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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/19/2012 11:51:13 PM

Saul: You Are Gearing Up for the Enormous Changes That Lie Just Ahead

Posted by Anthony Morrison

Saul: You Are Gearing Up for the Enormous Changes That Lie Just Ahead

As channeled by John Smallman – September 19, 2012

You are gearing up for the enormous changes to your mode of living that lie just ahead. Your energetic frequencies are being adjusted to cope with the astronomical increases in energy that will shortly be available for you to access, should you so wish, and most of you will because then your creativity will burst forth dynamically, offering limitless new directions to explore and enjoy.

You are creative beings, but within the illusion your abilities have been very severely restricted, and when you awaken all those restrictions will be gone. The freedom on offer in your new domain is infinite and, in your present state, unimaginable to you.

There truly are no restrictions on the power that will be available to you or on how you use it, because when you awaken, every purpose that you hold, everything you choose to do will be guided by your unconditionally loving intent to delight all with the benevolent enchantment of your creative innovations. And that is exactly what you will accomplish, constantly.

You are to leave the illusion and all its problems and liabilities far behind as you venture out once more into Reality, and the amazing and limitless opportunities that it offers for creative entertainment of an infinitely enjoyable nature. Joy is your domain and your destination, and nothing can preclude your arrival there.

To look forward to something that you expect to bring you great happiness is normal, and while living on earth as humans many of you have done this numerous times, only to be disappointed. Sometimes what you were waiting for expectantly was delivered but did not last for very long, at other times disappointment was almost instantaneous.

As humans you experience life as something that is always in motion, something that is passing you by, and you know that it will end whether you want it to or not. Time is a thief that steals your life away, and many of you try desperately to make the most of it while it lasts, and that in itself can severely intensify the disappointments that you experience.

However, what you are now looking forward to, hoping for, and, perhaps, rather anxiously awaiting will not disappoint you, cannot possibly disappoint you. Release your fears, your worries, and your doubts because they are without foundation. Your Father — the Source of all being — has promised that you will awaken, so no other outcome is even remotely possible. His Love for you is consummate, all-encompassing, and His Will for you is that you be eternally exalted into the realms of divine ecstasy where He created you to experience everlasting bliss.

The eons that you have spent in the illusion seeking ultimate satisfaction, ultimate joy, ultimate happiness, have been painful and exhausting, and many times you have lost hope, even despaired, as what you sought remained hidden, concealed, and seemingly forever unattainable. Nevertheless, this time has not been wasted, for you have been presented with and learnt many essential lessons.

The illusion is a place you built in which to play with the idea of separation from your Source — the loving Father who had created you. You had everything, and yet it seemed to you that without Him, separated from Him, maybe it was possible that your freedom and your power would be significantly enhanced.

An insane concept since you were already infinitely free and powerful; you just momentarily did not believe it and allowed yourselves to imagine that impossible state — and instantly you built your inauspicious playground!

Your separated state was a shock: you were alone, frightened, and lost. The illusion was filled with other beings who seemed to be extremely threatening to your well-being, and against whom you needed to defend yourself. They were, of course, just disparate aspects of your one true Self, but you did not recognize them and you grew increasingly fearful.

However, God had ensured that you could not remain permanently unaware that these others were merely aspects of Yourself by establishing within each one of them the flame of His Love. Initially you were unwilling to conceive of such a possibility because you feared His wrath. A wrathful god is impossible but you invented one to represent the fear you fell into when you seemingly separated yourselves from Him, and you thought that you had offended Him by your actions

You moved further into unreality and started to strengthen the fortifications and defenses which you had built to allay your fear and which you hoped would keep you safe. The lessons with which you were presented were to show you the way out of fear by embracing love, so that you would release your ferocious grasp on the illusion, allowing it to dissolve.

And you have been learning these lessons well. Love, compassion, acceptance, and forgiveness are sweeping through humanity as the realization dawns that nothing else will bring you peace. And it is into this spiritually advanced state that you are rapidly evolving.

The realization that the power of Love is impregnable, that all in its path will coalesce with and be integrated into It has established itself in your collective consciousness, and is being expressed and demonstrated as never before. The end of your journey is approaching.

