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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/25/2012 5:01:20 PM

Lehman Bros Liable for the Millions Australian Councils Lost

Posted by Stephen Cook

A newspaper headline about the US investment bank Lehman Brothers filing for bankruptcy, is seen on a street in Hong Kong in 2008. Source: Supplied

Lehman Bros Liable for the Millions Australian Councils Lost

Stephen: Thanks to Cherily and Annika who sent two stories through reminding us of this momentous decision involving Lehman Brothers in Australia – but which will have major global ramifications.

Lehman Brothers Ordered to Pay Compensation

By court reporter Jamelle Wells and staff, ABC Radio and TV – September 22, 2012

A group of Australian councils, charities and churches has won a Federal Court case against defunct investment bank Lehman Brothers in a case which could have global ramifications.

The judgment is considered a test case as it is the first in the world to look at the conduct of an investment bank, on both legal and ethical grounds, in the lead-up to the global financial crisis and how they behaved in the aftermath.

Read the judgment here

The class action involved 72 councils, churches and charities who sued Lehman Brothers for around $250 million, claiming it breached contracts and engaged in misleading and negligent conduct.

Justice Steven Rares has ruled that the parties are entitled to compensation but the amount has yet to be finalised.

They had sought compensation for losses incurred on investments they made on advice from Grange Securities, which was bought by Lehman Brothers Australia in 2007.

The investments had exposure to the housing market collapse in the United States.

Members of the group were advised by Lehman’s Australian arm before buying subprime mortgage-related derivatives or collateralised debt obligations (CDOs) branded locally as federation notes.

This was prior to 2007 when America’s housing sector began to crash, sparking a meltdown on Wall Street.

Lehman Brothers’ CEO Richard S Fuld Jr Testifies

Justice Rares found the investors were not properly advised of the risks involved in highly complex financial products.

He said councils were often targeted by Grange Securities because they had ready access to large sums of money for investment, but the the “high risk” nature of the investments made them unsuitable for local councils.

“I have found that Grange engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct in breach of [the act] when it promoted the SCDOs to the councils in terms of suitable investments,” he said.

Because Grange is in liquidation, it cannot be ordered to make any compensation payments at this time.

Wingecarribee Shire Council, south-west of Sydney, led the class action seeking to recover $21.4 million in losses.

Held to account

Those involved in the class action appear set to get back about 33 cents in the dollar.

John Walker, executive director of IMF which helped fund the litigation, says the ruling paves the way for significant recoveries from the estate of Lehman Australia.

“So what this judgment means in divvying up around $230 million in assets in Lehman Australia, is if this finding holds, and it holds for every person in the class (action), then they’re looking at around three or four times what was proposed by the liquidators about three years ago,” he said.

“What we dealt with in these proceedings is to see whether or not we could make it accountable – an investment bank which actually sought to target not-for-profit organisations and make profit from selling derivatives to them in circumstances where they certainly should not have sold these products to those targets.”

Economics correspondent Stephen Long says the representative action paves the way for compensation to a large class of claimants who invested in the CDOs:

There’s a separate case being run in Australia which is targeting Standard and Poor’s – the ratings agency which rated these products as triple A – and that action will involve investors worldwide.

There’s a class action, a book being built of investors right now all around the globe. This case was being keenly watched in the United States, in Europe and elsewhere.

It’s significant on a number of fronts. One, that it opens up the possibility for further litigation; secondly, that it’s the first time, as I understand it, that a court anywhere has looked at the substantive issues in this case.

There are policy implications from this too.

One of the possible policy implications of this is that churches and charities aren’t really treated as being like say your ordinary retail investors, your mum and dad. They’re treated as being akin to a sophisticated investor where clearly they’re not and maybe there’s a need for reform of the Corporations Law on that front.

Secondly, the judge has made quite critical comments about the legislation. Justice Steven Rares said that there is a mind-boggling complexity in the definition of misleading and deceiving conduct now.

We used to have one simple test under the Trades Practices Act. Now there are separate definitions for financial services and financial products, definitions in different acts.

He says it should be simplified and all brought together in a very simple and easily administered test; that’s something for government to think about.

