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10/10/2012 12:28:56 AM

Time to Make Some GlobalNoise!

2012 OCTOBER 9
Posted by Steve Beckow

Time to make some GlobalNoise!

Join us in making noise for a better world! Activists involved in the Indignato, Occupy, and #yosoy132, movements have begun a campaign to create GlobalNoise, a worldwide cacerolazo, or casserole march, on Saturday, October 13th, 2012. The hope is that local Occupations and Collectives will take up the call to march, using the method of a casserole march to highlight whatever issues are the most important to their local community.

Historically, banging on a pot has been a universally understood means to gain attention.The casserole march has its origins as a means to call attention to problems facing the community that the power structure is not addressing, using a method that is hard to ignore. In the past, this form of activism has been used to draw attention to education reform, starvation, government corruption, inequality in resources, and more.

It has been revived recently in the international Occupy and Spanish Indignatos movements, and most notably by the Student movement in Canada. Since then, it has spread worldwide. It is from these historical references and recent examples that the idea of a coordinated worldwide cacerolazo emerged. An international showing of frustration and unrest on a global scale that would be hard to ignore. A GlobalNoise.

Get involved now with the planning to make some noise for social justice!

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Lucy Parsons

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10/10/2012 12:35:58 AM

Archangel Michael: The Declaration of Human Freedom

2012 OCTOBER 8
Posted by Steve Beckow

For more than a year, I’ve carried around the secret of who authored this document. I think I leaked out the author’s name on one occasion. But the real author – Archangel Michael – and I agreed that a time would arrive when I could say publicly that he wrote it. But for the time being it would be best to say I did.

If anything I am the author only of the mistakes that went into it each time my ego got in the way. I had to go back and take out my mistakes because I knew when my ego had kicked in.

AAM wrote it to support World Freedom Day, which was staged on March 6, 2011.

So, having gotten him publicly to say that he was the author on today’s AHWAA, I repost it now with the real author’s name attached. I’m glad to set the record straight.

The Declaration of Human Freedom

by Archangel Michael, Feb. 19, 2011

Every being is a divine and eternal soul living in a temporal body. Every being was alive before birth and will live after death.

Every soul enters into physical life for the purpose of experience and education, that it may, in the course of many lifetimes, learn its true identity as a fragment of the Divine.

Life itself is a constant process of spiritual evolution and unfoldment, based on free choice, that continues until such time as we realize our true nature and return to the Divine from which we came.

No soul enters life to serve another, except by choice, but to serve its own purpose and that of the Divine from which it came.

All life is governed by natural and universal laws which precede and outweigh the laws of humanity. These laws, such as the law of karma, the law of attraction, and the law of free will, are decreed by God to order existence and assist each person to achieve life’s purpose.

No government can or should survive that derives its existence from the enforced submission of its people or that denies its people their basic rights and freedoms.

Life is a movement from one existence to another, in varied venues throughout the universe and in other universes and dimensions of existence. We are not alone in the universe but share it with other civilizations, most of them peace-loving, many of whom are more advanced than we are, some of whom can be seen with our eyes and some of whom cannot.

The evidence of our five senses is not the final arbiter of existence. Humans are spiritual as well as physical entities and the spiritual side of life transcends the physical. God is a Spirit and the final touchstone of God’s Truth is not physical but spiritual. The Truth is to be found within.

God is one and, because of this, souls are one. They form a unity. They are meant to live in peace and harmony together in a “common unity” or community. The use of force to settle affairs runs contrary to natural law. Every person should have the right to conduct his or her own affairs without force, as long as his or her choices do not harm another.

No person shall be forced into marriage against his or her will. No woman shall be forced to bear or not bear children, against her will. No person shall be forced to hold or not hold views or worship in a manner contrary to his or her choice. Nothing vital to existence shall be withheld from another if it is within the community’s power to give.

Every person shall retain the ability to think, speak, and act as they choose, as long as they not harm another. Every person has the right to choose, study and practice the education and career of their choice without interference, provided they not harm another.

