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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/8/2012 5:31:15 PM
Finally, this full article by David Wilcock comes in time to help elucidate what's the right path to follow in today's critical global juncture

David Wilcock 10-7-12…”Will 2012 Be the Year of Freedom?”

This new David article just came out. I mean, just (only 3 comments, I saw). So I haven’t read a lot of it yet, but wanted to get it out. I’ll likely add more highlights later. I will state this, a couple of sentences that did stand out in front, to me at least, are the ones in quotes below. I will say this, this message aligns with what I have been feeling for the past few days, and with the post I just put up here today (“Difficult to Read the “Dark” Articles Anymore“.

” Once I started getting good rest, and published the piece, a series of intense dreams gave me a very strong message. I was being guided — nay, just about demanded — to change my plans. Radically.

“I was quite clearly being asked to abandon everything I was already working on — which was very complex, including dozens of articles I’d collected on LIBOR, mass shootings, Illuminati and what have you — and really get centered in nature.

Most importantly, a series of powerful dreams — some of which were nightmares — told me to completely stop “fighting” the negative elite.


Will 2012 Be the Year of Freedom?

Are we about to see incredible changes for the positive? Will the end of the Mayan Calendar bring triumph rather than disaster? It’s time to share the information I’ve been hearing about major changes we may be about to see. I hope you enjoy it!


Many people have complained about how long it has been since I wrote the last piece – and I do apologize for that.

There are times where quality is vastly more important than quantity. This was one of them. I did not know I was going to get pulled into such an extended “meditation retreat” when this all started.

Shortly after I finished “Will There Be a Quantum Awakening in 2012?”, I finally started getting good sleep again. And with sleep comes dream data — considering I’ve been capturing and analyzing them every morning for 20 years now.

I had been so stressed out before writing this piece that I was only getting bits and pieces of data each day — if anything — throughout July and August in particular.

Once I started getting good rest, and published the piece, a series of intense dreams gave me a very strong message. I was being guided — nay, just about demanded — to change my plans. Radically.

I was quite clearly being asked to abandon everything I was already working on — which was very complex, including dozens of articles I’d collected on LIBOR, mass shootings, Illuminati and what have you — and really get centered in nature.


Most importantly, a series of powerful dreams — some of which were nightmares — told me to completely stop “fighting” the negative elite.

In the most significant dream, a very evil Illuminati character was vigorously battling me.

He was literally an embodiment of Lucifer. He had goat-styled ears and totally black eyes, but was an otherwise young and rich-looking man. He was very stylishly dressed in a shiny, custom-tailored tuxedo.

There were a bunch of people around in a super-elite dinner party. The men were all dressed like he was, and the women all had elegant, glittering dinner gowns and lavish diamond jewelry.

He seemed to have all of them under some sort of hypnotic control.


I had somehow gotten invited to this party. There was an attractive woman there who I recognized as an old friend. She took a strong romantic interest in me.

At this point I had no idea that anything strange was going on. She was delighted to see me, clearly had a very strong attraction, and wanted to do something about it — as soon as possible.

I was completely shocked when this athletic-looking man then levitated down from the ceiling, right next to her — and began staring me down.

First he spoke to her quite harshly — and she felt very ashamed. She turned her head and covered her face.

Then, SNAP! He turned to me. Suddenly, his eyes were totally black — and he had the ears of a goat. I almost vomited from fear.

It was Lucifer — and apparently I was caught trying to steal his girlfriend!

I realized he had everyone under hypnotic control. I was the only one there who could see what he really looked like.

She had been starting to wrestle free — just a bit — but I wasn’t under his control at all.


My “betrayal” caused him to become extremely angry. He attacked me — and made all sorts of outrageous threats.

For some reason, I got totally calm, went into “warrior mode,” and had absolute confidence that I could defeat him.

I suddenly found that I had similar abilities as he did — including teleportation, telekinesis, et cetera — but I was better at it than he was.

The battle we fought was quite epic — and would make an incredible movie scene if it could be done properly. Forget about “The Matrix.” This was CRAZY.

As he attacked me, these people in the party just continued right along, laughing and drinking champagne, as if nothing was happening — even as stuff was flying all around them.

I was never actually damaged or even touched in this battle. It was more about his bravado — and trying to create the fear.

He said lots of scary-sounding things as he appeared and disappeared around the room — but I could never quite reach him.


After an extended battle, in which he seemed to get progressively weaker and weaker, there was a sudden scene change.

Now I was with a few other people in a room next to where the party had been. It was an archaic-looking stable, made out of weathered wood, with hay all over the floor.

About three other guys and I were standing there, arms crossed, looking down at this moldering brown skeleton in the hay.

