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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/10/2015 6:34:21 PM

The Next Level: Returning to My Roots


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

In some ways, I feel disconnected from my spirituality. I feel like I’ve fallen off of the path in the past couple of months, and I’m realizing that I need to make some lifestyle changes for the sake of my spiritual evolution.

It’s easy to get caught up in a routine, and before we know it, we could have such a strict daily schedule that we forget to take time out for the things that mean the most – being with family, meditation, growing spiritually, exploring concepts that help us grow, etc. A stressful routine will make matters worse, and if stress seems to follow us around all day, we might want to stop and reconsider our schedule.

Personally, I’m realizing that I don’t stick to any spiritual practices. I don’t meditate routinely, and sometimes, I feel like the most ‘spiritual’ things I do are write articles about spirituality and play music. I haven’t been exploring my consciousness, which is the most important part of what we’re all doing here, and I’d like to make a change.

I couldn’t tell you just what this change will be, but I think it’ll involve three things: increased meditation, less devotion to things that take me off of the path (along with more devotion to things that help me grow) and a return to my roots. Some of you who read my work today might not know how I started out, and I got my start by channeling and writing about extraterrestrials, among other related subjects.

I’m not saying I want to go back to channeling (I do channel the higher self, which I call ‘the voice within’ or ‘higher consciousness’), but I want to return to some of these subjects which initially interested me. I’d like to learn (and write) more about extraterrestrials, and it becomes clear to anyone who does a little research that we aren’t alone – in the cosmos or on this planet.


I’d like to be more open to these subjects, and when I look back on it, I see that I only stopped being open in the first place because I wanted to protect my ego. I wanted to connect with conscious people who don’t share the same perspective on extraterrestrials or even ascension, and now that I’m nearing the end of this phase of my journey, I’m realizing that it was all about maintaining some kind of ‘levelheaded spiritual seeker’ image, which was a futile effort from the start.

I don’t care if people think I’m crazy for the work I do, even if they’re spiritually conscious, and alternative spirituality (as well as subjects like extraterrestrials, which society pushes into the ‘fringe’ category) has never really been accepted by the masses. I think this’ll change as people continue to wake up, but I’m tired of caring what people think about me.

I no longer want to fit in with everyone, and I’ll simply share what I have to share without worrying about who likes it or who it offends. I’m done trying to maintain an image, and I’ll just have to accept that being an alternative spiritual seeker and being utterly fascinated with things like channeling, extraterrestrials and pyramids will alienate me from society and even some of the conscious community.

I can’t help that I’m interested in these things, and as hard as I tried to leave them behind and embrace things I thought were more likeable or acceptable, they’re a part of me and I can’t let them go.

I’ve had countless dreams about extraterrestrials, UFOs, advanced technology that powers everyone’s homes with some cosmic form of energy, and meeting with loved ones who are gone from this world. I’ve had plenty of dreams that you could call metaphysical, and in my opinion, they result from my interest in these subjects.

I can’t deny that interest any longer, and instead of trying to maintain an image or fit in with everyone, I just have to be myself. I’m me, take it or leave it, and I’m interested in things that most of society thinks are ludicrous.

One of my favorite things to study and write about.

I’m interested in the idea that benevolent extraterrestrials are here on Earth, as well as malevolent, self-serving ETs that control the elitist forces who seem to control the world. I’m interested in life after death and all of the messages that appear to have come through from the other side, even though some people think they’re fraudulent.

I’m interested in enlightenment and what various spiritual teachers have told us about it, and more importantly, I’m interested in the revelations I receive about it in meditation. I’m interested in ascension, which is the idea that our entire planet and everyone/everything on it is collectively evolving. Even if collective ascension turns out to be untrue, I’ll still have unbroken faith in the spiritual evolution of each individual.

I’m interested in all these things that society rejects, and while I’ve tried to appear ‘sensible’, ‘levelheaded’ and ‘normal’ (which is just a label to describe conformity), I’m realizing that there’s really no point. Despite what I do or how much I try to appeal to ‘sensible’ individuals, my mere appearance gives society a reason to write me off as some hippie.

I have long hair and a long beard, because like a lot of other ‘hippies’ or spiritually conscious people, I think hair is deeply spiritual. You can feel free to disagree, and I’m well aware that this particular belief makes me look like a mountain man.

In fact, you’d be surprised at how many people – in my family and out in public – refer to me as ‘Jesus’ because of my appearance. I feel like I’m being mocked sometimes, but through it all, I’ve stayed true to this personal philosophy – not because I want to look a certain way, but because I believe hair has a strong spiritual connection and to cut it is akin to cutting ourselves off from our essence.

This is my perspective, and I no longer want to hold it back or be ashamed of it. I no longer want to conform to what other people expect or even what I think other people expect, and I just want to be me, talk about my interests and let the world do with that what it will. I’m sure I’ll be called naïve, a hippie, a new ager, and every other spiritually disempowering name in the book, but honestly, I don’t care.


In a society that’s so messed up, I’m glad to be thought of as different. I’m glad to stand out from the crowd, even if I put myself out there and get rejected, because I’m interested in all of these things for a reason.

There’s a reason I’m so interested in ETs, ascension, music, nature, and enlightenment. Everything’s happening according to a perfectly organized and coordinated plan, and whether or not society (or certain elements of the conscious community) accepts me for what I say from here on out, I know I’m playing the right role.

Honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way. This is who I am, and I’m finally ready to embrace it. The world’s reaction no longer concerns me, because this is no longer about the ego or image management. This is about spiritual evolution and unveiling the cosmic forces who want to help us, and I’m ready to play my role proudly.

Share freely.

I’m a twenty-two year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/10/2015 6:36:35 PM

Jim Self: The Shift – Free E-book Download

jim-selfWe’ve been hearing about “The Shift” for so long, it’s hard to believe that it’s finally here! But what precisely is shifting? What are we moving from? What are we moving toward? And—more importantly – what difference is it really going to make to your world… your life… your family… your loved ones… and you?

Have you been noticing that. . .
– Time seems to be speeding up?
– Your memories aren’t as reliable as they used to be?
– Stuff you thought you had dealt with is suddenly resurfacing?
– And nothing seems to be working the way it used to?

Have you been hearing people talk about moving from the 3rd Dimension to the 5th Dimension but haven’t a clue how that’s going to come about, or what specific changes it’s going to bring, or even what the Fifth Dimension is? If so, there are two important things to note:

First – You are not alone!

Second – It’s no accident that you’re reading this book at this moment. It was written for you.

The purpose of this book is twofold: first, to present you with a container for much of the information that you already know, but may not be consciously aware that you know. And second, to introduce you to a set of tools, skills and opportunities that will enable you to build a platform that will allow you to step from Third- Dimensional unconsciousness into a higher dimensional awareness, fully conscious, and completely realigned with who you are and who you have always been, but don’t remember at this moment…

Click here to download or read a free copy of The Shift E-book: The Shift E-book

“The Shift” by Jim Self, not dated, at

Original link: The Shift

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/10/2015 6:40:31 PM

The Watchers via Jean Rockefeller: The Dawn of a New Era

img_5791jack's corner new picWilliam, The Watcher

Although at least one of the Watchers that lives with me always lends their energy to each message, William wanted it made clear for this message.

Here’s William:

“It is now time for humanity to truly open their Hearts as well as their eyes because there recently came an immense energy wave that is now creating palpable change in our reality. The energy wave will continue to move in synchronous rhythm with the Gaia from now until the end of September.

A flow of positive change is now on the brink of breaking through the darkness. Although our true Dawn came on 12/21/12, we are just now witnessing the effects of that moment. Change initially occurs slowly but as it gains momentum, it becomes an unstoppable force. Having almost reached a critical mass point, we cannot stop now.

We must feed the flow with Loving thoughts, Loving words and Loving deeds. It is vital now to not fall prey to fear. I will continue to offer my energy and assistance to any and All whom request it. Specifically, I assist in releasing detrimental energy from the physical layer of the Heart. Blessed Be You Are. William, the Watcher.”

Here’s Jack…

The Unicorn energy was introduced into our realm on June 20, 2015 and during this time, Gaia experienced a time shift.

I am pleased to report that The Unicorn energy is here to stay.

The Unicorn represents and embodies Magic. Magic is nothing more than the realization that the manipulation of energy is not only possible but real. No longer subjugated to realm of the imaginary and far from reach, Magic is now at our fingertips.

I have previously mentioned and William echoed, that one must be mindful of their thoughts, words, actions and feelings but now this must be grasped more closely and taken more seriously.

Connections are opening and the knowing, realization and understanding that we All are connected is now being forged. To not only stand in this Light but be one with this Light with integrity, honor and willingness must also be present.

The Unicorn energy is far different from anything that we have experienced in the recent past and will require much time to adjust and acclimate to.

For the individual, they may experience physical, emotional and mental undulations as well as clumsiness. Fleeting feelings of disconnection and being out of sync with the outside world will also be pervasive this month.

