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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
10/4/2015 6:12:25 PM


Sunday, October 4, 2015

Third Quarter Moon Phase: revise, realign

Moon in Cancer

Goddess of Wisdom: All - led by Shodashi (Goddess of Form)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of the South, God of Waves)

Skill: practice transforming from dark to light

Catalysts for Change: suppressing emotions, secrets, heightened levels of anger, too much information, gloom and doom, ego centric, attempts to take control, fear, jealousy, overpowering others

True Alignments:
answers from deeply within, bringing something to light, bringing something of true value to another, spreading your wings, fellowship of humanity, attuning to rhythms, release from a burden, options

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: "a girls basketball team"

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres"

Today the Moon moves to the Third Quarter Moon phase, the time of the cycle when we look back to the intentions and conditions at the New Moon (September 14) and see how they have developed. Do you remember what was happening in your life then? In the natural cycles of life, Third Quarter is the time when we take stock, analyze, and see what needs to be revised or polished. It is a time of completion before beginning anew.

This Moon phase is essentially the end of a little larger cycle also, the end of two lunar months that are like long Gibbous Moon phases. We've had two months with which to make magic and to learn to trust the universe more.

Today, the Third Quarter Moon phase opens with the Sun located at the degree of "miners emerging from a deep coal mine." This energy is a time of release, a time of leaving darkness behind, and transformation. The energy often brings a reward. Fresh air is at hand after a time of deep inner exploration. Any lingering gloominess is trying to evaporate.

There are eight days remaining in this lunar month. The month of the New Moon in Libra begins October 12. Between now and then, wise owls are drumming with the Wisdom Goddesses led by Shodashi, the Goddess Who Aligns With the Highest and Best Desires of the Soul. We are building more energy into Shodashi's Wave of Love for Humanity. Between now and the New Moon in Libra we are grounding ourselves firmly with Gaia Sophia. The next lunar month is a big one. Potential for worldwide tumult is very high, and we are preparing for the full-blast of light it will bring (it's like a month-long Full Moon). "Full Moon Fever" will be pervasive. We know this in advance.

It's important to share the responsibility today. The nature of the energy is to spread out responsibility, so that no one person is overtaxedThis is indicated by the degree of the Earth at the Sabian symbol " a flock of wild geese." Geese happen to come under the purview of Shodashi. Geese share responsibility, taking turns leading when flying in formation. They also innately fly as to not obstruct their view of what is ahead. In Animal Speak by Ted Andrews, a gem of a spiritual reference, goose "medicine" is about questing, adventures, and possibilities. Is a new quest, adventure, or possibility getting ready to open for you? Has you heart been calling you toward something? The Goddess Shodashiputs us on that path.

Chatter and noise may become quite loud in our minds today, as Venus once again disseminates the energy of "many little birds on the limb of a large tree." This energy tends to bring a dizzying level of mental or emotional overwhelm, which can lead to confusion or "paralysis." Wisdom tells us to relax and try to let the energy help us take on a new perspective so that something that needs to be released can do so.

Today we come out of the darkness and into the light with something. It's always a good thing.

I would like to thank the wise owls that came out to fellow owl Logan's finish of his cross-country foot and bike trek to bring light to darkness. It was so wonderful for me to get to hang out with wise owls. We had a great time sitting on the beach and toasting Logan. Congratulations, Logan! We are so grateful to you.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/4/2015 6:47:56 PM

Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff: It’s Time to Make Learning Fun and Enlightening

hilarion2Beloved Ones,

The grounding of the higher cosmic light into and upon the planet has moved into its next phase.

Those who have been doing this work are now moving into position to offer divine truths to those who now awaken. The awakening ones come to seek that which they need to bring them into a quicker integration with the new energies and the new consciousness.

As beacons of the higher light and truth, the lightworkers of the world are working together at the higher levels of being to coordinate their efforts. In unity, they work on the transformation of the planet and all her inhabitants to proceed in a way that allows the opening of consciousness and awareness in the greatest number of souls.

It is the time to make learning fun and enlightening at the same time. Many of you who have established your spiritual presence and credentials are now able to do this with a greater ease and grace. As the universe works with you, through you and for you, synchronistic events take place in miraculous and truly magical ways.

The old world structures continue to crumble and decay because the new and higher energies no longer support them. You are seeing evidence of this every day and there is now a desperate attempt to maintain them through the methods that used to work before. Those who employ these methods will not succeed in their efforts, for the structure to maintain this effort is no longer viable.