The skeleton appeared to have a certain degree of small jewels and gold nuggets encrusted into its browning surface — and it glittered.

Now he couldn’t move around anymore. I had him. Finally!

I grabbed a sledgehammer on the wall. I held it high over my head — and prepared to bash his head in with it. I wanted to finish him off — once and for all.


It sounded like I was hitting metal. Then — to make matters worse — the skull immediately started growing thicker!



I whacked his skull again. It continued growing even more! This was quite a disturbing phenomenon to watch. What the hell was happening?

Someone who had been watching all this on the sidelines — actually a person from India or Southeast Asia — suddenly begged me to stop pounding on the skeleton at this point.

“Please stop!” this person said. “He’s almost gone now. If you attack him it will only make him stronger!”


This was the key set of scenes in an incredible Illuminati dream that was much more complex than what I have already shared here.

This dream was so detailed and powerful that it took pages and pages to write it all up — and it triggered a tremendous healing process for me to move through.

Clearly, the message was that I would only be giving the “negative elite” more publicity if I released all the hyper-complex expose’ material I was working on.

In the process of giving them publicity, I would have created fear — even if that was not my intention.

And by creating fear, I would have actually been making them stronger.


After a great deal of introspection and daily dream guidance, I have seen that it is still OK for me to write about this type of material.

It just has to be done in the proper spirit — conveying the true hope and positive message I have always seen.

I just shared with you only one section from literally dozens of dreams I have had that are predicting an imminent, spectacular global event — where Financial Tyranny is fully rooted out and exposed.

I recently put all these dreams into a file. Just the raw data alone, in bullet points, without any additional analysis or writeup, is 54 pages long.

I may post this if it seems appropriate and I am guided to do so. However, I have had so much redundancy, and the messages are so clear, that it seems there is now no other way this situation can turn out.

These negative forces will most definitely be exposed on a mass level. Imminently. Exactly how imminent, I am not certain… but it would definitely appear to be before the end of this year.

No more mainstream media lies. No more mass denial. This is going to be the Big One.


I have clearly been told that we will first see something that looks like a very scary economic collapse — but that we will come through it miraculously unscathed. The fear is much worse than what will actually happen.

In fact, the key dream that predicted this imminent economic collapse used the same symbols as the dreams I’d published here in 1999, 2000 and 2001 — which ended up being highly prophetic of 9/11.

I also posted dreams that clearly predicted the BP oil spill and Fukushima in advance. In both cases, many people were expecting the worst — saying these events could destroy the world.

I made blatant public predictions, in both cases, that we would be OK. My dreams had clearly and repeatedly described what was going to happen, and the fact that we would get through it — and survive as a planet.

Many people thought I was very irresponsible to say that these events would not destroy us. However, the oceans were not destroyed and the radiation levels have not gone to the point where everyone is dying.

The frequency, urgency and strength of the dreams I have now had since the beginning of September are higher than for any other major event I’ve ever seen coming in advance.

This leads me to believe that we really do not have long to wait — at all — to see this start coming true.


Apparently, from the higher perspective, the negative elite now have a mathematical certainty of defeat.

In physical terms they may have a few moves left to make, but these are very few — and regardless of the choices they make, or the tricks they try to pull, the outcome will be the same.

This outcome, as I am now seeing it, is ridiculously positive.


Apparently we will see a full exposure of the bad stuff, followed by, or in conjunction with, a remarkable Disclosure about all the other humans out there — who have been visiting us throughout all of history to help us out.

A wealth of technologies that can heal our planet, and throw us straight into the Star Trek age, will suddenly show up as well.

These gadgets have been there for many years now. They are just being held under great secrecy, on pain of death for those who try to unveil the truth.


I’ve seen the dream data have an uncanny ability to peer into future timelines for well over 20 years now.

Apparently there are no timelines left in which the negative elite can prevail. Not one. They are utterly, totally and completely finished.

This does not mean that the people who are preparing to take the actions that will make this happen should cancel their plans.

Instead, I am seeing that although they will have a real fight on their hands, and things could get a little crazy for a few days, it will all work out beautifully.

I was quite surprised to get dream data indicating they were so certain of this outcome that I didn’t even need to participate in the battle anymore.

Nonetheless, morning after morning, throughout most of September, that’s what I got.

I am telling you this now because I finally reached a point where it seemed clear that it was the right thing to do.


At first, I didn’t know if I would ever be asked / allowed to write about any of this stuff again. I wasn’t even sure if I was cleared to share the dreams I had been getting.

Everyone wanted me to write something new. My insiders were telling me data that seemed to validate what the dreams were saying very nicely. What was I supposed to do?