During this time, the Unicorn energy is being uploaded and assimilated. For those who are carrying the Unicorn energy signature, July will be unsettling as they and those around them adjust to this higher frequency energy.

The Unicorn energy is, for all intents and purposes, ‘new energy’ as the likes of which we have not witnessed for millennia. To say it is a powerful energy would be a misnomer, it is merely far different than anything we have experienced in the recent past and our physical bodies need much time to assimilate and adjust to it. It is not just humans that are grounding, acclimating and assimilating this energy; all Kingdoms of Creation are participating.

The Dawn of a New Era

This month of July offers a far ranging experience for the individual but for All it marks the Dawn of a New Time. In the years to come, one will look back on the Now as being pivotal, meaning July 2015 was one of the moments in Time’s History that signaled true and lasting change.

During this month some will experience July as a tumultuous period as energetic, emotional and physical clearing will be ongoing.

The digestive system will be targeted as anger is being released from the depths of the soul (Gaia too is releasing energy from deep within). Just as Gaia is constructed of layers of Rock, Earth, Minerals and Waters and each must be systematically cleansed, so must the layers of the individual be cleared.

Keep in mind that some layers are more dense than others, containing deeply guarded talents, wisdom and abilities that were once too out of alignment with the outside world to share. In previous lifetimes, one was subjected to unspeakable means for sharing their healing capabilities.

These memories have been embedded within your cellular memory, along with the dread connected and imposed upon your Light. Being different from the rest and the accompanying recollections of imprisonment, or worse, have coated your Light and muddied your waters in fear.

Although the Tethers of Service were released earlier this year, The Legion of Light still has obligations connected to the Greater Good. ‘Clearing on behalf of the Collective’ has now taken on new meaning.

The long awakened have now reached a state to which clearing is now almost self perpetuating. They are now working on behalf of the Greater Good as a whole, no longer shackled by redundant individual cords and contracts of the newly awakened.

It is important to realize that for the last multiple decades, there have been many beings who have come into this realm to assist with Ascension, encompassing all Kingdoms of Creation. Their numbers, the awakened, have now reached multiple 10’s of thousands and this is vital for our evolution. The more beings on board the ship, the smoother the waters are to sail.

For the last multiple decades (10-20+ years), many Lightworkers have been cloaked by the old Matrix (Good guys finish last…. No good deed goes unpunished, etc…) arguably, for their own protection.

This would explain why life seems to have forgotten many of you. You may have perceived this time as though life was punishing you or passing you by but you carried on, nonetheless, with integrity and honor. Having worked diligently, tirelessly and honorably-holding true to your heart-is now coming full circle.

If you were born in the mid part of the last century (1940’s to 1970), now is your time of validation and connection. Those who are in alignment with your work, your voice and your message have now awakened and are now looking to mature souls to light their way. Your gifts, talents and wisdom are now ready to be dusted off and used again having been left in the darkness for much too long.

What is Right an True will now begin to flourish and what has not been in alignment with your Heart will now begin to fade into oblivion. Rejoice, my friends. A Dawn of a New Age is upon us. Continue to fuel its creation with Love, Compassion and Kindness. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”, the ultimate statement of empathy, is now coming into being.

In Summation:

I express my deepest and most heartfelt Love to All of You. You have allowed an outlet for the Watchers to not only speak but most importantly, to be heard.

Jean is now thinking of Helen Keller and I agree, this is a perfect analogy.

Born Blind and deaf, Helen Keller was a highly intelligent being trapped within a body that was unable communicate by conventional human expectations. Therefore, she was labeled ‘dumb’ and initially viewed by her family and most of humanity, as being a lesser being. Until she learned to communicate by their rules, was she heard.

I am getting off track…

Gratitude, Blessings and Love to All. For without YOU, the Watchers and all the silent beings who have a voice, would not be heard. Gratitude reigns supreme in our Hearts and Souls to You.

Namaste, Peace, Love
Jack and the Watchers, through Jean Rockefeller

Jack is a Watcher, which is a sentient being in animal form that is completely aware. Jack is not the only Watcher as there are innumerable Watchers all over the Earth both wild and domestic. Their purpose is and has always been to guide and steer humanity as well as protect humans that are vital to the Greater Good. Since the Revolutionary War, the Watchers purpose has been to assist in the coming Ascension of the Earth and beyond.

“Jack the Watcher: The Dawn of a new Era,” channeled by Jean Rockefeller, July 8, 2015, at

Source link: Jack the Watcher

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/10/2015 6:43:42 PM

FRIDAY, JULY 10, 2015

Bob Fickes ~ Mother Earth We Thank You!