It is the spiritual perspective which now comes to the forefront of consciousness as people become aware that there is more to life on Earth than they previously believed. The intensity of their spirit seeks to manifest through them into the world and as this occurs, their hearts open to greater understanding and perspective.

The energy and power of love creates powerful awakenings to blossom from within. As people feel and express more love, joy and peaceful intention towards one another, a higher expression in interaction with each other becomes commonplace.

As people let go of the limiting concepts of duality such as division, enmity and competition and begin to express the higher qualities of their soul, they see that life returns to them what they themselves put into it. They enter into a new phase of living in alignment with spirit and the divine within. This movement frees them and creates a greater degree of expansion and an expression of new creative energy and consciousness.

They begin to see their life filled with unlimited opportunities to express their unique soul qualities, talents and abilities. They see that they can choose their life experience to manifest for them in ways they previously did not imagine. This in turn creates greater harmony within them and as this personal harmony radiates outwardly, it creates a joyful interaction with the world and this brings them a sense of greater fulfillment in their personal endeavors.

As their understanding increases in the process of bridging and uniting two realities, they find new gateways of truth which touch all facets of their lives. These in turn, create a lightness of spirit, bringing joy and laughter and a greater awareness of the richness that lives within them. They feel the joy of creation as they manifest the wealth of knowledge, experience and understanding that lies within them and they share it with the world.

As the collective wonders that they hold within them are brought into the light of their new consciousness, it begins a new phase, a new birth into a greater reality which empowers and enriches everyone. The seeds of love and wisdom emanating from within their being are planted within the collective consciousness to heal, bless and enable their sisters and brothers to move into the new reality with them.

As life unfolds in the new consciousness and reality, there is a greater unity with all beings that takes place. There is also a greater respect and reverence for the divinity within each human heart and this will facilitate a greater desire to serve others in some capacity. As they align to their divine essence and follow the guidance and promptings being given, their world opens to new dimensions previously unimagined.

New vistas open before them which pave the way to ever greater perspectives of the infinite richness of the universe that they dwell in. They also understand that they have only touched the surface of the infinite well of abundance that comprises their individual spirit and that there is more that can be made manifest.

As they find the courage to share this with others, more knowledge at ever deeper levels becomes available through them to go out into the world.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

© 2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

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“Hilarion: It’s Time to Make Learning Fun and Enlightening,” Channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, October 4, 2015, at

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/4/2015 6:52:59 PM

Make a Beautiful World Out There

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

What is all this about the so-called old that makes limitations seem to be a foregone conclusion? Old age seems to have a narrow range of prediction, well, predicted only as… old.

The world may look at the so-called old as some lesser kind of being who descended to Earth shriveled and referred to simply as the Old as if they had never lived, as if they had never raised a family and moved youthfully in the world, as if they, the experienced, have no further contributions to make, as if the old have no future and couldn’t really have had a past. Is the world saying that the grouped old are no more than water under the bridge?

Oh, sure, certainly, older people have become good sports, pushed along in wheel chairs, facing a blank wall or the TV like good guests. I, God, pray to Myself:

“Oh, please, God, don’t be so willing to let life for the longest-lived be grim and that the world relegate them to a non-status. Must the so-called elderly be housed together at a way-station and just wait their turn before being shipped off to the wild blue yonder? God, what happened to Your gift of a purpose to every soul on Earth?

"Age does not have to be presumed to be as it seems to be today, as an off-shoot of life. What excuse is there for this? Come, paint a better picture. Who can look forward to old age as it is portrayed in modern times? Could You, God? Who could? Old age as it is seen today is nothing more than an idea. Can it be Your idea, God?

"Who would look forward to not walking, running, etc. Who in one’s right mind would look forward to what society propels before the world? Who would say: 'Oh, boy, isn’t it terrific to look forward to losing the use of my body and my faculties, to be dependent upon others, to be confined and just while away my days without a trace of a sense of usefulness. Oh, no.' "

Unfortunately, this is the picture that much of the world paints before My beloved children who have been around the block. Come now, who would raise his or her hand and wave it around excitedly, eager to be chosen to line up at the entrance gate? Who would want to be relegated to this ritual? Where is the bonus? Where is what can be?

Yes, of course, all older human beings have earned privileges. Let them earn more favorable privileges and a more favorable outlook. These are My children We are talking about.

