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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/24/2012 11:44:22 PM

Poofness 9-23-12…”On the Road Again”… “The Old Grey Mare Ain’t What She Used To Be. Get in the Way at Your Own Risk”

Poof points out that what he has been talking about for years and years is now happening in front of our eyes. Exposures are occurring all over the place (as we have seen) and, although the dark ones’ drums are still rumbling here and there, they are without effect.

He also points out that with the “greed” paradigm, “you will not succeed no mater [matter] what clever games you come up with.” Which is why I would point out that many of the former paradigms are not working anymore. So best to identify them, and give them up, for the continually re-newed ones appearing moment by moment.


  • The best is seeing the stuff I was talking about, materializing for all to see.
  • You see, that change is afoot is beyond question, the only debate out here has to [do] with who’s doing it.
  • I was told to tell you folks to ‘stay close’ despite the delay created by a socialist country in an effort to get more tax money, something that was already taken care of by it’s former president.
  • Many behinds are being seen fully exposed to the world for all the moles and blemishes upon them.
  • If you’re greedy, you will not succeed no mater [matter] what clever games you come up with.
  • I know of a very powerful person in the east, who thought he was running the show, he got shown, he wasn’t running anything but running his feet to get him to the toilet on time.
  • This is a lot like pulling the wings off of flies and making them walk.
  • Peace be upon everybody out there who’s reading this, stand by, victory is here.
  • These are unusual times and your critical thinking has to adjust to it, the old grey mare ain’t what she used to be. Get in the way at your own risk.


On the Road Again…

Greetings and Salutations;

Used to be, folks would just nod their and concede, I was ‘whacked’ talking about something economically impossible, shift the wealth of the world??? Well your daft, sir. Hrrumph Hrrumph. Now the talking heads are responding directly on broadcasts and everything.

Remember, back in ez board days? I said I would slice and dice the rumors and expose them for public ridicule, to be mocked and spat upon? It ain’t easy being cheesy. The best is seeing the stuff I was talking about, materializing for all to see. It’s taken a while but, ‘resistance is futile…stand down to be assimilated’.

You see, that change is afoot is beyond question, the only debate out here has to [do] with who’s doing it. Everybody is waving their arms around, it’s me, no, it’s me, I got control! and you’re not getting a cowpatty on a warm day, in west texas when it’s raining. Or like a little girl used to say in grade school , ‘you think you’re hot **** on a silver platter, but, you’re nothing but cold diarrhea on a paper plate’. Such cussing comin’ out her mouth…must have been an interesting home life for her. But, she grew up to become stunning. Go figure. She could cuss with penache…lololol.

The old folks always said, if they are taking about you in, whatever form, you’re making a difference, they keep you relevant. So, Bless them and move on. I was told to tell you folks to ‘stay close’ despite the delay created by a socialist country in an effort to get more tax money, something that was already taken care of by it’s former president. Breaking a treaty.

Many behinds are being seen fully exposed to the world for all the moles and blemishes upon them. Boxers know the term ‘head fake’, well the bad guys got a head fake, so complete, I was getting non rumor folks saying the drops were out. I gotta fail safe method of knowing and non [none] of my trips wires went off so, that went into file 13. If you’re greedy, you will not succeed no mater [matter] what clever games you come up with.

I know of a very powerful person in the east, who thought he was running the show, he got shown, he wasn’t running anything but running his feet to get him to the toilet on time. This is a lot like pulling the wings off of flies and making them walk. Yea, I got a ‘sick’ side but watching these so-called smart guys shoot themselves in the foot for so long…it has ‘effected’ my good disposition.

Peace be upon everybody out there who’s reading this, stand by, victory is here. It may be dramatic for some, others will ‘see’ it and walk away, only too happy to be done with it all. I’m one of them. This happens and the unbelievers will still be writing blogs or whatever, saying what a ludicrous thing this all was. As the man said, ‘you can’t fix stupid’. These are unusual times and your critical thinking has to adjust to it, the old grey mare ain’t what she used to be. Get in the way at your own risk.

LINK . lololol who’s 68 now .. and .. LINK

Love and Kisses,


Harry Nilsson, “Everybody’s Talking At Me” Lyrics
Everybody’s talking at me. I don’t hear a word they’re saying,
Only the echoes of my mind.
People stopping staring, I can’t see their faces, Only the shadows of their eyes.
I’m going where the sun keeps shining Thru’ the pouring rain,
Going where the weather suits my clothes,
Backing off of the North East wind, Sailing on summer breeze And skipping over the ocean like a stone.
I’m going where the sun keeps shining Thru’ the pouring rain, Going where the weather suits my clothes,

Backing off of the North East wind, Sailing on summer breeze And skipping over the ocean like a stone

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/24/2012 11:48:35 PM

Benjamin Fulford 9-24-12…”United States of America Corporation fiscal year ends this week…”

The USA Corporation sounds as if it is very desperate, trying to start the infamous “World War 3″ to avoid bankruptcy. One good thing here, at least many of us now understand that the USA has indeed been run as a corporation since 1871. Thank you David Wilcock, et al.