With so very much love, Saul.

Dear Friends,

I want to thank you all for your regular visits to the Saul Blog. I believe Saul’s messages are very apt and uplifting as we head towards awakening, and that by reading them we open ourselves, even if only for a moment, to allow God’s Love to fill our hearts, helping us to be Light bearers and way-showers to those who have yet to awaken.

I particularly want to thank those of you who expend the time and the energy to translate Saul’s messages into other languages, and to all who reblog them. They deserve to be shared widely because they are so inspiring and uplifting, and are in sharp contrast to what we generally read in the mainstream media.

So, thank you all very much and may you be always divinely blessed.

Love and hugs,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/19/2012 11:53:11 PM

Jesus: There is an Invigorating, Sparkling Crackle in the Air

Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: There is an Invigorating, Sparkling Crackle in the Air

As Channelled by John Smallman – September 19, 2012

Note from John Smallman:
Dear Friends,

I want to thank you all for your regular visits to the Jesus Blog. I believe Jesus’ messages are very apt and uplifting as we head towards awakening, and that by reading them we open ourselves, even if only for a moment, to allow God’s Love to fill our hearts, helping us to be Light bearers and way-showers to those who have yet to awaken.

I particularly want to thank those of you who expend the time and the energy to translate Jesus’ messages into other languages, and to all who re-blog them. They deserve to be shared widely because they are so inspiring and uplifting, and are in sharp contrast to what we generally read in the mainstream media.

So, thank you all very much and may you be always divinely blessed.

Love and hugs, John

Jesus: There is an Invigorating, Sparkling Crackle in the Air

Humanity’s awakening is moving ahead very auspiciously as the divine energies you are availing of to help you on your way continue to strengthen and intensify with each passing day. If you could really comprehend what you are achieving as you focus on being loving at all times, and by sharing your love indiscriminately with all with whom you interact, you would be absolutely flabbergasted.

You are on Earth at this point in humanity’s spiritual evolution for precisely this purpose, and despite the difficulties with which such a life has presented you, you are maintaining your purpose and delivering what you promised – an almost constant demonstration of loving wisdom in action – and, as a direct result, inspiring all those with whom you interact to do likewise. You deserve and will receive the highest accolades and commendations for the devotion and determination you are bringing to this essential task, thus ensuring that it will be brought to an utterly successful conclusion.

It does seem at present that your world is in a state of chaos as you hear of wars, threats of war, riots, starvation, earthquakes, floods, droughts, forest fires etc., but in fact what is happening is a massive clearing-out of old and stagnant energies that have set you against each other for eons. Your politics, economics, international relations, social services, educational systems, and general behaviors, attitudes, and expectations have become bogged down and basically unworkable, and a new model is required.

Before you can remodel or redecorate your home, you have first to remove the age-old accumulations of stuff that no longer serve you, and then clean all the surfaces in preparation for the renewal that is to take place. Initially it looks like an awful mess, but you know that it has to be done if you are to do a good job – and that is basically what is happening on Earth at present. Once the preparations have been completed the job proceeds quickly and smoothly and the improvements that rapidly follow show you that it was well worth the effort as you observe that the sparkling cleanliness resulting from your industry has brightened up the whole environment.

A clean environment encourages and uplifts those who work in it, and productivity improves. As the renovations proceed enthusiasm grows, and it becomes readily apparent that the task you have undertaken will be completed in a workmanlike fashion precisely as planned. All begin to perceive an inspiring vision of the possibilities that lie ahead, and they recognize within themselves the competence and skills necessary to redevelop the environment in new and creative ways for the ultimate benefit of all involved. And all are involved, and are delighting in the communal efforts that are achieving such marvelous results.

There is an invigorating, sparkling crackle in the air as the new energies that will define and establish the New Age flow in to absorb and dissolve the old ones that had become fragmented and unequal to the task. Amazing things are happening all across the world as these energies grow and flow with enormous power — the power of divine Love that maintains and embraces all of creation. They had been all but excluded from working with you and for you until very recently because of your collective choice to make yourselves separate and individual by hiding away in the illusion.

