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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/3/2015 7:09:51 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday October 3, 2015

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Many of you have grown up with the concepts of heaven and hell being a large part of your religious teachings. From our perspective, hell is, simply put, the denial of your own divinity, and heaven is the reunion with the divinity that you are, and have always been. Moving into that truth while still in the body could then be considered experiencing heaven on earth, which is exactly what is anchoring and driving the grand shift on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/3/2015 7:10:59 PM

Lady Portia via Natalie Glasson: The Art of Receiving

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Imagine within your heart a violet flame of light which is filled with all the colors of the rainbow and so many other exciting and glorious colors.

This flame of light is alive with energy, light and consciousness which is especially for you, holding wisdom, consciousness, healing, inspiration, manifestation and transformation that you have been waiting for at a personal level and soul level.

This flame of light has manifested from your soul, therefore you know it is a direct and personal gift from the core of the Creator delivered especially for you to experience. This is the same for the energies you receive and activate within your being and reality. Every moment is a gift from the Creator delivered especially for you to experience.

I wish to invite you to observe the flame of light within your heart chakra. It is welcoming and loving. It is a gift for you, and wishes you to anchor a new perspective into your conscious awareness, mind and mental body, that the Creator is constantly delivering gifts to you.

This is not to acknowledge that every moment is a blessing or that even the most challenging circumstances can encourage tremendous enlightenment. Instead, I, Lady Portia, wish you to realise you are in direct contact and communication with the Creator. You are the constant receiver of the Creator’s energy and presence in your reality upon the Earth. You cannot stop receiving the Creator’s energy, consciousness, wisdom and guidance. However, you can neglect to notice it.

Open yourself to the understanding that you are a constant receiver of the Creator, and program your mind so you know, embody and experience this fully. When you accept you are constantly receiving the Creator, then you are required to observe the vibration or frequency you have chosen to receive and its influence upon your reality.

Your choice of frequency and vibration is determined by your beliefs about yourself, others and life. If these beliefs are focused upon limiting [or] resisting your self-worth and denying your divinity, the energy you receive from the Creator will be used to energise a reality born from these beliefs. If you believe in your divinity, self-worth, love yourself, are compassionate and so forth, then you will automatically use the energy you receive from the Creator to energise your beliefs, thus creating similar experiences in your reality.

In order to benefit fully from your natural existence as a receiver of the Creator upon the Earth, there is a need for your beliefs, thoughts and perspective to be of a high vibration. Create thoughts which mirror the truth and love of the Creator and energise them with the power of love from your heart chakra. Letting your thoughts reflect the energy of the Creator will mean that your entire being will resonate at a quick speed of light, also known as a high and pure vibration, aligned harmoniously with the Creator.

When you meditate, focus or contemplate love, the Creator, light or divine vibrations, you are allowing your entire being, especially your mind and mental body, to identify with the Creator. In truth, to vibrationally align and resonate with the Creator. When this happens you may experience a state or encounter of peace which inspires, energise and supports the mind and mental body.

With this state comes inspired thoughts, for you, your personality and soul, which are aligned with and express the higher vibration your mind and mental body are vibrating at. In this moment you are reflecting the Creator, allowing your thoughts to be of purer vibration and frequency. Your thoughts may still be of mundane issues, or concerning aspects of your physical life, and yet they will have a new open and expansive energy which can lead to greater freedom and communion with the Creator.

From this state of existence you are able to receive the constant energy of the Creator, automatically projecting it to create a loving Creator inspired reality for yourself to experience upon the Earth. Your beliefs will alter and the energy you receive from the Creator will energise these new beliefs manifesting them into your reality for you to encounter with delight. With this understanding you are then more able to use the violet flame of light which is a gift from the Creator to manifest your highest potential.

The energy within the flame of light is akin to a battery waiting to energise whatever you wish. This is why I describe it as holding everything you wish to experience and gain spiritually and physically. I invite you to take time to explore the flame as that which you consciously and unconsciously wish to experience will be evident and present for you to view and understand, encouraging you to discover yourself and truth more fully.

I invite you to contemplate whether the manifestation of these desires will create a fulfilment. In doing so you are uniting your consciousness, identity and creations with higher aspects of your soul and the Creator, letting go of any aspects of yourself which are no longer needed.