No one has the right to kill another. No one has the right to steal from another. No one has the right to force himself or herself upon another in any way.

Any government that harms its citizens, deprives them of their property or rights without their consent, or makes offensive war upon its neighbors, no matter how it misrepresents the situation, has lost its legitimacy. No government may govern without the consent of its people. All governments are tasked with seeing to the wellbeing of their citizens. Any government which forces its citizens to see to its own wellbeing without attending to theirs has lost its legitimacy.

Men and women are meant to live fulfilling lives, free of want, wherever they wish and under the conditions they desire, providing their choices do not harm another and are humanly attainable.

Children are meant to live lives under the beneficent protection of all, free of exploitation, with unhindered access to the necessities of life, education, and health care.

All forms of exploitation, oppression, and persecution run counter to universal and natural law. All disagreements are meant to be resolved amicably.

Any human law that runs counter to natural and universal law is invalid and should not survive. The enactment or enforcement of human law that runs counter to natural and universal law brings consequences that cannot be escaped, in this life or another. While one may escape temporal justice, one does not escape divine justice.

All outcomes are to the greater glory of God and to God do we look for the fulfillment of our needs and for love, peace, and wisdom. So let it be. Aum/Amen.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/10/2012 1:21:27 AM
Here Steve Beckow retakes the subject of Ascension. Started some time ago (see page 229 of this thread) he now offers an interview in two pars expounding AA Michael views on it

What Will Ascension be Like? – Part 1/2

2012 OCTOBER 8
Posted by Steve Beckow

Many people wonder what Ascension will be like. To address that desire to know, I’ve taken salient quotes from Archangel Michael’s readings or Hour with an Angel interviews, and put them together in one place for easy reference.

Part 1 is on the experience of Ascension and Part 2 is on the dimension we’ll go to, Earth’s progress, disappearance or no disappearance, and the certainty of the event. Please be aware that not all sources agree on all these matters. Archangel Michael’s is the version I prefer.

Will Ascension be Gradual or Sudden?

Steve Beckow: Is [Ascension] going to be a shift that happens in a moment, or is it going to be a gradual shift?

Archangel Michael: There is a moment when the door opens. So it has been and is a gradual awakening. You have seen the changes mentally, physically, emotionally; interconnectedness; the shift in the collective. But there is that moment when it clicks. So it is a moment. Actually, it is a period of about 20 to 24, 26 hours.

S: What are you describing, Lord? Is it an opening of a portal or a change in vibration, or…? Is it possible to put into words?

AAM: It is a change in the entire collective vibration within which Earth, Gaia and everything upon it comes together … in a different vibration. So it is not like going through a portal. … You have gone through many portals, and that has been part of what you think of as these mini-shifts that you have been undergoing. …

And some people have gone through them very eagerly. Certainly the planet has gone through them. Many of the elemental kingdoms have done their work as well. But there is what we think of as a moment, which for you feels more like a day or so. There is a moment when it is harmonized all together. …

S: Are there three days of darkness? …

AAM: … Think of it as blinking. Have you ever blinked and the room seems brighter all of a sudden? This happens all the time in your meditation. …

So it is more like a blink. You may have the experience of physicality — for that is part of the joy of being on this Earth — if you want to. It is a shift in potential of how you operate and how everything…. So it is as if all at once there is a cleanup crew. And what is swept away, what is swept away, my beloved one, is the remnants of the fear, of the hatred, of the darkness. (1)

What Will the Actual experience of Ascension be Like?

In that moment, what we are calling a moment, there is a choice. And it can happen instantaneously, because so many of you have laid the foundation — do you want to be in the heart of One of love? Do you wish to be in the higher frequency? In the very last second, all they need to say is yes, and allow themselves to be flooded by what you can think of as a tidal wave of energy that will sweep the planet. That is why we say all are invited. (2)

The sense will be that you are flying upward. It is a physical sensation of movement. And a remembering, or a sensation of remembering, that you have wings, or the ability to fly. So that is the feeling of ascending up the sacred spiral.

