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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/17/2012 3:44:22 PM
Some people won't see this a good news but yes, it is good news

Shell: Won't hit oil in Alaska this year

AMSTERDAM (AP) — Royal Dutch Shell PLC said Monday it will no longer seek oil off the coast of Alaska this year after suffering several setbacks.

The company, which has so far spent around $4.5 billion to obtain licenses and prepare forexploratory drilling in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, said it is scaling back ambitions until next summer after one of its containment systems failed during a test. Earlier, the company delayed drilling due to ice floe movements.

The company said that in the time remaining this season it plans to drill shallow "top holes" for wells that may be further pursued in coming years.

To obtain approval to drill, Shell fought a long struggle against environmental groups, who say seeking oil in the icy waters is too risky. In a statement Monday, Greenpeace claimed "vindication" and called Shell's program a "monumentally reckless gamble."

"Investors must now be asking whether investing such vast sums of money trying to exploit the fragile Arctic is really worth it," said Ben Ayliffe, head of Greenpeace's campaign to stop Shell.

Shell said its decision is evidence of how carefully it is proceeding.

"This exploration program remains critically important to America's energy needs, to the economy and jobs in Alaska, and to Shell," a statement published by the company said.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/17/2012 3:46:38 PM

More good news here

Japan Pulls The Plug On Nuclear Power

Sometimes, it takes a disaster to open people’s eyes. For Japan, it took and earthquake, tsunami and continuous nuclear fallout. The Japanese government announced Friday that it intends to stop using nuclear power by the 2030s. Many say this dramatic shift is the result of public concerns about safety following the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, which experts have called the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl.

Since the Fukushima fallout, the effects of the radiation leak have been widespread and varied, from mutant butterflies to tests that suggest Japanese youth are already showing signs of internal radiation exposure. Immediately following the disaster, Japanese officials ordered inspections of all nuclear reactors, and started to look more seriously at solar and geothermal energy.

Now, it appears that the current administration, which has lost favor with the constituency, is ready to pull the plug completely. To make up for the lost power, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, intends to triple the share of renewable power to 30 percent of Japan’s energy mix. However, a policy statement admits that the country will remain a top importer of oil, coal and gas for the foreseeable future.

It may just be political posturing, a way to engender goodwill and votes among an electorate that’s more enthusiastic about renewable energy, but in this case, the end may justify the means. Still, if Noda fails to get re-elected, there’s fear that the plan to phase out nuclear may be reversed. Critics say taking all nuclear power plants off line will lead to painful increases in the cost of electricity.

According to Reuters, all but two of Japan’s nuclear 50 reactors are idled for safety checks and the government plans to allow restarts of units taken off line after the disaster if they are deemed safe by a new atomic regulator. The move follows suit with Germany which last year announced a plan to shut down all of its nuclear power plants by 2022.

Related Reading:

Fukushima Radiation Reaches U.S. In Bluefin Tuna

Earless Rabbit A Sign Of Fukushima Damage? [Video]

Japan Shuts Down Nuclear Power On Children’s Day

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/17/2012 3:54:15 PM

Occupy protesters attempt to ‘shut down’ Wall Street on anniversary

Protesters march on the Occupy Wall Street anniversary in New York. (Liz Goodwin/Yahoo!)

Hundreds of protesters gathered in lower Manhattan on Monday to mark the first anniversary ofOccupy Wall Street, the amorphous, anti-corporate greed movement that began in New York and spread to dozens of cities last year.

Activists vowed to "shut down" Wall Street, with plans to create a human wall and block the entrance to the New York Stock Exchange. Hundreds of New York police officers were assembled early Monday in anticipation of the protests.

Dozens of officers, some on horseback, blocked off the entrance to Wall Street to prevent protesters from carrying out their stated mission. At 10:00 a.m., a bus full of arrested protesters were carted off by the NYPD, all of them arrested earlier Monday morning. A double-decker bus of sightseers followed closely behind.

Matt Tucker, a protester from Cincinnati, told Yahoo News that the Occupy movement has found buildings where protesters can sleep, since Zuccotti Park—once ground zero of the Occupy movement—is no longer an option. Others slept in front of Trinity Church and Chase Bank over the weekend as part of their protest.

[Slideshow: Occupy Wall Street: One year later]

According to the New York Times' City Room blog, about 200 protesters were gathered in Zuccotti at 7 a.m. A half hour later, approximately 400 protesters arrived at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Water Street:

The police were also visible in large numbers throughout the area. Just after 7 a.m. four officers on scooters followed four bicyclists dressed as polar bears—to symbolize rising water tables resulting from global warming, they said—on their way to an assembly spot outside the Lower Manhattan ferry terminal.

Police also set up checkpoints, checking IDs of Wall Street employees heading to work.

Some protesters used markers to write a telephone number for legal help on their arms should anyone arrested need it, the City Room blog noted. And there were numerous reports of arrests.According to the Daily News, several protesters were arrested near Trinity Church.