In this process you will also recognise the act of detachment, as you are invited to detach from energies, fulfilment and even the vibration of the Creator, over and over until you deliver yourself into a space of pure and enlightened consciousness. The act of observation is the key in this practice.

I, Lady Portia, am sharing this wisdom with you now as you are leading ascension forward, and already there has come a time when old energies and perspectives of ascension will require to fall away. The momentum of this occurring is building.

In order for you to remain balanced, willing to accept and recognise the truth of the Creator, and able to connect with the divine consciousness of the Creator, there will be a need for you to receive the Creator’s energy with the ability to access the highest conscious awareness in order to energise thoughts and perspectives which aid the New Era of Love and Advanced Ascension Process upon the Earth.

In the simplest explanation this is to be focused upon truthfully receiving the Creator in every constant moment, and using the energy of the Creator to energise truth in every constant moment. You do not necessarily need to understand the truth of the Creator. A simple intention is sufficiently powerful.

I, Lady Portia, invite you to observe the flame of light with a new awareness, understanding how this simple flame can create a powerful process of growth and transformation within your being. As a constant receiver of the Creator, the building blocks for love, peace and spiritual evolution upon the Earth are constantly being delivered to you. It is akin to receiving constant updates from the Creator to support the transformation within your being and the Earth.

These updates not only give to you the energy to create foundations, they also share with you the possibilities of the soul in existence in a human body upon the Earth in this era of ascension. Enlightenment, knowledge and wisdom is being delivered to you constantly. The tools to support your ascension and the awakening of others is also being delivered to you continuously.

There is simply a need for you to now allow yourself to receive with ease and perfection. The ability to receive is also being delivered to you by the Creator, you can invite this ability and all abilities delivered to you by the Creator, to anchor into your being now.

‘I am a receiver of the Creator, I invite all the Creator delivers to me to ground and anchor into my being, to energise the sacred consciousness of my soul, embedded within my mind, mental body and beliefs.’

As the energy waves from the Creator, the Universe and the Inner planes intensify your request and intention to ground and anchor, all you receive from the Creator becomes immensely important. Remember the Creator’s energy is like a battery ready to energise whatever you focus upon consciously and unconsciously. This is a wonderful opportunity to focus upon creating a beautiful new belief and intention:

‘I now focus upon and hold intentions which reflect the truth of my love, nourishing and supporting my existence upon the Earth.’

With this intention, you will discover yourself automatically creating nourishing and fulfilling intentions and beliefs with very little effort. You will also realise you cannot make a mistake, because every creation is divinely perfect and supports your spiritual evolution.

You are a receiver of the Creator’s energy. You can choose to use this energy in anyway, and are already doing so. There is no lack within your reality, because the Creator’s energy is always provided to you abundantly, as if you are being fed by the Universe of the Creator. Nothing is out of your reach or beyond your abilities, everything is available to you, encouraging you to experience the limitless, expansive and united nature of your being.

I encourage you to expand the flame of light within your heart chakra to surround your entire being, let go of all I have shared with you and simply experience the energy of the flame, simply knowing you are receiving the Creator in that moment.

We are one. I am a constant source of support for you,

Lady Portia

“Lady Portia: The Art of Receiving,” Channelled through Natalie Glasson, October 2, 2015, at

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/3/2015 7:12:15 PM

A Moving Star

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God said:

Would you like a Heavenletter today? Here it is. I give it to you. Every Heavenletter is a little poke. Heavenletters beckon you into the realms of your DNA. DNA seems like your past all set, yet your inheritance moves you forward. Ultimately, your DNA is Mine. Whatever details it may contain, your DNA is My say-so, for you and I share DNA. Your DNA is not a fixed star. It is a moving star. Your DNA has no bounds. You dance to the tune of your DNA, yet your DNA dances to the tune of your Heart’s Longings.

Let’s have a lovelier name for DNA.

Let Us call it Dear New Aspirations. Let Us call it Dreams Now Alive. Let Us call it Dedicated Neutral Actions. Let Us call it Destined Natural Alohas. Let Us call it Love.

There is no getting set in life. Life is movement. Life is a surprise. Life can be anything it is.