There is a lot here about the whole Hu Jintao, Xi Xinping, China vs. Japan and the Senkaku (or Daiyu) Islands soap opera. According to Ben, these eventa are in part orchestrated by a senior French Freemason, and that group is also responsible for much of the “trouble” in the Middle East and Europe.

Also he reports serious strife in the Vatican, and the Pope having to sneak out at night, in disguise (wouldn’t we love to see that disguise) to find out what is really happening.

But it does sound like the White Dragon Society is doing its part to bring about a peaceful solution to these world situations.

[There is a note at the end of this that explains how to subscribe to his weekly newsletter. Also I believe one can donate to his cause directly at (via Paypal), should you feel so guided.]


  • The United States of America Corporation (as opposed to the Republic of the United States)… has its fiscal year end on September 30th.
  • The 13 inbred families that own this corporation have been trying desperately to avoid bankruptcy by starting World War 3.
  • The recent troubles between China and Japan have provided us with a unique peek at how world elite power games work at the highest level.
  • …Xi denounced his predecessor, Hu Jintao, as being too soft on the Japanese… angry Hu loyalists kidnapped Xi… he ran to the military commission and convinced them to side with him. As a result Xi has now seized de facto power in China.
  • After Xi Xinping started making trouble over the [Senkaku, or Daiyu] islands, two separate Chinese sources linked to the politburo told the White Dragon Society that Xi was being given his orders to provoke Japan by [a] senior French Freemason…
  • These same French Freemasons, together with their allies in the P2 fascist lodge have been trying to stir up trouble between Muslims and Christians in the Middle-East and Europe.
  • Fortunately, nobody is being fooled; even the Israeli Mossad is finally catching on.
  • …a high level Italian aristocratic source… reports signs of serious strife and change in the Vatican.
  • …the Pope claims to be helpless to stop factional wars between Opus Dei and the Jesuits… has survived several attempts to poison him and has been… sneaking out of the Vatican in disguise in order to try to find out what is really going on.
  • [That source] also claims the Jesuits have their own laboratories, satellites and observatories in New Mexico where they claim to communicate with aliens… they just called them things like angels, demons, genies etc.
  • The White Dragon Society and their Asian allies, for their part, are now negotiating with the US agencies, the Pentagon, the committee of 300 and the Italian P2 lodge to come up with a peaceful solution to the unfolding financial crisis.
  • The White Dragon Society is also suggesting… setting up a… truth and reconciliation committee so that us humans could learn our true history, forgive past sins and move on.


United States of America Corporation fiscal year ends this week; time to end the horror
by Benjamin Fulford 9-24-12

The United States of America Corporation (as opposed to the Republic of the United States), based in the Vatican-like independent city state of Washington D.C., has its fiscal year end on September 30th. This criminal corporation has been constantly at war over the past 60 years if not the past several hundred years. It needs to be bankrupted once and for all and many of us are trying to do just this. The 13 inbred families that own this corporation have been trying desperately to avoid bankruptcy by starting World War 3.

However, even though they retain a rump of brain-washed slaves in Europe and North America, they have lost their ability to fool the world’s governments, militaries and intelligence agencies. Soon even the brain-dead TV slaves will awaken.

The recent troubles between China and Japan have provided us with a unique peek at how world elite power games work at the highest level. China’s new leader, Xi Xinping, vanished from public view for a couple of weeks after making a speech at a top communist party academy. During that speech…

… Xi denounced his predecessor, Hu Jintao, as being too soft on the Japanese because he had a Japanese mother, according to high level Chinese sources. He cited as his example Hu’s stance towards the disputed tiny Islands known as the Senkaku or Daiyu Islands. After the speech, angry Hu loyalists kidnapped Xi and beat him up, warning him not to mess up what was supposed to be a peaceful transfer of power.

As soon as Xi was released he ran to the military commission and convinced them to side with him. As a result Xi has now seized de facto power in China. To show he would be tougher on Japan than Hu, he began stirring up trouble with the Islands claiming the recent Japanese government “purchase” of the islands was an unforgiveable insult.

Japanese military intelligence explain that the deal they reached with Hu was that the government would “buy” the islands to prevent right-wing hot-heads from staging provocations there. Hu said that as long as the Japanese government did not send any people or boats to the islands and left them uninhabited, they would look the other way, according to Japanese sources.