Great video story here:

And another roundup here:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/25/2012 5:03:26 PM

Hillary Clinton: Make the Rich Pay More Tax

Posted by Stephen Cook

‘There are rich people everywhere and yet they do not contribute to the growth of their own countries,’ said Hillary Clinton Photo: Reuters

Hillary Clinton: Make the Rich Pay More Tax

Stephen: I’m not interested in the politics here, but could Hillary have been contained and flipped before she flops? Or is this a plea for clemency? (Interestingly, there is no reporter nor agency listed as having reported this story… and it sits under the sub-section Personal Finance, no less…)

The Telegraph, UK – September 24, 2012

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton entered the 2012 US presidential campaign fray for the first time Monday, highlighting a burning issue at the center of debate – taxing the wealthy.

“One of the issues that I have been preaching about around the world is collecting taxes in an equitable manner, especially from the elites in every country,” Ms Clinton told a glittering New York conference.

Winning some laughter at the forum on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, she insisted: “You know I’m out of American politics, but it is a fact that around the world the elites of every country are making money.”

Democratic US President Barack Obama, fighting for re-election in November, and his bitter rival, Republican Mitt Romney, have laid out starkly different visions for how to boost the struggling US economy, AFP reported.

Multi-millionaire former businessman Mr Romney has proposed cutting income tax rates by 20pc across the board, eliminating tax on investment income, and slashing the corporate tax rate.

Mr Obama has said Mr Romney’s $5 trillion tax plan would mostly benefit the wealthy and force the US government to boost taxes on families with children by $2,000 per year.

Instead, Mr Obama favours higher taxes for the nation’s wealthiest.

Talking in general terms at the Clinton Global Initiative, Ms Clinton insisted: “There are rich people everywhere and yet they do not contribute to the growth of their own countries.

“They don’t invest in public schools, in public hospitals, in other kinds of development internally,” she told the aid foundation set up by her husband, former Democratic president Bill Clinton.

But as countries seek to stop being aid recipients, Ms Clinton said taxes were vital to “mobilize their own domestic resources for long-term development”.

“And so it means for leaders telling powerful people things they don’t want to hear,” said Ms Clinton.

“It means being transparent about budgets and revenues, and bringing corruption to light and when that happens, we shouldn’t punish countries for uncovering corruption; we should reward them for doing so.

“And it means putting into place regulations designed to attract and protect investment.”

Ms Clinton, who was defeated by Obama in 2008 to be the Democratic presidential candidate, has so far ruled out a run in 2016.

On Sunday, Bill Clinton left the matter open, saying: “I have no earthly idea what she will decide to do.”

“I think we ought to give her a chance to organize her life and decide what she wants to do,” he added.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/26/2012 1:39:23 AM
Remember this?

Not Ready To Die In YOUR War - World Peace Movement - SHARE!!!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/26/2012 5:23:57 PM

Sheldan Nidle Update 9-25-12…”The divine moment we have all waited for is upon us!”

“The Gregorian year is to end just after this chronological and spiritual phenomenon happens. Very shortly afterwards, we have planned a series of events that will usher in a whole new physical reality for you, in which we intend to bring about full disclosure as well as proceed rapidly with the changes in the way your world operates. The dark cabal knows that its rule over your world is wearing thin and indeed, the collapse of your reality’s old grids is fully underway. The replacement grids are in place and awaiting Heaven’s manifestation of them. Meanwhile, our fleet is preparing in like manner the grids of all the other planets in your solar system for this grand shift. This time is extremely close. We expect the dark to continue its charades until it is finally pushed from power. This, too, is close, and our liaison personnel are working with our allies to firm up the dates for this. We will talk further about this in future messages.”