It is no kidding when Hamlet said:

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

And Hamlet also says:

And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.

Yes, welcome life. My beautiful children have a tendency to let life be unwelcome and attend overmuch to the hum-drum or to the unkind.

Consider that this day before you -- every day before you -- is new and filled with the unexpected. No one knows what today will bring.

Many times this makes you feel insecure, and you become tense. You hold your head down in the hopes of avoiding heartache. What is this safety that you crave? What is this surety you cry for? Have you not known that you are on an adventure in life? Do you really and truly want life to be the same every day? Life is not a closet you sit in. It is not a tiny place where nothing happens.

Life on Earth is a vast place where anything and everything can happen.

Every day of life is exactly that – the unknown. Life is the unknown in its relative aspects. This means everchanging. Nothing stays the same in the relative world.

The movie reel spins. What combination of changing colors will today be? What breezes will blow? What hems will fall down? What textures will today contain? What happiness and what sorrows? What will you remember, and what will you forget? What will you imagine, and what will be real?

This whole surface of life that seems so real is not. It is a fantastic fantasy. Sometimes it is riding on a rollercoaster. Sometimes it is basking in the sun. Sometimes it is a swim in the lake. The surface of life is what it happens to be. You can be sure that, whatever it may be, it will change. Change is the name of the game of life on Earth. Have I said this before? And, yet, you would like to hold the reins of the steeds of life. You would like to hold them back, or you would like to spur the steeds forward. You want life to be both ways under your jurisdiction, of course.

Remember that you are to be open in life, not closed. This is another way of saying that life can pick you up and toss you in the world. Life can never be the same. You can never stay the same. There is a tide to the Ocean of Life. Waves lap the shore, and waves leap away from the shore. The Ocean inhales and exhales, as it were. You breathe in, and you breathe out. There is exhilaration, and there is the pulling back and then the going forward.

Life is also what you make of it. Ride the waves, beloved. All is well.

Permanent link to this Heavenletter: - Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/3/2015 7:13:43 PM

Matt Kahn Energy Update 10/2/15: Becoming Aware of the New Energy

Matt KahnWhether you are rediscovering your life from a more expanded level of consciousness, or believe your shift has yet to occur, today’s energy update is dedicated to serving both sides of experience in becoming aware of the new energy that has anchored into Earth.

May it assist in embracing the uniqueness of all subjective experiences to expand perceptions and welcome into view the ultimate reality that each of us so beautifully embody.

In my previous energy update, I noted how the emotional and physical bodies are often the final aspects to shift as new energy dawns. If we now know the last places where shifts often occur, we can take the next step of exploring the initial pieces of evidence where the changes of energetic expansion can be noticed.

Even though a common attribute of new paradigm energy is a palpable sense of vast spacious emptiness, I want to really dive into exploring where these shifts begin for the benefit of all.

As always, there is no such thing as, “I’m good or bad at evolving.” It is merely a matter of becoming aware of how the subtle energies can be noticed within your experience, so you can realize the magnificent changes that confirm your continual growth.

The first place to notice the shifting of energies is something I call, “internal orientation.” It is much like your inner barometer of allegiance. When internal orientation shifts, your allegiance changes from being mortal enemies with discomfort and inconvenience to becoming more open and aware in response to such experiences.

If internal orientation shifts dramatically, it creates a sudden recognition that anything that was once interpreted as a barrier to overcome is actually a catalyst of divinity that is attracted into your reality to ensure the fulfilment of your highest potential. Such drastic shifts in internal orientation are often referred to as “realizations” or “aha moments,” but for some, the shifts are far more subtle.

Instead of going from “I hate my life” to “All is One,” the shifting of internal orientation is becoming more familiar with the patterns, reactions and conditions at play. During this shift, you steadily transition from only being concerned with the things that you prefer, to becoming keenly aware of the things you cannot control, whether you wish you could control them or not.

Even if you spend any amount of time trying to avoid, manipulate or bypass your experiences, you are no longer lost in denial. You are not unaware, but becoming more aware, no matter how often you fight with the situations in view.

You might not think anything is different because you are still acting out in the same way, but at a closer look, there are a variety of progressive internal changes that allow you to be a witness of yourself, as a character in your life’s movie, instead of a victim of your circumstances.

