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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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10/1/2012 2:20:25 AM
Friends, this is really strange and distressing. For one thing, no one seems to know what it means or how it will affect the channelings of Ashtar and the Light Federation's messages

Greg Giles Quits: Strange “Finale” Message

Posted by Stephen Cook

Greg Giles Quits: Strange “Finale” Message

In a truly strange and distressing day, it appears that Greg Giles, channeller for both the Galactic Federation and the Ashtar Command, has channelled his final message and has quit his current Lightworker mission.

Either that, or he’s been seriously hacked by others who may have, in some way, compromised both his channellings and his new website in what may be a very cruel and nasty campaign to seriously harm Greg’s reputation. This dark scenario may also be a possibility.

There has also been talk in some forums elsewhere this week that, because Greg had not posted since September 24 – and he usually posts very regularly – he had gone missing…

Whatever is the case, today is a truly strange day in the history of Lightworkers and our hearts and healing must indeed be sent and relayed to Greg in whatever loving doses we can send him today.

According to his own blog, Greg has posted his final message – titled “Message from Those Who Share Their Messages through Me 9/29/12 ‘Finale,” dated September 29, 2012.

Greg’s profile photo on the front page of his Ascension Earth 2012 blog also carries a new (and somewhat odd) message, as of today:

Hello everyone, this message entitled ‘Finale’ is indeed genuine, meaning, this site has not been hacked and this message was sent to me by the same source as each and every previous message. Please join our discussion in the comments section. And yes, this is my real photo and my name is Greg Giles. I am also your friend, all of you.

Meanwhile, this is how the “Finale” message starts:

Many of you have clearly been waiting on your ship to come in to your harbor, but as a few of you, not many of you, but a few of you have begun to discern for yourselves, no ship is coming in and we, of course, are referring to these fictitious debit cards that have never and will never be mailed to you. All of you, and this means every single one of you, including our channel Greg, has been participating in what you may refer to as a research study or a project, or what we refer to as a great program. So what has this program, that is now over for Greg mind you, all about?

Well, we can tell you only what you may need to know, or what you feel you may need to know, to somehow come out of this a little more unscathed than Greg has. Greg is, shall we say, deeply wounded, for he feels he has led many of you astray and in a way he has indeed done this. However, his heart was always in the right place. He has actually been receiving our radio frequency communications that are received solely through the power and the use of his brain. This is the way we have been communicating with him and through him to you, and this is why we feel he has fallen for this, we shall say, scam, if you will, for so long, for you see, when one receives communications in this way they can get a little confused. Such is the case with Greg.

And on it goes… see below.

Tragically, it seems to follow a similar pattern of unusual ramblings which have dotted his posts for the past few months… posts which have been accusatory, fearful, and judgemental; featured language that appeared to be very non-5th dimensional; and, in the past week, have contained threatening messages towards other channellers and Lightworkers.

Greg, Sierra Michal and brother Glenn Giles

There’s been much talk about Greg’s erratic postings and their content within Lightworker communities around the world.

Many have been concerned. Others have stopped reading Greg’s messages at all.

This particular “Finale” message says that Greg has been ‘duped’… ‘they’ have lied to us about this and lied to us about that.

The entities he is alleged to be channeling in this “Finale” message actually say they are not members of the Galactic Federation of Light nor the Ashtar Command.

‘They’ say ‘they’ have bodies that are unlike human bodies – but do not reveal who ‘they’ are.

‘They’ say they do not possess souls, as we would like to think. ‘They’ even deny there are such things as the Cabal, Ascension or any other dimensions beyond the third.

Anthony Morrison, who’s been the 2012 Scenario editor who regularly posted Greg Giles’s messages until recently – when the editors here discussed whether we should continue to post Greg’s messages because of their fearful tone and mixed messages – has been concerned about Greg’s well-being for some time.

