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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/8/2015 6:26:40 PM

The Oracle Report. Wednesday, July 8, 2015

It feels like it is time to slow down a bit, catch our collective breath, and take time to digest what has just happened in Greece and what is happening in China, which some say is far more important than Greece. . . ~J

PLEASE NOTE that at the moment I am blocked from accessing Zerohedge!
Ah! Democracy!



Third Quarter Moon Phase: revise, realign

Moon in Aries

Goddess of Wisdom: Bagalamukhi (Goddess Who Solves)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: open up to shifting

True Alignments: allegiance, revealing true self, allure, the interests of disclosure, seeing more of the truth (especially of oneself), nurturance of what we love and value, steadiness, shedding restraints and restrictions, new ideas

Catalysts for Change: impulsivity, careless with words, throwing tantrums, acting out, projecting shadow sides, rushing forward, doubting self-worth, glossing over key pieces, shame, restraining and restricting

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “winter frost in the woods”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

The Third Quarter Moon phase begins today, but the real news is that this is technically the last few days of two month’s worth of challenging energy. We’ve persevered through obstacles (fears, perceived failures, rejections, old beliefs) to maintain sight of our highest ideals and our hopes, wishes, and dreams. Our mission over the past two lunar months has been to not give up on the true values of life. The universe asked if we value something enough to dedicate ourselves to the challenge.

Beginning today and continuing over the next few days (the Third Quarter Moon phase), energy for turning points enters the field. Things straighten up, rectify, align, join together, magnetize, and reposition. The strongest effects of this occur today as the Moon moves into conjunction with Uranus at the Eris Point with exact conjunction around 11:00 pm ET/3:00 am UT.

Mercury will enter Cancer around 3:00 pm ET/7:00 pm UT, joining the Sun and Mars in Cancer. Cancer energy increases our sensitivity to all things, but especially our emotional sensitivity. The main story with Mercury entering Cancer is the amplification of “cardinal” or turning point energies because Mercury is joining forces with the Sun, Mars, Uranus, Pluto, and today the Moon in cardinal signs to realign people, places, and things in major ways.

Envision a cross with the cardinal directions of East, South, West, and North. Planets are peppered at three of the points, moving things toward change and transformation.

But what about the fourth direction? What’s missing?

The fourth direction is filled when the Black Moon takes position on August 25, 2015, completing the cross and delivering renaissance as it transits Libra through May of 2016.

The events of today foreshadow that time period, so wise owls are paying close attention. Clues about what is missing in our lives also comes along with this today.

Please join me in sending a wave of love to all the wise owls in the UK for ongoing, herculean skills of holding the line. We salute you!

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The Oracle Report

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/8/2015 6:56:29 PM

Mary Magdalene via Fran Zepeda: Jewels of Your Awakening

images6u1gtfvc-gemsHello dear ones.

Awakening to the vast beauty within and all your exquisite gifts is but a step away. As you spread your wings of Love and become Divine Love Incarnate, this is a catalyst for deep awakenings.

Beyond the fears and limitations that you are illuminating and clearing, opens a beautiful vista, a beautiful expansiveness, a deep well of beauty within you.

It is there that you find your True Divine Self. It is there that you may dwell, it is there that you inhabit. It is there that you will find all you have been waiting for, looking for.

Dear ones, now is the time for a deeper awakening of the beauty of your Divine Self. It is there within you, within your Heart.

Go there now with me and we shall explore all that is there, that used to be behind closed doors, doors of your conditioning of so many eons of being trapped in the matrix of life in Duality. Now those doors are flinging wide open. What will you do with what you find beyond them?

So now, with me, fling open those doors that are opening wide within your heart and glimpse the unfathomable possibilities of your new life.

Imagine now that within the space of your heart, which you have allowed to expand and open to infinity, that you are in the middle of a vast circle containing jewels and crystals and gemstones of the utmost clarity and color, each one exquisite and unique in its form.