Summer field with white daisies on blue sky. Ukraine, Europe. BeAs strange as it sounds, one of the key pieces of evidence that your internal orientation is shifting into a more expanded space of awareness is the presence of judgment. The arising of judgment can be a sign that your internal orientation is shifting in a more conscious direction, whether the ego is ready to be unraveled and integrated or not.

Even though your ego might judge your behavior, criticize the actions of others, or even condemn your inner critic, the act of judging, condemning, opposing, or criticizing signifies an opening of awareness just beginning to expand beyond the parameters of your personal preferences.

While you are meant to remember how to be open, attentive, and responsive without the arising of criticism, judgment, opposition, or blame, that’s not the shift that initially occurs.

As awareness begins to expand, there is a more heightened sense of observation that opens up within you. When this occurs, judgments tend to amplify or become more noticeable, as the voice of ego projects conclusions and opinions onto the people, places, and things that enter the framework of your reality.

One of the reasons why judgments cannot be resolved by most spiritual approaches is because it maintains a negative view on how you react, while overlooking the higher purpose of judgment as an initial sign of change occurring throughout your journey. Once you change the way you are viewing each reaction and response, all perceivable obstacles can be recognized as a sign of evolution – no matter how slowly or quickly your progress seems to be.

Once you surrender the need to defeat judgment, and accept that it could only be a divine catalyst here to help you evolve, the role of life’s inner critic can be surrendered, simply by acknowledging criticism as a sign of expanding awareness.

To assist you in shifting into greater allegiance with your ever-expanding awareness, please repeat the following words out loud:

“I accept that before the things I wish would change are able to shift, the immediate changes occur in the way I see things. While I may still be as judgmental, critical, or cynical as I’ve been, or perhaps becoming even more intolerant to the judgments, criticism, and condemnation of other people’s ego, I accept it as evidence that I am becoming more aware, even if I still act the way I think I shouldn’t.

“As my internal orientation shifts into greater allegiance with Universal Will, I accept that every single facet of my experience is a gift of evolution given by the Universe, and in no way is there anything within me that was created just to be thrown away or tossed aside.

“When I accept that judgment is a sign of my internal orientation beginning to shift into more expanded awareness, perhaps I am able to sense a depth of spaciousness that signifies the new energy that has already entered my field.

“Perhaps the subtleties of my evolution are showing me a depth of perfection and grace that I can become even more aware of, as I shift toward embracing each experience as a guiding force, only destined to help me evolve. This means everything is here to help me, no matter how I think or feel about it. And so I am free.”

As judgment acts as an unsuspecting sign of expanding awareness, no matter how biased or tainted of a view each judgment suggests, the next shift of internal orientation is noticing a decrease in the sharpness of painful experiences.

It’s as if your ego, which fuels itself by either insisting others are wrong, assuming your circumstances are some sort of mistake, or wallowing in the pity of its own wrong-doing, begins to lose steam when even the nature of judgment is no longer viewed as wrong.

As ego is no longer fueled by labeling behavior as wrong, it’s as if there is a lack of interest in correcting others, or condemning yourself as a more harmonious witness begins to view your life from within the spaciousness of body. From this space, it’s not as if you relinquish the need to control in a moment of spiritual triumph. Instead, you tend to forget about the control you’ve never actually had.

As ego runs out of things to oppose and loses track of beliefs in control, it becomes progressively more difficult to make the behavior of others about you. Instead, how others treat you can be seen as a response to their own unresolved pain or echoes of emotional turmoil. You may not feel motivated to offer love to them, but you may not also be as deeply-wounded or troubled by their behavior or even your response.

Love 222Oftentimes the reason why you may not notice these subtle shifts in internal orientation is due to the fact that your unraveling ego is often the one who patrols your energy field in search of the very changes that begin to surface in the absence of the one who yearns for it. Simply put, the one who waits for the arrival of change dissolves as change appears.

From recognizing judgment as a confirmation of becoming more aware, to naturally taking life less personally, and even forgetting about the control you’ve never had, your internal orientation continues its shift of allegiance by noticing how much faster you move through various emotional states. Maybe the difficult feelings that used to throw you out of balance for weeks or months at a time now shift throughout the duration of a day, or even in a matter of hours.

