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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/3/2012 2:33:11 AM
Hi Mike,

I don't know what to think at this point. You are giving voice to every disquieting thought that has been crossing my mind these days. Right now I feel like I have been sent back to when I doubted everything about ufos, galactics and the like. Not that I have ever completely believed everything I read about them, or trusted every assertion in the channeled messages. Above all, I have always tried to use as much discernment as possible and my own intuition when dealing with difficult issues. There has been so much contradiction between channels even on important issues.

To me at least, h
owever, and this is something that in my view we must never forget, the fact remains that we seem to be on the verge of a hugely important shift of age that promises a complete global change for good in all respects. One of the things that have always attracted me is the study of these age shifts in every society and in the world at large. Even to the untrained eye, they always seem to have occurred at a moment of special transcendence for humankind, and been marked by the presence of a multitude of visionaries and their teachings. And, most importantly, by new religious beliefs.

Still more, every time a great shift of age has occurred, a great personality has reformulated and, in some cases, changed the existing beliefs to a great extent. Some of these teachings were considered absurd, others were seen as revolutionary. And some were regarded as heretical by the existing religious hierarchies. Some of them were pure nonsense, that’s for sure. But some would prove to be of such an immense worth that they have lasted till our days. And for some reason, they attracted the simple people. As to their teachers, they were seen as revolutionary, heretical, or downright cheating rascals by the existing hierarchies. But, for some reason, maybe by dint of their strong personality, or the fact that they radiated a god-like nature, they attracted multitudes. I am awaiting such a great personality to manifest soon.

In fact, I have been privately studying the deeds and writings from likely candidates yet unfortunately to no great avail till now. But some of the channeled messages do have a certain prophetic quality that makes me think there is more in them than mere divination. Many things have occurred as anticipated by these messages. And their authors reminded me of the old prophets and, by comparison, I can say there probably are great and not as great prophets now, and sometimes there may also be one or two irrelevant messages from them that we can simply put aside, such as people would surely do with the old prophetic messages in all their diversity. And just as would happen in the past, I mean in times of great social and religious ebullition, there also are in our time multitude of false prophets that we can and must completely ignore.

Summing up, from now on I will try to only post such messages as seem to me transcendent and reliable, but will always try to write a few introductory lines or add a commentary whenever I feel there are any dubious points in them. Above all, I will keep only posting those messages that really resonate with me.




10_1_136.gifHi Luis,

The article about Greg Giles was quite interesting. Wouldn't it be interesting if December 21, 2012 comes and goes with nothing spectacular happening? I say this because In the past year or so, when spectacular events were suppose to occur, days before the occurrance we have received messages that they would not happen as planned because the time was not right or we were not ready or some other reason postphoning the event. When other events did take place, we were told that the events had been modified. There have been several messages stating that Mother Ships would fill the skies to the extent that no one could deny their existence. This has not taken place either. It seems to me that a lot of people are crying Wolf. All though these topics do make for good conversation, I am beginning to wonder if we are innocent Lambs being lead to the Slaughter House. There has just been too much talk about preparing for events that just do not seem to be taking place. It is such a shame that so many people believe in these people that apparently don't even exist. Those that are called Star Seed used to be referred to as Star Children, however as our community has grown to quite a few thousand members, I have not read anything from anyone claiming to be a Star Child or Star Seed. I did receive a message about two or three years ago from a man claiming to be from another planet, however I have not heard back from him yet.

The events taken place around the world do show a change in how people think. Citizens of countries that are run by Tyrants are fighting back and taken back control of their countries, however once they have control they don't know what to do with it. It is so sad to see so many innocent lives being lost to achieve freedom that is so far out of reach for so many people. When the Ashtars and the Galactics say "The time is not right yet" I ask myself a very disturbing question. "When will the time be right? When all the innocent people have died and all that is left is the killers of freedom?' In other words, who exactly will be the ones chosen to ascend to a higher plain? Those of us who seek peace, love, freedom,and understanding are not winning anything. It is just getting more difficult by the day for us to survive. Perhaps Greg Giles figured this out and no longer wants to be a part of it. Or, perhaps those that he no longer wants to serve has taken him out of the picture. As I have said before, sometimes the Truth Hurts, however if we could just once get some true answers we could decide once and for all what side of the fence we want to stand on.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Michael Caron

