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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/30/2015 6:45:33 PM


Mahala ~ Planet Alert October 2015

I am writing this article on Sunday afternoon at 3:30 pm waiting for the super full moon blood red eclipse to occur outside of my living room windows starting around 6:00 PM. (Today is the 28
th and I watched it last night and it was awesome.) The energy from this full moon was more wonderful than I expected. The last few days have been energetically awesome. We are at the very beginning of the manifestation of the energy of the Age of Aquarius.

We had the Pope’s visit, the signing of the document for change by the United Nations, and the beginning of the energy from the Global Citizen group who had their festival in Central Park in New York on Saturday September 26. Their goal is to change the world for the better and to see that the United Nations lives up to the contract they signed to change the world. Check out the Global 2030 Agenda. This is the agenda signed by the United Nation countries. Then check out the Global Citizens group at Global Citizens Festival website.(Editor: or
Major change is happening right now. It started with the solar eclipse on Sept 12-13, depending on where you live. The weekend of the 12-13 was like magic. The love energy in my area was so wonderful that everyone I knew felt it very strongly. The energy that starts at a new moon culminates at the full moon. The culmination of this energy started when Pope Francis came to the United States on Wed September 23, and the energy is manifesting for several more days with the meeting of Obama and Putin today and with the Cuban president on Tuesday along with the president of Kazakhstan. There were several leaders that showed up for this major event at the United Nations.
How many of you know about the new city that is called Astana and is the capital of Kazakhstan? They started building this city in 1997 and since 2003 the leaders of many religions around the world have been meeting in this capital to start the process of creating a new religion where people can live in peace. This new religion will be based on love and on people recognizing and honoring all people’s beliefs and hopefully stop the religious fighting that has been going on for thousands of years. (Editor: Search Google or YouTube for ‘astana kazakhstan religion’ or ‘Congress of Religious Leaders‘ or get introduced via this article at The Astana Times)
The meaning of the degree of the solar eclipse on Sept 12 at 11:41 pm PDT was “The spirit’s answer to the vital needs of whatever became individualized out of its infinite ocean of potentialities. All cycles end in an essential duality of success and failure, just as every release of new potentiality at the start of a cycle is inevitably polarized in two opposite directions, becoming sharply differentiated as the mystical separation of the sheep and the goat”. Symbolically as I look at it, this is the separation of the old and the New World.
So many people have been looking for the New World Order to come to pass. I’m saying that the New World Order has been in effect for many years. We have been under total control and have not been free for a long time. Now, freedom is finally opening up for us although to obtain this goal of freedom we have to concentrate on keeping our thoughts on positive events. The people who continue to focus on negativity will not be able to participate in this new dimensional shift that has just occurred. Negativity affects your body and you end up sick. It releases acid into your body and your whole body system is affected by negative thought. Please make an effort to keep your thoughts on positive events so we can create this world of love.
There was also a negative transit in this full moon chart and that is the square between Mars on 1 degree Virgo and Saturn on 1 degree Sagittarius. This portends a military struggle between nations. Hopefully these leaders can settle this challenge peacefully so it does not turn into more war in the Middle East. Obama and Putin met today to discuss this challenge. We’ll see what comes out of this meeting. Let’s focus on peace within ourselves and all around us.
Then the degree of the lunar eclipse on Sept 27th is “A man revealing to his students the foundation of an inner knowledge upon which a New World can be built. This means that the necessity of the youthful spirits to learn from a teacher who through his long experience has been able to reach solid and illuminating truths and ideas. When the student is ready the Master appears. Devotion to a guru may be the way, but sooner or later it should be transmuted into reverence; the truth within the disciple saluting in true humility the truth in the Teacher”. It was no accident that the Pope appeared in the USA during this full moon. He came here to express peace and love and this love was felt by millions of people.
The planet Pluto turned direct on 13 degrees Capricorn on September 25th. This degree of Capricorn/Cancer rules both Washington D.C. and China, when another planet is on 13 degrees Cancer. Our capital was definitely in the spot-light with the visit of the Pope, and the president of China also came to Washington D.C. along with Putin. The sign of Capricorn rules governments, corporations, structures, and the Pope. Pluto is the planet of transformation and the Pope was here to help transform our government. This started by the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, resigning. This was a really big deal and now others can change because Pluto will cause more transformation.
Maybe our congress will learn that you can get more done by working together than you can by fighting each other. Lilith, the dark moon, or hidden Goddess was on 14 degrees Cancer at this eclipse, in exact opposition to Pluto. She says “Let’s get some transformation going here in the government of the United States and lets invite the Pope so people can feel his energy and open up their hearts so they can feel love, including the people in our congress.”
Also, on this eclipse chart Jupiter was in exact opposition to Neptune. This means that practical discipline is needed during this transit to maintain a grip on reality. Subconscious distortions and neurotic escapist tendencies may surface at this time. Jupiter rules religion and Neptune is considered the female higher Goddess who could be deceptive at times although that cycle is now over. Neptune has now come through her challenges and has become a great planet of light so she can be considered positive now instead of negative, as witnessed by the movie Frozen. That movie was all about the fall of Neptune and how it is now transformed into expressing love.
Many people think that this Pope is the Anti-Pope. I say look at his actions, hasn’t he been working to transform the Catholic Church? Isn’t that the work of an Anti-Pope because he goes against the establishment? The first thing he did was to transform the Vatican Bank, which was the most powerful bank in the world. That bank needed to be transformed. Now he is working on changing the old laws that have been in effect for a long time, and to dismiss the Catholic clergy who had been molesting children. That left a scar on the church for a long time. It’s time for change.
The energy of the past two weeks has changed me to the core. I realized that religion, or spirituality will be the focus for the next two years because Saturn is in Sagittarius, which rules the higher mind. A great awakening will happen to many people when they realize that God is within, and we are all connected to each other by this spark of light. The old religion of control will transform into the fact that we are all one, and what we do to someone else will come back to us almost immediately. It is definitely time tothink with our hearts.
The birth of the new has happened and the baby has been born. Now it is time to nurture the new baby and watch it grow. In the Dreamspell calendar the glyph for this eclipse is The Red Galactic Earth and it rules birth. It’s time to create a new Earth. What do you want to create? Is it an abundant life for everyone, a world of peace and happiness with everyone talking out their differences instead of fighting, or freedom to be who you are and to speak your truth?
Saturn is now in Sagittarius and that sign also rules freedom. The refugees created a big drama for us to watch. It is the great exodus, and symbolic of the Moses drama. They are looking for freedom and a better life and so are many other people. It’s now up to us to create this new reality. So Be It! I love all of you. Mahala Gayle

