It is simply each one has a different want, which is not acceptable o the other. So I tell you, it is acceptable to quietly speak your truth and to honour yourself and your own truth. You express unconditional love in this way. Through having no anger, no hostility, and no resentment. You acknowledge that is where the other soul is on their path of life. Unconditional love does not mean that you have to agree with another no matter what. If the other soul is evolved enough they will accept your view and perhaps think about their attitude and your words. This is how they would express unconditional love toward you. The experience would provide growth of soul and a new understanding for them – if they allow it. If they are ready for that growth which could involve behavioural changes for them. If they choose not to, then simply walk away. Know and accept that is where they are on their path of learning.

You will face these situations many times due to the transitional soul growth on the planet. Some of you are more advanced than others. Yet do not say you are greater, or you are better, no. Simply acknowledge to yourself and continue your journey. This is also loving unconditionally. It is in the allowing you see? Allowing another to be. Understanding you are all growing and learning on various steps and dimensions at this time.

The remainder of this year will provide great challenges and great growth. Wise ones will honour their soul and listen to their soul wisdom. It is your inner wisdom that will provide your beacon of Light at each challenge. This will see you through to new heights of awareness as you prepare for a new year. Yes, your new year will surely arrive.

My Blessings of Light to each of you.


Copyright © 2011 Rev, Lynette Leckie-Clark - All rights reserved. You are welcome to share with a friend but Not for sale in any form.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/5/2012 5:50:52 PM

Jesus: Focus on Listening and Attending to Others Lovingly

2012 OCTOBER 5
Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: Focus on Listening and Attending to Others Lovingly

As channelled by John Smallman – October 5, 2012

The great event – awakening – continues its approach, and as it does so more and more of humanity is feeling the need to change attitudes and behaviors so that long-term peace may prevail all over the planet.

The energy from the divine Love field is penetrating areas of human thought and activity that would seem inconceivable to the majority of you, and yet the darkest and most carefully hidden domains, from which Love has been locked out for eons, are being gently and most effectively permeated.This is not readily observed by the population at large; nevertheless, it is most definitely happening, and as a result those who would maintain and strengthen the old dark ways are falling into confusion and disarray.

As you are constantly reminded: Love changes everything!

Love — the power and energy of creation — is indefatigable and, ultimately, irresistible. You are eternally enveloped in Its warm embrace, and you all will succumb to Its captivating and enchanting appeal, leaving the illusion far behind you, because it is where you belong and where you truly want to be. Every thought, every ambition, every hope, and every desire that occurs to you is to bring to your attention your ceaseless intent to awaken, to experience Reality, oneness with God your divine Father. You seek nothing else.

The illusion has certainly succeeded extremely well in its purpose to distract you from Reality, but only fleetingly. It is a transient, ephemeral state whose time has expired; it has passed its sell-by date, and the odor it is giving off confirms this to all who choose to know it. Reality is timeless, while for the illusion time is most certainly running out.

Illusory ideas and concepts still plague humanity, but there are now enough of you making the intent to awaken and to shift the collective consciousness away from fear and far closer to Love. This shift will lead to a much clearer understanding of the meaning of the illusion and of your reasons for being part of it and experiencing it. It will also provide the impetus — the intuitive pressure you need to rediscover within yourselves the God Spark — That which will prove to you, without any room whatsoever for doubt, that you are all divine beings of inestimable worth.

That realization, by itself, is gently permeating your conscious awareness and demonstrating to you that you are never alone, and never have been, although you have often felt totally alone, abandoned, and unloved. In fact, many of you have felt and still feel deep down within yourselves, where you do not like or choose to venture, that you are indeed unlovable. But that is one of those culturally imposed beliefs that are completely without foundation.

The realization that the opposite of that ridiculous belief is the truth is the result of an opening-up of your hearts, a growing awareness that those sensations, though often terrifying, are unreal: an insane concept you developed to explain the illusion to yourselves, and to try and make some sense of it. Now you understand that that is impossible, for the simple reason it truly does not make sense and never has.

With that understanding comes the awakening self-awareness that demonstrates to you unequivocally that you must be a part — an inseparable and altogether essential part — of God, All That Exists, because there is obviously and logically no alternative.

The coming into awareness of this essential truth is an aha! moment of a most uplifting nature. Some experience it most dramatically through a near-death experience, as the result of a grave illness or the death of a loved one, though for most it creeps up unexpectedly and occurs during meditation, praying, reading a book, or watching a movie. However it arrives, it is never forgotten and it removes any lingering fear you may have of death.

