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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/2/2015 7:13:59 PM

Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, October 2, 2015

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Sun in Libra moving forward in Venus’ airy sign forms a cardinal t-square with Uranus and Pluto this week, and Sun clashing with the two outer titans of change is only the beginning of the tense aspects in the heavens currently forming. Mars and Venus form tough squares to Saturn, and Mars-Venus and Jupiter also oppose the idealistic, illusory Neptune. The strain, effort, and work that the hard aspects (oppositions, squares) demand also suggest the greatest opportunities to productively move forward with various personal and professional goals.

Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Virgo this week, which is of interest in itself…and additionally the pair forms a strong trine to Mars’ overlord, Pluto, in Capricorn. Tangible, detail-oriented action describes Mars in Virgo, who receives a boost from his overlord, Pluto (energy flows well with raw power). Additionally, Jupiter expands the Mars-Pluto planetary pair. What a potent trio! Do all of the tense aspects in the heavens stand a chance of restraining the earthy force of Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto combined? Sharp perspectives and competitive activity help to push objectives forward this week, particularly useful in expanding interests in work and career.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


The rough start to the week evens out around mid-week for Aries Sun. This is a week of obtaining back what you “put into it” – while no guarantees exist, your fiery determination to succeed and move forward can be very much worth the effort. Authority and structure might feel restrictive and demanding, but appeasing those in charge and giving your best effort can have shockingly good results as well. Not that everything is tense and restricted for Aries. A decent amount of cheer and access to the “controlled expansion” theme in the heavens is available to help you along this week. Another plus is greater than average creativity and inspiration in the mix, and using concrete efforts to produce necessary, lasting change, in great or small ways. Also be aware of “backwards” conversations or the need to work through logical problems in reverse around October 1 and 2. Final thought for Aries: past dedication and work can serve you well in certain situations this week.


Your Sun’s ruler, Venus, enters the earthy Virgo sign at the end of this week. Venus in her fall (sign in which she’s least able to express her energy) is not necessarily a drawback, and the earthy Venusian energy flows well for Taurus Sun. The sign change signifies a “jolt” that might feel like more inspiration and creativity entering the picture for you. Certainly, a penchant for taking care of detailed matters methodically in both personal and work life, particularly those involving other people, becomes more prominent. The largest issue looming for Taurus this week is overbearing structure and authority, building up to a crescendo and suddenly hitting in force on October 8. As with the rest of the Sun signs, staying the course, focusing on attention to details, and gritting your teeth and working through the tougher moments ultimately can help you achieving lasting, meaningful results from your efforts. Also watch for Mercury retrograde subtly making his mischief on October 8; “measure twice, cut once” is among some of the effective antidotes for Mercury’s antics. Final thought for Taurus: no additional insight for Taurus this week.


Gemini Sun escapes some of the tougher aspects characterizing the transits this week. Close relationships are a strong focus for Gemini, particularly in regards to considering, or reconsidering, future direction of the relationships. Home, family, and various comforts or needs are more prominent issues on October 2 and 3. Work is definitely also in the picture for Gemini this week, but tends to be more give and take than strictly about following rigid rules. Productivity therefore can be decent and at the same time enjoyable, or at least something not to be dreaded, with a peak day on October 6. Watch for October 7 and 8 as days of learning, gathering useful experience for future endeavors, and using your charm and charisma to make a favorable impression. Final thought for Gemini: your airy Sun has an interesting attribute this week, of more easily intuiting what other people are feeling.


The first two days of the week are more airy and attuned to Mercury retrograde for Cancer Sun. With Mercury squaring your Sun’s sign, this adds to the tense nature of the transits for you. However, October 4 and 5 have the sense of you really hitting your stride this week. Creativity and inspiration flow well on October 4, useful for enjoyment or work-related efforts. Use of the mind and attaining valuable perspectives characterizes October 4 and 5 for Cancer as well, and these effects linger until the end of the week. Although Sun in Libra is squaring your Sun’s sign until the end of the month, the last several days of the week are appropriate for enacting the benefits of harmony and collaboration, while expressing your personal qualities in the context of balancing with other people. Final thought for Cancer: nothing wrong with a bit of time alone to process and ponder the right decision.


