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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/2/2015 6:26:15 PM

This Is Wisdom – to Laugh!

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God said:

Have you noticed that sometimes wisdom comes from those you might call fools? Being a fool is not always such an errant thing. Everyone should be a fool at sometime or another in his or her life. Be a fool, and laugh about it. This is wisdom.

Of course, everyone’s definition of fool is not the same. Someone who takes advantage of another thinks the one taken advantage of is the fool. I see it differently. There may be a fool in a particular situation, and there may be a fool who is a trickster in the whole range of his life. On whom would you rely? The identified fool or the clever one?

Everyone has been what is termed a fool in his life. Even saying the word fool tends to make you blush. Sometimes it seems you would rather be anything than a fool. What is so bad about being a fool? Most of the Great Ones were looked on as fools. Who is the fool? The one sneered at or the one who sneered?

How you are looked at isn’t to rule your day. Must the views of others be all that be so important to you? Look at yourself through My eyes. And be sure that you yourself look at others through My eyes as well.

Oh, yes, there are worse things than being a fool. In fact, there are wise fools. Simple is good. Simplicity gets right down to the basics. There is nothing pretentious about fools.

To worry about anything is foolish, yet worry keeps bobbing up on the surface of life. Once worry has you in its thrall, it holds you. Worry wouldn’t exist if it were not for you. Yet you may have the idea that it is wise to worry.

Worry is for worry’s sake. There is no other reason for it. Worry is no more than a nuisance. Worry is a habit bred in the past. It clogs up your life right now. Worry is predicated on the past and plagues you in the present. Worry draws pictures of a fearful future. Even if the worry should manifest, did you really have to spend all that time coaching it beforehand?

There is no dearth of matters to worry about. Big or little, worry drains you of your energy. Worries are no more than mosquitoes, yet they drag down your day. Worrying is like spending your day looking for recipes for supper that no one would like to eat.

Worry isn’t even thinking. If you were thinking, you would think about all the happiness that is coming to you. Worry seems to mean to think ahead to unwanted possibilities. Worry means to grind spoiled corn ahead of time that you don’t want anyway. Worry means to add pounds to your weight. Worry means to fear far in advance. Worry means to focus on danger. Worry means to be scared. Worry means making yourself small.

Will you kick worry out the door? When worry starts to encroach on you, let that be a signal for go out for a walk in the woods, read a story to your children, make your kitchen shine, plant a garden, soak in the tub, help your neighbor. In other words, get yourself out of worry’s domain. You owe worry nothing. Worry is a rapscallion. Better to walk away from worry.

Worry is speculation. You don’t get anywhere with worry. Worry may be the worst affliction in the Universe. How can it have grown so popular? Worry multiplies like fleas.

Worries are not rare. As a matter of fact, worries are very common. Throw away the ones you have. You can always get new ones. You can always find more. Worries proliferate.

Worries exist in your mind. Worries gravitate to you, and you gravitate to them. Truly, don’t give worries the time of day. You have better things to do in life than to worry.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/2/2015 6:40:59 PM

Friday, October 2, 2015

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey - October 2, 2015

You have just passed the 28th.September, a significant date because a number of events were either coming to a conclusion or reaching a peak. It did not impact itself upon you but in general terms has as you say ”raised the bar”, but as time passes many of you will begin to notice significant changes. Clearly the higher vibrating energies cannot help but bring changes about. Although your Press is controlled and you do not get to read all of the important news, you will nevertheless note that the awakening of Humanity is spreading. You now question what is taking place on Earth rather than automatically accept what is placed before you. You are beginning to awaken to the truth of your existence, and see beyond the lies that are often presented to you as the truth. There are great souls on Earth working for the Light and they are coming forward to give you truthful accounts of your past, and what the future holds. We will never tire of telling you that you are great Beings of Light who are about to enjoy the awakening. Some of you will be shocked and find it hard to believe how you have been duped for so long. However, the advice from us is to quickly move on and spend your precious time promoting positive changes. The dark Ones have sealed their own fate and will have much to learn if they are to return to the Light. Certainly every encouragement will be given to them, as no soul is considered to be beyond salvation.

Beings of Light from our dimensions draw closer to you ready to play their part in bringing the truth to you. You have been brow beaten for so long you have doubted your value to the Light. We can assure you that you are held in great esteem and applaud you for your achievement in bringing the Light back to Earth. You are now emerging from the darkness and into the Light and many souls are waiting to greet you and help you past the final obstacles. We know you are eager to lift up but there are still matters to be dealt with for which you are all needed. You would not be here on such an occasion unless you had something to contribute, no matter how small it may be. You are a wonderful team selected because of your proven abilities. So do not be concerned if you find it difficult to know how you fit in, your time may be yet to come.

