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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/1/2015 6:53:32 PM

Archangel Michael via Ronna Herman: Evolution of the Bodily Form and Ascension in Consciousness

archangel-michael-desktop1Beloved Masters, the collective consciousness of humanity is striving to acknowledge the extreme duality that permeates the Earth.

Each and every person, at some level, is fighting the battle to attain greater Self-awareness, which must include embracing both the Light and shadow side of Self while endeavoring to return to an accepted range of duality and polarity. Each of you must recognize and claim your shadow side, yoursymbolic demons within, so that they, too, may embrace the Light of transformation.

Human suffering is the result of rigid thinking, a sense of superiority and judgment of others, which lead to separation rather than unity and tolerance for opposing viewpoints. Can you accept the premise that your negative thought forms are also seeking release? They are rising to the surface of your consciousness, seeking illumination and truth, just as you are. You must take responsibility for what you create, moment to moment. Negative thoughts and actions result in distorted creations and chaos.

It is important for you to understand that your physical vessel was encoded for the return to the higher vibrational, more rarified realms of Light from the inception of your Earthly embodiment experiences. Also, as humanity evolves, growing in wisdom and becoming more aware of the science and the intricacies of Ascension, there have been many adjustments to the process over the past several hundred years. Some initial Ascension procedures have been discarded and others, more advanced requirements, have been added.

In the past, Ascension was possible for just a select few. Only those who came to Earth to be examples and wayshowers, and who were spiritually advanced, were allowed into the inner sanctums of the mystery schools. The secret doctrine was only given to those who were considered to be the strongest and most dedicated disciples. The lessons, tests and challenges were strenuous, and many perished during the process or did not attain their goal for many lifetimes.

That has now changed, for time is running out for the Ascension of the Earth and humanity into the next level of awareness, and many Divine dispensations and much assistance are being offered to those who are striving to meet the challenges and tests of Ascension.

We have explained that each Soul, before incarnating into a physical vessel, is given an allotment of Adamantine Particles of Life for personal use throughout their lifetime. If a person’s allotment is used with loving intention for the greatest good, then the flow of Full-Spectrum Light will continue throughout his/her lifetime.

However, when a person becomes unloving, negative and embittered, the access to the Sacred Heart and the God Particles of Life is no longer available. Thereafter, he/she can only access the Half-Spectrum Light, or the Primal Life Force substance, which can be re-qualified and used in either a positive or negative way.Remember, Adamantine Particles of Creator Light can only be activated and used with loving intention for the highest good.

A young child’s heart center is open wide and the God Particles flow freely, unimpeded. However, how long the child’s heart center stays open depends on the love and nurturing they receive from their parents and those around them. Many dear Souls have placed an etheric shield of protection over their heart center so that the pain and suffering will not affect them so drastically. Thereby, they close the door to their Sacred Inner Sanctum where their God Particles of Creation are stored.

Along with the allotment of Adamantine Particles that were placed in each person’s Sacred Heart Center, a smaller allotment was also placed within each of the major chakra centers of the physical body. The largest portion was placed at the Root Chakra, which the ancients called the Kundalini, the coiled serpent of fire, or the Sacred Fire.

There is an accelerated planetary initiation now in progress, and it is affecting everything on the Earth Plane, especially sentient Beings. There are much fear and trepidation as the collective consciousness of humanity undergoes the dramatic changes that occur at the closing of one Age and the beginning of a more advanced era. Especially, when much of what was considered to be of vast importance on the Earthly plane slowly changes or disappears. As these drastic evolutionary changes take place, they will not affect you if your Energetic Signature is of a higher, more balanced frequency.

There is also a great sense of anticipation and excitement for those who have learned to stay centered within the Sacred Heart. There are many probable futures before each of you, and it is important that you stay centered in the Still Point of the present moment. You may be led to change course several times as you slowly move into the fluidity of the Higher Dimensions; however, if you allow your Sacred Heart and your Higher Self to Light the way, you will never be led astray. The time lines of the future lead to higher, more stable ground, away from the imbalanced spectrum of duality and the distorted reality of separation.