This week is one of change for Leo Sun. Mercury retrograde’s influence is conspicuously in the mix at the start the week. While communication problems might arise, the opportunity to shine is also present if you can be quick and take advantage of the opportunities (for example, reaching a key person, or giving an effective presentation). Leo’s week also has a boost from close relationships, with the strongest influence at the start of the week. The action-packed beginning of the week also contains a valuable theme on October 2 and 3: operating well within structures, showing leadership, and displaying authority based on specialized knowledge. A feeling of transition and change heats up for Leo and becomes strongest by the week’s end. Unexpected events might feel unwelcome, but if you can find a way to make changing conditions an advantage this can be a productive week. Difficult, challenging situations met with a spirit of innovation and a desire to create new perspectives help Leo prosper. Final thought for Leo: watch for an event that prompts you to “start over” with someone or something this week.


Close relationships boost the start of the week for Virgo Sun. Amped up ambition and drive with a steady sense of dedication also contributes to a running start to the week for Virgo. A sense of struggle with behind the scenes authority might be present at the start of the week, but quickly dwindles as the week progresses. Likewise, the beginning of the week contains potential for heightened creativity as well as a potential sense of disillusionment, which quickly diminishes and dissipates as the week goes on. Most important this week, perhaps, and a theme that becomes stronger as the week goes on, is attention focused to future direction in terms of past decisions. Also watch for authority and structure to enter the picture more directly by the end of the week. A somewhat chaotic start to the week for Virgo ends productively under a watchful eye, if you can coordinate the conscious effort necessary to integrate that into your week. Final thought for Virgo: Looking your best and “putting your best face forward” can be surprisingly effective this week if you’re in the position of providing service to others.


Transiting Sun will reside at the halfway point of Libra by the end of the week; thus, Libra Sun’s solar return month will be half over. Mercury retrograde in your Sun’s sign certainly adds variety to your solar return! A useful time for considering the significance of relationships in your life and how to shift your perception and evaluate your experience of them. October 6 to 8 is an intense portion of the week for Libra Sun. A combination of mighty force and persistence are available for you to move objectives forward on October 6 and 7. Endurance, power, and steadfast efforts lead into the prominent theme for Libra on October 8, creating a favorable image for yourself and experiencing increasing returns, if you play you hand well this week and have a bit of luck. Final thought for Libra: a lot of passion available this week to face your Achilles’ heel or other tough, long-standing problems from certain people or situations.


The transits this week are not an easy ride for Scorpio Sun. However, much of your personal creativity and self-expression in your work and other areas of life can emerge from the rough cosmic waves. On the plus side, personal drive and ambition flow well for Scorpio, with a sense of optimism or aiming towards personal growth as an added bonus. Mercury retrograde affects you a bit at the start of the week, and while his mischief can surface at any time, Scorpio shouldn’t be bothered by Mercury more often than average after the first few days of the week. Look to October 4 as a day for using your intense Scorpio core to reach the emotions of other people, particularly those close to you, in an innovative manner (it will take a lot of work, but can very much be worth the effort). If you rely on a sense of “ambitious optimism” to lead you through the week, this can be a rewarding, if exhausting, week. Final thought for Scorpio:consider how you might benefit both yourself and others in an informal mediator role this week.


Sagittarius Sun has a relatively long lasting theme of “energy and power” available for achieving personal or professional objectives. Use it while you can! The possibilities for career are particularly good. Seeing both the big picture and the details within it is also a nice theme these days for Sagittarius, with Jupiter in Virgo squaring your Sun’s sign – Jupiter in Virgo is a nice change of scenery for you, so to speak. Another, more brief, but very important, theme lasting for almost the entire week consists of using theory to your benefit, potentially reaching large amounts of people, and attaining wisdom and insight more easily. No doubt this is also a rather spiritual week for Sagittarius. Thus a wide gamut of experiences is available for you, very appropriate for your fiery, adaptable Sun. A very conscious, enlightening type day might be in store for you on October 4 if you do the work to make it so. Final thought for Sagittarius:sharing wisdom with fellow kin is an uplifting theme for you this week.


Making your dreams into a reality through using relentless determination and personal will is a strong theme for Capricorn Sun throughout the week. Your industrious and detail-oriented Sun is well suited to the challenges of this week. Mercury retrograde is also prominent for Capricorn. If you have a bit of patience regarding the effort to surmount the obstacles this week, networking, brainstorming, and logical collaboration with other people can be very effective. Relationships go through a sharp transition for Capricorn on October 8. While relationships require more effort at the end of the week, the serious tone in balancing with others can also be very effective, particularly in work and career. If this week feels rough at times, experience from past successes and a flowing sense of dedication to your work can help carry you through it. Final thought for Capricorn:caring for others (or being cared for) involves active listening.


