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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/4/2015 7:11:42 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: You are Living in a Wondrous Age in which the Illusion is Already Starting to Dissolve.

Jesus postingJohn’s audio reading is availablehere.

Here in the spiritual realms we are cheering you (humanity) onwards towards your inevitable awakening into your natural fully conscious state where the energy field of Love, the life-force, maintains you eternally alive, vibrant, joyful, and creatively motivated in every moment.

That state is the only state in which existence occurs, it is Reality, your permanent presence in the Presence of God, Oneness with God in everlasting joy. There is nowhere else, there is only that infinite state of being One with God, where separation and the illusion it maintains – with all its suffering, sickness, scarcity, competition, and war – are unknown because they are unreal.

Within the illusion, where humanity experiences life as a constant struggle against seemingly overwhelming odds just in order to survive, the concept of a state of perpetual peace, joy, and love seems insane, impossible, a wild dream that can never be realized. We, of course, keep telling you that this is not the case, that there is nothing but Reality, and deep within yourselves you know that this is true.

That is why you have such powerful yearnings for something far better than the life you are undergoing. Those yearnings are the result of extremely brief flashes of memory of the intense joy of life in the eternal Presence of God, flashes so brief that you often wonder if they are real. They are, but they have to be very brief because their energy for more than the briefest instant would overwhelm your physical forms.

Of course you have never left God’s Presence! There is nowhere to go! However, you did build the illusion and immersed yourselves in it, making it appear very real, and since that moment, which truly occurred but a moment ago, you have been seeking the way Home to Reality, yearning to find the “Holy Grail,” the “End of the Rainbow,” your “soul-mate,” in fact the Love that is God.

Well, as we have so often told you, you are already there, never having left, and your only task is to awaken from the deep sleep in which all the horrific events of life on Earth seem to be taking place. That task means letting go of all that you have built into your environment to protect you from . . . LOVE! All defenses, all barriers – psychological or physical – and the weapons you have invented and built to support them need to be taken down and discarded.

You are all afraid of Love! It appears to you to be a limitless commitment to give endlessly to others while depriving yourselves of anything you might value, including your lives, in a meaningless altruistic sacrifice. This extreme misconception is a major aspect of the illusion and has, over the eons, terrified you into rejecting Love in favor of self centered ambition that you hope will satisfactorily replace the irreplaceable . . Love.

There is only Love, It is offered to you in every moment, but you are mostly unable to receive or accept It because you are clinging so tightly to all that is alien to It. If you would allow your hearts to open to receive It all your fears and anxieties would dissolve and instantly you would see that defenses of any kind and in any circumstances are utterly insane.

However, within the illusion you have been trained to be suspicious, to view others as possible enemies, and so you expect to encounter enemies, and, miraculously, they appear! The only way out of this intolerable situation is to expect to meet friends and to offer only love to all with whom you interact. And that is difficult for you because, within the illusion, every culture and many religions believe that that is an insane way to behave. They then attempt to prove the insanity of it by pointing to the ever ongoing wars and conflicts in which humanity has been engaged since the beginning of time.

But the insanity is the expectation of betrayal, conflict, war, and the therefore seemingly essential need for weapons and defenses. Distrust breeds distrust, and your task in awakening is to let go of distrust and offer only Love. Some of you are already doing this and finding that it works. Love flows and envelops all in Its path, and all you have to do is to allow It to flow through you.

The free flow of Love is a grass roots movement, it cannot start at the top with worldly leaders of any kind – political, commercial, national, ethnic, or religious – because all those “leaders” are in truth followers, desperately attempting to ascertain the mood and wishes of those they purportedly lead so that they can appear before them in a favorable light and maintain their privileged positions.

And of course most of humanity has, over the eons, been well-trained to be suitably subservient to these leaders enabling these “chosen” or just lucky ones to remain in power. The secret to maintaining power is to convince those beneath that there is a threat from “enemies” in other cultures or nations and that only they, the ones in power, can do an adequate job of providing protection from these perceived enemies.

Sometimes it seems that a more moderate and honest candidate for high office might do a better job, and elections are held in the hope of finding a new and suitable leader. But the system is designed to disable anyone who, on getting into a position of authority, appears to be making progress towards peace and trust.

Change starts at the grass roots level, that is one person at a time. It may sound a little optimistic to expect that sort of change to make any real impression across the world, but, as you are well aware, there have been a number of successful grass roots movements over the last few decades that have succeeded in achieving their most admirable goals. And all of them were initially guided by Love. However, success often led to arrogance, negative judgments, and then to internal disagreements after the fact, and many of these movements disbanded or disintegrated.

BUT the members of many of these movements were changed as a result of their successes and they realized that Love and co-operation were the only meaningful ways forward. They have not changed their minds, and many of them are today very actively promoting peaceful, respectful, listening to divergent viewpoints having realized that there are always points of agreement, and that all basically want peaceful solutions to the issues with which they are dealing, solutions which make each side a winner.

At the grass roots level a refusal to engage in combat would result in the suspension of military engagements, and I can assure you that there are powerful movements in many parts of the world working most effectively towards this end. What you see and hear in the mainstream media are heavily censored reports that leave out all that would inspire and uplift you, as their intent is to maintain or intensify the level of fear that various governments depend on for their survival.

