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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/22/2012 12:34:57 AM

From Cobra at Portal 2012: Fixing the World

Source: Portal 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fixing the World

A call has been issued by Hope Girl, the writter of this excellent blog:

The idea is for people to submit their ideas about solutions how we transition from the current financial system into the new era of abundance for everyone:

Deadline for submissions is September 24th:
This is what she emailed me about this project:

“There is a tremendous amount of wealth that is about to be released to all of humanity. The equivalent would be as if everyone won the lottery at the same time. The problem is, everyone who knows about this money is just thinking about how to get it. No one (at least not publicly) is thinking about what we are going to do with it once we get it. This is part of the reason why the funds have not been released yet. We need a plan on how to release this money into our world without destroying society. We are working now on creating this plan. I do realize that there are many plans in place that cover all different areas and many individuals and groups working toward the Golden Age of humanity.

My part in this (which is of my own divine direction) is to give the rest of humanity a chance to have their say at what the solutions should be based on their own knowledge and understanding. This as you can see, will also get people to start thinking about solutions, rather than negativity, which will help raise their consciousness in a tangible way that people can sink their teeth into to get them actively involved.

I’ve put together a pointed set of questions that make people think about solutions and am asking for them to submit their ideas. I’ve been gathering this data and will continue to do so until the deadline date of Sept 24, at which point I will be presenting this “Book of Answers” by the people for the people to the individuals that I am in contact with that are in positions to implement the change. I will also be publishing it on the internet. The strategy here: people will not accept this engineered financial collapse if they know they have a choice and that there is a better way. This “Book of Answers” is the better way. It could be powerful enough to assist the rest of the resistance movement in making the attempts of the dark agenda obsolete.”

And this was written on her blog:

“Please know the information you submit will be taken very seriously. The most I can say now is that, through Divine intervention and your input, your response to these questions will be presented to entities in charge of implementing these changes. Your help is needed and your response to these questions has been asked for. In addition your input will be posted here on this blog for people to see.”

And my response to her call with a few ideas:

First, the financial reset will not make everybody a sudden millionaire. Total real value of all collateral accounts is between 500 and 1000 trillion $. This means about $100,000 per person. Enough for everyone to have proper housing, food and a fairly comfortable lifestyle, but not enough to spend the rest of your days sipping cocktails by the pool.

Second, release of new technologies must happen along with the financial reset. They can be introduced really quickly with proper funding, so that a few months after the reset free energy machines can be everywhere. This can easily reduce need for human work down to about 4 hours per day or even less. I think most humans will be happy to work a few hours daily because they will discover that eternal vacations can be boring. Also, work of most people will be much more inspiring and creative as they will no longer be slaves to the Cabal.
Third, my post about the financial reset is here:

You can read a very good article about the occult economy here:

And a very good overview of the Cabal and their activities here:

And finally, to cheer you up, an important victory of the Goddess:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/22/2012 10:56:39 AM

Global protests planned over gas drilling process

PITTSBURGH (AP) — More than 100 protests against the natural gas drilling process known as fracking are scheduled to take place around the world on Saturday, building on public concerns but also using an overly simplified message to spur outrage.

The GlobalFrackdown website and campaign was developed by Food & Water Watch, a Washington, D.C. nonprofit that was once part of Ralph Nader's Public Citizen group. The campaign claims that fracking "has already damaged communities and ruined lives. It pollutes water and makes people sick."

Scientists disagree on the risks of fracking, a process that injects large volumes of water, sand and chemicals underground to break rock apart and free the gas. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and many state regulators, however, say that fracking can be done safely. The American Lung Association says natural gas has helped reduce air pollution as many dirtier coal-fired power plants shift to natural gas.

The immense volumes of natural gas found in formations of shale rock around the country has spurred a boom in natural gas production that has been credited with creating jobs and lowering prices for industry and consumers.

The Frackdown campaign doesn't mention the differing opinions over risks or any benefits of fracking.

Mark Schlosberg, the national organizing director for Food & Water Watch, said supporters of the campaign are concerned about access to safe drinking water now and in the future. And some people simply don't want fracking in their communities, he said.

"The message is, we need to ban fracking," he said. "We think fracking is just another way to produce dirty fossil fuels."

Shale is a rock formation thousands of feet underground. Among its largest U.S. deposits are the Marcellus Shale, under parts of Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio and West Virginia, and the Barnett Shale is in north Texas. Geologists knew shale contained gas, but for more than 100 years the industry focused on shallower reserves. Fracking — also called hydraulic fracturing — allows drillers to profitably extract the deep shale gas.