It does not affect normal fears, such as from almost walking unthinkingly in front of moving vehicles, or almost falling down stairs that you had not seen, which are practical, inbuilt protective devices intended to grab your awareness very quickly so that you do not damage your physical bodies unnecessarily when your physical activities and your mental processes are not in alignment — a not uncommon situation for many of you. You all have a spiritual path to follow and fears like that can save you from “falling off your path” inadvertently or prematurely.

That ‘aha!’ moment, which in bygone eras was quite uncommon, is now happening to large numbers of people, as the God Spark within them reignites, flooding their awareness with a wonderful sense that all is well and that all will remain well. And of course it will . . . because you are all engaged in the process of awakening into Reality where all is eternally well. Focus on that point – “all is eternally well” – and let it guide you in every moment. You do know it, but you often allow illusory doubts and anxieties to divert your attention from it.

Nothing that you experience in the illusion is meaningless . . . except for the illusion itself! Everything that happens, every situation in which you find yourselves is bringing you a lesson. When the lesson is learnt you will not undergo it again, although you may see others apparently doing so. Unless they ask for your assistance it is often unwise to offer guidance. You may well be tempted to do so because you now feel that you are a bit of an expert; resist the temptation and remind yourselves that each one has to learn their own lessons in their own time. After all, you did!

Focus on listening and attending to others lovingly, because it is extremely helpful in aiding them to sort out their own ideas and solutions. By being a loving and accepting presence you provide enormous help to all with whom you interact, allowing the grace they need to flow through you to them. You cannot see it or sense it, but it is there, and you will experience a sense of peace and calmness in yourselves as you just listen, allowing your presence and the loving energy it holds to mingle with that of those with whom you are interacting.

Loving, calm, and peaceful interaction is the best way for you to assist in humanity’s awakening process, and it is why you are on the planet at this time. And, of course, that kind of interaction helps you enormously as well, because what you give, you receive in abundance. Just repose in the sure knowledge that you are always divinely loved and cherished, no matter what may be occurring in your lives, and make sure to take time out regularly, daily, to rest and recuperate in the quiet space within, in the loving embrace of your God Spark. When you do so It becomes brighter as your energies align, strengthening your connection to It.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/6/2012 12:46:05 AM

Americans in Pakistan to protest drone strikes

Associated Press/B.K. Bangash - American citizens invite people to join anti-drone rally to Pakistani tribal area, in Islamabad, Pakistan, Friday, Oct. 5, 2012. A group of American anti-war activists are in Pakistan with plans to join a “march” into the country’s tribal belt to protest U.S. drone strikes in the rugged northwest territory. Their presence has energized some Pakistanis, but it also has added to concerns that Islamist militants will target the weekend event. Writing on a vest, right, reads "we, Americans are against drones." (AP Photo/B.K. Bangash)

American citizens rally in Islamabad, Pakistan against drone attacks in Pakistani tribal belt, Friday, Oct. 5, 2012. A group of American anti-war activists are in Pakistan with plans to join a “march” into the country’s tribal belt to protest U.S. drone strikes in the rugged northwest territory. Their presence has energized some Pakistanis, but it also has added to concerns that Islamist militants will target the weekend event. (AP Photo/B.K. Bangash)
ISLAMABAD (AP) — A group of American anti-war activists are in Pakistan to join a march into the country's tribal belt to protest U.S. drone strikes in the rugged northwest territory. Their presence has energized organizers behind the protest but also added to concerns that Islamist militants will target the weekend event.

The two-day march — in reality a long convoy — is to be led by Imran Khan, the former cricket star-turned-politician who has become a top critic of the American drone strikes in Pakistan.

It is to start Saturday in Islamabad and end in a town inSouth Waziristan, a tribal region that has been a major focus of drone strikes as well as the scene of a Pakistani army offensive against militants.

Khan, like many Pakistanis, alleges that the drone strikes have killed large numbers of innocent civilians and terrorized the tribes living along the Afghan border.

The U.S. rarely discusses the top-secret program, but American officials have said the majority of those killed arePakistani Taliban and al-Qaida militants and that the missiles used in the strikes are very precise.