Sun in an air sign works well for Aquarius Sun this week, certainly a plus to help you navigate the rough transits. Efforts made this week are useful in helping to generate useful perspectives through collaboration. Relationships tend to flow smoothly in the first half of the week; projects requiring assistance and participating in group efforts are best handled before October 6. In fact, generating creative solutions to problems and actively sharing bits of wisdom for enjoyment or work flows well all week, especially before October 6. Close relationships just start to become of elevated importance for Aquarius at the end of the week. That stated, the latter half of the week feels a bit more solitary for Aquarius. The cooler, more intellectual feel of Sun/Mercury in the airy Libra sign, combined with some of the action in the transits somewhat removed from Aquarius, suggests that nothing is wrong with taking a break with a book or another isolated diversion of interest. Final thought for Aquarius: if you’re seeking the light at the end of the tunnel regarding a specific issue, seek a guide to show you the way.


Mercury retrograde might make the start of the week feel topsy-turvy for Pisces Sun, but Mercury’s mischief mostly fades for you after the first few days of the week. Close relationships become more influential for you as the week goes on. Pisces is also directly enmeshed in the tough “success despite the obstacles” theme. The sense of strict discipline, intense personal will, and response to authority is ameliorated somewhat by Jupiter’s uplifting sense of optimism and good fortune, however. Sun in Venus’ sign is also of interest for Pisces, and Venus becomes more directly influential for you with her sign change on October 8. Venus will be in the sign opposite of your Sun, and she brings a manifestation in the earthy Virgo sign that is nicely attuned to your basic identity. Working and attending to details with other people is an effective step to reaching a higher collective. Therefore Pisces can look forward to an interesting shift and consider ways to benefit from it at the end of the week. Final thought for Pisces: watch for a friend that you just can’t figure out this week!

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to


Triple Water Astrology

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/2/2015 7:20:56 PM

GFP Newsletter - 10/1/2015

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Buddhists only sit silently. Why do Sufis dance? Zen people only meditate, sitting silently, not doing a thing, doing nothing - just sitting silently? Spring comes, and the grass grows by itself. But Sufis dance.

These are the two different paths, because there are two types of energy in the world: the positive and the negative, male and female, yin and yang. Zen people use the negative energy; they use the passive path. Sufis use the positive energy; they use the active path. They are very vibrant people.

Their meditation is not of passivity; their meditation is that of ecstasy.

Both are ways you can reach to the same goal, because the goal is exactly in the middle. The positive is one extreme, the negative the other extreme. Between the positive and the negative there is a middle point, exactly in the middle, from where transformation happens - one transcends the world and everything - from where one enters into God and becomes God.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/2/2015 11:25:13 PM


Friday, October 2, 2015

Disseminating Moon Phase:
share, communicate

Moon in Gemini

Goddess of Wisdom: All - led by Shodashi (Goddess of Beauty, Goddess Who Aligns With the Highest and Best) God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of the South)

Skill: Don't hold back

Catalysts for Change: rejection, dishonesty, indecision, creating obstacles, thinking it has all been done before and one has nothing else to offer, comfortable living in emotional pain, frustration, impatience, falling into old patterns and habits, resisting the new, not listening

True Alignments: calm, navigating changing energies, experience, bringing something back to life, new solutions, decisive, seeing patterns, recognizing synchronicity

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: "a girls basketball team" (unifying)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres" (complete re-calibration/re-tuning of consciousness)

The Sun was very active overnight, with an M5.5 flare and CME. The energetic reinforced by this ejection is that of "a radical magazine, asking for action, displays a sensational front page." What could Sabaoth the Sun be asking us to reform?

Well, here is a brief summary, since the Mercury retrograde gremlins have followed me to San Francisco (see below), disrupting the process. So this report doesn't have full details, but time is a wasting:

Today is like a narrow passage. One direction leads to the past and the other leads to the future. The past comes back around like a "merry go round" - having us going back and trying to relive or recapture something.

The pull of the past is very strong today, tempting us to keep doing something the same old way. If you find yourself feeling like you are "returning" to something, some way, some belief, or some feeling, the Universe is asking you to awaken to another way.

