Greg Giles Quits: Strange “Finale” Message
In a truly strange and distressing day, it appears that Greg Giles, channeller for both the Galactic Federation and the Ashtar Command, has channelled his final message and has quit his current Lightworker mission.
Either that, or he’s been seriously hacked by others who may have, in some way, compromised both his channellings and his new website in what may be a very cruel and nasty campaign to seriously harm Greg’s reputation. This dark scenario may also be a possibility.
There has also been talk in some forums elsewhere this week that, because Greg had not posted since September 24 – and he usually posts very regularly – he had gone missing…
Whatever is the case, today is a truly strange day in the history of Lightworkers and our hearts and healing must indeed be sent and relayed to Greg in whatever loving doses we can send him today.
According to his own blog, Greg has posted his final message – titled “Message from Those Who Share Their Messages through Me 9/29/12 ‘Finale,” dated September 29, 2012.
Greg’s profile photo on the front page of his Ascension Earth 2012 blog also carries a new (and somewhat odd) message, as of today:
Hello everyone, this message entitled ‘Finale’ is indeed genuine, meaning, this site has not been hacked and this message was sent to me by the same source as each and every previous message. Please join our discussion in the comments section. And yes, this is my real photo and my name is Greg Giles. I am also your friend, all of you.
Meanwhile, this is how the “Finale” message starts:
Many of you have clearly been waiting on your ship to come in to your harbor, but as a few of you, not many of you, but a few of you have begun to discern for yourselves, no ship is coming in and we, of course, are referring to these fictitious debit cards that have never and will never be mailed to you. All of you, and this means every single one of you, including our channel Greg, has been participating in what you may refer to as a research study or a project, or what we refer to as a great program. So what has this program, that is now over for Greg mind you, all about?
Well, we can tell you only what you may need to know, or what you feel you may need to know, to somehow come out of this a little more unscathed than Greg has. Greg is, shall we say, deeply wounded, for he feels he has led many of you astray and in a way he has indeed done this. However, his heart was always in the right place. He has actually been receiving our radio frequency communications that are received solely through the power and the use of his brain. This is the way we have been communicating with him and through him to you, and this is why we feel he has fallen for this, we shall say, scam, if you will, for so long, for you see, when one receives communications in this way they can get a little confused. Such is the case with Greg.
And on it goes… see below.
Tragically, it seems to follow a similar pattern of unusual ramblings which have dotted his posts for the past few months… posts which have been accusatory, fearful, and judgemental; featured language that appeared to be very non-5th dimensional; and, in the past week, have contained threatening messages towards other channellers and Lightworkers.

Greg, Sierra Michal and brother Glenn Giles
There’s been much talk about Greg’s erratic postings and their content within Lightworker communities around the world.
Many have been concerned. Others have stopped reading Greg’s messages at all.
This particular “Finale” message says that Greg has been ‘duped’… ‘they’ have lied to us about this and lied to us about that.
The entities he is alleged to be channeling in this “Finale” message actually say they are not members of the Galactic Federation of Light nor the Ashtar Command.
‘They’ say ‘they’ have bodies that are unlike human bodies – but do not reveal who ‘they’ are.
‘They’ say they do not possess souls, as we would like to think. ‘They’ even deny there are such things as the Cabal, Ascension or any other dimensions beyond the third.
Anthony Morrison, who’s been the 2012 Scenario editor who regularly posted Greg Giles’s messages until recently – when the editors here discussed whether we should continue to post Greg’s messages because of their fearful tone and mixed messages – has been concerned about Greg’s well-being for some time.
“I have felt Greg has not been coping with either the messages coming through or the community reaction. I felt he was even on the verge of a breakdown of sorts. Maybe today is the culmination of all this,” says Anthony. “Something is seriously awry here.”
A poster on another forum wrote three days ago, under the heading Is Greg Giles missing?: “Greg has not posted his ‘daily’ messages since 24 September 2012 without saying anything, which is very unusual for him. It appears that his brother Glen who lives with him also has not posted any comments.”
Another poster, responding to the one above wrote: “I certainly wish no harm to Greg or his brother. However, he had been posting a lot which was offending many of us lightworkers out here. myself, included. I had been following his messages for several months and finally he offended me as well. I didn’t post any negativity about him because I AM a true light worker and my heart is full of all love for everyone and everything in the many universes.
“It is a likely possibility, that he may have been removed from command due to him offending so many light workers due to his negative remarks being made towards many of the awakening souls that are here. I had read a month or so ago that some of the others in GFL that his channelings had been removed from other sites because he was offending so many humans with his some of his negative remarks that were disheartening and disillusioning many humans like myself and that there had been many here that were trying to get his channelings removed from these sites. These thoughts are only my own so please don’t take them to heart.
“Please continue to do your own search as to what may have happened to him and let me know. In the meantime, I will pray and send love and light to him and his twin brother that they will remain safe and in the light.”
I have also been concerned about Greg’s personal situation for several weeks. I have written to Greg directly, three times over the past few months, asking him if he would like to come onThe Light Agenda as a guest – but he has not answered a single email. Which I found odd, because he always answered people’s emails.
I have again extended this invitation to him in the aftermath of what has happened today, but only if he feels he is comfortable and once he regains his composure. I don’t wish him to place himself under any increased undue pressure – but he may feel he needs to talk and if so I’d like to be there for him.
So, on this very sad day, I suggest we all send Greg our love and light and healing.
And Greg, we’re here for you whenever you need. You know how and where to find us. When and if you’re ready. You are loved.
Much Love and Light and Galactic Magic!
WARNING: Please use discernment. This is a particularly distressing message to read.
You can read today’s message in its entirety here: