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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/9/2015 5:59:35 PM

The Oracle Report, Thursday, July 9, 2015

Let me remind you today to be sure to check all the comments, because readers are leaving not only very insightful comments, but also some great links. It’s gotten to the point where I can’t keep up with all the news, and since everyone is helping by sharing, be sure to take advantage of it. Thanks . . . ~J



Third Quarter Moon Phase: revise, realign

Moon in Aries/Taurus (3:50 pm ET/7:50 pm UT)

Goddess of Wisdom: Bagalamukhi (Goddess Who Solves)

God of Wisdom: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: nourish something

True Alignments: paying attention to surroundings, protecting, being real, provisions or arrangements made, the base or basics reinforced, immersion, heightened sensitivity and awareness to environment, accepting personal responsibility, concern for the fellowship of humanity

Catalysts for Change: cover ups, not paying enough attention, engaging in a never-ending search and missing out on the present moment, loss, trying to solve problems with things that are proven not to solve, fears about safety and security, repeating the same mistakes, disconnection, too serious

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “winter frost in the woods”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “the music of the spheres”

Today the Sun moves to the degree of the Sabian symbol “a hen scratching for her chicks.” The themes of nurturance and nourishment are involved with this energy. The levels of care and dedication that are needed in order for things to grow are visible.

At the other end of the spectrum, Jupiter has moved to degree of the Sabian symbol of “totally concentrated upon inner spiritual attainment, a man is sitting in a state of complete neglect of his body.” This energy wants us to restore balance to situations and conditions. Deep insight and revelation accompanies this energetic signature, but it’s best to help the body process or integrate the information through physical activity.

All of this is happening as our instinctual bodies are activated today. The Earth is located at the degree of the Sabian symbol of “the Union Jack flies from a new British warship.” Energetics that prompt fears about all types of safety and security are being pushed. Old imprints of power, control, and empire are trying to regain footing. This won’t work because the dream we are dreaming no longer has these underpinnings.

What does work is following our deep roots with Sophia, the divine being embodied as the Earth, to reconnect at all levels of the body, mind, and soul and restore balance. Step aside from the fear and step outside to find solace in the complexity of Nature.

(Audio version of the Oracle Report will return tomorrow.)

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The Oracle Report

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/9/2015 6:02:32 PM

Sounds True: Global Meditation for Compassion July 11, 2015


Global Meditation for Compassion July 11, 2015, 9AM Pacific Time

Dear Sounds True friend,

On July 11, more than 1,500 people will gather in Carlsbad, California, for an important event that will be live-streamed to 500,000 people in more than 100 countries around the world.

They’re gathering to send a powerful message and shift the collective consciousness of our world toward compassion—a shift that world-renowned expert on mind-body medicine, Deepak Chopra, is calling the most radical and necessary movement of our time.

The 2015 Chopra Center Global Meditation for Compassion

What Deepak and everyone at the Chopra Center recognize is that there is an epidemic in the West and in the world—a pervasive feeling of loneliness, isolation, and depression.

In the busyness of your daily life, how often do you stop and ask a neighbor how they’re doing? How available are you—even when you want to be—to friends and family members who need support? And how many times have you hurriedly passed by and forgotten a stranger in need?

We live in a world where one in every four people feels that they have no one to talk to if they are in pain or suffering, and a large number feel disconnected from those around them . . . all because we have forgotten that one of the most important and consistent sources of our own happiness and fulfillment is compassion.

If you’re feeling a subtle, yet persistent sense of separateness and yearn for a sense of connectedness instead, you’re not alone.

It’s a restlessness we’re all feeling that Deepak asserts is actually a critical calling to evolve and to rediscover our common truth—that we are all one.

Take a stand for compassion. Join Deepak from wherever you are in the world.

On Saturday, July 11, you can join Deepak and the dynamic, bestselling author who Oprah Winfrey named “a next-generation thought leader,” Gabrielle Bernstein—along with musical guest and humanitarian, Trevor Hall, whose songs have been featured in movies and on television and regularly top the iTunes singer-songwriter charts, and acclaimed CNN en Español anchor, Ismael Cala, for this landmark event.

Deepak will lead a groundbreaking, one-hour conversation about compassion, featuring an exclusive, 15-minute guided meditation and a special musical performance.

There is no charge for you to participate remotely (via streaming video) and even ask questions of Deepak and Gabrielle using social media and the event hashtag #IAMCOMPASSION.

Simply click on the link below and you’ll be registered to participate in this special event at no cost.

I am compassion. And I’m taking a stand for a kinder, more compassionate world.

The world needs more people who will see suffering and rise up to meet it with kindness and love.

