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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/5/2015 6:32:59 PM

Monday, October 5, 2015

Benjamin Fulford - October 5, 2015: Cabal resorting to extreme threats as their power structure crumbles

Senior cabalists in the West are threatening tsunamis, nuclear terror, death camps and other atrocities as their grip on world power continues to slip. The Russian, Iranian and Pentagon attack against Saudi Arabian, Israeli and Turkish troops in Syria appears to be the most visible trigger for these threats. Furthermore, a serious attack on the Bush/Netanyahu Nazionist faction’s drug money is also behind the new rash of threats. However, the biggest threat of all remains the likely implosion and nationalization of the privately owned system of central banks. There continue to be signs some sort of financial event involving the owners of the Federal Reserve Board, the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan is imminent, according to multiple sources.

There are hints that November 5th could be a key date for the cabal, possibly involving a massive tsunami hitting the East Coast of the United States as well as many other nations facing the Atlantic Ocean. The cabal is leaving multiple hints to this effect.

First of all, take a look at this cover of the January edition of the Rothschild controlled Economist magazine:

Take note of German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the front with her hands making the masonic sign of a pyramid in the center of that picture. After this issue appeared, the Rothschilds bought the magazine Charlie Hebdo and staged the fake massacre of its staff over a “Mohamed Cartoon.” After this fake incident, Rothschild puppet politicians were ordered to march in Paris. Note Angela Merkel in a picture of that march below making exactly the same hand sign as in the economist cover.

This has been pointed out by others but we mention it to show how the Rothschilds may have occultly advertised in their magazine a much more horrific event they are engineering. In the bottom right hand corner of the Economist cover there are two arrows, one saying 11.5 and the other 11.3. There has been a lot of speculation that 11.3 refers to the 311 (March 11, 2011) nuclear and tsunami attack against Japan. Members of the Rothschild family made it clear to this writer at the time they were behind that mass murder incident. Now last week at his UN speech, Japanese Rothschild slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe referred to “November 5th, World Tsunami Day.”

Furthermore, US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew also said publicly recently that the US government would run out of cash on November 5th.

To top this off, multiple stories were planted in the media last week warning of a Mega Tsunami.

We hope that by revealing these hints in advance, these criminals will be forced to stop this plan because otherwise they know they will be blamed and hunted down like animals if they carry it out.

These threats may also be related to historical events now unfolding in the Middle East. In response to the Saudi and Israeli triggered death stampede and kidnapping of Iranian officials visiting Mecca the Pentagon, the Russian military, The Chinese, the Iranians and others are
carrying out a massive military campaign against Saudi Arabia, Israel and their proxy armies in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and elsewhere. The Pentagon is providing the Russians, Iranians, Chinese etc. with precise intelligence about the activities of the cabalist ISIS proxy army, according to Russian government sources.

King Salman’s brother and Saudi intelligence chief Prince Nawaf died last week as part of ongoing revenge against the Hajj atrocity carried out by the Saudi Khazarian gangster regime, multiple sources say.

Since Salman killed more than 70 of his close relatives in order to seize the throne, there will be more deaths in his immediate circle over the coming days, the sources predict.

US government spokesman Barack Obama was forced to say at the UN that “we’re not going to make Syria into a proxy war between the United States and Russia,” according to Pentagon sources. Attacks on Russia and Syria in his UN speech were “just bluster to appease neocons,” the sources say. The US military “now has cover to outsource the war and provide intel on Bush-CIA bases and Israelis,” the Pentagon sources say. After the Iran nuclear deal with the US, a US Russian coalition has begun going after weapons of mass destruction, drugs, arms, human organ trafficking, slavery and other Khazarian mafia criminal activities.

The ISIS bases being hit in Syria are mostly drug, weapons and oil smuggling centers, the sources say.

