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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/29/2012 10:07:08 PM

Challenge: Achieving World Peace Now!

Posted by Steve Beckow

Seeing just how many eloquent lightworkers are here and what a crying need there is in global society for world peace, I’ve just decided to create the first of what once were called “world games.”

We need world peace and we need it now. People are dying in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and many other places; they are being imprisoned and tortured in many countries; they are robbed of their rights and forced to live on substandard wages in others. All of these circumstances and conditions prevent world peace.

We can’t wait for others to do the work that’s necessary to bring about world peace. We have to do it ourselves. We have to come from the point of view, I’m convinced, that we are the source of the solution and the solution itself or we’ll wait for world peace forever – or so it seems.

A “world game” is a game that’s created for lightworkers that offers an opportunity to make a difference in our world. I’ve just created the raw material for an influential voice in the world on behalf of achieving world peace now.

What have I done?

Well, I’ve created a brand-new blogsite called Achieving World Peace Now!

And I’ve created a brand-new discussion group called World Peace Now to support the blogsite.

The blogsite is not only a site that reports on world peace but also one that endeavors to actively create world peace. So it’s not only reportage but also creation.

Now here’s where the game comes in. YOU are going to run this site and its discussion group. Readers from this site are going to manage, edit, write for, and service the site and manage and moderate the discussion group.

And if you take this challenge up, then I’ll create more blogsites and discussion groups, some designed to start interracial conversations, some interfaith, some … well, haven’t thought of what would be next.

If you don’t take the challenge up, hey, another normal day on Planet Earth during which we did not strike a hammer blow for our own peace and freedom!

For the first while, there won’t be one person overseeing it. But once you get to know each other, then either I or you will choose one person to serve as point or lead person. That person is not to be someone seeking power, control, the only say in things, etc., but should be one who can both lead and serve.

We must pick up the pace here. We have a world to take over from its former management. We need to show ourselves capable of doing that and willing to do it. And every community begins with communication. So now we’re taking up the challenge of creating a world at peace. So far the world has not been willing to do that on its own and what’s happening is Syria is proof of it. Come, join the lightworkers who will be putting out Achieving World Peace Now!

Have you wanted to be involved? Have you itched to write? Hankered to use your IT or graphics talents?

Write in your offer to participate through the “Contact Us” form and we’ll add you to the blog. And go to the discussion group yourself and add yourself.

Achieving World Peace Now!

World Peace Now Discussion Group

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Take up this challenge and I assure you there will be others!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/30/2012 12:00:42 AM
Dear friends, this article by Steve Bewckow is extraordinary and pretty well documented. Don't miss it!

The Galactics Around Our Planet Are Family

Posted by Steve Beckow

Billy Meier meets Semjase

The galactic visitors here around the Earth at the present time are not strangers to us. InLight Radio recently introduced them as “our galactic family.” (1) The Galactic Federation through Greg Giles described how they are our ancestors:

“Today our world is being visited by many spiritually enlightened beings who wish to openly reunite with their ancient family. These spiritually advanced men and women are assisting in the disarmament of the criminal Cabal which has controlled much of the world’s military and possessed highly advanced weapons systems.

“These advanced ancestors of the human race appear just as we do, although there are other beings that we shall meet as well that do not look like we do. All are ascended spiritual beings who are only here to assist us make the changes we all know deep down inside need to be made. These beings are the original planners of this world, and are the same advanced civilizations that built many of the great archaeological mysteries such as the pyramids in Egypt. They are not strangers to us at all, as we are their ancestors, all of us.” (2)

We’ve been led to believe that we’re the only life forms in the universe, but SaLuSa tells us that that’s not true.

“Believe us Dear Ones, there is life everywhere you look, and not just in the dimensions that are open to your physical eyes. There are dimensions beyond your reckoning, and still life is present in abundance. It would be difficult to explain such vastness as an accidental occurrence, when it is clear that a mighty intelligence must exist that embraces all that exists.” (3)

Semjase from the Pleiades

An experiment was run on planet Earth by introducing higher-dimensional beings to the Third Dimension and seeing how they would fare. The Galactic Federation describes that experiment.