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10/3/2012 4:38:09 AM

10_1_136.gifHi Luis,

Thank you for your understanding. I don't believe that omitting information put forth would be the right answer. As you are basically assuming the role as messenger, to omit that that you feel would be unimportant or not noteworthy you distort the full picture. There has to be a reason that Lightworkers and channelers are beginning to disagree with one another, and by comparing their disagreements we may be able to find the answer. It does seem to me that everyone involved wants us to start believing in the same manner as they do, however they are not giving us any clear path in which to follow. I have also noticed over the past few months that They want a society of all good and no bad. Who really does determine what is good and what is bad? GOD is Omni Potent. The Alpha and Omega. The Beginning and the End. To rap it up in one word-Oneness. Everything else is Male and Female, Right or Wrong, Good or Bad. We cannot all be of one mind or one thought because it does not fit into the scope of what life is. As our Mentors from Space are learning, they cannot agree on important issues because they are trying to persuade one another that their theory is the correct one. No matter what kind of life lies ahead of us, there has to be diversity or it cannot exist. This also applies to the Lightness and Darkness. Unfortunetly, goodness has to be shared with evilness. This may sound redundant, however everything does have to have an opposite. As an example Earth has a magnetic Northpole and a magnetic Southpole. If there were only one magntic pole, either North or South our planet would not be stable. Therfore, if we were all made to think alike, we would not be stable. Lesser animals that occupy our world such as Lions and Tigers, Sheep and Deer, Fowl and Sea creatures have their complete life mapped out for them. They do not deviate from what their ancesters did thousands of years ago. Each of these creatures has a purpose in life and they carry out that purpose as planned. We as humans, have a much grander purpose, however if we are going to transcend to the world of our lesser occupants, we may have to learn how to hunt for our food, and stop reading books or inventing new ways to make our lives better because we will not need all of those things. When I read how, in the future if we want to go somewhere all we have to do is think about it and we will be there, or if we want a Steak Dinner all we have to do is think about it and it is put in front of us, and this life is called Paradise. Not to me it's not. This life sounds more like imprisonment to me. I would rather make my mistakes, go without a meal or two, and suffer a little bit now and then. I want to continue to work with my hands, cook my food, make my mistakes and use my brain the way I want to use it, and make my own decisions whether right or wrong. Therefore, if this makes me unqualified to ascend to the next level, so be it.



Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/4/2012 2:24:17 AM
Hi again Mike,

The way you picture life in Paradise really makes one shy from it, like it would be most boring.
"No duality, no fun." And I am afraid there is no countering it if you don’t look at it from another perspective.

In fact, I used to think like you until I enjoyed a experience of the Absolute, to call it somehow, which changed my life forever. I don't want to boast of any spirituality myself, it would not be right; apart from the fact that I had this experience long ago, back in the seventies, and have by far never been able to reproduce it afterwards. It happened a bit more than three months after I received initiation from a great Hindu guru in my country, which included most advanced meditation techniques. I would practice them every day at dusk, sitting in the lotus position of yoga.

Then one day, after concentrating for about five minutes, my eyes tightly shut, in my eyebrow; and while breathing slowly and rhythmically, I saw an universe of light just inside that minute spot of my skull which, immediately afterwards, drew me into itself for what seemed an eternity. And while I traveled into it in absolute wonder, I also was listening to a deafening, yet strangely calming thunder which seemed to roar from my eardrums until it filled the entire cavity of my skull as well as my whole body and members. In fact, it seemed to fill the entire universe itself.

A simultaneous experience that I vividly remember of that moment was a delicious frozen taste which originated in the domed cavity of my palate and filled in turn my skull and body, together with the air of my equally delicious, slow and rhythmical breathing, traveling from the center of my skull into my body and members, and into the entire universe contained in them, for what appeared to be a thousand years.

