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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/28/2012 12:33:53 AM

Mainstream media: ‘Dumb’ news sells – Some good news here: People are waking up! ~J

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Published on Sep 25, 2012 by

According to a recent Gallup Poll, Americans are increasingly losing faith in the mainstream media. Sixty percent of those polled claim they have little to no trust in American media outlets making it a new record low. So are Americans tired of the lack of real news in the US? Christopher Chambers, a journalism professor at Georgetown University, gives us his take.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/28/2012 1:11:40 AM

News from Jim Costa – an outstanding job today, September 27, 2012

I’ve had to busy myself with some important 3D practical items, and I’m delighted that Jim’s work seems to cover the bases for today. If I can locate it, however, I do want to post Bibe’s speech to the UN.

May I suggest, once again, that you not ‘spend’ your energy on needless speculation about what is going on with Drake? (See the last article.) I have enough of an inside picture that I can say we are on the cusp, and impatience with Drake or anyone else won’t make any difference. It will happen when it happens.

Unfortunately, very ‘real’ 3D things are holding it back, things that are almost unbelievable, but nevertheless they are the fact. The things that have happened are something like a messed up flight schedule, or a family member having an automobile accident – all are the sort of events that slows down what we are all waiting for.

It’s my opinion that the Universe knows exactly what it is doing and that a convergence is developing so that there will be very few people—unless they deliberately choose not to look, who will not finally be brought to the place where they will ‘see’ clearly what has been going on. It seems to me that this is a necessary part of the awakening of humanity – of all those people whom we pass on the streets every day, who really don’t have a clue. The shock is going to be huge, but it will be made easier by the fact that no one will be going through this particular shock alone: a huge swath of humanity is going to be leveled for several days—or more—by it, don’t you think?

When all is said and done, however, I firmly believe that all these 3D events that have slowed things down are going to bring things together at a single point: the Universe is behind it all, and everything, absolutely everything, is in Divine Order!


9/27/12 4:00 PM Rolling Stone Magazine exposes FBI hatched terror plots designed

to create fear of terrorists. 5 Minute Video
[They admitted to infiltrating Occupy Movements to escalate them.]

9/27/12 4:00 PM Netanyahu draws “red line” on Iranian nuclear program .Article

[He pretty much tells the U.N. never mind. If Iran wanted to build a bomb,
they could only build one next summer, and we have so many . . .
Sorry, I guess this means No War.]
9/27/12 1:30 PM [News commentators in Spain are openly discussing the fall of the
Spanish government.]
no article yet

9/27/12 1:30 PM Turkish officers take command of Syrian rebel brigades. N. Israel on alert.
[Is NATO now in Syria?]

9/27/12 9:00 AM MSNBC: Israel is trying to push US into war with Iran. Link

9/27/12 8:00 AM Dollar no longer primary oil currency as China begins to
sell oil using Yuan.

The world changed . . . , and there was nary a word spoken by Wall Street or
by politicians who revealed in their own magnificence as this event took place during
the party conventions. A major blow was done on Sept. 6 to the American empire,
and to the power of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency.”Article
9/27/12 7:00 AM Half of Israelis ‘fear for the state’s existence’ if war breaks out with Iran.

Something has evidently happened to Israelis’ famed self-confidence: Only a quarter of those questioned said they do not fear for the state’s future in a scenario in which Israel and Iran go to war. Article


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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/28/2012 1:39:27 AM

Half of Israelis 'fear for the state's existence' if war breaks out with Iran

Something has evidently happened to Israelis' famed self-confidence: Only a quarter of those questioned said they do not fear for the state's future in a scenario in which Israel and Iran go to war.

By Yossi Verter | Sep.27, 2012 | 9:27 AM |

A protest in Tel Aviv against attacking Iran. Photo by Moti Milrod

The Jewish New Year that began last week doesn't seem to hold much optimism for Israeli citizens: A majority rates the chance of a war breaking out with Iran in the coming year as "high" or "medium," according to a new Haaretz-Dialog survey.

And half of Israelis say they either "fear" or "greatly fear" for the state's continued existence if such a war breaks out.