“A very important social experiment has been conducted here over many years and each of us has been a part of it. We have been left here, seemingly all alone, to work things out for ourselves. This experiment is now over and it has been a tremendous success. We are now about to reunite with our brothers and sisters from the stars and be welcomed into the greater Galactic Community.” (4)

Oftentimes we hear statements that Earth has a special role to play in the universe but we seldom hear what it is. But on one occasion, Archangel Michael referred to it: “The Earth holds the Divine Blueprint and historic thought forms for all this universe, it is a key player in this grand march or accelerated spiral of ascension.” (5) We have been called a library

Many people think we’re descended from apes via species like Cro-Magnon Man. But the galactics tell us we’re not.

“You do not exist by some freak of nature, and are not the result of natural selection, but purposefully and lovingly created to exist in your environment. You are a special species of Humans that have taken over from Cro-Magnon Man, and have been genetically engineered to allow for a speeding up in your evolution. That we would say has been particularly successful, and the proof lies in how many of you now stand in readiness for Ascension.” (6)

Third-Dimensionality has its drawbacks, to be sure, but galactics like SaLuSa tell us that “it is one of the quickest ways to evolve. This would have been a factor in your decision to experience duality.” (7)

“There is nothing like first-hand experience which is why you have entered the cycle of duality. You may wonder why you did so, but for a real evolutionary step of some significance there is little that will match it. (8)

“The purpose of duality is to fast track you back to the realms of Light. It is the quickest way to evolve.” (9)

“It has been a hard experience, but has had the effect of speeding up your evolution. Whatever you have gone through, you will sail onwards without having to take those trappings with you, but you will never lose the benefit of your experiences.” (10)

Judith Kusel also describes how we agreed to take part in this Third-Dimensional experiment when it was first devised.

“When this planet was first made habitable, a lot of volunteer souls, asked to be part of a huge experiment. It was an experiment that would see to it, how life and lifeforms from other galaxies and star systems would survive on a planet, within a universe, which was one of the latest being created and birthed within the Milky Way Galaxy.” (11)

SaLuSa, a spokesman for the Galactic Federation, agrees that the galactics have been interested in our affairs for and are now here to help us at this important time of Ascension. Many of us sense our extraterrestrial roots.

“Look back at your history and even although the evidence has not always been written up, there is nevertheless much to indicate our interest in your affairs. We would therefore say that it is perfectly natural that at such an important time for you, that we should come close to you.

“After all, as any family would where their offspring were concerned, we have always followed your progress. The majority of you are family to the different members of the Galactic Federation, and that mainly relates to the Sirians and Pleiadians. Usually those of you who are extraterrestrials know it deep down, because you find it so hard to settle down to Earth life, with its heavy vibrations.” (12)

Consequently, SaLuSa tells us, “we are as much you as you are us, and we are linked in ways that make us inseparable. We are far from strangers where you are concerned, and we correctly refer to you as our brothers and sisters.” (13)

Starseeds from other planets have also agreed again to come to Earth at this time to take part in the wrap-up of the experiment, Judith Kusel tells us: “Through time and space your soul wished to be here. It wished to be part and particle of a dramatic series of events, that would change a lot of the old mistakes, which have been made over millennia on this planet.” (14)

The Starseeds who are here have a range of missions reflecting different roles played here on Earth, Judith says.

“A lot of the souls now incarnated, have either been involved at the beginning of time, as scientists creating this planet and settling in the first life forms… or were involved as the first volunteers…. Some of them were the first ones from the dark mass consciousness who subsequently introduced the self-destructive tendencies…. All of these souls, now have to confront not only their own personal karma, but also whatever they contributed to the mass consciousness.