Contaminated wastewater from the process can leak from faulty well casings into aquifers, but it's often difficult to prove a connection. Some studies also have shown air quality problems around gas wells, while others have indicated no problems.

Regulators contend that overall, water and air pollution problems are rare, but environmental groups and some scientists say there hasn't been enough research on those issues. But some industry leaders also say more needs to be done to address concerns.

At a gas drilling conference this week in Philadelphia, XTO Energy President Jack Williams acknowledged that some Americans still are very concerned about the impact of shale drilling on their communities and the environment.

"Our industry must take steps to strengthen public confidence," he said.

At the same conference Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett attacked anti-drilling activists as the "unreasoning opposition" who accept that the United States can land a space vehicle on Mars but don't believe energy companies can safely harvest gas a mile under the earth's surface.

Fracking also is being debated around the world. Earlier this month, South Africa decided to allow fracking in the semi-desert Karoo region. Cabinet ministers agreed to lift a year-old moratorium, based on a report by a technical team. Shale gas is being touted as a viable alternative to expensive electricity in a country often short of power, and a boost for the economically depressed Karoo.

There also are spirited debates over fracking in France, Poland, and other European countries.

James Saiers, a professor of hydrology at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, said some people on both sides of the fracking debate are locked into assumptions.

"The critics on either side, they tend to believe the worst. And that's unfortunate, because there are sincere people on either side," Saiers said. "It will remain a polarized issue. Even data or evidence is unlikely to change those assumptions."

"My view is we have to promote renewables. But right now we're locked in to fossil fuels for a while longer. And trading natural gas for coal is a benefit," Saiers said.

One woman who plans to attend a Frackdown event in North Carolina said water use is her key concern.

"This is my own tipping point: the amount of water that it takes to pull this resource out of the earth is unacceptable," said Debra Demske, of Winston-Salem. North Carolina currently has no shale drilling, and only minor deposits.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/22/2012 5:31:34 PM
An in-depth analysis that should help dissipate current misgivings regarding 'negative aliens' and the like. By Steve Beckow

Don’t Adjust Your Set

Posted by Steve Beckow

Many rumors circulate at the moment, including from prominent lightworkers, that negative aliens remain around the planet and that dark underseas bases still exist.

The last remnants of the cabal are busy selling the story that we face an imminent ET invasion beyond the limits of imagination and that Iran is in the last stages of developing a nuclear weapon and must be stopped.

Chinese warships face American warships off the coast of California, represented by some well-known lightworkers as an action against negative ETs. Archangel Michael explained what was really occurring in An Hour with an Angel on Sept. 17, 2012:

“It is about posturing. It is about war games. Let us say what it is not about. It is not about any form of October surprise. It is not about an armed conflict. It is not about alien invasion! But there is a great deal of posturing that goes on between the Chinese and the US military, various military forces. And in this situation it is their navies.

“So it is some practice. It is some posturing. But it is nothing to be overly concerned about.” (1)

We needn’t be surprised by this. Our sources have been warning us for many months now of the possibility of rumors of war and cries of alien invasions during these last few months of duality.

We might remember that a phoney alien invasion was described by Carol Rosen as the last of the false-flag scenarios that the military-industrial complex had up its sleeve since the 1970s. (2) Evidently the remnants of the dark forces are now running that scenario though with no force behind it and very little substance.

The cabal can be wooden, lumbering forward till their last dying step. (3) Nowhere are we seeing this better illustrated than now. Even though the highest rungs of the cabal are in containment, the dinosaur’s tail continues to thrash. Their cries and threats have little momentum behind them but still some residual chaos value.

Regarding the rumors, SaLuSa advised us: “Do your best not to be distracted by the problems arising from the cleansing that has already commenced, or the last gasp from those who are part of the Illuminati and are fighting to the very end.” (4)

In late 2011, the Arcturian Group predicted that these last months would seem chaotic as the forces of darkness fall: “You are very close to many events that you will interpret in your world as chaos. Some are of the government, some are of the financial world, and some are of Gaia’s cleansing process.” (5)

I’ve written a number of articles on the fact that dark galactic races are nowhere near the planet any longer. (6) For additional reassurance, let me quote what SaLuSa said at the beginning of 2012:

“The rules are specific where duality is concerned and include Universal Law. It is the latter that prohibits other Space Beings from approaching you or Mother Earth, and we enforce the law. Again there are exceptions in circumstances where they are actually invited to Earth, and that was the case where the Greys were concerned.” (7)

Some time ago, Hatonn through Suzy Ward, also reassured us:

“I want to debunk the warning that aliens posing as friends really are base entities who want to take over your world. Hogwash! The light grid around the planet prevents any civilization with dark intentions from being anywhere near Earth.

