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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/10/2015 6:06:56 PM

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey. July 10, 2015.

SacredMatters continue to ferment, and chaos exists in many countries as the old ways are proving to no longer cater for your needs. The problem has grown so big that it requires massive changes to put your civilisation on to a new track that will take you into the New Age.

The changes are now under way and are irreversible as the new must replace the old to take you out of a system that no longer covers your needs. It is a disturbing process for many who have little or no understanding of what is taking place, yet as the answers are seen to come with a new approach to your needs, people will rise up to the occasion.

As always we will direct those who have a major role to play in bringing the changes about. They cannot be achieved without a measure of hardship, but we will ensure that it is kept to a minimum. Keep holding a positive outlook as the plan for your future has been well established. You will be more than pleased at the outcome.

For too long you have been, as you might say, “led up the garden path” and have been deliberately kept in the dark as to the truth of your potential and reason for experiencing duality. It has been a great learning curve that has enabled you to lift yourselves up from lives of limited consciousness, to ones that will awaken you to your true potential.

As we have mentioned many times, you are far greater than you imagine but have been deliberately misguided by false teachings, and the limitation of your consciousness. All that is changing at a rapid speed and more souls are awakening to their true selves.

You are coming out of a long period of darkness into the Light and nothing can now prevent you from going all the way to full consciousness. It is already evident by the number of souls who have awakened, and are leading you along the path to full enlightenment.

There are some souls who cannot lift up their vibrations, but be assured that they will be given every assistance to direct them towards the Light. There is no point in trying to “run before you can walk” and their Guides will help such souls to awaken to the Truth. Once you commence to realise how you have been kept in the dark, it becomes so much easier to grasp the Truth of your Being.

You are in essence all great souls that have undertaken to experience duality, to deal with the challenges that it brings up. Over many lives you have touched the depths of darkness, yet have never lost touch with your higher selves. As a result many of you have eventually found your true path that is leading you back to full consciousness. Once you start to awaken there is no going back to the old ways, and those souls of the Light will bring about a complete change in the way you lead your lives.

We have followed your progress for eons of time, and consider your achievement in regaining your consciousness levels to be remarkable over such a short period. Your history shows what happens when souls lose touch with the Light, and in consequence how difficult it has been to rise up again. However, you have proved that it is possible and today many of you lead the way forward. In so doing you are also bringing others with you and so the re-awakening gathers pace.

You are to be congratulated on having risen to the occasion and its needs, and nothing will be able to stop your onward progress. For a long time those awakened souls have been shunned by others who have been unable to comprehend the Truth, but that is changing as the vibrations continue to rise up. Very soon there will be another major upliftment in your consciousness and the Truth will come to many more souls.

We are so close to you now and are openly visiting your Earth – so much that most people accept our presence in your skies. Because of our highly advanced technology your weapons pose little danger to us, and many of you know that we have put many of them out of action when a threat has arisen.

You have many recorded instances of our craft being seen over your nuclear sites, and taking action to prevent you starting another war. We have been successful in maintaining world peace on Earth, but have to allow what we call minor confrontations because of karmic reasons. We will however monitor such happenings so as to ensure that they do not get out of hand.

There will eventually be an end to all wars and lasting peace upon Earth will be achieved. Your future is assured and the changes you are now experiencing are part of the cleansing that is taking place.

For a long time now we have been using our influence to guide your scientists along a path that will result in a peaceful world. However, we cannot intervene if others still support the weapons of war, but will ensure that they are not used to risk a worldwide war. The Earth has been subjected to nuclear devices on many occasions, but they will not be allowed to be used again and we are here to ensure that you are protected.

You have freewill, but as you enter the New Age a new future awaits you that no longer allows wars that bring widespread death and destruction that has previously occurred. Peace for all people will be possible once the presence of the dark Ones is removed. You will not have too long to wait for world peace to be declared, but there is much in the way of necessary changes that will be needed.

In the meantime we shall continue with our monitoring of Earth’s activities, including those of Mother Earth who is also involved in the changes that are occurring. The upheavals are necessary to allow the greater changes that will result in a new Earth, cleansed of all the residues of centuries of neglect and the poisoning of the land and seas.

It may look to be an almost impossible task, but with our advanced knowledge and unlimited resources it will not take very long to achieve. We are in fact already prepared to go ahead with Mother Earth and restore her to the pristine condition she was many Ages ago. These tasks could not be handled by you with the limited knowledge you have, but we will be on hand to assist you once the cleansing can commence.

We know that many of you have expanded levels of consciousness and understand how the Truth has been misrepresented to keep you in the dark. Be assured that when the time is right there will be no delay in acquainting you with your true history and the glorious future that awaits you.

