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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/2/2012 12:43:21 AM

Poofness 9-30-12…”So, Off You Go Now”

As with many other articles out there, this Poof piece indicates that, step by step, the pockets of the cabal-ites are being emptied. The point about the US government (shouldn’t that read, “US corporation”?), “All manner of legalities have run out…”, perhaps points to the implications of the end of the FY 2012 for the US corporation. Recall that Ben Fulford said (in his last article):

“The United States of America Corporation (as opposed to the Republic of the United States), based in the Vatican-like independent city state of Washington D.C., has its fiscal year end on September 30th. This criminal corporation has been constantly at war over the past 60 years if not the past several hundred years. It needs to be bankrupted once and for all and many of us are trying to do just this. The 13 inbred families that own this corporation have been trying desperately to avoid bankruptcy by starting World War 3.”

Sorry, GHW, Bibi, et al… WWIII ain’t happenin’!!


  • Good time to practice being under a non disclosure. Learn to have no comment…
  • ‘A quiet mind is a divine mind’. No chatter, what a concept.
  • …the only game you [the cabal] got left is creating fear in the masses, if your pockets have been picked clean.
  • All manner of legalities have run out in the us government right now. These contracts will not be reissued either.


So, Off You Go Now…

Greetings and Salutations,

I needn’t say much, it’s not exactly been quiet out here. Good time to practice being under a non disclosure. Learn to have no comment or like the gurus and monks, practice silence. I once heard an indian woman say; ‘A quiet mind is a divine mind’. No chatter, what a concept.

It will be wonderful when taxes go away, I must say tho, back in Ike’s day, it was a high as 90% in the us…but prices were low, you could feed the neighborhood with 25 bucks, and they used to have gas wars between gas stations. Ahh, the good ole days. What if I said, you’re heading to a world very similar, minus the cold war in the background, or all the chinese walking into the sea and arriving in LA and taking us over. Never running out of chinese mind you. We got that stuff from the same people who told us to get under the desk in school in case of a nuke attack The game of fear continues. But, you know, the only game you got left is creating fear in the masses, if your pockets have been picked clean. Create as much mass confusion as you can, perhaps you can get the people fighting each other so hard, you can offer yourself as the the one’s who know how to calm the masses. Going for another spin around the planetary clock. Say, 10,000 years this time.

All manner of legalities have run out in the us government right now. These contracts will not be reissued either. No extensions. Even last week, some folks found out the limits of their power. Tough cheese, when you’re use to having the finest.
[9-26-12. France to Tax Ultra Rich at 75% Tax Rate
The French Socialist government on Friday hiked taxes for the rich to as much as 75% of their income. David Wessel on The News Hub looks at how tax rates that lofty could impact economic growth.]

Here’s some ideas to think about: ["Thrive" movie]

Love and Kisses, Poofness


Ride Captain Ride
Lyrics by The Blues Image

Seventy-three men sailed up from the San Francisco Bay
Rolled off of their ship, and here’s what they had to say

“We’re callin’ everyone to ride along to another shore
We can laugh our lives away and be free once more”

But no one heard them callin’, no one came at all ‘Cause they were too busy watchin’ those old raindrops fall. As a storm was blowin’ out on the peaceful sea Seventy-three men sailed off to history

Ride, captain ride upon your mystery ship Be amazed at the friends you have here on your trip
Ride captain ride upon your mystery ship
On your way to a world that others might have missed

(Repeat first two verses) (Chorus) Ride, captain ride upon your mystery ship Be amazed at the friends you have here on your trip

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/2/2012 12:45:20 AM

Benjamin Fulford 10-1-12…”Operation Santa Claus”

The actual “Ben-given” title is, “United States of America Corporation looting individual bank accounts to postpone bankruptcy“. But to me, the main highlight of it all was “Operation Santa Claus”, or OSC. Here’s what Ben wrote about it.

“The White Dragon Societies believe there will be less fighting over who gets what slice of the pie if the pie is big and constantly growing. That is why it is proposing the not-so-secret “inside job,” to be code named OSC, short for Operation Santa Claus.

“This would be a giant operation involving the Chinese, Russian, American and other militaries together with industrialists and charities. The goal would be to make sure that every child on earth receives a present and a healthy, delicious meal on December 25th, 2012, the start of the new solar year.

“On that day, the Romans could symbolically return the old Menorahs to replace the ones stolen from the Temple of Solomon. After that a new temple could be built on the site of the original one beside the mosque and together with a Hindu Temple, A Buddhist Temple, a Church and a zone for alternative belief systems.

“The advantage of a plan like OSC is that it would show how much more humans can accomplish if you get them to sincerely agree to something than if you try to manipulate them with violent, divisive incidents triggered by paid hoodlums. Peace and prosperity are goals we all share.”