You are in the process of integrating the many Fragments of Self you have created while in physical embodiment, in preparation for a reunion with the many Facets of your Soul family, both on the Earth and in the many Dimensions throughout the solar system and galaxy, and eventually throughout this Sub-Universe and beyond.

There must be a reunification with Self, and a return to your center of power, which resides within your Sacred Heart. Once you make the connection with your OverSoul/Higher Self, and begin the process of reuniting with all the Facets of your God Self (I AM Presence), the urge to reunite becomes a magnetic force that cannot be denied.

Your Soul, which is composed of Creator Essence, is your conscious guide and companion while in the physical vessel. For a long time the Soul has been only a faint whisper for most people, for the ego-desire personality is very strong and has held a dominant position within. The initiation process begins when you slowly make way for the Soul to assume its proper place as director of your life, which eventually allows the Higher Self to take charge of your journey back into the realms of Light.

Gradually, the Column of Light, which contains your Life Line to the Creator, begins to widen until eventually it is the width of the crown of your head. That is when you tap into the flow of your Divine I AM presence, and the Creator Particles of Love/Life begin to flow through and from you. This wondrous, luminescent Sacred Fire gives you access to your treasures stored in heaven – an unlimited source of Creator Light as long as it is charged with your Love Light and used for the greatest good.

The River of Life has a multitude of tributaries throughout this Sub-Universe, and many of you, as you tap into your Sacred Mind and learn to stay centered within the Sacred Heart, are becoming conduits for the Adamantine Particles of Creator Consciousness. First, you must attune the Pineal and Pituitary Glands to your Higher Self, which begins the process of dissolving the membranes of Light that guard the Sacred Mind. Your Sacred Mind makes the connection with your Sacred Heart, and once the activated Adamantine Particles of God Consciousness begin to flow from the Sacred Heart to the Sacred Mind; the process of illumination accelerates.

The Creator Light flows through the Crown Chakra and enters the Pineal Gland, promoting cellular awareness as it activates the Pituitary and Hypothalamus Glands and courses through the brain structure into your Sacred Mind. It then flows down into the Sacred Heart where the particles of Creator Light are further activated through your loving intention. These activated God Particles of Light are now ready to assist you in creating anything you desire as long as your intention is for the greatest good. The voice of your Higher Self becomes clearer, and the nudgings of your Sacred Heart, called your intuition become stronger.

INTUITION is the ability to understand a concept or certain information immediately, without conscious reasoning. Your Higher Self speaks to you via your intuition and, eventually, clears the pathway to your God Self and the wisdom stored within the cosmic records. Your intuition also gives you signals via a feeling of something being right or your truth, or a feeling of dread or discomfort when something is wrong or not in alignment with the Light / truth.

INSPIRATION is the process or quality of being inspired, such as when a sudden timely or unusual idea, sometimes about something that you were not aware of before, pops into your mind. Channeling or messages from your angelic guides and teachers often lead to inspired concepts or awareness of things beyond the realm of your knowing. Intuition is validated via the mind first and then through the heart, whereas inspiration is validated through the heart first and then through the reasoning processes of the mind.

Your perception of time and space is rapidly changing as you learn to focus more on the moment instead of vacillating between the past and the future, with only moments of concentrated awareness of the present. Feelings of separation, isolation and judgment are being replaced by a sense of unity consciousness, which will eventually lead to a sense of oneness with all Creation.

As time accelerates and the frequencies of Divine Light become stronger and more compelling, it is important that you reflect on what has taken place, the challenges you have met and overcome, the gains you have made, and the obstacles that you must surmount in the future. As the boundaries of your reality become more defined, and you allow much of what you thought was important to slowly change or fade into the past, you must become wiser and more discerning in your choices. When you cling to people or things which no longer fit in your new reality, the sense of being out of harmony becomes more pronounced.

By stating, “Thy will be done,” gives your Higher Self permission to increase your intuitive abilities, which include knowing almost instantly when you have made right or wrong choices. By doing so, you can quickly rectify any actions that veer you off the straight and narrow Path of Ascension. You, as faithful followers of the Light, must be ever vigilant in your thoughts and actions to be sure that you are always in alignment with your new, upgraded Divine Blueprint.