This entire experience seemed to be eternal. Yet after what may have been scarcely one or two minutes, or maybe ten minutes of total bliss and spiritual delight, it was so terrible a feeling to realize it had ended... and that I now was back into "reality". The truth is, I would not change that one minute of the most blissful experience for a million years of material reality. And yes, I will miss it forever.




10_1_136.gifHi Luis,

Thank you for your understanding. I don't believe that omitting information put forth would be the right answer. As you are basically assuming the role as messenger, to omit that that you feel would be unimportant or not noteworthy you distort the full picture. There has to be a reason that Lightworkers and channelers are beginning to disagree with one another, and by comparing their disagreements we may be able to find the answer. It does seem to me that everyone involved wants us to start believing in the same manner as they do, however they are not giving us any clear path in which to follow. I have also noticed over the past few months that They want a society of all good and no bad. Who really does determine what is good and what is bad? GOD is Omni Potent. The Alpha and Omega. The Beginning and the End. To rap it up in one word-Oneness. Everything else is Male and Female, Right or Wrong, Good or Bad. We cannot all be of one mind or one thought because it does not fit into the scope of what life is. As our Mentors from Space are learning, they cannot agree on important issues because they are trying to persuade one another that their theory is the correct one. No matter what kind of life lies ahead of us, there has to be diversity or it cannot exist. This also applies to the Lightness and Darkness. Unfortunetly, goodness has to be shared with evilness. This may sound redundant, however everything does have to have an opposite. As an example Earth has a magnetic Northpole and a magnetic Southpole. If there were only one magntic pole, either North or South our planet would not be stable. Therfore, if we were all made to think alike, we would not be stable. Lesser animals that occupy our world such as Lions and Tigers, Sheep and Deer, Fowl and Sea creatures have their complete life mapped out for them. They do not deviate from what their ancesters did thousands of years ago. Each of these creatures has a purpose in life and they carry out that purpose as planned. We as humans, have a much grander purpose, however if we are going to transcend to the world of our lesser occupants, we may have to learn how to hunt for our food, and stop reading books or inventing new ways to make our lives better because we will not need all of those things. When I read how, in the future if we want to go somewhere all we have to do is think about it and we will be there, or if we want a Steak Dinner all we have to do is think about it and it is put in front of us, and this life is called Paradise. Not to me it's not. This life sounds more like imprisonment to me. I would rather make my mistakes, go without a meal or two, and suffer a little bit now and then. I want to continue to work with my hands, cook my food, make my mistakes and use my brain the way I want to use it, and make my own decisions whether right or wrong. Therefore, if this makes me unqualified to ascend to the next level, so be it.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/4/2012 10:54:58 AM

Sheldan Nidle Update 10-2-12…”The Great Light of Truth Is To Be Cast Upon This Dark Place and a Most Needed Cleansing is to Happen!”

As this article by Sheldan explains, I have also had a sense of something “setting up” to come through this planet, in a rather “big” way. Maybe this happens “all at once”, but perhaps more likely, “step by step”. Emails from several I know have mentioned visions of “big things” coming. Soon (there’s that word). Whenever “soon” is. I feel it is helpful to be patient and allow it to flow. Follow Higher Guidance. Use Higher Discernment. (and all that stuff!)

There is much to do. And it will be done.

“When we arrived here in your Gregorian year of 1990, you were under the thumb of the Anunnaki and were supervised directly by their on-planet minions. These groups of minions were plotting to violate the conditions stipulated by Heaven concerning their temporary control of this reality. We were then advised by Heaven that our mission here was to be carried out according to directives issued by Lord Surea, and were also fully informed about what the dark intended to do and how it planned to accomplish it. Pursuant to this we set up a command post on your world in Agartha and asked the Agarthans to propose an optimum plan of action. Working together, we created a joint command and began to engage with a number of groups that were committed to returning this world to the Light. The complex logistics of this combined operation changed significantly with the Truce of Anchara, and since then we have carried out a lot of restructuring to keep the mission within the bounds of both divine directives and contingencies on the ground.”