“And if the bad guys try to put their own ‘secret’ craft in the skies and bring out some of the Greys living underground and claim it’s an invasion, we can stop that charade before it gets going.” (8)

The tall Greys are now long gone.

On the rumors of war, Matthew Ward told us often that widespread conflict will not be permitted on Earth any longer. Some karmic balancing continues, such as in Syria, but conflict between nations is no longer a possibility.

“During these waning days of duality, individuals are rushing to complete third density karmic experiences and attain the balance necessary for soul evolvement.

“This balance does NOT include military action against Iran or a new field of combat in any other country.

“It doesn’t include damage to the planet so devastating that ETs will evacuate everyone and when you are returned, you will have to live in Inner Earth because the planet’s surface will be uninhabitable.” (9)

Often it’s lightworkers who circulate many of these frightening stories. Matthew says: “Those kinds of old or new reports keep popping up and circulated by individuals who feel they are being responsible by alerting others.” (10)

These last three months in duality are the time we came to serve. I’m coming to see just how important our attitudes, thoughts and feelings are in creating a climate of calm, something that I wouldn’t have accepted several years ago. Part of our contribution as lightworkers is to stay out of fear and dread, as the Arcturian Group reminds us.

“Try not to add to the negative energy of world chaos by constantly thinking about and adding your energy to it. Stay in your center, meditate, have your hand out for those who may reach for it while never allowing yourselves to sink into the [negative] energy.” (11)

In another reminder along the same lines, they add that we’ll be soon serving others by remaining calm.

“Stay centered and focused within because you will be better able to help others who do not as yet understand the shifting energies of this glorious ascension. Soon you will be helping to educate many who will go into fear because they do not understand that this is a good thing, a graduation.” (12)

SaLuSa also tells us that remaining detached and balanced helps offset others’ negativity.

“Bypass the negative thoughts being expressed by those who are concerned about their future, and have little or no knowledge of what is occurring at this most important time. You can in fact help offset the negative thoughts being put around, and where possible help those who are worried by expressing your confidence in the future.” (13)

Just today (Sept. 21), SaLuSa reported that “all that is due to you by way of changes will rapidly come into being, and at last you will be free from the attention of the dark Ones.” (14) So, no, we on this site won’t be joining the lightworkers who are reporting on each last twitch of the cabal as if it has significance. Archangel Michael, SaLuSa and others have told us that the Company of Heaven are simply awaiting the right time to announce their presence and the abundance program.

You may have noticed generally that this site is paying less and less attention to the screaming headlines and attempts to get us all worked up. We’re paying more and more attention to what our sources are saying because we believe that the initiative has shifted irreversibly to them, within the bounds of prudence and the requirements of universal law. We’re now on our final approach to Ascension, with NESARA and Disclosure due to happen along the way.

In the last analysis, SaLuSa reminds us, Ascension is really all that matters. Everything else moves toward and culminates in that.

“When you consider the larger picture and your coming Ascension, then clearly your focus should be firmly placed in that area.” (15)

“Always remember that your success is guaranteed, and all of you who desire to ascend will do so. … Do not concern yourself if events do not turn out as you believe they should, as the most important issue is Ascension.” (16)

So we’re gradually calming down. We’ve won the battle against the cabal that we’ve been fighting for decades. All the bubble economies have popped. All the plans for global enslavement have failed. All the pandemics have fizzled out and the attempts to drown and blast us have been brushed aside.

Some karmic balancing is still taking place, predominantly in the Middle East, and it’s unfortunate and sad. But it’s also the last act in a centuries-long drama that cannot last much longer. We’ve won – the entire Earth has won – and now we prepare for the graduation that the Arcturian Group reminded us of, with a lot of celebration predicted along the way.


(1) “Archangel Michael: You’ve Dropped a Very Big Boulder into a Very Small Pond,” Sept. 17, 2012, at

(2) See here:

(3) “Nimble Mammals – 1; Brainless Dinosaurs – 0,” at ; “The Woodenness of Authoritarianism,” at .

(4) SaLuSa, Dec. 21, 2011, at

(5) The Arcturian Group, Oct. 16, 2011, at

(6) Many articles on the subject can be found at:

(7) SaLuSa, Feb. 1, 2012.

(8) Hatonn in Matthew’s Message, Oct. 10, 2010, at

(9) Matthew’s Message, April 1, 2012.

(10) Loc. cit.

(11) The Arcturian Group, Aug. 16, 2011.

(12) The Arcturian Group, Oct. 16, 2011.

(13) SaLuSa, Sept. 14, 2011.

(14) SaLuSa, Sept. 21, 2012.

(15) SaLuSa, Sept. 14, 2011.