There will also be in that period, which can be moments or a few hours, [a sensation] of feeling disassociated, that even if you were to open your eyes, even if you were to look at a floor, you would see that it is simply made of particles, subatomic particles, quantum particles, that it is not solid. So you have begun immediately to have the real sensation or vision of how things can be seen, and how they are seen, maybe, from this side.

So there is a sense of unreality. Now, if you wish to make things solid, you will just simply say that you want that, and it will appear. But the knowing that that is simply a construct that you are creating already is there in full consciousness. When you decide to open your eyes, how you see the colors, the textures, the richness, the air will be very different. What you think of as your senses will be heightened, oh, at least a thousand-fold.

So, there is a little adjustment. And we are with you, and we obviously take care of that, because this is completely a joyous situation to be in. Think of it as being spiritually orgasmic. It is the union of all.

Then, you will settle into this knowing, and of course that choice of physicality. But also know that if you choose to keep physicality, immediately what you have noted as, what we would call human aches and pains are gone. But the biggest shift is you no longer live or exist — you can visit, you can exhibit, but you do not live — within the third dimension, where you are in that movement of what you think of as going up the sacred spiral.

That is the best analogy I can give you. … And it will be the place of love. It will be all of a sudden that the decisions, the actions, the existence, the form is love, and is from love, and is of love. So that sense of either/or, of what you traditionally have thought of as yes or no, of duality, of polarity, is gone. It is the alignment. The entire journey in this third-dimensional existence is reaching this place of alignment, of placing yourself beyond the either/or. And when you are doing that in this ascension process, it is like a Roman candle: off you go. (3)

Think of it in terms of when a baby, a human baby, is birthed, sometimes it is a very easy delivery, sometimes it is 30 hours of labor. Sometimes the mother decides to birth in the fields, sometimes she births in the ocean. Sometimes she goes to a beautiful room. Other times she goes to an operating room and has a C-section. But the birthing still occurs. So this is what happens. …

It is a feeling of complete and utter surrender and bliss. It is a sensation — physical, mental, emotional, spiritual — of union. So there is a moment where you feel, oh, I have died. Because that is the sense of such release and reconnection. But of course you are not dying. (4)

(Continued in Part 2.)


(1) “Archangel Michael on Ascension,” Sept. 13, 2011, at

(2) “Archangel Michael on NESARA, Opposing the Cabal, and Ascension – Part 2/3,” Oct. 3, 2011, at

(3) Loc. cit.

(4) “Archangel Michael on Ascension,” ibid.

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10/10/2012 1:26:41 AM
Here is Steve Beckow / AA Michael's part 2 on Ascension

What Will Ascension be Like? – Part 2/2

2012 OCTOBER 9

Depiction of Archangel Michael

(Continued from Part 1.)

What Dimension Will We Go to?

S: And on one side [of Ascension] we’re in 3D or 4D, and on the other side we’re in 5D?

AAM: Or higher. (1)

It is the elevator to the Fifth. And further, there will be some who simply choose to keep going [to dimensions higher than the Fifth]. But as a collective, that is the plan. (2)

AAM: Yes, you are going to the fifth dimension. But I again draw your attention to the fact that when you are in the fifth dimension, anchored, Gaia, and therefore you — because you cannot live where Gaia does not live and continue to have your physical form; so understand that — but that does not mean from that place of anchoring that you do not have access to the fourth dimension, to what we would call the higher reality of the third dimension, (3) to the sixth and to the seventh.

But yes, the shift is into the fifth, and will continue — no, probably not in your lifetime — through to the seventh. There are some of you who will want to stay within the realms of the seventh in terms of the realm of pure love, of Christ consciousness, of oneness. There are some of you who love to be in the realm of magic.

It matters not. You will have access, but your new home, your new dimension, your new reality will be in the fifth. That is where Gaia is anchored. And we would suggest to you that, by and large, she is already there. (4)

Where is the Earth in the Ascension Process?

AAM: The Earth has already done most of her transition.

S: It has?

AAM: And a great deal of the Earth changes that you witness are actually helping the collective souls, the humans, to adjust as well. (5)

Will People Disappear from Third-Dimensionality?

