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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/17/2012 4:43:55 PM
And, here is the latest Poofness as posted by Kauilapele. Get ready for important revelations: among them, about who the good guys and bad guys are...

Poofness 9-16-12…”Revals in Offing and Other Stuff…”

This Poof message just came through. Here are my Highlights.


  • The messengers on the internet have been banging away, shouting the blues of a changing world, where no one can figure out who the good guys and bad guys are, just ‘opinions’.
  • Bernanke can’t print anymore because the owners of the fed had the plates melted down in china a couple years ago.
  • Well don’t get your hair on fire now, as you see it happen. This is when you need calm resolve and a clear mind.
  • What to do when the old world is disappearing and it can’t be recreated? Do a false flag like what just happen in the middle east and try and get the war mongering neocons back in office and try to get another war started.
  • This earth is going somewhere and it’s being masked by energetic veils that are like holograms, soon it’s part and all humanity will see.
  • You’ll look up and see two suns in the sky and we’ll no longer be on the edge of the milky way.


Greetings and Salutations;

Not much to say, that already hasn’t been said. The messengers on the internet have been banging away, shouting the blues of a changing world, where no one can figure out who the good guys and bad guys are, just ‘opinions’. So I’m going to post some links so you make some inform decisions as your pockets get filled and you pass thru the door way into the future;

Now here’s the blow to the fed system and fiat money;

Bernanke can’t print anymore because the owners of the fed had the plates melted down in china a couple years ago. Look at the dollar you have in your pocket, I defy you to find anything with date beyond 2010. The military knows this because they helped have all those printing presses taken apart around the world. and the machines melted down.

Didn’t MK tell many of you, there’d be blood on the streets when this finally happened? Well don’t get your hair on fire now, as you see it happen. This is when you need calm resolve and a clear mind. Go to the sea or up in the mountains and let it all come together in clarity, the path you choose to walk as the new world manifests all around you.

Even folks that know exactly what’s up in this world are tripping on themselves. What to do when the old world is disappearing and it can’t be recreated? Do a false flag like what just happen in the middle east and try and get the war mongering neocons back in office and try to get another war started. As eisenhower said as he left office all those years ago..’beware of the military industrial complex’. You’re watching them work ya right now, screaming..Patriotism!

The stuff is flying in the atmosphere and no one is escaping the angst. Everyone has been warned but many try to make it different than what it is, the speeding up of the vibration of the earth. This earth is going somewhere and it’s being masked by energetic veils that are like holograms, soon it’s part and all humanity will see. You’ll look up and see two suns in the sky and we’ll no longer be on the edge of the milky way.

That’s enough of that, stick a fork in me and plate me, I’m done.

Have fun, see you later, out there in the new system of things.

Love and Kisses,


Two Tickets To Paradise lyrics

Got a surprise especially for you,
Something that both of us have always wanted to do.
We’ve waited so long, waited so long.
We’ve waited so long, waited so long.

I’m gonna take you on a trip so far from here,
I’ve got two tickets in my pocket, now baby, we’re gonna disappear.
We’ve waited so long, waited so long.
We’ve waited so long, waited so long.

I’ve got two tickets to paradise,
Won’t you pack your bags, we’ll leave tonight,
I’ve got two tickets to paradise,
[ From:]
I’ve got two tickets to paradise.


I’m gonna take you on a trip so far from here,
I’ve got two tickets in my pocket, now baby, we’re gonna disappear.
We’ve waited so long, waited so long.
We’ve waited so long, waited so long.

I’ve got two tickets to paradise,
Won’t you pack your bags, we’ll leave tonight,
I’ve got two tickets to paradise,
I’ve got two tickets to paradise.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/17/2012 5:34:44 PM

Our Greatest Challenge

Posted by Steve Beckow

Matthew Ward and SaLuSa have said repeatedly that the people who may have the most difficulty when the truth of our history is revealed will be people of a strong religious background – this may include religious leaders, religious orders, fundamentalists, etc.

