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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/19/2012 1:26:22 AM
Multiple revelations of occult pages from history coming out these days

Secret Societies and the Off-Ledger, Occult Economy

Posted by Steve Beckow

Gosh, folks, I was going to post this multipage history of the finances of the world, complete with many pictures of stacks of gold in the vaults of the world when I realized it would need to be posted in so many parts that it would require days of effort. So instead, let me just refer you to the two pages where it’s to be found. Fascinating, sometimes off the wall, always mesmerizing. Great read.

Perhaps what I can do though is post some of the incredible pictures. When you see these amazing shots, remember that all that gold still exists and is now in the hands of the white hats. Can you spell NESARA? Thanks to Julie.

Part I: Secret Societies

The Committee of 300, The Jesuits, 13 Illuminati Papal Bloodline Families, The Corporation of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, The Federal Reserve Bank, Operation Paperclip & MK-Ultra

A New Tomorrow Website

Part II: The Off-Ledger, Occult Economy

Operation Golden Lily, The Black Eagle Trust, 9/11, The Dragon Family, the $1 trillion dollar Keenan federal lawsuit, and the Global Collateral Accounts

A New Tomorrow Website

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/19/2012 10:19:32 PM
Dear friends, the latest SaLuSa!

SaLuSa 9-19-12…”You are the Ones Who Are Taking Over… You Are Visualising a Peaceful Transition”

Today’s SaLuSa appeared by magic at his other website ( This SaLuSa message assures us that the steps that are leading to the Ascension of planet Earth are taking place. Disclosure is occurring at perhaps a slower pace than many would like, but at some point, “if matters do not proceed within a certain time frame, we will be authorised to take more direct action.”

“The changes will come and new governments will take over from the old guard. Financial changes will go ahead to ensure that there is never a repeat of the corruption that is bringing them down. That will certainly happen soon, and our presence will be acknowledged, enabling us to draw closer to you. Regardless of what you may have thought, there is no rush to complete the changes before Ascension. Indeed the process was always going to run into the New Year, when we will have a greater opportunity to work together. We need those who are of the Light to be part of out teams, using your skills and knowledge for the betterment of all. Then we will all really be able to rapidly move ahead knowing that we would not be impeded, or deliberately delayed in our work.”


  • This year has sped by and so far there have been less incidents than you might have expected.
  • …the Institutions that have held prominent places in your world, are in stages of collapse from which there is no escape. The truth is as expected revealing much about them…
  • You are the ones who are taking over and deciding the destiny of your civilization. You have the power to determine how the end times work out, and you are visualising a peaceful transition.
  • …the expected changes will commence very shortly, as the New Age must be launched so as to break up the old paradigm.
  • The changes will come and new governments will take over from the old guard. Financial changes will go ahead…
  • …there is no rush to complete the changes before Ascension. Indeed the process was always going to run into the New Year, when we will have a greater opportunity to work together.
  • It will be a wonderful time that will see you relieved of all of the old problems that have held you back. It is time to go speeding forward…
  • Think positive about them and you will be helping manifest them much sooner than we have allowed for.
  • Anything that cannot hold up in the higher vibrations clearly has no place in them. So do not despair or get depressed as all is ready now to replace the old systems. All will arrive in good time…
  • Naturally we are very keen to meet you, and are doing all we can to move things forward. Disclosure is creeping in through our allies efforts, but we obviously would like it to be speeded up.
  • Always use your intuition and be prepared to change your beliefs if you are sufficiently certain you have the truth.
  • There is not long to go before you will become more involved in the end time activities.


SaLuSa 19-September-2012

This year has sped by and so far there have been less incidents than you might have expected. It has neither been catastrophic as many prophesied, or fulfilled the promise of changes that are to lift you up. Yet, your consciousness levels have increased quite substantially and Ascension is still assured. Looking all around it is apparent that the Institutions that have held prominent places in your world, are in stages of collapse from which there is no escape. The truth is as expected revealing much about them that shows how they have manipulated events for their own advantage. You are even becoming aware that they have had an agenda for a very long time to enslave you and gain world control. You can see how near they were to achieving their aims, and also the great movement amongst the people that have awoken to their plan and defeated it.