The American activists — around three dozen representatives of the U.S.-based activist group CODEPINK — along with Clive Stafford Smith, founder of the London-based legal advocacy organization Reprieve, want to march with Khan and publicize the plight of communities affected by the U.S. drones.

Ahead of the march, local media carried reports Friday of alleged suicide bombings planned against the demonstration and a pamphlet distributed in a town along the march route warned participants they would face danger. The main Pakistani Taliban faction issued a statement criticizing the event.

The foreign activists, meanwhile, met with relatives of people said to have been killed indrone attacks. The group also marched in the capital's Jinnah Supermarket, chanting "Stop, stop drone attacks!" and singing "We are marching to Waziristan."

One placard said: "Drones fly, Children die."

Sherabaz Khan, 45, said he lost two brothers in a March 17, 2011, drone strike in Datta Khel, a town in North Waziristan. "My brothers were attending a tribal council to settle a business dispute in a timber deal, and they were killed," he said. "None of the people killed were militants."

Many of the foreigners expressed sympathy. "We have learned here from victims' families how innocent people, children and women are being killed. Enough is enough. We should stop these attacks," said Linda Wenning of Portland, Oregon.

Access to Pakistan's tribal regions is heavily restricted, and foreigners for the most part are forbidden from entering; it was unclear whether the Westerners wishing to participate in the anti-drone march would get permission to enter. South Waziristan has theoretically been under the army's control since its late 2009 operation there, but militants still roam the area.

Ahsanullah Ahsan, the spokesman for the main Pakistani Taliban faction, issued a statement Friday calling Khan, the ex-cricket star, a "slave of the West" and saying that the militants "don't need any sympathy" from such "a secular and liberal person."

Ahsan refused to reveal anything about the militants' plans regarding the march, but added: "Imran Khan's so-called Peace March is not in sympathy for drone-hit Muslims. Instead, it's an attempt by him to increase his political stature."

The local newspapers carried short items referring to an Interior Ministry warning that several suicide bombers planned to attack the march. Separately, pamphlets signed by a group calling itself the Army of the Caliphate were distributed in Tank, a town just outside South Waziristan. The fliers criticized Khan as an "agent of America, Israel and Jews."

"People are sincerely and emphatically advised to stay away from the public meeting, and anyone suffering any loss of life will himself be responsible in this world and in the world afterward," the documents warned.

Officials with Khan's political party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, said late Friday there were no plans to stop the march or change its ultimate destination, despite the warnings from militants groups. The demonstrators intend to reach Kotkai, a town in South Waziristan, and stage a rally there that they hope will attract tens of thousands of people.

On Thursday, Khan told a press conference that South Waziristan tribal leaders had assured him that he and his entourage would be protected there. Still, he did allude to the possibility that entering the tribal area might not be possible, saying that the marchers would go as far as they could, and stage their rally wherever they decided to stop.


Associated Press Writer Nahal Toosi contributed to this report.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/6/2012 6:05:05 PM

What Will It Take to Ascend? – Part 1

2012 OCTOBER 6
Posted by Steve Beckow

Ascension is the most important event that any of us have faced or will face in countless lives. Given how near Ascension is, SaLuSa says, “if you desire to seize this opportunity to get out of the 3rd. dimension, you do need to ensure you know what is needed of you.” (1)

I’ve said on numerous occasions that I don’t think it will be hard for decent people to ascend. But maybe I should back that assertion up with evidence from our sources. Let’s do that now.

First of all, as SaLuSa tells us, Ascension as an event “is a certainty, and nothing can take that opportunity away from you.” (2) But Diane of Sirius reminds us that taking oneself out of duality is a goal that “does not come easily.” (3) It remains our “responsibility to lift yourself up as no one else can do it for you,” SaLuSa advises. “They can help but in the final reckoning it is your decision that will determine how you progress.” (4)

Matthew Ward informs us that Ascension is a matter of choice and science rather than judgment and arbitrary selection.

“There is no seat of judgment or arbitrary selection of which humans can ascend and which cannot — it is strictly a matter of science and souls’ own choices. Light changes third density’s carbon-based cellular structure to the crystalline form that lets bodies survive in the higher frequencies, or vibrations, of fourth density and beyond.