After Xi Xinping started making trouble over the islands, two separate Chinese sources linked to the politburo told the White Dragon Society that Xi was being given his orders to provoke Japan by senior French Freemason by the name of Jean Daniel Cohen, of the Hoche group. The anti-Japanese demonstrators in China were being paid 1200 yuan a day for their trouble-making services. The anti-Chinese pseudo-rightists in Japan have are almost certainly receiving their money from the same sources, who are in the business of starting conflicts in order to manipulate the sheeple. Cohen has still not returned this writer’s call for comment.

It is also interesting to note that hotheads on both sides have been fed stories of an easy victory. Young members of the Japan Self-Defense forces, led on by Moonie-affiliated former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, have been pushing for an attack on China. They cite Japanese war-games that predict the Japanese could wipe out the Chinese navy within 15 minutes. No doubt the Chinese have been fed similar stories of an easy victory. It would be good to remind them that before World War I each side expected victory within months. The true fact is that in a major war everybody loses except the arms merchants and the ruling bloodline banking families who get to put governments into their debt.

These same French Freemasons, together with their allies in the P2 fascist lodge have been trying to stir up trouble between Muslims and Christians in the Middle-East and Europe. The release of an anti-Muslim video and cartoons in French newspapers featuring a naked Mohammed were released to coincide with mayhem by paid Muslim radical hoodlums. MI5 is now warning of a major false flag terrorist event in Europe, possible Marseille, aimed at provoking further strife.

Fortunately, nobody is being fooled; even the Israeli Mossad is finally catching on.

The ruling bloodline families are still hoping to provoke a decade of religious strife followed by the imposition of a new one-world religion controlled by them.

Meanwhile, a high level Italian aristocratic source (who claims to be intimate with people like the Pope, Queen Elizabeth and Nelson Mandela) reports signs of serious strife and change in the Vatican. According to her the Pope claims to be helpless to stop factional wars between Opus Dei and the Jesuits. She says the pope has survived several attempts to poison him and has been reduced to sneaking out of the Vatican in disguise in order to try to find out what is really going on.

She also claims the Jesuits have their own laboratories, satellites and observatories in New Mexico where they claim to communicate with aliens. Several senior P2 lodge members have also long claimed to have been in contact with aliens for thousands of years. They say they just called them things like angels, demons, genies etc. The P2 claim many of them originate from a “black sun” or black hole, that actually generates life.

Whatever the truth of those claims may be, the aristocratic source says the Jesuits have shut down their elite school in Rome and gone underground. This claim should be easily verifiable and we would like to ask readers in Rome to check it out and see if it is true.

The White Dragon Society and their Asian allies, for their part, are now negotiating with the US agencies, the Pentagon, the committee of 300 and the Italian P2 lodge to come up with a peaceful solution to the unfolding financial crisis.

They have suggested to the P2 lodge and the Vatican that the Romans should return to the Jews the original Menorah they took from the temple in Judea as a gesture of peace. The Jews could then rebuild their temple on the mount so long as they agree to leave the mosque there alone and also build a church, a Buddhist temple, a Hindu temple and a place for alternative belief structures. This symbolic action could be a way of announcing an end, once and for all, to religious based wars.

The White Dragon Society is also suggesting, as this newsletter often repeats, setting up a South African style truth and reconciliation committee so that us humans could learn our true history, forgive past sins and move on.

The WDS has further proposed setting up, in harmony with existing financial and power structures, a new meritocratically staffed international economic planning agency. Such an agency would, together with other independent groups such as national governments, existing charities etc. then carry out a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and set humanity off on a path of exponential growth into the future. The alternative is war.


[A subscription to Ben's full articles is only $8 per month ("Payments can... be made with a ‘PayPal’ [account]“), but Ben will allow anyone who can not pay this to subscribe for less (or free). On one page of his site he says, “All subscribers will agree to pay whatever monthly subscription price they can afford. Those who are really poor can get it for free.” In my mind, if you like the articles, and want to support Ben and his work, consider subscribing to his blog.

Ben may be contacted at any of the emails below which he provides on his websites:,,,]

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/25/2012 2:39:36 AM
This Defense Minister seems to be pretty realist... and pretty courageous too

Israeli defense chief proposes West Bank pullout

Associated Press/Bernat Armangue, File - FILE - In this Monday, Jan. 17 2011 file photo, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak attends a press conference in the Knesset, Israel's parliament, in Jerusalem. Barak calls for a broad unilateral withdrawal from the West Bank if peace talks remain stalled, saying "practical steps" are needed to breathe life into the diplomatic process. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue, File)

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's defense minister on Monday called for a broad unilateral withdrawal from the West Bank if talks with the Palestinians remain stalled, saying in published comments that "practical steps" are needed to breathe life into the stalemated peace process.