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/30/2015 6:47:00 PM

GFP Newsletter - 9/29/2015

will's picture

The real rebel is not a fighter; he is a man of understanding. He simply grows in intelligence, not in anger, not in rage. You cannot transform yourself by being angry against your past. Then the past will continue to dominate you, then the past will remain the center of your being, the past will remain your focus. You will remain focused, attached to the past.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/30/2015 6:50:59 PM


Méline Portia Lafont ~ Blood Moon aftermath and a message from Merlin

How was your experience of the Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse?! We have received a beautiful opportunity to align ourselves with higher volumes of Divinity to embody. And what a momentum it has been so far... filled with still lingering equinox blessings and a deliberate Cosmic wave which has swamped the Earth with a Magical storm of Bliss, fulfillment, equilibrium and alignment which on itself has created a new doorway towards the essential energy of creation: the marriage between matter and antimatter and the merging of the Feminine and Masculine to create a rebirth. This rebirth has been created by all of you on a whole new and other level than was the case prior to that. It continues and is endless.

When you are good in yourself and at one with your heart, you can smell the fresh flavors of a new dawn arising. You can even sense that there is a new beginning marked in your Being and life as well. Old doors have been closed, bridges are being burned behind you and so now you are holding yourself steady while walking on an unknown bridge towards a yet unexplored world that is awaiting you to have it and embrace it in your heart of knowing.

What this alignment brought so far, until this moment, is a far more exponential birth than we have come to discover so far. It goes beyond the lineages from abroad and reaches masses of hearts along your journey. You are not yet understanding the scope of this wave, this because you are still experiencing it. You will grow into it, just as you are growing into yourselves.

