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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/4/2012 10:59:19 AM

Jesus: Never Doubt That You are Doing Invaluable Work

2012 OCTOBER 3
Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: Never Doubt That You are Doing Invaluable Work

As Channelled by John Smallman – October 3, 2012

Our honor and respect for you grows as you continue, despite the travails of the illusion, to hold your Light on high.

It is a demanding task that you have set yourselves, and yet you hang in there – sometimes with a rather grim determination! – intending to bring love, peace, and abundance to the planet and all her inhabitants, while it seems that all around you people are hollering, blustering, and fighting insanely to protect themselves or to destroy others. Knowing, as you do, that all are one, the insanity of it all can be very disheartening for you.

Nevertheless, you proceed determinedly to spread love – even as many still insist on denying its existence and attempt to dissuade or discourage you from your path – demonstrating to all that in every heart there is a divine spark waiting for the breath of spirit to blast it into flame.

And each one of you is an aspect of that breath as you share love and seek entrance into even the most closely guarded hearts. And you are entering, often secretly through a side door, and the effect your entrance is having on the owner is remarkable, even though it is not apparent to you. Never doubt that you are doing invaluable work for all of humanity as you persist in following your path, allowing your Light to burn brightly, and offering assistance, healing, and counseling to those who seek it from you.

You are changing the energies at work on the planet because the love you intend to share, and are sharing unconditionally, is wearing down and dissolving the very negative energies of fear that have overshadowed her for so long. It is like the tide coming in, smoothing out the sand and carrying away the waste products and other man-made detritus for cleansing and recycling.

A great energetic wave of planetary cleansing is in fact occurring right now to restore her to her pristine state, and it is ensuring that she will never again experience the kinds of unconscionable and thoughtless treatments to which she has been subjected since the start of your industrial revolution.

It may well seem to you that while relatively small core groups of concerned, conscientious, and well-informed people are going to great efforts to persuade humanity that enormous changes in the way it thinks of and treats the planet are essential, larger, far more powerful, and influential groups are doing their utmost to continue and expand their extremely short-sighted industrial activities which are effectively raping and pillaging her.

Industrial activities of an extreme and damaging nature have undoubtedly increased exponentially over the last seven or eight decades. However, the movements to bring those vast destructive activities to an end are gaining momentum, and the tide is about to change. When it does, the speed at which the most egregious activities are closed down will surprise you, as will the speed at which damage that has been done can and will be rectified.

When you cooperate with one another on a large scale, amazing results, for better or for worse, can be achieved very rapidly indeed. As the energies of love, compassion, and healing continue to intensify across the planet, the essential positive and creative changes in the way you respond to one another, and to events and problems that require your attention, locally, internationally, and globally, are being made far more rapidly than you can imagine.

Many events and occurrences of a positive nature do not get reported by the media; in fact even the alternate media misses a lot of the positive and uplifting news that would raise your spirits and ease your anxieties about the road ahead.

And of course your ongoing cooperative efforts, coupled with your determination, to bring an end to activities that are detrimental to humanity and the planet are proving extremely effective in delaying and stalling planned “grand industrial projects” that would be severely damaging for your planetary ecosystems. Some of these delays to industrial projects become news items, enabling more people to become aware of them and add their influence to the effort to ensure that they do not get approval.

Your loving and peaceful intent – brought to mind during prayer, meditation, or plain relaxation – to prevent further catastrophic damage to the environment by bringing to a halt all severely damaging industrial activity adds enormous energy to the efforts of those numerous organizations that are working physically to achieve those same ends. You are moving positively forwards towards a new and wonderful age, so maintain your intent, your focus, and your determination, and bring it into being.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Never doubt that you are doing invaluable work

by John Smallman

Our honor and respect for you grows as you continue, despite the travails of the illusion, to hold your Light on high. It is a demanding task that you have set yourselves, and yet you hang in there – sometimes with a rather grim determination! – intending to bring love, peace, and abundance to the planet and all her inhabitants, while it seems that all around you people are hollering, blustering, and fighting insanely to protect themselves or to destroy others. Knowing, as you do, that all are one, the insanity of it all can be very disheartening for you. Nevertheless, you proceed determinedly to spread love – even as many still insist on denying its existence and attempt to dissuade or discourage you from your path – demonstrating to all that in every heart there is a divine spark waiting for the breath of spirit to blast it into flame.

And each one of you is an aspect of that breath as you share love and seek entrance into even the most closely guarded hearts. And you are entering, often secretly through a side door, and the effect your entrance is having on the owner is remarkable, even though it is not apparent to you. Never doubt that you are doing invaluable work for all of humanity as you persist in following your path, allowing your Light to burn brightly, and offering assistance, healing, and counseling to those who seek it from you.

You are changing the energies at work on the planet because the love you intend to share, and are sharing unconditionally, is wearing down and dissolving the very negative energies of fear that have overshadowed her for so long. It is like the tide coming in, smoothing out the sand and carrying away the waste products and other man-made detritus for cleansing and recycling. A great energetic wave of planetary cleansing is in fact occurring right now to restore her to her pristine state, and it is ensuring that she will never again experience the kinds of unconscionable and thoughtless treatments to which she has been subjected since the start of your industrial revolution.

It may well seem to you that while relatively small core groups of concerned, conscientious, and well-informed people are going to great efforts to persuade humanity that enormous changes in the way it thinks of and treats the planet are essential, larger, far more powerful, and influential groups are doing their utmost to continue and expand their extremely short-sighted industrial activities which are effectively raping and pillaging her. Industrial activities of an extreme and damaging nature have undoubtedly increased exponentially over the last seven or eight decades. However, the movements to bring those vast destructive activities to an end are gaining momentum, and the tide is about to change. When it does, the speed at which the most egregious activities are closed down will surprise you, as will the speed at which damage that has been done can and will be rectified.

When you cooperate with one another on a large scale, amazing results, for better or for worse, can be achieved very rapidly indeed. As the energies of love, compassion, and healing continue to intensify across the planet, the essential positive and creative changes in the way you respond to one another, and to events and problems that require your attention, locally, internationally, and globally, are being made far more rapidly than you can imagine. Many events and occurrences of a positive nature do not get reported by the media; in fact even the alternate media misses a lot of the positive and uplifting news that would raise your spirits and ease your anxieties about the road ahead.

And of course your ongoing cooperative efforts, coupled with your determination, to bring an end to activities that are detrimental to humanity and the planet are proving extremely effective in delaying and stalling planned “grand industrial projects” that would be severely damaging for your planetary ecosystems. Some of these delays to industrial projects become news items, enabling more people to become aware of them and add their influence to the effort to ensure that they do not get approval.

Your loving and peaceful intent – brought to mind during prayer, meditation, or plain relaxation – to prevent further catastrophic damage to the environment by bringing to a halt all severely damaging industrial activity adds enormous energy to the efforts of those numerous organizations that are working physically to achieve those same ends. You are moving positively forwards towards a new and wonderful age, so maintain your intent, your focus, and your determination, and bring it into being.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/5/2012 5:25:09 PM
Those not yet acquainted with the term 'containment' (as for example in "held in containment") will want to know it is supposed to refer to statesmen and other personalities somehow prevented from performing any harmful activities yet not (yet) arrested

A Finer and Finer Line

2012 OCTOBER 4
Posted by Steve Beckow

Credible or not?

I’m still impacted by the interview that Stephen Cook and I had with Geoff West on his most recent special edition of Cosmic Vision News in which we discussed the probabilities of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad having transformed and his recent U.N. speech being a sign of it. I feel the need to comment further, if you’d permit me.

We face a very onerous task, I believe, and one that will only get more onerous as we hurtle toward the end of time as we know it (those who ascend into the continuum of the Fifth Dimension). It’s onerous from several different vantage points.