You are the ones who are taking over and deciding the destiny of your civilization. You have the power to determine how the end times work out, and you are visualising a peaceful transition. That is creating the time line that will complete the cycle according to your intent. However, Mother Earth also has a say in it and desires to carry out a cleansing, as part of her preparations to ascend. The more you send out Love and Light to her, the more easily will the end times pass. Naturally the expected changes will commence very shortly, as the New Age must be launched so as to break up the old paradigm. The new one is waiting to be introduced, and its benefits are to shared by you all. Completion cannot however take place until you have ascended, as those who are the dark Ones are not to be the beneficiaries of that which is for those of the Light.

The changes will come and new governments will take over from the old guard. Financial changes will go ahead to ensure that there is never a repeat of the corruption that is bringing them down. That will certainly happen soon, and our presence will be acknowledged, enabling us to draw closer to you. Regardless of what you may have thought, there is no rush to complete the changes before Ascension. Indeed the process was always going to run into the New Year, when we will have a greater opportunity to work together. We need those who are of the Light to be part of out teams, using your skills and knowledge for the betterment of all. Then we will all really be able to rapidly move ahead knowing that we would not be impeded, or deliberately delayed in our work.

Everything you expected to take place will do so, and as progress is made you will find that it will take you further than you thought possible. It will be a wonderful time that will see you relieved of all of the old problems that have held you back. It is time to go speeding forward and move into a new world that reflects your upliftment into the higher dimensions. There will be ample facilities including the Cities of Light where you can be healed, as you are to be fully restored to a prime condition. Eventually you will also be able to reverse the aging process and return to a youthful appearance, and so it will go on until you become a Galactic Being. All of these changes await you and they are not too far in the future. Think positive about them and you will be helping manifest them much sooner than we have allowed for.

While the cleansing takes place it may appear that all is in some state of disintegration, and that is true to the point that the old ways and systems have to go. Anything that cannot hold up in the higher vibrations clearly has no place in them. So do not despair or get depressed as all is ready now to replace the old systems. All will arrive in good time and you shall eventually need for nothing at all. We know from our own experience exactly what you will require to settle down in the higher dimensions. The Galactic Federation of Light has unlimited resources and personnel, that are fully versed in what is needed to be done. Unbeknown to most of you we are still very much engaged in keeping the Earth clear of pollution, and but for our efforts it would be far worse than you aware.

In the future there will not be a repetition of the pollution you are used to experiencing. The use of polluting type machinery or installations will no longer be necessary or allowed. Instead you will have new methods of operation that will be “clean” to use. The biggest changes will be in your present forms of travel, and the combustion engine will eventually disappear from use. Not only that but the new vehicles will be much quicker and safer to use. They will be using free energy which is our source of power for our craft. Everyone will have use of them, and they will be absolutely pollution free. These changes have been planned for a long time, and are ready to go ahead as soon as it is safe to introduce them.

Naturally we are very keen to meet you, and are doing all we can to move things forward. Disclosure is creeping in through our allies efforts, but we obviously would like it to be speeded up. However, the more people that become aware of us and our mission, and learn of the purpose which is to see you through Ascension, the nearer you will be to meeting us. Of course there are still those who for different reasons desire a different outcome to the changes. They attempt to confuse people with messages of disinformation, but if you are well informed they will not deceive you. Always use your intuition and be prepared to change your beliefs if you are sufficiently certain you have the truth.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and bring you our Love for your great efforts to bring this cycle to a speedy conclusion. There is not long to go before you will become more involved in the end time activities. There may be some disruption to your normal life, but it will soon settle down. We are bound by Universal Law to apply ourselves in a way that does not interfere with your freewill, so we cannot just speed up events by imposing ourselves upon you. The dark Ones know this and still interfere because they do not acknowledge the Laws as we do. However, if matters do not proceed within a certain time frame, we will be authorised to take more direct action.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/19/2012 10:20:41 PM