“Then there are those souls who have no karmic links with this planet, but have merely volunteered to assist this planet at this time, with the raising of consciousness. Yet, they also, at some time, have had connections with this planet, in one form or another.” (15)

In another article we’ll look at what happened to Earth’s civilization during times when the population fell into conflict and societies like Lemuria and Atlantis destroyed themselves. But the galactics tell us now that their presence is our best guarantee against us not falling to the forces of darkness this time, as they planned to do through such corrupting events as 9/11 and the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and the war too far … Iran. Says SaLuSa:

“Eons of time ago your Earth was prepared for your coming, and was a veritable Garden of Eden. Civilizations grew and Man reached peaks of development only to repeatedly fall from grace. The higher vibrations were gradually lowered until you lost sight of your spiritual heritage. From thereon you have groveled in the darkness and lost your way, as successive civilizations were guilty of their own demise.

“Your final cycle is now playing itself out and unlike previous ones is destined to signal your success. Instead of falling to the dark influences, you are now on course to move fully into the Light. It has taken our presence and that of many Light Beings from the higher realms, to guide you safely to this important time in your evolution. You will safely reach the end-times as intended and much credit must go to those Lightworkers who came to Earth for that purpose.” (16)

So we were not meant to feel inferior to higher civilizations nor superior in the sense of being the only life forms around. And we are awakening quite quickly to what our future holds for us, thanks to them. SaLuSa reveals:

“Man was not meant to feel small or inferior in any way, but could not live forever in the illusion of being at the centre of the Universe. With the knowledge of other life forms that have also existed within your solar system and in fact still do so, it is time to accept that they have accompanied you for thousands upon thousands of years. They have a place in your lives and your evolution, and are every bit a part of the grand experiment of duality as you are.

“They have never lost their level of high consciousness and are fully aware of your history together. You accepted the veils that were drawn across your eyes as you dropped deeper into the lower vibrations. Now you are emerging once again, and being reminded of your true selves and your history upon Earth.” (17)

Thus the galactic beings who hover above us in millions of lightships are here to shepherd us out of our Third-Dimensional cycle of existence and into the higher-dimensionality of the New Age. They’ve protected us against a dark elite who corrupted our financial system, undermined democracy, created one false-flag threat after another, and planned to launch a Third World War by nuclear-bombing Iran, all to ensure their control of the world.

But our galactic family has opposed them and defeated them. They now assist us to prepare for a global shift in consciousness due to occur on or before Dec. 21, 2012. That’s who’s coming for dinner. Those are the invited guests whose work on our behalfs has ensured us a wonderful future.


(1) I Know Our Galactic Family is Here. Do You?

(2) The Galactic Federation through Greg Giles, March 1, 2012, at

(3) SaLuSa, Sept. 23, 2009, at

(4)The Galactic Federation through Greg Giles, March 1, 2012.

(5) Archangel Michael, no date, through Ronna Herman, at .

(6) SaLuSa, Aug. 25, 2010.

(7) SaLuSa, Feb. 5, 2010.

(8) SaLuSa, Nov. 6, 2009.

(9) SaLuSa, Sept. 16, 2009.

(10) SaLuSa, April 6, 2009.

(11) Judith Kusel, “DNA – Clearing of Karmic Family Residue,” at .

(12) SaLuSa, Feb. 1, 2012.

(13) SaLuSa of Sirius, 14 Nov. 2008.

(14) Judith Kusel, ibid.

(15) Loc. cit.

(16) Atmos, 12 Nov. 2008, at

(17) SaLuSa, Sept. 23, 2009.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/30/2012 12:54:23 AM

Astrology Report For October – by Dorene Carrel, September 29, 2012

By Admin on behalf of Mahala, on September 29th, 2012

Guest article by Dorene Carrel

October is highlighted by Saturn entering Scorpio and Jupiter in Gemini turning retrograde in the first week. The first of a series of harmonious trines occurs between Saturn and Neptune, which will enhance our capacity for manifestation. We are still under the September New Moon in Virgo with the theme of practical and efficient endeavors, especially in the areas of work, health and service.

On October 4 Jupiter turns stationary retrograde at 16 Gemini, which lasts until the direct station on January 30, 2013. This is a favorable period to reflect on how we can communicate more clearly and authentically. We can also work on improving our listening and decision making skills, as well as how we process and use information that comes to us from various sources.