As Geoff pointed out, many statespeople are in containment. They will alter their direction. We will be required to honor that alteration and honoring it will definitely spark controversy among those who know nothing about containment.

There’ll be many people who’ve been brutalized by these same leaders and they may feel as if we’ve abandoned them. And they won’t understand what we’re trying to do. The only thing we may be able to do to assist them may just be to listen to them.

I’m not trying to harp on my experiences as a refugee adjudicator but I can’t avoid mentioning them because they are the bedrock of where I’m coming from with all this. I’ve listened to people whose treatment at the hands of certain regimes I can’t even talk about here. It would disgust you.

Listening to some of their accounts traumatized the Members of the Refugee Board who had to listen. I know two accounts traumatized me and I had to seek counselling to get over the effects of them. I’m still crying as I write this, thinking how cruel we people can be to each other. And I cannot bring myself to say what they said.

It isn’t my intention to rehearse what goes on in Evin Prison to a woman, say, who simply has coffee with a man she was not married to. It was often brutal and would have meant the end of whatever shreds of normalcy she may have had in her often-oppressed life.

But I am willing to say that, as late as five years ago, when I sat on claims, there was no justice in Iran, no freedom, no security. And Iranians inside the country and Iranians who had fled the country depended on us to speak out for them and not to be taken in by the regime’s attempts to hide facts or misrepresent themselves.

Mr. Ahmadinejad reminded his audience of the wonderful poets and spiritual leaders that have come out of Iran or Persia. And there have been many and they have been sublime. But if they were alive today, he might very well have put them in Evin Prison as well. They would have been a threat to his regime.

It’s no reflection on him, I think, that Iran has had great poets and mystics. And I don’t want to be lulled into complacency by his references to them.

But that isn’t why I write today. I write because of the extreme delicacy that’s needed to approach all sides of a discussion of these matters. I have no desire to abandon Iranians who’ve suffered and continue to suffer. But I also have no desire to be loose in my discussion of it and tar other people or religions in discussing these matters.

For instance, what Mr. Ahmadinejad does in Iran is not a reflection on Islam. Even what the mullahs or theocracy in Iran do is not a reflection on Islam. And it is so easy to slide from commenting on the “Islamic Republic of Iran” to appear to be saying something about world Islam. But that would be a gross error.

I don’t regard the Islamic officials who lead the Iranian regime … I can’t bring myself to say government … even if they claim to be representing their religion or interpreting Sharia law as being representative of Islam. Any more than I regard Christians who hate as being representative of Christianity. Or Hindus who riot against Muslims. And so on.

By the same token, when we oppose “Zionism,” I think we need to be careful not to tar the people of Israel with that brush either. Or to assume that the population of any country that has an oppressive regime are to blame for their silence.

A Falun-Gong practitioner in China who criticized the Chinese regime could expect to die a horrible death in prison. And their body would even then not be allowed to rest in peace. But let me not go there. Which one of us would speak out under these circumstances?

Seeing things in black and white will never be more of an impediment than it is now, as things change terrifically and not all the changes can be detected or measured or even known. It’s a finer and finer line that we walk as we approach higher and higher levels of consciousness.

It’s going to be more challenging for us than anything has ever been to arrive at hopefully-accurate assessments while everything is in flux and our sense of things refines. The really advisable short-cut, I think, is to follow the advice of the masters who are addressing us daily and asking us to refrain from judging.

But at the same time, we also have to decide and act and to do so realistically. We have to be non-judgmental but not blind.

Well, I’ll be darned. That’s just what a refugee adjudicator has to do. Another insight into why I was probably guided to do that work. Thank you to my guides.

A refugee adjudicator had to be difficult to snow but constantly on the alert for the genuine article and open to hearing the case newly. They had to be a closed door to the fabricator and the persecutor (who also may try to enter the country) but an open door to the truthful and the persecuted.