Sheldan Nidle Update 9-18-12…”The divine time has come to move this surface world through its transitional phase toward a realm of peace, Love, and prosperity”

“The programs to push in the new financial system are progressing globally. Our associates are ready to expand the way in which the elements of this new system are openly introduced to you. These programs involve instituting a system of prosperity and debt forgiveness. We have secretly informed many governments now being pressured by the banking institutions of your world to be patient and to not give in to the growing coercion emanating from the dark cabal. These strong-arm tactics will shortly cease as the new hard currency system is revealed. In addition we have set aside some currency resources to transform your debt into prosperity. It is vital that N.E.S.A.R.A. be announced in America and implemented globally. We have instructed those who are to be governmental caretakers to follow its various guidelines.”


  • We are using our resources to keep the cabal at bay, but nevertheless it persists in pursuing a number of courses whose aim is to destabilize the efforts of our allies…
  • Peace is to become the basis for the new financial system and for disclosure. The purpose of our formal arrival is to be able to openly interact with your governments and with you.
  • You are about to enter a transitional period in which you begin to accept the fundamental truths of your history, your origins, and your glorious future in full consciousness.
  • These various operations are only half of what we need to do here. Another part is preparing you fully for your integration into the Galactic Federation of Light.
  • What is about to happen is the reunion of your surface and Inner Earth peoples, and this will permit your solar system to return to its former pristine condition…
  • We have watched you grow swiftly in awareness and strength over the last two decades. It is no easy matter to overcome a force that has ruled you so implacably for so long.
  • The divine time has come to move this surface world through its transitional phase toward a realm of peace, Love, and prosperity.
  • The programs to push in the new financial system are progressing globally. Our associates are ready to expand the way in which the elements of this new system are openly introduced to you.
  • Those in charge of the global depositories of precious metals are readying the programs that back the new financial system.
  • The intent is to move from the present state of egregious want to a true spiritual and physical abundance, as this is an important step on your spiritual journey.
  • …it has been suggested that a special series of events precede this new epoch for humanity; these have been agreed to and so a catalogue of these events has been drawn up. We have also advised our associates to carry out the changes in a gentle and specific manner.


Sheldan Nidle Update 9-4-12
11 Cimi, 14 Zip, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We return! Your world continues to be caught in the conflict between the dark cabal and our earthly forces. We are using our resources to keep the cabal at bay, but nevertheless it persists in pursuing a number of courses whose aim is to destabilize the efforts of our allies or to cause another full-scale war. For example, it has further inflamed the Middle East and created situations that once would have led to serious diplomatic interactions. At the core of this stands the US government and its special interest ‘friends.’ We have sent diplomatic liaisons to the Middle East and have convened a series of meetings with the US government to emphasize our no-war policy. In the same vein we are underwriting our meetings with the regional powers in the Middle East and these will set basic policy for resolving the Syrian crisis. We intend to begin to resolve this situation by sorting out the current problems and we are also monitoring the Iran difficulties. As the new governance is set to start shortly, we wish to firmly establish the parameters for a new era of peace.

Peace is to become the basis for the new financial system and for disclosure. The purpose of our formal arrival is to be able to openly interact with your governments and with you. A series of announcements will inform you about the necessity for the change-over from a world ruled by the dark cabal to one that is free from the encumbrances that lead to war, hate, divisions, and an economy based on debt and scarcity. You are about to enter a transitional period in which you begin to accept the fundamental truths of your history, your origins, and your glorious future in full consciousness. We come as heavenly agents of this transformation. Our first contact with you will move you onto a path which can literally morph you into full consciousness. To this end, we needed to come together with your Agarthan neighbors to devise a way of achieving our lofty goals. This means that we first need to operate as main players behind the scenes, and then as open partners with you in a massive recasting of your global society.