The task of lightworkers is to see that as many as possible ascend. That’s why we incarnated, many of us leaving higher dimensions and other planets to come here at this time to assist.

So not to judge or separate ourselves from anyone, but to understand how we can better assist those groups whose native impulse would be to reject Ascension, let’s look at what the galactics, masters and celestials say about the strongly religious whose views might see them oppose the idea of ascending.

Matthew Ward confirms that reaching the deeply religious will be our greatest challenge.

“Your greatest challenge will be the people who will rebel against the truth that will be revealed about the origin and purpose of religions. Religion forms the belief system that extends to all facets of billions of lives, and the initial reaction for the majority of adherents will be total rejection of the revelations, which if accepted, would shatter the very foundation of their lives.” (1)

He attempts to convey how we’d feel if we were in their position by constructing a different story of what our future holds for us and asking us how we would react to encountering the “truth”:

“Consider how you would feel if suddenly information disclosed worldwide were akin to this: An eternity in heaven or hell follows death; the only close connections between you and anyone else are family ties and friendships; the only civilization in the universe is on Earth; when you talk to God, if you hear an answer, it’s from Satan; and if you believe differently from this, your whole life is based on lies.

“You KNOW this is not your truth, and your entire being would reject it. Those billions whose beliefs also are their very being don’t know that they are living in the veil devised by dark deceivers, and they will react the same as you would.” (2)

Many who believe that Christ is the only way to salvation may be shocked to learn that this is not a true statement. Others hold that their version of God is the only god. The apocalyptic views that many fundamentalists hold are also not true, SaLuSa tells us. They may have been once, but our evolvement has altered our destiny.

“Those who uphold [fundamentalist] religious beliefs … feel bound by the apocalyptic prophesies of their ancient teachings. Many are no longer applicable as they were given at a time when they seemed possible, but events since have changed the outcome. This year will sorely test their beliefs, but obviously like anyone else they have a future of their own creation.” (3)

Matthew tells us that accepting truth is one of the requirements for ascending.

“To physically ascend with Earth, however, does require more than living a good life, a godly life. It also requires leaving behind third density’s deceitful foundation of religious beliefs and accepting the brilliant light of spiritual truth.” (4)

He tells us that those who hold mistaken views of religion must re-educate themselves into cosmic and universal truths if they are to ascend.

“If they are to make the journey with Earth into the higher densities, their reeducation into the cosmic and universal truths will be essential. And painful. For many, it will be too painful to keep on living in a world where the ‘anti-Christ’ for the Christians, and by whatever other terms equally apply to those firmly in the grasp of other religions, has taken over the planet.” (5)

SaLuSa discussed this matter as recently as Sept. 14, 2012, when he said: “Those souls who are deeply immersed in their religious beliefs will be amongst the last to accept the truth.” (6)

Matthew said they may depart rather than abandon their views: “Many whose religious or scientific beliefs are the foundation of their lives will choose to depart rather than accept the forthcoming truths that differ profoundly from what they were taught.” (7)

He then goes on to describe what he, as an ascended master, regards as the truth that differs from the views that many among the strongly religious hold.

“The truth is, as equal parts of God — by whatever name you call the ruler of this universe — all of you are gods and goddesses with unlimited powers to manifest whatever you choose to think, feel and do.

“The truth is, religions were devised to keep you from knowing who you truly are, to keep you ignorant of the universal laws, and to create divisiveness within the populace.

“The truth is, peoples you call ‘natives of the land’ or ‘aboriginals’ are closely attuned to the universal consciousness whereas religious dogmas, especially in Western religions, were made through the centuries by church leaders to obliterate that natural attunement, control the masses and acquire wealth for themselves.” (8)

A very uncomfortable truth, he tells us, is that many at the pinnacle of religion have altered the truth to serve their purposes of wanting power and control over the masses: “Over time [the] interpretation [of the truth] has been deliberately changed to place more power and control into the controllers’ hands, so much so that the true meaning has become obscured.” (9)

Matthew shares SaLuSa’s view of the darker purposes of some religious leaders and says that many religious people will choose to die and remain in Third-Dimensionality rather than accept this truth.