I had to step back and honestly ask myself: “If I can’t write anything about the Financial Tyranny stuff anymore, and I can’t fight these guys anymore, what is there left for me to do? What’s the best way for me to help out?”

In order to get the answer to that question, I had to spend a lot of time getting “grounded” in nature — in a prolonged trip away from home.

The results of this big time-out have been amazing. I had already planned on getting out of my normal environment, but I really didn’t see what it was for — I just knew that I was being driven to do it.


I am now on an extended trip in the wilderness of the Canadian Rocky Mountains — specifically in and around Banff National Park in Alberta.

In all honesty, I consider Banff to be the most magnificent and spiritually powerful area in all of North America. That’s why I’m here.

The sights are on par with the Swiss Alps, Patagonia, the mountains of Peru and the mountains in New Zealand that were shot in Lord of the Rings.

Banff is heavily advertised in Asia, so the tourist population here is nearly 40 percent Asian — but hardly anyone in America knows about it.

I didn’t know about Banff until I did a “sacred tour” here with Kevin Fitzgerald as the organizer. If you start Googling photos of Banff, you will soon understand why it is so special.

The photograph at the top of this article is from Moraine Lake, which I’ve visited on five different days now while I’ve been here — as well as lots of time around Lake Louise.


My original reason for coming out here was to finish my book — which has admittedly been horribly stressful. I was also ridiculously stressed out writing The Source Field Investigations, but I ended up being very happy with the finished product.

I have made very significant progress on that front. I’ve now done three different page-one rewrites in order to figure out how best to engage this subject — and I finally got it while walking in the woods, seeing beautiful mountains and lakes.

The energy of this land has also helped me get great sleep — which in turn led to this amazing assortment of prophetic dreams that have now come in.


Furthermore, the dreams have guided me through some extremely powerful emotional cleansing and healing.

I’ve been able to look at all the most painful stuff — including problems that were ongoing — and reach new levels of forgiveness and acceptance.

Much of this is personal, and needs to remain that way. However, I can honestly say I feel like a tremendous emotional burden has lifted from my shoulders.

There was a focal-point moment where the greatest “healing crisis” took place — as I went through lots of painful memories, including the death threats I received, the tragic death of my buddy in April, and traumatic details going all the way back to childhood.

During this time my body could not feel or stay warm. My teeth chattered for about 90 minutes straight as I writhed under the covers and shed constant tears, without actually making noise. If I didn’t let my teeth chatter I started hyperventilating.

This has only ever happened to me two other times — both of which were earlier this year. In that moment it is a feeling of total aloneness.

Yes, it’s all just emotions — ultimately speaking. You can train yourself to step back and observe them — at times. That doesn’t change how powerful and real they can be in the moment.

Thankfully, I’ve been through enough “dark night of the soul” experiences that I did not panic. I knew I had to commit to this and not run from it. I pushed through it, let the emotions come out, and I ultimately did feel much better.


I had another highly powerful dream recently that reported back on this healing process very favorably. And yet, the message was very intense.

It clearly showed me there are only two ways you can live your life. There are only two choices you can really make.

One choice is to be forgiving, patient, loving, accepting, kind and nurturing towards other people. In Law of One terms, this is the path of “Love,” “service to others,” or the “positive polarity.”

The other choice is to treat other people as weak, pathetic, disgusting, shameful and utterly unworthy — to see yourself as clearly and obviously superior, and to have absolutely no care or concern about their feelings — unless it benefits you.

In Law of One terms, this is the path of “Control,” “service to self,” or the “negative polarity.”


I was shown very clearly in dreams that it is absolutely useless and destructive to choose the path of Control — for any reason — unless you fully and completely intend to become a sociopathic mass murderer.

If you do choose this path, everything you do to others will end up being paid back to you anyway — with meticulous, grueling precision.

I have personally been dazzled by how much “karma” I still have had to work off — just to pay back debts I accrued from other lifetimes, not even this one. Dreams have meticulously guided me through every step of this process.

99 percent of the people who read this website would say I have done a terrific job, and have made tremendous personal sacrifices to help the planet.

Even so, I have been quite surprised at the amount of old stuff I still had to work through — in order to get truly clear, and pay back debts.

Given that I have generated a great deal of positive karma in this life, by universal terms, I was left with a very powerful reflection on what would happen if I had not been so kind.


Well after I had these incredible cleansing dreams, I was clearly shown that even the slightest choices I make in the direction of the path of “service to self” only have one logical outcome.

If I wasn’t going to become a sociopath, then there was absolutely no point in making those choices.

This does not mean that “Control” is bad, or that helping yourself is bad. The terms like “path of Control” and “service to self” are really referring to “the manipulation and control of others for the benefit of the self.”