Only a quarter of those questioned said they do not fear for the state's future in a scenario in which Israel and Iran go to war. Something has evidently happened to Israelis' famed self-confidence.

While the question of fear for the state's existence has not been asked in previous opinion polls, it can reasonably be assumed that this is an exceptional finding. That should please Iran's leaders, who have proclaimed several times recently that the Zionist state's days are numbered.

In contrast, it should worry Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is to deliver an important speech on the Iranian issue to the UN General Assembly this evening. It should also worry Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who has said on more than one occasion that fears about the result of an Israeli attack on Iran are exaggerated, and that the number of Israeli deaths would not exceed 500.

Barak's efforts to calm the public have evidently come to nothing. One has to admit the public is scared. Apparently, the public believes President Shimon Peres and the many senior defense officials who have warned that an Israeli attack could have disastrous repercussions.

Nevertheless, the survey shows that the public's collective anxiety is not harming Netanyahu's status or endangering his chances of forming a coalition after the next election, assuming the election were held today.

The poll, supervised by Tel Aviv University statistician Prof. Camil Fuchs, was conducted at the beginning of the week.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/28/2012 5:35:28 PM

SaLuSa 9-28-12…”Keep Focused on the Actual Ascension, and Prepare for an Input of Powerful Energy That You Will Be Aware Of”

“The pivotal point at present revolves around the Presidential Elections in the U.S. Our man is the one chosen to lead you out of duality, and that is because he has immense spiritual experience and understanding to meet the challenge. There are others around him also ready to join up in a new Government, that will be based on new principles and truly represent the people. There will be no failure or repeat of what you previously experienced, as the dark Ones have had their day and capitulated to the Light. So please do not be too concerned by the threats of those who still promote greed and self power. They will not figure in the new Government which is to be for the people.”


  • The time lines are beginning to merge into the ones that carry the most energy, and are naturally strongest where people have the intent to ascend and those who do not.
  • You do therefore create your own experiences, and Ascension will be your final one as you leave the cycle of duality…
  • …keep focused on the actual Ascension, and prepare for an input of powerful energy that you will be aware of…
  • The old paradigm will by then have no further influence in your lives, and you will enjoy the absolute peace and joy that comes with the new one.
  • We are still pushing for our allies to raise their actions, as we would like to see some major changes commence very shortly.
  • What you can be certain of is that those of you that came into this life having already made their choice to ascend will do so.
  • It is all planned and soon you will be rid of the Dark Ones, because no matter how devious they are or whatever power they can exert, they have no place in your future.
  • The pivotal point at present revolves around the Presidential Elections in the U.S. Our man is the one chosen to lead you out of duality…
  • There are others around him also ready to join up in a new Government, that will be based on new principles and truly represent the people.
  • Accept that what happens is part of the cleansing that must take place, before the changes can be introduced.
  • Mother Earth will also need to take some actions, but they will not be as severe as some people forecast.
  • …please do not feel that we are non-active, when in fact we are probably more involved than ever before.
  • …the next few weeks are going to be very important, and you should be able to see where matters are heading.
  • Our main thrust is to see them [dark ones] removed, so that we are left with trustworthy and reliable people to handle the new financial arrangements.
  • Keep on looking ahead and do not relax your determination to see this cycle through to the very end.


SaLuSa 28-September-2012

The time lines are beginning to merge into the ones that carry the most energy, and are naturally strongest where people have the intent to ascend and those who do not. What you will be looking at is the result of your mass consciousness that is creating according to your wishes. Ascension itself is going to bring changes that have been divinely decreed, and are of Universal proportions and controlled by the higher forces. You do therefore create your own experiences, and Ascension will be your final one as you leave the cycle of duality, to take your place in the New Age. Events can be changed according to your speed and level of advancement, and that allows for any delay caused by the dark Ones. So we say to you still keep focused on the actual Ascension, and prepare for an input of powerful energy that you will be aware of.

There is always going to be much discussion about how the future events will take place, as there are many different views about it. What you have been promised will certainly come about and you have much to gain from it. In fact the timing has often had to be adjusted, and you are of course now aware that some events have had to be put back. However, you will not miss out and you will pass on to a higher vibration, and benefit from the many changes that will lift you up further into the Light. The old paradigm will by then have no further influence in your lives, and you will enjoy the absolute peace and joy that comes with the new one.

