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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/16/2012 1:16:42 AM
Finally, there is this fascinating video that describes the very same process involving the cabal defeat by the Light forces

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/16/2012 6:03:34 PM

Saul: Heaven is The Destination Towards Which All Are Heading

Posted by Anthony Morrison

Saul: Heaven is The Destination Towards Which All Are Heading

As channeled by John Smallman – September 16, 2012

The moment for humanity’s mass awakening draws ever closer. The divine Love field enveloping the planet is continuing to intensify and strengthen as more and more of you open to it and allow it to change your perspective on life and its meaning.

The flame of love that is eternally alight within each one of you is growing and spreading its influence ever further afield as you empower it with your intent to release all that is unloving within you and offer only love, whatever the situation may be in which you find yourself.

This spiritual evolution, in which you are all so intimately involved, is a magnificent creative venture whose purpose is to wash away once and for all the pain and suffering that you have been experiencing and which makes the illusion seem so real to you.

Even the mainstream media is helping here, because the sight of suffering, however caused, projected visually and audibly into your homes does lead to a rise in compassion. Before the times of radio, television, and easy travel it was very difficult to share or promulgate the stark facts of human suffering to a world where people lived, as it were, cocooned and isolated in their own small communities.

A few made a point of being informed on these matters and did their best to help those in need, but the effects of their efforts were very limited.

With all your new technologies and mass education, it is now impossible to remain unaware of the appalling conditions in which so many are attempting to live and raise their families. And this rising awareness, over the last one hundred and fifty years or so, has brought the energy of enormous loving intent to bear on these issues.

Sometimes it has been misguided, but for the most part great strides have been made in arousing people to join together in groups to provide assistance and constructive ideas to help those most in need. This desire and fierce intent to help the less fortunate has been growing exponentially in the last few decades and has now become self-sustaining.

A planetary shift has taken place and the wish and the intent to relieve suffering wherever it occurs has become normal. Many have difficulty in understanding that this is a new way of thought and behavior, because life spans and memories within the illusion are short.

But this shift in attitudes has been leading you back towards Reality, towards awakening, and encouraging the seeds of hope for a far, far better way of living to germinate, grow, and now flourish. There will be no turning back from this far more friendly and loving way of living, and the consequentially far more appropriate ways of resolving whatever issues arise to be dealt with.

This is apparent in so many areas as people make important decisions to alter structures to enable creative ideas and solutions to develop where, before, basically inflexible systems just maintained the status quo, or even moved backwards by rescinding actions that had been helpful and progressive in attempts to reestablish and reinforce the suppression of the many by the few.

The endemic fear that has enveloped humanity for eons was the ongoing cause of all of this, and this fear is now being dissolved as Love sweeps across the planet embracing all in Its path. It is irresistible.

Nevertheless, some are attempting to resist and reverse the flow, but it is like trying to make water flow uphill, and those who are rather inadvisedly choosing to swim against the current of loving cooperation that is growing and swelling with exhilarating enthusiasm will be swept away and subsumed into the field of Love.

Or, if they are totally resistant to these divine energies and refuse to accept the loving embrace that is being offered to them, they will float away freely into an environment that better suits their level of spiritual evolvement.

Everyone is evolving spiritually; no one is immune to the evolutionary spiritual energies that are constantly encouraging you to move forwards; but, as with children, no two progress at the same rate, and so an alternate environment is available for those who find the present pace too fast or even alarming.

And they will find that it suits them admirably because no sign of change will be noticeable until they are ready and willing to engage with it.

Despair and hopelessness are useless and very painful distractions that have been developed in the illusion over the eons to feed apathy and numbness, and which have allowed some to control and suppress others.

However, those debilitating sensations will be far weaker in the alternate environment in which the “refuseniks” are contained because they too have made positive spiritual progress, even though it is not yet enough to persuade them reject the illusion, and to leave them with the intensely crushing experience that those sensations can cause would be extremely unloving.