When you join Deepak and Gabrielle for this global online event, you’ll be counted as someone who recognizes that the time for all of us to deepen our compassion is right now.

Be the change.


The Chopra Center

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/9/2015 6:03:44 PM

Intention and Focus

Andrea 22Some of us remember that not so long ago there was no internet to offer such a stunning array of every kind of information with every kind of slant to it imaginable.

I think it would be humanly impossible to take it all in; and yet, this is what some of us feel we may need to do in order to make our way in a world that seems to get ever more complex and incomprehensible.

For the last few years, the amount of information available has grown tremendously. Just look at the release of all the whistle-blower documents as only one demonstration of what I’m talking about. The sheer volume of this data is mind-boggling.

Be that as it may, I’m finding it to be a necessity to fine-tune my focus in order to bring myself back from this information overload abyss. If the shares in the Gaia Scene community forum are any indication of how the rest of the community are feeling about this, and I think they are, then I’m not the only one feeling this.

Many folks are identifying this change in focus with the disinterest in those sources that used to hold our attention so much, and others are simply reporting that they felt the need to stop listening so much to what’s going on outside of themselves in order to tune into the inside Source of information instead.

We may be moving into a finer distinction of what information is most important to us, and needing to choose more consciously what is necessary to connect with truth on a personal level.

We’re all so diverse, so there’s no way to say that what’s true for one, or even true for many, is true for all. But there’s a decided difference in what we used to find fascinating and as feeding our longing for knowing from even a couple of years ago, and what’s filling our needs for knowing what we need to know now.

The sources we favor on this blog, the Celestials, the Galactics, and the Ascended Masters; and the messages from peers sharing their journeys and the work they do, have also been hinting and saying outright for some time now that our focus is important, as are our intentions in each moment.

My question to myself has been about what my intentions are. I have to answer this as having the intention to hold the space for the greater good to appear and to watch carefully for any opportunity to be a part of that process. With this intention set and in mind, where I put my focus each moment takes on a whole new meaning.

I find myself becoming very sensitive to what I focus on these days. I find I can’t even make myself focus on the news, for instance.

I can say that I have friends who feel their focus on the news is a part of their task and mission; and in doing so they bring their energies and their co-creational magic to the transformative and transmuting work on what they see there. I know this isn’t so for me. I know because I can clearly feel this is not my job.

What presents itself to me now is what I feel are very new and different energies than were available even some months ago.

What I feel and observe is that there’s no pushing that works. I’m a very busy person who knows how to push a project through to completion, if this is what I feel is necessary. This sort of focus doesn’t work anymore, at least not in the world I work in.

My work is based on setting up anything I’m doing in alignment with the Divine Principles, asking that the core reasons for doing or building anything is done with integrity and in love.

It’s been an interesting challenge to work under such strict conditions, and yet it’s become clear that working in the space of ‘the greater good for all concerned’ is a prospect that asks for the very foundations of each step to be firm and be true to Divine Principles to provide the stability needed for the next step to be taken.

Oftentimes this also asks me to step aside and allow the Universe Itself to move the impossible or untenable. It’s amazing how often this stepping aside is necessary and how often I’m frustrated in the moment by what looks to me to be a stop in the movement forward of whatever project is in motion.

I share my thoughts on this to demonstrate how I’m experiencing fundamental changes in my life at this time. I feel that many others may relate to this as well, but only you will know how it is for you.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/9/2015 6:05:18 PM

Brenda Hoffman: Who Do You Wish to Be?

brenda1Dear Ones,

For eons, you created yourself to fit your 3D world. Now you are starting to create a new self-image with new capabilities. Such seems exciting – something you have long dreamed of. Recreating yourself any way you choose within the same physical earth being.

Creating a new you goes far beyond clearing fears and anger. It is about creating a new being with almost the same freedom as those of fairy tales with loving fairy godmothers.

You have cleared and cleansed. Now it is time for you to create a new being with new thoughts and focus.

You bemoan the chaos created throughout the globe as those who wish to retain 3D earth struggle do so even as the New Earth sun is rising. Before something new is created, the old must be shifted – or destroyed. So it was that you shifted your being from one of 3D fear to new you.

But who is new you?

That is the piece you are uncovering – and creating.

You accepted your key role of CEO of you. And you visited those segments that required attention in whatever form that necessitated. You are now a blank new you slate. Who do you wish to be?

Your concern is that you do not know who you are or who you wish to be. For eons, your earth emphasis has been what or who others wished you to be. Now that you can be you in all your glory – who do you wish you to be?

That is your current angst.

For now is the true point of discovering your joy.