There are many behavioral traits that are classic giveaways that someone is choosing the “left-handed path.”

This includes narcissism, self-involvement, entitlement, jealousy, rage, selfishness, manipulation, criticism, impatience, nit-picking and antisocial / criminal behavior.


Perhaps the most significant Law of One passage is, “In forgiveness lies the stoppage of the wheel of karma.”

Forgiving others IS forgiving yourself.

Once you give that magic gift of forgiveness, let go of the need and desire to try to control other people’s free will and can see them as beings of infinite worth, you are no longer bound to the “wheel of karma.”

The “wheel of karma” is what everyone continues to run through until they no longer choose the path of Control — even slightly.

Each cycle of the wheel starts out with that feeling that you are on “top of the world” and everything is coming up roses. You are totally high, totally invigorated, and nothing can stop you.

However, as the wheel turns, things keep getting worse and worse — until you reach that “Dark Night of the Soul” or “All is Lost” point.

This is NOT the end of the wheel — ever. Even though we may absolutely believe it will be the end, and resist it with all of our might, sooner or later it catches up to us — and we “hit bottom”.

After hitting this point, and suffering profoundly, we “pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and start all over again.”

I’ve now spent 20 years clean and sober, completely avoiding the crutch of drugs and alcohol that I once used to blot out my darkest emotions. It hasn’t been easy — but I’ve done it.

The wheel keeps turning — in perpetuity — until we fully master the lessons of forgiveness. Then, and only then, can it actually stay at the top — without having to turn any further.


I told some people here in Banff that I was celebrating my 20-year sobriety anniversary on September 21st.

This led to a remarkable meeting with someone who had recovered from the ultimate drug addiction — heroin. We will call him Max.

Max had become a total sociopath while he was a junkie. If someone wanted him to break the arms and legs of a guy who owed them money, and he could get some junk out of the deal, he would do it.

Max would tell any lie, and steal anything he could get from anyone — no matter who it was or how much they cared about him — just to stay high.

Ultimately he ended up sleeping, living and eating in a garbage dumpster that was favorably positioned under a heating vent for those horrible winter months.


An old high school buddy of his had become a police officer. We’ll call him Officer Warren. The officer knew what was going on, where he was staying and the menace he presented to society.

One cold winter morning, the dumpster lid flew up, and the light shined in Max’s eyes.

Officer Warren only said one thing at first: “Get out.”

Max didn’t understand. It was his old buddy. “Warren?”

Warren repeated himself. “Get out. Right now.”

“What’s going on? Why are you doing this?”

Warren replied, “Everybody is sick and tired of seeing you kill yourself.

“Either you get up, get in my car and check yourself in to rehab, right now, or I am going to take you out into the woods, draw this gun, and shoot you with it. No one will ever know what happened to you.”

“So what is it going to be?” Officer Warren asked him. “Do you want to live, or do you want to die? Make up your mind. Right now.”


Max was indeed profoundly depressed. He knew that getting off “smack” would involve at least five days of horrible kicking and convulsions in a hospital bed — but now he had no choice.

Officer Warren put him in the back of the vehicle and left all the windows open, in the freak cold of the winter, for the entire 90-minute drive back into his jurisdiction.

Technically, his intervention wasn’t even legal, and could have cost him his badge — but he did it anyway.

Max’s clothes were so filthy that they literally had to peel them off of his body — and burn them. He was hosed down, cleaned up, given jail clothes and put into solitary confinement.

Indeed, he kicked — and he got through it. He went through rehab, got himself cleaned up, relapsed once or twice after major emotional traumas, and managed to get clean again. This time it was for good.


When I spoke to Max, I was speaking to a man who had twelve years of clean time — with no alcohol or drugs of any kind.

I was speaking to a man who, at one time, had been absolutely ruthless, calculating and sociopathic — loyal to no God but his own ego.

And yet, he was clearly a calm, rational, highly sensitive, thoughtful, loving being.

He was humbly aware of his weaknesses and shortcomings as a person, consistently courteous, and genuinely kind and caring towards others — perhaps even to a fault.

I could see he still had some issues with anger, frustration and impatience — but the difference was remarkable.

Mainstream psychologists tell you there is no cure for sociopathy. Once you diagnose someone with it, that’s it. Just give up on them. Now I had living proof that this was absolutely not the case.

Max was absolutely dazzled that I had Twenty Years. “You never take it for granted. Twenty years today could be one day tomorrow.”

With a big smile on his face, he said, “It Keeps Getting Better and Better. That’s the part they don’t tell you.