A major two-year cycle begins when Saturn enters Scorpio on October 5. This cycle offers us the opportunity to explore the depths of our emotions, as well as reorganize our personal finances and resources. During this period we will be challenged to bring a new level of commitment to our goals, especially those that one can work on with others. The Mercury/Saturn alignment on this same day is favorable for investigating and finding practical and lasting solutions. On the next day Mars enters Sagittarius, allowing us to view our lives from a wider perspective that will enable us to aim higher with intentions and goals.

On October 7 Mars will square Neptune, which can bring in elements of confusion and uncertainty. It is best to avoid making any important decisions for the next few days. October 8 brings an expansive Sun/Jupiter trine that will bring a more positive outlook into our lives. This aspect, along with a Venus/Pluto trine the next day, can also be used to cultivate more prosperity consciousness.

On October 10 the first of a series of Saturn/Neptune trines occurs. The next two trines occur on June 11 and July 19, 2013. This aspect allows us to get in touch with and manifest our highest visions. Saturn provides the organization and structure, while Neptune brings spiritual and intuitive awareness and grace. Including the dwarf planet Ceres makes this a grand water trine, which brings focus to the nurturing water aspect. A Mercury/Pluto sextile this same day promotes opportunities for a deeper experience.

The New Moon occurs on October 15 at 22 Libra 32. It forms a favorable trine aspect to Jupiter in Gemini, which will enhance the Libra traits of balance, equality, fairness, sociability, harmony and peace. The shadow side is trying to achieve peace at any price and indecision. This lunation is favorable for expanding our view of the value and role of relationships in our personal growth. A Mars/Uranus trine on this same day brings more energy and focus to our goals. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “Chanticleer’s voice heralds sunrise; a creative and joyous response to life processes.” This suggests the process of giving voice to what is as yet not manifested, but is on the way to manifestation.

On October 22 the Sun moves into Scorpio, bringing increased opportunities for personal transformation and regeneration. The Sun aligns with Saturn in Scorpio on October 25, which deepens our sense of purpose and commitment.

On October 29 the Full Moon occurs at 7 Taurus. The focus is on resources and being practical, patient, dependable and loyal. The shadow side is being too stubborn and possessive. An alignment with Saturn in Scorpio provides power and stability to this lunation. The Sabian Symbols and keynotes for these degrees are: “The woman of Samaria at the ancestral well; the meeting of the traditional past and of the creative spirit pointing to the future” and “Deep sea divers; the will to explore the hidden depths of all experiences and to search for primordial causes.”

Ceres turns stationary retrograde on October 31 at 4 Cancer, which reminds us of our caretaking role with each other, as well as our world and its precious resources.

November brings a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio and a Gemini Lunar
Eclipse – stay tuned!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/30/2012 5:02:15 PM

Hundreds of Libyans handover their weapons

Associated Press/Ibrahim Alaguri - Libyan security forces stand guard as people turn in weapons in Benghazi, Libya, Saturday, Sept. 29, 2012. Hundreds of Libyans have converged on a main square in Benghazi in response to a call from the military to hand over their weapons, some driving in with armored personnel carriers, vehicles with mounted anti-aircraft guns and hundreds of rocket launchers. The call by the Libyan chiefs of staff was promoted on a private TV station earlier this month. But the call may have gained traction in the wake of the attack against the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in which the American ambassador and three staffers were killed. The attack was followed by a popular uproar against armed militias which have increasingly challenged government authorities. (AP Photo/Ibrahim Alaguri)

Libyan civilians turn in weapons to security forces in Benghazi, Libya, Saturday, Sept. 29, 2012. Hundreds of Libyans have converged on a main square in Benghazi in response to a call from the military to hand over their weapons, some driving in with armored personnel carriers, vehicles with mounted anti-aircraft guns and hundreds of rocket launchers. The call by the Libyan chiefs of staff was promoted on a private TV station earlier this month. But the call may have gained traction in the wake of the attack against the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in which the American ambassador and three staffers were killed. The attack was followed by a popular uproar against armed militias which have increasingly challenged government authorities. (AP Photo/Ibrahim Alaguri)
BENGHAZI, Libya (AP) — Hundreds of Libyans converged Saturday on a main square in Benghazi and another in Tripoli in response to a call from the military to hand over their weapons, some driving in with armored personnel carriers, tanks, vehicles with mounted anti-aircraft guns and hundreds of rocket launchers.