  • Our Secret Sacred Societies aided by our Earth allies are working hard to complete a broad spectrum of activities which will create an astonishing new reality for you.
  • …many projects come to fruition, knowing that they are the start of what is to make disclosure possible!
  • …formal statements will shape the framework for the introduction of new technologies, our first interaction with you, and a basic schedule of what is to take place just before and after our mass landings.
  • Our primary reason for coming here is to be your mentors and to use our abilities to make your transition to full consciousness as swift, smooth, and comprehensible for you as possible.
  • The divine plan for this time specifies the termination of Mother Earth’s and your internment by the dark, and your joint return to full consciousness.
  • When we arrived here in your Gregorian year of 1990, you were under the thumb of the Anunnaki and were supervised directly by their on-planet minions.
  • Pursuant to this we set up a command post on your world in Agartha and asked the Agarthans to propose an optimum plan of action.
  • The provisions spelt out in a range of signed agreements are close to being realized and any remaining final preparations are being wrapped up.
  • The Agarthans likewise intend to employ their own embedded ones to guide the new leaders in a higher form of governance and to prepare all of you for your new responsibilities… The time has come for a very big leap in consciousness into an amazing new reality!
  • We come to announce that a series of blessed events is shortly to manifest in this reality!
  • …the seven grand Seraphim… are here to orchestrate a transformation of this world to the Light, and to set to rights any events that have, in any way, delayed the manifesting of the divine plan for this realm.
  • At present, the dark is staging a whole spate of contrived scenarios to hold on to its dwindling power… Already this dark chokehold is being loosened by the Seraphim.
  • We have prepared ourselves for the sacred blows and the relief that is to follow… The great Light of Truth is to be cast upon this dark place and a most needed cleansing is to happen!


Sheldan Nidle Update 10-2-12
12 Ahau, 8 Tzotz, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We come today, knowing that a great many things are approaching the point where they can begin to take shape before your eyes. Our Secret Sacred Societies aided by our Earth allies are working hard to complete a broad spectrum of activities which will create an astonishing new reality for you. We watch with much merriment as these many projects come to fruition, knowing that they are the start of what is to make disclosure possible! We intend to take this opportunity to make a series of announcements to inform you of the enormous scope of what has been undertaken to get Mother Earth and humanity to this point, and to detail the many changes that will be proclaimed by the leaders of the new caretaker governments. These formal statements will shape the framework for the introduction of new technologies, our first interaction with you, and a basic schedule of what is to take place just before and after our mass landings. We have adjusted the content of these broadcasts in light of what we have been told by the leaders of your new governance, and will therefore also modify aspects of the timeline that we are going to share with you.

It is important to us that our interactions from the very beginning be open and flexible enough to adapt to any judicious changes to our schedule that are deemed necessary. Our primary reason for coming here is to be your mentors and to use our abilities to make your transition to full consciousness as swift, smooth, and comprehensible for you as possible. Under this edict we have continually adapted our mission according to what was decreed to be divinely possible. Our liaison personnel constantly provide us with a flood of information regarding your different consciousness groups and their various, ever-changing programs. We then use this data to shape and reshape our mutual mission-goals. Our purpose is to move you toward full consciousness within the divine plan set up for your world by Lord Surea and the realm of AEON. This sacred realm is the reason behind what we do. The divine plan for this time specifies the termination of Mother Earth’s and your internment by the dark, and your joint return to full consciousness.

When we arrived here in your Gregorian year of 1990, you were under the thumb of the Anunnaki and were supervised directly by their on-planet minions. These groups of minions were plotting to violate the conditions stipulated by Heaven concerning their temporary control of this reality. We were then advised by Heaven that our mission here was to be carried out according to directives issued by Lord Surea, and were also fully informed about what the dark intended to do and how it planned to accomplish it. Pursuant to this we set up a command post on your world in Agartha and asked the Agarthans to propose an optimum plan of action. Working together, we created a joint command and began to engage with a number of groups that were committed to returning this world to the Light. The complex logistics of this combined operation changed significantly with the Truce of Anchara, and since then we have carried out a lot of restructuring to keep the mission within the bounds of both divine directives and contingencies on the ground.