The flame of God’s Love has always burned within you, but since your choice to separate from Him it has been burning very gently and discreetly — nevertheless always present because it is your eternal life force and your existence depends on it — waiting for you to make the decision to open your hearts to It once more. And now you have, and It is showing you the path to peace, acceptance, and abundance which you had temporarily lost sight of.

All that had hidden it from view is dissolving and the way is clearly marked and inviting you enthusiastically to follow it to the divine destination for which you have longed for so many eons. And there, a most wondrous welcome awaits you all, as you, the lost adventurers now found, eagerly race Home.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/20/2012 12:15:03 AM
This article by Steve beckow may be an eye opener for some people. To be honest, I still am not sure what to think concerning everything it says. If true, may God come and set it all right soon. Only then will all be happy and safe.
NOTE: Highly controversial as it is, I have posted this article in this forum's "Are We Now In The End Times?" thread first

I Apologize to World Islam

Posted by Steve Beckow

The largest part of the American, British and other peoples have probably not awoken to the fact that the tragic events of 9/11 were staged by elements of western governments, militaries and business communities themselves; what we commonly call the “military-industrial complex” and “the secret state.”

They don’t know it was staged to initiate a series of wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran that would ensure the control and dominance of a group of nations and elites that go by various names and are only dimly known to most people.

The wider agenda, if I were to give it here, would prove so shocking that I’m not sure many people could or would believe it. It was to start a nuclear World War III, in the event that the regional wars did not cement the control of that group, in which all but 500 million of the Earth’s population of 7 billion would perish, the remainder being enslaved.

The survivors would wait out the resulting nuclear winter in deep underground military bunkers, which, since August 2011, have been progressively destroyed by “white knights” in many military services who’ve opposed and overcome the forces of the secret state.

False-flag operations of the 9/11 type probably go back further than Biblical times. Dressing your soldiers up in the uniforms of other armies and staging an attack to start a war was used by the Japanese to start their war against China. Attacking or blowing up your own ships was used in the destruction of the U.S.S. Maine and was resorted to again in the Tonkin Gulf, the attempted destruction of the U.S.S. Liberty, the U.S.S. Cole, and many other instances. The attacks on the Murrah Building in Oklahoma, the Madrid train bombing, the London bombings, and the Mumbai assault all were staged in the same false-flag way that 9/11 was.

But 9/11 was the most monstrous example of a false-flag attack that ever occurred. Dr. Carol Rosen in her 2000 testimony before the Disclosure Project showed how the American military-industrial complex had the whole false-flag history of the United States planned as far back as the 1970s.

In many of these attacks, though not all of them, the blame was laid at the doorstep of “Muslim terrorists.” However this allegation is not now and never was true. It’s true to say that terrorists exist in all nations and cultures. In the United States, terrorists can be seen occupying the Presidency (George Bush, Sr. and Jr.) and Vice-President (Dick Cheney). As shocking as that statement is, it’s accurate, given that the two Bush administrations were totally committed to the goal of world domination and the second Bush administration largely engineered 9/11.

Osama bin Laden, who was “killed” for a second time in 2011, was not responsible for 9/11. On the eve of 9/11, as Dan Rather reported at the time on the CBS News, bin laden was lying in a Rawalpindi hospital, guarded by the Pakistani military and having kidney dialysis. In July of 2001, he was visited by the local CIA chief while in a Dubai hospital, even though he was wanted at the time for embassy bombings.

Bin Laden (or Tim Osman, to use his CIA alias) had nothing whatever to do with 9/11, aside from allowing his name to be used as an undercover CIA agent, for which I’m sure he received suitable rewards. He probably died in Dec. 2001 from his many illnesses.

This having been said, all the actions taken against Muslims – the discriminatory treatment accorded them, the refusal to allow them to build religious centers, the suspicion levelled against them, and all other actions traceable to their being held responsible for 9/11 – all have no basis in fact.

But, even if they had a basis in fact, they would not have a basis in ethics or morality. No population in total should be held accountable for the actions of a few of its members. If we applied that principle, no nation or religion in the world would be exempt from the resulting responsibility. But let’s leave that for another occasion and concentrate here on the allegations’ lack of a basis in fact.