“If I only knew.” He shook his head and smiled even more. “If I only knew.”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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10/9/2012 5:38:16 PM

Benjamin Fulford 10-8-12…”Are Syria, Jordan and Israel about to revert to Turkish control?” [HIGHLIGHTS ADDED]

This latest Ben (which I’ll highlight later… (they’re here, now)) contains some interesting news about what’s going on behind the scenes around the world. Well worth the read.

[There is a note at the end of this that explains how to subscribe to his weekly newsletter. Also I believe one can donate to his cause directly at (via Paypal), should you feel so guided.]


  • The passing by the Turkish parliament last week of a law authorizing war against Syria may be part of a secret plan to restore Middle-Eastern peace by placing Turkey in charge of the region.
  • This would mean the Rothschild plan would blow up, and the political map of the Middle East would revert to something similar to what prevailed before they took over the Federal Reserve Board, started World War I and got the Balfour Declaration signed.
  • …Pentagon and agency sources say that key leaders of the Sabbatean sect or Khazarian mob are being systematically apprehended and cut off from all communications with the outside world.
  • …heavy secret horse-trading continues around the world as the attempt to create a fascist world government collapses.
  • A senior Chinese agent met with a White Dragon Society representative last week… The view of the incoming Chinese government… is that China’s long term plan is to take over the Okinawan archipelago as a prelude to taking over Japan, according to the agent.
  • …the Pentagon has been working closely with the US militia movement to coordinate the dismantling of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION and restore the Republic of the United States of America.
  • …key cabal members have already started vanishing one by one from public view, according to pentagon and agency sources.
  • The pentagon and the agency guys say they will make sure the election does not go ahead until democracy is restored.
  • Since there have been so many false promises of action by the military and agencies, only believe it when you see it.
  • In Canada… there is an ongoing attempt to take over and shut down the entire East coast fisheries industry by cabal linked groups.
  • This is special warning to the cabal: “Do not mess with Canada.”


Are Syria, Jordan and Israel about to revert to Turkish control?
by Benjamin Fulford 10-8-12

The passing by the Turkish parliament last week of a law authorizing war against Syria may be part of a secret plan to restore Middle-Eastern peace by placing Turkey in charge of the region. This would mean putting Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and maybe Iraq under Turkish rule as a part of a loose confederation of countries that have, for many thousands of years, been part of the same cultural tradition. Only the Luciferian state of Israel has the military ability to stop Turkey but since it is fast losing the financial and moral support of the Jews, it would probably agree to join a loose Turkish federation rather than lose all military and financial support from outside of the region.

This would mean the Rothschild plan would blow up, and the political map of the Middle East would revert to something similar to what prevailed before they took over the Federal Reserve Board, started World War I and got the Balfour Declaration signed.

In the US, meanwhile, Pentagon and agency sources say that key leaders of the Sabbatean sect or Khazarian mob are being systematically apprehended and cut off from all communications with the outside world.

Also last week two very high level attempts to release huge dollar and yen based funds worldwide were detected and stopped by unknown parties who acted to prevent these funds from falling into the hands of the usual bunch of old world order suspects.

In general, though, heavy secret horse-trading continues around the world as the attempt to create a fascist world government collapses.

A senior Chinese agent met with a White Dragon Society representative last week and…

…there was a friendly exchange of views. The view of the incoming Chinese government nominally headed by compromise candidate Xi Jinping is that China’s long term plan is to take over the Okinawan archipelago as a prelude to taking over Japan, according to the agent.

The White Dragon representative, pointing to the fact the staff at the modest Tokyo restaurant where they met was, as is typical these days, Chinese, said China has 10 times the population of Japan and that they could best accomplish their goals through peaceful means like immigration, purchases of Japanese corporations, student exchanges etc.

The Chinese representative answered that the latest Chinese government strategy already called for a major buying binge of Japanese corporations, stocks, real estate etc. The presence of large amount of Chinese immigrants in the Japanese workforce was also the result of an old threat to flood Japan with 100 million boat people, he said.

If China was feeling impatient, the WDS suggested, they could speed up the Asian integration process by moving some of the capital city functions of Beijing to Nara prefecture Japan as part of the establishment of an international economic planning agency. In the right circumstances, the WDS added, such an agency could hire the services of the Pentagon.

The Chinese representative will go back to China this week for further consultations.

There were also parallel secret negotiations that we cannot talk about now other than to say that they involve gold, oil and replacing the US dollar.

In a separate development, Japanese police working for the Sabbatean mafia have been planning to once again arrest Shinobu Tsukasa, the head of the Yamaguchi Gumi yakuza syndicate, according to Japanese WDS sources. The charges are expected to be related to the fact the Yamaguchi Gumi gets income from advertising placed by companies in the adult entertainment business.