“I have felt Greg has not been coping with either the messages coming through or the community reaction. I felt he was even on the verge of a breakdown of sorts. Maybe today is the culmination of all this,” says Anthony. “Something is seriously awry here.”

A poster on another forum wrote three days ago, under the heading Is Greg Giles missing?: “Greg has not posted his ‘daily’ messages since 24 September 2012 without saying anything, which is very unusual for him. It appears that his brother Glen who lives with him also has not posted any comments.”

Another poster, responding to the one above wrote: “I certainly wish no harm to Greg or his brother. However, he had been posting a lot which was offending many of us lightworkers out here. myself, included. I had been following his messages for several months and finally he offended me as well. I didn’t post any negativity about him because I AM a true light worker and my heart is full of all love for everyone and everything in the many universes.

“It is a likely possibility, that he may have been removed from command due to him offending so many light workers due to his negative remarks being made towards many of the awakening souls that are here. I had read a month or so ago that some of the others in GFL that his channelings had been removed from other sites because he was offending so many humans with his some of his negative remarks that were disheartening and disillusioning many humans like myself and that there had been many here that were trying to get his channelings removed from these sites. These thoughts are only my own so please don’t take them to heart.

“Please continue to do your own search as to what may have happened to him and let me know. In the meantime, I will pray and send love and light to him and his twin brother that they will remain safe and in the light.”

I have also been concerned about Greg’s personal situation for several weeks. I have written to Greg directly, three times over the past few months, asking him if he would like to come onThe Light Agenda as a guest – but he has not answered a single email. Which I found odd, because he always answered people’s emails.

I have again extended this invitation to him in the aftermath of what has happened today, but only if he feels he is comfortable and once he regains his composure. I don’t wish him to place himself under any increased undue pressure – but he may feel he needs to talk and if so I’d like to be there for him.

So, on this very sad day, I suggest we all send Greg our love and light and healing.

And Greg, we’re here for you whenever you need. You know how and where to find us. When and if you’re ready. You are loved.

Much Love and Light and Galactic Magic!


WARNING: Please use discernment. This is a particularly distressing message to read.

You can read today’s message in its entirety here:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
10/1/2012 2:33:11 AM

Hilarion: You Are Your Own Greatest Treasure

Posted by Alice C

HilarionHilarion: You Are Your Own Greatest Treasure

As channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana – 30 September, 2012

Beloved Ones,

A great many of you are experiencing fear in ways that did not bother you before. Know that you are picking up on the fears of the mass consciousness field and that you have control over your mind and your thoughts. At such moments all you have to do is remember that you are always surrounded by a legion of Angels.

There is no place upon this Planet that you walk alone. As you have trodden upon your spiritual journey in this lifetime, you have amassed a greater following of Light Beings who watch over you so that at this point in time, you each have a veritable army of Light to protect you.

To counter the chaotic energies that are prevalent in these times, look closely to find the beauty all around you – in people, in places, in your surroundings, in every small vignette of physical perfection, and make this your focus. You are holding the vision of a beautiful and pristine World for all of Humanity and you are making a difference.

Too often, you allow the projections of others to influence your consciousness instead of imprinting your conscious intent into each situation. You are the creator of your reality. Train your thoughts to always hold the highest vision and intend the highest outcome for the highest good of all.

These current times call for greater discernment and lightning quick decision making while assessing each event as it occurs. Always trust your first impression and take note of it, for invariably this is the correct assessment and it comes from your Higher Self.

Trust in this guidance and act upon it in whatever way is most appropriate for you. This guidance is unique to you in every situation you encounter and requires that you detach from the seeming appearance that is before you so that you can make the correct choice for you.

You are all in the process of connecting to your own power in a greater capacity and this sometimes requires stepping into the unknown, which can take on the appearance of a void, a stuckness, as you re-orient yourselves.

This void is as nothing if you but remember the Light that you are, for your Light cuts through the deepest darkness and can truly be a beacon to guide others. It requires confidence in your own ability to shine. You are your own greatest treasure.

