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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/29/2012 1:14:00 AM
Friends, this is the first time I am posting Mahala on this thread. I am not sure how accurate an astrological report this can be, but I have every reason to believe things will develop in the months till year end pretty much as it predicts. Of special importance is the mention of this coming Columbus Day (October 8) marking the end of a 520 year cycle since Columbus discoveed America in 1492. And, get ready for the next three months, as no doubt time will be moving pretty fast by then.

Planet Alert October 2012

By Admin on behalf of Mahala, on September 27th, 2012
Source: Mahalas Astrology

Fall is here, and we now have the beautiful colored trees to enjoy. We are still having summer weather here in Seattle and it is gorgeous. I just love fall weather with the warm days and the cool nights and the beautiful trees. We just experienced the Fall Equinox which brought in some very chaotic energy because it triggered the cardinal cross. The days prior to the Harvest full moon (September 29 at 9:19 PM PDT) and beyond will continue to be very intense, so stay cool, calm and collected.

The Feast of Tabernacles starts on October 1, 2012 and continues for a week. This was a very important holiday at the time of Jesus and also today. It has been celebrated at this time of year for many years. It is the Harvest Festival and a time for great celebrations.

Columbus Day is October 8, 2012. This is also a very important date. I heard from a friend that this Columbus Day would be the end of a 520 year cycle since Columbus discovered America in 1492. I also received an email titled The Fall of the Reptilian Empire, which I found to be very interesting. A quote from that article says “Before October 7th billions upon billions of Reptilians will be cleared away daily from the astral and etheric planes by the Light Forces. This will be a very chaotic period of time and by October 7th more light will come to Earth”. If you would like to read this article check out the Cobra web site which is portal2012 and look under Blog Archive.

At the Fall Equinox the North Node was on 29 degrees Scorpio. This is the degree of much light coming to Earth and that chart will be in effect for three months. This energy will continue to affect us for a while. This upcoming full moon will trigger the cardinal cross. In fact, the sun will be in exact opposition to Uranus, the planet of fast moving changes. The Sun will be 7 degrees Libra, Pluto 7 degrees Capricorn and the moon will be conjunct Uranus on 6-7 degrees Aries. If this doesn’t bring lots of changes to Earth I don’t know what will.

Saturn moves into Scorpio on October 5th and starts a whole new energy cycle. For the last 2 ½ years Saturn was in Libra and that meant relationships were the challenge. This involved relationships with friends, family, people at work, partners, and the relationship you have to yourself. Now the energy will change to getting in touch with the core of your Being, which is your God center within you. For those who are not ready for this energy, they will experience more transformation of the dark side within them.

There has been much violence in the Middle East for eons of time. A pamphlet was given to me several years ago that says the Third World War would start in North Africa. It did start in Tunisia in January of 2011. The pamphlet also said it would spread to other parts of the Middle East. That has happened. There are just a few countries who have managed to stay out of the violence.

When Saturn was moving through Libra it was affecting the area of North Africa. Everyone saw the revolution that happened there. Now that Saturn is moving into Scorpio it will be affecting the rest of the countries in the Middle East like Israel, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. Saturn rules Karma. If you have good Karma that is what will come back to you. If you have bad Karma you will have bad things happen because it is the law of cause and effect. What you put out comes back to you. It looks like there will be more bad karma affecting the Middle East.

I am concerned about the Middle East with Saturn affecting that area. Will the Middle East explode like it did in September when Mars was affecting that area, which I mentioned would happen in my September article? The Bible talks about a major war in the last part of the 19th chapter of Revelation. When the revolution started in Tunisia I knew that was what the Bible was talking about.

During the time this war is occurring the dark ones will lose their power. This is happening right now with all the corruption coming out into the open. Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, rules the underworld. Everything that has been hidden will come out into the open to be looked at and changed. The north node will also be in Scorpio for a year and a half. The people who have not found the light within them will have a hard time. The ones who have found the light will be able to manifest the energy of the high flying eagle.