This move by the police is extremely stupid and dangerous, according to Japanese underworld sources. The top Japanese agents for the Sabbatean cabal in Japan would become primary targets of all Japanese yakuza syndicates if they proceeded with such harassment even as they ignored the people responsible for the mass murder that took place on March 11, 2011.

The police have been provided evidence that Yasuhiro Nakasone, Ichiro Ozawa, Tsuneo Watanabe and other top criminals were involved in the 311 nuclear and tsunami mass murder and terror attack. For the police to pursue possible minor infractions in sex business advertising while ignoring the mass murder of their own citizens would be a declaration of war by the Sabbatean mafia and their Japanese slaves against the people of Japan.

In the US meanwhile, the Pentagon has been working closely with the US militia movement to coordinate the dismantling of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION and restore the Republic of the United States of America. As mentioned above, key cabal members have already started vanishing one by one from public view, according to pentagon and agency sources.

In the cabal controlled US election farce, meanwhile, the Pope and Queen have been funneling billions of dollars each to get Obama re-elected as US president, according to Italina [Italian] P2 Freemason sources.

They are fighting against the Bush crime family who want their front man Romney in power. In either case, this intelligence insulting show will be decided behind closed doors and Mossad companies, who count US votes, will rig the results accordingly.

The pentagon and the agency guys say they will make sure the election does not go ahead until democracy is restored. They are working with one militia group linked to Jesse Ventura and Ron Paul and another one working with “Drake.”

Since there have been so many false promises of action by the military and agencies, only believe it when you see it.

In Canada, meanwhile, there is an ongoing attempt to take over and shut down the entire East coast fisheries industry by cabal linked groups. Anybody trying to mess with those guys should remember the following “Newfie” joke:

“What is black and blue and floats in St. John’s harbor?”

“A mainlander who told a Newfie joke.”

This is special warning to the cabal: “Do not mess with Canada.”


[A subscription to Ben's full articles is only $8 per month ("Payments can... be made with a ‘PayPal’ [account]“), but Ben will allow anyone who can not pay this to subscribe for less (or free). On one page of his site he says, “All subscribers will agree to pay whatever monthly subscription price they can afford. Those who are really poor can get it for free.” In my mind, if you like the articles, and want to support Ben and his work, consider subscribing to his blog.

Ben may be contacted at any of the emails below which he provides on his websites:,,,]

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
10/9/2012 5:45:12 PM
Friends, I am afraid this message may sound pretty rude to many of you.

A Revealing Article from…”Russia to Liberate the World From US Occupation”

When I first saw this article (at RMN, via Poof’s last post), it was very revealing (to me, at least). What it revealed, was that it shows that the “rest of the world” (the non-aligned nations, like Russia, China, et (many) al.) sees what’s going on, and reports what’s going on. They understand that the US (the USA CORPORATION, that is, not the Republic) has been playing the role of “invader and occupier”, for many years. And this article demonstrates that these non-aligned countries are not playing that game anymore.

Especially interesting was the note about their response to Secretary of State Clinton’s request. Their answer was, “NO” (in all caps). Would this (or could this) have happened even one or two years ago? Without severe repercussions?

And most important, to me, at least, is that this article shows that there is a lot of progress going on, behind the US-dark-cabal-controlled-media scenes, to remove the cabal’s resources (in this case, the USA CORP’s resources), by changing the whole financial game on this planet. To me it indicates that this “non-aligned countries” business, which Ben Fulford, David Wilcock, Poof, et al., have been talking about for months, is for real!!

[I remind all when the "US" is mentioned here, it most certainly refers to the USA CORPORATION, not the Republic.]


  • …Yevgeny Fyodorov [reported]… the APEC… Vladivostok… meeting showed that the U.S. gradually loses absolute power in the world economy and politics.
  • …the APEC is a key event in terms of the demonstration of new vectors of unity of the international community outside the United States.
  • …everyone still plays by American rules, but the countries already demonstrate their independence in economic policy.
  • In China, Clinton was told no when she wanted to take on mediator’s functions in resolving China’s territorial disputes with Asian countries.
  • She also heard no in response to her requirement to set the yuan rate… the U.S. was refused. The world is changing.
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin… offered the countries of the world to start building a large number of regional currencies as an alternative to the reserve system of the dollar.
  • He also said that Russia and China had already switched to the system and he urged other countries to follow the example.
  • …it is the key and turning meeting of the leaders of world’s largest economies, which creates conditions to reformat the entire economic system of the world – moving away from the U.S.
  • Today, the world begins to unite against the colonizer – USA… in the Far East the meeting of the future members of the world national liberation movement to free the world from the U.S. occupation.


