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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/26/2012 5:47:25 PM

Saul: You Will Begin to Experience Strange Thoughts or Intimations

Posted by Anthony Morrison

Saul: You Will Begin to Experience Strange Thoughts or Intimations

As channeled by John Smallman – September 26, 2012

The field of divine Love enveloping Planet Earth is having an enormous effect on humanity. Its influence is irresistible and irreversible, and because of it you are all moving towards Love and away from fear.

Wars, terrorist attacks, criminal activity, and political activity in every field – international affairs, corporate, local, educational, health, religious, etc. – are all driven by fear, and have been for eons.

Fear is so ingrained in humanity, in every nation, race, and culture, that it is very difficult to eradicate. Nevertheless, that is what you have been doing very slowly for a very long time, and in the last few decades your rate of progress has been accelerating.

Love is the divine force field, It is eternal, It is one, It is without opposite, It is that in which all that exists is incorporated and unified.

Fear is unnatural, unreal, an imaginary concept that you invented and about which you then made inordinate assumptions. You then used those assumptions to build belief systems that drove you into separation and confusion. Your belief in your unreal reality became very strong as a result of the suffering you experienced, and you found yourselves seemingly trapped in a hostile environment from which there seemed to be no exit.

Your beliefs in anything other than Love are groundless, and yet you continue attempting to maintain them. However, they are weakening rapidly now as the effects of the divine Love field enveloping the planet make it ever clearer that it is the old inflexible belief systems which are the root cause of all your problems. You have spent eons defending with your lives — and by destroying the lives of others — beliefs that have no basis in fact, but are merely the egoic opinions of those who live in fear and need some kind of comforter to prevent them falling into blind panic.

The Love field enveloping the planet is all pervasive, it is percolating the energy field of each individual human and making it part of itself. Many are feeling this happening and are experiencing it as strange moods and emotions, ones with which they are unfamiliar. Initially it is rather unsettling because they are accustomed to being and feeling wary, unsure, anxious, and this new energy is dissolving those sensations and replacing them with a sense of trust and safety — a feeling that all manner of things will be well. And of course it makes no sense because the environment around them appears unchanged, as unsafe and threatening as it has always been.

Because Reality is not composed of physical matter, but of limitless potential possibilities, it is very difficult for you to grasp the idea of it, except very vaguely. In fact while you remain wedded to the apparent reality of the illusion it is impossible for you to understand. The illusion is solid stuff, or so it seems to those experiencing it, but it is not, and your science has proved that. Nevertheless, you experience it that way, and your physical senses are unable to make sense of or understand the non-physicality which surrounds you and from which you built the illusion.

Your intuition does give you intimations of Reality when you do not shut it down in favor of “real,” physical stuff. Many of you have on occasion responded to your intuition and been amazed at the results, but then you dismiss those results as coincidences, oddities, inexplicable aberrations, and you move on with your lives. Every now and then you recall them and are puzzled by them, but they are disturbing for you because they seem so unaccountable and so you do not dwell on them.

With the divine energy field enfolding the planet with increasing intensity you will begin — if you have not already started — to experience strange thoughts or intimations that have never occurred to you before but that make complete sense to you. It will be a deep knowing, not an opinion or a belief but a knowing, something that has never felt surer to you. It will be loving and accepting, peaceful, inspiring — a vivid understanding that you are indeed a divine being and that all of humanity is like you and one with you. In that moment, unconditional Love will fill your heart for all sentient beings, completely indiscriminately.

At first it will be only momentary and it will shock you, but it will invigorate you with a new vitality or liveliness. Your perceptions will become brighter and that moment will be unforgettable. As the moment of your awakening approaches, these occurrences will become more frequent and the validity of your faith in God unshakable. When you pray, meditate, or just relax, intend to feel this newly alive life coursing through you and bring it into being. It is your destiny, and you have limitless help from the spiritual realms to assist you in doing so. And that is where you need to focus your attention and your energies.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/26/2012 5:49:07 PM

Jesus: The Remaining Conflicts Now in Progress are the Last to Arise on the Planet

Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: The Remaining Conflicts Now in Progress are the Last to Arise on the Planet

As Channelled by John Smallman – September 26, 2012

Love is the antidote to the contagion of pain and suffering in which so many are engaged. For eons you have tried to bring peace forcefully into being – by authoritarian legislation backed by penalties and punishments, by criminal violence against one another, by conflict between groups, and by wars between nations – and you know from your history and from personal experience that it simply does not work.