  • At present, your ongoing body ascension programs are being temporarily suspended by divine decree, while a series of time collapse points goes into effect in the run-up to the end of your Gregorian year.
  • These time-collapse points represent the juncture at which alternative timelines are integrated into your present ascending reality, because this is the sole reality which is to go forward into 2013.
  • These collapses can create various physical side effects in many of you, which will include headaches, pains in your neck and spine, and assorted aches in the muscles of your legs and arms. These discomforts are only temporary…
  • The more sensitive among you are sensing that ‘something is in the air,’ and this something is the setting-up of the new grids in your various local time dimensions which will precipitate your long-promised new reality.
  • The dark ones are now in an even higher state of panic as they can see that special measures to further contain them are being prepared. This will begin shortly.
  • The moment chosen for the beginning of this shift is to be given to you shortly… The Gregorian year is to end just after this chronological and spiritual phenomenon happens.
  • Very shortly afterwards, we have planned a series of events that will usher in a whole new physical reality for you…
  • …our fleet is preparing in like manner the grids of all the other planets in your solar system for this grand shift. This time is extremely close.
  • At present, your reality is continuing to topple. The grid points which hold the structural integrity of your reality together have begun to develop a new grid, and we are told that it is to come into being globally at any moment.
  • Time…is ever changing, producing wondrous effects upon the Sun and all her daughter worlds, and Gaia is no exception. You have all noticed the odd weather patterns caused by displaced jet streams, with huge amounts of precipitation and flash floods, and unaccustomed wind and weather phenomena everywhere.
  • We comprehend the depth of desperation that has taken hold in the cabalists’ mindset, as we see them scurrying around like mice on a sinking ship, seeking for ways to sneak onto a lifeboat of any sort, but all in vain.
  • We watch in joy as the various elements of this complex operation make their appearance and settle into position as if guided by an invisible hand.
  • The divine moment we have all waited for is upon us! We will shortly witness events that are to change your world positively and forever!


Sheldan Nidle Update 9-25-12
5 Ben, 1 Tzotz, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We return with more to discuss with you. At present, your ongoing body ascension programs are being temporarily suspended by divine decree, while a series of time collapse points goes into effect in the run-up to the end of your Gregorian year. These time-collapse points represent the juncture at which alternative timelines are integrated into your present ascending reality, because this is the sole reality which is to go forward into 2013. This collapse process can cause fluctuations in the Earth field, causing imbalances to your physical bodies. Furthermore, this process reduces the alternative scenarios that the dark cabal has available to it to try to circumvent the divine plan. These collapses are being implemented by the galactic Time Lords in order to prepare your realm to gracefully enter this single new reality. These collapses can create various physical side effects in many of you, which will include headaches, pains in your neck and spine, and assorted aches in the muscles of your legs and arms. These discomforts are only temporary, but Heaven wishes us to slow down our work on your bodies to compensate for the extra physical stress upon you during this time-collapse period.

New social operating structures for this reality are starting to manifest but are not yet apparent to the uninformed. The more sensitive among you are sensing that ‘something is in the air,’ and this something is the setting-up of the new grids in your various local time dimensions which will precipitate your long-promised new reality. Our task is to safeguard these new structures and assist in their formal manifestation in your local reality grids. This operation is being given the highest priority. We have watched the dark cabal try to dismiss these changes by use of special, esoteric weaponry given to them decades ago. We dismantled these devices, and by means of our counter-measures we rendered impotent their various mind-control and psychic mischief-making equipment. The dark ones are now in an even higher state of panic as they can see that special measures to further contain them are being prepared. This will begin shortly. Our primary goal is still to ensure that this reality possesses its new grids before late December of this Gregorian year, as these will enable the corresponding social operating structures to roll out smoothly.

This date in late December marks the moment when your world passes through a special point in its travels through this galaxy. Your sun, like all the stars in this galaxy, rotates around the galactic core and transits various points along the way. These points can be calculated by a formula that was given to the ancient Olmec over six thousand years ago by visitors from the Pleiades. These Pleiadean scientists bequeathed the Olmec Timekeepers with a means to begin a count which leads up to a grand shift in this reality. These sacred disciplines were passed on to other Timekeepers and became a most sacred part of the daily rituals of the Maya. In their honor, we have used this count to express the date for each of our messages to you. The moment chosen for the beginning of this shift is to be given to you shortly. The Andromedan and Pleiadean scientists, who are the prodigy of those who brought this knowledge to Earth, feel very honored that this sacred date is soon to be revealed to you.