God takes care of His own and all are His own, so even those who choose to remain asleep, when all around are waking up, will find their new environment somewhat less threatening. As they begin to understand what unspeakable horrors their egoic agendas have engendered and the suffering they have caused, it would be unconscionable to allow them to experience to the full the power of despair and hopelessness that was originally developed in the illusion because they would be unable to move through it. God would not have allowed the illusion to contain an “eternity trap” — effectively a hell.

As you have been informed countless times, the infinite Love in which God sustains and nourishes His creation ensures that no one will ever be barred from it or rejected by Him. All are His children, priceless treasures within His Heart, to be cherished and honored for all eternity.

And all who are fully awake, like God Himself, have only Love to share. Consequently, no one will hold resentment in their hearts because they think that those who caused unconscionable suffering to so many are getting off too lightly. That idea is part of the illusion and just cannot exist in Reality.

Heaven is the destination towards which all are heading, and all will arrive there. That is God’s incontestable Will.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/16/2012 6:06:11 PM

Jesus: When You Awaken, the Activities in Which You Can Take Part Will Be Limitless

Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: When You Awaken, the Activities in Which You Can Take Part Will Be Limitless

As Channelled by John Smallman – September 16, 2012

Enthusiasm and excitement are powerful motivators. So as you look forward to awakening, elicit those feelings to strengthen and empower your intent to do so.

You are powerful beings, and you are on Earth to engage with your power and use it to bring in a completely new manner of communicating, a new way of relating to one another, a new mode of living that is always accepting and honoring of others, and respectful of the differing ideas that you present to one another for discussion.

It is through ideas that new creative ventures can be envisioned and embarked upon. When you awaken, the prospects available, the directions in which you can move, the activities in which you can take part will be limitless. Anything you can think of you will be able to bring forth and develop – a poem, a symphony, a universe – and the joy of doing so will cause you unalloyed satisfaction.

Your Father’s Will for you is eternal joy, satisfaction, and happiness, and His Will is always accomplished, so your future, at one with Him, will be glorious, brilliant, and utterly fulfilling.

For eons, deep within yourselves, beneath the level of consciousness on which you normally operate as humans, you have been longing to return to your divine state. Every thought, every word, every activity that has engaged your attention has been directed towards accomplishing that, even though you were mostly unaware of this hidden internal drive whose only purpose was to restore you to the pristine state in which you were created. A state which in truth you have never left.

That purpose, the true purpose of human existence, has had you striving long and hard, seeking for something far, far better to live for, something that made sense in a world where very little seemed truly deserving of your undivided attention. And so you have judged, condemned, deceived, and competed for the esteem and recognition of your fellowman that you felt should be your due, and by doing so you have diluted and impoverished those benign and unimpeachable aspects of yourselves. You are perfect beings created by God, who recognizes you as His beloved children and holds you in the highest esteem.

However, when you built a separate illusory environment and moved into it you lost sight of God and temporarily lost the knowledge of your divine perfection. Without it you felt alone, abandoned, threatened, inadequate, and so you attempted to replace your lost sense of identity – your true oneness with your Father – with a fictitious, insubstantial, and fanciful one that constantly demanded upgrading and improvement each time its inadequacies jeopardized the image that you used to present yourselves to the world as persons of value and importance.

But these deceits, these false selves that you have been endeavoring to maintain and display have created a maelstrom, an enormous energy drain which costs you very dearly, and they provide neither the stability nor the security that you hoped they would. You thus have to spend inordinate amounts of time engaged in diversionary tactics so that no one will have the opportunity to see through your mask to the worthless and frightened individual that each of you fear is hiding behind it. But as you frequently see through the masks of others, you know in your hearts that these disguises are unequal to the tasks for which they are intended, and so you live in a constant state of anxiety.

This need not be. Release the masks that you have made for yourselves; dispose of them permanently. Be yourselves – unsure, uncertain, and unsettled as you are — and share those feelings openly. Some may judge you foolish, and that is of no consequence; others will praise your courage, but the end result will be that your fears will dissolve as you come to realize that being yourselves is comfortable and undemanding, and you will rediscover the knowledge that you are beings of profound and imperishable value.