As the Vanguard Sentinels of Light, you have the ability to overcome or neutralize the negative thought forms of many thousands of people who are still functioning within the restraints of the Third- and lower-Fourth-Dimensional illusion. You are in the process of building a firm foundation for the future of all humanity. Your inner strength and wisdom will serve you well if you stay centered within your Sacred Heart as you become a master of Self and a conveyer of the rarified particles of God Consciousness.

Believe it or not, there were some advantages in the withdrawal of a major portion of your manifestation abilities in the past. We have told you that the Red (exoteric or physical plane color) of the First Ray of Divine Will and Power to create was mostly withdrawn after the Earth and humanity sank into the density of the Third- and lower-Fourth-Dimensional environment. That was done so that humanity would not destroy itself during the age of extreme duality.

That period is swiftly coming to a close as humanity awakens, and regains the ability to integrate more Spiritual Light. As you move forward into the upper Fourth and the lower Fifth Dimension, your physical body will become more radiant as the Creator Light begins to shine forth more strongly from within. Remember, you were brought forth from the Sacred Heart Core of the Supreme Creator as a White Fire Seed Atom conscious Being, from which comes the saying, “made in the image and likeness of God.”

The Light of the Creator contains energy, intelligence and everything necessary to create worlds without end, in order to fulfill the Divine plan for Creation. You are being given an opportunity to become a co-creator of the highest order; however, you must step out of your comfort zone and reclaim your birthright.

SHINE ON, my faithful Ones, and as your circle of influence radiates farther and farther out into the world, one day the circles of Light will overlap and your combined illumination will burst into pure God Light and surround the world. Follow the path of Light, beloveds; the time of the grand reunion is at hand. You are loved profoundly.

I AM Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael: Evolution of the Bodily Form and Ascension in Consciousness. Channelled by Ronna Herman. October 1, 2015.

Transmitted through Ronna * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/1/2015 6:55:36 PM


Ron Head ~ What Happened? – The Council

councilThe Council
It is now a bit of time since the super moon and the equinox that was said to be many things. Congratulations. You’ve made it. Somehow it seems as if the world did not come to an end. And somehow, even though you do not seem to be able to put your finger on it, you feel that something is different. Well, you are correct, it is. And if you allow us, we will put our finger on it for you.
What has happened is that you have entered yet another area of higher frequency and it is affecting you and helping you to raise your own vibration and become even more of the highest possible being that you can become. This has actually been going on for some time. This universe operates in cycles and waves, as you know. And you have simply moved onto a higher plateau, if you will.
Now, if we may, let us suggest that you explore once again, or continue to explore, who you are. What do you love? What gives you joy? We ask you to do this because you will increasingly find now that these will be the things that you seem to be gifted in. Some people are already stunned at finding skills they did not even realize they had. You have lived many lives there, you know. And you have honed a great many skills, developed many talents. Think of it as a tool box that you now may draw from. And we advise you that perhaps the best way to go about this is to look for ways that you can be helpful where you are and then see how you feel about that. When you get that “Gee, it would be neat if I could…” feeling, try that. You just may surprise yourself. Now, you may experience this as a giant step forward in something that you already do. That, of course, is just fine. You may find your life taking an about face. If that feels good to you, flow with it. But do not let yourself be dragged into things which do not please you. Your feelings are a guidance system that you brought to where you are for a reason. They are intended to help you. Use them.
Think of these new energies as a springboard. Take a couple of bounces and then fly. Where are you guided by your feelings to go? Ask us to show you, if you do not see. But then be prepared to step forward into the situations that arise. Too often you have second guessed what has been provided. Go with the flow means go with the flow. It does not mean figure out where you are going. It means that you are ready to allow your own higher knowing, that sees around corners and over hills where you do not, to guide you. And the guidance, until you can hear it, will come in feelings and synchronicities. You will notice those increasing. That is the communication between us becoming clearer. There will be a breakthrough. Be patient with yourself.
Now, having spoken of cycles and waves, let us say that these have not only not come to an end, but will continue to increase in both intensity and frequency of occurrence. We have always moderated these for you personally so that you are not overwhelmed. We shall continue to do so. But understand that your higher self has an agenda also. So at times you find a wee bit of stress here and there. How might you deal with it? As always, we advise that you throw open your arms and accept what you have invited with gratitude. You will always find that this will keep any discomfort to a minimum.
It is time to think about living in your new world. You are building it. As we said at the beginning, congratulations.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/1/2015 6:58:50 PM