We have been walking between two worlds for a long time. Maybe it is time to be totally on the New Earth. Take a few minutes in your day and create your heaven on Earth. Think about how you would like your life to be and then create it with your mind. You can create anything you wish to experience. Anything is possible because we are in the year of magic and miracles.

The Earth is changing and it has already started to tilt. I noticed the tilt this past summer when I only had to pull down four shades over my big windows instead of six like I had to do in the past, because the sun started coming in at a different angle. I received an email from a list saying that when Mike tried to stand an egg upright at this equinox it would not work like it had in the past. I don’t know Mike. He is someone who was on this email list and he did the experiment with the egg. This means the Earth has tilted.

What has caused this tilt? Has the sun been affecting the core of the Earth? Did one of the large earthquakes we have had recently cause it to tilt? Could it be from the planet Nibiru, which is behind our sun? Could it be from the energy at the Center of our Galaxy? Maybe it is from all of the above.

I heard from my friend Mona that the planet behind the sun is affecting all of our planets and making their energy more intense. It is affecting Mercury the most because that planet is so close to the sun. It feels to me like Mercury is retrograde all of the time now? Doesn’t it feel like it is retrograde to you? It sure does to me. And, Mercury technically turns retrograde on November 6, 2012. That is our election day. This will really make the election interesting. All bets are off on this election. Who knows what will happen. Maybe there won’t even be an election. Time will tell. I think there are some surprises in store for all of us.

If you think that time is moving fast now, see what happens in the next three months. I feel like I am on a roller coaster myself that never stops. It just seems to speed up more and more and I never know what a day will bring. I guess that is what they mean when they say live in the NOW because that is all there is. Yesterday is gone, the future is not here yet, and today is all there is and that is why they call it the Present. Enjoy it to the fullest.

I send you my love and blessings for a wonderful fall that is full of lots of happiness and fun things to do. Take care of yourself, enjoy life, have fun and live in the moment. So Be It!

Written in love and light!

*****Mahala Gayle *****

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/29/2012 5:25:13 PM

A rare apology in the Middle East. Cherish it.

Libyan leader Megarif apologizes to the world and the US for past and current actions. With so much invective and violence in the Middle East, the region needs the healing power of such humility and contrition.

By the Monitor's Editorial Board / September 28, 2012

Libya's interim President Mohammed el-Megarif prepares to address the United Nations General Assembly Sept. 27. He offered an apology for the acts of the former regime of Muammar Qaddafi.


With Iran’s president speaking of “uncivilized Zionists” and the Israeli prime minister calling Iran “the most dangerous country in the world,” it may seem odd for one Middle East leader to stand before the United Nations this week and apologize for his country’s past violence.

Yet that is what Mohammed el-Megarif, Libya’s interim president, did on Thursday.

He actually gave two apologies on behalf of all Libyans for the actions of Muammar Qaddafi. One was for the late leader’s disrespect toward the UN Charter on rights. The other was for “all the harm, all the crimes committed by that despot against so many innocents ... for the extortion and terrorism he meted on so many states.”

Just days earlier, Mr. Megarif also apologized personally to US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton for the Sept. 12 attack in Benghazi that killed four American diplomats. (Details of that assault remain unclear.)

And perhaps in a sign of a trend in the Middle East,Yemen’s president, Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, also apologized – for an attack by a crowd on the US embassy over the anti-Muslim video posted onYouTube.

For Americans, who by now have seen waves of apologies from public figures like Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, and Tiger Woods, it may be easy to overlook this unusual contrition in one of the world’s toughest neighborhoods. Yet humility, vulnerability, and making amends is just what the Middle East needs to deal with its intense, long-lasting conflicts.

If apologies are heartfelt, they can have real healing power. They bring trust and honesty to a relationship, even if they are not made by the perpetrator but simply on behalf of a country or institution.

They can help prevent a repeat of an offense. And they are better still if they also come with some restorative justice. Libya’s leader, for example, promises to cooperate with the United States in bringing the embassy attackers to justice.