Who decided that the wisest people on Earth are supposed to be put out to pasture, and a pasture that may well not include even fresh air? Fresh air would be a minimum, wouldn’t you think? Fresh air belongs at the top of the list.

Look, I value social systems today for putting forth what they put forth, and I desire that the world be given good go-aheads so they can accomplish more. May enough individuals grow in consciousness so that We can offer more than survival and speak of more than survival. Survival is not enough. Survival – what’s that? What does that mean? Sitting life out is not enough, not for the young and not for the old.

It is My desire to work wonders in all areas of the world today. Let’s get some energy out there. Let’s have higher expectations. Let's intend and extend. Let's move forward and give My children of all ages more love.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
10/4/2015 6:54:53 PM

Second Trip through the Portal

Higher consciousnessI ascended again yesterday. It happened at exactly the same stretch of road I was walking a few days earlier when the first experience of Ascension happened.

And, like the first time, I was enroute to a meeting when it occurred.

Again it wasn’t like a voyage to a sublime plane of existence. It was an ever-deepening expansion of consciousness. We’ve seen movies of people who shrink. Well, this was an experience of expanding, expanding, expanding.

This experience was deeper than the first. Given that I was having lunch with a lightworker, I could do things like allow her to look into my eyes while I let myself sink as deeply as possible into my experience. And, when I did, I went down, down, down, down.

I was so drunk on the energies by the time lunch was over, I could hardly stand and didn’t know how I was going to get home. I’d planned to go to the supermarket, bank, etc., and had to abandon those ideas. I could not manage anything else but head back to my apartment, only to find that Nicole also was immersed in a similar experience.

Neither of us could call for hours because our experiences continued and required us both to be off alone for the duration.

I remained in almost a stupor of bliss for another hour or two, and then felt myself strong enough to rejoin society, so to speak.

Bliss was the overwhelming characteristic of this experience. But being in that space also promoted tolerance, compassion, flexibility, and other divine qualities.

At one point, I heard myself say: OK, you’re ascended. Now what? The “now what” of Ascension is to carry on but do it better, cleaner, more expansively.

We didn’t agree before we were born to ascend and then leave the job. We agreed to ascend and really get to work.

And what is that work in regard to Ascension?

It’d be what it’s always been: to help to ascend those who have not yet ascended.

Isn’t that what every sage and saint has ever done? Don’t the ascended always turn around and help the unascended?

In our case it’d be helping the members of our soul group and anyone else we can reach. To my way of thinking, souls groups ascend and form the fabric of the whole. That’s how the whole ascends.

Beyond Ascension is building Nova Earth. Our Ascension equips us to do that job by giving us the needed strength, vision, and compassion – what I call “the juice.”

The day after this second experience, I’m left feeling substantial and stable. A conversation of deep truth-telling will probably bring me back to the space of bliss fairly easily.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
10/4/2015 7:02:16 PM


Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - October 2, 2015

The latest guidance for Lightworkers, from our friends, the fifth and sixth dimensional beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends!

We are glad to have the opportunity to speak with you again today.
Know that we are with you, that you are never abandoned to the outer state of your world—which, though reaching further and further into fifth dimensional life now, is nevertheless still in its birth throes, emerging out of the fiery womb of the third dimension.

We are aware of what appear to be your current losses, both the refugee situation in several parts of the world, and the recent deaths in the United States, in Oregon. Understand that there are many ways to leave this planet, and that while some are drawn out of this physical life before their charted departure, most do not leave before one of their chosen “exit points.”

Allow them their path, both those who are seemingly lost to you in sudden ways, and those who simply fade out of your life.

You are far less concerned with the deaths of those in foreign lands, and those within your own land, whom you do not know or hear about, or whose deaths are not so dramatic as a shooting would entail.

This is because you are far more emotionally resonant with those with whom you have exchanged some form of energetic communication and understanding—those whose stories you know or can relate to culturally in some way. It is so that it is a form of violence to be taken out of the physical realm so suddenly, without warning, and seemingly without choice.

And yet you yourselves have left the physical plane many times—hundreds of times—and you know inwardly that that is never the end.

You know fully that there is always a reappearance in another form, on another plane—usually a higher plane, and a higher form. So that while you understandably feel to be at a loss when you see politicians and sense those behind the scenes, whom you might call henchmen, manipulating persons and events to create mass panic and chaos, understand that you are able to view these events without being emotionally drawn into them.