The proposal drew attention to the dire state of affairs with the Palestinians, which has been overshadowed by Israel's focus on the Iranian nuclear program. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, convinced that Tehran is pursuing nuclear weapons, says the Islamic Republic must be stopped and has devoted his 3 1/2 year term to rallying international support against the Iranians. At the same time, he has largely ignored the Palestinian issue.

In an interview with the Israel Hayom daily, Defense Minister Ehud Barak implied that the deadlock with the Palestinians cannot be sustained indefinitely.

"It's better to reach an agreement with the Palestinians, but if that doesn't happen, we must take practical steps to start a separation," he said. "It will help us not only in dealing with the Palestinians, but also with other countries in the region, with the Europeans, and with the American administration — and of course (will help) us."

Barak's proposal is unlikely to be implemented, at least in the short term. Netanyahu has shown no interest in one-sided concessions, and his governing coalition is dominated by hard-liners who would be reluctant to embrace the plan. Netanyahu's office declined comment.

The 12 million people who live in Israel and the Palestinian territories are divided roughly equally between Jews and Arabs. Most experts believe the Arab birthrate is higher, and that if Israel does not give up control of the West Bank, Jews will no longer be a majority in areas under Israeli control. That would threaten Israel's twin goals of being a democracy and a Jewish state.

Dovish Israelis have cited this demographic argument for years as a key reason to pull out of the West Bank, which is home to 2.5 million Palestinians. Even Netanyahu, head of the nationalist Likud Party, has raised concerns about the demographic issue.

But on the ground, Netanyahu has continued to build up the settlements. More than 300,000 Israelis now live in Jewish settlements in the West Bank, in addition to 200,000 Israelis in east Jerusalem. The Palestinians claim both areas and the Gaza Strip, captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war, for their future state.

The Palestinians believe the continued construction on occupied lands is a sign of bad faith and say they will not return to negotiations without a settlement freeze. Netanyahu has rejected this demand, and says peace talks should resume without any conditions.

Barak has previously floated the idea of unilateral action, most recently in May. But in Monday's interview, he was far more detailed.

"We have not been a year or two in Judea and Samaria, but 45 years," Barak said, using the biblical terms for the West Bank. "The time has come to make decisions based not only on ideology and gut feelings, but from a cold reading of reality."

He said Israel would keep heavily concentrated settlement "blocs." These blocs, home to most of the settler population, are mostly located near the frontiers with Israel proper, though one of them, Ariel, is located deep inside the West Bank. Barak also said Israel would need to maintain a military presence along the West Bank's border with Jordan.

The remaining settlers would be given financial incentives to leave, or be allowed to remain in their homes under Palestinian control for a five-year "trial period," Barak said.

"It's time to look at Israeli society honestly and say: 'We succeeded in keeping 80 to 90 percent of settlements,'" he said. "It would be a great accomplishment if we succeed in bringing them into Israel's permanent borders."

Barak, who was out of the country on Monday, did not explain why he decided to unveil his proposal now. A full version of the interview was to be published on Tuesday.

Barak, a former prime minister who led failed peace talks with the Palestinians a decade ago, may have been motivated by domestic politics to float his proposal now. Netanyahu is widely expected to call early elections in the coming weeks, roughly a year ahead of schedule. Barak, who leads the small centrist Independence Party, could be positioning himself for centrist voters ahead of the campaign season.

But the strategy is risky. The idea of a unilateral pullout is widely scorned in Israel following the experience of an Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in 2005.

The pullout cleared the way for Hamas militants to overrun the territory two years later, leaving Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in control of only the West Bank.

Gaza quickly became a launching pad for rocket attacks on southern Israel, prompting a three-week Israeli military offensive in 2008-2009. Many Israelis fear a repeat in the West Bank, which could place Islamic militants just miles away from Israel's largest cities.

The Palestinians also rejected Barak's proposal, since it falls short of their demand for a full withdrawal from the entire West Bank and east Jerusalem. They also say a continued Israeli military presence in the West Bank is unacceptable.

Sabri Sedam, an aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, said continued Israeli control of the settlement blocs and east Jerusalem would make the establishment of a Palestinian state impossible.

"These settlement blocs are not isolated populations. They are connected communities, passing through the Palestinian land, which kills any geographical contiguity for a Palestinian state," he said.

Barak's plan would also face resistance from settler groups, who wield significant political power. Extremist settlers might also violently resist any attempts to uproot them.