“A large number of people who have lived in godly ways will choose not to ascend with Earth after the truth about the origin of religions emerges: They [religions] were designed in darkness to deceive and control the peoples, by the most divisive element of life on Earth, and reap wealth for the heads of churches.

“Although everyone on Earth knows that truth at soul level and it is a contract choice to consciously remember it, many of the devoutly religious will be unable or unwilling to accept that their deep-seated faith is founded on false teachings.

“By so doing, these individuals deny the light within truth, that they are god and goddess selves, eternally inseparable from God and all other souls in this universe. Their next pre-birth contract will again include the provision to become consciously aware of that truth during their next physical lifetime, which will be in a third-density world.” (10)

In another message, Matthew calls the acceptance of these truths the “final exam.”

“The ‘final exam,’ if you will, is whether they can accept the truths that shortly will start emerging about the darkness that for so long has kept your world ‘in the dark,’ especially control of the masses through religious dogma. Individuals who cannot accept the truths—enLIGHTenment—will choose at soul level to physically leave the planet.

“After a suitable time in Nirvana [the Spirit Planes], where they will see how they veered from their soul contracts wherein they had chosen to awaken, they will welcome the opportunity to embody in other third-density placements and resume learning at the level where it left off.” (11)

SaLuSa mentions especially those who live in or follow the advice of religious orders as having the greatest difficulty accepting these hard truths.

“We know that the most reluctant souls will be those who have placed their complete faith in religious orders. They will find it difficult to accept that they could have erred in their understanding, or have even been deliberately mislead.

“For some the challenge will be too much, and they will prefer to hold onto their existing beliefs. That is of course accepted as a show of their freewill choice, and it will be honored.” (12)

I’ve written a number of articles on the return of the masters. The masters like Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, the Ancient of Days (Sanat Kumara), and others will return to speak to their respective followers and move them away from their current views and towards the higher, universal truths.

SaLuSa, on Sept. 14, 2012, said “that problem has been foreseen, and the respective teachers on whom their beliefs are based will return to explain what their true message was.” (13)

Matthew advises us to “not feel sad if persons dearest to you are among the non-receptive. Spiritual evolvement comes at a pace that is as unique as each soul itself is—when the time is right for your beloved people to have conscious awareness of universal knowledge and grow spiritually, they will.” (14)

So bringing the devoutly religious into the fold, so to speak, may present lightworkers with their greatest challenge. It will require a great deal of patience, understanding and compassion. What we have tried to do here is present what most likely will be their world view and spiritual understandings, as well as what the Company of Heaven calls the real purpose of some religious leaders.

These matters are something that many among the devout will not want to hear. To assist us in our work of gently trying to present to them the true view of what is happening to their world when the galactics suddenly show up above and upon it, many of the ascended masters will return to help us with our task.


(1) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 18, 2006, at

(2) Loc. cit.

(3) SaLuSa, Feb. 24, 2012, at

(4) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 11, 2010.

(5) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 18, 2006.

(6) SaLuSa, Sept. 14, 2012.

(7) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 4, 2012.

(8) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 11, 2010.

(9) SaLuSa, Sept. 14, 2012.

(10) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 13, 2010.

(11) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 7, 2009.

(12) SaLuSa, Aug. 9, 2010.

(13) SaLuSa, Sept. 14, 2012.

(14) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 11, 2011.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/18/2012 10:16:29 PM
Dear friends, the special period between December 17 and 'well beyond' gets confirmation in this message

Tolec – Andromeda Council Update 9-17-12… “EARTH CHANGES – An Overall Perspective, & the “Cosmic event” in greater context”

Tolec emailed me about this update, which may be read on theAndromeda Coouncil FAQs page. When I saw the 9-17 through 9-22 period, it resonated with a series of dates I’d just seen atGaiaportal.