The recent temporary fall of the city of Kunduz to the Taliban in Afghanistan was a joint Russian Iranian operation aimed at shutting down the heroin trade there, according to the Pentagon sources. The shooting down of a C-130 transport plane was also targeted at stopping the flow of heroin, the sources say. Pakistan is now joining with the Russians in this campaign that will soon extend to Iraq and Libya as well, they say.

The flow of drug money to the cabal is also being systematically cut off in South America thanks in large part to intervention by Pope Francis. The thawing of US/Cuban relations engineered by the Pope has helped close off drug traffic and money laundering there, Whitehat-CIA sources say. Now, in a further blow, a deal between the Columbian government and FARC rebels being negotiated by Francis is cutting off cocaine money to the Bush/Netanyahu Nazionist faction of the cabal.

Along with the cut off of money to the Khazarians; the purge of their agents in the CIA, the Pentagon and other agencies continues to gather momentum. That is why the Khazarian mafia has been trying, unsuccessfully, to convince Russia to be their new sponsor. The answer has been a consistent “nyet.”

That is probably the real reason why Israeli Nazionist fascist dictator Benyamin Netanyahu last week declared “a fight to the death against Palestinian terror.”

This was most likely a veiled threat by the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia to use their Jewish slave people as human shields before relinquishing power.

The following phrase, “one should not expect Washington, Riyadh, Jerusalem, and London to simply go gentle into that good night,” which apparently first appeared at the Zero hedge website, was also widely quoted last week.

Apart from the tsunami threat mentioned above, the source who previously predicted the attack on Malaysian airliner 370/17 sent an e-mail last week stating that “FEMA has just opened its first concentration camp in Wilcox, Arizona to eradicate (re-educate) the masses.” This is almost certainly just a scare mongering bluff because any real attempt to open a concentration camp in the US would lead to immediate, lethal, military action. However, these threats show the Khazarian mafia to be desperate and dangerous.

There may also be some activity in Japan related to the Khazarian mob. Last week senior North Korean operatives contacted the White Dragon Society with an offer of help. This means that North Korean amphetamine money is no longer going to flow to the coffers of the Khazarian mob. It is also worth noting that when a WDS representative asked for a meeting with North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un he was told “He is just a front man with no real power, why would you want to meet him?” The real powers in North Korea keep their identities secret as is the case in Russia, the US, the UK and many other countries. In any case, the Pentagon, the Japanese military, the North Koreans and others are preparing some sort of big move against the Khazarians and their proxies in Japan. On this note we were told by other sources that “the Emperor does not like Prime Minister Abe.”

The CIA also contacted this writer last week to warn of new death threats against him by the Khazarian mob. It turns out that Izaya Noda, the man who was arrested on charges of carrying out multiple arson attacks against Japanese train facilities, and who lived a few yards from my bathroom, was the grandson of Moshe Barter, who served as Israel’s ambassador to Japan in 1966-1972. Japanese media outlets published a photo of Noda’s Israeli ID card, which was issued in Kfar Saba in 2002. According to the ID, Noda has an Israeli mother named Dorit and a Japanese father named Tatsuya.

Furthermore, local news reports claim he became an anti-nuclear activist after 311. He also appeared to have some source of income even though he did not work. From all this it is a pretty good guess he was a Mossad agent. Noda’s arrest was most certainly not part of their plan. Michael Green, Stephan De Rothschild, Rabbi Abraham Cooper and all their buddies are apparently freaking out here as well they should be.

The Jewish people are about to be liberated from their long, long ordeal of slavery at the hands of Satan worshipping so Hyksos gangsters. The world as a whole will be rid of by far its largest source of terror, organized crime, war, mayhem and other misery when these gangsters are removed from power. The white hats at the Pentagon and the agencies plus their allies in China, Russia and around the world are freeing our planet step by step.


One of the significant sources of funds for the fascist Nazionist JesuitKhazarian Mafia is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $3.09 trillion in 2014, and is projected to soar to $3.57 trillion in 2017, in the US alone.