But these grass roots movements working for peace and respect for all of humanity are growing in strength and effectiveness all over the world, very much helped by the prayers, meditations, and loving intentions of you Light bearers and Light workers, and by us as we too offer assistance and encouragement to all from here in the spiritual realms.

The divine plan is for humanity to awaken, and absolutely nothing can prevent that from occurring. You are living in a wondrous age in which the illusion is already starting to dissolve, so keep on taking time out daily to enter your inner sanctuary to ask for guidance, assistance, and a love squeeze. I assure you that we will respond to each of you as you do so, because what you are doing is an essential aspect of this divine plan as it nears completion.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Jesus: You are Living in a Wondrous Age in which the Illusion is Already Starting to Dissolve. Channelled by John Smallman. October 4, 2015.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/4/2015 7:14:14 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday October 4, 2015

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The greatest amount of discomfort humans experience stems from their belief that something is wrong. The second they perceive something to be somehow wrong, is the moment they move into complete resistance to the flow. Resistance to the flow then creates even greater discomfort, often resulting in a deep dissatisfaction with life, fatigue, despair and depression.

It is surrender and faith that moves you beyond such uncomfortable states. When you are able to surrender into the flow, even when it is taking you to unknown territories, you are allowing your highest self, your guides and helpers, and the universe to lead you. You begin to work with the system that is always there to love and support with you, rather than denying the very things you seek.

When you are able to move back into that faith in action, you are able to settle into a deep, abiding, acceptance of the unfoldment of life which will automatically activate the energy of peace within you. You will have deactivated fear, doubt and worry, and will find yourself with the ability to be more fully present than ever before.

From that place, you will experience a deep gratitude which will become the place you powerfully create from. Do you see? It is a complete system that beautifully supports you, and it is available to you whenever you choose. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
10/4/2015 7:19:50 PM


Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Trust in the universal flow of good and know there is a Creative Solution for all situations.

Dear One,

The Divine Presence is an energy which is omnipotent, everywhere present and has infinite capacity for good. This energy flows through you and surrounds you at all times. There is never a time when you are not a part of this energy flow of God, which is Divine Love. In this you can place your trust. You can also be assured that regardless of where you are or what the situation is, all energies flow to the highest good for all concerned, at all times.


You can set an intention in your mind or on paper for what you want to see manifest in your life. This gives direction to the universal flow of energy. It's like holding a vision of your target in your mind, and then taking aim with a bow and arrow. When you release the arrow, you trust it will go where you aim it. The power of God is the energy behind the release of the arrow, but you are the one who takes aim. When you clearly know what qualities you want in your life, this Universal energy will flow where you want it, following the direction of your intention.

The qualities we refer to are qualities of consciousness — like Peace, Love, Harmony, Joy, Divine Order, and Abundance. All these words have been used to describe qualities of the Higher Power and as they manifest through the universal flow of energy in your life, and create the perfect outworking of your soul's expression in every situation.

God wants you to experience happiness, love and all that is good. You have a divine right to ask for these qualities to manifest. Regardless of your circumstance, begin now to be very clear about what qualities you want in your life. Write them down. Post them in a place where you will be reminded. You can set the course for your life in this way. Review your intentions often and remain aware of them when circumstances seem upsetting. It is in those moments of upset that you can clearly ask for Divine Order and Harmony to manifest. After that, you need to let go and trust. When you let go, turning the situation over to a Higher Power, it allows a Creative Solution to manifest that you would have never imagined.

The grace of God is available to all who ask and know what qualities they want to manifest in their lives. Remember your guidance for today:

Trust in the universal flow of good and
know there is a Creative Solution for all situations.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel
October 4, 2015

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/4/2015 7:23:14 PM

GFP Newsletter - 10/3/2015

will's picture

The journey of science is outwards, the journey of religion is inwards. Science means going outward, religion means going inward; their directions are diametrically opposite. Although they are diametrically opposite they are complementary too, as all opposites always are.

There is a harmony between the opposites. The inner and the outer are not enemies, they are in utter coordination. The body and the soul are not enemies, they befriend each other; in fact they cannot exist separately, they can exist only in a togetherness. Man and woman, darkness and light, summer and winter, positive and negative - they are all together, although they are opposites. But they are not enemies, this has to be understood: opposites and yet complementaries... and there is utter harmony in existence.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/4/2015 7:26:06 PM

The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele: October 4, 2015

www_PicsDesktop_com_107Dear Ones, in this time of change and new beginnings, we urge you to let go of any remaining expectations, for expectation only serves to hold you in concepts – mind pictures representing something you have read or listened to with regard to Ascension. You are creating a new world, not forming it out of what is already known.

Learn to rest in the “NOW” at all times, knowing that this is a spiritual Universe and all are spiritual Beings while allowing each day to unfold without resistance. This practice will lead you into an ever deepening consciousness of love and gratitude as you begin to see everything as being part of a Divine plan, no matter how difficult or “unholy” it may appear to three dimensional thinking. As we have previously stated; This does not mean being a “doormat” or allowing oneself to stay in an unsafe environment.