GFP Newsletter - 9/30/2015

will's picture

You have just to be a witness. And the witnessing is your original face; the one who witnesses is your real consciousness. That which is witnessed is conditioning. The one who witnesses is the divine source of your being.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/1/2015 7:02:33 PM



LAWOFABUNDANCEGreetings everyone! Today I would like to share with you a channeling that I have received from AA Metatron called Expectation vs. Intention. Following the channeling I will share a very important guide with you on how to attract abundance into your life.
“It is through INTENTION rather than EXPECTATION that you create the reality of your BEing. It is through the power of your mind, the power of your thinking process that you are able to fully coherently and cognitively co-create a new platform, a new reality of informational encodings. It is through YOUR endeavors that you incorporate the pure frequencies of the new world. It is through finding the BALANCE within, and it is through your patience with self, through your determination to strip naked before your very own self, getting to point ZERO that you shall be able to set yourself free. Free from restrains and outdated programming. Free from all that you believe you should be, for what you believe completely and fully forms your cognitive experience, the experience of the NOW moment in time.
And so, it is imperative that you INTEND instead of EXPECT for various outcomes to manifest. For expectation is nothing more than admittance of self-limitation. For when you EXPECT a certain outcome, you expect it from the perspective of DIFINED objectives based solely on the five senses that you are equipped with, whereas INTENTION utilizes ALL senses at your disposal, by attracting various frequencies to swirl in specific formations in order to deliver that which you wish to experience, whilst setting no boundaries and no set agendas or expectations, allowing one to fully and cognitively exit “the box” and explore the world unbeknownst to you prior.
It is through your INTENTION that you are able to leave the past, fully and completely release yourself from outdated modules of thinking, and align yourself with a new path. A path leading to freedom from mathematical formulas that no longer work in your new world. A path where the beat of your heart, and the signature of your soul are the deciding factors in your creative birth of a new sphere of influence.
And so, remember to INTEND that which you wish to manifest in your world. Let go of all expectations, free yourself from the binding laws of outdated objectives. And walk confidently onto your path, ALLOWING it to lead you through the murky waters of the past, turning obstacles into grand opportunities for growth and morph that which no longer works into that which does.
Remember that there is no lack in the universe, and all that you wish to experience, all that you wish to partake of is yours for the taking. Know that it is your birth given right to experience full abundance, health, benevolence, light and love. For you are true creator of your known world. You are equipped with all that you need in order to manifest a new heaven on earth. Know that it is so, for it is!”
I would like to add a personal note here. EXPECTATION (Negative connotation in the human psyche) = NON ACTION
To intend is to CREATE and grasp the outcome which is intended for YOU – BY YOU!
In this new reality that we have entered into just recently it is important to change our belief structure. I have been talking about letting go and reprogramming your mind for years now. Today though I would like to remind you about CREATING a different reality for yourself through your BELIEF.
The #1 thing that I want you to understand is that all the stories of LACK in this world are FALSE, simply and completely false. Because in the universe and this planet specifically there is ABUNDANCE which is yours for the taking.
#2. It is imperative that you fully tune into the following sentence “ABUNDANCE IS YOUR BIRTH GIVEN RIGHT!”. Because it is so! You are born to be abundant! Abundant in whatever you wish it to be, whether it be health, money, joy, love, or the opposite of the scale, suffering, sickness, etc., it is completely up to you. One thing is for sure ABUNDANCE IS YOUR BIRTH GIVEN RIGHT!
#3. There are elemental beings that are assigned to you when you are born, these beings take your thoughts and energy and automatically begin to create whatever you are thinking about into your reality. Whether they agree with it or not, it is their job to assure that whatever you are thinking of will come to pass. THAT is why it so SO important to monitor your thoughts! Because if you BELIEVE that there is LACK in the universe, you will fear that there is not going to be enough for you to manifest what you want. If you believe that you don’t deserve whatever it is that you want or have, rest assured that your elemental guides will strive really hard so that you will continue to experience LACK. However, if you BELIEVE THAT YOU DESERVE TO BE ABUNDANT in whichever way you want it to manifest, THAT is what you are going to experience.
#4. Think of it this way, imagine that there is a road which is filled with agony, frustration, a feeling of lack, hard work, suffering, where everyone is barely surviving all because they are under this assumption that the only way to have anything good is to suffer for it. Imagine this road and now imagine that there is a road that exists just a few feet above the first one. On this road everyone is happy, joyous, doing what they love to do, healthy, vibrant and abundant in everything that they wish to have. Now imagine that you have found a staircase which leads up to a door that you unlocks with a very special key. And once you have that key, you can WALK THROUGH THAT DOOR, and find yourself on this beautiful amazing road of SUCCESS, ABUNDANCE, LIGHT, JOY, PEACE, HARMONY. All you need is that one key which will open all of these treasures for you.