We can help take down the Dark Cabal by avoiding drugs, defeat any viral attack and scaremongering easily by knowing how to build our own comprehensive antiviral system. Find more about it here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/5/2015 6:42:18 PM

GFP Newsletter - 10/4/2015

will's picture

It is like inhalation and exhalation: you breathe in, you breathe out. When you breathe in it is one process, the breath goes inwards; when you breathe out it is just the opposite process, the breath goes outwards, but it is the same breath. Inhalation and exhalation are two aspects of the same phenomenon, opposites and yet complementary; so are religion and science, so are doubt and trust.

Because it has not been understood in the past a great calamity has happened to humanity, the greatest calamity, I call it - the calamity that has kept religion and science not only separate but inimical. In the past we have not been able to bring a synthesis between science and religion.

Because of that incapability the world has become split and the man who is trained in science becomes anti-religious; and vice versa, the person who moves into the world of religion becomes anti-scientific. This need not happen, this should not happen.

If you are really intelligent you will be able to coordinate between these opposites. You will be able to bring a harmony between these two, doubt and trust, and then arises the real total human being.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/5/2015 6:45:02 PM


Sandra Walter ~ Current Sharing: Less is More Oct 4, 2015


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
Gatekeepers, take a moment to pat yourselves on the back. It was a wild and wonderful few weeks; we finished anchoring these floodgates last Wednesday. How do we describe in mere words the joy (and relief) of completing this two year project? Fortunately the new light level is so palpable to the Tribe, and to many newly awakened, that we don’t have to dwell on descriptions. Who knew this would end with such a fervor; my goodness there were crowds everywhere for that last eclipse. Kindwhile the celebration continues in our consciousness, and oh what an experience it is.
Feel into the absolute joy and gratitude that this new level brings. Yes, it changes everything – again. The wavelike pulses are constant, like birthing contractions getting closer and closer together. Many of us are preoccupied by the intensity and divinity of witnessing our transformation. A great deconstruction of the old Self is under way, and it can be bizarre and beautiful. Those of you who have been following the Mystery school protocol may experience a more rapid resurrection process. More on that later.
There is a lot of Intel to share about the significance of these Gateways and what they are doing to the planet, to HUmanity, to the SUN, etc. So much occurred with Shasta and my Self in the last few weeks. Observations, downloads, synchronicities, visitations, revelations … and yet in this Now moment it feels unimportant to talk about. Maybe soon. I choose to resist the temptation to talk this new light level down to size. I have had little conversation in the last few weeks; chats with Bill Ballard, an afternoon with a Gatekeeper siSTAR, a loving exchange with my best friend. Words tend to belittle the experience of it, and I continue to dive deep into the process of expansion. The Merge with the Solar template is fascinating to me. Those of you in the resurrection phase understand. It is a wonder we are able to communicate the way we do through this process; Galactic Mastery indeed.
The Ascension Path Connection Call is on Wednesday, October 7. We will have a deep sharing on our Gateway experiences and where we go from here. It may happen telepathically if we are all in the zone; wouldn’t that be remarkable. For the record, I AM deeply moved that our Q&A call has turned into these heartfelt sharing sessions. I feel we are aligning perfectly with this new light level by holding this sacred space, albeit odd to concentrate on a linear moment right now. I love the laughter and respect we bring to to this unfoldment. I look forward to our connection and hold you in my heart.
This phase of our Ascension outshines everything that came before it. I know most of you are giggling, sleepless, stunned, trembling, gasping, dancing and tranced out by what is occurring to your consciousness. It can be a wide-eyed Oh my Goodness this is really getting freaky kind of phase. You certainly don’t need any more external stimuli. For the moment, let us all unify in the stillness and honor what has been accomplished, is being accomplished, and will be accomplished by our dedication and devotion to embodying Source consciousness. All is incredibly well. Wheat grass shots for everyone!
In Love, Light and Service,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/5/2015 10:57:20 PM

Don’t Be Afraid to Take the Next Step


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

If you’ve found your purpose in life, it’s time to stop hesitating, stop being afraid and dive headfirst into it. You’ll continue to keep yourself from the life you want if you don’t, and a purposeless life is usually caused by a fear of failure or success. This fear can either stop us or motivate us, and we’ll be constantly disappointed with life if we let it stop us.