Choose one now with me and save the rest for another time, infinitely using this meditation/journey with each exquisite jewel in your circle, whenever you see fit, as you see fit, ever expanding in number and quality and infinite possibilities.

So now you have chosen a jewel from the wide circle of jewels before and around you. Allow yourself now to enter into the energy of it, to feel it surrounding you, engulfing you, inhabiting you, transforming you. See yourself as it, within it, it within you, with infinite possibilities of creating with and from it…

Ask this jewel what gift/ability it is representing, a gift that you are now ready to recognize and own and use for the benefit of yourself and in service to all. Since you are now ready to let it reveal itself to you, ‘the sky is the limit’ as to how much you will receive as to its qualities and make-up, purpose and form.

What does it feel like? What does it look like? Sound like? What form does it take? What purpose does it serve? How can you use it to bring more beauty to your world, to all? Let it dance and sing and talk with you and get to know it. You have now opened up to it and have set your intention to discover and welcome this new gift/ability.

And the form and manner of delivery of this new information will be dependent on being open to receiving it in whatever time-frame and pace that is in the highest and best for you and in service to all. Now that you have opened to receiving it, let it materialize in whatever form and time-frame that is in the highest and best for you and all, and be completely open to it.

Feel the change and transformation in you as you open to this new gift. It was always there. You are now ready to receive and exhibit it as a result of your recent shift in vibration and clarity. Play with it. Create with it. Explore it. Merge with it. Expand with it. Be it. Become it. Then go about your day coming from that perspective, that reality.

You have just expanded and opened to a new aspect of you. Watch as your whole world and perspective changes and shifts as you acknowledge and live in/with this new gift/ability. It is a long-awaited part of you being revealed before you as you welcome it to come into your view and reality.

How exquisite you are! This new gift/ability has transformed you to revealing yet another facet of your shining Divinity. Allow yourself to get used to this new expansion and know that you can develop it as you please, for you are the creator. Open up to all possibilities.

In this manner that I have shown you, you may open up to all the facets of you, one-by-one, as you are ready. You have so much waiting for you, dear ones. The possibilities of your experience are limitless, as you fling open the doors to your Soul, to your Divinity.

And there you will find the Love of Creator of which you are part and parcel. Many many openings are possible with just the intention to create from the basis of Divine Love, from the foundation of Love, from the essence of Love that dwells, ever-expanding, within your Heart.


I AM Mary Magdalene, in Pure Love Essence.

“Mary Magdalene: Jewels of Your Awakening,” channeled by Fran Zepeda, July 4, 2015, at

Source Link: Fran Zepeda Messages of Love and Healing

Copyright © 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/8/2015 7:06:19 PM

Take off in the other direction – The Council

July 7, 2015

councilThe Council

You have made your plans. You have reservations. You have tickets. You have your route all laid out. You have your agenda written. And suddenly something happens that makes it apparent that things are not going to go exactly as you expected. How do you react to that?Most of you immediately go into the oh-no-this-is-terrible mode. You allow your imagination to fly off into the seeing of the worst of possibilities. This you have honed to a fine degree of expertise through many years, if not many lifetimes. It is such a universal response in your environment that no one even notices. What do you suppose that brings to you? And why do you suppose that it might have happened? That is, in fact, the universally asked question. “Why?”

Well, although many of you will still have trouble with this concept, we will tell you that it is an opportunity either to offer you something better or to prevent something worse. We have told you often that we work with you always to bring you what is in your highest and best interest. Too many do not know that or have not yet begun to operate as if it is truly the case.

If it is the latter case, that we are giving you the opportunity to avoid something you do not, on your level of conscious awareness, foresee, then you may not become aware of what that might have been. Yet maybe it will become apparent. Perhaps there will a report that your planned route, or flight, or destination had a problem that you were spared. You have all heard those stories.

If it is indeed the case that something even better than you have planned might be offered, what do you suppose will happen when you go into the negative, shutting down, oh no mindset? We do not believe it necessary to elaborate. You all know of the Law of Attraction. You are all aware that you bring more of whatever you are feeling. And almost all of you are at least beginning to train yourselves to keep your energy higher in frequency as much as you can.