This honesty and integrity of spirit will provide you with renewed energy and enable you to be far more aware of others, feel compassion for them, and assist them when they seek your help. You will then find that you are no longer plagued by worries about what others may think of you because you are now at peace with yourselves as you live lovingly and generously, sharing yourselves and the love with which you are most abundantly suffused, freely and indiscriminately for the upliftment and inspiration of all with whom you interact.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/16/2012 6:09:52 PM

Much Ado About NESARA: An Update

Posted by Steve Beckow

Original Banner for the Galactic Roundtable discussion group, 2009

NESARA is ready for introduction, apparently, and is just awaiting the right moment. At the same time, lower-level members of the cabal, not in containment, are causing as much mayhem as they can and their latest wrench in the works – an anti-Muslim movie – has caused a short interruption. But we’re told matters will soon be back on track.

Perhaps you’re aware, as I’ve been, that it’s been very, very quiet recently, aside from the outbreak of violence in the Middle East. This may have been because we were on the verge of NESARA’s introduction.

Let’s review what has been said about NESARA recently. Obviously, the people readying NESARA are not hanging signs out of their windows. But we’ve been given hints.

For instance, on Sept. 6, 2012, St. Germain delivered a message in poetry through Valerie Donner, which in essence said that the cabal was finished and NESARA was right in front of our eyes:

“Can’t you see their faces? We washed all the dirty laundry, and we still have a few more things to do to improve their places.

“I’m telling you now that the whole of it is right in front of us.” (1)

On Sept. 10, on An Hour with an Angel, I asked Sanat Kumara, who is the Planetary Logos, if NESARA would be announced on Sept. 11, 2012.

SB: NESARA was due to be announced on September 11th, 2001. Now, to my way of thinking, if I were a member of the highest universal council, I would choose September 11th, 2012 to announce NESARA. Is there any possibility that NESARA will be announced tomorrow?

SK: There is always a possibility of that, and you know it to be true. (2)

On Sept. 14, in a personal reading, Archangel Michael revealed that in fact NESARA “was intended to begin, as you have guessed, on 9/11. And there has been disruption, as you know. There has been disruption with the bombings in the Middle East [the embassy attacks]. So it is a brief interruption, not a long interruption.”

I asked him how people could be in containment and still act out and he revealed that the disruption is coming from low levels of people not in containment.

“The disruption is twofold. One, it is those who have not [been put in containment] and we are talking rather low levels, actually, so do not look for massive conspiracies. Although we do know that there are some, even as they were not in containment, who would love to take advantage of such chaos. But what it is doing is bringing to the forefront the collective choice to say, ‘No more.’” (3)

Among our sources, SaLuSa most often reports on matters like NESARA. What does he have to say about it?

SaLuSa acknowledges the tediousness of waiting and the activity behind the scenes.

“We know that waiting for significant events that you expect any day now can be tedious, but you will have your day of satisfaction and excitement. You can after all see evidence around you of the changes, and even more is going on that is not apparent.” (4)

SaLuSa said on Sept. 14 that “until the dark Ones are removed they will still try to interfere with your progress, believing that somehow they will still succeed. They will learn that they have little power left and cannot return to their previous level of control.” (5) Some time back, he assured us that “the weight of evidence against those who have corrupted the banking system is overwhelming.” (6)

On Sept. 12, he observed that “the fact that much is happening in your world has not gone unnoticed, and for those who are just awakening to it, it seems that chaos reigns.”

“Your traditional trusted institutions such as your banks are being seen for what they really are, but as yet the answers to their problems have not surfaced. However, the plans to cover such an eventuality as their collapse have been formulated. As with much of our allies work, it is ready to be implemented and waiting the right opportunity to be introduced. The old corrupt system will not be retained, and the new one is receiving support for the far reaching changes that it will bring.” (7)

His comment that “it is ready to be implemented and waiting the right opportunity to be introduced” lines up with Archangel Michael’s statement that it was about to be introduced and has only been delayed a short while.