[There is a note at the end of this that explains how to subscribe to his weekly newsletter. Also I believe one can donate to his cause directly at (via Paypal), should you feel so guided.]


  • The [USA] Corporation… has resorted to stealing private funds, and blaming it on “Iranian cyber-attacks,” in order to stave off bankruptcy…
  • The overall picture is that the Queen and the Pope are funneling money to Obama and pushing for his re-election, while the Rockefellers and Bushes are looking towards Asia…
  • …the Vatican also has several solid gold Menorah’s dating back to the time of Jesus that they say they would be willing to hand over to an honorable group of Torah Jews.
  • The now collapsing Rothschild game plan for the Middle-East is aiming to cause regime change in Syria, followed by Jordan and then Saudi Arabia as a precursor to doubling oil prices and replenishing Rothschild coffers.
  • The fact that no Western ambassadors followed the Israeli ambassador out of the UN when Iranian President Ahmajinedad made his very peaceful speech, was another sign the apocalyptic plan to start world war in the Middle East has almost no support.
  • The Pentagon… are seriously considering closing over 44 bases around Iran in order to speed up the collapse of the “attack Iran” Talmudic faction and put a definitive end to the constant “attack Iran” yapping by Rothschild thugs like Benjamin Netanyahu.
  • …the Asians are doing their best to avoid collateral damage as they watch the slow motion implosion of the old order in the West.
  • Although most leaders in the West are fully aware the old financial and geopolitical system is falling apart, they cannot decide what to do next.
  • The White Dragon Societies… is proposing the not-so-secret “inside job,” to be code named OSC, short for Operation Santa Claus.
  • This would be a giant operation involving the Chinese, Russian, American and other militaries together with industrialists and charities. The goal would be to make sure that every child on earth receives a present and a healthy, delicious meal on December 25th, 2012, the start of the new solar year.
  • The advantage of a plan like OSC is that it would show how much more humans can accomplish if you get them to sincerely agree to something


United States of America Corporation looting individual bank accounts to postpone bankruptcy… (Operation Santa Claus)
by Benjamin Fulford 10-1-12

The United States of America Corporation, a subsidiary of the bloodline family owned Federal Reserve Board, has resorted to stealing private funds, and blaming it on “Iranian cyber-attacks,” in order to stave off bankruptcy, according to CIA and other sources. This desperate stalling maneuver comes as the members of the old pentagram of power, David Rockefeller, George Bush Senior, Queen Elizabeth, Evelyn de Rothschild and the Pope all argue amongst each other over what to do next.

The overall picture is that the Queen and the Pope are funneling money to Obama and pushing for his re-election, while the Rockefellers and Bushes are looking towards Asia, according to both CIA and Vatican sources. This leaves the Rothschild’s out on a limb and isolated. Their plan to start war and mayhem in the Middle-East, prior to doubling oil prices, is now starting to look like a really bad, if not fatal, chess move.

Word has also now come back from the Vatican archives about the fate of the Menorahs taken from the Temple of Solomon by troops of the Roman Emperor Titus. According to a senior Vatican archivist,…

… the original Menorahs from the temple were melted down and turned into small statues that were distributed amongst various Romans and thus cannot be returned to the temple. However, the Vatican also has several solid gold Menorah’s dating back to the time of Jesus that they say they would be willing to hand over to an honorable group of Torah Jews. The Talmudic Jews, whose belief system is Babylonian and Sumerian but not Jewish, would not be considered qualified to receive the Menorahs, the Vatican sources say. Nonetheless, the willingness of the Vatican to make such a gesture would be very helpful to help start a not-so secret operation, code named OSC, that is being proposed by the White Dragon Society. We will talk more about this at the end of the news-letter but for now let us return to the geopolitical situation.

The now collapsing Rothschild game plan for the Middle-East is aiming to cause regime change in Syria, followed by Jordan and then Saudi Arabia as a precursor to doubling oil prices and replenishing Rothschild coffers.

The fact that Israel has been saying since 1992 that Iran “is within a few months” of getting a nuclear weapon and needs to be attacked, is a clear sign the Rothschild game plan has been churning its wheels in the mud for a long time.

The fact that no Western ambassadors followed the Israeli ambassador out of the UN when Iranian President Ahmajinedad made his very peaceful speech, was another sign the apocalyptic plan to start world war in the Middle East has almost no support.

The recent killing of a US “Ambassador” at the non-existent US consulate in Benghazi, meanwhile, turns out in fact to have been the killing of a Bush agent by a Rothschild agent, according to CIA and MI6 sources. This was a proxy battle over oil, apparently.

The Pentagon, now that its Rockefeller and Bush factions have split from the Rothschilds, are seriously considering closing over 44 bases around Iran in order to speed up the collapse of the “attack Iran” Talmudic faction and put a definitive end to the constant “attack Iran” yapping by Rothschild thugs like Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Rockefeller and Bush groups realize that it is now Asia, and not the Middle East, where the main action will be and they are hoping to get a part of it.