Now we are not suggesting that you begin a struggle to learn not to go into the ‘oh-no’ mode. We are going to suggest that you learn another way and just let that old pattern wither and drop off. Doesn’t that seem easier? Some of you already do this, and to you we say “Bravo”. It is really very simple, and when we suggest it, all you need to do is try it a few times. At the very least, it will save you some coins through the non-purchase of antacids. But we assure you that it is as powerful as it is simple. It opens the way for us to help you manifest that better thing instead of closing the chances down.

We are making this long and verbose explanation in order that you understand this well instead of dismissing it. It truly is simple. But most really powerful things are. Here we go.

Next time something like this occurs for you, try this out. As soon as you catch yourself going into the ‘oh-no’ mode, think this: “I wonder what wonderful thing is in store for me that is even better!” Then let your imagination take off in the other direction. Allow your anticipation to build. Even become excited, if you like. Can you feel how your energy would rise? Can you see how the result of that upsurge of positivity will be only beneficial? Try it. You’ll like it.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/8/2015 7:09:08 PM

Intentionally Shifting the Mystic Morphic Field, by Zen Gardner

by Zen Gardner – Jul 7, 2015


Researchers found within the computer informational field what appears to be proof of foreknowledge of 9/11. The huge spike in chatter regarding the events immediately prior to the strikes is completely anomalous. In other words, it goes on to say, for it to be just a coincidence is next to impossible.

No big surprise. But what about this informational field?

They call this computer information world a type of “morphic field” or “information field” and it seems to be a virtual manifestation of the global mind. Not all of it of course, but the informational global mind, which at this point in history is a massive amount of generated information that’s accelerating by the hour. Something the globalists are tracking closely, trying to predict as well as direct human responses.

Research in this field is also being investigated by other visionaries. By tracing trends in language using webbots that crawl the internet reading data with assigned values to various words, they’ve been able to often predict not only major events, trends and changes, but the specific nature and sometimes locations of future phenomena.

It’s not an exact science by any means, but this whole field starts to show the power of the literal electromagnetic, vibrational informational mind as evidence of, or a reflection of, human consciousness, and we should pay close attention.

Language as a Manifestation of Consciousness

Language shared is clearly consciousness at work. This is our current fundamental method of communication. Perhaps general telepathy is on the horizon, but for now words backed by intention and no doubt other influences is how we understand communication.

Whichever, it only stands to reason that the greater the body of consciousness manifested, the greater the effect on the present, and hence the future. In the words of Roger Nelson, founder of the Global Consciousness Project (GCP) from his book Quantum Mind p. 57;;

My own ‘model’ is that consciousness or mind is the source or seat of a non-local, active information field (this is not a standard, well defined physical construct). Such fields interact, usually with random phase relationship and no detectable product. When some or many consciousness (information) fields are driven in common, or for whatever reason become coherent and resonant, they interact in phase, and create a new, highly structured information field… that becomes the source of the effects we measure. Source

Pretty profound. When the accumulated consciousness fields are driven in common or show coherency or resonance, they create a new information field.

Sound interactive? That’s the whole point…we need to get busy manifesting Truth and Love within this field.

Morphic Resonance and Quantum Physics

Taking this field changing empowerment even further, morphic field theory is the “discovery” (coming into consciousness) that there’s a dynamic at work akin to the concept of non-separability and total connectivity that quantum physics has discovered. Reminiscent of Plato’s Theory of Forms, these interactive force fields give form to not just plants, animals, crystals, planets and the like, but to behavioral and social patterns. This is similar to the evolving informational field concept described above but even more profound. It is much like Carl Jung’s collective unconscious understanding, but even broader while on a somewhat more so-called “scientific” footing.

It is essentially touching on the effect of Universal Consciousness coming into our experiential realm and our interaction with it. But again, morphic field study is the attempt to pursue this intuitive knowledge scientifically, so called, in a quantifiable way.