Settler leader Dani Dayan called the plan a "nonstarter" motivated by Barak's "electioneering." He said the experience of unilateral pullouts had been discredited by the experience in Gaza, as well as an earlier withdrawal in southern Lebanon that strengthened Hezbollah.

"It is regrettable that the minister of defense engages in petty politics on the most crucial issues," he said.


Associated Press writer Dalia Nammari in Ramallah, West Bank, contributed to this report.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/25/2012 2:57:31 AM

Matthew’s Message – September 24, 2012

Posted by Stephen Cook

Matthew’s Message – September 24, 2012

NOTE from Suzy Ward: “This message is early because the Yahoo group administrator will be leaving on vacation and won’t return until October 14.”

Stephen: Matthew’s Message today is likely to further discussion about what happens on or around December 21. I suggest if you haven’t done so already, that you read this excellent four-part series, Gradual vs Sudden Views of Ascension, which Steve Beckow prepared and wrote earlier this month – before you read today’s Matthew Ward message.

Separately, Matthew reveals ‘above-the-scenes’ information about two major events in recent weeks: how the Illuminati tried to create a wedge with their ”black ops” stirring up the world’s Muslim communities; and how the release of this week’s news that Jesus had a wife “may inspire Christians to being receptive to the truth about Jesus’ long life with his beloved Mary Magdalene and their children”. As Matthew says: “nothing happens by chance!”

Matthew’s Message – September 24. 2012

As received by Suzy Ward – 24 September 2012

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The view from our vantage point could be likened to a global hurricane with millions of eyes, the tranquil areas within the massive storm: violence erupting in North Africa and the Middle East, random acts of violence elsewhere, national economies tenuous or bankrupt, unstable governments, tyrannical regimes still in power, growing numbers of refugees.

However sad it is that these conditions still are plaguing our beloved Earth family, none is unexpected at this late stage of Earth’s ascension out of third density. Her pathway for the past 70-some years has been into successively higher vibratory levels and she has reached the level of duality’s positive and negative extremes. At this juncture in the original Golden Age master plan, only wisps of negativity, if any, would still be on the planet.

Time and again the plan has had to be revised in keeping with prevailing conditions on Earth. We have spoken in previous messages—indeed, Hatonn did in the last one—about the 10-year delay in initiating sweeping measures to rid your world of violence, greed, corruption, deception, divisiveness, disease and fear, all of which produce an immense amount of negativity.

The decade delay is because it was that long ago when the souls who agreed to play dark roles that would provide the masses an opportunity to complete third density karma finished that part of their agreement. The other part was, those souls then would work with the light forces to prepare Earth and her humankind for the Golden Age. There would be no violence, tumult, poverty or even tempestuous weather today if those souls had honored their commitment to end their dark activities and join the lightwokers. But they didn’t. Instead, they continued wreaking devastation on the planet and creating more and more negativity.

The process of old systems giving way to the new would have occurred with comparative ease a decade ago, when the lower vibrations would have had much less pronounced effects on people and circumstances. Today’s much higher vibrations are greatly intensifying everything based in negativity as that energy is reaching its zenith. It cannot be otherwise—that energy must play itself out swiftly because it cannot come to a screeching halt mid-stream and it can’t enter fourth density with the planet.

Another effect of the delay is that the third density karmic merry-go-round kept going around. Many souls who incarnated during the past 10 years came in for the chance to complete third density karmic lessons in this unprecedented one-lifetime opportunity. They chose very harsh lives that would achieve balanced experiencing so they can physically accompany Earth into the Golden Age or transition to Nirvana with fourth density evolvement status.

If those two ongoing situations can be called “the bad news,” the good news is, none of that has slowed Earth’s pace one iota or detoured her steady pathway. She is right on target to exit third density shortly before or shortly after the end of this year, and she will leave negativity behind.

This astounding feat is in large part due to the millions of “calm eyes in the global storm,” the souls whose light is shining brilliantly despite the turmoil around them. All light beings in the universe honor you who know that you are lightworkers and the millions who still are unaware that their godly living has been helping Earth to ascend. Your collective steadfastness in the light, dedication, patience, courage and perseverance is unequaled in this universe!

It is natural to wonder how the mess your world is in can be cleaned up in the short time remaining before the onset of the Golden Age. It can’t be. Never were all the glories of that wondrous Age going to greet you at its doorstep, but because of the 10-year delay, neither will the early stages of grand differences in your lives be there as originally envisioned by the master planners.

Therefore the “mopping up,” so to say, will get off to a late start. However, with the release of your own technologies from Illuminati control and the assistance of other civilizations and their technologies, efforts can begin on many fronts simultaneously.

The primary priority is to provide survival essentials to the peoples in war-torn areas and refugee camps and to indigenous peoples and nomadic tribes in dire straits.