AAM: Let us be very clear, people will disappear. Now, in conjunction with that, they will also become a dim memory. You’ve had situations like this where you have had a pain or a bad habit or something that used to bother you very deeply, and you let it go. And then a year or two later, this situation will arise again and in a very vague way, you will say, “Oh, … yeah, that used to bother me,” and then you will continue with your day.

The shifting can be incremental. This is going to depend on the readiness of the population, but what we are seeing right now, is that it will be in shifts. And there will be steps and doorways where some will simply go through and anchor for the whole, and then more will go through and anchor for the whole, until the entire process is completed.

Now there still will be those unfortunately, (or fortunately for they are doing what they wish, although it is not my desire), that will choose to continue on in this type of a reality, of the Third as you could think of it as … and they will be shifted to an alternate situation. The people, … say who are sitting there, may blink and not even remember … or have dim sense, ‘I wonder where so and so went?’

People will disappear. It will not be cause for trauma or mayhem. It will not be the same grieving as someone in the physical realm dying. It will just be a slight shift in the case of friends. But, in the case of husbands and wives, parents and children, there would be a knowing. (6)

Will the Earth Continue in Third Dimensionality?

AAM: The 3D Earth has done her cosmetic change. It is not there [after Ascension].

S: It is not there.

AAM: The same way you, dear heart — as the embodiment of a singularly third-dimensional being — are no longer present. [Because I'll be in 5D and not in 3D.] At that moment, you both, and all jumped.

S: All right. So is there anything left in 3D?

AAM: No, it is all transmuted, transformed, elevated. …

S: So there is no 3D Earth after that date?

AAM: That is correct. … She does not want to duplicate herself and to continue to be the carrier of that energy.

S: Uh- Unlike, say, Venus?

AAM: Yes, there has been a division there [i.e., on Venus], but that is not how Earth is choosing to do this.

S: I’ll be darned. I haven’t heard that before, and I’m just trying to digest it. There won’t be a 3D Earth. The people who say “no” will go to the astral planes, the people who say “yes” will continue on with Earth.

AAM: That is correct. (7)

Steve Beckow: What will happen to this Earth, 3D Earth, that they cannot stay? Is that what you meant, Lord?

AAM: Yes, that is what I mean. Understand, 3D Earth, it is not existing. …

S: What about — for the people who say “no”? Will they remain on this 3D Earth, or will they find themselves somewhere else?

AAM: They will find themselves elsewhere.

S: And will they find themselves elsewhere as babies, or as they are now?

AAM: They will return home. They will return out of body.

S: To the astral planes?

AAM: Yes. And they will be counseled and then reassigned as they choose. (8)

Is There Any Possibility that Ascension will not Happen on Dec. 21, 2012?

AAM: What if somehow this is all a cosmic joke. … It is not that we do not appreciate jokes. We love jokes. And our idea of a joke may be very different from yours. But it would never be a joke to hurt so many. …

This is the Mother’s Plan. It is not our plan. It is not your plan. Yes, we are the fulfillment of that plan. But there is no plan for postponement or delay. (8)

AAM: There is no ‘what if?’” The ‘what if?’ is a fear that you are going to be let down. You say, ‘Yes, Lord, that is true, because I have been let down, many, many, many times. You have given us predictions and they have not come to pass. You have given us dates, and they have not come to pass. Am I on a fool’s errand?’” …

We are not putting the brakes on. We are not about to say to you, ‘Well, there has been a change in the Divine Plan.’