All part of the continued awakening of mankind, despite the manipulations, masking and withholding of knowledge by the controllers. Now you can see why so much is hidden from us – it’s fuel for our flux capacitors!

No worries, we’re dis-covering Truth at a rate of consciousness they can’t even track.

The “Hypothesis” of Morphic Fields

The fields responsible for the development and maintenance of bodily form in plants and animals are called morphogenetic fields. In animals, the organization of behavior and mental activity depends on behavioral and mental fields. The organization of societies and cultures depends on social and cultural fields. All these kinds of organizing fields are morphic fields.

Morphic fields are located within and around the systems they organize. Like quantum fields, they work probabilistically. They restrict, or impose order upon, the inherent indeterminism of the systems under their influence. Thus, for example, a protein field organizes the way in which the chain of amino acids (the “primary structure” determined by the genes) coils and folds up to give the characteristic three-dimensional form of the protein, “choosing” from among many possible structures, all equally possible from an energetic point of view. Social fields coordinate the behavior of individuals within social groups, for example, the behavior of fish in schools or birds in flocks.

Pretty amazing..

Whatever the explanation of its origin, once a new morphic field – a new pattern of organization – has come into being, its field becomes stronger through repetition. The same pattern becomes more likely to happen again. The more often patterns are repeated, the more probable they become. The fields contain a kind of cumulative memory and become increasingly habitual. Fields evolve in time and form the basis of habits. From this point of view, nature is essentially habitual. Even the so-called laws of nature may be more like habits. Source

This Is How The Lying Matrix Thrives – and How We Can Dissolve It

Social engineers for eons have known this underlying dynamic in their own terms. The latest rash of modern psychopathic societal designers identified these causal and potentially liberating or captivating trends at whatever level of understanding, and set in place educational and society-modifying mechanisms to keep humanity from spontaneous, self-supporting growth centuries ago.

Left to our own we would naturally be drawing from consciousness new and beneficial “memes” or morphic fields to develop and help humanity, and not extinguish and control it like our current overlords of darkness.

Click Here to continue reading.

In other words: we’ve been sterilized, castrated, knee-capped, lobotomized and asphyxiated from the Truth and Knowledge of who we truly are and our incredible power to manifest and shape a loving, conscious world around us.

As long as we let them fill the airwaves, ground waves and mind waves with their limiting, manipulative, oppressive and distracting propaganda and electromagnetic crap and don’t activate vibrational Truth to reverse the trend, society is literally being pushed off the map of true human awareness into the maw of a mental and social meat grinder.

It’s Up to Us

It’s entirely up to each of us what we do with this amazing energetic system. We can harm or we can heal. We can go along with the status quo or we change it. It will simply reflect whatever is put into it in its own fascinating way, and is doing its job at all times whether we acknowledge it or not.

It’s there for intentional use if you choose. We’re eternal consciousness connected to everything, yet we’re free agents to choose good and Truth and Love, or darkness, selfishness, hate and greed.

The beauty of this knowledge is the realization that every letter you write, every item you blog, every word you speak, every thought you think, every prayer or intention you utter, every loving or non-loving deed, every decision to do the right thing or not…EVERYTHING….is forming the world in which we live… societal, informational and the underlying morphic world which we all share.

Every time someone watches mindless TV, gets spellbound by things like Hollywood or war programming, or entertains the Matrix meme in any way, they are supporting and perpetrating the death-dealing, humanity perverting lie.

While on the contrary…

The Internet Highway of Information and Transformation

Every time you blog with good and helpful information, forward an inspiring or truth-revealing article, post an idea or uplifting message, encourage a fellow activist in their efforts, do a kind or loving deed or reach out and shake someone up, or maybe gather with your local community to enact meaningful change…EVERY TIME…you are changing the morphic field…for the better! All while subtracting from a negative imprint by other influences.

Which will it be?