I feel an agreement with most of this, although I sense that Earth changes, while they may be significant, and sweeping the planet, will not be “catastrophic” or “cataclysmic”.


  • …the period of now, September 17, 2012 – through – September 22, 2012, and well beyond, will be a heightened period of change… a progressive, very heightened, cycle of change on this planet…
  • This is primarily happening as we, planet Earth, are physically about to enter the galactic equatorial plane region, the equator of the Milky Way galaxy, where there are highly intense & erratic magnetic energies.
  • It will continue to be like this for the foreseeable future, not only for this coming 7 day period, as this planet is entering into a major, progressive, long term cycle of evolutionary change.
  • …we are [at] the beginning of a period of extensive & permanent changes to planet Earth that will continue right through the date of approximately the last quarter of 2013.
  • One manifestation of this change is the heating of the Earth’s core.
  • The movement of this planet into the galactic equatorial plane region is acting much like the installation of ‘turbo charger’ onto an engine…
  • As the momentum of this heat & pressure continues to build there will continue to be more frequent, more intense & greater earth changes. And release…
  • …evidence of these continued changes in planet Earth is the sulfur smell being picked up by people in some of the western U.S states… there is so much lava moving right now underneath the crust of the continental U.S.
  • Another example of earth changes is the increased plate tectonics, movement of earth’s “plates”… All of this greater plate movement is part of the continued changes to, and of, this planet.
  • As to the “Cosmic event” I have spoken of, still yet to come; the triggering of an undersea volcano to ‘pop off’, to explode… All [is] part of a greater overall metamorphosis of change, of transformation, of Mother Earth.
  • I suggest, that any people especially living on coastal regions of the land masses affected by all the changes I listed above… I suggest you use the totality of all of the senses that GOD/CREATOR has given you, including your heart, mind & soul, and especially your intuition.
  • Of course, each & any of these decisions you may make… they are up to each & every one of you. Free will choice is paramount in any decisions you make in your life. This is one of the Universal [Spiritual] Laws.


EARTH CHANGES – An Overall Perspective, & the “Cosmic event” in greater context
Tolec, 9-17-12

For those of you who are paying attention, and I am sure there are many around the globe who are paying close attention;

I’ve learned that the period of now, September 17, 2012 – through – September 22, 2012, and well beyond, will be a heightened period of change… a progressive, very heightened, cycle of change on this planet… a very dynamic mix of energies all happening at once as we move toward the date of December 21, 2012… and well beyond into all of 2013.

This is primarily happening as we, planet Earth, are physically about to enter the galactic equatorial plane region, the equator of the Milky Way galaxy, where there are highly intense & erratic magnetic energies. I speak about this on page 1 of this web site in the sections titled: “A New Awakening” and “Time of Transition for Planet Earth”. Further;

As one visual, real time example of how these earth changes are being manifested – go take a look at the ‘Pacific Rim of Fire’ over on the USGS web site. It is lit up like a ‘Christmas Tree’ like never before in the modern era:

USGS Earthquakes snip 9-17-12, 20:12 HST

It will continue to be like this for the foreseeable future, not only for this coming 7 day period, as this planet is entering into a major, progressive, long term cycle of evolutionary change. Again, we are [at] the beginning of a period of extensive & permanent changes to planet Earth that will continue right through the date of approximately the last quarter of 2013.