The corollary of what I’ve just said is that that there was no justification on any grounds for the manner in which we’ve treated our Muslim populations in our various countries and world Islam in general. Such attacks as the recent anti-Muslim film are simply designed to re-awaken incipient hatred against Muslims for such events as 9/11 and inflame Muslims to respond with violence in countries where they form the majority, further damaging them in the eyes of the non-Muslim world.

I apologize to world Islam for the false charges levelled against them for so many years and the suspicion and mistreatment that have arisen from our mistaken attitudes and misunderstanding of events. I apologize for our failure, even if any of this were true, to rise above any such events that continue to be laid at the doorstep of Muslims and blind us to our being brothers and sisters. I call upon our governments, who’ve made apologies to Japanese-Americans and Canadians, Australian aborigines, and others, now to extend those apologies to world Islam for the unjustified and unjustifiable misery and suffering caused them in recent years.

I call upon the world’s religions, who all worship the same Creator, to cease fighting with each other. I call upon the armies that serve the agendas of the secret state to lay down their arms, and embrace peace. I call upon those secret forces in the world who continue to try to foment conflict and hatred to stop their actions.

There is momentum in the world towards creating world peace, global prosperity, and a new age for humanity. Dictatorial regimes around the world are stepping down or falling. The nations have gathered to create a new economy that will bring global abundance to all. It’s time to apologize to world Islam and to all groups and religions who’ve been mistreated and to turn our backs on a sordid and shameful period in our history.

It’s time to embrace one another as a global population of brothers and sisters, for whom all of us is responsible and which is itself responsible for us all. It is time to work for what one man called “a world that works for everyone.” This is an achievement which has been denied us for all the years we were divided and conquered, but which is possible for us now as a world about to become free and united.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/20/2012 1:41:12 AM
Friends, here is a new, fascinating post by SaS exploring an upcoming fourth density of Earth and discussing an inminent collapse of the Cabal's Financial System according to diverse sources

SaS: Op-Ed: The Progress of the Ages

“Questioner: Can you tell me why you say that the Earth will be fourth density positive instead of fourth density negative since there seems to be much negativity here now?

Ra: I am Ra. The Earth seems to be negative. That is due to the quiet, shall we say, horror which is the common distortion which those good or positively oriented entities have towards the occurrences which are of your time/space present. However, those oriented and harvestable in the ways of service to others greatly outnumber those whose orientation towards service to self has become that of harvestable quality.

Questioner: In other words there will be fewer negative entities than positive entities harvested into the fourth density. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. The great majority of your peoples will repeat third density.”

The Law of One, Book 1, Session 17

It is an inevitability.

Just recently, we’ve been inundated with wild speculation from alternative news sources and some sources within the “Lame Stream Media” that the collapse of the Cabal’s Financial System is imminent! You might want to follow up on my opinion in this case, to see if you think you’re recognizing the same pattern of events unfolding. I don’t believe that the Cabal is whipping up all of this chaos to fulfill their bonehead false-prophetic agendas or lithely implement power to establish their New World Order. The pattern thatI’m seeing which I have discussed with all of you through this blog from time-to-time is that of “Misdirection” (Yes, with a capital “M”). If you remember from your readings of David Wilcock, Ben Fulford, and Bill Wood—not to mention Kerry Cassidy’s interviews with Bob Dean and Clifford Stone—we’re traveling toward a “Convergence” in the Space/time Continuum. In ancient times, during the Roman Empire, a governance strategy for ruthless tyranny that became the Cabal’s model for world domination, plebeians and patricians alike had a saying: “All roads lead to Rome.” The concept of convergence, then, is one the Cabal definitely understands in light of their labors to implement such a merging of disparate peoples into a political regime of their own aspirations and design.

Babylon is fallen, is fallen!