Will we contribute to the wake up, or be part of the problem? It’s a continual choice. There’s no standing still. Either way we all affect it.

It’s that simple. That serious, that real…and that liberating.

Put Your Shoulder to the Shift

Hopefully this awareness of how pervasive the dynamics of intention, attraction, information, communication and consciousness are will spur you on. It has me. I’ve known this dynamic was at work but to see it in this light is empowering.

Participating and really making a difference that matters couldn’t be any easier than it is today. You can do gobs of damage to the oppressors’ constructs and help establish the righteous rule of Truth, Love and Consciousness by just putting it out there and living a conscious life. Manifest it in the morphic field in any and every way you can and it goes to work immediately and affects everything!

Even according to nerdy quantum physics, intelligent life on this planet now knows everything you do affects everywhere in mind-blowing, non-linear or even spatially limited ways. We are all interconnected with everything and what we give our attention and intention to is what manifests.

What more stirring and empowering information could there be?

As we change these informational morphic fields we’ll also immediately set a better precedent for present as well as future change as these fields replicate themselves. This is why we have to keep the fields morphing towards more and more Truth and a loving reality continually. As we resonate together with the Truth vibes being amplified around us, anything false will crack and crumble into ruins.

Now you see why they try to keep us drugged, distracted and asleep? It’s time to take spaceship earth back and manifest.

Take action, in word, deed and spirit. Be a resonant voice however you can. Just do it, and if you’re already doing it, turn it up. It’s working even if you can’t see the full extent of it yet. And as you do you’ll get such a rush of confirmation and satisfaction you’ll do even more, as well as get others on board.

Power to the people? It’s been there all along!

But you have to throw the switch. And once on, keep on.

Love always, Zen

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/8/2015 7:11:58 PM

Peter Borys: Love, Creativity, and Intersubjective Unity

Peter BorysLove trusts in the infinite freedom of one’s soul and the soul of another. Love is not a grasping or controlling energy. Its infinite connection is based in freedom. From this freedom flows the harmony of creative action in union.

Love only seeks what is best for the uniqueness of each personal soul. In its unity, love sees the other’s uniqueness as one’s own. Therefore, the pure unity allows the uniqueness of each soul to express its being in freedom.

Love uses wisdom and experience to guide, assist, and offer inspiration. It never imposes an agenda, either conscious or unconscious, or tries to move an endeavor or communication through external means of control. Love is an ultimate trust in infinite freedom.

Love manifests as an energy that works in interior resonance. This means that it sees and feels the harmony of the whole and allows each unique frequency in resonance to express the tune of its harmonic consciousness.

Love always emanates as inner knowing. As an incarnate being, this inner knowing emanates from the heart center. The freedom of each unique soul path is only known from the heart. There is no external knowledge to the soul that can replace the inner knowing in Divine unity. External knowledge can only provide a means to look and observe information, but it can never be the knowing.

A knowing is always an internal choice of the soul in the Divine. Knowing arises from a direct apprehension by the soul through Divine intelligence. It is from the awareness of a unique soul frequency as one with the Divine unity.

We awaken to our intersubjective unity when we are whole within—a spirit, soul, mind, and body unity that is wholly sufficient in Divine awareness. This recognition of the Divine self is recognized as the other in an intersubjective union. In total freedom, the two are one. This is a unity consciousness where the two are one harmonic consciousness that is experienced as a oneness with the awareness of the unique frequency of each soul.

May we continue to awaken to the awareness of our Divine soul as a Divine physical body on Earth. In awakening to our true self in Divine unity, we will be the love that emanates an infinite freedom. In this freedom, we are truly one with each other in our uniqueness of soul. It is through this uniqueness in unity that we will be the infinite love and creativity on Earth as Divine being, consciousness, and energy. Let us choose to awaken to the true freedom and creativity that is love.

Peter Borys: “Love, Creativity, and Intersubjective Unity” by Peter Borys, July 6, 2015 at

Original link: Love, Creativity, and Intersubjective Unity

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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