You cleared and cleansed. You created new you. Now it is time to fill in the dots of new you.

So it is you are at a quandary for you thought someone or something would tell you who you are – more 3D conditioning that no longer applies.

Do you remember tales of a genie in a bottle granting a subject three wishes and, to your frustration, that subject wastes one of more of these wishes on something frivolous or limiting? Such is what now concerns you. Believing that somehow you will create in the wrong way, time or place. That someone should provide you guidance so the new you you create is appropriate for society and you.

All you need to know, the only direction you require is to discover that which gives you joy. Easy is it not? And yet, so very difficult. For as you create new you, you find yourself reverting to the guidelines of, “Is this good for society?” “Will this be difficult for my spouse?” “Will those I care about ignore or deny me if I become who I want to be?” “Am I deluding myself about my skill or power level?” All 3D questions that helped you remain small within the earth plane.

Now that it is time for you be as big as possible in so many ways, you are afraid that others will find you egotistical, inappropriate or selfish.

You can no longer pretend to be smaller than you are.

Many of you believe you can ignore that little voice that points you to joy, that you can remain in the murky 3D world that held so much comfort for you in eons past. Not because it represented who you are, but because not much was expected of you.

All that was required to remain in/on 3D earth before this transition was a small percentage of your totality. Now that most of you, including your inner being/CEO being, has incorporated into a large, almost complete you, you still expect/hope to be small. Such is no longer possible.

Even though you may find your greatest joy in tending a flower garden, you will never again be a small earth entity. That is over. It is time for you to be as large as you are – not as large as you think right or possible – but as large as you are.

Never again will you be able to hide your earth being in the shadows. For even in the shadows, your light will shine so brightly that others will wish to know who or what you are, much as is true for your holiday sparklers. Those sparklers are not that dramatic before lighting, but once lite it is almost impossible not to note the beauty of their sparkling light. So it is for you. Perhaps, you feel dull and drab even as you are evolving into a Universal beauty, but once you act upon your joy, you will light up in amazing ways.

Now you question the thought of evolving into a Universal beauty. Have you ever found someone a bit unattractive until you noted their inner sparkle, their radiating heart, their joyous being? So it is for you. No matter your size, age or bearing, your inner light will draw others to you.

You wonder how such will be so if everyone shines their inner light? You are defining inner light as you now do your movie stars in which one movie star is dynamic and beautiful until the next star arrives. A short burst of light limited in scope and presentation.

Such is not true for new you. For those finding joy in the same areas as you will find you and relish the joy of being with you – no matter your age, appearance, demeanor, income level, education, geographic location, race, gender or any other 3D barrier. You will feel right together – as will those of other joys and interests. Much as is true in 3D for those who study the same topic.

The difference is that there will be no one more right than another. Differing opinions will be shared and processed, not demeaned or denied. For the function of joy groups is to create a new whole of whatever arena draws interest for that particular group.

Much as you now discuss weather – not in anger or rightness, but with different viewpoints. Some glory in a sunny day. Others wish for rain. Still others prefer a few clouds or a few more or less degrees. But no one argues what is. Nor does anyone feel they can shift what is in terms of weather.

So it will be for your groups of joy. It just is – but addressing is from various, fascinating viewpoints. And so you will. So be it. Amen.

“Who Do You Wish to Be,” by Brenda Hoffman, July 6, 2015, at

Source Link: Brenda’s Blog

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/9/2015 6:08:25 PM


Bob Fickes ~ Oneness is Growing from Inside of Us


Our consciousness is changing on a deep level more and more every day. Many of you are already feeling more Oneness inside of you. It feels like a big peaceful Presence that grows slowly every day. This Presence is the beginning of Non-Duality and a deep feeling of Oneness inside. The real transformation we experience starts on the very deepest level inside of us first and gradually appears in our behavior and new reactions to our environment. The change is happening inside before we can recognize it on the outside.
All the significant changes in our life start at the very center of our being first before they appear on the surface in our daily life. Global consciousness is also changing every day, but it takes awhile before we will notice these changes in our businesses and organizations. The collective human consciousness changes first. The consciousness of the people change faster than the systems we have created. Governments, educational systems, and our way of doing business all will change eventually, but it will take longer to notice.
The sun is shining through our eyes and through our hearts. It will take longer for the same sunshine to reach the world around us and change our governments. The sun is bringing new happiness and peace to the people already, but we have to wait a little longer before we see this same change in our world. There is hope! The change is already happening. The world is changing from the inside to the outside. It is only a matter of time before we can all live in a better world and see this change in our governments. That will be a truly happy day! It is coming faster than we can imagine.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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