We have waited for eons. There has been alignment on more levels, in more realms, than you can imagine for this to unfold. It is not simply about whether you, individually, are ready. You were ready the moment you said to the Mother/Father, ‘I will go, I will help, and my purpose is to ascend.’ And you will do so. (9)

AAM: We are not in the habit or in the business of setting up false expectations. It is contrary to universal law, and it is contrary to love. If anything, my beloved friend — and we keep telling you this — you are ahead of schedule. But do we want you to be wedded to a date? No. Do we say that the dates that have been given are accurate and significant? Yes. If you were paralyzed, and let us suggest that in many ways the collective has been paralyzed, if you were paralyzed, and you were praying and praying and doing your sacred practice, and meditating for healing, and you were given the date of December 2012, would you be upset, dear friend, if it arrived in September? I think not. (10)


(1) “Archangel Michael on NESARA, Opposing the Cabal, and Ascension – Part 2/3,” Oct. 3, 2011, at

(2) “Archangel Michael on Ascension,” Sept. 13, 2011, at

(3) The Fourth Dimension is for us the higher aspect of the Third in that the Physical Plane is the Third and the Astral Plane, to which we go after “death,” is the Fourth. But in this Ascension both the Third and the Fourth “move” to a higher dimension – the Fifth.

(4) “Archangel Michael: This is the Unfoldment of the Promise of the Mother,” Sept. 5, 2012, at

(5) “Reading with Archangel Michael,” August 1, 2011, at

(6) Loc. cit.

(7) Loc. cit.

(8) Loc. cit.

(8) Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, Reading with Steve Beckow, Aug. 17, 2012.

(9) “Archangel Michael: This is the Unfoldment of the Promise of the Mother,” ibid.

(10) “Archangel Michael on Three Days of Darkness, What Occurs at Ascension, Etc. (Repost),” July 2, 2012, at My guess about why Archangel Michael is talking about early Ascension here is that some wayshowers will ascend early and act as gatekeepers or ascended masters who speed or assist those still in the Third Dimension through the gateway to the Fifth.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/10/2012 1:52:05 AM
I must say this, what a beautiful message from Archangel Michael we have here. Friends, don't miss on it please

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: We Stand in the Doorway of Your Heart Waiting to Greet You

2012 OCTOBER 9
Posted by Alice C

Dawn Archangel Michael via Ron Head: We Stand in the Doorway of Your Heart Waiting to Greet You

Alice C – Ron Head will feature on The Light Agenda with Stephen Cook on Wednesday November 7.

As channeled by Ron Head – October 08, 2012

Today we feel it is advisable for you to take some time for yourselves to accept and integrate the huge amounts of information that has recently been beamed into your energy bodies, and into your cells, as well.

We know that very few of you are consciously aware of what you have received. That is alright. It is in the nature of potential, in any case. For a short time, close your eyes and center yourselves in your hearts. Intend that you accept and thank your Creator for these gifts and wish them integrated with your being as you release more of the things which do not resonate with the future selves you desire.

Breathe the best and highest YOU into yourself, and breathe the other out. It is not necessary to make it a long process, unless you enjoy it. You may get a visual or feeling of a color, such as our gold and blue, or Raphael’s rose and green, St. Germain’s violet, etc. If you do, breathe that in and absorb it, also.

Our attention is drawn to the intense and growing feeling that almost everyone has now of an impending happening which they ‘cannot put a finger on’. We will address that in two ways.

First, you are correct. This feeling is right on target. Except that, in a sense, that happening is what you are already in the middle of. Many can feel it happening inside themselves and are beginning to see changes in their lives to give evidence of it. Most, however, are wondering what sort of catastrophe is just around the corner. Your peaceful and calm demeanor will go a long way to diffusing this dread they are feeling.

Second, yes, there is an event of significant proportion approaching. It is, my friends, an internal event which will change everything for everybody and everything. But we would caution you in this way. When a similar event occurred at the end of your ‘Dark Ages’, the event itself passed without remark. Yet, everything changed, did it not?

Now, there will be many, many observable events manifesting over the next while in your time. But, as we have said over and over for these months, they are but the reflection of yourselves. We always, always stress that. It is important for you and for your world that you begin to recognize yourselves as the change makers, not any longer as the victims of change.

Look within yourselves and begin to find the divine beings that you are. Never before in the history of your world has it been as sure for this to be accomplished by you. And every tiny step taken in this direction is having wondrous effects upon your world.

We are overjoyed with what we see you accomplishing. We stand in the doorway of your heart waiting to greet you. We offer evidence daily of our presence. Peace and love be yours until next we speak. Good day.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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