MONITOR'S VIEW: Apologies come easier these days. Forgiveness doesn't.

Postwar Germany set a high standard for the world in its apologies for Nazi atrocities. In 1970,German Chancellor Willy Brandt dropped to his knees during a visit to a memorial for Polish Jews killed during the Warsaw Ghetto uprising of 1943.

Many US presidents, from Dwight Eisenhower to George W. Bush, have apologized for current or past acts by the government. In the 2012 presidential campaign, Mitt Romney has often accusedPresident Obama of apologizing for past US deeds, mainly in the Middle East. (Mr. Romney’s 2010 book is titled “No Apology: The Case for American Greatness.”)

While the word “apologize” or “sorry” wasn’t used by Mr. Obama in cases cited by Romney, the president has criticized the actions of his predecessor before foreign audiences, claiming they were not representative of American values.

Such domestic disputes over values may make Americans less sensitive to hearing important apologies like those of Libya’s Megarif. He even stressed his country’s “solidarity” with the US and that Libya’s future will be “chartered by people like Chris Stevens [the slain ambassador], not by people like his killers.”

MONITOR'S VIEW: Obama apology for Quran burning

Today’s apology culture in the US can sometimes be overdone. And detecting sincerity in a public figure’s utterance of “sorry” isn’t always easy. Yet Americans seem past the time when they will follow the advice of actor John Wayne who, in a 1949 western movie, said: “Never apologize and never explain – it’s a sign of weakness.”

So, thank you, Libya. Apology accepted. Let a new day dawn.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/29/2012 10:00:32 PM

December 21, 2012: The Sun Alignment and Other Cosmic Events

Posted by Stephen Cook

December 21, 2012: The Sun Alignment and Other Cosmic Events

Stephen: This is from a four-part series by VishwaAmara from September 2010 – yes, two years ago – but still pertinent now.

It was sent in by reader Pier Marie who says: “It talks about our Sun and the alignment with the Central Sun Alycone and the Greater Central Sun Sirius, and the Galactic Center will form an equilateral triangle in space, as well as how things line up with the galactic equator and bring in a huge amount of new energies to earth.

I don’t necessarily agree with everything that you can read further into the article – by clicking on the link at the end – but this initial description and explanation below feels pretty plausible to me. You can also find the other three parts in this series via the same link.

Earth Changes Part 1: The Cosmic Events

By VishwaAmara – September 19, 2010

Change is an inseparable part of life, the very fabric of Existence. We experience changes in every detail of our lives. While we label some as good and some as unpleasant, every change at every level is a part of our evolution, a part of our growth. These changes can be seen at the level of the individual, the society, humanity at large and even at the level of the Planet.

Our Earth, along with all life on it, is presently going through many transformations. All these can be collectively called as the Earth changes. These changes happen all the time but at certain periods, when the shift occurs from one Yuga to another, the changes will be maximum and sweeping. In a relatively short period, major transformations happen on our Earth where, the values and way of living of one Era are replaced with those of another Era.

There are many levels where these changes take place. They can be grouped together as:

a) The changes and alignments at the Cosmic level.

b) The Earth changes at the physical level

c) The Earth changes at the spiritual level

d) The changes at the level of the Individual.

In this article, we try to understand the Major events and alignments occurring at the cosmic level and their impact on our Earth.

Importance of this Transitory period

We’re aware that the dark age has just ended on our Earth and we’re in a transitory period before entering the New age of Light. In this transition, the ways and values of the old age will be replaced with those of the New age, and the old energies will give way to the New energies. Such processes happen in every cycle of Yugas on this Earth.

However, the transition we’re going through in this cycle is special for many reasons. In the very near future, many major events are scheduled to occur almost simultaneously in our Galaxy. The impact of these will be huge for many reasons. Also, the Rishis have recently discovered many Manifested and Unmanifested Universes in God’s creation and have gained access to the immense Energies from those Universes.