This multiple restructuring has brought us successfully to the present. The provisions spelt out in a range of signed agreements are close to being realized and any remaining final preparations are being wrapped up. Liaison personnel embedded in many vital places and groups are updating us with a steady stream of information which we are using to evaluate what to expect once these groups are installed in the transitional governments. We wish to work with them harmoniously and to contribute our abilities to prepare your realm for its short, final journey to full consciousness. The Agarthans likewise intend to employ their own embedded ones to guide the new leaders in a higher form of governance and to prepare all of you for your new responsibilities. Our intention is to create an environment that encourages you to joyously explore the exciting new world that Heaven is so graciously opening up for you. The time has come for a very big leap in consciousness into an amazing new reality!

Blessings to you all! We are your Ascended Masters! We come to announce that a series of blessed events is shortly to manifest in this reality! Long ago the dark was given specific responsibilities concerning their activities in this realm, which included recognizing when to return this reduced world back to the Light. This stipulation has been totally ignored by the dark cabal and its numerous minions around the world. This is why AEON has brought, from its glorious realm, the seven grand Seraphim. These Mighty Ones are here to orchestrate a transformation of this world to the Light, and to set to rights any events that have, in any way, delayed the manifesting of the divine plan for this realm. In accordance with this we are encouraged to do what needs to be done to permit our associates to complete the changes that move your reality out from under the clamp placed on it by the dark cabal. At present, the dark is staging a whole spate of contrived scenarios to hold on to its dwindling power.

Already this dark chokehold is being loosened by the Seraphim. The ways of Heaven are, first, to wait graciously for those so chosen to learn that their ill-gotten ways can no longer hold. Then Heaven acts in such a manner that unequivocally demonstrates to these ones that it is indeed time to let go of these various ‘ways.’ This is now being done by those from AEON. We have prepared ourselves for the sacred blows and the relief that is to follow. In addition, the many elements of the Galactic Federation are acting in tandem with these most sacred ones. The moment arrives for a new day in this realm. The great Light of Truth is to be cast upon this dark place and a most needed cleansing is to happen! This is why there is greater joy in our step and a rising song in our collective Souls. This time is to be the beginning of many things that welcome the Light to our new realm.

As we prepare ourselves for this parade of events, we pray joyously to Heaven and to the divine plan which have so Lovingly permitted this realm to experience again the utter joy of full consciousness. The Divine is readying the various means that will deliver us from an evil that was only temporarily cast in our path. It is time to reset our energies and to sense once again the feelings that accompany our return to sacred service as one of a host of physical Angels who unfold the blessed glories of Heaven throughout the entirety of physicality. This wonderful condition is something you have not experienced in over thirteen millennia. Your Soul is now to return to its natural state, and you will then fully know the bliss that is the direct tie to Heaven and your sacred lineage! Be in Joy and great cheer, my fellow Sisters and Brothers, of utmost intensity!

Today, we continued our series of messages which aim to help explain the grand shift from dark to Light. This sacred journey has taken you through multiple reincarnations. One generation has followed another, in a grand swath that is now to bring you back to the heart of your Soul’s immortality. Be in joy, and ready to accept the gifts of Heaven! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

MY NOTE: Let's see how long will this cleansing take to happen.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/4/2012 10:57:08 AM

SaLuSa 10-3-12…”We Continue to Remove The Dark Forces”

SaLuSa 3-October-2012

As you are undoubtedly noting, the unrest amongst the worlds population is spreading. The people are not prepared to suffer any longer for the indiscretions of the Bankers, who have caused such severe austerity measures to be brought into the countries involved. The governments are fearful of the power of the people, and know that if they persist they will be forced to find another solution to the problems. In the long run, debt forgiveness is the complete answer, but you will have to wait and see if that realization is accepted. You the people have been deliberately kept in need due to the intention to the Illuminati to make you dependent on them. This way they have been able to dictate exactly how your lives have progressed.