A small band of demonstrators outside the church performed in a drum line. One held a sign that read: "Sorry, Wall Street is Closed Today for Deconstruction."

Some Occupiers played drums and marched around behind barricades, even as they were blocked from entering Wall Street. Another splinter group of Occupy protesters performed a mic check in the lobby of the J.P. Morgan Chase building.

The anniversary demonstrations began on Sunday with a concert in Foley Square featuring Rage Against the Machine guitarist Tom Morello.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/17/2012 4:07:23 PM
More on the Keshe Technology here. This is so exciting

Keshe Foundation…”Start of the transfer of technology to the world scientists”, October 10-17, 2012 in Sierra Leone

This has been going around several sites. I could not find this announcement on the Keshe Foundation website, but LadyDragon emailed me about it and has this article on her website. I later found it at Jean Haines blog.

This is the start of something very BIG. This technology is being GIVEN FREELY to the world. I believe it was either Tom Bearden or Steven Greer that said the best way to ensure a technology was kept free of interference from “dark” types, was to give it away. That’s what Keshe Foundation is doing, it appears. It will transform this planet, quickly (along with, I’m sure, many other technologies that are “releasing” during this time period).

Below is a short video describing the principles and applications of the Keshe technology.


Start of the transfer of technology to the world scientists.

Following the success of the 21.4.2012 and 6.9.2012 ambassadorial presentations of the technology at the Keshe Foundation centre in Belgium, the Keshe Foundation is proud to announce the presentation of the first series of its international lectures for transfer of technology to the world scientists.

To this effect we have been invited and we have accepted to give the first series of lectures in spaceship technology and its application and implications in the university of Freetown in Sierra Leone starting from 12.10.2012 to 17.10.2012.

If you are near to this location and other countries in Africa, please contact the embassy of Sierra Leone in your country for you to be present in these first lectures and transfer of technology to the world scientists.

As we promised, we take our technology to people of the world through the support of their governments and through our ambassadorial invitations program and we are fulfilling our promise and we are implementing the goal of the Keshe Foundation to unite the scientists of the world in knowledge and peace in harmony through our spaceship program.

We would like to thank the ambassador of the Sierra Leone in Belgium Dr. C. S. Kargbo and the officials of the government of the Sierra Leone for inviting the Keshe Foundation for the presentation of the Keshe technologies in their universities and for their openness in accepting and organising the first international teaching conference in the continent of Africa.

As we promised, the continent of Africa will have its own spaceship program as it is planed for by the Foundation and now we are here to deliver our promise.

M T Keshe
The founder and caretaker of the Keshe Foundation

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/17/2012 4:33:10 PM

Well, Surprise, Surprise, here is… SaLuSa 9-17-12…”You will very easily take to becoming a Galactic Being”

Thanks to Nimueh who emailed this message to me! Lo and behold, as they say, Mike’s computer must be alive and working well enough to get out a new SaLuSa. I do not have a link for this, as apparently it was sent to some via email. Nimueh was kind enough to email to me. I’ve also passed it on to others.

Now I’ve **’d one of the Highlights below (and there’s a lot of them). And that is because it gives some indication why many of us feel, and have felt, the urge, the prodding, or the draw, to go out all around, over, and under, and above, the planet to “do stuff”. That means ceremonies, sacred missions, setting up “pylons” and energetic pathways, establishing grid points, portals, widening and expanding vortexes. This may be right at where we reside, or it may mean flying here and there all around the world to do what we “sense” needs to be done… and can be done ONLY by us.

That’s Light “Work”. It’s not really “work”. It’s “Light work”. And it can take you to places you never believed you’d ever go.


  • Within the cycle of duality you have had many lives… Those bringing Light to the Earth had the challenge of grounding it, and helping bring some balance between it and the dark energies.
  • However, those higher Beings in control of the plan for Man, had other ideas and gradually turned the tide so that the Light made progress. It was not until more recent times that it started to become more evident and gained influence.
  • ** …the Light was beginning to empower those who came to Earth to bring about much needed changes. In the midst of chaos and disaster it started to re-create the grids of Light around the Earth, They have since become powerful points of Light that radiate out around it.
  • Looking back eons of time it was known that this time would signal the end of the cycle of duality.
  • …you are on the verge of a great upliftment that has been achieved through hard work and dedication to Light and Love.
  • Life is about learning lessons through your chosen experiences, knowing that you would be using them by serving the Light.
  • …Ascension means a separation at the physical level, so that each soul can continue on its present path. Some are already in an expanded state of consciousness and on their desired path for Ascension, whilst others have not entertained the thought…
  • God has created an infinite number of Universes, and you can choose to start an entirely new experience if you so desire. The future that awaits you is full of wonder and excitement…
  • Life on Earth bears little if any resemblance to what you are about to move into, but you will very easily take to becoming a Galactic Being.
  • The best way is to keep focussed upon all that is of the Light, and keeping Ascension in your sights is one way to do it.
  • So many people are still carrying baggage that needs to be dealt with, and will keep coming back to them until it is cleared.
  • Talk to that “other” person that keeps reminding you of such things and be firm, and tell it to be gone as it does not interest you anymore.
  • Many of you now stand tall and know you have achieved it, and your place in the ascended realms is assured.
  • Many more of you will find such advancement in the weeks that are left, as an endless supply of Light continues to be beamed to Earth.