#5. That KEY is WITHIN YOU! That key is called YOUR BELIEF SYSTEM. The only thing that separates you from stepping onto that new path, onto the new 5D earth that has already been created, is your belief that somehow you aren’t deserving of this beautiful experience. Thus, in order to generate that key, you must fully and completely without any doubts in your mind BELIEVE that you are ABUNDANT and DESERVE to have EVERYTHING THAT YOU WANT! The KEY is to INTEND instead of EXPECT certain outcomes. Because when we EXPECT we are bound to be disappointed simply due to the fact that when we set an expectation in our minds, we see it coming to life in a certain way, and when something else appears on the horizon, which eventually will lead us directly to that which we’ve envisioned and intended for ourselves, we won’t give it a try, but stop ourselves from moving forward all because what will begin to take shape will not meet our expectation. Were we to INTEND without EXPECTING we would forgo the odd shape and allow the experience to blossom fully into what we have been wanting to experience.
The following article is taken from my book MISSION TO EARTH – A LIGHT WORKERS GUIDE TO SELF MASTERY. Please click here to learn more about this book:
The difference between those who are successful and those who are not, is not the amount of money that they start out with, it is not the education, it is not any of the external factors, it is the ability to TRUST your own self, and BELIEVE in your own ideas and ALLOW the success to freely come your way.
There are hundreds of thousands of books written on this topic, however, I will only speak from my own experience. There is absolutely NOTHING that is stopping you but YOUR OWN SELF.
The idea that someone is to blame for your circumstances is futile. It does not work, it never did and it never will. Blaming others be it your parents for not giving you enough education, your boss, your wife or husband, your friends and even the government will not do ANYTHING good for you. You will continue to marinate in a jar filled with doubts, fears, hatred, anger, despair, etc., and is that really what you want to keep doing for the rest of your magnificent life?! I say NOT! I say it is time to take back YOUR POWER.
It is simply FALSE that there is something that you cannot do, everyone is capable of achieving that which they have come here to do. You have absolutely NO EXCUSES to not succeed in what you have come here to do, unless of course your journey does not involve success and freedom, but suffering and pain. Though, that doesn’t seem likely as you wouldn’t be reading this here article right now.abundance quote
STEP 1- UNDERSTANDING: So, having said that, lets get down to the steps you need to take. The number one rule of welcoming anything into your life is to understand this fact : ENERGY FLOWS WHERE YOUR ATTENTION GOES. THE UNIVERSE DOES NOT UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WHAT YOU WANT AND WHAT YOU DO NOT WANT.
Whatever you focus your attention on is what it will deliver to you. If you sit there for example and fret that you don’t’ have money enough to pay for this and that, the universe will work really hard to deprive you of any further income, because it thinks that this is precisely what you wish to experience. If you have put yourself into a state where you constantly think that you cannot afford something you will end up living this way for the rest of your life.
You MUST CHANGE YOUR THINKING! That is not to say that you should run out and start buying expensive items that you want. But that is to say that your THINKING must change in regards to money. If money is what you are looking for then you should focus on the fact that money is very easy for you to receive, that you CAN afford to get this and that item, you simply CHOSE not to do so for the time being.
Metatron’s Clearing & Protection Device – As told to me by AA Metatron – Activates automatically at 11:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. everyday drawing source energy into itself and then dispersing this energy to you evenly throughout the day. It protects up to 13 feet of space in every direction, remember that your own sphere of influence is 18 miles in each direction and coupled with this tool you will amplify this energy creating a vacuum of clearance which will expand exponentially.
STEP 2 : THE VISION: Setting long term goals and achieving them is easier than you think. However, you MUST envision everything in the most minute detail, you must feel yourself, see yourself sense yourself being in the place of your dreams. Say you want to be a successful writer. You must completely and fully examine within your own mind, what it feels like to be that writer, what are you doing, what is your life like, where are you living, what type of house is it, etc., etc., to the tiniest little detail. And once you fully and truly unleash your IMAGINATION, and FEEL yourself there, you then must step back and ask yourself a question “AM I HAPPY HERE? IS THIS WHAT I WANT?” If the answer is YES you are ready to proceed to step #3
STEP 3- ACTION, once you set in your mind what you want, you now know that there’s a tiny little bridge for you to get there, you just need to pull it to you, just close that gap. In order for you to get there, the universe will conspire to make it happen.