You are capable, as it were, of not playing their game.
You are able to rise above, to bless and send Light to those who have released the physical (we do not refer to them as “those lost”—for they are not lost).

You are able in this way to send them the aid that assists them in an easy and joyful transition into the higher realms, where they are guided by Angels and loved ones who have gone on before them, into a new life and a new adventure. Certainly it leaves the Earth’s social and political makeup looking shaky and strange, when acts of violence such as you now see occurring in the streets of Syria and in eastern Europe and elsewhere, break out and endanger many.

Again, we would ask that you allow them their path to Ascension and their own soul’s journey, regardless of the seeming endangerment that they live in.

Things have shifted upon your planet. When souls leave the body now, they are far less likely to reenter the ongoing “recycling” movement of the third dimensional karmic wheel, unless they choose to do so.

There will soon be no third dimension on the Earth as you know it. There will indeed be a third dimensional Earth, but it will be a higher form of that dimension, with far less violence and density, and those of you reading this now, with few exceptions, will not be upon that Earth. You will be experiencing the New Earth that you are currently building and inhabiting.

And we are aware that you await a great moment of release and rescue, in which there are a few glorious announcements that permanently free you of the shackles of the past and suddenly propel you into a world of NESARA and GESARA, of full disclosure of our Galactic presence, and sudden introduction of Earth into intergalactic citizenry.

We would say, that though that is a beautiful dream, it is not generally how you do things.


Steps are already being taken to create full disclosure, which already exists for the many who are open to receiving such, and which is occurring in stages for all other persons.

Steps are also constantly being taken to fully enact the provisions of NESARA law—have you not seen a movement toward ensuring full democratic participation by all citizens via protection of voting rights, an end to mass incarceration in the US, the requirement of labeling of foods and the movement toward organic foods and vegetarianism, toward animal rights, LGBT rights, and universal protection of your environment?

You have seen these, and much more, including the declaration by many that the continued trafficking and abuse of children by organized religions and governments be ended completely.

You are the ones creating this new world you are beginning to live in, and there need be no “rescuing” to occur in order for you to have it.

We would say, that you are indeed receiving much help, much higher assistance in terms of the integration of the higher Light and gamma ray frequencies now reaching the Earth, into your minds, bodies, emotions, and spirit.

But it is your own steady involvement that ensures your Ascension, your movement to a higher level in all areas of life and spiritual awareness.


You have seen young children get angry when a parent or another adult tries to “help” and do something for the child, when the youngster is fully capable of doing it for themselves.

Perhaps, it takes a bit longer, and entails a few missed tries—but the child greatly desires the strength, autonomy, and learning of new skills involved in making the bed, tying the shoes, creating a Lego structure of their own design.

And so you would be very suspicious and angry indeed, were yet another authoritative crowd who claims to be “above” you were to come into your world and simply “fix” everything for you.

You would not grow and learn in the empowering and utterly brilliant ways in which you are currently learning and growing—and you would then need to create situations that required you to break away from us, just as you are now breaking away from your current power structure.

And so we stand back, lending aid where we can, without doing the job for you—this is law in this Universe, and this has been your clear choice from the start, dear ones. You may believe us on that score.

And are you building this new and beautiful planet, healed of Her pains, scars, and excavations?

Are you creating ways to travel the Universe and meet with other lifeforms? Creating new forms of communication, travel, work, education, healing—that have to do with Light and higher energies? That are sustainable and harm no one, and liberate all?

Most assuredly, you are doing that and much more.


You are beginning anew—you are becoming your higher selves!
Even as you note what has long been termed tragedy and loss, and what may now be termed “sudden transitions.”

Even as you view the many thousands leaving their country and seeking freedom, peace, food and shelter that does not cost the Earth, or is not hidden from them—are you not, in your own way, doing the same?

We are all in the same great beautiful boat together, and we are all moving forward, and not a moment passes that some aspect of this New Life is not being created by you, in new and higher terms.
And so yes, the terrain is rough some days. But do not doubt your ability to fly, and not merely trudge onward.

Spread your wings—claim your upward-moving energies, and note the momentum you are riding upon.
It is real. This moment is real.

You are in the fifth dimension, the building blocks of which are all around you, moved by you, used by you to Create.

It is what you came for! And the beauty of it is more than we can express.
Namaste! You are never alone.

Copyright 2015, Caroline Oceana Ryan
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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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