Sometimes being fully in your mundane life is the most powerful place for you to be and on a higher level it is exactly right for you, so do not feel that you are out of the loop of higher service. At this point in time, Dear Ones, you are all exactly where you must be. Stand tall, stay strong, stay focused and be in peace.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Myrna Ferguson

16559 Posts
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10/1/2012 3:23:25 AM

Hi Miguel,
I just posted a film on my TruthTellers about the mind control.
Here is the web site and the video is listed on here. It is very interesting and informative about microwaves.


Friends, this is really strange and distressing. For one thing, no one seems to know what it means or how it will affect the channelings of Ashtar and the Light Federation's messages

Greg Giles Quits: Strange “Finale” Message

Posted by Stephen Cook
Greg Giles Quits: Strange “Finale” Message

In a truly strange and distressing day, it appears that Greg Giles, channeller for both the Galactic Federation and the Ashtar Command, has channelled his final message and has quit his current Lightworker mission.

Either that, or he’s been seriously hacked by others who may have, in some way, compromised both his channellings and his new website in what may be a very cruel and nasty campaign to seriously harm Greg’s reputation. This dark scenario may also be a possibility.

There has also been talk in some forums elsewhere this week that, because Greg had not posted since September 24 – and he usually posts very regularly – he had gone missing…

Whatever is the case, today is a truly strange day in the history of Lightworkers and our hearts and healing must indeed be sent and relayed to Greg in whatever loving doses we can send him today.

According to his own blog, Greg has posted his final message – titled “Message from Those Who Share Their Messages through Me 9/29/12 ‘Finale,” dated September 29, 2012.

Greg’s profile photo on the front page of his Ascension Earth 2012 blog also carries a new (and somewhat odd) message, as of today:

Hello everyone, this message entitled ‘Finale’ is indeed genuine, meaning, this site has not been hacked and this message was sent to me by the same source as each and every previous message. Please join our discussion in the comments section. And yes, this is my real photo and my name is Greg Giles. I am also your friend, all of you.

Meanwhile, this is how the “Finale” message starts:

Many of you have clearly been waiting on your ship to come in to your harbor, but as a few of you, not many of you, but a few of you have begun to discern for yourselves, no ship is coming in and we, of course, are referring to these fictitious debit cards that have never and will never be mailed to you. All of you, and this means every single one of you, including our channel Greg, has been participating in what you may refer to as a research study or a project, or what we refer to as a great program. So what has this program, that is now over for Greg mind you, all about?

Well, we can tell you only what you may need to know, or what you feel you may need to know, to somehow come out of this a little more unscathed than Greg has. Greg is, shall we say, deeply wounded, for he feels he has led many of you astray and in a way he has indeed done this. However, his heart was always in the right place. He has actually been receiving our radio frequency communications that are received solely through the power and the use of his brain. This is the way we have been communicating with him and through him to you, and this is why we feel he has fallen for this, we shall say, scam, if you will, for so long, for you see, when one receives communications in this way they can get a little confused. Such is the case with Greg.

And on it goes… see below.

Tragically, it seems to follow a similar pattern of unusual ramblings which have dotted his posts for the past few months… posts which have been accusatory, fearful, and judgemental; featured language that appeared to be very non-5th dimensional; and, in the past week, have contained threatening messages towards other channellers and Lightworkers.

Greg, Sierra Michal and brother Glenn Giles

There’s been much talk about Greg’s erratic postings and their content within Lightworker communities around the world.

Many have been concerned. Others have stopped reading Greg’s messages at all.

This particular “Finale” message says that Greg has been ‘duped’… ‘they’ have lied to us about this and lied to us about that.

The entities he is alleged to be channeling in this “Finale” message actually say they are not members of the Galactic Federation of Light nor the Ashtar Command.

‘They’ say ‘they’ have bodies that are unlike human bodies – but do not reveal who ‘they’ are.