We understand from our own study of this developing spectacle, that “Change” isinevitability. The members of the Cabal—more specifically, their scientists and social engineers—have been studying this for decades! Their research has confirmed the probability of a “Singularity” occurring in the not-too-distant future [Bill Wood; January 2012]. Into this convergence, all conceivable timelines—estimated as even remotely possible—would converge and they can do nothing to prevent it. This event is not one of their own choosing but is one that has been ordained by the “All Mind”—Providence, if you prefer—as a natural progression in the development of human consciousness [Bill Wood: January 2012; Bob Dean and Clifford Wood; March 2012]. This event is what, I believe, David Wilcock [Mass Arrests/Divine Intervention; June 2012] and Bob Dean allude to as they explain a vision of “Divine Intervention.” The Cabal knows it has lost! But, because they are intellectually disparate from the rest of us—exploring the “wisdom” of separation as an intellectual abstraction—they have a great deal of difficulty getting their mind around the concept of convergence as an inevitability. As Drake pointed out in a recent post, they’re idiots who believe that if they can embroil the entire human race in a planetary-wide catastrophe, we will be much too busy with the very effort to survive their manufactured holocaust to wrest control of the “money supply” from their tenacious grip.

We’ve all read Einstein’s definition of “insanity.” He said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” With this in mind, I’d like to point out two very significant aspects of their manner of thinking. First, when I use the word “idiot,” I’m not using it in the modern-day informal way to mean a foolish person; neither am I using it as a traditional psychological term to identify a person of the lowest order of intellectual capacity. Rather, I’m using the classical Greek interpretation of this English expression to describe the intellectual disposition that pertains to one’s self, one’s own, or belonging to one’s self. In other words, I mean a notion of “self” as a personal and highly introspective and subjective understanding of our own awareness—an uninstructed soul—a consciousness that has not been exposed to the Truth or refuses to consider its relevance. Consider that these people have willfully chosen to be separate from the rest of us—spiritually, intellectually, and physically as is revealed to us by their behavior. How could they connect to the Source Field [Wilcock; The Source Field Investigations; 2011]? How would they muster the intellectual agility to understand rational observations, as we know them? What becomes apparent to us is this “disconnect” in our relationship with them. It makes them appear imperiously arrogant, cold-blooded, irrational, and myopic. Why wouldn’t they appear that way to the rest of us? They’re something else;[1] they’re not of the same species of cognitive being. They don’t think the same way that we do. They are intellectually biased toward a peculiar point of view, preferentially separate, and wholly divergent from any affiliation that any of us could conceive as desirable. They have this unnatural propensity to externalize everything of which they are aware by virtue of their very temperament! We are on the outside of that boundary looking inward into a bizarre and irrational outlook on life!

Right now, the Military management and leadership of several countries are collaborating in a cooperative, finely-timed, “breakout” into the main stream awareness of the human population while, at the same time, closing in on the Cabal. When these revolutionaries pull it off with some precision, they’ll gain phenomenal momentum and the power behind that impetus would be overwhelming—EVEN TO THE SHADOW GOVERNMENTS AND THEIR CLANDESTINE SPACE AGENCIES AND OFF-THE-WALL TECHNOLOGY! The Cabal is aware of this. They are aware of the fact that they’ve been caught in a trap of their own making and the only escape from judgment is capitulation. Of course, to themcapitulation is a ghastly outcome; a consequence that requires they surrender all but a small percentage of their ill-gotten affluence. They have become obsessed with retaining this wealth! The so-called wealth they covet is actually worthless—made so through their own unfathomably stupid machinations as they synthesized ridiculously tedious and impudent plans for supremacy. In the end, the rest of us will become enriched. Our fortunes will change, not because of all their confiscated loot but because the burden of their avarice will have been lifted from our lives. Left alone to share our communal resources and participate in a realignment of our human condition, we would know prosperity again and “prosperity” is something different from filthy lucre the Cabal covets so ferociously; don’t you know. The Cabal knows that, fortified with so fantastic a treasure as autonomy, humanity’s lot would become significantly improved, developing a completely different set of standards for social progress. You see, under these conditions, reclamation of both planetary resources and the human population would be rapid—perhaps a matter of mere months! The “healing” alone would be a miracle, given the new paradigm would have such overwhelming vigor, animating each and every one of us to adapt to a different set of rules for engaging each other, and there would be NO GOING BACK.

They’d rather rule in “Hell” than serve [The ONE] in “Heaven.”