In fact, so fastidious is Canadian refugee law that adjudicators had to be willing to accept that in some countries lying is a common practice. Adjudicators had to be willing to set the lies aside and ask themselves: is there a credible remainder of truth upon which to base a positive decision? I don’t know if one can get how fair that proviso is and how far that body of law is willing to go to get it right.

Adjudicators had to be willing to admit that their initial assessment was wrong if faced with testimony or evidence that was convincing. They couldn’t go forward with a false initial estimation after it was shown to be false. There couldn’t be an attempt to hide or deny or justify in the face of compelling proof. That’s what goes on in oppressive regimes and cannot go on here.

So we’re entering a time when we need to be non-judgmental but still cautious, awake but not polarized, closed to abuse but open to plights, with a very, very fine-tuned antenna. And we need to see our own shortcomings, be willing to own them, and to make amends for any damage we did to the innocent.

I remember one claimant who sent me a note after he was found to be non-credible in my hearing room. He acknowledged that he had made his story up and congratulated me for being able to see through it and yet not be disrespectful to him in my decision. He said he had learned something from that and wished me well.

It’s that kind of fine dance that we’ll be asked to do over the few remaining months of this year. And as lightworkers, I think, we need to be willing to deliver on the task expected of us. Tough task but necessary … no, vital.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/5/2012 5:31:12 PM

Valerie Donner: A Message from the Master St. Germain

2012 OCTOBER 5
Posted by Andrew Eardley

A Message from the Master St. Germain

Channeled through Valerie Donner September 26, 2012

Dear Ground Crew,

In my short message from last week I mentioned that we are in the trenches. September was a challenging month astrologically and supposedly the planets will be more favorable for us in October. Emotions ran high and could still be quite intense. We are removing the last vestiges of our issues prior to moving into higher consciousness in December. It is all a part of the process.

We are blessed by the assistance from our angels, guides and masters, and all of the Light Realms. We simply need to remember to ask for help, to surrender when challenges seem insurmountable and to pray for divine intervention in the matters that are in our lives. Trust that the guidance will be there, ground crew, and know that you can rise above whatever is going on right now.

On September 26, I channeled the Master St. Germain. As I said before, he was one of the founding fathers of the United States. He represents freedom and actually participated at the signing of the Declaration of Independence. He keeps tabs on our government and communicates from the Light Realms with our government and in other places as well.

This is what he said:

Greetings I am Saint Germain,

Don’t let the donkeys get you down, mmmmm…or the elephants.

I do have to ride a herd on some of those beings in the White House don’t I?

I need to round them up and put them in front of the populace and ask them a few questions.

They are important ones like: When can we get down to the root of the evil, down to the truth?

We can put it all together so we can see what it is so that it can be revealed to everyone.

I would like to send quite a few of them packing,

I feel like rolling up the carpet and getting the place clean

By actually relocating them, replacing them,

With the star beings who have come to make things right.

They don’t care about tips or bribes,

They just care about the American tribes – everyone.

They are like all of you who love human beings…

Nice people you can have a cup of coffee with,

Strike up a relationship with…

Good old-fashioned people with a strong constitution

Connected to the Light, not to an institution.

As consciousness awakens

It’s going to end up leveling the playing field,

For what does it matter if only a minority of people fare well

If most of the people are treated like HE**? [hell]

That’s how it’s been for years and years and years.

Toe the mark and let them say the rest.

Exploitations and reasons,

Damage to the soul beyond belief;

It’s not the way it was meant to be.

This is the United States -

It stands for liberty.

So where does that take you?

What does it mean?

It means we are redefining you,

That we’re raising the bar on all of your systems.

We’re creating a new design.

Your politicians have been political with all too much negativity.

It’s overwhelming.

The separation and promises unfulfilled,

The human heart has practically been killed.

The destruction, sadness, the tragic losses with families, jobs, skills, what people earn.

I’m going to use my anguish…Let the Violet Flame burn.

We worship all over the sad remorse.