Warring will have ceased, but much will remain to be done in its aftermath. Building or rebuilding countries’ infrastructure, commercial centers and houses will be undertaken expeditiously, not only for current inhabitants, but so refugees can return to villages or cities where there are residences, hospitals, schools and supplies of clean water and food are plentiful.

The ridding of corruption in the global economy will occur in tandem with the same in governments so those areas of paramount influence in your lives can start operating with the honesty and fairness inherent in moral and spiritual leaders.

Your waters, soil and air will be purified and toxic waste, including radioactive materials, will be dematerialized. Areas will be cleansed where disease has flourished due to the unsanitary living conditions of the impoverished masses.

Other reforms that will be instituted quickly include ending cultural practices and customs that are unfair, injurious or lethal and the repeal of all unjust laws and regulations. Millions now imprisoned on false charges or for minor infractions or as a result of simply being on “the other side” in wars will be released—yes, it will be easy to identify all who are innocent!

Those are among the first changes because the current status is intolerable for the affected peoples. The plight of many millions of animals—endangered species and animals that become part of your diet—is another situation that will be addressed in earnest.

Initial structures, particularly housing for all who now are homeless in their own country or uprooted due to violence, and buildings for medical care and schooling, will be rudimentary. As rapidly as possible, those types of accommodations will be replaced with finely built structures.

Free and renewable energy sources incrementally will replace current dependence on oil and natural gas. Other measures soon to be implemented also will assist Earth’s own efforts to restore areas of most severe environmental damage so that crops can be grown in abundance, forests can make a comeback and rivers can flow as Nature intended.

According to the original Golden Age master plan, all of those vast improvements in your world would have happened by now. The global web of corruption that so long enabled the dark ones to control the peoples would have ended and long-hidden truths would have come forth in stages to give the populace time to more easily accept the realities.

You’re approaching the continuum, where there aren’t ten more of your linear years for all of that to come about in “adjustment” stages—remedies must get going with all speed and efficiency possible. So some confusion will be unavoidable due to the haste to get the most essential changes underway, but it will be relatively short-lived. The dark minds and hearts that would attempt to create chaos to prevent those changes no longer will be on the planet, and the people who are there will be of a loving, helpful, cooperative nature!

My mother has received numerous inquiries, partly spurred by Hatonn’s comments about the timing of introducing our universal family and the vital nature of the presidential election in the United States, and partly by related issues stirring in many minds. We are happy to answer questions in those categories.

Our universal family members cannot, nor would they want to, “just arrive and start setting things to right.” The timing of landings and brothers and sisters already there identifying themselves is the decision of the universal highest council, which acts within God’s guidance. Only from that pinnacle of awareness can the most advantageous timing be determined for the well being of all involved.

The purpose of what commonly is referred to as “disclosure” has nothing whatsoever to do with any nation’s political system. The purpose is to prove what has been ignored or denied by governments—many advanced civilizations are in this universe and some of them are in your midst.

Yes, it is likely there will be considerable commotion when ships land, but every effort will be made beforehand by some of your leaders and the ETs who have been living among you to prevent “mass hysteria.” You can help to prepare family and friends by telling them that the multitude of spacecraft sightings over the years indicate that these people from other civilizations are peaceful—if they were not, they would have invaded long ago.

By Creator’s law that governs life in this universe, never are lighted beings allowed to interfere with the free will decisions of any persons. This includes even our personal family members living on Earth who are tending toward decisions that will incur heavy hardships they didn’t choose in their soul contracts.

The only exception to that law of honoring free will is Creator’s own—it cannot be used to start a nuclear war. In accordance with Earth’s free will decision made immediately after “9/11,” no other major terrorism effort can succeed. In both cases, it is God’s responsibility to prevent all such attempts. He has authorized civilizations with preventive technology to comply with those mandates, and they have done so successfully on more than a dozen occasions.

What all light beings are permitted to do—and do so with joy!—is beam love-light energy streamers to all souls on Earth to assist them in raising their consciousness and gaining spiritual clarity. Attaining greater heights of awareness spiritually and consciously is what all beings throughout this universe desire at soul level.

Those who receive the light start opening their minds and hearts, and that leads to wiser decisions and kinder actions. But each individual has the free will to do that or not—never is it within the province of a light being to exert influence other than sending forth the pure love-light essence of Creator.

You cannot measure the amount of light other civilizations are sending to Earth, so there is no basis for thinking that if they would increase that amount, all darkness would be eliminated. That thought omits the free will that everyone has except in the two aforementioned situations.

Gaia, Earth’s soul, desires all of her life forms on her planetary body to flourish in abundance and live in peace, love and harmony with Nature. Setting the stage for Earth’s entry into the Golden Age and the manifestation of Gaia’s vision transcends all aspects of third density, whether based in political, ideological, cultural, societal, economic or religious separatism.