The old regime is on its last legs, so dramatic things will happen and be unavoidable. All you need remember is that we are waiting to meet you, and we will ensure that it arrives as soon as possible and with the least fuss. The dark days are almost a thing of past, but whilst you have to walk alongside the dark Ones you can never be sure of what may happen, as they may lash out in fury having lost the battle for your souls. They will need a lot of Love and Light if they are to rise up out the darkness they have created. Pushing them back down helps no one, and only the Light can awaken them to the truth. Remember the saying that “but for the Grace of God there go I” as at present you have little idea if any of your past lives. All of you have experienced both sides over millennia of time as part of your evolution, and have evolved remarkably quickly.

It is worth reminding you that many souls who are discarnate who have links with you follow your progress, and wait for you to return to the higher dimensions where they can meet you again. Although many of you meet them during your sleep period, few of you bring back waking memories with you. So you have much to look forward to once you rise up. There will be celebrations galore and many a tear shed in joy at such reunions. Some souls have come from even higher realms, and certainly one as great as St. Germain who has led Humanity through many periods of history. He has obviously been known by several names that are familiar to you. Even now he is leading the Awakening and is helped by other souls that share his love for humankind.

There is so much happening that is going to bring the Awakening about, that you would be hard put to keep up with it. Matters are speeding up and each day now brings the promise of more exciting news. Changes are taking place and all will ultimately be for your advantage. The New Age is arriving quickly and we have many exciting projects to make you aware of when the time is right. Because we have these in hand and ready to go ahead, the new technologies can be introduced very quickly and put into action. You have things to catch up on that have been denied you that in the normal circumstances would already have been in use. There will come a time when you will look back and wonder how you coped without the new technologies. They will make life so easy and enable you to have all the free time you need to follow your own desires. You have not really experienced true freedom but that time is getting nearer and will come to be.

Ascension is such an important event that it has aroused much interest in the Universe. Consequently it has also brought the “Shelves” into action and they have placed themselves in such a position that they have completely surrounded the Earth. Their purpose is to keep the Solar System free from any outside interference, and thus ensure that the end times proceed unhindered. We hope you are beginning to appreciate that you are in an extremely important time, and much depends on the successful completion of your Ascension. You are the last ones to do so, thus releasing other civilisations to carry on following their own paths.

When you get to learn the truth of your experiences in the lower dimension, you will become elated and full of joy and eager to make up for lost time. There are so many opportunities that will open up for you, and as an ascended being will be free to follow your chosen path. You have come from a number of planets for the unique experiences that the Earth can give you. There will be times when they will serve you well when you will meet beings from other planets who have heard about the Earth ascending. We in our ships have followed your exploits for hundreds of years, and that has been possible because our life span runs into a few thousand years. Because the Earth has a low vibration you can only have short life spans, but each one is normally packed with opportunities to evolve. Thank Mother Earth for her willingness to offer herself to the Human Race, knowing that they have little understanding of the importance of treating her with respect.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I sometimes look back at your progress in this century, and congratulate you for the way you have kept to your path, and managed to bring in important changes. The Light has grown in spite of the obstructive actions of the dark Ones, and their disregard of people’s needs. You have proved your loyalty to the Light and the souls that tread the path through duality. Your time has all but arrived to be released from your responsibilities, and we say “very well done”. You have travelled far in your different incarnations, but now it is nearly time to return home.

Many await that time and send their love to you all.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Website: Tree of the Golden Light

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/2/2015 6:50:46 PM

Archangel Gabriel via Marlene Swetlishoff: The Quality of Sacredness

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Image from Ole Salomonsen

Beloved Ones,

I wish to have discourse on the quality of love called sacredness.

When an individual is aligned within self and the spiritual life, there is a deeper connection to the divine, to that which is sacred.

When this connection is fostered within self and the universe, there is an opening of the heart which inspires a feeling of well being, a sense of higher purpose and a feeling of happiness.

One is inspired to make healthy choices and decisions for their life and to continuously strive for a higher sacred ideal. This sense of sacredness is an urge from deep within, an emotion that is uplifting and powerful.

It is a boundless and deeply compassionate power that comes from being in touch with the sacredness of all life, a power which transcends one’s usual self. It taps into and accesses one’s sacred inner sanctuary with divine power, knowledge and its limitless possibilities. It is a sacred space that connects one with their inner knowing.

This connection within enhances the sense of sacredness, restoring the importance of the spiritual aspects of one’s life and gives sense, direction and strength to their being. This connection to the sacred changes and fundamentally enlightens everything around them. Their being is uplifted and gradually attains perfection by acquiring more and more of the divine qualities. One learns how to work with the sacred principles of life. They remember the wholeness within them in united spirit and matter.

The sacred principles of life must be experienced within each soul as the divine speaks to them, telling them what they need to know. It requires one to be fully present in life in all of its diversity and be free of judgements or expectations. One willingly lets go of the unnecessary in their life and remembers one’s true divine nature. They embrace it all into a harmonious and radiant flow. In this way, they allow new ways of being that are in alignment with the universe to arise and allow its living presence within them.