The future direction at the end of the narrow passage brings a reinterpretation of the past into higher format or understanding. Can we look at something in a different light? The path is narrow, so it may feel uncomfortable or scary or clausterphobic, but in actuality it is revealing singular answers. In other words, choices, decisions, or answers are specific, not on a wide spectrum.

We are definitely supposed to learn something today. The Earth is located at "a teacher gives new symbolic forms to traditional images" and Mercury is located at "a man teaching the true inner knowledge of the new world to his students."

A "new world" has been underway since April 18, and as we approach the New Moon in Libra on October 12, the "Full Moon time of the astrological year," we are in a delicate time of transition. I've talked about this upcoming month for many months now. The Sabian symbol for the Libra New Moon is " a Jewish rabbi performing his duties." A distortion ( and perversion) of this looks to be leading to a very wide war.

So wise owls remain aware of the times and of the wider dynamic. When things get a little overwhelming during this Disseminating Moon phase, we are diving down. We slip under and out of the chaos. Today we will choose to do things differently, to come out of a narrow passage with a new interpretation of something significant in our Iives. We respond to Sabaoth the Sun's call.

(Note: The 5th episode of "Parliament of Wise Owls" is now posted at the Homepage of Oracle Report. Let's do the "Disseminating-thing" and share it far and wide! This was a special edition of POWO, with special guest wise owl Logan McCulloch of trekfortruth, who completes his cross-county walk/cycle across the United States to bring awareness of the myriad diseases hoisted upon humanity, including the "Lyme" epidemic, this Saturday, October 3 at noon in San Francisco. Thanks to a wise owl who donated airline points, I will be there to greet Logan at the finish line. All wise owls in the Bay area are welcome to join me at 10 am there on the beach. I would love to meet you! We can chat about all things Gnostic while we wait for Logan to arrive. Public beach access is located next to Nick's Restaurant, 100 Rockaway Beach Avenue, Pacifica, California, 94044. Hope you can make it!

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/3/2015 2:44:00 AM

Lee Harris: October 2015 Energy Forecast

Lee’s October 2015 Energy Forecast – Transformation at the Speed of Light: Embracing Your Multidimensionality

(Transcribed and edited from Lee’s spoken video message.)

Hello and welcome to the Energy Forecast for October 2015.

Before we get started, let’s just take a few breaths together.

(Lee breathes deeply in and out)

Transformation at the speed of light: This is very much where we find ourselves right now, as individuals and as a collective.

One of the ongoing themes for you this month will be noticing how many things you are going through in one day, one week, one month. This can lead many of you, particularly after the intensity of this past summer, to an October that’s going to require you to take a little more space, a little more stillness.

You might want to sleep and rest more than you usually do. Some of you might find that your high-intensity exercise or physical routines need to just come down a notch or two—so that you can actually learn to balance everything that is pulsing through your system without necessarily stirring the pot some more.

The electrical energy field of the planet is continually changing and advancing, which means that sensitivity gets higher. Those of you who are going through deep awakenings are noticing sudden sensitivity shifts. You suddenly become a lot more open. You suddenly feel and sense things a great deal more. More and more, this is happening for everybody across the planet.

Now, these shifts don’t always look very, what you might call, spiritual. But then I would argue that spirituality and spiritual people don’t always look very spiritual either, especially if we try to label them as highly enlightened, ever-peaceful, or ever-loving—because we are human. And as humanity, we are all evolving and going through our stuff in our growth here on Earth.


With these lightning speed transformations that are raising the sensitivity, some of you will notice that you need to be a lot more quiet (in addition to needing more rest and sleep) because the volume level of everything around you is a lot higher.

Some of you will notice that you just need to keep calming things down while you get used to how fast everything is going.


Regarding the people who I just mentioned—those who don’t look very spiritual—remember that there is an intensity of conflict and release energy going on for lots of people on the planet.

If you’re becoming more sensitive, what’s happening is you’re pulsing much more pure energy through your system—and that pure energy is affecting you at the levels of mind and emotions.

This is why people are acting out a little more in the everyday of humanity. They are more easily triggered, more easily irritated, more easily accusatory, more easily emotional.

So issues may arise with certain people in your life where you need to set loving, firm boundaries. There is no need for you to be on the receiving end of repetitive and abusive behavior from another person.


In general, if you can, try and remember to stay in your heart as much as possible. It will make it easier to not get so tangled up in some of the dramas or the conflicts that you’re invited to.