Soon the shifting of your internal orientation will cultivate such a more grounded awareness that uncomfortable emotions or personal friction can shift in a matter of minutes.

The irony is that when you get to the point of noticing how much faster your emotions shift, it is often when you wake up from a belief in being attacked by emotions to recognize each feeling as a gift to be fully received and welcomed into your heart.

The deeper you breathe each feeling in and breathe it out as blessings of peace, love, and harmony for one and all, the greater perspective you develop in recognizing your previous emotional enemies as unsuspecting allies in disguise.

Along with noticing emotions shifting faster than before and opening up to emotions as gifts to receive, no matter how each one is packaged or decorated, you may even notice yourself still judging, condemning, or criticizing, while on the inside, the objective observer watches the play of human behavior, but without a firm internal commitment in believing in such harsh viewpoints as you did before. At this point, it’s as if you’re barely going through the paces of personal patterns that continue to lose power and fall apart as you play them out.

As your internal orientation continues to shift, each surge of thought or emotion will flow directly through you as an passing experience that is curious and invigorating instead of feeling threatening in any way. From this space, you become aware of the activity of human conditioning from a space of openness. While it may feel like neutrality in the beginning, it is the vast spacious emptiness I’ve been speaking about as the arrival of 5D consciousness.

Even though you are getting used to life at a new zero point, where things no longer happen to you, but occur around you, it equally can be a time where passion, inspiration, joy, happiness, and fulfillment equally seem missing. As you acclimate to the climate of new paradigm consciousness, soon the vast empty spaciousness becomes the light of all things to return you to the inspiration, joy, ecstasy, and fulfillment of your highest potential that can now be anchored and grounded into a strong foundation of grace and maturity.

When trying to fast forward your journey is replaced by exploring the nuances and subtleties of each vital shift, you are able to see with greater clarity just how far you’ve come, as you begin to honor your efforts and embrace the beauty of your uniqueness at a more intimate level. As you advance through each degree of internal orientation, the most essential practice is a willingness to love the one who experiences life however it seems to you.

From loving the one who ridicules the activity of judgment, or embracing the one who wishes life felt more fair, to honoring the one who wants it all to speed up and get to the good stuff, each experience introduces you to the next aspect of self that is next in line to be loved by you. Even if your experience seems so beyond the realm of conscious action, it merely invites you to embrace the one who only knows how to communicate by either lashing out or shutting down.

No matter how you are experiencing the dawning of a new spiritual paradigm, it is my honor to serve the evolution of your journey, until you have no other choice but to see the magnificence of your being and dare to shine as brightly as you have always been meant to be.

Many blessings,
Matt Kahn

P.S. To take this journey even deeper and finally live a life of emotional freedom and energetic peace and harmony within yourself, and with all around you, please join us for an upcoming Soul Gathering, 5-day retreat in the Portland, Oregon area, or our Angel Academies: True Divine Nature Calendar

We look forward to being with you soon. Peace, love & blessings to all ~Julie

© Copyright 2015 True Divine Nature, LLC

Matt Kahn: Energy Update 10/2/15, “Becoming Aware of the New Energy,” at

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/3/2015 7:16:07 PM

GFP Newsletter - 10/2/2015

will's picture

"...Whenever a wave of such divine rapture strikes the heart of the Sufi, it creates great waves in the lake of his inner being..." He is just a receptacle. To say that the Sufi is dancing is not right. The Sufi is being danced. He cannot help it, he is helpless. Something is pouring into him and it is too much; it starts overflowing in his dancing and singing.

"This, in turn, causes his body to move. Upon seeing such movement non-Sufis have often supposed that the Sufi is dancing. In reality, however, it is the waves of the ocean of God that are tossing and turning the anchorless vessel that is the heart of the Sufi."

On the surface, from the outside, the Sufi seems to be dancing. But he is not dancing, because there is no dancer. It is pure dance. God has taken possession of him. The Sufi is drunk, intoxicated. His state is that of non-being. He is anchorless. The waves of the ocean toss and turn. First his inner being is stirred, great joy arises there; and then it starts spreading towards his body.

...Remember it: forget the dancer and be the dance.

The way of the Sufi is the way of dance, song, celebration.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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