I, myself have received a beautiful wave of energy just on the peak of the eclipse as I was meditating during it (4.47AM CEST) in my crystal circle. I was doing my audio Meditation transmission from the Pleiadians of this Blood moon and this wave that came in felt like an inner buzzing vibration of an explosive frequency. A very powerful buzz which focused extremely around the head area ~ front and back. I was experiencing heavy headaches for 2 days prior to the Blood Moon which were instantly gone after my meditation.

What I noticed, and could not miss after repetitive messages, was that the phrase “let go of all and the old, burn bridges behind you” came through in all sorts of ways.. This phrase kept on repeating itself 2 days prior to the Blood Moon and even during it. I was guided to set up a vortex and sacred space with my crystals so I just let myself be guided by AA Metatron and made one in my room. When finishing it, I saw the repeating pattern of 4 circles with the amount of crystals adding up to or being a 7. 7-7-7-7 was formed which becomes 28 when you add these. In Europe the Blood Moon was on the 28th which seems strangely coincidental.

So when looking up the meaning of these numbers what I found out was that these 7's pass on the message of miracles that are about to occur, new beginnings. 28 gave me the message of closing old doors and opening new ones. I was in AWE when seeing this pattern of numbers and reading about it! Exactly perfect in alignment with this gateway! As if that wasn't enough, I pulled some cards right before the meditation on the full lunar eclipse and the cards showed me the following: “new beginnings, begin anew”, “seek your inner guide” and “close old doors and open new doors”. Well, how about that for an affirmation! Fabulous!

The next day I felt fabulous, lighter and indeed like a fresh new start. The constant image of me standing on a line, like a starting line for marathons, came in. I noticed that behind me was NOTHING ~ No past, no reality, no-thing! As if it was erased with a gum. Right in front of me was only eternal space of emptiness ready to create and be filled with creations! We are really starting anew in a sense, beloveds! Only in another frequency as another vibrational embodiment. This feels as starting a new book, NOT a chapter! A new incarnation, a new life with no more garbage nor attachments of the past. It is as if it never existed! All is given away to the Akasha. (listen to my free audio mediation transmission of the Pleiadians ~ Bood Moon Portal ~ to know what I speak of). We are in the new world, fresh and unlabeled. Now it is up to us to color it and make it as we always wanted. YAY to that! finally! At least that is how I feel it, and since I've been talking to some friends they are feeling and experiencing the same.

Merlin has an explanation to this exponential growth that he would like to share with you all. As the message comes in, he will explain what is about to take place on our most precious world and this in a most speedy pace of occurrences.

Love, Méline Portia Lafont


Well first of all my dear ones, let me suggest to you all to take good care of yourselves now that you are being exposed to this Wave you call Wave X. It is not so much of a pleasant tea party for your vehicles, it is unlike of that proportion. Nevertheless these are recommended forces of Light to help and embark on new grounds founded on the new Earth Format. Your vehicles are under a tremendous amount of Light pressure in that sense that you are transforming, dear ones.

And as if that wasn't enough to proceed into that light of Being, there is more to come your way and less to stay in the way you are now. You are conceiving yourselves into new tubes and forces of Light frequencies. Each tube holds a certain frequency vibration that does not change, in order to complete the stages of rebirth. Each stage has a number frequency and vibration that is of your resonance field, keeping you in the field of your vibration where there is space held for each one to expand. When a certain number frequency and vibration is held within ~ as the true nature of embodiment ~ you shall succeed in a stage of rebirth and go on to the next level of expansion.

What you have all created now is an activation of a much large number of frequencies to partake in on your Earth Gaia to simply start to be implemented in you daily realities as well. These large frequencies are tones and vibrational waves that no man can see with their naked eyes, they can only perceive them through the vibrational spinning of the heart magnitude.

You have simply modified your personal bridges and that of the Earth to another frequency which uplifts you all and awakens the hearts of many on this Earth. The old bridges have fallen down, you will all come to see this take place in your Earthly lives sooner or later but in the realms of Cause or the Ethereal worlds all old bridges have been removed.