These various operations are only half of what we need to do here. Another part is preparing you fully for your integration into the Galactic Federation of Light. Presently the Agarthans are the sole representatives for this solar system on our Main Federation Council – a role they have held since this solar system was added to our membership some 50,000 years ago. The rise of Atlantis and its subsequent destruction clouded the nature of this membership. What is about to happen is the reunion of your surface and Inner Earth peoples, and this will permit your solar system to return to its former pristine condition as well as create the instrument for returning your star-nation to its former glory. This rebuilt star-nation has a special series of tasks assigned to it by Heaven. You, as a people, have the capability to ‘lock down’ galactic peace and provide a beautiful locale for our ongoing conferences with our many intergalactic neighbors. Many of our distant friends have travelled from other galaxies to witness your return to full consciousness.

What you are doing is most unusual. We have watched you grow swiftly in awareness and strength over the last two decades. It is no easy matter to overcome a force that has ruled you so implacably for so long. We salute your courage and determination and now your accrued wisdom has delivered you to the point of huge success! It is now our turn to use our expertise and technology to complete what you so nearly accomplished on your own. Heaven understands clearly what arrogant fools your masters, the dark cabal, truly are. It has taken a doggedly earned respect and proven technological superiority to sway these obstinate ones, and these assets we have had to use in abundance when necessary. Our Earth allies now rely fully on us to finish what they so bravely started. We intend to use a number of techniques to compel the dark cabal’s formal surrender. The divine time has come to move this surface world through its transitional phase toward a realm of peace, Love, and prosperity.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters and we come with more good news! The programs to push in the new financial system are progressing globally. Our associates are ready to expand the way in which the elements of this new system are openly introduced to you. These programs involve instituting a system of prosperity and debt forgiveness. We have secretly informed many governments now being pressured by the banking institutions of your world to be patient and to not give in to the growing coercion emanating from the dark cabal. These strong-arm tactics will shortly cease as the new hard currency system is revealed. In addition we have set aside some currency resources to transform your debt into prosperity. It is vital that N.E.S.A.R.A. be announced in America and implemented globally. We have instructed those who are to be governmental caretakers to follow its various guidelines.

Those in charge of the global depositories of precious metals are readying the programs that back the new financial system. This system consists of several regional currencies which will serve as the ‘main exchange mediums.’ As they circulate, these primary currencies will become the stabilizing instruments that will ensure an end to the massive inflation which characterizes your current system and which has plagued your societies for so long. Bear in mind that this coming financial system is intended to be a transitional link to a moneyless society and to the rise of indelible and permanent prosperity, as our space family is to provide us with the technology to feed, clothe, and house the entire planetary populace. The intent is to move from the present state of egregious want to a true spiritual and physical abundance, as this is an important step on your spiritual journey.

Our blessed Ones in Heaven are also setting the global stage for a series of announcements which will be made once the new governance is in place. Heaven wishes everyone to be in a state of joy and at peace with the new circumstances that are to manifest on your globe because these profound transformations will have the potential to be shocking for many. With this in mind it has been suggested that a special series of events precede this new epoch for humanity; these have been agreed to and so a catalogue of these events has been drawn up. We have also advised our associates to carry out the changes in a gentle and specific manner. This scenario is now being put into effect and we expect these announcements shortly to become widely known to you.

Today we gave you more details about what is preparing to burst forth before your eyes. We are all committed to first contact and to those events preceding it. The ending of this Gregorian year is merely the start of the events that are to bring you to full consciousness. The time for your new reality has arrived! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/19/2012 10:22:32 PM

Messengers of the Most High

Posted by Steve Beckow

The spirit guide “Imperator,” who spoke through pioneering spiritualist Rev. Stainton Moses in the 1870s, and was later revealed to be the prophet Malachi, once said:

“We desire to show you that God Himself is the center of influence, and that His influence, flowing through intermediary agencies, permeates humanity; and those influences (angelic, you call them) influence mankind.