“That is why persons who choose to live in the light can ascend with Earth and those who choose to cling to their dark ways cannot. After a time in spirit, souls in the latter group will incarnate in a world that corresponds to their Earth lifetime energy registration and have more opportunities to ‘see the light.’” (5)

He points out that “in this wondrous Earth that is on the near horizon and already created in the continuum, there is no fear, no violence or greed or bigotry or any other divisiveness that thrives in a third density world.” (6)

The lower vibrations cannot enter the higher dimensions at all, as Atmos of Sirius reveals: “You are not allowed to take the lower vibrations into the higher levels, and it is impossible to do otherwise as it is the Universal Law.” (7)

If we need a benchmark to aim for, Archangel Michael informs us that it’s necessary to clear 51% of negativity to receive the Light crucial to our Ascension.

“We must clear 51% of our negative frequency patterns and attune our Energetic Signature to at least a portion of the lower sub-level frequencies of the Fifth Dimension in order to receive the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light, which are an integral part of the Metatronic Full Spectrum Light.” (8)

Archangel Michael also says that we cannot be “corded” or attached to another person and think that they or we can ascend through this attachment. Everyone must have made a free choice to ascend, he reminds us.

“You cannot ascend if you are tied down or you are corded or you are cording anybody. So even the very thick cords that come out of your heart, let them go so that you may all fly free, so that you can rise up unencumbered by choice. Because this is the rule of your planet. It is a zone of free will.” (9)

Accepting the offer of Ascension, SaLuSa says, “requires little in return.” (10) It isn’t necessary to be fully aware of Ascension to ascend, he tells us.

“It is not … necessary to be fully enlightened about Ascension to ascend, but simply to be of good intent and live the love that is inside your heart for all life forms. See the love in another and know that when you share yours it is bringing it out from them.” (11)

It isn’t necessary to believe in God either, he reveals.

“A lack of belief in God is not necessarily preventing people from ascending, as many of them are at heart very kind and decent people. It is what you are inside that counts, but we always come back to the need to treat others as yourself.” (12)

And it isn’t necessary to be aware of the galactics and celestials, he confides.

“Some of you are by nature kindly and loving souls and have a different background, yet have little awareness of our place in your lives. That is no drawback at all as in time the truth shall be made known to all of you, and before the final year when the cycle ends. Ascension is something you will knowingly choose, and, with enlightenment, seem quite natural as part of your spiritual evolution. (13)

There are beings who lead simple lives close to the ground that are more evolved than those who make a great show of religion, he says.

“There are in fact beautiful souls in all walks of life, yet they do not necessarily have the same consciousness levels of those who have already awakened. They are by no means excluded from the process of Ascension, and will easily accept whatever is necessary to change their direction. That is possible because they already have the basis for a greater expansion of their consciousness.” (14)

“We know that some of you wonder if every soul on Earth has the same opportunity to ascend, and you think of those who are living a simple life away from the influence of the West. You may not be too surprised to learn that in their own way, they are nearer to God and Mother Earth than you are.

“They live in a way that respects nature and all life, and understand its cycles and the energies all around them. Their needs are few, and when they leave there is no trail of damage and pollution. They may not have your awareness of the end times, but lead a highly spiritual life and have every opportunity to ascend.” (15)

It isn’t necessary to be entirely healed or whole to ascend, Sananda tells us.

“Is it necessary to be one-hundred percent healed and whole to ascend? No, says Sananda. ‘You do not need to be one hundred percent healed and whole emotionally and spiritually in order to ascend. … We can work miracles with each of you. This is our intention.’” (15)

In our next instalment we’ll look at what is necessary for Ascension.

(Continued in Part 2)


(1) SaLuSa, Dec. 2, 2011, at

(2) SaLuSa, May 27, 2009.

(3) Diane of Sirius, Apr. 10, 2009, at

(4) SaLuSa, Feb. 3, 2012.

(5) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 13, 2010, at

(6) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 24, 2008.

(7) Atmos, May 18, 2009, at

(8) Archangel Michael, Sept. 27, 2009, through Ronna Herman, at

(9) Archangel Michael, Heavenly Blessings, through Linda Dillon, March 8, 2012, at

(10) SaLuSa, May 24, 2010.

(11) SaLuSa, July 5, 2011.

(12) SaLuSa, Oct. 3, 2012.

(13) SaLuSa, October 20, 2008.

(14) SaLuSa, Nov. 17, 2010.

(15) SaLuSa, March 15, 2010.

(16) Sananda in Eric Klein, The Crystal Stair. Livermore: Oughten House Publications, 1992; c1990, 34.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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