Lifetimes past and present held struggle and very little support for those seeking Truth but those times have drawn to a close for most of you. You have done the work, often being punished for it and it is now time to rest, live, and be that which you have attained. One cannot stay in grade school after they are ready for high school or college just because a friend or someone close may still need grade school, or even because some “expert” says they must.

The time has come for all serious students of Truth to move into their power as awakened spiritual Beings, while at the same time moving courageously through whatever remnants of the “old ” may still operate in or affect them. As an individual evolves into new and higher ways of resolving karmic issues and remaining lessons, he no longer needs the intense problems, accidents, and difficulties previously required for awakening. Most of you are there now. On Earth there will always be difficulties of some sort, whether yours or another’s, but now you have new, higher, and guided tools with which to resolve them.

You are powerful Beings of Light, but this truth must be acknowledged and lived until it becomes a state of consciousness and not just nice words in a book. If an individual is ready to take this step but refuses to leave what is old, comfortable, and familiar he will probably get “wake up calls” in the form of difficult experiences serving to force him deeper and into what he is spiritually ready for. Victimhood can no longer be a part of the consciousness of serious students of Truth.

Most are not aware of how much change is actually taking place. Note world movements for peace, animal rights, freedom of information, and other issues that 20 years ago would not of been considered important by the vast majority. Notice also how people are starting to take a long hard look at commonly accepted beliefs as well as examining more closely the motives and intent of world “leaders”.

You are reclaiming your innate power through listening to, resonating with, and living out from inner guidance instead of blindly aligning with the often limiting concepts of some expert, government, church, or person. You are learning to stand in the power of Self which does not mean that you can never be taught truth from an evolved minister, expert, teacher, or friend. However, the bottom line must always be yours, based in an inner knowing of what is right and appropriate for you.

We wish to speak of the new energies. Most of you were aware of the full moon and eclipse bringing high Light frequencies. Do not believe that “nothing happened” based on appearances, for new Light energies did come and are available but the integration of them only takes place as an individual is capable of receiving them. Very few are able to fully integrate high frequencies all at once because the physical, emotional and mental bodies must be prepared to accept and resonate with them.

Never doubt that your Higher Self will see to it that you receive everything you are ready for, as you are ready without effort on your part other than to live out from your highest sense of Truth. Always remember that you are being guided, and assisted at all times. No one – not even the very un-awakened – are ever left to struggle through a life on Earth alone.

Your job as evolving students of Truth is to rest in the awareness that this is a spiritual Universe, governed by Love, and peopled with spiritual Beings. Do not spend time worrying about whether or not you are ascending or “doing it right”. Living out from your highest sense of right in each moment is all that is required.

So much third dimensional thinking regarding spirituality is limiting – how experiences must look or feel in order to be valid. These are concepts based in and handed down from someone’s belief system. Experiences others may have had were valid for them, but may not necessarily be right for you.

DNA will activate as you are ready, chakras will be clear and open as you are ready, and 5th dimensional experiences will happen as you are ready. All the courses taken, practices engaged in, and efforts put forth to attain these things can help, but the fullness of the experience cannot take place until the soul is prepared.

Hold the intention to evolve while practising what you already know and more will be given. Ascension does not simply drop into one’s lap without preparation. Each step taken along the way of lifetimes adds to and finally brings forth a fully aware state of consciousness that results in your creations manifesting outwardly on increasingly higher levels.

Love everything. Love the “bad” as well as the “good”. Love your faults and love those who do not love you. Love the thoughts that pop into your head that may cause you to react with fear, anger, resentment, jealousy etc. for there is nothing but GOD and as you learn to love everything, you stop giving appearances power causing them to lose their “punch”.

An evolved state of consciousness automatically dissolves old learned behaviors and beliefs such as being “less than” or “unworthy”. Learn to laugh at honest mistakes and you will soon discover that the sky doesn’t fall down, your Guides don’t leave you, nor do you stop spiritually growing when you make a wrong choice. This is what lifetimes spent in the third dimension have been about – stepping and falling, stepping and falling..

You chose to be here and you learned. Most of you are now finding or will soon find yourselves assisting others to also grow and learn who and what they are. Rejoice in every opportunity whether it is just throwing out a seed of Truth or actually teaching another, but never seek out students, force, proselytize, or work to “save” someone for there is only ONE and that ONE doesn’t need “saving”.

As you radiate more Light, you will attract some who seek to have your Light instead of finding their own. These dear Ones are not usually interested in nor prepared for the deeper Truths.

Those ready for what you may have to give them will find you. Trust your intuition and allow yourselves to be guided as to the readiness of any who seek you out. Keep your work with others on the level of compassion and not sympathy, for sympathy will align with the other’s lower resonating energy.

Compassion is a more detached way of viewing another’s issues and allows you to offer the words necessary for the person to hear at their level of awareness while you continue to hold your Light.

In Unconditional Love and Awareness we are

The Arcturian Group

The Arcturian Group. Channelled by Marilyn Raffaele. October 4, 2015.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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