The remaining conflicts that are now in progress, even though they may appear insoluble, are the last to arise on the planet, and they will cease because the people who are engaged in them have had enough; and even as they fight they fully understand that violence leads only to further violence and not to solutions.

As Light-bearers, your task is to embrace the peace within yourselves by releasing all feelings of righteousness that are causing conflict within you. The inflexibility of righteousness is a dead-end street. You have been preparing to do this all your lives as reason, intelligence, and comprehension have shown you the inadequacy of the traditional ways of attempting to solve problems and achieve agreement.

It takes courage to change … and determination … and intense focus. You have those talents, those strengths, and you are being fully supported in your intention to use them by the divine energy field that has enveloped you in order to ensure your success.

Make and maintain contact with others who hold the same intent because this intensifies the field and spreads it out to be shared worldwide. What each one of you is doing is having effects that are being felt everywhere on Earth; nowhere remains unaffected by the loving intentions that you hold, demonstrate, and share. The Peace of God surrounds the planet and you are the conduits through which It is flowing with increasing intensity and abundancy to embrace all of humanity.

Initially, many resisted this divine energy because it seemed so unrealistic, so unlikely to have any affect, so weak. But now its strength and effectiveness are becoming visible as more and more people open themselves to allow it to flow through them.

It is demonstrating its power as it flows through each one of you and strengthens your courage to be peaceful and loving at all times, even when it seems that the situation demands virtuous, well-controlled violence. Virtuous, well-controlled violence has always been proved ineffectual in the long term, whatever success it may seem to achieve in the moment. You now understand this and are refusing to revert to that kind of behavior. And your refusal to return to the old ways is in itself an enormously powerful and uplifting form of energy.

You are fully backed by God in your selfless and indefatigable drive to be constantly loving exemplars of the path to peace, and this will ensure that a just, gentle, and generous society is born from the evolutionary development that humanity is undergoing, in which you are all honored, respected, and valued, as God honors, respects, and values each and every one of you without exception.

The progress that you have made over the last six or seven decades is truly remarkable, and once again demonstrates the infinite Wisdom of God Who granted you the freedom to evolve at your own pace over the eons, because He knew that you would not fail to return to your natural state of Love and oneness with Him.

Within the illusion it has not been at all obvious to you that His faith in you was justified, as your history shows you. Nevertheless, it is now becoming apparent that His faith in you is totally justified. How could it not be? He is the Source, infinite Knowing, infinite Wisdom, infinite Love, and He would never permit a situation to exist in which even one of you could lose your way and become separated from Him.

So, I say to you again: release your doubts, your worries, your anxieties, and focus on the Reality, the Truth, and the intensity of His eternal Love for you, and know that arrival at your heavenly destination is divinely pledged and assured — and is therefore inevitable.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/26/2012 9:37:29 PM

Guinea to see $2.4 billion of its debt cancelled

CONAKRY, Guinea (AP) — More than $2.4 billion of Guinea's foreign debt is being cancelled in a major boost for the deeply impoverished West African nation whose mineral riches were looted over decades of corrupt dictatorship, government officials said Wednesday.

Two-thirds of Guinea's total foreign debt is being eliminated because it has qualified for the IMF and World Bank program for heavily indebted poor countries, according to a government statement.

"This will allow Guinea to free up substantial resources," said Ansoumane Camara, an economist and consultant in Conakry who said the money could be redirected toward improving health and educational programs.

Guinea's finances were left in ruins after nearly a quarter-century of rule by Lansana Conte, who pillaged state coffers to make his family fabulously wealthy before his death in 2008, according to economists.

In 2010, the country held its first democratic election but the political reforms have not translated into immediate improvements for the lives of most Guineans, who remain deeply impoverished. About 75 percent of the country's 10 million people live below the poverty line, according to the United Nations.

Fatou Bonte Bangoura, who sells smoked fish at a port in Guinea's capital, said Wednesday's announcement would mean little for Guineans who are struggling to support their families.

"Our children need to eat, they need to be taken care of, they need to go to school," she lamented. Guinea's debt elimination won't result in individual families receiving money. "It doesn't feed me," she says.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/27/2012 5:04:34 PM
In the light of these new findings, I think we may safely assume that while mother Earth still must adjust for new conditions, major earthquakes involving large numbers of victims are gone forever

Huge Earthquake Triggered Other Quakes Worldwide

By OurAmazingPlanet Staff | LiveScience.com20 hrs ago Pollitz, USGS - A map of the earthquakes triggered around the globe (shown as black dots) within a week of the April 11, 2012 earthquake off the coast of Sumatra (shown as a white star).