One manifestation of this change is the heating of the Earth’s core. Think of the Earth’s core as an automobile engine. Or, a kettle of water on the top of a stove for tea… and someone keeps turning up the heat. Well, these highly erratic magnetic energies in the equatorial plane region of the galaxy will not only continue to affect the magnetic flow outside of the Earth, as in the movement of the actual magnetic “poles” [North pole to the bottom of the planet... South pole to the top of the planet] – they also affect the planet’s core. Back to the analogy of a car engine. The movement of this planet into the galactic equatorial plane region is acting much like the installation of ‘turbo charger’ onto an engine… spinning the air faster, making the active elements inside the engine heat up & build continuing pressure which in effect… make the car go faster. And as with all turbo chargers, there is always added heat. But there is a release, a car has a continually open exhaust whenever it is running. So does Earth. It has some release points. But;

the galactic equatorial plane region is doing the much the same thing to Earth’s core – agitating magnetic energies affecting it, now, continually heating it up, thereby causing a continual build up of heat & pressure of the Earth’s core. Simple cause & effect. As the momentum of this heat & pressure continues to build there will continue to be more frequent, more intense & greater earth changes. And release. It has to release somehow. It has to go somewhere.

More evidence of these continued changes in planet Earth is the sulfur smell being picked up by people in some of the western U.S states. It is because there is so much lava moving right now underneath the crust of the continental U.S. I am not a scientist, but I know this – the sulfur smell is from the outgassing of the sulfur dioxide, and carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia and nitrogen being pushed to the surface from the increasing mass & movement of so much lava right under the Earth’s crust. Because of its continued heating.

As a clear example of this phenomena over time, here in the U.S think of the ‘sulfur pots’, the muddy, bubbling, badly smelling ‘goo’ that has expressed itself for years in so many locations over at Yellowstone National Park. There is far more of this going on right now underground throughout the U.S, especially the western U.S, because so much lava, increasingly so, is emerging & moving at this time… getting closer to the surface from building heart & pressure at the Earth’s core. And, it will continue to do so.

The heating of the Earth’s core temperature forces the rise of this molten lava into the various fissures… to open up even more underneath the ‘ley’ [energy] lines of the planet’s grid… which should result in more volcanoes popping off and more & more continued earthquakes. Earthquakes lead to ‘cracking’ of the various land masses on the surface & deep into the ground; which also releases the gases, and molten lava to the upper surface of volcanic domes… forcing them to ‘unplug’, pop-off, or blow. Again, that pressure has to be released somehow. It’s got to go somewhere especially with the continued heat-up of the Earth’s core.

Another example of earth changes is the increased plate tectonics, movement of earth’s “plates”. Think of the Philippine, Australian & Pacific Plate, but especially the Pacific plate, is experiencing great movement & friction against the Juan de Fuca plate and the North American plate… as all of the heating of the Earth’s core, and pressure build, and the increased molten lava flow is putting added pressure on these plates. The Pacific plate is also pushing against the Cocos, Nazca & South American plates. All of this greater plate movement is part of the continued changes to, and of, this planet.

As to the “Cosmic event” I have spoken of, still yet to come; the triggering of an undersea volcano to ‘pop off’, to explode, which will trigger an undersea earthquake(s) & tremors, which will cause the movement of a whole bunch of lava underneath the crust of the Earth’s surface, which will destroy the last Reptilian undersea base; these are all part of the evolutionary changes occurring to, under, and on, planet Earth. All part of a greater overall metamorphosis of change, of transformation, of Mother Earth.

In summary, I suggest, that any people especially living on coastal regions of the land masses affected by all the changes I listed above, especially in any highly volcanic areas, and/or for those people who live relatively close to, or on top of, “fault lines” – please absorb the advanced knowledge of these changes from me, or anyone else who you are researching, that is providing this information, and; whatever region you live in that might be at risk – I suggest you use the totality of all of the senses that GOD/CREATOR has given you, including your heart, mind & soul, and especially your intuition. Also listen to local radio, television &/or the Internet for any advanced warnings. If you sense by any means any potentially heightened or dangerous earth changes about to happen in your area, and/or by warnings/public announcements, and/or by your own intuition… that staying might put you at risk… decide what you need to do to move yourself & your family to safety, to a safer, more stable location.