However, attempts to start conflict between Japan and China or China and other neighbours, are not going to succeed because the Asians are not going to let themselves be fooled into a war that hurts everyone except the arms manufacturers and the usurious bloodline families.

Instead the Asians are doing their best to avoid collateral damage as they watch the slow motion implosion of the old order in the West.

Although most leaders in the West are fully aware the old financial and geopolitical system is falling apart, they cannot decide what to do next.

The bloodline families want to keep their privileges and dynasties intact even as they try to create a more gentle system that gives more “cake” to the commoners. The anti-bloodline gnostic illuminati want a permanent end to bloodline rule. The answer will be some sort of compromise.

The problem though, lies in deciding what sort of new financial and economic system should be used to replace the one that is now collapsing. One group, the Leo Wanta, Mike Cotrell “White Hats,” who were involved in collapsing the Soviet Union, think that trillions of dollars belong to them. Another group says it all belongs to the OITC. Then there are the program people who wish to address historical financial injustices in the West. Then there are the various Asian groups who have been cheated out of their gold and money for the past 100 years and are now demanding restitution.

The White Dragon Societies believe there will be less fighting over who gets what slice of the pie if the pie is big and constantly growing. That is why it is proposing the not-so-secret “inside job,” to be code named OSC, short for Operation Santa Claus.

This would be a giant operation involving the Chinese, Russian, American and other militaries together with industrialists and charities. The goal would be to make sure that every child on earth receives a present and a healthy, delicious meal on December 25th, 2012, the start of the new solar year.

On that day, the Romans could symbolically return the old Menorahs to replace the ones stolen from the Temple of Solomon. After that a new temple could be built on the site of the original one beside the mosque and together with a Hindu Temple, A Buddhist Temple, a Church and a zone for alternative belief systems.

The advantage of a plan like OSC is that it would show how much more humans can accomplish if you get them to sincerely agree to something than if you try to manipulate them with violent, divisive incidents triggered by paid hoodlums. Peace and prosperity are goals we all share.


[A subscription to Ben's full articles is only $8 per month ("Payments can... be made with a ‘PayPal’ [account]“), but Ben will allow anyone who can not pay this to subscribe for less (or free). On one page of his site he says, “All subscribers will agree to pay whatever monthly subscription price they can afford. Those who are really poor can get it for free.” In my mind, if you like the articles, and want to support Ben and his work, consider subscribing to his blog.

Ben may be contacted at any of the emails below which he provides on his websites:,,,]

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/2/2012 12:56:23 AM

Keshe Foundation: Geoffrey West’s Interview with M.T. Keshe Continues Tonight on Cosmic Vision News Special

2012 OCTOBER 1
Posted by Stephen Cook

Keshe Foundation: Geoffrey West’s Interview with M.T. Keshe Continues Tonight on Cosmic Vision News Special

For all those readers who have been asking about the Keshe Foundation, here is your chance to hear from the founder himself.

Part 2 of Geoffrey West’s interview with Mehran. T. Keshe, the Founder of the Keshe Foundation, continues tonight in a special broadcast of Cosmic Vision News airing on InLight radio at 5pm PST/8pm EST (Monday October 1). CVN is airing at this special time, the usual time for An Hour With An Angel, which isn’t airing this week as Linda Dillon is in transit.

The show will also feature a discussion on Iranian leader, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Geoffrey will be joined by both Steve Beckow, a former member of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada – who will talk about his own personal experiences with refugees from Iran and their harrowing tales at the hands of Ahmadinejad’s regime – and myself.

The interview with Mehran Keshe – or M.T. Keshe as he is also known – is a coup for Geoff. However, as the Cosmic Vision News anchor pointed out in his introduction to Part 1, which aired last Friday on Cosmic Vision News, this is an “unusual” interview…

“Right from the start the energies were very strange and I honestly don’t know what to say about it,” Geoffrey told listeners.

“I think it is best to simply play the interview and let you, the listener, decide what to make of it”.

Having heard the interview, Mr Keshe seems to deflect most questions and actually seems to have little respect for the ordinary everyday people who have been inquiring about his technology.

Part 1 is here:

Part 2 will feature in tonight’s special broadcast of Cosmic Vision News.

That’s Cosmic Vision News Special Broadcast (

The Keshe Foundation is an independent non-profit and non-religious organization founded by nuclear engineer M.T. Keshe that aims to develop new scientific knowledge, new technologies and new solutions to major global problems like famine, water shortage, lack of electrical power supply, climate change, and disease, through the use of specially developed plasma reactors which will also give Mankind the real freedom to travel in deep Space.