The simultaneous occurrence of these events and the access to the New Energies have given the Rishis an opportunity to reduce the duration of the transitory period, and speed up our progress into the New Age of Light. And this has also allowed them to start an entirely new experiment on our Earth, which will later be implemented in all other Earths in our Material cosmos!

Let us understand these cosmic events in brief.

The Major Cosmic Events

Our Earth along with other planets revolves around the Sun. The Sun, along with 6 other stars, inturn revolves around a bigger star, Alcyone, also known as the Central Sun. Alycone revolves around a much bigger star, Sirius, which is called as the Greater Central Sun. This system of stars revolving around one another, is a feature found in all galaxies in our Universe where ultimately, each galaxy consisting of stars and planets, revolves around its own centre. The Milky way galaxy, to which our Earth belongs, has billions of such stars and planets, all revolving around a massive star in its core, called as the Galactic centre.

a) Galactic Alignment in 2012

As the Sun and other stars revolve around one another and move in their orbits, they come in various alignments with each other. On 21st December 2012, two alignments are expected to occur in our Milky Way Galaxy. One, our Sun and the entire solar system will come in direct alignment with the Galactic equator. And two, the Galactic Centre, the Greater Central Sun and the Central Sun will form an equilateral triangle in space at the same time.

Our Earth receives energies, both physical and subtle from the Sun as well as other stars. To receive the maximum amount of Energies, it has to come in a proper alignment with these celestial bodies. For example, during an eclipse, where the Earth, Sun and Moon align with each other, very rare spiritual energies flood our Earth because of this alignment. Hence the duration of eclipses were considered sacred and were spent in meditations and other spiritual activities, to make the best use of these subtle energies.

An alignment occurring at the level of the Galactic centre will have an effect which is many, many times higher in magnitude. When our Earth, along with the solar system aligns with the Galactic equator, it will come in direct focus of a huge amount of subtle energies, which emerge from the Galactic Centre. And the triangular formation of Alcyone, Sirius and the Galactic centre in 2012 brings a massive amount of spiritual energies from these Stars to our Earth. This rare celestial occurrence has also initiated many other events, which will be explained later.

b) Photon Belt

When the Sun moves around the Central Sun, it passes through various energy fields in space. One such energy field is the Photon belt, which is a spiritual field, which came out of the Greater central Sun, Sirius. The Photon belt is a field of very high vibratory frequency, which enhances the spiritual condition of our Earth when we enter it. If we’re spiritual evolved at that time, our evolution will be magnified by many folds. And if our spiritual growth is negative, we go into a very fast downward spiral, as it happened during our last entry, nearly 10,000 years ago, when the great civilization of Atlantis was destroyed.

Our Solar system has begun its entry into this field. Our earth is under the direct influence of the Photon Belt from Dec 21st, 2009 and the effects will increase in seven stages. We are now in the third stage of this influence. This entry of our Earth into the Photon Belt, which coincides with the Galactic alignment happening on the same day, will have a massive spiritual effect on Humanity.

c) Completion of cycles

Our Sun takes nearly 26,000 years to complete its orbit around Alcyone. This completion of cycle coincides with the year 2012! And the Central Sun, Alycone which takes millions of years to revolve around Sirius, also completes its orbit in the same year. At the physical level, this brings about huge changes like the interchanging of the magnetic poles of the Sun, which in turn will trigger similar changes on our Earth. Such a massive change will have a huge bearing on humanity and all life that our Earth houses.

d) Second Sun

Our Sun has a twin, another star, which is called as the Second Sun. This is also referred to many as Nibiru and Planet X. This star exists at a subtle level and although it usually isn’t visible to the naked eye, it sometimes becomes visible to those who are spiritually evolved and has been photographed.

Since the Second Sun exists at a higher level, it supports life of a higher order, that is, the life in the New Age. As we go into the New age, we’ll use more of the energies from the Second Sun. These Energies are expected to become more prominent post 2012, because of our entry into the Photon belt and the Galactic alignment. They help us in our spiritual evolution and in opening up to newer realities.