We have a heart and are beings that have a much friendlier reign for things.

We know you do too!

You’re part of it, the creation of you.

So what are we all to look at

As things fall apart?

We’ll take the good away from the bad,

We’ll replace things with happiness instead of sad.

Instead of just a pittance here and there

There will be abundance with plenty to spare.

Those who have been greedy and unjust,

Will have to live in front of the populace and explain everything they’ve done, how they’ve breached the trust.

For some of those who kept up their grievous ways of being

And their service to me thinking

Will find that humans – the populace at large,

Will have the gumption to make the change, to take charge.

And when the truth is known -

That sort of truth will run straight through.

There will be no questions asked.

You will know what to do.

Because you’re replacing the pieces you no longer need.

You have a statement, everyone does.

You have your part, so here it goes.

You have a faster way of change, a route that easily shows.

You need some embellished leadership with no more yesses or tries.

You need commitments from people who won’t tell lies.

This is a time of your Golden Era,

Let’s work together to make it all better.

- – - * * * – - -

In Conclusion

The changes we are going through are not easy but we have all of the assistance from the Light Realms, like St. Germain, Sananda, Mother Mary, Djwal Khul, Kuthumi and the other Masters, Archangels and Angels. Our Extraterrestrial families are in the wings waiting for our reunion. We have so much to look forward to as we rise in consciousness. Our Creator trusts us and knows we can do whatever is necessary to facilitate this big shift.

If we bless our challenges, gain the wisdom from them and see each occurrence as a gift, we will be making the best of our Ascension process. Even if what you are going through seems intense and you wonder when it will end, remember that 80 years here is only 8 minutes on the other side.

Ground Crew, we are on your side.

Blessings, love and Light,

Valerie Donner

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/5/2012 5:36:20 PM
Can this be real? And are we that close?

World Bank Chief Kim Signals Changes To Come – The End of World Poverty

2012 OCTOBER 5
Posted by sage

World Bank Chief Kim Signals Changes To Come

sage: The World Bank’s new chief was nominated by President Obama, a known Lightworker. Since taking office in July, Jim Yong Kim has suggested and implemented numerous reforms around the world.

Could Mr Kim be a Lightworker (well, he was nominated by President Obama) put in position to assist the implementation of NESARA and other abundance programs?

By Lesley Wroughton, Reuters – October 4, 2012

(Reuters) – The head of the World Bank said on Thursday he is preparing broad reforms at the development lender to make it more effective in ending global poverty and will discuss the changes with member countries at meetings in Tokyo next week.

The annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank from October 11-14 in Japan will be the first opportunity for Jim Yong Kim to put his mark on the institution since becoming president in July.

“We’re not ready to ask for specific changes yet … but if we are going to be really serious about ending poverty earlier than currently projected … there are going to have to be some changes in the way we run the institution,” Kim told reporters.

He said he wants the poverty-fighting institution to be less focused on pushing development loans out of the door and more on making a difference on the ground.

“Specifically, I am going to ask the governors to work with us so the organization can move to a model where we move more quickly, we can make mid-course corrections more easily and where our board and our governors focus much more on holding us accountable for results on the ground in countries, rather than focusing so much on approval of large loans,” he added.

Kim said he would be more specific about reforms at the next meetings of member countries in April.

“The need for these changes have been clear for a very long time,” he added.

With the United States and European countries wrestling with weak growth and high debt burdens, Kim said now was not the time to ask big donors to pony up money for the World Bank.

“At this point, I see really no appetite … it is not the time for us to have a discussion about a capital increase, this is something I don’t think the donor countries are ready for,” he added.

Kim, a Harvard-trained medical doctor and anthropologist, said the Tokyo meetings would also highlight growing concerns about rising food prices and the impact climate change is having on farmers around the globe.

The worst drought in half a century in the United States and poor crops from the Black Sea bread basket have lifted world prices of staples such as corn, wheat and soybeans. While prices have not reached 2008 record levels, increased food price volatility is a worry.