‘They’ say they do not possess souls, as we would like to think. ‘They’ even deny there are such things as the Cabal, Ascension or any other dimensions beyond the third.

Anthony Morrison, who’s been the 2012 Scenario editor who regularly posted Greg Giles’s messages until recently – when the editors here discussed whether we should continue to post Greg’s messages because of their fearful tone and mixed messages – has been concerned about Greg’s well-being for some time.

“I have felt Greg has not been coping with either the messages coming through or the community reaction. I felt he was even on the verge of a breakdown of sorts. Maybe today is the culmination of all this,” says Anthony. “Something is seriously awry here.”

A poster on another forum wrote three days ago, under the heading Is Greg Giles missing?: “Greg has not posted his ‘daily’ messages since 24 September 2012 without saying anything, which is very unusual for him. It appears that his brother Glen who lives with him also has not posted any comments.”

Another poster, responding to the one above wrote: “I certainly wish no harm to Greg or his brother. However, he had been posting a lot which was offending many of us lightworkers out here. myself, included. I had been following his messages for several months and finally he offended me as well. I didn’t post any negativity about him because I AM a true light worker and my heart is full of all love for everyone and everything in the many universes.

“It is a likely possibility, that he may have been removed from command due to him offending so many light workers due to his negative remarks being made towards many of the awakening souls that are here. I had read a month or so ago that some of the others in GFL that his channelings had been removed from other sites because he was offending so many humans with his some of his negative remarks that were disheartening and disillusioning many humans like myself and that there had been many here that were trying to get his channelings removed from these sites. These thoughts are only my own so please don’t take them to heart.

“Please continue to do your own search as to what may have happened to him and let me know. In the meantime, I will pray and send love and light to him and his twin brother that they will remain safe and in the light.”

I have also been concerned about Greg’s personal situation for several weeks. I have written to Greg directly, three times over the past few months, asking him if he would like to come onThe Light Agenda as a guest – but he has not answered a single email. Which I found odd, because he always answered people’s emails.

I have again extended this invitation to him in the aftermath of what has happened today, but only if he feels he is comfortable and once he regains his composure. I don’t wish him to place himself under any increased undue pressure – but he may feel he needs to talk and if so I’d like to be there for him.

So, on this very sad day, I suggest we all send Greg our love and light and healing.

And Greg, we’re here for you whenever you need. You know how and where to find us. When and if you’re ready. You are loved.

Much Love and Light and Galactic Magic!


WARNING: Please use discernment. This is a particularly distressing message to read.

You can read today’s message in its entirety here:

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
10/1/2012 6:23:38 PM
Pretty scary, Myrna, and I am afraid this may have happened here. Still more, it might account for so many frightening cases that until now are deemed inexplicable.


Hi Miguel,
I just posted a film on my TruthTellers about the mind control.
Here is the web site and the video is listed on here. It is very interesting and informative about microwaves.


Friends, this is really strange and distressing. For one thing, no one seems to know what it means or how it will affect the channelings of Ashtar and the Light Federation's messages

Greg Giles Quits: Strange “Finale” Message

Posted by Stephen Cook
Greg Giles Quits: Strange “Finale” Message

In a truly strange and distressing day, it appears that Greg Giles, channeller for both the Galactic Federation and the Ashtar Command, has channelled his final message and has quit his current Lightworker mission.

Either that, or he’s been seriously hacked by others who may have, in some way, compromised both his channellings and his new website in what may be a very cruel and nasty campaign to seriously harm Greg’s reputation. This dark scenario may also be a possibility.

There has also been talk in some forums elsewhere this week that, because Greg had not posted since September 24 – and he usually posts very regularly – he had gone missing…

Whatever is the case, today is a truly strange day in the history of Lightworkers and our hearts and healing must indeed be sent and relayed to Greg in whatever loving doses we can send him today.