Until we confront it and the hesitation that comes with it, we’ll never live the life we want or enjoy the work that comes with it. Instead of giving it so much power over us, we can realize its potential as a motivator and let it inspire us to live with passion and purpose. For a lot of us, our purpose lies in our creativity and the medium we’ve chosen to get our truth out to the world, such as writing, music or painting, and these things challenge us to either give into our fears or use them as inspiration to succeed.

Once we discover what we want to do and we’re at least somewhat motivated to do it, embracing it and working hard will allow us to get the most out of it. I won’t lie to you – being creative is a lot of work, whether you write articles and books, compose music, paint uplifting and inspiring pictures, or anything else. There will be days when you don’t feel like you’re getting much out of it, and these are the most important times to keep going.

When we feel our least inspired, the higher level of inspiration and success we want is actually right in front of us. Our fear to take that next step usually causes our lack of inspiration, and some people stop every time and wait until they’re back in their comfort zone, which is where they think their inspiration lives. We become truly inspired when we leave our comfort zone and embrace that next level that we hide from when we “don’t feel it”, and getting past our unwillingness to keep going is the hardest part.

There’s a fine line between not pushing ourselves and remaining in our comfort zone, because we have to push ourselves a little to get over that initial hurdle we’re afraid to confront. We don’t want to push ourselves so hard that we burn ourselves out, which is why a middle ground is necessary.

Maybe we can push ourselves one day and make our work easier or more comfortable the next. We have to find the methods that work for us as individuals, but giving in to a lack of inspiration or a crippled will to work will keep us stuck. It’ll keep us from creating the life we want, and we’ll be unable to escape limited circumstances for which we’re responsible.

Credit: Live Fitter

The biggest reason we fear taking the next step is because we don’t want to fail, and we’ll continue to struggle if we keep letting the fear of failure stop us. I’ll use my own writing as an example.

There are times when my writing flows, and all kinds of thoughts pour in and compete to be expressed. There are other times when I barely squeeze out a few words every five minutes for the entire piece, which can be frustrating for any writer or creative person.

I used to fear the times when the words don’t flow, but lately, I’ve learned to be okay with it. I accept that there’ll be times when I don’t have much to say or my writing doesn’t flow at all, and when it happens, I usually push through it regardless because I know writing is a big part of my purpose.

It comes down to accepting our circumstances in any moment instead of fearing or rebelling against them, and along with peace of mind, acceptance is a creative person’s best ally. Embracing our work regardless of how hard it can be is a close second, and the ability to use fear as a motivator instead of an inhibitor will help us take our work to the next level.

With the number of people who are waking up and using their preferred outlet to encourage change in the world, we have a great opportunity to make our mark and I think we should take it. When the time comes for us to start doing more with our work, we can either cower in fear or rise to the occasion, ready and willing to contribute to the planet’s evolution.


Everything we give is significant, which is why we shouldn’t fear failure or a perceived inability to do things that matter. Self-empowerment teaches us that our work is valuable no matter what level we do it on, and if you’re inspired to contribute, the only thing I can recommend is to keep at it. Work hard every single day, and know that your work is as meaningful as anyone else’s. Also remember that if you do decide to take it to the next level and you can persevere, you’ll achieve things you never thought possible.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/6/2015 5:28:04 PM

The Oracle Report, Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Third Quarter Moon Phase:
revise, realign

Moon in Leo

Goddess of Wisdom: all- led by Shodashi, Goddess of Beauty and Form, Goddess Who Fulfills; Matangi, Goddess of Wind, Goddess Who Advocates

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of the South, God of Waves)

Skill: 1) go inside to the center of love and wisdom, 2) hold the space of love and wisdom, 3) emanate the permanence of love and wisdom