Effects of these Events

When important events happen almost simultaneously at the cosmic levels, the effects will also be huge and long lasting. The events which are scheduled to occur after 2012 are going to release a huge amount of energies, both physical and spiritual, which will have massive effects. Some of them are:

a. Reduction of the Transitory period

The 5000 year long dark age ended on this Earth on 14th April, 1974. Before the New Age of Light begins, a transitory period of 432 years is usually provided, for humanity to make a gradual shift from the beliefs and values of the old age and rise to the higher values of the New age. This is also the period when the Rishis invoke many processes at different levels to help us make this shift. One of them is the intense churning process called as Pralaya, which was to lasts for 49 years. The Pralaya began in 1987 and was supposed to continue up to 2036.

The unprecedented events which are scheduled to occur at the cosmic level in and around 2012 have given us a rare opportunity to speed up this process and make a swift entry into the Light Age! The gradual transition which we were supposed to make in 432 years can be hastened up and reduced by many folds, because of the intensity these cosmic events create in our lives at all levels.

The Galactic alignment between the Galactic Centre, Sirius and Alcyone begins in 2012 and will continue upto 2032. Like the duration of an eclipse, the spiritual effect of this alignment will be present for these twenty years. Among other things, the Rishis have made use of this opportunity to drastically reduce the 432 years of transition and the 49 years of Pralaya, to ease our suffering and take us quickly into the Light age. As a result of this, the Pralaya process will end by 2015 and we’ll enter Satya Yuga in 2018! By the time this alignment ends in 2032, the New Age of Light will be firmly established on this Earth.

b. Removal of Evil from this Earth—a New Light Age.

Our Earth is a planet where there are equal opportunities for the forces of Light and Darkness to manifest and take effect. These are evident in the 4 yugas, in which Light reigns supreme in one, darkness in another and a shade of these two manifest in the other two yugas. However the reign of darkness has increased over the course of many Mahayugas, resulting in an imbalance in creation and more burden on the Rishis who take care of God’s creation. The Galactic alignment and many other events occurring this time has enabled the Rishis to initiate a very great project, which will not only set right this imbalance but also remove Evil completely from this Earth. This project has been named as ‘Pavitrena Karyam’.

The aim of this project is to ensure that darkness and evil are not only made dormant but also removed completely from this Earth. This also means that the other three yugas will no longer be present on this Earth henceforth and there will be Light Age all the time. More details about the New Light age have been explained in the article, The Light Age.

The Galactic alignment and the huge surge of Spiritual energies it brings about have enabled the Rishis to initiate this experimentation on this Earth, from this Light Age onwards. Also, this is the first time that the Rishis could visit all the Manifested and Unmanifested Universes and also enter the realm of the Primordial God, Mula Brahman. The access to the energies and knowledge from all these Universes is another major reason for the initiation of this experimentation on this Earth.

c) Further Effects of the Galactic Alignment

The Galactic alignment of 2012 has enabled energies of very high frequencies to be released from the three sources which are coming together in alignment. It is also helping newer energies to come into our Galaxy. All these Energies are already reaching our Earth and this will increase as we move towards 2012.

Normally the Energies are released in the form of rays or spirals. Now the new energies in shape of ‘X’ and ‘Z’ are getting released. These new energies are being released from eclipse which occurred between 31st December and 1st Janurary of this year. The alignment has eased the process of anchoring these higher energies on our Earth.

These new energies are first absorbed by the Photon belt and then released to our Earth. The first impact is the increase in the vibrational frequency of our Earth, resulting in a lot of positive churning to take place at all levels. This churning helps every human being on Earth to deal with his own negativity and get over them, in order to move into the New Light Age.

This alignment has also brought in new knowledge and is helping all humanity to become aware of newer possibilities of life and creation. It has enabled a major push and growth in the whole galaxy. The new experimentation, ‘Pavitrena Karyam’ has become possible because of this growth.