And if you can’t be in your heart right now, know that you’re not doing it wrong. It’s a total practice for all of us because it’s not how we have been trained. We’ve been trained to be very opinion-based, mentally focused people.

And those of you who came in wired to be highly sensitive and have found your way through your healing path—you are now in a place where you’re ready to practice more vulnerable, open, and honest communication—these are wonderful, highly supportive times for all of that.


But don’t be surprised if, from the left or the right, something comes in from your past that you find yourself playing out with someone in the present.

This is an accelerated time, and it’s a very multidimensional time. It’s a time to discover that when we agree to open in a multidimensional way, and when we are being pushed by the universal energy and life force to do that, it’s going to be chaotic at times. Therefore, one of the greatest things you can remind yourself of is that there is no getting it right.

So, if any of you out there believe that you have to get it right in your yoga practice, you have to get it right with your mother-in-law, you have to get it right with that person down the road who needs your help—try and let go of this concept of right. It’s all perspective.

You don’t need to be thinking about what’s right and wrong when you’re able to live in your heart more often … because the heart always wants to give where giving can be received and where the human body has the energy to support that giving.


This is why those of you who are over-givers might be a little freaked out right now. You may not be wanting to give to everybody all the time. But that’s fantastic! That is exactly where you need to be for a period of time.

But don’t worry. This too shall pass. You can go back to over-giving as much as you want in the future, but you’ll be doing it with a clearer sense of what you need to sustain yourself when giving … and with the discernment to choose where you can carefully give your energy and see it multiplied.


When you open up to being your more multidimensional self, going back to a linear way of being can be quite boring. It might feel a little dulled down to try and have a more linear conversation again or, especially, to have a more linear life where you’re focusing on one thing at a time.

So those of you who are opening multidimensionality and perhaps examining certain aspects of yourself—for example, over-giving—recognize that our wounds AND strengths are coming up in equal measure at the moment.

So you might be learning how to say,

“Wow, I can really give at a high-capacity, and I’m going to value and honor that. At the same time, I recognize that because I haven’t always valued my ability to give, or even seen that in myself, right now I’m dealing with the wound of over-giving. It’s showing up with this friend who is yanking my chain because I’m not giving them as much as I used to. And that hurts and wounds me. They say, “Hey! Why aren’t you doing what you used to do? You’re not a very nice person.”

If, when any of those kinds of words come at you, you feel something in your body (if it feels like a hit to your body), try to not make it about the other person. Try instead to ask yourself, “Huh, what tender point did they touch in me?”

Inquiring about and noticing your own inner reactions will very quickly bring you back to the present. That is because these reactions are very past. They can be from this lifetime or they can be generational woundings that have been carried through your family line. But, in any case, it’s all leaving and moving out now at a rapid speed.

The linear mind used to be able to track everything. It used to have plenty of time to reflect, digest, and go, “Three months ago I had this great breakthrough and I’m still riding on it.” Now it’s like three hours have gone by and you’ve forgotten about it—because you haven’t got time to track everything. And that’s okay.

The more you get into your heart, the less you need to track everything.


To come full circle, remember…

  • Practice being in the heart.
  • There is no mental right or wrong in human conflict disagreements – there are perspectives.
  • You may find yourself going through transformational relationship issues with other people—which might be key for helping you to change things from the past or change how you feel about yourself in the now.

Certain people may help mirror new parts of you—parts that previously you weren’t able to bring forward or celebrate.

Coupled with all of that, there will also be these extraordinary new energies coming through you that you won’t have a roadmap for—because they are new. You’re the child learning to walk again. And as that happens it is a little chaotic, it is a little messy sometimes, and that’s okay – you’re new!


In your newness, this is a great opportunity for those of you who have an idea that you have to be a certain way all the time to let that go. Because if you stay in bondage to that idea, you help to keep others in bondage to limiting ideas of who they are. In other words, they stay bound to who they are because you won’t let go of who you are—even when you’re feeling the impulse to make changes in how you communicate, how you show up, and in what you do.


So, I may have confused you slightly because at the very beginning of this I talked about becoming slower and more still. But I’m also talking about acceleration and speed and all the details going on inside and around you.

What I’m trying to address in this video are the multidimensional layers of everything that are impacting and surrounding us at the moment. So if you feel like you’re going a bit crazy, you can see, “Oh, I’m not going crazy. This is just how fast everything is going. This is just how much I’m feeling everything. This is just how sensitive I am.”