(16) SaLuSa, Dec. 21, 2011.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/22/2012 5:35:10 PM

The Ascension Train is Just Three Months Away from Grand Central Sun Station. Arrival Time: December 21, 2012

Posted by Stephen Cook

The Ascension Train is Just Three Months Away from Grand Central Sun Station. Arrival Time: December 21, 2012

By Stephen Cook – September 21, 2012

Comments are Open

The most magical, blissful moment that each and every one of us has ever witnessed, partaken of, been privy to, chosen, enjoyed, reincarnated and waited for is just three, ever-so-short months away, as of today.

Yes, the Ascension train is rolling on.

“Yippee!” is all I can say (well, I can also say “hooray”, “brilliant”, “at last” and “I can’t wait”‘!).

Yep, 92 days to go, inclusive (which for those of us into numbers – adds up to that wonderful number 11!).

And I can guarantee you that things won’t be the same in three months as they are today.

In fact, they won’t be the same in a week’s time as they are today!

Here’s what I ‘know’ will happen in three months’ time:

But with the Fall/Spring equinox tomorrow – or very early Sunday morning, as it is for me here in Australia – things are likely to really shake up for our world once again. And I mean “shake up”!

While the InLight radio team has already revealed that our Galactic family is here – – expect to see our star brothers and sisters take their rightful place on the world stage.

All my awakening DNA is telling me that they’ll finally receive favourable mainstream media coverage in a big way within just weeks – well, days are somehow more likely….

As Hatonn said via Matthew Ward’s message of September 1:

“If our making an appearance becomes pivotal to Obama keeping his position, we’ll do that in sufficient time before the election. If we see that his reelection is certain, we’ll show up soon afterwards.”

We’re also set to be feeling somewhat more relaxed about our day-to-day existence as we find the fear of financial burdens and worries are eased, by the long-awaited unveiling of the prosperity and abundance programs (NESARA).

We’re also likely to have seen all those dark and power-hungry people having been ‘contained’ – or removed, thus lightening up all our lives as we embrace all our fellow, loving humans.

New technologies will be bursting on to the scene and we will all be looking younger by the minute.

Best of all, we’ll know that that moment we all came here to be part of, and to experience, and to share, will be upon us, our planet, Gaia, our galaxy, our universe and all the multi-universes.

How it will actually unfold for me, I don’t know (even though I’m sure I do). There are enough of our regular, trusted sources and others who’ve given us a wide variety of theories and descriptions.

But then again I just LOVE surprises.

After all, why would I want to know what’s going to happen if I can experience every non-linear millisecond of it as it happens for the very first time without having an inner voice going “oh, they said it would be like this” or “hmmm, now I wonder if that ‘bit’ will be next”.

Who needs that sort of background noise when the most incredible occurrence is occurring? Not this boy!

People say to me: “But Stephen, do you have a plan in case this doesn’t happen on that day. Won’t you be disappointed?”

Not me. Not ever! My answer is the same every time “It will”… and that’s all I know and all I need to say. All I ever will say.

So, here’s to the next three month’s unfolding as they should – and as they will. There are no ‘what ifs” in my universe; in my Ascension plan. Only ‘wills’. Free wills.

All we ever need to know is that ‘anything is possible’ and that it will happen ‘in the blink of an eye’.

And, just as it says on the little card my dear friend Nicky in New Zealand gave me several years ago – featuring the words of Bengali-American spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy – and which I have carried in my wallet ever since: “The real destination is always ahead of us. Not behind.”

Which is why I’m really looking forward to what each and every day – and night – of the next three months brings, as we journey together, faster and faster, to our fabulous, blissful, Golden Age destination.

All aboard the Ascension train, please! I’ve got my ticket.

Come tomorrow it’s just 2 months and 29 days; or 91 days (and that adds up to 10!) to Grand Central Sun Station. Roll on…

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/22/2012 5:37:49 PM

Never Thought We’d See This

Posted by Steve Beckow

My heavens. Aung San Suu Kyi outside of Burma. Who’d ever have thought we’d see the day when Aung would feel confident enough to leave Burma and accept a medal of congratulation from another country. Perhaps no photo better exemplifies the changes occurring in the world than this one.

And in the Wall Street Journal, no less. We are all one. Applause all around indeed.

Photos: Aung San Suu Kyi Tours the U.S.

Wall Street Journal, sept. 20, 2012

Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar’s opposition leader and general secretary of the National League for Democracy, accepted a Congressional Gold Medal on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday. Mrs. Suu Kyi is visiting the U.S. for the first time since being released from nearly 20 years under house arrest in 2010. Also in the picture are, from left, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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