The Galactic alignment is slowly increasing the pace of rotation of the entire Milky way galaxy and will help it shift higher to many levels of consciousness. This alignment is so powerful that it can shift the entire Material Cosmos to the next level of consciousness. But since this is not the right time for such a shift, the Rishis headed by Vasishtha Maharshi are monitoring the entire process with great vigilance to keep such huge effects in check.

To read the rest of this article go here:

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/29/2012 10:02:43 PM

UFOs Are Real, Should Be Studied, Says Ex-Project Blue Book Director Col. Robert Friend

Posted by Allen Atkinson

bobfriendUFOs Are Real, Should Be Studied, Says Ex-Project Blue Book Director Col. Robert Friend

By Lee Speigel, Huffington Post – September 27, 2012

Retired Col. Robert Friend, a former director of the Air Force’s nearly 20-year UFO study,Project Blue Book, says that science should continue looking into the mystery of flying saucers.

Friend, assigned in 1958 to direct Blue Book, was charged with trying to determine if UFOs were a threat to national security and whether they could be of scientific interest.

“When I first took over the program, I wrote two staff studies, and in both instances, I recommended that [UFOs] be put into another agency which would give them full scientific investigations and analyses,” Friend told The Huffington Post over the weekend at a special lecture titled “Military UFOs: Secrets Revealed.”

The event, held at the Smithsonian-affiliated National Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas, featured Friend, seen below, three other retired military colonels and a former United Kingdom Ministry of Defense UFO investigator.

These days, the retired 92-year-old colonel acknowledges that he’s spoken to more Air Force pilots than most people will ever meet, and he’s heard their stories about strange things they’ve encountered in the sky — objects that have come very close to their aircraft.

Despite the roughly 700 UFO cases labeled as “unidentified” during the Air Force’s investigation of more than 12,000 reports, Blue Book was closed down in 1969. The project’s conclusion: UFOs posed no security threat to the nation, nor did they display any technological abilities “beyond the range of present-day scientific knowledge.”

But Friend, who was Blue Book director until 1963, didn’t totally agree with the official findings.

During his tenure, he unsuccessfully tried to get the UFO issue moved to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency as well as to the then-newly created space agency, NASA. He’s had conversations with pilots and military officials who tossed the idea around that some UFOs might be alien in origin.

“Yes, there were some people who had those opinions. I, for one, also believe that the probability of there being life elsewhere in this big cosmos is just absolutely out of this world — I think the probability is there.”

Friend, the oldest surviving member of the famous Tuskegee Airmen of World War II, was joined on Saturday at the UFO lecture by the man who served as Friend’s chief spokesman for Blue Book between 1961 and 1963, Col. William Coleman.

Watch this video of Colonels Robert Friend and William Coleman

Coleman related an encounter he had with a “classic flying saucer” over Alabama in 1955 while piloting a B-25 bomber. The 75-foot-diameter, circular disc got so close to the ground that it left a trail of dust behind it before vanishing in the sky.

When HuffPost asked Friend if the United States had any vehicle at the time that looked like or could perform the way Coleman described, he quietly said, “No.” When further pressed on what Coleman and his crew witnessed, Friend instead cited a different case where an aircraft reported a UFO that turned out to be a meteor.

Yet, the soft-spoken Friend treads carefully when asked if he thinks aliens have already come to Earth.

“Do I believe that we have been visited? No, I don’t believe that,” he said. “And the reason I don’t believe it is because I can’t conceive of any of the ways in which we could overcome some of these things: How much food would you have to take with you on a trip for 22 years through space? How much fuel would you need? How much oxygen or other things to sustain life do you have to have?”

But would those same issues apply equally to an advanced civilization that may have already overcome the hazards of traveling through interstellar space?

Either way, Friend would like to see an ongoing scientific investigation of UFOs.