You may have had visions of a new Earth but in reality it will surpass your idea of what lies in store for you. All of the tears and disappointments that you have experienced will seem to count for nothing when you see the marvellous changes taking place. The beauty and wonders that will be yours to enjoy are far beyond your present imagination.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, come once again to enlighten you as to what lies ahead. Gone will be the threat of war and destruction, and permanent peace will reign. We will be by your side helping to bring the new Earth into existence, and it shall be a joyous time for all of you.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa. Channelled by Mike Quinsey. July 10, 2015.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/10/2015 6:09:44 PM

News Special Edition: Finding Peace and the Connection between Mind and Matter

Golden Gaia News Special ReportPeace in the Moment

Lao Tzu said, “If you are at peace you are living in the present.”

Our thoughts have more power than we realize. As like attracts like, we need to be mindful of our thoughts and feelings as they will energetically shape to create our reality by learning to go with the flow of the current, so as to trust that everything happens in its proper place and time.

Some of the suggested strategies that can help you quiet the mind and ground yourself to the present moment can include breathing, talking less, getting physical, and doing other activities that help redirect your attention and bring the mind back into the flow. One of the best things you can do is to practice mindfulness in a form of meditation where you focus on the present moment without judgment. Energetically releasing judgmental thoughts by acknowledging them and letting them go will help clear your space.

We can practice letting go of control with love and trust, and with so doing, surrender to the universe. This act of surrendering being a form of release and a form of peace. In the grandeur of the universe, there is no such thing as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ – it is all ONE.

8 Ways To Stop Over-Thinking and Find Peace in the Present Moment by Dr. Kelly Neff, The Event Chronicle

The Connection between Mind and Matter

In this article, Dr. Joe Dispenza suggests that each new sensation, vision, or emotional experience creates a new connection between two (of more than 100,000 million brain cells) that are inevitably formed. Science regards the brain as something static and fixed, but in fact it has a strong ability to change. To make changes, one may concentrate on the reinforcement of the conditioned reflex. In other words, practice makes perfect. If repetition is not repeated for a long time, the relationship or connection will become weaker or disappear.

During his research, Dr. Dispenza was interrupted by the onset of a crisis in his life in the form of a car accident. To regain his walking ability he was to go through a procedure that would cause him chronic pain for life. Deciding to challenge science, he was determined to walk again. Through the power of his thoughts, Dr. Dispenza succeeded, and decided to dedicate his life to exploring the mind-body connection. He managed to demonstrate, “the ability of thoughts to transform the physical condition. When we have complete confidence in our abilities, we will create a new science,” says Dispenza.

Be sure to watch the video links within the article from Louise L. Hay, on how thoughts create reality and Dr. Wayne Dyer’s message on how our thoughts alter our physical reality!

Matter and Consciousness: How Our Thoughts Create Our Reality, by Anna LeMind, The Event Chronicle

Manifesto for a Post-Materialist Science

Presented at an international summit on post-materialist science, spirituality, and society, scientists have come to the conclusion that matter is nothing but an illusion and that matter (protons, electrons, photons, anything that has a mass) is not the only reality. By only examining physical systems and not considering the role of non-physical systems, we will not come to an understanding of the nature of our reality.

This manifesto summarizes the problem with not recognizing, acknowledging, and examining phenomena that go past the borders of the physical material world. Indeed it is of vital importance to human evolution and fundamentally alters the vision we have of ourselves, giving us back our dignity and power, as humans and as scientists.

Post-materialist sciences seeks to expand the human capacity to better understand the wonders of nature, and in the process rediscover the importance of mind and spirit as being part of the core fabric of the universe. This paradigm fosters positive values such as compassion, respect, and peace.

Distinguished Scientists Gather to Emphasize: “Matter” Is NOT the Only Reality, by Arjun Walla, Collective Evolution

With much peace, light and joy,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/10/2015 6:15:23 PM


Bob Fickes ~ The Infinite Observer


Ego/mind always wants to identify everything. Our ego/mind says, “I did this” or “I experienced this”. But the great teachers tell us you are not your mind. You are the observer that sees through your mind. You are something else, not your mind and not your body.
One day it happens when you are sitting alone quietly and suddenly you feel a silent Presence inside. You are silently observing the world around you and even observing your mind thinking, but you are not thinking. You are just observing from a big silent Presence inside. The thoughts are coming and going through your mind, but you are not thinking them. Then your body moves and you lean to the left, but the Presence hasn’t moved. Only the body moved while the Observer remained silently observing.
This Presence is your Inner Observer. This is your true nature. It is the consciousness that sees through your mind and moves through your body. Mind thinks and body moves, but the Inner Observer is just present observing without doing anything. Because you are conscious and didn’t go to sleep, you can observe what happened. Consciousness is present when everything happens much like the sky is present when the birds fly across the sky. The sky didn’t move, but observed the birds flying.
Who is this Observer? It is the consciousness that looks through the eyes and thinks through the computer mind. The Observer is always there, but ego/mind wants to say “I did it” rather than accepting that mind did it or body did it. Ego/mind likes to feel responsible. It also wants to be in control so that it can claim responsibility for what happened. Relax and observe. No need to own it or take responsibility for it, just observe it.