As the first scientist to head the World Bank, Kim said the increases have raised his concern over the impact on poor countries from climate change.

“This is the first drought that scientists clearly attributed to man-made climate change,” Kim said. “Climate change is real, the scientific community is overwhelming in agreement about the dimensions about man-made climate change and we simply must face it.”

Until now, the World Bank has been reluctant to speak out loudly on global climate change for fear of getting involved in the politics of combat ting global warming.

Developing countries have blamed the European Union, the United States and other rich economies for trying to avoid deeper emissions cuts and dodging increases in finance to help poorer nations deal with climate change.


Kim said the euro zone debt crisis and its impact around the world would also loom large in the Tokyo meetings.

Developing nations, which have so far weathered the global crisis well, are now seeing clear signs of slowing economic activity as a two-year debt crisis in the euro zone continues to stifle demand and financial markets are roiled by uncertainty over bailout prospects for Greece and Spain.

Despite the slowdown, economies in Africa, Asia and Latin America are still likely to grow at rates above 5 percent thanks to more than a decade of solid policies and a growing interest by investors to tap into so-called frontier markets.

“All of us are rooting for the Europeans to quickly find a path toward solidarity in a way to resolve their problems,” Kim said, adding that the World Bank stood ready to offer its expertise to any country, include those in the euro zone.

The bank has had decades of experience working with governments in developing countries to help improve the functioning of their economies through structural changes. Some analysts believe that expertise could help countries like Greece and Portugal.

As Kim hones in on ways to make the World Bank more flexible, he said it should focus on helping governments create an environment where businesses can flourish and create jobs – one of the most pressing issues facing many countries.

“One of the things we are trying to do is define more clearly what is the bottom line for the World Bank, what is it that we really do, and how we are going to organize ourselves so that every day we are working toward that bottom line,” he said.

“It seems clear that what we’re best at and what people have the greatest passion for is to work to end poverty. The way we do that is by boosting prosperity,” Kim added.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/5/2012 5:38:31 PM

SaLuSa 10-5-12…”Think Peace Dear Ones, and You Will Help Create More Light and Power The Grids Around Earth”


  • Many things are coming to a head, and even disclosure may yet be first announced by unlikely sources.
  • The truth is indeed stranger than fiction, you have been living in a time warp and your advancement has been deliberately held back.
  • Perhaps understandably the biggest areas of secrecy surrounds advancements in space travel.
  • Members of the Galactic Federation of Light have often been harassed and threatened when travelling in your skies.
  • …we have had to “remove” some craft but have first beamed the pilot on board ours. In the near future they may return to Earth to verify the truth of our statements.
  • The time to finish with wars and all that is associated with them has passed, yet certain countries are prepared to put their own in peril by starting another one in the Middle East.
  • Think peace Dear Ones, and you will help create more Light and power the grids around Earth.
  • In these end times most of you will have opted to clear any outstanding karma… Stick with it and do not walk away from them…
  • …you are getting immense help for your upliftment. We want to see as many of you as possible ascend…
  • …the midnight hour is striking, and you have so little time left to put your heart and soul into making sure you are ready to ascend.
  • Stay focused on your goals, and do not be distracted by the antics of those who are trying to put you off.


SaLuSa 5-October-2012

Many things are coming to a head, and even disclosure may yet be first announced by unlikely sources. If it does, it will force the hand of other countries to admit what their own contacts have been. No doubt there will be a reluctance to reveal the full extent to which they have been made. However it is the time for the truth to come out, and after all much of it will simply be an acknowledgement of what is already known. No doubt National Security will be used as an excuse to hold back on information relating to agreements with Extraterrestrials, that have seen them working with the U.S. Government in underground bases. There is also the handling and outcome of those who have been captured after being rescued from crashed craft. There is so much at stake for the dark Ones, and the truth will be revealed when the facts finally come out.