Of course, each & any of these decisions you may make… they are up to each & every one of you. Free will choice is paramount in any decisions you make in your life. This is one of the Universal [Spiritual] Laws.

I hope this overall statement helps gives greater context to what is happening on this beautiful planet Earth in her natural evolution… on her way to transformation into becoming an even more beautiful, higher dimensional world.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/18/2012 10:20:25 PM

Benjamin Fulford 9-18-12…”Time for talk is quickly running out for the cabal”

That’s not Ben’s original title, but I felt it captured the essence of his latest report. He discusses a lot here, and it certainly appears that “the cabal” are flailing out as much as they can to create havoc where they can. Fortunately, we have information from Ben and others, that point us to what is actually going on. The Libya “event” was likely a non-event (a great game would be, “Where’s Waldo”, or Where’s the ‘Libyan Benghazi Consulate’”? Check it outhere. Find one?) From what I’ve seen, every standard media channel drones the same type of story about Libya “event”, and so on. Well, the queen bee does need her drones.

Much of this most of us would be in a tough position to validate all of Ben’s points, although I can say there was no website listed for any Libya Benghazi consulate at the US State Department embassy website (that by itself may not prove that there is no consulate, however; maybe there’s just no website for it).

Given what Ben is going through, perhaps one might consider a donation to his work.

[There is a bit at the end of this that explains how to subscribe to his weekly newsletter. Also I believe one could donate to his cause directly at (via Paypal), should you feel so guided.]


  • As the battle for control of the global financial system rages towards a climax, murders, provocations and disinformation campaigns are all escalating.
  • Xi Xinping vanished from the public spot-light for two weeks to hide his bruises after being beaten up by his handlers…
  • The murder last week of Japan’s Financial services Minister Tadahiro Matsu****a was linked to a cabal attempt to extort money…
  • The sudden death of Shinichi Nishimiya, Japan’s newly appointed ambassador to China is believed to be linked to the cabal…
  • These murders and other un-reported ones elsewhere are part of an attempt by the cabal to extort money to prevent the bankruptcy of the United States of America corporation (as opposed to the American Republic).
  • The owners of the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate… have been trying to steal money… a flotilla of battleships stealing gold from Indonesia, the Philippines and elsewhere… taken to the Freeport mine in Indonesia before being moved on to Hong Kong for re-smelting.
  • Henry Kissinger has been an executive at the Freeport mining company.
  • …the various troubles in the Middle East are all being coordinated as an ongoing operation… in the Middle East and Europe. The recent anti-Islam film that has been blamed for causing unrest was made by Nazi agent Terry Jones…
  • …most of these incidents are either fake or grossly exaggerated… stories about the US Consulate in Benghazi… is a prime example… there has never been a US consulate in Benghazi.
  • The attempts to foment unrest are being met with disgust by ordinary citizens in both Europe and the Middle East…
  • Mazzara, together with Daniel Dal Bosco and Leo Zagami were recorded by intelligence agency sources saying that they had “nearly got me”…
  • Secret negotiations have been initiated… The P2 Lodge has been asked to stop its anti-social behavior and offered forgiveness in exchange.
  • There is a… consensus… that Rome is the location of a rogue ancient artificial intelligence that can only be terminated by deleting Rome. The White Dragon Society… hopes to prevent such a drastic move.
  • …we can report that some extremely heavy hitters are saying they will be making big moves against the cabal this week.
  • Time for talk is quickly running out for the cabal.


Murders and war-mongering continue to escalate as back-drop to high level negotiations
by Benjamin Fulford 9-18-12

As the battle for control of the global financial system rages towards a climax, murders, provocations and disinformation campaigns are all escalating. The disappearance of Xi Xinping, the man who is supposed to be the new leader of China, is one example. Xi Xinping vanished from the public spot-light for two weeks to hide his bruises after being beaten up by his handlers, according to two separate high-ranking Chinese sources. Xi works for Jean Daniel Cohen of the French Hoche group and has been ordered to provoke anti-Japanese demonstrations in China, according to one of these sources. Mr. Cohen has not returned this writer’s call asking to confirm this.