Russia to Liberate the World From US Occupation

Yevgeny Fyodorov

A State Duma deputy, the head of the Committee on Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship of the Russian State Duma, Yevgeny Fyodorov, told Pravda.Ru of his impressions from visiting the APEC summit in Vladivostok. According to him, the meeting showed that the U.S. gradually loses absolute power in the world economy and politics. The power and influence of other countries, such as Russia and China, grows against such a background.

“APEC is a very interesting and important event, although it seems to be an ordinary one. The leaders get together and discuss important issues, but in reality it is the key event in today’s global scenario. With the onset of the global economic crisis,with political and economic turbulence, the APEC is a key event in terms of the demonstration of new vectors of unity of the international community outside the United States.

It is clear that it is not a split – everyone still plays by American rules, but the countries already demonstrate their independence in economic policy. I was there and saw how angry Mrs. Hillary Clinton was when she came from China, where several Chinese leaders – especially those who are to become top officials of China next year – did not even want to meet her. In China, Clinton was told no when she wanted to take on mediator’s functions in resolving China’s territorial disputes with Asian countries.

She also heard no in response to her requirement to set the yuan rate. It is an annual requirement of the United States to China to set the yuan rate for political reasons to pump resources and opportunities from China to the U.S. It is an additional form of tribute from China, which China had to deal with every year for political motives. Nowadays, the U.S. was refused. The world is changing.

Russian President Vladimir Putin clearly expressed his attitude to the dollar as the world reserve currency. In fact, he offered the countries of the world to start building a large number of regional currencies as an alternative to the reserve system of the dollar. This is a strong step and a strong move, including the initiative to switch to mutual payments. He also said that Russia and China had already switched to the system and he urged other countries to follow the example. This shows that the world begins to change fundamentally, and Russia’s role at this point is to become the leader in changing the world. I would say that Putin as the leader of the national liberation movement in Russia, demonstrated himself at the event as a leader and provider of ideas for the world national liberation movement against the system of occupation, which was formed after 1991 not only about Russia but also China and many other countries.

From this point of view, it is the key and turning meeting of the leaders of world’s largest economies, which creates conditions to reformat the entire economic system of the world – moving away from the U.S. Do not forget that the U.S. consumes a half the world’s GDP, despite the fact that there is only 4.5 percent of the population living there. In other words, they eat ten times as much as compared to the citizens of all other countries. And they eat at the expense of China, Russia, India, Brazil – all other countries.

Today, the world begins to unite against the colonizer – USA. For the time being, it is a conceptual and preparatory process, but it takes place. In this regard, I would call the preliminary results of the meeting in the Far East the meeting of the future members of the world national liberation movement to free the world from the U.S. occupation.

Elizaveta Lavrentieva,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/9/2012 5:56:27 PM
And what about this one?

HSBC: ‘Sorry about helping all those drug and terror gangs’

 | Jul 18, 201

By Louise Armitstead & Richard Blackden

HSBC was forced to apologise publicly yesterday (Tuesday) before the US Senate – and its compliance chief resigned – over facilitating a multi-billion-dollar money-laundering operation for drug gangs, terrorists and rogue nations worldwide.

Britain’s biggest bank was “pervasively polluted for a long time” as it allowed funds to be shifted to and from its branches in the United States as far afield as Mexico, Syria, the Cayman Islands, Iran and Saudi Arabia, the hearing was told.

Issuing an apology, Stuart Gulliver, chief executive of HSBC, said: “We have sometimes failed to meet the standards regulators and customer expect… we take responsibility for fixing what went wrong.”

HSBC, the only British bank with US branches, is now braced for a “substantial” fine which analysts said could be up to $1 billion (£640 million). The latest banking scandal comes in the wake of Barclays’ £290 million fines for its role in rigging Libor.

The hearing by the Senate’s Committee on Homeland Security was the culmination of a year-long investigation. Its 335-page report into HSBC saw the committee sift through 1.4 million documents and interview 75 HSBC officials, as well as bank regulators. It highlighted damning examples of lax controls and inadequate compliance by staff at HSBC’s 470 US branches.

The bank allegedly ignored specific US measures designed to prevent transactions being made involving terrorists, drug lords and rogue regimes. Two HSBC subsidiaries, for example, processed 25,000 transactions over seven years, worth a total of $19.4 billion, without disclosing that the cash had links to Iran. The bank is also alleged to have moved billions of dollars in cash from Mexican subsidiary HBMX to its US network – despite being warned by both US and Mexican authorities that such sums could only be linked to drug trafficking.

The report said that HSBC accepted more than $15 billion in cash between 2006 and 2009 from Mexico, Russia and other countries at high risk of money-laundering but failed properly to monitor transactions.