What you have applied for will be yours as there is no way back to this old space of time. Your hearts have given you the opportunity to make the change come forth from within, and now that leaves you no other way than to apply this, isn't that so?! Gladly so, as you have been given many opportunities before as they are endless but not such like these on this particular way! You have set a new marker and all the energies you have anchored ~ and still are ~ are of such a power that it serves for years to come! Imagine how potent this is right now to you all, for a million more of your fellow stellar family on Earth have opened the door in their hearts to return to their homes, their natural state of awakening. (Merlin means hereby that one million sleeping souls have experienced a heart portal activation and opening to awakening on this day)

This is a reawakening on all levels and different forms for many on your Earth, even for those eyes which have been blind so far! Do not underestimate the scope of this intention which has been held within each and every heart of yours for it is blinding, potent and strong! You have marked a new beginning for you all as a Humanity as well as for yourselves. Now, gaze upon that which is in front of you, do not look back anymore.

Leave the tendency to cling back, behind you. But if you are already in your awakened heart, there shall be no lust nor craving for this tendency anymore.. you shall know and feel what is in resonance with the heart frequency and what is not, for you have changed the octaves of your heart song and it is now playing on a different wave than before. Have no worries, you have chosen a beautiful song and it plays all over the world for all to hear. Let it be played by you all, have no fear. Fear is not a part of your vortex anymore as of now.

It rings a beautiful nature of your truth and depending on what you are holding within yourselves as your truth, things should become more at ease when it comes to bringing forth new endeavors of change.

The Merlin speaks on behalf of Humanity and the Realms of Master Beings of Light. We stand for your unity in consciousness as we are the Embodiments of Truth, power, enlightenment, love, Light and Unity.

Now, let bygones be bygones as they say and leave the world of the past behind. Look forward only as you have marked a new beginning for all of you. Let yourselves not be distracted from the play you have left behind which is very much part of the old. It still may run on itself but not for long anymore as it comes to fade away because you have retracted your conscious attention from it. Feed only what is yours to feed and that are your heartfelt creations of Love, compassion, unity and change as the everlasting flow of existence.

Do you well, and BE you well.

I AM the Merlin

Méline offers skype sessions, channeled readings, energy work and Tools that can assist you on your path. Are you having questions or are you seeking for more guidance on particular parts of your journey, check out the Reading formats Méline offers and the audio Tools. The remote energy healings are now on discount.

For those who are more into the deep diving into SELF, Méline's " Channeling Course" or Course for connecting to SELF is a recommendation for all whom are willing to do the Self work!

Copyright © 2012-2015 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/30/2015 11:37:52 PM

Sept-October Astrology Status from Carl Boudreau; The Threshold

Very interesting, Carl. Thank you for much needed good news. Our breakthrough is so close we can taste it. ~ BP

Astrology Status for 09/18 – October 2015

The Threshold

by Carl Boudreau
September 18, 2015 at 7:22pm

Not Just Another Ingress

I think the best way to understand October 2015 is as a followup to Saturn’s re-entry into Sagittarius for the full transit. This ingress is one of those astrological events whose truly immense significance can easily be missed.

It’s true that October will be about coming to terms with the complexity and difficulty of the energies unleashed in September, among other things ( But the deeper astrological truth about October is that it will help us once again bring the gifts of Saturn to bear against injustice, inequality, exploitation and oppression. Saturn’s Sagittarius ingress will end a hazardous, decades long odyssey for Saturn and the world.

saturnSaturn and the Major Planetary Cycles

Astrologers who study the long term, pay special attention to the cycles of the outer planets: Saturn/Pluto, Uranus/Pluto, Neptune/Pluto cycles, etc., etc. In this post, I will be primarily concerned with recent Saturn cycles.

Such cycles begin with a conjunction and end when the two bodies return to conjunction decades later. In the first half of these cycles, beginning just after the initial conjunction, the planets move toward opposition. During this phase, until the point of opposition, the faster moving, separating planet, remains subordinated to the the slower moving planet.

Beginning in 1980, all of the outer planets, including Saturn, gathered in a fairly tight grouping in signs closely identified with the 1% – power signs. Consequently, all of their Saturn cycles began at roughly the same time.