YOU MUST START PAYING ATTENTION TO SYNCHRONICITY.. meaning, if you are sitting by your computer reading this, and all of a sudden you see that something is happening outside your window and you FEEL the PULL to quit doing what you are doing and run to the window and take a look or walk outside even if it seems ridiculous to you, you should take that step. The reason? Simple.. perhaps at that moment in time with the same pull another person who is the link to your success is also going to be there, you two will meet and this piece of your success puzzle will be complete and you’ll move onto another. Take every opportunity that life presents to you, don’t over analyze anything, follow your intuition and your heart, even if it seems strange and odd, even if you’ve NEVER done this or that before, none of it matters, just the mere fact that you are being drawn to do so, is the indication that you are on the right path to your success.synchronicity
STEP 4: LET GO, ALLOW AND KEEP WALKING – THERE ARE NO OBSTACLES ONLY OPPORTUNITIES. Even if at first you are up against what seems like obstacles to you, even if there is something that is not going quite right, don’t look at it as obstacles but opportunities, clearly the universe is stirring you in the right direction. If however, you feel that your project is exhausting you and you are really not happy with it, you should not proceed. In order for anything to be successful you MUST be fully and completely IN LOVE with this idea, you must enjoy it, if you do not, then it is not for you.
If on the other hand you are exhilarated by your adventure then do not give up even in what seems like “dire” circumstances but seek out innovative ways of getting everything done.
And remember, you already achieved everything you ever wanted, remember that there are infinite timelines that are imagesrunning parallel to each other, where everything that you wanted has already manifested itself, the point now is to MERGE with your OTHER self CONCIOUSLY and walk on the path of success.
LIKE attracts LIKE and you are to remember that what you feel and think.. is EXACTLY what you will get from the universe. So monitor your thoughts carefully get rid of limiting ideas about yourself, about others, about the world, see everything as a gift and recognize the divinity of everyone involved in your project, understand that you are never doing anything on your own, you are always and constantly supported by the universe and all the living beings around you, even this articles is here to support you, and you will be on your way to incredible success. No matter where you are in life YOU ARE IN CHARGE!!!
Below is a channeling that I did for someone else, I feel that this information pertains to every one of us:
“And so, first let us take you back in time to when you were a child, we are going to ask you to do something with us, for that you must fully and purposely connect with the divine in order to bring back the information that you are fully aware of, look into your heart and relax, sit down and breathe deeply, now close your eyes and think of when you were seven years old, what do you see, who are you, what are you doing, what is on your mind, what are you passionate about. Remember what you are feeling, seeing and sensing, now open your eyes and write it down.
Now that you know exactly what you have come here to do, and you have remembered what it is that you wish to be, it is now time for us to take you into the future. We ask that you sit down again and visualize your future, completely as you wish it to be, fully connect to yourself in the future and see how do you feel being in a position that you have imagined for yourself. Are you happy leading the type of life that you are desiring at the moment, are you fully connected with the divine, are you feeling that you are indeed fulfilling your life’s mission? If so, if you are completely at peace and happiness then you have found your new vocation.
349976_f260Now, with all your might, with all of your intention think to that moment, remember it and carry it within your minds eye for the next 2 weeks. Savoring every moment of your new life, remembering it, sensing it, feeling it, living it in your minds eye. Put all of your concentration efforts into being at that moment in time, focus all of your attention on the moment that you are finally living out your dream. Think only of what you WANT and not what you don’t want. Remember the universe does not understand the difference between what you wish for and what you wish to avoid, all the universe picks up is that you are concentrating your mind on a particular idea, and it will quickly jump into action in order to manifest it into you reality.
And so, after two weeks, you are to completely LET GO of this idea. Allow it to float out into the universe into space, to GOD to Your own higher self and relax knowing fair well that from this moment on, everything that will be happening to you is only going to be brining you closer and closer to your dream.
And now… ALLOW.. allow us to do the work for you, allow us to present you with a variety of circumstances and opportunities for you to quickly get to that future that you have envisioned for yourself.
BELIEVE.. that everything is possible, truly and completely with all your might believe it.dna
ACT.. Now that you have put all of your ideas out into the universe and you are completely open and ready, you are to ACT on the opportunities that will be presented to you by the universe in order to get you where you wish to go to. Look for synchronicities, listen to the gentle universal flows, hear the melody of abundance that unfolds before you. Understand that EVERYTHING that happens in your daily life is happening indeed for one, and one reason only to help you arrive at the destination of your dreams – ABUNDANCE.
“Know that we are with you every step of the way. Know that we are listening to you and guiding you, and finally hear our communication with you by paying attention to the events that are unfolding before you. ”
metatronsprotectiontool 1P.S. For all of you who have the Metatron’s Key please continue to carry it with you wherever you go. Please ground it as often as possible. I feel that this disc as well as St. Germain will come in incredibly handy for all of you now. For those who do not yet have it, please click here to learn more about it.