If you want your children and grandchildren to inherit a world free of all darkness, you share Gaia’s vision. If you want leaders at every level of governing from community level to national and international to cooperate for the betterment of all peoples, you share her vision. If you want to see your homeland planet restored to the paradise it once was, you share her vision. If you want love, honesty, kindness, generosity and fairness to prevail throughout Earth’s humankind, you share her vision. If you want everyone to respect animal souls and live in harmony with all of Nature, you share her vision.

Now then, we shall briefly address other inquiries.

Indeed the Illuminati had a hand in the eruption of violence in North African countries. Their worldwide power base has crumbled, but their “black ops” agents still are initiating foment wherever they can make a wedge. With the impetus of publicity about a provocative, irrational film, the agents easily manipulated a firestorm of outrage among many Muslims while many others of that faith are demonstrating their regret about the violent reactions. This is an example of how the prevailing high vibrations are intensifying all characteristic and behavior, with the “good,” better and the “bad,” worse.

The recent discovery of part of an ancient record that mentions Jesus’ wife is not “by chance”—nothing happens by chance! It “came to light” as the first step that may inspire Christians to being receptive to the truth about Jesus’ long life with his beloved Mary Magdalene and their children.

Although each case will be as unique as the person is, generally speaking, chronic illnesses will not be cured immediately after the affected individuals enter fourth density, but rather those conditions will ease into sound health. The de-aging process also will be gradual, and the re-growth of organs, limbs and teeth will be incremental as well.

Current medical procedures and therapies won’t change abruptly at the end of this year, but beneficial therapies and substances now banned will become openly available. Yes, this includes marijuana, and people will choose to use it judiciously. The Illuminati in pharmaceutical companies, who have powerful influence on FDA, AMA and CDC decisions, have made anything illegal that would cut into their profits, and they won’t be around to enforce those edicts

The unconscionable disparity between the haves and the have-nots will end, but not by taking money from people who have earned it through just means and handing it over to the poor. We do not know details of the redistribution process, but we can assure you that it will be fair and will not deny anyone the riches they have honestly earned. The intention is to recover the nearly incomprehensible fortunes that have been garnered ruthlessly and illegally and hoarded, and to use those funds to uplift the lives of impoverished peoples around the world. That redistribution is separate from both the new monetary system based on precious metals and the reallocation of the world’s natural resources that the Illuminati have controlled.

We don’t know how long it will take the planet to transit fourth density and enter fifth—it depends on Earth’s residents’ collective consciousness. Please remember, the planet’s rise out of deep third density and entry into fourth in less than 80 years is unique in this universe! Some civilizations spend many thousands of years accomplishing that, but none other has been given the extensive, intense and constant assistance that Earth has received.

It would not be realistic to think that traveling through fourth density and well into fifth will happen in that same blink of an eye, universally speaking. Once the planet is firmly within fourth density and all profound reforms have been completed worldwide, the highly evolved beings who came to help in those achievements will want to return to their homelands. Throughout the rest of Earth’s journey to her destination in fifth density, she’ll be on her own and her ascension pace will be in accordance with her peoples’ collective consciousness, which no longer will include those advanced beings.

Our beloved Earth family, living with unconditional love is unparalleled joy. That you, too, soon will experience this is our wish for every one of you.



Suzanne Ward

[NOTE from Suzy: The first “2012 Scenario Conference” conference at which I will be speaking in Sedona, AZ, quickly sold out. So the organizers are holding a second, duplicate conference October 30-November 1 to accommodate the others who also want to attend. Tickets are selling quickly at

In proofing printer galleys of Earth’s Golden Age – Life Beyond 2012, I discovered that in cutting and pasting, I put a section in one chapter that belongs in another, and my awful mistake is in the eBooks for Kindle. If you purchased one of those eBooks prior to its correction September 21, please email me—I’ll happily send you a copy of the print edition as soon as the books are available, in about three weeks.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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9/25/2012 2:59:19 AM

SaLuSa: September 24, 2012

Posted by Andrew Eardley

Andrew: Today SaLuSa starts by focussing on the governmental and other changes needed to put the right people in charge of the future. The dark Ones will be brought down, as they are known to the Galactic Federation and their every deed is held in the Akashic Records.

He reminds us that this lifetime is different to previous ones as we are clearing old issues that have been holding us back, and we are being given every help in preparing for Ascension. Most of us are presently at our lowest vibrational point and so the only way is up to return us to where we belong.