You can find out more about the Foundation by heading here:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/2/2012 1:22:42 AM

Preparing for Ascension

2012 OCTOBER 1
Posted by Steve Beckow

Just had a wonderful discussion with a discussion-group member that perhaps I should comment on here as well.

The question was: should we be concentrating on seeing the cabal are rounded up, working for world peace, etc., or should we be focussed on preparing for Ascension?

My answer is (and I’m either right or I’m wrong on this): it depends.

If a person is a Third-Dimensional terrestrial who has never ascended before, it’d seem appropriate to concentrate on preparing for Ascension.

If one thinks one’s house is not in order, one is filled with emotions like hatred, irritation, jealousy, greed, etc., then one perhaps should be preparing for Ascension.

There are probably more categories of people that I haven’t thought of who “should be” preparing for Ascension.

But several categories of people probably do not need to “prepare for” Ascension. One is starseeds who have come from higher dimensions, have already ascended, and are here to help with this one. Their soul contract is not to look to their own future, but to assist in what is the main mission of everyone here helping with Ascension and that is to see that the greatest possible number of people ascend when that moment arrives (and for me that moment is Dec. 21, 2012).

Another is people who practice karma yoga or selfless service so that selflessly serving IS their preparation for Ascension.

Another group would be children under the age of majority, who are considered innocent and are “free to fly.” Animals are also considered innocent.

Dunno. Just love baby shots

Some people will say, how do I know I’m a starseed. I’m not sure. I know from readings with a medium. Some people would consider that dubious information but I don’t.

I’ve worked with channels since 1975 and am quite comfortable with that source of information and I do know there are competent mediums and not so competent. I trust my capability to discern between the two (using my inner voice and other criteria).

In my view, far too many people feel in doubt about whether they’ll ascend or not than need to. If you’re reading blogs like this one, I’d say almost beyond a doubt you’ll ascend. The qualifications for ascending are to choose to ascend and to have assimilated enough light to endure life on the Fifth Dimension.

The light energies hitting the planet at the present time are raising everyone’s light quotient. And every aid is being given anyone who wishes to ascend.

Some time ago through Ronna Herman, Archangel Michael said that “we must clear 51% of our negative frequency patterns and attune our Energetic Signature to at least a portion of the lower sub-level frequencies of the Fifth Dimension in order to” ascend. (1) 51%. What is that? C- (c-minus)? That doesn’t sound onerous to me.

If the overall mission is to see that as many people ascend as possible, then surely we can see that the intention is inclusive rather than exclusive. So I’d suggest to people – at least the people who are reading 2012 Ascension blogs and participating in similar discussion groups – that you are open to Ascension, are wishing to ascend, and are serious about the matter. That in itself should reassure you that it’s probably a sure bet that you’ll ascend.


(1) Archangel Michael, Sept. 27, 2009, through Ronna Herman, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Michael Caron

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10/2/2012 5:50:50 AM

10_1_136.gifHi Luis,

The article about Greg Giles was quite interesting. Wouldn't it be interesting if December 21, 2012 comes and goes with nothing spectacular happening? I say this because In the past year or so, when spectacular events were suppose to occur, days before the occurrance we have received messages that they would not happen as planned because the time was not right or we were not ready or some other reason postphoning the event. When other events did take place, we were told that the events had been modified. There have been several messages stating that Mother Ships would fill the skies to the extent that no one could deny their existence. This has not taken place either. It seems to me that a lot of people are crying Wolf. All though these topics do make for good conversation, I am beginning to wonder if we are innocent Lambs being lead to the Slaughter House. There has just been too much talk about preparing for events that just do not seem to be taking place. It is such a shame that so many people believe in these people that apparently don't even exist. Those that are called Star Seed used to be referred to as Star Children, however as our community has grown to quite a few thousand members, I have not read anything from anyone claiming to be a Star Child or Star Seed. I did receive a message about two or three years ago from a man claiming to be from another planet, however I have not heard back from him yet.

The events taken place around the world do show a change in how people think. Citizens of countries that are run by Tyrants are fighting back and taken back control of their countries, however once they have control they don't know what to do with it. It is so sad to see so many innocent lives being lost to achieve freedom that is so far out of reach for so many people. When the Ashtars and the Galactics say "The time is not right yet" I ask myself a very disturbing question. "When will the time be right? When all the innocent people have died and all that is left is the killers of freedom?' In other words, who exactly will be the ones chosen to ascend to a higher plain? Those of us who seek peace, love, freedom,and understanding are not winning anything. It is just getting more difficult by the day for us to survive. Perhaps Greg Giles figured this out and no longer wants to be a part of it. Or, perhaps those that he no longer wants to serve has taken him out of the picture. As I have said before, sometimes the Truth Hurts, however if we could just once get some true answers we could decide once and for all what side of the fence we want to stand on.



Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.

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