We are still pushing for our allies to raise their actions, as we would like to see some major changes commence very shortly. That would ease your worries and assure you that the end of the cycle was going to end as predicted. However, that may depend on your expectations as only a minority have any idea of what lies ahead. We will address that in one way or another, so that all souls have a final choice as to whether they desire to leave the lower dimensions for the higher ones. What you can be certain of is that those of you that came into this life having already made their choice to ascend will do so. There will have been high points in their lives that have led them on to the right path, and brought enlightened souls to them. Each of you has had immense help, and you would have had to be quite defiant to go against your life plan that included Ascension.

Ascension is not a 5 minute wonder, but is a path you have been travelling for a very long time and will continue to do so. There have been many highlights, particularly at the end of the last century and your present one. Each one has brought the energies to a higher level than previously. They have gently helped you along, unlike the 21st. December 2012 when all will be noticeably affected. Already many have noticed what have become to be known as Ascension symptoms, that can easily mistaken for the onset of illness. Clearly if they persist it is wise to check your condition with a doctor, as normally they will disappear in a matter of a few days.

Whatever happens go along with it knowing that Ascension is ongoing, and you are not going to miss out because of any delays. It is all planned and soon you will be rid of the Dark Ones, because no matter how devious they are or whatever power they can exert, they have no place in your future. You tend to get depressed when events do not turn out as expected, but if you are of the Light the battle has already been won. There is lots to be done to move you quickly into the New Age but we are more than equal to the task. We are constantly amending our plans to suit whatever situation comes up, and that is no problem at all for us,

The pivotal point at present revolves around the Presidential Elections in the U.S. Our man is the one chosen to lead you out of duality, and that is because he has immense spiritual experience and understanding to meet the challenge. There are others around him also ready to join up in a new Government, that will be based on new principles and truly represent the people. There will be no failure or repeat of what you previously experienced, as the dark Ones have had their day and capitulated to the Light. So please do not be too concerned by the threats of those who still promote greed and self power. They will not figure in the new Government which is to be for the people.

Accept that what happens is part of the cleansing that must take place, before the changes can be introduced. Mother Earth will also need to take some actions, but they will not be as severe as some people forecast. We of the Galactic Federation are still overseeing all that happens on Earth, and take part in many things that you are not aware of. So please do not feel that we are non-active, when in fact we are probably more involved than ever before. You are certainly seeing more of us, and the best is yet to come when we can arrange our flyovers. We register that disclosure has is being powered by the people, and we applaud your initiative and persistence. Anything that awakens people to the truth is well worthwhile.

Obviously the next few weeks are going to be very important, and you should be able to see where matters are heading. You can expect to see more charges come out against corrupt bankers as their activities are investigated. It takes time to gather the appropriate evidence, and it needs to be thorough. Some flee rather than face the music, and for the time being they will get away with their crimes but will eventually answer for them. Our main thrust is to see them removed, so that we are left with trustworthy and reliable people to handle the new financial arrangements. It is all part of moving you on and bridging the gap between the old and the new systems.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so happy to see how far you have advanced in such a short time. Nothing was taken for granted as you were facing a very stiff test, and you are winning all the way down the line. Keep on looking ahead and do not relax your determination to see this cycle through to the very end. You are indeed Warriors of the Light.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/28/2012 5:48:47 PM

Jesus: When You Awaken, Your Awareness as Newly Experienced Will Astound You

Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: When You Awaken, Your Awareness as Newly Experienced Will Astound You

As channelled by John Smallman – September 28, 2012

You are all moving inexorably towards the moment of awakening. It is to be an event of unimaginable significance because it marks the most remarkable shift in humanity’s awareness as you come to a much greater understanding of the true meaning of Love.