He gives us a foretaste of how our lives will be after Ascension, and encourages us to try and feel what it will be like. Once they are able to visit us openly, some of us will be able to visit the ships and have a preview of the life awaiting us. We will find the changes most welcome as we will no longer spend most of our lives working in order to exist, and we will have much more time for ourselves to do as we wish.

SaLuSa: September 24, 2012

Channelled by Mike Quinsey

The worldwide movement to bring about peace is gaining in support, and is helping awaken others of the need to no longer tolerate the lack of compliance with your demands. Success will be yours but maybe not quite in the way you would have expected. We will certainly have a hand in it, and are allowed to assist where the Lightworkers are concerned.

The main focus for the time being are the governmental changes that are needed to put the right people in charge of your future. Once one country has removed those who are not working for the people, the demand for changes elsewhere will escalate. There will be no stopping the energy from bringing down the dark Ones, and in general terms they know that their time is up.

On the one hand the world would seem to be in a hopeless mess, but beneath it all you are birthing the New Age and it waits to replace the old one. The old status quo cannot be maintained anymore as its very structure is falling down. No amount of effort or money can keep it intact, and many reputations will go down with it.

Already legal actions are poised to bring more well-known names out for their criminal activities. Some of the biggest culprits are still able to hide behind others who have done their dirty work for them. However, in the final reckoning no one will be able to avoid justice, or having to answer to the higher authorities. They are all known to us and their every deed is held in the Akashic records.

Every thought and deed of all souls is automatically known, but is not for viewing without permission. However, it is used when you pass over to the higher realms when you review your life and decide what you need to carry forward for further experiences.

To some life seems pointless, but in fact each one of you knew what was planned before you incarnated. So it follows that you are well advised to make the most of whatever challenges you get. Try not to be too hard on yourselves when you make mistakes, as you are not expected to be perfect. You are involved in trial and error to overcome your shortcomings, and to move further along your journey of evolution. Every soul is involved, and many of you come together purposefully to help each other succeed.

Naturally this lifetime is somewhat different to previous ones, as you are attempting to clear old issues that have been holding you back. It is clearly a very important time, and one in which you are being given every help to prepare for Ascension.

We would like to see as many souls as possible ascend and move off the wheel of re-birth. Having done so your future will be totally in your own hands, and you will have the choice of what you would like to do next. It even extends to how long you stay in any one body, and remember that in the higher dimensions it does not age and die as you experience now. The thought of such freedom should be enough to spur you on to achieve whatever is necessary to rise up above the lower vibrations.

Most souls are presently already at their lowest point where their vibrations are concerned, so progress is always upwards and returning you to where you really belong. You may be having a real experience in your dimension, but as far as being your real life it is an illusion. You are of the Light and normally a radiant soul of enormous powers to create.

As you rise up again you will learn to control your powers and use them for the greater good of all. You really are Gods in the making, which is why even now you have to be sure that you focus on what you actually want in your life. You should know by now that where you place your energy is where you are going to get results.

There may seem to be random happenings in your life, but it is what you attract to yourself. There are Laws that cover all aspects of it, regardless of whether you are aware of them or not. You do not necessarily need to know what they are, and should concentrate on trying to be to others as you would wish them to be to you. Work towards treating them as One with you, indeed as all are connected as part of yourself.

For too long people have not understood their connection to all souls, but if you accept that you are all Godsparks you will understand why it is so. We of the Galactic Federation of Light are in full realization of the truth, and that is why we serve all civilizations. It is the most natural desire to want to help those who are following on in your footsteps.

It is inevitable and desirable that all souls will eventually reach a point of returning to the Source. It is within you whether you realize it or not, and is a driving force that is always urging you forwards and upwards. Your eyes are being opened to what it means, and your coming Ascension is just one milestone along a wonderful journey.

It will seem to be endless and bear in mind you will soon be in dimensions where everything is in the Now. Time as you know it will have no bearing on whatever you do, as the past, present and future are All One. It is an amazing concept that allows you to follow your hearts desire to go wherever you want. Some souls have fond memories of previous lives in past history, and choose to go back and experience some more.

Allow yourself to begin to “feel” what it will be like after Ascension, and the changes will come so easily to you. They should anyway as you came from such levels previously before you ended up in the present dimension. Once we can visit you openly and invite some on board our ships, that will give you a preview of what type of life is waiting for you.

The changes will be most welcome and will eliminate many of the chores and the need to spend most of your life working simply to exist. You will have so much time for yourself and be able to devote it to what you consider to be the most satisfying. Ugliness, distortions and imperfections just cannot exist in the higher vibrations, and all is in beauty, balance and harmony.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased to be able to contact you in this way. I am obviously one of many trying to cover your needs at such an important time. We will meet one day in the not too distant future, and that will be a happy occasion for us all.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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