The call by the Libyan chiefs of staff was promoted on a private TV station in August. But it may have gained traction in the wake of the attack against the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in which the American ambassador and three staffers were killed. The incident was followed by a popular uproar against armed militias which have increasingly challenged government authorities.

In response, the government has called on all militias to disband or join a command center coordinating between the army and the militias. The government had relied on many militias for security during the turmoil following last year's ouster and killing of longtime leader Moammar Gadhafi.

Army Col. Omran al-Warfali said the turnout has been impressive.

"Hundreds of citizens came since the early hours of this morning to handover their weapons from all segments of society, men and youth, women, and even children came to hand over bullets they found it in the streets," he said.

Previously, the government had estimated that over 200,000 people in Libya are armed. It has attempted a number of disarmament schemes, including offering people jobs in exchange for handing over their weapons, or offering to buy guns. Those offers have shown few results.

A military official has been urging citizens in ads on a popular TV station to hand in their weapons. The station, Libya alHurra or Free Libya, showed live footage of Saturday's collection and transfer of weapons to military barracks.

Ahmed Salem, an organizer of the efforts in Benghazi, said over 800 citizens handed in weapons at the main collection point. Over 600 different types of arms were collected, including anti-aircraft guns, land mines, rocket launchers and artillery rockets.

Moussa Omr, a former fighter who lives on the outskirts of Benghazi and who fought against Gadhafi, said it was time to turn over his weapon to the state.

"When I saw the announcement on television I came to Benghazi with my wife and son to hand over my weapon to the national army because I want to move from the stage of the revolution to state building," he said. "I trust the national army. They have been with us on the frontline and I know them one by one. I don't need this weapon after today, the militias have been expelled from Benghazi and the national army will protect us."

Anger at the militias boiled over after the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate.

Most of Libya's militias emerged during the eight-month war against Gadhafi, but others sprang up after the end of fighting last October. With the country trying to rebuild after the 42-year dictatorship, the groups paid little attention to successive interim leaders. They were accused of bullying citizens, operating independent prisons and holding summary trials for Gadhafi loyalists. Recently, Islamist-led militias have also attacked shrines, such as tombs associated with religious figures they consider counter to their strict interpretation of Islam.

Last weekend, thousands of protesters marched against the militias in Benghazi, the cradle of the uprising against Gadhafi, and stormed two of their compounds.

In Tripoli, at least 200 former fighters handed over their weapons, including two tanks, at the Martyrs' square in the city center. A cleric urged young fighters to give up their weapons. "The nation is built with knowledge not guns," he said standing in the square.


Associated Press Writer Esam Mohamed contributed to this report from Tripoli, Libya.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/1/2012 2:01:47 AM

Qatar opens diplomatic office in Gaza

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — In a boost to Gaza's Hamas government, the Gulf state of Qatar said on Sunday it opened the first diplomatic office in the isolated territory since the Islamic military group took power five years ago.

Qatari officials said the office is not a formal embassy. Instead, it will oversee hundreds of millions of dollars in aid projects Qatar is funding.

Nonetheless, it is headed by an ambassador and marks a key stamp of legitimacy for Hamas, whose takeover of Gaza in 2007 has never been internationally recognized.

Hamas' rival, President Mahmoud Abbas, who lives in the West Bank, is seen internationally as the Palestinian leader.

Abbas has long had rocky relations with Qatar, whose Al-Jazeera satellite channel is often critical of the Palestinian leader. Qatar often frequently hosts Hamas leaders.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