So the power game is still being played out but on balance it is moving towards the people, who have awoken to how they have been falsely mislead to allow the dark Ones to rule their lives. As Sovereign Beings you should have had a far better quality of life, and there has been more than adequate means for your governments to do so. The rich and powerful have held you back to maintain their own position in society. When the wealth is re-distributed you will see that there has been enough in the world, for everyone to enjoy a life of plenty. The changes that will trigger a return to abundance are in hand, and in due course will happen in your lifetimes. We of the Galactic Federation of Light will have a role in it, and the plans have already been prepared.

Like you we are waiting for sufficient progress to take place so that we can push on with our responsibility to you, to ensure that the path to Ascension opens up more quickly. Obviously with the end times approaching so fast we do want to have the opportunity to come to Earth, as our technology will enable communications to be lifted up to a more efficient level. Then we can address the world who will hear what we have to say in their respective languages. In general terms we need to make sure that everyone learns of Ascension, and have the opportunity to take part in it. Some will of course have little or no interest, but at least they will not be able to say that they did not know about it.

We see the divide on Earth becoming wider between those of the Light and those who are still held back by the lower energies. Gradually the awakening is spreading, and many souls are realizing their greater potential to make changes to their lives for the better. A lack of belief in God is not necessarily preventing people from ascending, as many of them are at heart very kind and decent people. It is what you are inside that counts, but we always come back to the need to treat others as yourself. We will repeatedly remind you that you are All One and if you can accept that, you will be moving into the Light because of your love for all Beings. It is quite simple and not complicated to lift yourselves up, and with it you will experience a greater degree of consciousness.

Do not doubt for one moment that you are powerful souls, and do not put any limitations on your ability to achieve a higher level of existence. You have the potential to be whatever you desire, but you have to work towards it to be successful. You are not referred to as Gods for no reason, and many of you are already Masters. In the near future you will discover your true identity and find that you have greatly benefited from your experiences in duality. You will go on to have further ones, but in the higher dimensions the pace of evolution is a lot slower. Obviously you do not face the day to day challenges that you have now, or the opportunity to evolve as quickly.

After such a long time in the lower vibrations it will be a pleasant change for you to move into peaceful dimensions where you can relax and enjoy yourselves. There are so many more levels that you can evolve into, and each one is of increasing vibrations and Light. Eventually you will move beyond the need to take form as you understand it, but can nevertheless provide it for yourself when the occasion requires it. You will not immediately gain all of the benefits together, but will quickly acquire those that will replace what you are leaving behind. The chores and unpleasant features of living in the third dimension will no longer exist, and all will be a beautiful and satisfying experience.

Keep looking on the bright side of things even if you are suffering from an illness or disability, as it will not be with you for much longer. Your body is already changing and your vibrations will soon be powerful enough to bring about a reversal. The thought of having a perfect body will help with the creation of it, as what you focus upon is what you get. That is why we encourage you to focus on the Light and not things of the lower energies. Do not doubt your capabilities, as you can create from pure thought. Collectively of course it is increased exponentially and carrying you forward to Ascension. It is further enhanced by the Light that comes to you from many other sources, both on and off Earth.

We have consistently informed you that as a highly spiritual Being, Barack Obama was destined to win the Presidential Election. You are now seeing that his position is looking assured, and that means that we can wait until afterwards to involve ourselves in Disclosure. It will bring the commencement of many major changes, and you will finally see the collapse of the dark Ones. They have lived on borrowed time, and should have gone quite some time ago but have tried to deny the obvious fact that the Light is victorious. It has not been helped by the apathy of people who fail to see how their freedom has been taken away from them.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and will inform you that we continue to remove the dark forces that have been using bases on your Earth for a very long time. They are not allowed to stay any longer, and have no place in the Ascension process. Their existence so far has mainly been a legacy from several thousand years ago, and the evidence still remains in your recorded history. As many of you know, in recent times the Greys were allowed to reside upon Earth by agreement with your U.S. government, but these must also leave.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

MY NOTE: I hope all this is really happening.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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