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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/4/2015 7:33:21 PM

Love for the Enemy: Forgiving the Corrupt Elite


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Since I write about bringing down the corrupt elite and their oppressive system, I also like to remind people why forgiveness is important. Without forgiveness, we can’t do anything significant to change the world because we’ll be locked in a revenge-seeking mindset from which we won’t escape until we can forgive.

Forgiveness is the key out of our suffering and our need for revenge, whereas a vengeful mindset will ensure we never evolve from our current level.

People are going to be mad when the elite are exposed. There’s no way to avoid it, and if you think about it, you really can’t blame them. The elite have abused our human rights and committed horrible crimes against the earth and humanity just to push their agendas forward, and with the way our society is, you can bet people will want to hurt them.

They’re afraid of what the masses will do when we become aware, which is why they spread disinformation and try to censor the truth spilling out of alternative media.

They want to confuse people, because they know what the masses are capable of and they know there are a lot more of us than them. I’m sure some people are already advocating violence against them, but violence has never been and will never be the answer. Just like anger and the drive for revenge, it traps us in a limited state of consciousness that solidifies our inability to change anything about our world.


To seek revenge is to fall for the spell the elite’s trying to put us under, and beyond using governments and corporations to keep the rest of the world below them, their purpose is to spread anger, hatred and terror. This is why our governments talk so much about ‘terrorism’ – they want it to be in people’s heads. They want the collective vibration to be as low as possible, and they’ll do whatever they can to get it there without directly exposing what they’re doing.

If we give in to the drive for revenge, we’ll feed the negative energy they’ve worked so hard to spread. Given that we want to move the world in a positive direction, how can we get past the overwhelming desire to get back at them? We can understand the importance of forgiveness.

Plenty of people will tell you that forgiveness is just as much for us as those we forgive. It allows us to move forward, and I honestly think it’s the only way we can progress when the elite are stripped of their wealth and power. Without it, we’re sure to fail.


However high the collective vibration could be in the future, we’ll fail to access or connect with this higher energy if we hold onto the anger that could result from the disclosure of the elite’s crimes. We can’t enjoy the bliss of a higher state of consciousness if we’re rooted in negativity and vengeance, this will be hard to understand for those whose lives have been directly affected by the elite.

Those who’ve lost spouses, children or other family because of the elite will have a hard time forgiving them, which is understandable, and we can only hope they’ll eventually be able to be strong, forgive and move forward. If they can, they’ll take a huge step in their personal evolution and give our collective evolution a needed boost, and their pain can motivate them to contribute to a fairer world where a corrupt, controlling elite class no longer has free reign over humanity.

Credit: Brainy Quote

Love – for ourselves and the rest of the world (which includes the elite) – is the key to creating a new way of life, and it’ll be crucial when the elite are exposed in front of the whole world and the masses are angrier than ever. Even if we’re the only calm, heart-centered individuals who are willing to forgive and educate the world about forgiveness, our numbers will pick up if we share our truth with enough people and refuse to fall prey to our own desire for vengeance.

We aren’t the only ones who understand the importance of love and forgiveness by far, but even those who do understand could easily forget when they find out everything the elite have done.

It’ll be our job to maintain equilibrium and restore stability and sensibility in the outraged masses, and while things will be chaotic at first, the world will eventually settle down and figure out our next step.

In my humble opinion, the next step after the elite is exposed will be to forgive them and figure out how to sustain our society without them and their centuries-old social engineering, and those of us who remind people of forgiveness in the beginning will know we contributed to a world where everyone can have compassion for those who suffer and take real steps to end the suffering worldwide.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/4/2015 7:36:00 PM


Bob Fickes ~ Deva Language


All of the problems we face in the world come from being out of synchrony with Nature. The ancient healers and wisdom masters of every tradition knew how to bring people back into alignment with the vibration of the universe. There was no need for surgery or invasive techniques to heal them.
The most ancient technique for bringing people back into synchronicity with the universe was vibrational healing using sacred sound. He ancient shamans had the ability to hear the specific vibrations of the universe. The sounds they produced were said to be the language of the gods or angels known as the Deva Language. Today we would say that Deva Language creates the sounds of the molecules and tunes each molecule to adjust to the original rhythms of the universe.
Mastering the Deva Language is learned through a series of specific instructions that first help to clear the healer and bring them into synchrony with the universe. The next step is to receive a Mantra or specific sound that helps the healer to tune in to the right frequency where every sound is mimicking the original vibrations of the universe. This is where we need to be careful not to tune in to some level of vibration that contains any distortion or friction with the universe. Once the training is completed, the healer can use the Deva Language to readjust the frequencies of a person’s body or something in nature that is out of harmony with the universe.
Deva Language is a simple but amazingly effective tool to help heal our world without any side effects that might bring friction to the person or to the universe. Any negative condition can be healed and brought back into synchrony with the universe if the healer has developed the skill of using Deva Language. Very fun and very effective! Some of you have experienced this during the Jaupu Healing that is offered by the teachers of Fulfillment Meditation. Now you can more easily understand how it works. Enjoy!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/5/2015 4:44:22 PM


Monday, October 5, 2015

Third Quarter Moon Phase: revise, realign

Moon in Libra

Goddess of Wisdom: All - led by Shodashi (Goddess of Form)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of the South, God of Waves)

Skill: practice transforming from dark to light

Catalysts for Change:

True Alignments:

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: "a girls basketball team"

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres"

Happy Monday! The Oracle Report will return again tomorrow.