The Gregorian year is to end just after this chronological and spiritual phenomenon happens. Very shortly afterwards, we have planned a series of events that will usher in a whole new physical reality for you, in which we intend to bring about full disclosure as well as proceed rapidly with the changes in the way your world operates. The dark cabal knows that its rule over your world is wearing thin and indeed, the collapse of your reality’s old grids is fully underway. The replacement grids are in place and awaiting Heaven’s manifestation of them. Meanwhile, our fleet is preparing in like manner the grids of all the other planets in your solar system for this grand shift. This time is extremely close. We expect the dark to continue its charades until it is finally pushed from power. This, too, is close, and our liaison personnel are working with our allies to firm up the dates for this. We will talk further about this in future messages.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today with more on what is happening. At present, your reality is continuing to topple. The grid points which hold the structural integrity of your reality together have begun to develop a new grid, and we are told that it is to come into being globally at any moment. This enables the dark ones to see that their secret technologies can no longer hold back the tide of change. The Holy Spirit has touched every part of this sacred orb, triggering a series of events that will ease us into a new reality. Time, as you experience it, is ever changing, producing wondrous effects upon the Sun and all her daughter worlds, and Gaia is no exception. You have all noticed the odd weather patterns caused by displaced jet streams, with huge amounts of precipitation and flash floods, and unaccustomed wind and weather phenomena everywhere. These all herald a new time for your realm – a moment when the dark is finally eclipsed by the Light!

All our associates are working toward the divine moment put forth by the decrees of Heaven. We watch the dark cabal trying desperately to seize the moment by creating a state of global chaos intended to somehow stem Heaven’s divine tide. We comprehend the depth of desperation that has taken hold in the cabalists’ mindset, as we see them scurrying around like mice on a sinking ship, seeking for ways to sneak onto a lifeboat of any sort, but all in vain. It is time for them to face the music and surrender to the piper of divine fate. The moment has come for each of them to ‘let it all go,’ and accept that they are part of an immense shift in consciousness that is washing with abandon into every nook and cranny of this precious globe.

We watch in joy as the various elements of this complex operation make their appearance and settle into position as if guided by an invisible hand. This setup is one that Heaven has spent many millennia bringing to you. The dark did not suspect that such an immense task was in store. Each decade we moved the process forward, using our intentions and our sacred rituals. Heaven, in turn, acknowledges our actions by showering ever-increasing blessings onto this work, intensifying the glory that is our truly divine world. We ask you to acknowledge Heaven with your special blessings whenever your meditate, pray, or present sacred ritual to the glory of the Light of eternal Creation. We rejoice in what is happening around this world, and we thank the mercy and the divine grace of Heaven and the Creator!

Today, we continued our messages to you. We thank you for your support and for your wondrous prayers and meditations that are moving us forward swiftly to a new reality. The divine moment we have all waited for is upon us! We will shortly witness events that are to change your world positively and forever! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/26/2012 5:41:40 PM
Are we finally achieving peace on Earth through our desire and effort, as suggested by SaLuSa? Or is God shedding His Light and special Mercy on us, as promised? Or both?

SaLuSa 9-28-12…”Go Forward With Great Confidence”


  • …the prophesies of massive earthquakes and other physical happenings have in no way occurred quite as was envisioned. You can certainly take some credit for the outcome…
  • By keeping the vibrations high through the coming weeks, you can ensure that you have a fairly smooth finish to the cycle.
  • It may sound strange to say that you are achieving peace on Earth, but it is so as more and more people demand it along with their freedom.
  • We would wish you to not dwell upon the negativity that is still present in your world, but you need to understand how it has come about.
  • In consequence matters will take off quite quickly as certain goals have to be reached before you get there. Our allies still put their heart and soul into their work, and will see the results very soon.
  • Live in the Now and wait until it is necessary to change your daily pattern, to accommodate the New Age that is manifesting. You will know soon enough when it arrives…
  • You may well view the fact that your body will no longer be susceptible to illness, as the most welcome change of all. It will be just one of many that will immediately uplift your quality of life.
  • We of the Galactic Federation of Light speak to you as ones who are already at the levels you are moving into. We experience in a happy environment where all forms of life interact with each other.
  • Mother Earth has been a most patient entity whilst seeing you through the last period of your lives. She receives and welcomes your contact with her, and your return to times when you both lived much closer together.


SaLuSa 26-September-2012

As you are finding time is speeding by, and the prophesies of massive earthquakes and other physical happenings have in no way occurred quite as was envisioned. You can certainly take some credit for the outcome, as by bringing the Light to Earth, you have also brought calmness. It does not however mean that there will not be physical changes, as some are inevitable. By keeping the vibrations high through the coming weeks, you can ensure that you have a fairly smooth finish to the cycle. We are of course part of the reason for the way it is working out, and are maintaining what can be called a peaceful time. Yes, there are battles taking place in some countries, but these will not be allowed to escalate into a greater global war.