According to his own blog, Greg has posted his final message – titled “Message from Those Who Share Their Messages through Me 9/29/12 ‘Finale,” dated September 29, 2012.

Greg’s profile photo on the front page of his Ascension Earth 2012 blog also carries a new (and somewhat odd) message, as of today:

Hello everyone, this message entitled ‘Finale’ is indeed genuine, meaning, this site has not been hacked and this message was sent to me by the same source as each and every previous message. Please join our discussion in the comments section. And yes, this is my real photo and my name is Greg Giles. I am also your friend, all of you.

Meanwhile, this is how the “Finale” message starts:

Many of you have clearly been waiting on your ship to come in to your harbor, but as a few of you, not many of you, but a few of you have begun to discern for yourselves, no ship is coming in and we, of course, are referring to these fictitious debit cards that have never and will never be mailed to you. All of you, and this means every single one of you, including our channel Greg, has been participating in what you may refer to as a research study or a project, or what we refer to as a great program. So what has this program, that is now over for Greg mind you, all about?

Well, we can tell you only what you may need to know, or what you feel you may need to know, to somehow come out of this a little more unscathed than Greg has. Greg is, shall we say, deeply wounded, for he feels he has led many of you astray and in a way he has indeed done this. However, his heart was always in the right place. He has actually been receiving our radio frequency communications that are received solely through the power and the use of his brain. This is the way we have been communicating with him and through him to you, and this is why we feel he has fallen for this, we shall say, scam, if you will, for so long, for you see, when one receives communications in this way they can get a little confused. Such is the case with Greg.

And on it goes… see below.

Tragically, it seems to follow a similar pattern of unusual ramblings which have dotted his posts for the past few months… posts which have been accusatory, fearful, and judgemental; featured language that appeared to be very non-5th dimensional; and, in the past week, have contained threatening messages towards other channellers and Lightworkers.

Greg, Sierra Michal and brother Glenn Giles

There’s been much talk about Greg’s erratic postings and their content within Lightworker communities around the world.

Many have been concerned. Others have stopped reading Greg’s messages at all.

This particular “Finale” message says that Greg has been ‘duped’… ‘they’ have lied to us about this and lied to us about that.

The entities he is alleged to be channeling in this “Finale” message actually say they are not members of the Galactic Federation of Light nor the Ashtar Command.

‘They’ say ‘they’ have bodies that are unlike human bodies – but do not reveal who ‘they’ are.

‘They’ say they do not possess souls, as we would like to think. ‘They’ even deny there are such things as the Cabal, Ascension or any other dimensions beyond the third.

Anthony Morrison, who’s been the 2012 Scenario editor who regularly posted Greg Giles’s messages until recently – when the editors here discussed whether we should continue to post Greg’s messages because of their fearful tone and mixed messages – has been concerned about Greg’s well-being for some time.

“I have felt Greg has not been coping with either the messages coming through or the community reaction. I felt he was even on the verge of a breakdown of sorts. Maybe today is the culmination of all this,” says Anthony. “Something is seriously awry here.”

A poster on another forum wrote three days ago, under the heading Is Greg Giles missing?: “Greg has not posted his ‘daily’ messages since 24 September 2012 without saying anything, which is very unusual for him. It appears that his brother Glen who lives with him also has not posted any comments.”

Another poster, responding to the one above wrote: “I certainly wish no harm to Greg or his brother. However, he had been posting a lot which was offending many of us lightworkers out here. myself, included. I had been following his messages for several months and finally he offended me as well. I didn’t post any negativity about him because I AM a true light worker and my heart is full of all love for everyone and everything in the many universes.

“It is a likely possibility, that he may have been removed from command due to him offending so many light workers due to his negative remarks being made towards many of the awakening souls that are here. I had read a month or so ago that some of the others in GFL that his channelings had been removed from other sites because he was offending so many humans with his some of his negative remarks that were disheartening and disillusioning many humans like myself and that there had been many here that were trying to get his channelings removed from these sites. These thoughts are only my own so please don’t take them to heart.