Ah, but to the Cabal, capitulation means certain death—not so much a physical crossing over but the death of their “system of things”—that rather odd arrangement of hierarchical governance imbued with their very “spirit,” animating it as though it were an entity of its own. That animal would be dead. It’s diseased carcass rapidly rotting away within the time that it took to transition from a provisional government conceived in desperation to one firmly established within the context of a more traditional paradigm for self-governance—that of the Sovereign Integral. Look at Kerry Cassidy’s posting just recently submitted for review here on this blog. The story seems real, doesn’t it? It is an account of a consummate Third Density viewpoint in three-dimensional prescriptive thinking! Whatever should we do? Every member of the Cabal thinks this way, “Whatever should we do?” If I do this, I lose that or this happens.” “If I agree to this, I must concede to that.” These suppositions impose a dualistic and pathetic prerequisite rationale and look at the advice tendered! Who is providing such guidance? Is it their “Higher Self”—that Sixth Density over soul entrusted with the progress of our consciousness? Or, is it the offspring of the Cabal—men and women who are incapable of reconciling their lustful desires with the patently obvious fact of their own mortality. Who has mastery over those minds? I beg to ask this question.

Recall that in “A Conversation with James” [James: The WingMakers Interview; Project Camelot; November 2008] James tells us that, one of the significant aspects of fabricated “fear” is a “fear on non-existence.” This is a primal fear. We cannot manage this condition with hypothesis as we derive it from the circumstances of our existence. We are all vaguely aware of the logical categorization that underwrites our understanding of two possible outcomes for our existence as either to be or not to be. This dualistic notion is at the root of our consciousness as Sovereign Integrals obsessed with deception. It is a reoccurring thought and foremost on our minds. It makes no difference that it is not thetruth of our existence. Though we are all immortal, we believe that there is a beginning, ergo, there must be an end as well. The Cabal understands this primal fear and sows misfortune with intense and overwhelming vigor. Mere suggestions become facts manifested as the articles of our reality. In the East, Chaos is afoot. They direct our attention to the disturbing roar of the “Angel of Death” as it echoes in the ether from the Sands of the Sahara to the Hindu Kush of Afghanistan. The Angel of Death is no archon. It is the spirit of the marauder emboldened by the minds of thousands of destructive people in the service to self. The human flock springs from its roost to fill the very spaces in between with their bodies—caught up in all the confusion—erratic, and yet energized, enraged with mindless hatred—the product of their profound fear of the unknown.

One day, the ONE will take hold of those desperate souls and show them that there is grace and tranquility in Unity and the flock will synchronize itself, once again, and take control of its own will. Like birds disturbed by predators; like schools of fish scattered in the presence of a killer, we will find our center and communicate balance and harmony with one another synchronizing our own individual awareness with that of “the other.” We must learn to overcome this irrational fear through contact with our fellows—merging effortlessly in consensus easily overcoming unfounded apprehension with unconditional love. The slayer must depart in time. It cannot sustain itself and the bond that joins us all will enable a timeless and infinite friendship in peace, in synchronicity, order, community, and symmetry once again.

We ask for Clarity.

In The Law of One, Book I, the Sixth Density entity Ra explains:

“Those seeking intelligent infinity [i.e., The ONE, the All Mind, or if you prefer, The One Creator/God, (reference mine)] through the use of service to self create the same amount of power but, as we said, have constant difficulty because of the concept of separation which is implicit in the manifestations of the service to self which involve power over others. This weakens and eventually disintegrates the energy collected by such mind/body/spirit complexes who [we] call the Orion group and the social memory complexes which comprise the Orion group.”

We have a portion of us who, in an exercise of intellectual abstraction, think differently than the rest of us. Because of their separation, they cannot fathom the fact that such dissolution is impossible—that they can never isolate themselves from us—that we are all ONE and that the ONE cannot be broken. In their separation, they externalize everything and this is obvious as we labor to understand them. They worship an archon or group of archons as beings separate from themselves and attribute to these celestial creatures powers greater than their own. Their scheming and manipulation are all an effort made to extract energy from us because, in separation, they cannot plumb the revelation that they are capable of creating their own. As we submit to their wild, unprincipled claims of power and authority, eventually we lose awareness of our sovereignty and co-creator status within the ONE. We adopt their interpretation of reality abandoning our own knowledge of the Truth—the gift bequeathed to us as our primeval essence. Yes, brothers and sisters, we are Truth.