annamerkabadistantenergyhealerCOMPREHENSIVE ENERGY HEALING SESSION & ANALYSIS WITH ANNA MERKABA :This is a DISTANT Healing Session. Each session takes 60 – 90 minutes to complete, furthermore much more time is spent on putting together a report which is guided to me by the angels, there are a lot of details involved, this is an elaborate healing session. This is not just an energy attunement you will be bathed in loving light from the angelic realm using reiki like universal energy throughout the session, and a few days following the session, many issues will be corrected, and you will also receive much needed guidance after the session of what you are to do on your own. The energy will continue to be released for the following 2 – 3 months.
Here is what you will be scanned for and if any of these are found or need to be removed/unblocked/
  • Removal of Achorns/Grays/Dark Entities (If there are any)
  • Removal of Implants
  • Cleansing the Aura
  • Removing blocks from the chakras
  • Activating Chakras
  • Activating the Pineal Gland
  • Activating the energy flow throughout the body with Kundalini Energy
  • Sealing the rips in the energy body
  • Connecting the heart chakra to the third eye
  • Scanning of the body to determine if there are any major issues to be aware of
  • Cleansing the blocks within the organs should there be any, and if it is possible to do so, or if there is more that needs to be done.
  • DNA Upgrade
  • Rainbow Healing Light Invocation
  • Past Life Contracts Clearing/Cords cutting (if I am allowed to proceed by your higher self) This is NOT karma removal. NO ONE can remove your karma, except for you, that is if you have karma. Not everyone does, as people misunderstand what Karma is.
  • Past LIfe Visions – ( If necessary to understand why you are going through what you are going through, I will be shown your past lives, this will help you determine the reason as to why you are experiencing that which you are)
  • Scanning of your chakras, correction of energy flow and further recommendations directly from your guides as to what you need to do further
  • You will also receive further recommendations on what you are to do on your own to SEAL in the new energies flowing your way and to assist your own self further without the constant need to come back for more and more healing sessions. However, should you feel that you do need a healing attunement, or there are some issue that need more work you are welcome to come back for another session.
To learn more about this session and hear what others have to say about it please visit:
pdfdownloadableversioncoverP.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit :
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna
and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL
Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/1/2015 7:27:49 PM