Remember you can always shut the door. You can shut the door by finding a room or space in your environment where it’s just you for a moment. And if you’re struggling with that because you don’t get those kinds of opportunities, here’s a way to shut the door.

(Lee breathes deeply and closes his eyes)

Close your eyes. Breathe deeply.

As I told people at a seminar a few years ago, this was one of my tricks when I was still learning my boundaries and needed some tricks to help me when I was among people and felt over-stimulated.

I would go to the bathroom—or the toilet, as we like to call it in England—and it wasn’t that I needed the facilities. It was more that in that moment I got to remove myself from the group and go by myself to a place where I’m supposed to be by myself. I would do a self-check:

“How am I right now? Where am I? Oh, I’m over-stimulated. Or my blood sugar feels low. Or that angry man is beginning to bother me, and I think I need to just have a break from him for a while.”

Do these regular checks of yourself more than ever at the moment. So whether you’re on the train, in a work meeting, out with friends and family, or anywhere else, just take a breath and check inside:

“How’s my inner world? Oh, it’s chaotic. Okay, so I shouldn’t take more stimulation right now. I should bring it down.”

Ironically, we’re in a world that offers us more external stimulation than ever before. But I think that’s perfect, because those external stimulators show us how the energy of everything has changed here on this planet. And it can also direct us back to stillness and to the beauties of nature…


I’m filming this month beneath this amazing tree here in Saint Helena … powerful land in California. The reason I wanted us to be under here together is because this tree really activated me when I first saw it. The ancient, magic energy it holds feels to me very much like what is moving through our planet right now – ancient, magic energy.

I realize that it doesn’t always look that way when you notice things you don’t like about the modern world. But if you can, try to remember the ancient, magic energy that we are all connected to, the energy that is now renewing in all of us and finding new circuits in our bodies.

The way to remember it if you’re stuck and stressed is to close your eyes and just for some minutes, breathe deeply. Use deep breathing as a little tool this month, and see how it goes for you.


I have several live events coming up in the next few months. I will be doing an online broadcast called The Art of Mastery with Robert Theiss, Geoffrey Hoppe, and Jim Self on October 24.

I will be live in Los Angeles with the brilliant Emmanuel Dagher on November 7 forRadical Prosperity.

In December, I’m doing an Energy Mastery Retreat in Sedona, which we still have a few places left for.

Then in the month of January I’m going to be doing a tour across Australia. I can’t wait to come down under and see you all. We won’t have tickets for Australia until mid-October, but, as ever, you can check the website and we will put the small “i” on the screen that you can click on to see all of those items and to click through.

To those of you who donate each month, thank you so much! It’s wonderful that you offer us a donation either in money form, or in love form, or in message form. We really appreciate it as it keeps everything we do going.

And finally, my MP3 this month is “The Angel Behind You.” It’s one of my favorite ever channels, and I think the title is self-explanatory. So if you feel like you would like to experience that MP3, you can also click the “i” to get more info.

Until next month, everybody, lots of love. Take really good care of yourselves in these lightning times … and see you soon.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/3/2015 6:47:02 PM

The Flow of Ascension

Michael 23Philipp has shared wth us a portion of his recent reading with Archangel Michael in which he explored the nature of the Ascension experience. If anyone else has a reading that contains information of interest to us all, I encourage you as well to share it with us. Thanks to Philipp.

Philipp: How are enlightenment, awakening and Ascension related?

Archangel Michael: What you are asking is to stratify, to see Ascension, enlightenment, shift, opening as different things, different events.

But let us suggest that, yes, it is a continuum, but at this point in time it is more like the flow of an infinity sign. So you want to be in the flow. Now let us explain.

You move through your Ascension work, letting go of the core issues, of the vasanas, of that which has blocked you from the complete joy of heart, the complete love of your sweet self and everything else.

Then you are flowing through the Ascension portal, into enlightenment, looping back around, back through the Ascension portal, holding the enlightenment that you have gained, holding the abilities that you have gained as your interdimensional, expanded self, bringing it back into what you are thinking of as current reality, or physicality, anchoring it into your body, into your mental form, into who you are and how you view the world.

Except that, as you come back, your ability to see us, to perceive us, to talk with us, to expand with us, has already been anchored. So you are bringing this back into what you have thought of as the Third Dimension, the renewed Third-Dimensional reality to share with the human race. But your frequency is already higher.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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