“We wish to show you how the angelic influence surrounding the center of light diffuses itself round those it is able to reach; and how the Spirit of the Most High, traversing those channels, reaches all who are able to receive it.” (1)

The word angelos in Greek means messenger. Angels have many functions in their interaction with humans, as we can see and hear in the weekly talks that Archangel Michael gives us. They create planets and stars. They direct human destiny and mentor nations. They give law and scripture to humans (the Koran, the Bible). They announce messiahs, minister to saints, and test the worthy. They bring God’s light to humans by way of enlightenment.

A remarkable number of them have incarnated in this most important of lifetimes. Within the last week or two I have heard two accounts of people having seen Archangel Michael. One described him as as big as a house. The other said he appeared to her as eight or nine feet tall, with wings the color of a peacock, irridescent at the ends, and a voice like James Earl Jones but without the raspiness. My understanding is that he can appear in any size or shape that he wishes.

And he can appear in a million places at once, as he confided to us once on An Hour with an Angel:

“I have the capacity—we all do; and when I say we all do, I mean the mighty ones, the archangels—we have the capacity to bring the fullness of our energy to many, many, many, and yes, if you wish, millions—millions!—of places simultaneously. It is not bilocation. It is not multilocation. It is the ability to be present fully and completely where we are called, where we are required, where we wish to be. Because I am always connected also infinitely to the heart of One, and I am always infinitely in this moment with you, on the radio, fully connected to you.” (2)

On a recent Hour with an Angel he told Geoffrey that he need not be anywhere near this planet to know what is going on here.

Two friends experienced his prankishness. In one instance, he entered a man who passed by a friend on a city street and made his host run a circle around her while dancing backwards. His action definitely caught her attention. After the man was gone, she was filled with contentment for days. In another case, another friend was hugged by an old man on the street who was brimming with glee and Michael later acknowledged to both of them through a channel that it was him.

I also came out of my apartment perhaps a year ago to encounter a young man who stopped in front of our door. I didn’t recognize him and he just stood there looking towards the door without making a motion to go in, which is an unsual thing for a person to do. I crossed the street to our car and, suspicious, looked behind me only to find he was gone. I asked my wife to drive around the block and we couldn’t see him anywhere. Later I asked Archangel Michael in a personal reading if that was him and he acknowledged it was. He gives these glimpses, he says, just to raise our energy or inspire us.

Just as Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and others are here with us today and taking a leading part in events of the end times, so they take a leading role on the spirit planes. Imperator reported being at a council with them, while planning out these tumultuous end-of-cycle events.

“We have but now returned from a great council of the angels and spirits of the blessed, wherein we have taken counsel and offered up solemn adoration to the Supreme. With one accord our voices swelled in an anthem of praise, and so we received the efflux of divine aid which shall support us in the conflict.” (3)

People ascend on the spirit planes as we will do in December. And when they do, sometimes they’re escorted by angels. For instance, Frances Banks tells of the ascent of a young evolved spirit named Jeannie, who was escorted by an angel from the Astral to a higher plane. At first the angel simply visited Jeannie.

“’The Angel … came when I was resting. … You know, I think He was my Angel. I seemed to have known Him before.’” (4)

Then he came again and took her to a higher plane.

“[Jeannie] left us very quietly. One moment she was there, laughing, dancing, chattering amongst us all. Then we became aware of a Being standing beyond the shade of the trees; a Man of Light, tall, graceful with the beautiful limbs of a dancer. He stood in the Light and he held out his hand.

“’Come, Jeannie,’ he said. She ran to him immediately. Then she turned. Her little face was transfigured with joy.

“’It’s the Messenger,’ she cried. ‘Isn’t it wonderful! Wonderful.’

“She waved to us all. ‘Thank you for what you have done for me. Thank you for helping me get well. Now I shall really dance. You will come to the beautiful Place to see me sometime, won’t you? Won’t you?’ She put her hand with perfect trust into the hand of the Messenger. ‘Goodbye.’

“’Farewell for a space,’ we called back.