I would like to thank the wise owls that came out to fellow owl Logan's finish of his cross-country foot and bike trek to bring light to darkness. It was so wonderful for me to get to hang out with wise owls. We had a great time sitting on the beach and toasting Logan. Congratulations, Logan! We are so grateful to you.

Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/5/2015 4:57:43 PM

Montague Keen, Sunday, October 4, 2015


I am very grateful to G for making it possible for me to be in Ireland last weekend. I have never seen Ireland so alive with ENERGY. It was great to be able to meet and chat with so many of you. I took part in a Crystal Ceremony at the Royal Marine Hotel in Dublin, on Sunday afternoon.

On Monday morning, six of us (four of whom I had never met before) went to Tara. Quickly, I realised that I was with my Soul Family, though we had only just met in this life. We knew each other and we blended together as one voice. At Tara, WE WITHDREW OUR CONSENT FROM ALL WHO HAVE STOLEN IT FROM US. WE REFUSED TO PLAY ANY PART IN THE DESTRUCTION OF THE EARTH AND OF HUMANITY.

G, J, and I, are Irish; P is from Norway; A is from Turkey; and A is from Holland: yet we were ONE ENERGY ! It was such a wonderful experience. I thank them for their input and for being the Beings of Light that they are. The memory of the six of us at Tara will live with me for many years to come. Thank you. We did make a difference !

Until we meet again, much love, Veronica.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/5/2015 5:56:09 PM

In the Story of the World

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

This will pass. Whatever it is, this is the truth in the world. The world is passing right before your eyes. This is how it is.

Procrastination is passing right now. Can procrastination last forever? What is happening is that your world is being turned upside down. It is like you have been thrown up into the air, and you haven’t quite landed yet. What does this mean? It means you are losing boundaries. You are becoming unbounded. You are gaining unboundedness. You are in the middle or muddle of freedom.

Sometimes you would avidly like to clutch to old times and old ways. You feel pledged to people of the past and to people of the present and to a way of life named Future. You have long wanted to get out of confinement, yet, suddenly, freedom does not feel so wonderful as you thought it would. Where do you rest your head? Where are all the seeming possessions and props that, yes, got in your way, yet were comforting to add up. And the people of the past who are no longer evident? You long for them. How you long for them.

The people of the past are lined up like paper cut-outs attached one to the other. There is no end. And I tell you also that there is no beginning. Infinity just is. It is like a choo-choo train you see from an angle. Life seems to pass before you, and, yet, life, without form, amounts to invisible atoms and molecules. Invisible spark plugs are moving. Yes, I suppose We can say that Light moves. It certainly sparkles. Hey, you, all you atoms and molecules out there, dazzle the world.

From where did you come, My children made of atoms, and to where do you go, when there is no place to enter and no place to exit? There is no furniture to move. There is a build-up of stress to disperse. There is illusion to snip at and Reality to rise up in its stead.

Who are you, and what are you when you are not illusion to be alluded to?

You used to think you had a handle on life. Now you feel you are floating down an elevator shaft or floating up an elevator shaft or sliding around, buoyed up in a beautiful blue sky. You are floating in the Universe. You expect to land, yet there is no seeming landing pad. You are free-falling. You will bounce up again, for your freedom is unassailable. Freedom is not a liability. Welcome it.

You have desired your freedom, and I have also yearned for your freedom. Freedom has always been here for you. You thought freedom was unavailable. You thought you could have it only in some far-off kingdom, some day in faraway Infinity, but no, you never thought you could have freedom now. Freedom cannot be held in your hand, or it would not be freedom. Most likely in the past, you put life off. You postponed it. There was always another day. And so you added Life to your list for some day when you could get around to it. The ground slips away from you, and ILLUSTRIOUS time beats you to Life.

What High Sea are you sailing on? Oh, this feature of time in the world, how arrogant it is. Time puts you on an assembly line, and you seemingly pop out of an automat with your goose already cooked.

What? Can life be more than a sandwich to eat or skip depending upon – what? – your mood? If there is no time, how can there be moods? If there is no time, how can there be a waste of it? How can you catch up to time if it doesn’t exist or get away from it, and how can you be caught up in it?

What matters matter? What matters any thing? What can be hit or miss or anything at all, and how can something not be when it seems to be right in your face? What is topsy-turvy and what is right-side-up when dimensions of space do not exist any more than space itself does?

Nevertheless, you are spinning in a spinning Universe, yet you don’t move at all. At the same time, you can’t be immovable, for your heart is moved. It can be said that your heart is moved or unmoved. When your beautiful heart is not moved, you feel far away from it. What is a body to do when the physical doesn’t exist except in the Story of the World?

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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