The truth is indeed stranger than fiction, you have been living in a time warp and your advancement has been deliberately held back. If the benefits of new discoveries had been passed on to you, you would have long moved through the re-growth period after the last World War. Instead you have been held to ransom by the Petroleum and Drugs Industries who have ensured that you cannot get out of their control, and have stopped any advancements to free energy and less dependence on drugs. It is not that the changes could not have been introduced, but instead those who were prepared to do it have been threatened or even worse have not dared to proceed. In time you will get to know who the perpetrators are and who has supported them.

Perhaps understandably the biggest areas of secrecy surrounds advancements in space travel. The whole subject is clouded by misinformation meant to confuse you, and those involved have gone to great lengths to hide the truth. It makes the “search” for extraterrestrial life sound rather comical when Governments and the military already work with them, and have done so for many years. The reports about such matters can be found on your Internet, and many researchers have brought out very good books detailing their findings.

Members of the Galactic Federation of Light have often been harassed and threatened when travelling in your skies. It is not that we would come to any harm, as we are more than able to look after ourselves using our advanced technology. However, we find the military attitude towards us unacceptable, as we have never posed any threat to you whatsoever. Unless we have been forced to re-act beyond moving out of their sight, we have had to “remove” some craft but have first beamed the pilot on board ours. In the near future they may return to Earth to verify the truth of our statements. We have also had to resort to similar action, when your authorities have ignored our orders not to take nuclear devices off Earth. When what you are doing brings a threat to other civilizations, we have total authority to take action and prevent it.

The time to finish with wars and all that is associated with them has passed, yet certain countries are prepared to put their own in peril by starting another one in the Middle East. We cannot stop your petty fighting, but will step in as we have done many times if we find that nuclear weapons are intended to be used. Think peace Dear Ones, and you will help create more Light and power the grids around Earth. That will help transmute the negative energies and lessen the chances of more fighting between countries. It is time to grow up and become responsible citizens and take care of your beautiful Earth, and all other forms of life. Those who find themselves unable to do so, will have no right to claim Ascension, and will have more to learn.

We know that you are all at different stages of evolution, and we make no judgment of those who are lagging behind. You proceed at a pace that suits you as an individual, and that is the beauty of reincarnation that gives you repeated opportunities to learn your lessons. So you have no need to concern yourselves about those around you, who appear to have little understanding of what Ascension means. You take it or leave it, and it comes around again because of its cyclic nature. Such souls will not lose the benefit of what they experienced in duality, and it will give them a useful advantage when they continue their spiritual evolution.

Bear in mind that God has a great plan for the Universe, and because of God’s Love for all life it is treated as an experience that allows you complete freedom to do as you desire. However, you do have to learn from your choices should they interfere or harm another soul. In that event it is you who decides how you should achieve the necessary understanding that will carry you forward. Naturally Higher Beings will share their wisdom with you and advise you the best way it can be arranged. Life often seems to progress by pure chance, but we tell you that where it counts and makes an impact on your life, it is all planned. It may not seem like it especially if you have taken on tasks that are unpleasant, yet it is the difficult challenges that give you the greater opportunity of making leaps and bounds forward.

In these end times most of you will have opted to clear any outstanding karma. It means that you are certainly having a busy life, and where your relationships are concerned a very up and down existence. Stick with it and do not walk away from them, as you are being given not just a chance to uplift yourself, but your actions can also help other people. The Human Race are all in it together, and it is your collective consciousness that dictates how high or low you go. Certainly because of the importance of Ascension, you are getting immense help for your upliftment. We want to see as many of you as possible ascend, and when you “light” up we know you have found something of your true self and are awakening.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and know that the midnight hour is striking, and you have so little time left to put your heart and soul into making sure you are ready to ascend. Stay focused on your goals, and do not be distracted by the antics of those who are trying to put you off. The dark Ones are having their last futile attempts to prevent you ascending, and it will only happen if you allow it. Walk safely in the Light and Love that is surrounding your Earth.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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