True Alignments: pulling situation that are out of control back into balance, revelation of higher talents and skill or mission, making records of things (especially recording music), recuperation, new things coming into view or into form, new orders to things, turning something around, charisma

Catalysts for Change: misuse and abuse of power, refusing to see what is in front, disinterest, arrogance leading to a fall from grace, tension, confusion, repeating the past when it no longer works, blasting others, coming between people – divide and conquer

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a girls basketball team” (team Gaia Sophia)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres” (complete re-calibration of consciousness)

Calling all wise owls: Together, light workers/warriors are called upon to emanate and maintain resonance with a heart wave of love and wisdom between now and the New Moon in Libra on October 12.

It is very important that we engage the skill of stepping out of the swirl of energetics today, as massive astrological aspects are in play. We might even call this historic, so let’s get to it because it is time for Team Love and Wisdom to rally.

GO TO INNER CENTER (home, headquarters): The Sun and Earth are making squares with Pluto today. This is exceptionally strong energy for things to turn or change or lead or transform to a different way. When the Sun and Pluto are activated, people can respond from their darkest sides of fear or the highest level of transcendence. The Sabian symbols give us a better idea of how this plays out and how to best handle it.

The Sun is discharging the energetic of “in the heat of noon, a man takes a siesta.” This is about being in the middle of something and stepping back. The symbol implies that we take ourselves into a space of calm or relaxation when things are working very hard around us or if we are working or pushing too hard. In context of today’s energy, we do not want to go to sleep, we want to go into a higher state of observation and emotional equilibrium – a pervasive mental and emotional state to maintain with vigilance until the New Moon. When things heat up today, we take a breather.

RECOMMIT TO LOVE AND WISDOM AND HOLD THE SPACE OF LOVE AND WISDOM: The heat is on relationships, especially, with the Earth at the location of “a serpent coiling near a man and a woman.” This energetic exerts pressure on interpersonal relationships. We are lured off the path or we glean the wisdom that is trying to present itself. Our heart wave aligns us with gleaning the wisdom. But if we are lured off, we will still learn something. We would rather not be torn apart by this energy, so we hold to what we love and value. The highest octave of this interaction of the Earth and Pluto is the transformation of relationships into ones that are more loving.

EMANATE THE PERMANCENCE OF LOVE AND WISDOM: Pluto has moved to the degree in the sky of “an ancient bas-relief carved in granite remains witness to a long-forgotten culture.” This speaks about “the immortal” – what is true and lasting. This speaks to the return of wisdom — the second renaissance. We understand and remember that we are aligned with the spiritual truths of the ages and of the cosmos. We remember that truth and love prevail.

In addition to the Sun squaring Pluto today, Mars makes opposition with Neptune. This brings potential for heighted aggression, anger and angry reaction, and, since Neptune is involved, the potential for things to become distorted and even completely misunderstood. Jupiter is still in range of Mars, so it is taking this already-charged dynamic into far exaggerated proportions.

Mars is located at “a girl takes her first dancing instruction,” telling us we are in new territory to some degree. Practice and discipline come in handy today. Luckily, wise owls are well-practiced at going into new territory.

Neptune is at “a girl blowing a bugle,” which disrupts slumber or denial. We are called to come out of illusions and take our power to make things better in all ways.

Jupiter moves from “a bride with her veil snatched away” to “a powerful statesman overcomes a state of political hysteria.” Anxiety or chaos can be pushed so that control can be gained. Again, this happens in interpersonal relationships and also in the world at large. (For those who have been following the interesting juxtaposition of Hillary Clinton with the Sabian symbol of the bride with the veil snatched away, we now see her coming out swinging, attempting the role of powerful statesman. Note to Hillary: wake up. You are being played by the Illuminati cabal to fulfill the role of their perceived “fall” of the goddess.)

A lot is happening with the stars. We join wings to hold the space of love and wisdom today, remembering their permanence, and ours. We are united for a free humanity that takes its place in the stars. We hold the space and remain true to love and wisdom.

Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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