“Please continue to do your own search as to what may have happened to him and let me know. In the meantime, I will pray and send love and light to him and his twin brother that they will remain safe and in the light.”

I have also been concerned about Greg’s personal situation for several weeks. I have written to Greg directly, three times over the past few months, asking him if he would like to come onThe Light Agenda as a guest – but he has not answered a single email. Which I found odd, because he always answered people’s emails.

I have again extended this invitation to him in the aftermath of what has happened today, but only if he feels he is comfortable and once he regains his composure. I don’t wish him to place himself under any increased undue pressure – but he may feel he needs to talk and if so I’d like to be there for him.

So, on this very sad day, I suggest we all send Greg our love and light and healing.

And Greg, we’re here for you whenever you need. You know how and where to find us. When and if you’re ready. You are loved.

Much Love and Light and Galactic Magic!


WARNING: Please use discernment. This is a particularly distressing message to read.

You can read today’s message in its entirety here:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
10/2/2012 12:40:51 AM

SaLuSa 9-30-12…”Every Soul Has Come to Earth From Another Civilization, and You Are as Much Extraterrestrials as Any Others”

All I will add here is that the title affirms what many of us have already known. The other part that resonated strongly to me was this:

“…press on with your upliftment and do not be deterred by what is happening outside of you, All is in reality proceeding to bring you completion of this cycle through Ascension, and you will benefit from all that has been promised. Do not waste your energy worrying about other matters, as all will come to a perfect end according to God’s immaculate plan for you all.”

There are a number of emails I receive (thank you all for those), requesting I post the information (which sometimes I regard as”other matters” ), or to “get it out there”, or even, “make this viral.” Many of those “other matters” may feel important to the sender, but I am not going to “promise” to do anything with any of it. That is not my function here. If I “get” strongly to post it, I will post it. Otherwise, not.


  • During that period [September] you have as Lightworkers done so much to lift the levels of consciousness, and a grand awakening is taking place.
  • You have not seen extensive arrests take place as expected, but nevertheless all the changes previously spoken about are proceeding.
  • The outer happenings are not essential to your progress, but present to you an opportunity to understand what the future holds for you.
  • What is important [for Ascension] is how you are inside and whether you have been able to look outwards and accept that you are All One. That will go a long way forward to helping you create a higher consciousness level.
  • You do of course have to make friends with your ego, that will still try to maintain the “old you”… That is where your big changes occur as you are lifting out of the lower vibrations, and all that is part of it.
  • Through the Law of Attraction you will naturally find yourselves gravitating towards souls of a similar vibration.
  • Bear in mind that every soul has come to Earth from another civilization, and you are as much extraterrestrials as any others.
  • …press on with your upliftment and do not be deterred by what is happening outside of you… Do not waste your energy worrying about other matters…
  • Soon progress will speed up immensely as new devices are making there [their] way into the public domain, and will be even quicker once we arrive on your Earth.
  • …we are still very much pushing for a result from the work our allies have put in to get the dark Ones out of the way.
  • The answer to it is to send you Love and Light wherever the threat exists, and in particular to the leaders that are directly involved.
  • Be positive and do your share to help uplift the Earth and all life upon it.
  • Not least of all are the animals, many of whom are your pets or have been domesticated to serve your needs.


SaLuSa 30-September-2012

You enter another month, and look back and see how time has passed so quickly. During that period you have as Lightworkers done so much to lift the levels of consciousness, and a grand awakening is taking place. It is a great achievement against the background of the efforts of the Illuminati to distract you and create fear. You have not seen extensive arrests take place as expected, but nevertheless all the changes previously spoken about are proceeding. The delays have shown how much you have learnt, by keeping your focus upon the more important matters concerning your own evolution. It is not selfish to think about self, as no one else can prepare you for Ascension, although you can find plenty of advice.