On April 11, a massive magnitude 8.6 earthquake shook the floor of the Indian Ocean off Sumatra. It wasn't just unusual because of its size — the 10th largest quake in the last century — it also set off a series of quakes around the world for up to six days afterward, according to a study published today (Sept. 26) in the journal Nature.

"Until now, we seismologists have always said, 'Don't worry about distant earthquakes triggering local quakes,'" said Roland Burgmann, an earth and planetary scientist at UC Berkeley, in a statement. "This study now says that, while it is very rare — it may only happen every few decades — it is a real possibility if the right kind of earthquake happens."

The study found that some quakes were triggered within a few hours, while in other places the seismic waves from the Sumatran quake primed temblors to happen for up to six days later.

The findings should remind those living in seismically active areas that the risk from a large earthquake could persist, even on the opposite side of the globe, for more than a few hours, the study scientists said.

Another study also published today suggests that the quake marks the birth of a new tectonic plate beneath the Indian Ocean.

The temblor was caused by plates slipping past each other, in what's called a strike-slip earthquake. (California's San Andrea fault is perhaps the most famous example of a strike-slip fault.)

"This was one of the weirdest earthquakes we have ever seen," Burgmann said in the statement. "It was like the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, a strike-slip event, but it was huge — 15 times more energetic."

The Sumatran earthquake led to a 7.0 quake in Baja California and quakes in Indonesia and Japan, but none of these caused much damage. Worldwide, the seismologists found five times the expected number of quakes during the six days following April 11.

One possible mechanism for the delayed action is that the East Indian Ocean quake triggered a cascade of undetectable micro-quakes on certain faults that led to larger ruptures later on, according to a UC Berkeley release on the study.

Researchers looked at other recent large earthquakes and found that there was only a small increase in the number of earthquakes immediately afterward. That could be due to the unique nature of the Sumatran quake, which generated waves that traveled just under the Earth's surface and were energetic enough to affect distant fault zones.

Reach Douglas Main at Follow him on Twitter @Douglas_Main. Follow OurAmazingPlanet on Twitter @OAPlanet. We're also on Facebook and Google+.

Copyright 2012 OurAmazingPlanet, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/28/2012 12:29:49 AM

Israeli Rabbis Greet Iran’s President Ahmadinejahd in NYC on Yom Kippur

Posted: September 27, 2012

In a video you won’t see on CNN or ABC, Israeli Sephardic Rabbis Greeted Ahmadinejahd in New York City on Yom Kippur.

Iran’s President was visibly moved by the emotional prayers for peace and friendship spoken by the Israeli Rabbis. The Sephardic Rabbis praised Iran’s leaders for 1,000 years of peaceful relations with 50,000 Jewish families in Tehran.

This extraordinary event might account for Ahmedinejahd’s subdued criticism of Israel in his speech on the floor of the United Nations later that day. Major media have observed that Iran’s President only briefly mentioned Israel once. Nobody asked why he might have softened his tone.

Let’s make this video go viral, people! There’s great hope for peace, if we can follow these Rabbis’ superb example and treat each other with respect.

Message sent to me with youtube link. If after watching this you do not begin to understand how people are being deceived then you are in a coma. And we all deserve to suffer the consequences of our ignorance.

For all the evangelical fanatics out there, who think the conflict in the middle east is a holy war against Islam, consider the fact that for thousands of years, Iran has had a flourishing jewish community. This community is protected by law under the Iranian Constitutiion. Iran currently has the largest Jewish population in the middle east outside of the state of Israel.

Note that the Rabbis in this film clip are Orthodox Jews and are probably of Sephardic extraction. Listen carefully. The spokesman constantly refers to “True Torah” Jews. Thus he distinguishes himself, AND THUS DISTANCES HIMSELF, from the Zionist/Ashkenazi/ Khazar “Talmudic Jews” that currently control Israel. Until one understands the differences between these “two tribes” (real jews as opposed to the imposters who came from central Asia) you will never understand what is driving the State of Israel and the criminal organization that controls it.

The comments below are from a friend in Europe. Sadly, the Europeans understand very well these distinctions. Americans, on the other hand, are too preoccupied with the latest NFL game or other such nonsense on the stuporvision.

“For truth and Justice.” Please circulate.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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