As a result, during those years, Saturn was subordinated to Uranus. Uranus was subordinated to Neptune. Neptune was in turn subordinated to Pluto. The combined power of all the outer planets was subordinated to the power of Pluto. The power of the outer planets was woven into a single intense current of social, economic and political power under the sway of Pluto, a planet associated with the use of power for its own sake.

Pluto would be supreme. Saturn would remain in a deeply subordinate, weakened position in relation to the other outer planets for the better part of the next 30 years. While Saturn was so subordinated, the world, freed from the discipline of careful thought and hard work, would get progressively more out of control.


Advantage the 1%

This alignment took place in the signs Libra thru Pisces – signs closely associated with society’s social, cultural, economic and political elites – the 1%. This new concentration of power was in addition to the considerable advantage the elite already had by virtue of their position in society.

Under the influence of this grand alignment, every conceivable effort was made to channel social, cultural economic and political power into the hands of the 1%.

A World Without Saturn

Saturn stands for sober and objective judgment. It tests our reasoning, our skills and our assets against reality. It imposes discipline and hard work. It engenders good conscience and strength of character.

Saturn is blind to privilege. Its reason is unfailingly rigorous. Its commitment to the truth is unimpeachable. Its sword cuts both ways.

With Saturn subordinated to Pluto, et. al., little if any defense remained against the accumulation and inevitable abuse of power by the overly empowered 1%.

With Saturn’s influence so seriously impaired, rules were bent and broken with relative impunity. Science and sound reasoning took a back seat to demagoguery. The truth gave way to outright lies. The public conscience was muted. Nothing was out of bounds if it increased the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of the 1%.

The grand alignment has been breaking up slowly for some years, now, and it will continue to break up in slow stages over the coming decades.

angelic super heroOne of the things we can look forward to in the near term, though, is the return of Saturn’s power. Saturn will dramatically re-empower those among us who fight for social, political and economic justice.

Saturn in Sagittarius, a Major Milestone

As explained above, during a Saturn cycle, Saturn will initially break free of the slower moving planet’s dominance at the halfway point, at the opposition. Saturn does not actually come into its own, however, until it squares the slower planet in the final quarter of the cycle, as it returns to conjunction.

Accordingly, Saturn reasserted some of its power when it squared Pluto from Libra in 2009-12. Saturn will assert significantly more of its power as it squares Neptune from Sagittarius.

sagittarius full moonIn fact, Saturn in Sagittarius is forming a T-Square with Jupiter in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces. The intense, prolonged friction from this T-Square will affect all of the mutable signs – the signs that govern the creation, maintenance and dissemination of thought.

In so doing, the T-Square will burn off the grit of lies that has frozen the gears of reason. It will dispel the fogs that blind people to the truth and to their own best interests.

Saturn’s Sagittarius ingress will, in effect, empower those who speak truth to power. It will awaken reason and conscience from their long slumber.

For the first time in many decades, the 99% will have the tools to block further abuses by the 1% and roll back previous abuses. They will have the resources to find genuine, truthful answers to the countless questions enveloping us.

Imposing Truth on Power

One of the most insidious effects of the great alignment of the last thirty-some years was the creation of a worldview enshrining the ideas and false principles that supported the supremacy of the 1%. This great body of lies flourished and grew for decades in Saturn’s absence. A great density of lies shielded the 1% against the truth and the consequences of their actions.

through the veilOn of the most important and empowering effects of Saturn’s ingress will be to destroy this false worldview, suppress the demagoguery it engenders and answer the lies that breed oppression and exploitation. The ingenious lies that used to set the ignorant marching will fall flat.

Truth will begin to matter again. It will become progressively easier to convince each other and ourselves to do the right thing for the right reason. Blessed once again with conscience and the power of individual thought, people will break free of the oppressive system we have created since the 1980s.