The Consciousness of the Inner Observer is entirely free and remains Infinitely Silent through all the dramas of our life. This is the experience of Enlightenment. Relax and observe. What you will come to realize is that Consciousness never disappears and will always be there. The Consciousness of the Observer is Infinite. This is Enlightenment.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/10/2015 6:16:32 PM

Heavenletter #5341 via Gloria Wendroff: Can Oneness Hunt Oneness?

Heavenletters - Version 2God said:

It is I Who is your servant, dear child. You protest. You say: “God, that You serve does not make You a servant.”

Beloved beloved, We are not We but One, and, so it is that the Served is the Server. Or, it can be said, that there is Self-Service, and this is all there can be. You have heard before that the Seeker is the Sought. The One Who finds can only find himself. If there is only Oneness, the Fullness of Oneness, then it can also be said that there is no one to seek. There is only the Found. That which you seek is Thy Own Self. Can Oneness hunt Oneness?

In this sense, grammar plays a part. There is a big division and intricate display of that which is named grammar. Only straight-out Being is True. You are the Be-er of Being. There is no action, interaction, or cross-action. Grammar tries to keep you in place.

It has been said that John loves Mary, yet love is not exactly movement. Love is Being. It cannot correctly be said that John loves Mary. It can correctly be said that John loves, the sun shines, water is wet, yet nothing goes anywhere or can land anywhere. In one sense, it cannot truthfully be said that Being is everywhere because there is no space for Being to go to. Being is full, yet there is no somewhere for Being to travel to or from or to be received or given.

Of course, science says that the truth is that everything is in motion as unseen atoms streaming when Life is still life. Only Stillness exists.

All speech is a manner of speech.

Existence is life.

You exist. You are. That is enough.

What you call Great Being is God. I tell you that there is no lesser Being.

The world complicates. The world gets intricate. There become patterns of differentiation. The simple is made complex. And all that you see and describe and enact yourself is fancy. There is no movement. There is no differentiation. There is Oneness.

What are these utterances then that I make? It is Self-Talk. I talk to Myself, and I hear Myself.

As for this entity that you refer to as yourself, you imagine yourself as less than I, God, the One of Oneness. This is a departure from Truth. This is embroidery you pretend to make. Design is love imagining that it runs away with itself. Love has no place to run to and no one to run with.

The field of life in the world is surreal. It is a painting truly painted in invisible paint.

There is no story to tell. All the stories are made up by mind’s imagining. There is only Being. There is no death. There is Being. There is Existence. There is no non-Existence. There is no addition nor subtraction. There is no multiplication. There is no division. There is Oneness.

There is nothing for the sake of another, for there is no other.

Where does Oneness exist when there is no where? Where does time exist when there is no time? How can a Universe be folded and unfolded and spewed upon the non-existent Earth you play in? Can there be an Ocean to swim in and for waves to go in and out of the water? This is also a dream. Only God Is Truth. There is nothing but God. All the rest amounts to words.

The imagined world that is seemingly believed in and seemingly believed in alike from one imagined individual to another is really a big zero. One is One. Truth is One. Being is Oneness, and Oneness is Being.

Where does exploration take us? Nowhere. Nowhere to go, and no one to take us there. All of life is a lot of ado about Oneness. And yet this imaginary world is also breathtakingly beautiful and serves as a platform for Being to dance on and make an impression.

“Heavenletter #5341: “Can Oneness Hunt Oneness?” received by Gloria Wendroff, July 9, 2015, at

Source Link: Heavenletters 5341 Can Oneness Hunt Oneness?

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/10/2015 6:20:48 PM

FRIDAY, JULY 10, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Master Saint Germain: Clarity

A message of clarity by Saint Germain

I AM welcoming you all today and my blessings to all of you beautiful Master Beings. I come here once more to speak to you through the heart of unification as this binds us all, being sparks of the One. What I wish to speak about with you all is the meaning of clarity and the need for clarity. As I was speaking to this beloved earlier today, clarity has become an intrinsic need or part of your lives. For who does not seek for clarity, isn't it so?

You have made this to be for real in your lives and thus created it so. Clarity can only exist and be if there is a recognition and acknowledgment of confusion and being blinded, for it is the opposite of its polarity experience. It is therefore not necessarily so that you need to experience both as a separate thing, rather bring those polarities together and experience them as one. That is the all knowing and seeing things as they truly are without having the complexity of needing to seek what you think is lost.