It may sound strange to say that you are achieving peace on Earth, but it is so as more and more people demand it along with their freedom. You are already seeing the last stand in many countries, and the military personnel are showing their belief that it is time to call an end to all war. They realize that apart from self defense war is a senseless act that rarely achieves any lasting effect. Instead it creates hatred, and those whose people and lands are destroyed will carry thoughts of revenge until they are fulfilled. Is it not true Dear Ones, that you have created the terrorists that plague the world with their insane acts of self destruction and murder.

We would wish you to not dwell upon the negativity that is still present in your world, but you need to understand how it has come about. Naturally the dark Ones have had a hand in perpetuating it, and speaking historically have set up almost every modern war between nations. That will all finish with Ascension as you are moving into a level where such negativity cannot exist. The souls that think this way who will not give up their pursuits for wealth and power, will remain in the lower dimension with others who are unenlightened. However, the Light will not be denied them and every effort will be made to bring them back into it. One day they will return as eventually every soul will make it home.

Meantime the path to Ascension is opening up, and the changes required to move on are nearing manifestation. In consequence matters will take off quite quickly as certain goals have to be reached before you get there. Our allies still put their heart and soul into their work, and will see the results very soon. As we have said many times, nothing can stop the final curtain coming down, and the Illuminati will be gone from your lives forever. Your consciousness levels continue to rise, and with one great leap forward you will realize that you have ascended. There will [be] no uncertainty in your mind at all, you will know that you have immensely changed from what you were previously. So do not allow worries to creep into your mind, keep your vision in front of you and it will become your reality.

Live in the Now and wait until it is necessary to change your daily pattern, to accommodate the New Age that is manifesting. You will know soon enough when it arrives, and it is the “knowing” that you can rely on to carry you forward. Your extrasensory perception will be sharper and enhanced by the new energies you are taking into yourself. You may well view the fact that your body will no longer be susceptible to illness, as the most welcome change of all. It will be just one of many that will immediately uplift your quality of life. We could say that you have not lived until you experience life in the higher dimensions. It would be true particularly where it relates to other souls. You will find that all are united in Love and Light, and will live together in bliss and total harmony.

We of the Galactic Federation of Light speak to you as ones who are already at the levels you are moving into. We experience in a happy environment where all forms of life interact with each other. There is no fear whatsoever between the different life forms, and it is based on trust. Consequently no one feels inhibited or withdrawn, but can express themselves freely in great joy and happiness. Thoughts associated with the lower vibrations never enter our minds, and we focus on all that is pure and untainted by any negative aspect. Living your life in this way is so satisfying and we certainly do not have any time for boredom. There will be so much more open to you to explore and as you ascend even further, as you say “the skies the limit”.

So Dear Ones, make the most of your final days upon your present Earth. It still has so much beauty and places that are of the highest energies. Those of you who are sensitive’s will know what I mean. Equally some areas still remain badly polluted, from centuries of being subjected to the lower energies through war and other conflicts. These will of course be finally cleared before Ascension, and indeed that work has already commenced. To help you we can work whilst off Earth, but when we can meet you it can be carried out as a joint venture. Mother Earth has been a most patient entity whilst seeing you through the last period of your lives. She receives and welcomes your contact with her, and your return to times when you both lived much closer together. It will come again in the near future when you shall understand your relationship with all other life forms.

You were all created and placed upon Earth to enjoy all of the Creator’s bounty and beauty, and learn how to support each other. Regretfully in the latter stages you grew away from Nature, and forgot how much you needed each other. That is changing and many are recognizing the place that Man has on Earth, and the importance of his guardianship where all life is concerned. The Buddhists are renowned for their understanding, and have shown what can be done when you are in harmony with nature. Some of you are equally aware, and are a good example to others who are seeking a true relationship with Nature.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and ask you to go forward with great confidence. There is nothing to be frightened about where the New Age is concerned, it is everything you could have wished for. We are preparing to introduce ourselves in whatever circumstances are permissible, and will do it a way that does not induce fear. Far from it, as we come to you in Love and Light.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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