So think good thoughts about Saturn, and spare a generous thought for the Sagittarians who actually have to deal with Saturn in their Sun sign. 😉


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/1/2015 4:03:46 PM

The Oracle Report, October 1, 2015



Disseminating Moon Phase: share, communicate

Moon in Taurus/Gemini (4:04 pm ET/8:04 pm UT)

Goddess of Wisdom: All – led by Shodashi (Goddess of Beauty, Goddess Who Aligns With the Highest and Best)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of the South)

Skill: see and hear what is crystal clear

Catalysts for Change: not facing something, disappointed (maintain reasonable expectations), confrontations, fear of commitment, believing there is only one answer, confusion, loss of perspective, wasting, greed, relying on the past, over-emphasizes on appearance, anger and irritability, stubborn

True Alignments: seeing symbolism, crystallizing thoughts into form or action, projecting ideas into the future, sincerity, depth of beauty and inner beauty, undeterred in the face of testing, solutions, return to balance, the path of the mystic, imagination, bringing things that are out of proportion into proportion, acceptance of self, breaking down barriers that hold us back, returning to light

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a girls basketball team” (unifying)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres” (complete re-calibration/re-tuning of consciousness)

The energetics of the Full Moon phase have ended, and we now enter the Disseminating phase of the Moon. Disseminating Moon phase is characterized by information, feedback, messages, and communication. In the natural cycle of time, the next four days are when the universe delivers guidance through whatever means possible, oftentimes through what is in the background.

Since Mercury is still retrograde, requiring more effort or patience with communications, this Disseminating Moon will be working harder to help us get the message. But, a certain “gem” of energy assuages this because the Earth is located at the degree of “a crystal gazer.” This energetic makes things crystal clear and also crystallizes plans and ideas. It clears a path.

Other planets are helping. Mercury itself is located at the degree of “a man watching his ideals taking concrete form before his inner vision.” Venus moves once again to “after a heavy storm, a rainbow” (or maybe we could call it “after a super-blood-harvest moon, the spectrum of the future becomes clear”). The Black Moon moves to “a man teaching the true inner knowledge of the new world to his students.” And Mars moves to “a man becoming aware of nature spirits and normally unseen spiritual energies.”

So today, the universe conspires to help us see something very, very clearly, despite Mercury’s retrograde. What have we not wanted to see? Where do we see things going? Where will something lead? What do you see that others are missing? What do you have to share? What do you have to say? What is whispering to you?

Further, the other planets are contributing. Today Jupiter moves to the familiar degree of“a bride with her veil snatched away.” Jupiter will discharge this energy through Tuesday, October 6. Since April, a certain female US Presidential candidate from the Democratic faction has not fared well when this degree has been activated. Each time a planet hits it, more that has been hidden comes out. Jupiter is known to deliver a final blow — it’s The Closer — so this could be the end of that dynasty. Regardless, Jupiter will reveal much about true intentions and levels of commitment in our personal worlds and in the world as a whole over the next few days.

The energy and the times remain complicated and historic. Saturn moves to the degree of“the ocean covered with whitecaps.” This always stirs or whips things up. The wisdom of the Sabians tells us to dive under anything that begins to churn. This will be in effect until October 12. I think diving under will be very important because the Mahavidyas (Wisdom Goddesses, aspects of Gaia Sophia) are strongly reinforcing this to me.

Finally, the active Sun is discharging the energy of “three old masters hanging in a special room in an art gallery.” This energy brings balance, form, and wisdom. The Mahavidya Shodashi is known for these three things. Shodashi leads the team of Wisdom Goddesses this month, but today she is particularly interested in bringing us into better form and alignment with our highest potential. This may require us to take a different course or path, one that opens today.

That’s a lot for today, but all divinely-directed. All that we need to do is be attentive and brave enough to see and hear what is crystal clear today.

(Note: The 5th episode of “Parliament of Wise Owls” is now posted at the Homepage ofOracle Report. Let’s do the “Disseminating-thing” and share it far and wide! This was a special edition of POWO, with special guest wise owl Logan McCulloch of trekfortruth,who completes his cross-county walk/cycle across the United States to bring awareness of the myriad diseases hoisted upon humanity, including the “Lyme” epidemic, thisSaturday, October 3 at noon in San Francisco. Thanks to a wise owl who donated airline points, I will be there to greet Logan at the finish line. All wise owls in the Bay area are welcome to join me at 10 am there on the beach. I would love to meet you! We can chat about all things Gnostic while we wait for Logan to arrive. Public beach access is located next to Nick’s Restaurant, 100 Rockaway Beach Avenue, Pacifica, California, 94044. Hope you can make it!

Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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