From the very center of Mother Earth, her heart is beating with compassion and love for every living being. Her Love nourishes us and brings Life Force to our planet. We are all your children, dear mother, may we honor you with our gratitude and respect your world
When we walk, may we honor nature and all forms of life, and give thanks each day for the abundance that you freely give to us. When we meditate, may we merge our heart with your heart and feel how much we love you. When we sleep, may we sleep in your motherly embrace and feel safe that you are taking care of us. When we dream, may we dream of a better world for our children and for all of your children. When we work, may we remember that we work for the betterment of this Earth and seek improve our relationship with you.
Bless you Mother Earth with all our heart!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/11/2015 6:57:46 PM

The Oracle Report, Saturday-Sunday, July 11-12, 2015

I have several other important posts today that
relate to the USA and will be back with them later. ~J

Please see: Laura Walker from The Oracle Report and the Parliament of Wise Owls: “Mounting Evidence of the Second Renaissance — Episode 3 (July 2015)

When Lightning Strikes From Wise Owl Caro

When Lightning Strikes From Wise Owl Caro

Saturday: Third Quarter Moon Phase (revise, realign)

Sunday: Balsamic Moon Phase (release, dream)

Moon in Taurus/Gemini (Saturday 8:16 pm ET)

Goddess of Wisdom: Bagalamukhi (Goddess Who Solves)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: be receptive to realignment

True Alignments: leaps ahead, flashes of inspiration, the power of voices, sharing projects/tasks/goals, stepping forward to carry the torch when your turn comes, pleasure, honesty, group efforts, background information, quiet time, strong and determined will, romantic expressions

Catalysts for Change: repression, feeling defeated or not having necessary abilities, insincerity, fear of change, support issues, rejection, fears about safety/security/vulnerability, too much noise, isolating, retreat, lost in fantasy, demanding, making something overly-complex, commitment issues, disguise, pretending to be something one isn’t

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “winter frost in the woods”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

There is quite a marked difference between Saturday and Sunday’s energies, but everything is building toward the exact square of the Sun and Uranus Sunday night at 11:00 pm ET/Monday at 3:00 am UT.

First, let’s cover Saturday. At the core, Saturday’s energy is ethereal, receptive, dreamy, romantic, and imaginative. Also, messages and insights are trying to reach us. In most things, suspending expectations will go a long way on Saturday. It’s exceptionally creative energy, so something may be trying to come to life or be born for each of us.

But, a stronger energetic is over-ruling everything this weekend and this is the Sun square (making a 90 degree angle) with Uranus. Things will turn a different way. Whatever way it turns, it is meant to be, you can be assured.

At the time of the square, the Sun will be located at 20 Cancer 25 and the Sabian symbol of “a prima donna singing.” This energy can bring extremes – extreme highs and extreme lows, which can take its toll. It can make sleep elusive and produce high anxiety. But what is really happening is that we are asked to let go of what inhibits or restricts our hearts. Everything is best done from the heart, but when skilled singers sing from the heart, it is like the music of the spheres. It awes and amazes. It touches us at the deepest levels of our souls, and we expand.

Uranus will be at 20 Aries 25 and the Sabian symbol of “a boxer entering the ring” which, of course, most Oracle Report readers know is the Eris Point (the degree where the planet Eris was located at discovery and the dissolving control system’s favored frequency to manipulate). The exact degree of the Eris Point is 20 Aries 36, so this square is only 11 arc minutes from the exact point. You can’t get much closer than that.

This is key point in time and a harbinger of what we can expect between July 15 and the end of December. The New Moon in Cancer (a “cardinal” or “turning point” month) begins July 15, Venus will retrograde ten days later, and one day after Venus, Uranus will retrograde. This weekend’s events will re-connect directly with August 9-10, when Uranus will come back to where it is this weekend. In other words, it will reactivate whatever is imprinted into the field now. The energetic will activate once again after Uranus moves direct and comes back to this point on April 9, 2016.

So you see why this is a key point in time.

Water and fire are engaged with this dynamic, and Uranus brings accident-proneness, so take extra care and precaution this weekend. Uranus is swift as lightning and packs a powerful boxer’s punch. Take it on the chin if he strikes. He wants us to see something different – something new – and he will do what it takes to turn our heads that way.

The Sun empowers. Uranus realigns. The Eris energy rebirths. Sounds like renaissance to me.

Note: The latest episode of the “Parliament of Wise Owls: Evidence for the Second Renaissance” is posted here and below are the YouTube links and link to Sol’s blog and to OracleAcademy. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Thank you for supporting the Oracle Report!

The Oracle Report

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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