The outer happenings are not essential to your progress, but present to you an opportunity to understand what the future holds for you. It is your entitlement that you have earnt by raising your vibrations, and reflects your greater upliftment into the Light. You cannot just decide you would like to ascend and be successful without first putting in the needed effort. It is unnecessary to absorb reams of information, although there is much available that will help your understanding. What is important is how you are inside and whether you have been able to look outwards and accept that you are All One. That will go a long way forward to helping you create a higher consciousness level.

Once you are on the path to becoming a Lightworker, you are well on your way to fulfillment. That does not mean you need become a teacher or administer to others, but that by your example become a shining Light. This way you can uplift others wherever you are with a kindly smile or word, and it has much more impact than you might imagine. You do of course have to make friends with your ego, that will still try to maintain the “old you” least you forget how you used to be. That is where your big changes occur as you are lifting out of the lower vibrations, and all that is part of it. It may even mean carefully choosing new friends, who are more compatible and understanding of the changes in you. Those souls of the lower vibrations are often very coarse and indulge in negative actions, and can be uncomfortable to be with. However, as you rise up you will also learn how to protect yourself against them.

Through the Law of Attraction you will naturally find yourselves gravitating towards souls of a similar vibration. These are friendships where you will help each other progress and that will most likely continue through Ascension and afterwards. Sometimes such attachments can be very strong and may indicate that you have been together many times before, and come from the same Star Family. Bear in mind that every soul has come to Earth from another civilization, and you are as much extraterrestrials as any others. Indeed, for that reason you feel very much at home with the idea of meeting us. You will be introduced to your true family in course of time, and they have followed your progress and will be overjoyed to meet you once again.

The Earth has been your testing place, and with its low vibration has had little chance to allow you to know your true self. Like any other soul you have at times become completely immersed in your life, without realizing you have been cut off from your true reality. That in fact was intended so that you fully experienced the lower dimension and all of its challenges. It would have been distracting and even depressing, to know about the life you left behind when you first incarnated upon Earth. Now it is different because you have moved back into the Light, and understand your true origin as a powerful soul with immense creative ability. When you have ascended you will be able to use those powers again, having become a trustworthy and knowledgeable soul.

So Dear Ones, press on with your upliftment and do not be deterred by what is happening outside of you, All is in reality proceeding to bring you completion of this cycle through Ascension, and you will benefit from all that has been promised. Do not waste your energy worrying about other matters, as all will come to a perfect end according to God’s immaculate plan for you all. Rest assured that the cleansing of Earth is taking place even if you do not see or hear much evidence of it. There are joint actions occurring between us and our allies, and not only are we keeping the balance upon Earth but preventing damage from escalating. Soon progress will speed up immensely as new devices are making there [their] way into the public domain, and will be even quicker once we arrive on your Earth.

As you can realize, we are still very much pushing for a result from the work our allies have put in to get the dark Ones out of the way. They can no longer put off the time for admitting that they have lost the battle, but arrogantly proceed with military actions that still cause death and destruction. We wonder how much longer your leaders need to understand that wars have never solved a problem. They simply enlarge it until as has often happened, a world war ignites with the loss of an immense number of lives. The answer to it is to send you Love and Light wherever the threat exists, and in particular to the leaders that are directly involved. It certainly does help and that it is where your total faith in the power of Light comes in.

Love is the most powerful energy of all and at your present level you have seen it in action for healing purposes, and in spite of the presence of the lower energies, it works. You need faith and understanding otherwise it will not carry the maximum power you can give. A mothers love is known to be healing and another example of what it can do. Each of you have a degree of healing ability within but often doubt it, so that it does not carry the full intent it might have done. Be positive and do your share to help uplift the Earth and all life upon it. Remember that you are to ascend with Mother Earth, and many other life forms are also ready to go forward. Not least of all are the animals, many of whom are your pets or have been domesticated to serve your needs.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and send Love and Blessings on behalf of all of your friends and family on board our ships.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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