The Cabal can never make their manipulative machinations “self-sustaining” as can we our association through love because there is no principle behind the content of their thinking. They operate as the absence of “Good” and have no love for themselves, as they are not aware that they are part of a greater whole. If we think as they do; if we move and breathe as they do; if we see the horror they revere; if we feel the fear that they adore, then—in that moment of submission—we become a likeness of them. In that moment, we connect to them and empower them with our own vitality sustaining their madness indefinitely. That is why our Sixth Density over souls chasten us with divine guidance—it is always the same advice. THINKING makes it so! Change the way you think inside your heart and you will change the way the Universe manifests itself to you!

Our fellows are caught in a meticulously contrived, formula-driven method of mind control; it is a delusion of the palpable. They use their entire consciousness to nourish greed in rapacious proportions! The more that they trouble themselves with worried thoughts of reclamation—the longer they contemplate the alternative effort required to repair this stinking, rotting archetype, the greater the probability the Cabal will preserve their worthless wealth intact. That is how they think—in discrete and unfathomably ignorant terms and conditions. They consume their own flesh in a squander of life that takes them to the Abyss into which they gleefully descend with great anticipation! That is all that they are concerned with in this hour of judgment! They are NOT concerned with their health; their sustenance and the air that they breathe; neither are they anxious for beauty, or the comfort of harmony. Trapped inside their diseased minds, they are only concerned with their filthy lucre! They covet that only—worthless paper and vapid numbers on a machine as though all that insignificance could purchase the stars and keep them mounted on a wall as trophies of their vacant labors; a testament to their cunning temperament. They are as angry little children. How stupid will they yet become? Will any of us find ourselves even able to measure such vacuity? These are the children of emptiness—creatures injured by conceit and damned by a gnawing hunger. Providence will leave them all behind!

The prophet has said in Psalms 37:22: “For such as be blessed of him shall inherit the earth; and they that be cursed of him shall be cut off.”

The curse is self-inflicted! They suffer in a measure according to the depravity of their own thoughts and, in this self-imposed exile, they will thus inherit the proceeds of such industry! What do you think the prophets of old were trying to tell us? This is what they saw! It is inevitable! The Cabal toils away ensuring the consequences of their actions make manifest their self-appointed destiny—a dreadful journey filled with grief! Therein they continue, alone, isolated from the milieu of hope, we know, to explore the wisdom of separation. What “wisdom” indeed! Oh, they will work their way out of their own regime in time. There is only one method for ascending from the Abyss. In the great epochs left to them, they will thus learn what we already know—that there is Love and there is Light in Unity. “The meek shall inherit the Earth” Jesus was reported have said in his Sermon on the Mount [Matthew 5:5]. Yes, we have chosen a road less traveled but it is the will of the ONE, the All Mind, The One Creator/God and it is our Mother’s will, yes, the will of our host consciousness. There is no pathway to “good fortune” apart from Her abundance.

Love and Light


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/20/2012 9:38:38 PM
Dear friends, more good signs across the world:in the way of debt forgiveness

Debt Forgiveness Is Already Underway

Posted by Stephen Cook

Debt Forgiveness Is Already Underway

Stephen: As the planet’s consciousness continues to rise, even those who thought they held power over others through money and debt are seeing the light…

Here’s a selection of stories -both current and from recent months – which demonstrate that things are indeed a-changing - for the good!

And Occupy, it seems, has morphed into a Debt Resistance movement…

Russia’s Dmitry Medvedev met Kim Jong-il in Siberia in 2011 on one of the reclusive leader’s last foreign trips. Photograph: Dmitry Astakhov/AFP/Getty Images

Story 1: Russia Writes off $11 Billion of North Korean Debt

Thanks to Virgina

Russia will ‘forgive’ 90% of debt and reinvest $1bn in debt-for-aid plan to develop energy, health care and educational projects

By Miriam Elder in Moscow, The Guardian – September 18, 2012

Russia has agreed to write off nearly all of the $11bn debt accrued by North Korea during Soviet times as the Kremlin seeks to boost ties with its reclusive neighbour’s new leader, Kim Jong-un.