The Japanese junior officer corps nearly fell for the recent Chinese provocations (including the sending of warships to disputed Islands) and demanded war before cooler, senior heads warned them it was all a trap.

The murder last week of Japan’s Financial services Minister Tadahiro Matsu****a was linked to a cabal attempt to extort money, Japanese public security police sources say. Matsu****a had refused to hand over $5 trillion…

… to agents working for the cabal. Matsu****a was forced to write wills at gunpoint and was then drugged and strangled, according to the police sources. The sudden death of Shinichi Nishimiya, Japan’s newly appointed ambassador to China is believed to be linked to the cabal, although investigations have just begun.

These murders and other un-reported ones elsewhere are part of an attempt by the cabal to extort money to prevent the bankruptcy of the United States of America corporation (as opposed to the American Republic).

The owners of the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate, for their part, have been trying to steal money wherever they can. In one of their maneuvers a General Rosiere (first name not known) has been travelling around with a flotilla of battleships stealing gold from Indonesia, the Philippines and elsewhere, White Dragon Society sources say. The stolen gold has been taken to the Freeport mine in Indonesia before being moved on to Hong Kong for re-smelting. Henry Kissinger has been an executive at the Freeport mining company.

In a separate scam two cabal agents Keith Benedict and Terrance Wayne, working with someone named Tonni in Indonesia have been running an international network of foreign exchange booths run by Indian nationals. These booths have acted as an information collection source to identify large stores of cash and other valuables for the cabal to steal, according to CIA sources in Europe. Until these crooks are arrested, it may be wise to avoid certain money changers.

Meanwhile, the various troubles in the Middle East are all being coordinated as an ongoing operation Gladio in the Middle East and Europe. The recent anti-Islam film that has been blamed for causing unrest was made by Nazi agent Terry Jones, according to an MI5 sources in London. Jones is part of a Frankfurt, Germany based George Bush Senior operation known as COREA. Other Nazi agents, acting in concert and on cue, then proceeded to carry out violent acts targeting US and other Western embassies throughout the Middle East.

However, most of these incidents are either fake or grossly exaggerated. The big stories about the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya being attacked and American diplomats being killed is a prime example. All you have to do is go to the US State Department home page to confirm that there has never been a US consulate in Benghazi.

The attempts to foment unrest are being met with disgust by ordinary citizens in both Europe and the Middle East and it is certain the attempt to use these incidents to start a “New World Order,” with a single world religion, are blowing up in their faces.

Speaking about blowing up in their faces, Vincenzo Mazzara, a Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights who this writer has accused of trying to murder him twice, contacted me through an intermediary last week.

Mazzara, together with Daniel Dal Bosco and Leo Zagami were recorded by intelligence agency sources saying that they had “nearly got me,” after I was stabbed with a needle after a speaking engagement in June.

There is now enough evidence to bring attempted murder charges against all three of these individuals together with their puppets Ichiro Ozawa and Yasuhiro Nakasone.

Secret negotiations have been initiated between the White Dragon Society and the P2. The P2 Lodge has been asked to stop its anti-social behavior and offered forgiveness in exchange. They have also been warned that professional cleaning teams are in place and waiting for the green light should negotiations break apart.

There is a growing consensus in both Asian and Western intelligence sources that Rome is the location of a rogue ancient artificial intelligence that can only be terminated by deleting Rome. The White Dragon Society is opposed to destroying such a historically valuable city and hopes to prevent such a drastic move.

In any case, although there is much that we cannot write at this time, we can report that some extremely heavy hitters are saying they will be making big moves against the cabal this week. Time for talk is quickly running out for the cabal.