They discover that there are changes taking place in their world that demand their participation and awareness that they need to be present in every moment. They see that the sacred wheel of creation is shifting and changing into something new that is coming to life. They feel that everything is being reborn and renewed, that the time of separation is coming to an end.

Just beyond the horizon, they sense a new dawn that they cannot see which carries a light that is calling to them – to their minds, hearts and souls. It is a rising dawn that is asking to be called into being. It is asking for each individual to become part of the mystery of creation by letting the light that is within them to be awakened. It calls to everyone and everything to allow the knowing of the oneness of all to be restored within them in order that a new understanding of the wholeness of life can be used to help them to heal their world.

It is a time to honour one’s sacred connection to life that is present in every moment, to realize that life is interconnected and forms the entire web of life. Each individual comes to understand that everything they do, their every act, their every thought, their every choice, affects the whole. They are aware that each individual is a direct expression of this oneness.

The divine guidance within them is trying to communicate to them that it is time for them to claim what belongs to them, to be an integral part of the sacred circle of life which they are a part of. They are being reminded of what and who they really are, the divine presence that is within self and within all life, so that they can participate in the wonder of the divine conception of life that is being born in each new moment.

The life of every person is sacred and each one possesses the capacity to reflect on the presence and glory of the divine within them. By creating a sacred space in one’s home, it allows one to remember how they want to be in the world. It is a place where they reconnect with their best qualities, intentions and dreams and daily re-energize them.

Their sacred space is a portal to their divine self, a physical place where they pursue the things that evoke their sense of wonder and move them into unexplored areas of consciousness. Their sacred space is a place for them to feel safe and comfortable, a place where they can escape from the pressures of the day and reconnect with the higher aspects of self in ongoing spiritual nourishment.

Their sacred space is a place to be reborn and renewed every day, a place to get closer to what is in their mind and heart. As they take this time out, their mind begins working in a more creative way. Ideas will flow into their awareness from unexpected places. It is this quiet and unconscious creativity which can produce inspired thinking and inner transformation.

May you be inspired to create a sacred space where you can daily connect to everything which matters most to you.

I am Archangel Gabriel

© 2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

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“Archangel Gabriel: The Quality of Sacredness,” Channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, October 1, 2015, at

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/2/2015 6:53:35 PM

Daily Message ~ Friday October 2, 2015

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Using other people’s successes or abundance to amplify your feelings of lack amounts to holding your breath because you can see other people breathing. There is more than enough for everyone, Dear Ones, and if success is around you it is because it is aligning with you, too. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/2/2015 7:06:12 PM


Jamye Price ~ Weekly LightBlast10/3/2015

Visit Crystalline Soul Healing

OCTOBER 1, 2015

Letting Go

There is a force of nature that co-creates with you. It is a transformative force. Transformation contains within it the co-creative aspects that create new form. You are beginning to learn your own co-creative force and discover its limitations and freedoms from your perspective.

You are learning to work with what is known and unknown to find expansion instead of merely moving in a circle observing scenery that appears to have changed, but has merely aged. You are learning to work with your natural forces of intention, thought, emotion, word and deed. You are discovering your potential to shift the experience on Earth with the patience required of new form building in this realm.

An aspect of your transformation is Letting Go. It is a passive force, so its power is in the subtle realm where new form begins to build. As you Let Go of energy, focus, intentions, information, emotion, words and deeds that do not serve your conscious creation, you are utilizing the powerful force of nature that transforms. Because the impact of most of these is invisible at first, there is often not as much value placed on Letting Go.

Letting Go is often associated with loss, surrendering to domination, or giving up choice and creative abilities. However, the broader truth of Letting Go is that it generates a creative space, a resonance of vibration that seeks fulfillment; for Life, Time and change are constant.

When you Let Go of what no longer resonates with what you are building, you are creating a vibrational signal that seeks its fulfillment. If you desire to create a loving relationship, it is your vibration of Love that creates what you seek. If your vibration contains information, thoughts, emotions, intentions, focus, word or deed to the contrary, your creation must respond to that as well.

As you learn this process, it can become overwhelming as you seek to discover the details of your vibration and ensure that you only think positive thoughts. Yet as you relax into life more, you will discover that you need not avoid what troubles you to focus on positive thought statements; you merely need to seek a path of opening to a new potential.

Let Go of worry that you are ruining your future with a negative thought and seek to find peace in the moment. Let Go of fear that you will lose something if you hold healthy boundaries for yourself. Let Go of fear that you will not be supported by Life if you make a choice for yourself. Dear One, you are Life. Life wants you to thrive. A choice that you make for yourself is a choice of Life’s continuance.

As we sit to Blast Letting Go, we are opening our hearts to release all that blocks our perspective of Loving Life. We are allowing others to learn through observation and choice as we maintain a powerful peace that transforms our experience of Life. We are Letting Go of old ideas that keep fear alive and thriving when the Truth of Love is hidden behind judgment. We are lighting the shores of stability, rocking the boat if that moves it in the appropriate direction, and going with the flow of life evolving into more connected and empowered Love. Blast on!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