“I think that anytime there’s a possibility of scientific pay dirt from studying these phenomena, that yes, it would be much better if the government or some other agency was to take on these things and to pursue the scientific aspects of it.”

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/29/2012 10:05:56 PM

Waiting and Wondering….

Posted by Steve Beckow

I was chatting with a couple of friends who are doing concentrated work on other fronts and two subjects were raised, both of which must be the LaBrea tar pit for lightworkers and especially for lightworker commentators.

The first is how to handle the extremes of waiting we’ve been asked to manage. And the second is how to bring peace to areas of the world that are tightly contracted and conflicted.

I think some people may believe that I’m not as dismayed by the Long Wait as everyone else is. I am dismayed. I’m also aware of what one of my friends said, which is that complaining invites contraction and takes us further away from what it is we want. But I do feel like complaining, no doubt about it.

And at the same time I also know that we’re only talking about events that are more huge and complicated than anything we can possibly imagine. And I also know that I’m simply responding to my vasanas connected with being kept waiting. And I know further that the energies are so delicious these days that my complaints are mostly burnt rope, mere shadows of their former selves.

And I really do spring back after reading some of the wonderful messages that we’re receiving, like Graham’s discussion with Jesus from the other day. (1) Or Saul’s messages through John Smallman. I can see how valuable these messages are in helping us hang in for so long waiting for the major events to occur.

Never has so much been awaited by so many for so long, I’m tempted to say. And yet the reward for waiting promises to be so great that I pull myself back each day and carry on.

I wrote an article on the subject yesterday and then trashed it, but one small section of it does indeed represent me and what I do with waiting:

“I see myself as committed to emerging, to standing forth, and talks like the one from Jesus are what reach my being and give me a new sense of what it is I’m here to do.

“Not what it is I’m here to do as a Starseed, but as an individual. I’m here to emerge from my confining shell, to stand forth as vulnerable and available, to live in the sense of savoring each moment and watching myself experience and evolve.

“I will ascend, as you will, but I’m not here just for that moment and event. I’m here to live each moment to the fullest I can, in the greatest awareness of it, the greatest savoring of it. I’m here to call on and draw on each of my senses, not as taking me out there, but as taking me in here, into this moment as the doorway to the widest-possible experience.

“But not to experience as accumulative, epicurean, or filling, but to experience as unique, transformational, and fulfilling.

“I want to live. I didn’t come down here to wait and I didn’t come down here to live for a future. I came down here to live right now and as fully as I can and to push that frontier each day, each moment to live more fully now than I did the moment before.”

That is true and that does get my blood running again whereas merely waiting causes my blood to freeze and my veins to contract. With the technology of emergence, I can manage to get through this inordinate time of waiting.

The second matter that almost causes me to collapse in the face of it is how to bring peace to some of the conflicted areas of the world that have been enmeshed in enmity and discord for centuries. You realize that, if I even mentioned the name of one of the countries, I would immediately find myself embedded in controversy so I won’t even go that far.

There are some areas of the world that have become so positional and contracted and automatic in their responses that I have to admit that I have no idea as to how to bring peace there.

It probably will never be by approaching the issues rationally and clearly. People have died of old age approaching matters that way. Perhaps a messiah descending from the sky might be able to do it, but then one very wonderful man who tried that ended up in a very bad way.

But it is a question that needs to occupy us soon because people are dying in our world as wars continue and it’s our responsibility as a world to bring peace to those regions. I’m not clear that the galactics will do it for us. I’m pretty sure they want us to do it. They will see that no one can use nuclear weapons so we really don’t have to worry about a nuclear world war. But somehow, some way, we need to find an approach that will work to bring peace to this world and we need to do it ourselves.

And I don’t know how to do that. I’d be interested in your comments on the matter though, if you’re willing to share them.


(1) Jesus Sananda in “Transcript: Jesus – The Men of the Fifth Dimension are Beings of Love – on Heavenly Blessings, Sept. 13, 2012,” Sept. 28, 2012, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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