“Together the two walked down the long sunlit slopes and the Light of the Messenger seemed even brighter than the Light shimmering over our gardens. Then they were gone … and I, for one, felt that we had given back a ray of sunshine to the Great Creative Sun.” (5)

On the spirit planes, Lord Dowding said, “occasionally some great angel may descend for a special purpose,” (6) just as they do here, now. Archangel Michael speaks to us not only through many channels like Linda Dillon, Ronna Herman, Celia Fenn, Ron Head and many others, but also counsels us weekly on radio shows like An Hour with an Angel and Heavenly Blessings. In this he is serving what he often calls the Divine Mother’s Plan. (7)

As Frances Banks tells us, even the angels evolve, going from Angels on up through nine orders to Seraphim.

“Angels, of course, there are: great Beings of Light who do the Will of the Divine Creator and who carry and transmit Power and Beauty and Light. But they too are in the process of progress, advancement towards their own great Centres. All is order, advancement, progress. And all is unity. Life cells within Life cells, centres within Centres, Groups within Groups, into the very Heart of Divinity.” (8)

That having been said, Archangel Michael has said that angels never think in terms of a hierarchy.

“Within your realm of understanding, and in many of our attempts to speak to the human race throughout time and space, we have talked about differences, or orders, or what you would think of as classifications of the angelic realm. Now, I want to say, before we even begin to address that, that we do not ever consider this a hierarchy. If we are ridding the human collective of one addiction, it is the addiction to think in terms of hierarchy rather than a spiral or a circle.” (9)

There is so much to be said about angels that I don’t think I can stop here. Hopefully I’ll have time to say a lot more because they serve us and the other kingdoms that share the Earth, the galaxy and the universe in so many ways because I never tire of studying them and … well, singing their praise.


(1) Spirit leader Imperator in Rev. Stainton Moses, More Spirit Teachings. Trance Teachings.Electronically published by , n.p.

(2) “Archangels Michael and Gabriel on the Angelic Realm: Hour with an Angel Transcript, March 26, 2012,” at

(3) Spirit leader Imperator in Rev. Stainton Moses, More Spirit Teachings. Spirit Writings. Electronically published by , n.p.

(4) Frances Banks, Helen Graves, Testimony of Light. London: Churches Fellowship for Psychical & Spiritual Studies, 1975; c1969, 95. [Hereafter TOL.]

(5) Frances Banks, TOL, 95-6.

(6) Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding, Many Mansions. (London, etc.: Rider and Co., n.d., 59.

(7) When God is formless, many religions think of the One as the Father; when God enters the world of form, many religions address the One as the Mother.

(8) Frances Banks, TOL, 118.

(9) “Archangels Michael and Gabriel on the Angelic Realm: Hour with an Angel Transcript, March 26, 2012,” at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/19/2012 10:25:54 PM
More on David Adair and the mystery of his video here (also go here)

David Adair: Boy Genius and Revolutionary Teenage Rocket Scientist

Posted by Steve Beckow

I see that Fred Burks is sending around a David Adair video and suggesting people may want to have a look at it. David is a genius who designed rockets when he was just a teenager. The military wanted his rockets so bad they flew him to Area 51 and showed him ET engines they had there (which were living entities). The men in black could not figure how to make them work.

Adair’s home-built rockets could go faster than anything the States or Russia had at the time. But David took brave steps to see that they never fell into the hands of the MIB.

One day he wrote up a hugely complex formula and gave it to a professor, only to have Stephen Hawking arrive later and demand to know why David was stealing his equations. David said they weren’t stolen, but that he gets them in dreams. Stephen Hawking had to admit that that was the same way he gets his.

Fred’s Youtube link was non-responsive so perhaps I can post one series of David’s videos. There are many more. Definitely a good show.

More parts on Youtube.

I went to view a second, new video on David: UFOTV: David Adair at Area 51 and it returned the same error as with Fred’s so that must be the video he wanted us to watch. Evidently someone else does not want us to watch it.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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