The bank even managed to label Mexico, ravaged by corruption and drug wars, as “low risk”, the committee said. HSBC also provided US dollars and banking services to banks in Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh despite apparent links to terrorist financing, according to the report.

David Bagley, HSBC’s global head of compliance who had worked at the bank for 20 years, yesterday resigned in front of the committee. He admitted HSBC had “fallen short of our own and regulators’ expectations”.

Senator Carl Levin, who led the committee’s investigation, said HSBC’s lack of controls in America and abroad between 2006 and 2010 had been “a recipe for trouble”.

The report said many of the abuses occurred as a result of HSBC’s failure to monitor its so-called “bearer share accounts”, facilities that legally keep secret the owners and some transactions. At one stage the Miami branch had 1,670 bearer share accounts, holding $2.6 billion of assets and generating revenues of $26 million.

Levin told the hearing: “In an age of international terrorism, drug violence in our streets and on our borders, and organised crime, stopping illicit money flows that support those atrocities is a national security imperative.”

The chairman accepted HSBC had overhauled its systems since the failures were found and was “committed to cleaning its house”.

The investigation into HSBC is the latest US attempt to crack down on money-laundering. Last month, ING agreed to pay $619 million to settle allegations that it broke American sanctions against Cuba and Iran.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/10/2012 12:24:30 AM

White House Responds to NESARA Petition

2012 OCTOBER 9
Posted by Steve Beckow

Folks, the White House has given its formal response to the NESARA petition but I do encourage you to be patient with this communication (the communication appears below this note).

The White House announcement is pro-forma. By that I mean, it’s a mere formality and has to be made this way for the time being.

I’m told that President Obama is fluent in all aspects of NESARA, Disclosure, etc., and is simply playing things as they must be played for now.

There are events going on behind the scenes that must remain hidden. As far as I can see, we need to be patient and wait a while longer for openings like NESARA, etc.

We here at 2012S don’t like to engage in predictions. No predictions to date have been correct and the reasons for that, apparently, are many. But we do know that things are close and complex and have to be done at the appropriate time.

That having been said, in last Monday’s An Hour with an Angel, Archangel Michael did speak about NESARA:

Steve Beckow: Are there any obstacles remaining in the path of the announcement of pre-NESARA and NESARA?

Archangel Michael: None. …It will be in place very shortly. No, I do not mean soon, I simply mean shortly.

SB: What’s the difference between shortly and soon, please, Lord?

AAM: Days. (1)

We haven’t emphasized this statement because the most important thing at this time is to remain balanced and centered. As AAM also said in that interview, when things break, “they are going to be happening far more rapidly than you can imagine.”

I don’t like to sound preachy but I’m afraid some of it is part of my job – just as you have or will have your job. We’re lightworkers. We especially need to stand back and allow events to unfold without getting unduly swept up in them.

The various channeled messages that we post have been giving us hints of what’s to come and hints are all that are advisable for now. The main thing is that there’s nothing to fear on any score, that what we hoped for is definitely in motion and coming, and that our role as lightworkers will then begin in earnest.

When it does start, it’ll require us to act in a more mature and trusting fashion than we probably have ever contemplated up till now. I can’t emphasize that enough.

So please just allow things to unfold and, if you’ll allow me to say it and I say it with all the humility I can muster, please don’t get caught up in thinking that the white hats managing events don’t know what they’re doing. They do and are acting in our best interests, whether it appears that way on the surface or not.

For the rest, we’ll have full explanations when things unfold.


(1) “Archangel Michael: The Returning Masters are You – Part 2/2,” at

Official White House Response to Announce and Implement the NATIONAL ECONOMIC SECURITY AND REFORMATION ACT – NESARA

What We Have to Say About the “National Economic Security and Reformation Act”

By Jon Carson

Thank you for signing this petition. We appreciate your participation in the We the People platform on

The proposals in the “National Economic Security and Reformation Act” have not been introduced in Congress, and the Obama Administration cannot implement a law that has not been passed.

Moreover, many of the proposals referenced in the petition are not consistent with President Obama’s blueprint for an American economy built to last. For example, a previous petition response from Jason Furman of the National Economic Council explains that the Obama Administration does not support a national sales tax because it would burden middle class families while slashing taxes for the wealthiest Americans. That response also describes President Obama’s plan for a fundamental reform of our tax system that lowers tax rates and eliminates inefficient and unfair tax breaks. Finally, you can learn more about the President’s policies to improve the economy and put America back to work on the White House website.

Thank you once again for participating in We the People. We appreciate hearing your opinions and look forward to hearing from you again soon.

Jon Carson is Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Public Engagement

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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