Nothing is lost in the first place for all is you and within you, as you know. Thus understand that when one is seeking for clarity it actually means that one has forgotten the understanding of “One” and “All” simultaneously. Clarity is a part of you, it is the true meaning of understanding who you are as a whole and that you can BE everything at once. It is the nature of true perception as to where you can perceive things as they are in truth: oneness. As soon as confusion comes in, it means that you are occupying yourself with duality structures of separation as to where you feel inclined to pull to one side or the other.

It is a thinking pattern of: “it is this way or that way”, and not all at once. That seems impossible for the human mind, thus you cannot accept this by heart. That is what clarity is showing you in this dimension: that you are taking clarity as a choice of how things are or can be.. and most of the time you probably want it to be just one sided or it would be too complex to understand. There is not just one side of explanation to offer clarity rather there are many, one might say that all things are clarity because they are as they are. As I would say: it is as it is.

Now that I AM taking you further into that matter, the only reason behind this message of today is to help you realize that not all things have to be clear to you as you tend to forget sometimes that everything is about the experience of things. To engage with your experiences and allow this to unfold is clarity for you see things as they are with an open heart.

There are many things entering your planes of duality at this time and it surely feels to you all as if your plate is continuing to fill more and more and that you have no space left to even take on more. My dear Master Beings, the only reason why you even can experience the feeling of your plate being so filled is because you hold on to certain things that are crossing your path. You take on more and more to hold and thus things will become complicated for you at a certain point as you cannot see things clearly anymore through it all. The complexity dominates.

You are filling your minds with more things to come and are already occupying yourselves with what might be coming soon as well. To live in the every now moment will make it impossible for you to even hold on to things as you flow along the stream of the moment and experience it as it is. It is like a receiving and passing on as you experience the moment with acceptance and joy.

Now, there are many time-lines and opportunities that dwell within you and are wanting to emerge into your realities which can enhance the confusion and the need for clarity. You will learn to Master your own consciousness in the sense of allowance without the fight for resistance and control. You will learn to stop seeking for answers to know, understand and have clarity as you will be offered the experience of what it is to already know, see and be clarity within. Things are as they are, there is no need to make things complicated nor to confuse yourself with wanting to know the answers to give you a false sense of contentment.

That is what you will learn in this time, that clarity is about allowing things to be as they are. To move yourselves through the many opportunities as these arise and to just experience what you hold by heart and want to BE. When such confusions arise and there seems to be too much to handle for you at the time, take a step back out of the hustle and the bustle of events, take a breather and go within for a moment. Take a closer look at all the things that are ruling your reality and your experiences and see where these creations are originating from.

Where did it all start? What made you think this way or another? Which thought or emotion has moved you towards certain conclusions or perceptions? Go back to its origin and see it there as it is, where you have built further upon to create this all into your experience. It applies mostly to the most subtle and smallest things you easily overlook. Much is always related to fear and the wanting to have things under control. Here is where confusion originates from for you cannot control anything, you just can Be.

Well let us now look at the bright side of this circumstance and see that this gift offered to you is simply a reminder of where you put your attention, what you feed and how you see yourself. You are all taking in more of yourselves from other planes and Dimensions as well, thus many different vibrations are deciding to play along and enter your human experience. Some of these aspects may behave like children: uncontrollable and wild! These feel like they are entering a playground they never were able to enter before and thus are excited!

You might wait a little bit before unleashing these aspects of yourselves until you have this overall feeling that you are ready to handle all these parts of you on the Human level as well. To be 'up there' in the Higher realms and experience those realms is one thing but the challenge is to bring these 'down here' on the Earthly level while being in a human incarnation. To channel these in through the process of grounding, equilibrium and the self realization is thus key as we keep on stressing that fact for a long time now.

Get to know yourselves on all levels as you desire and just release what is standing in your way or what is making things complicated for you. Not by ignoring or running from it but by embracing it as a part of your creation. To acknowledge is to see things as they are, Master Beings. Thus start to acknowledge ~ see ~ you as the Master Beings that you are and explore this. Clarity is you and that is what you are about to understand more deeply in the upcoming months.


Blessings and eternal love
Master Saint Germain

You want tools to assist you during this journey of SELF discovery and SELF expansion? Check out the "Channeling Course modules" and explore yourself on all levels HERE. The Deactivation and Decoding of the Human Mind Tool is a beautiful add as well as a NEW short audio Tool "Reprogramming the physical body". To experience a reading with Master Saint Germain and his aspect Merlin, order a reading now and mention to receive from Saint Germain or Merlin.

Méline Lafont 2012 – 2015, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and unaltered and

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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