Not the word – which is unremarkable, overused, and also horribly misused – but the power, the all-encompassing Reality that is Love. It is the container in which all creation exists, and of course It is limitless, without boundaries of any kind – and the word container is used here only because you need some kind of concept or idea in which to place that which is limitless so that you can get a slight intellectual grasp, a vague glimmer of what It is. But what It is, is really completely beyond your ability to comprehend in any meaningful way. That will change.

Your lack of awareness, your tiny field of perception or vision, while you inhabit the illusion, is truly stifling, and many are unaware of this lack in themselves because the ego fills their minds with distractions which seem to indicate that great awareness is present. It is not, and when you awaken, your awareness, as newly experienced, will astound you. Knowledge and understanding of the whole of creation will be within you. To say more than this would be to further limit the limitless.

Limits are of the illusion. They are an attempt to live on an extremely small scale in a minuscule environment that was built solely for that purpose. It was to be an amusing game, but because of the inflexibility of the initial parameters within which it was set, it has left very little room for maneuver or improvement.

Over the eons the restrictions that it imposes on those within it became increasingly intolerable, leading to an escalating state of conflict among the ever-growing numbers of inhabitants. It is because these problems are getting so intense and troublesome that the calls from the more enlightened among you to look for better ways to co-exist are beginning to be taken seriously.

Those from other realms who would assist you are keen to make themselves known so that they can move among you, freely offering their wisdom and experience which you desperately need if you are to avoid self-destruction. Of course destruction per se is impossible as you are immortal beings, but any further massive laying down of human lives as a result of insane decisions to solve international problems by going to war must and will be avoided.

It is becoming quite obvious that new ways of communicating, leading to user-friendly methods of cooperating internationally for the benefit of all on the planet, must be found and put into effect. They are available; all that is required is a major change in perspective by those who conduct the international meetings and discussions that are constantly taking place all over the world. This change of perspective has to come from the people and be presented to those who represent them on the world stage — and it is happening.

At first your representatives are resistant to your suggestions because they have dwelt in an even more imaginary world than the illusion generally provides, more of a cocoon really. They have assumed rights and privileges for themselves to which they are not entitled, and have chosen to undertake their deliberations in secret, after which they communicate to their constituents an inadequate and incomplete report of their findings and decisions.

This is all about to change because your new and modern methods of communication and information-sharing no longer allow secrecy to be maintained for any length of time. The truth is coming out all across the planet and is spreading virally and at great speed. Many of those who thought they were controlling the world are experiencing intense alarm as their “secrets” and “agreements” become public knowledge, while others are in a state of denial and refuse to believe what is happening.

You – the Light-holders, the Light-bearers, and the Way-showers – need to continue focusing on being Love in action. Release any remaining judgment, anger, resentment, or desire for vengeance or restitution. Open your hearts to the Love that is sweeping over the planet and allow it to show you that all is divinely taken care of, which it is. By expressing love, and only love you change the world. That is why you are on the world. It needs your help to change, along with assistance from those of other realms who are standing by at all times, ready to assist you.

Holding love in your hearts and intending to share it indiscriminately and unconditionally with every single human is immensely powerful, especially as that intent is encouraged and supported by the divine field of Love enveloping the planet. You have free will, so it is up to you to open your hearts and allow love to flow through you. That is how you change the collective field of consciousness that has for so long been fear-driven. And you are doing it.

It is as though you are immersed in deep, muddy, toxic water, and the flow of love is cleansing and dissolving the toxins and impurities. Already there are many areas which are clear and sparkling, and the process will continue until total purity is achieved and becomes self-sustaining.

This is what you are doing: cleansing the planet and all the sentient life forms she supports very effectively, as you constantly intend to offer only love in any situation. Yes, you do slip, and the intent for an unloving thought, word, or action escapes from you, but because you are aware and then change the intent, any damage that occurs is minimal and is quickly repaired. While swimming in this toxic water it is very difficult to avoid occasionally swallowing a mouthful and feeling as though you are yourselves becoming toxic.

You are not. You have made the intent to be love in action, the cleansers and purifiers, and you are holding that intent so the divine Love field supports you at all times, offering comfort and reassurance when you feel that you are not doing as well as you should. Do not judge yourselves. Love yourselves, and share that love. It is all that you need to do to bring you to your awakening.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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