Russia will “forgive” 90% of the debt and reinvest $1bn as part of a debt-for-aid plan to develop energy, health care and educational projects in North Korea, Sergei Storchak, Russia’s deputy finance minister, told state media on Tuesday. The debt deal was reached on Monday, he said.

The agreement came following years of hard wrangling over Pyongyang’s Soviet-era debt, a factor that hindered further investment in the strategically located state.

Negotiations were revived after Dmitry Medvedev, the former president, who is now prime minister, met North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-il, father of Kim Jong-un, in Siberia last summer on one of the reclusive leader’s last foreign trips. The elder Kim died in December. His son is being closely watched for signs that will open up the impoverished nation.

“This is an important serious step that will ease and expand the possibilities for further economic and trade co-operation,” said Alexander Vorontsov, a North Korea expert at the Russian Academy of Sciences, who served at Moscow’s embassy in Pyongyang at the turn of the century. Storchak visited the country in May.

Vorontsov said the debt deal was a sign the North Korean leadership was evolving. “This shows that the intelligentsia and leadership in North Korea are adapting to a market economy – with, by the way, Russia’s help,” he said. “It’s also a sign of political will from Russia.”

The deal comes as Moscow looks to boost its economic presence in Asia amid falling demand from the crisis-hit economies of the west. Analysts said infrastructure investments, including rail and electricity, would probably form the bulk of Russia’s re-investment in the country.

The deal announcement came on the heels of Moscow’s hosting of an Asia-Pacific economic summit in the far eastern city of Vladivostok that highlighted Russia’s turn eastward. The Kremlin has said it hopes to double the share of its total exports going to the Asia-Pacific region.

Vorontsov said: “The development of the Asia-Pacific region is in our economic interests. If before, we talked about our potential to direct our oil and gas there when we needed to strengthen our negotiating position with the Europeans, now there are practical deals.

“Russia’s turn to east Asia, especially in the spheres of infrastructure and energy, means the importance of the Korean peninsula will only grow.”

He said the debt deal would pave the way for Russian plans to build a gas pipeline to South Korea via the north, which Kim Jong-il preliminarily signed on to during his meeting with Medvedev last summer.

Few analysts see the deal as realistic, however, as the two Koreas technically remain in a state of war.

Story 2: #StrikeDebt: Occupy Morphs into Debt Resistance Movement

By Jerome Roos, – September 18, 2012

Aiming to spark a “mass upsurge of debt resistance”, the Strike Debt campaign is one of the most promising initiatives to have emerged out of Occupy to date.

On Monday, Occupy Wall Street celebrated its first birthday. As thousands descended upon Lower Manhattan and poured back into Zuccotti Park, home to the protest camp of last year, an interesting buzz has been doing the rounds in the media and blogosphere on where the movement currently stands — and where it might be headed in the future.

Predictably, those on the right claim that Occupy is dead, while those on the left maintain that it’s only barely begun.

It’s all a familiar ideological gainsaying that will ultimately do very little to change the predicament in which we find ourselves.

Whether Occupy is dead or not, the goal should be neither the revival nor the survival of the movement in its old form — the point is to perpetually keep evolving, devising new forms of action to adapt to a rapidly changing environment. Interestingly, this is precisely what appears to have happened over the summer.

In a fascinating article for a special “occupied” edition of The Nation, Astra Taylor writes how organizers in the Occupy movement have been actively laying the groundwork for the emergence of a nationwide debt resistance movement.

While the issue of debt has prominently featured in the background of the Occupy protests as one of the key grievances of the 99%, it has so far not been explicitly connected with the aims of the movement as such. That is changing.

This weekend, as protesters returned to Wall Street, a group of activists distributed over 5,000 copies of an enticing new 132-page manifesto: The Debt Resistor’s Operations Manual. According to its anonymous collective of authors, organized through the Strike Debt platform, the Manual “aims to provide specific tactics for understanding and fighting against the debt system so that we can all reclaim our lives and our communities.”

Continue reading this story here:

Thanks also to reader Jude for gathering these links to a variety of other stories – some from earlier this year – below:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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