Heart Consciousness and the Meaning of Life


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Deep down, everyone wants to know the meaning of life. They want to understand why they’re here, what they’re supposed to do and why it’s all so mysterious, and even if they don’t care at the surface, the hunger for more knowledge and understanding burns deep within. They want to know if life is a random accident or if there’s an actual purpose for our existence, and they want to see through the mundaneness of daily life and into a deeper, more meaningful understanding of reality.

This is where spirituality comes in for a lot of people. It reinforces the idea that our existence isn’t random, and it reassures that life has a meaning and we aren’t doing all of this for nothing. It teaches us that consciousness is eternal, and it fills us with curiosity about the dimensions beyond our own.

People embrace spirituality because it gives them a sense of meaning, and from what I’ve learned from the conscious community, life’s purpose can be explained in two ways.

Some will tell you that the purpose of life is enlightenment, and when we reach it, we’ll discover our oneness with the rest of creation and the fact that we are our own creator. Our limitation will fade as we remember that we’re one with God and everything around us, and for now, our purpose is to play around in these illusory lower realms as we slowly make the climb back to the Source of our indestructible consciousness.

To understand that we’re our own creator is to liberate ourselves from the false suffering we’ve convinced ourselves is real, and nothing we do in life is as valuable as discovering our divine identity. There will come a time when we’re finished with the lower realms and ready to truly know ourselves again, and this is when we’ll start to access higher dimensions and the intuitive wisdom that flows from them. Some people have already started to connect with them, which is why they have an elevated or ‘enlightened’ perspective on life and spirituality that they can use to help others.


Some will tell you that our purpose is to live in love, help the world evolve and reconnect with our creator while showing gratitude for life. They’re interested in spirituality and elevating their consciousness, but not to the extent that they actively seek enlightenment or would readily throw away their material lives just to glimpse it. Heart consciousness is the best form of enlightenment for them, and it can be experienced right here on earth without any strict rules or complex rituals.

Their main concern is to live with a vibrant, compassionate heart and a mind that’s at least somewhat clear and open to their higher consciousness, and their purpose is to achieve this every day while helping others. They live a passionate, heart-centered life that they enjoy, and while they care about spiritual evolution, they don’t need enlightenment or ascension because they’re centered in the present and they have nothing to escape.

Plenty of spiritual teachers will tell you that true enlightenment comes when we stop seeking it, and the best way to discover ourselves as God is to stop trying to discover it and start living it. How would God treat His children? I’m sure He would treat them with the same open, compassionate heart as the spiritual people who are waking up and learning to love life, so this is really all we need to do. Everything else will work itself out naturally.

For all we know, simply displaying the godlike qualities of love, compassion and respect could be the best path to enlightenment, and learning to use them could be the purpose of our existence in these lower realms.

Personally, I agree with those who think the meaning of life is to live from the heart while letting it enlighten us and inspire us to improve the world.


Instead of obsessing over life’s meaning or desperately searching for a higher state of consciousness, let’s understand that all of creation – including these lower dimensions – has something to teach us and heart consciousness is the vehicle it uses to teach. Let’s appreciate life as much as we would enlightenment, because this realm still has a lot to show us.

To live and love unconditionally is to skip the need for higher dimensions and zoom directly into universal oneness, so let’s allow life to unfold with no resistance to the situations or circumstances that result. Our purpose will become clearer as we learn to work with life and appreciate its lessons, and the more we learn, the more we’ll live in harmony with life and reconnect with the divine Source from which the soul is birthed.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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