[A subscription to Ben's full articles is only $8 per month ("Payments can... be made with a ‘PayPal’ [account]“), but Ben will allow anyone who can not pay this to subscribe for less (or free). On one page of his site he says, “All subscribers will agree to pay whatever monthly subscription price they can afford. Those who are really poor can get it for free.” In my mind, if you like the articles, and want to support Ben and his work, consider subscribing to his blog.

Ben may be contacted at any of the emails below which he provides on his websites:,,,]

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
9/19/2012 1:04:59 AM
This is a transcription of a message from AA Michael with a partiucular focus on the recent 'Disclosure' video (see last posts)

“Disclosure Announcement … Being Pushed Up the Chain of Command”

Posted by Steve Beckow

Very meaty, substantial Hour with an Angel today with Archangel Michael and Geoffrey West. On the Disclosure video, on pre-NESARA, on political events in the world, and more.

What Archangel Michael said about the Disclosure video quite surprised me. Here is an immediate transcription of that red-hot news.

Apparently the video is going up and down the chain of command of the media and political leaders. It really has been a full announcement of Disclosure, and probably succeeded beyond our wildest expectations. Thank you, Graham and the Inlight Radio hosts.

I won’t reproduce a transcript of the rest of the show (Ellen is doing that). We’ll have a transcript for you probably tomorrow, but the news that the Disclosure video is impacting the controlled press and political leadership can’t wait!

I can’t tell you how excited the Inlight Radio hosts, 2012S editors and others who are working on related projects are by all this. And busy. We are flying and our hair’s on fire.

* * * * *

Archangel Michael: There is a great deal of unfolding and good news on every horizon. Even if it looks like chaos, there is great movement so do not be deceived. …

I wish to congratulate you. I wish to say thank you on behalf of many for announcing Disclosure. For you have taken responsibility. You have claimed your freedom, your autonomy, your authority. And you have committed and declared yourself to the human collective. You are leading the way and you are showing those in authority that there is nothing to be afraid of. So for this we congratulate you and we thank you. ….

Yes, there is the reality which you observe in your interdimensional selves. And I want to emphasize this with everyone of you … who are listening. Whether you are fully conscious of it or not, you are transitioning into your interdimensional self. So there is what you are witnessing in what you believe to be your third-dimensional reality, which is numbers and people who are watching this video and the reaction of what you would call mainstream media, because let us assure you that it has been observed many times by what you would believe to be mainstream media.

But there is also what is happening on what you would think of as the subtle level, the interdimensional level. And it is that ripple effect that we have talked about so often, not only in terms of your individual work, the work of this team of InLight Radio and of the lightworkers, lightholders.

So what you have done, dear heart, is that you have dropped not a pebble, not a stone, not a rock, but a very big boulder into what is really a very small pond. And when I say that it is a small pond, I mean a small pond of the mainstream media, of the political leaders, of political leaders who are truly leaders, and of the human collective consciousness.

I want you to understand this. There are beings who may never, ever watch this video. Or the videos that spin out from this project. It does not matter because what is occurring is in the mix of the human collective consciousness. There has been this massive affirmation of a reality that all of you have held in your hearts and in your minds and in your experience, in your consciousness.

And the bringing forward of that reality, the declaration of it in such a succinct, clear, non-invasive way – because your video has come in peace and for me that was very important, that it be low-key, that it not have any element of fear, that it be infused with love and celebration and joy and you have made very sure of that so – that is all becoming communicated to the subconscious, and the unconscious of the collective. So the entrainment is changing.

So understand that piece. But in the physical reality of the leadership it has been reserved and it is, can we say, being pushed up the chain of command. And in the media circles it is being observed. Now you may never hear directly from those in a position of political or media leadership. But make no mistake, the effect, the announcement has been heard. And it echoing all over Gaia. …

You, dear hearts, in this wonderful video of announcing your galactic family have continued [my] peace initiative. The impact is far bigger already than you can imagine. I offer you our thanks and our congratulations and I also offer this on behalf of your star brothers and sisters.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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