On Sept. 10, Sanat Kumara told us a little about NESARA and India. He said that “NESARA will be coming through what you think of as the parliamentary system in India, so that it will not cause massive dislocation.” (8) He then discussed how NESARA was in part designed to correct instances of oppression like the caste system. He remarks that followed were as applicable to the rest of the world as they were to India:

“Now, you see the breaking of that wall, and if you do not, then come with me and I will show it to you. And what you think of as NESARA, it may not appear exactly as you think, but it will appear, and there will be equalization. Because when you are entering into a reality — and understand, this is one of the guideposts that is saying you are shifting dimensions — so it is fitting, because we do not wish to create complete breakdown and chaos, because that will result in fear, that will result in rioting, that will result in injury. So that would simply feed the old third [dimension].” (9)

SaLuSa tells us something very similar: that the financial wing of the cabal has fallen apart and won’t be resurrected.

“The financial wing of the cabal has … fallen apart, and it will not be allowed to be resurrected in its old format. In fact as fast as they plug one hole another appears elsewhere, and in the end a new system will be the only answer. As the old one falls apart so it is revealing the extent of malpractice and corruption that has taken place for a very long time. So do not worry about the continuing problems, because at a future date not so very far away it will change for the better.” (10)

He tells us that the old banking system is soon to become defunct, giving the Earth allies the green light to introduce NESARA. We are now very near to that point.

“The developments in the financial sector will show that whatever they do now, they cannot return to the old ways and will have to accept vast changes. We are at a point when the only answers are for the big Banks to accept the new set up that is ready to be installed. There is nowhere to go that will allow them to resurrect the old system, and it will soon become defunct. That will effectively give our allies the green light to go ahead and introduce the new one.” (11)

He tells us that “the Oil Industry fights against [the] introduction [of free energy], but it is the way forward and progress cannot be stopped. In time none of the old polluting fuels will be used, and everyone will benefit from clean and efficient methods, that most importantly will include new means of transportation.” (12)

He reminds any that may feel their jobs will be lost that NESARA will take care of that:

“For those presently employed in those industries we must tell you that your future will be secure. By that time everyone will have benefitted from the new financial systems, and the re-distribution of wealth will ensure that the loss of jobs will not affect your position. …

“Indeed, re-location and help for people out of work due to any circumstances at all, will mean an acceptable standard of life that will cover your needs.” (13)

He points to a period of time, which will be short, that’s needed to enact all the changes.

“There is naturally a certain period of time required to carry out all of the changes, but they will happen quite quickly. We have fully prepared for all eventualities, and the basis for the changes has already commenced that is establishing the right structure that will allow us to go ahead.” (14)

He predicts the break-up of the big banks after NESARA.

“It is clear that the old system must be totally changed, and currently the banks are far too big and powerful. Ultimately they must be reduced in size and made more accountable to the people they serve.” (15)

He reveals that debts will be forgiven except where money is owed for services rendered. But even there, NESARA will provide us with the wherewithal to pay for those services.

“By far the biggest problem is debt, and the giving of more bail-outs only compounds the situation that now exists and threatens total collapse. That however is a blessing in disguise, inasmuch that the position is irretrievable and we have the solution which they will be forced to accept. There is no other way than debt forgiveness for all of those countries that have had to take crippling loans. It can then be extended to many personal situations, but not where money is owed for services rendered.” (16)

He reminds us not to jump the gun but to take matters as they come.

“We ask you to now take matters on a day to day basis, as very soon many problems that beset you now will have been solved by the planned changes. Abundance and prosperity will soon answer your various needs, and eventually you shall want for absolutely nothing at all.

Much is to follow after Ascension, but equally your desperate needs will be seen to as soon as possible. We are fully aware of what we need to do to make you happy and able to rest in peace, by knowing that we are authorized to do so.” (17)

As with Disclosure, so with NESARA, the lower-level remnants of the dark forces, who are not in containment, have obstructed the start-up date. But that obstruction will only prove short-lived. Everything needed for NESARA is, as I understand it, in place and simply awaiting the right moment for introduction.