SaLuSa 17th-September-2012

Within the cycle of duality you have had many lives, and when you look back you will probably find that they been some of the most testing and difficult you have had. The reason is that you have gone through some of the lowest vibrations that you have ever experienced. It has meant that you felt more separated from the Source than any previous lives, and have lived largely through the instinct of survival. Those bringing Light to the Earth had the challenge of grounding it, and helping bring some balance between it and the dark energies. At times the depths of darkness were reached, and Man looked to have lost any hope of recovery.

However, those higher Beings in control of the plan for Man, had other ideas and gradually turned the tide so that the Light made progress. It was not until more recent times that it started to become more evident and gained influence. In spite of the continual warring between countries, the Light was beginning to empower those who came to Earth to bring about much needed changes. In the midst of chaos and disaster it started to re-create the grids of Light around the Earth, They have since become powerful points of Light that radiate out around it. The result is that Light groups have formed that have been able to enlighten the people to the truth, and today you stand at the doorway to full enlightenment.

Looking back eons of time it was known that this time would signal the end of the cycle of duality. It was a promise that was made from the very earliest times when you first started to incarnate, and why you have always known intuitively that it would be so. Some past civilizations have destroyed themselves almost without trace, and you who are on Earth today are one and the same souls. You were determined to ensure that the end times would result in your Ascension, and not destruction. Here you are on the verge of a great upliftment that has been achieved through hard work and dedication to Light and Love. You have gained vast experience which you can use to help others, who are faced with similar challenges to what you have experienced.

Life is about learning lessons through your chosen experiences, knowing that you would be using them by serving the Light. The object is to bring souls together, so that they may once again become part of the Oneness that all are part of. However, Ascension means a separation at the physical level, so that each soul can continue on its present path. Some are already in an expanded state of consciousness and on their desired path for Ascension, whilst others have not entertained the thought because they are not finished with duality. It is a freewill choice that you have all made, and must therefore allow others to proceed accordingly. No one is really left behind, and they will greatly benefit from their experiences so far.

Evolution never ends until you finally return to the Source, and even then new cycles of experience are introduced. That is not however in your immediate sight, and you have a long way to go before you reach it. God has created an infinite number of Universes, and you can choose to start an entirely new experience if you so desire. The future that awaits you is full of wonder and excitement, and you will find never ending expressions of the Light and its magical powers to create. Life on Earth bears little if any resemblance to what you are about to move into, but you will very easily take to becoming a Galactic Being. You are about to return to your true home amongst the stars. and re-unite with your true families. Your Earth experiences are but an excursion from your place in the higher dimensions, to which you are returning very shortly.

As we often inform you, there is so much coming your way that will lift you up to great heights. Once ascended, unless for some reason you choose to spend time in the new 3rd dimension prepared for those who do not ascend, you will never have to return to it. You have all but finished with the lower vibrations, and many souls are able to protect themselves against the lower energies. You only need to place a band of white light around you as your defence. Having done so you will need to avoid expressing any negative tones in speech, as these are likely to break up your protection and make you vulnerable to them. The best way is to keep focussed upon all that is of the Light, and keeping Ascension in your sights is one way to do it.

So many people are still carrying baggage that needs to be dealt with, and will keep coming back to them until it is cleared. It will come at you in the way of challenging thoughts when in fact you now know that you are beyond what they are inciting you to do. Talk to that “other” person that keeps reminding you of such things and be firm, and tell it to be gone as it does not interest you anymore. You are being tempted to see if you have overcome whatever the problem is, and if you reject it often enough it will disappear. Some of you have much karma to clear, and it is why you are busy carrying out your cleansing. It can of course involve others and often you can work together to deal with whatever it is. Previous relationships often bring people together again for the very purpose of helping each other achieve it.

Understand that you agreed to do the hard work getting yourself ready for Ascension, but you are never without help. Indeed every soul has its helpers, even those who indulge in the lower energies. Each soul is still of the Light and never deserted, as all have the capability to work their way back to it. Remember that the only reason you are experiencing both the Light and the dark, is because you are in duality and have sought to understand how the two can help your evolution. Naturally the final goal is to be able to overcome the dark energies by rising above them. Many of you now stand tall and know you have achieved it, and your place in the ascended realms is assured.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I feel our levels of consciousness becoming more in harmony, as you seek the truth and expand your own levels. Many more of you will find such advancement in the weeks that are left, as an endless supply of Light continues to be beamed to Earth. With the coming input from the alignment of your Sun and the Great Central Sun, you will experience a substantial rise of Light and be aware of it.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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