In the meantime, we’re encouraged to wait patiently and not to take actions before its introduction. After, we’ll have the abundance we need to live fulfilling lives and have the freedom to prepare for Ascension, which is now less than 100 days away.


(1) “Valerie Donner: A Message from the Master St. Germain,” Sept. 6, 2012, at

(2) “Sanat Kumara on An Hour with an Angel – Part 2/2 – How Does Peace Return to India and Pakistan?,” Sept. 12, 2012, at

(3) Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, Sept. 14, 2012.

(4) SaLuSa, Aug. 22, 2012, at

(5) SaLuSa, Sept. 14, 2012.

(6) SaLuSa, July 27, 2012.

(7) SaLuSa, Sept. 12, 2012.

(8) “Sanat Kumara on An Hour with an Angel – Part 2/2 – How Does Peace Return to India and Pakistan?,” Sept. 12, 2012, at
(9) Loc. cit.

(10) SaLuSa, Aug. 6, 2012.

(11) SaLuSa, Aug. 17, 2012.

(12) SaLuSa, Sept. 12, 2012.

(13) Loc. cit.

(14) Loc. cit.

(15) SaLuSa, July 27, 2012.

(16) Loc. Cit.

(17) SaLuSa, July 13, 2012.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/16/2012 6:13:02 PM

Quinn Nowlan: The Cabal’s Death Throes Have Begun

Posted by Steve Beckow

Quinn is an exemplary representative of lightworker journalism. Have you opened your blog?

The Cabal’s Final Death Throes Have Begun

Quinn Nowlan, Awakening Now 2012, September 13th, 2012

As we reach the final home stretch of 2012, things are beginning to take shape with a new sense of expediency never seen before. The channels have all stated that their final activities in removing the Cabal have already begun and that these activities would speed up as we neared the end of 2012.

SaLuSa said in June of this year, “At present we of the Galactic Federation ready ourselves for the final thrust against the last cabal.” (1) Look around the world and you will see this statement is quite real as we are now seeing on the world stage.

The attack on the US embassy in Libya that killed a US ambassador and three of his staff is a prime example of what SaLuSa was saying. This so called “terrorist” attack that left four Americans dead was nothing more than a false-flag operation carried out in a last ditch effort to bring about a new world order who seeks world dominance through the enslavement of humanity. Matthew Ward confirms this in an August message to us where he states, “Even knowing that light beings from advance civilization above and on the planet have been foiling ‘black ops’ plots, the dark ones are keeping at it.” (2)

Not only has the Cabal started false-flag operations, they have also perpetrated mass protests at US embassies all over the Middle East and have splashed them all over their darkly controlled major media outlets in the western world.

However, we should not consider this a setback because our star family is there to step in to quell this blatant attempt by the Cabal to instill more fear in the hearts of the many sleeping souls who have not yet awakened to the truth. Sheldan Nidle confirms this by saying, “We can, if necessary, require that a number of these controlled media sites be properly discredited and shut down.” Sheldan also states in this same message, “The first requirement is to neutralize any dark-cabal media counterattack.” (3)

I would expect at this point to see more of this in the western cabal-controlled media as they make their desperate last attempts on starting World War III. By using the media, they hope to create resentment to those residing in the Middle East and will use the fear generated from these attacks and protests to fuel their attempt at world domination.

Despite these attempts, the Galactic Federation is not going to allow it to continue anymore and we will soon see this as these stories start to fall away from the public view. For the time being, please hold your light strong and send out around the world to help strengthen the efforts all those who seek to restore peace and harmony to this planet and her peoples.

This is the home stretch we have all been waiting for!


(1) SaLuSa channeled through Mike Quinsey, June 4th, 2012:

(2) Matthew Ward as channeled thru Suzy Ward, August 2nd, 2012:

(3) Sheldan Nidle, June 26th, 2012:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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