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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/8/2015 7:15:36 PM

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Sheldan Nidle Update - July 8, 2015

6 Lamat, 6 Kumku, 11 Ik

Selamat Jarin! Your world continues to move forward with the manifesting of the new financial system. This system is to reduce or eliminate the stealing that was common under the old system. In addition, several adjustments are to be made that make money laundering practically impossible. Transparency in all kinds of transactions is to be the rule of the day. In the coming weeks we expect a great number of deliveries to occur. Thus, the time for you to receive your blessings is fast approaching. This grand transfer of wealth is to lead quickly to the downfall of the cabal and its many hidden associates. Thus, new governance under the aegis of NESARA is not very far off. These facts allow us to know that our period of announcements is swiftly approaching. This means as well that your needed lessons by the Ascended Masters are looming. Many of you have patiently waited for the time, which is now upon you. Others have occasionally succumbed to the rigors of this prolonged wait. In any case, remain positive and be joyous for what is happening around you. The time is approaching to at last let go and begin your many projects to aid humanity!

Long ago, before the last two great year cycles began, Lemuria reigned supreme as the benevolent steward of Gaia and her numerous eco-systems. Lemuria had first spread across planet Gaia to soothe and turn positive the energies, which governed the surface realm. Then, these dedicated souls went inward and established an inner global land that in her language became the realm of Agartha. Our settlers had made Gaia an inner and surface realm paradise filled with endless animal and plant life forms. About 300,000 years ago a group of special settlers migrated here from the Pleiades. This group was a remnant of a whole section of rebels who had come to believe that being the mediator between the dark Ancharan continuum and a number of groups that opposed them was a useful means for spreading Light in this galaxy. This belief had become somewhat perverted by the time they first arrived. As with previous settlers, they initially chose a surface territory upon which to become acclimated to life on Gaia. This first stage was to last for an unusually long period of nearly 250,000 years.

By this time, the first of the last two great galactic years had passed. The Lemurians knew what Heaven decreed and intended to carry out the last prescribed edicts of Heaven. The Atlanteans sensed that an action was near to create two realms, an inner one and a surface one. The Atlantean destiny was to rule the surface one. The Ancharan continuum made it a point to contact the Atlanteans and gradually allow them to believe in the righteousness of what they had wrought. Gaia was slowly maneuvered into a position that forced it to lower her energies. During the last Atlantean empire, over 15,000 years ago, a scourge began to spread across the face of Gaia’s surface. The Ancharans were setting up the scenario for the rise of a limited-consciousness human as well as the untimely end of Atlantis and her allies. This was to lead to the liberation of these special humans from their protected residences and the creation of a new group of overlords, the Anunnaki. This new group was to watch over them and at the right time to abandon them. The Light was then to return and restore these humans to their natural state of full consciousness!

We gave you this brief history so you can put these present times in the right perspective. What the Earth allies are doing is finishing a process that commenced with the minions refusing to see the departure of the Anunnaki as a portent of things to come. The Light has supported those who wished to oppose the dark since the conclusion of World War II. Together, with the Ascended Masters and the Agarthans, we helped this group of enlightened ones. The labor of this decades-long struggle is now ready to bear fruit. The coming time is to see the rise of a new financial system, properly backed currencies and a series of new governments. This is truly just the beginning. Ahead of you is our arrival, meeting your mentors and receiving the wise lessons of your Ascended Masters. All of this is eventually to culminate in the transformation that is to happen during your three days in your assigned Crystal Light Chamber. As the old adage goes, “this was the worst of times and the best of times.” Look forward in bold anticipation to a most marvelous future for this world, and for you!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come bringing you many blessings! You have greatly aided us by the wonderful collective of positive thought that you have given us daily. We are most grateful for this most generous showering of affection. As you grow in consciousness, you learn how the universe operates. Positive affection helps, when focused properly, to dispel the dark. We have used your blessings to focus on the change that this realm badly needs. Together, we can continue to disburse the darkness that still permeates this realm. One of the items that we have jointly focused on is the changing financial system. Your energies are currently assisting as the dark cabal’s system of global debt is failing. Our associates are nearly finished with manifesting this. It is to come online shortly. This one event is going to allow the introduction of new governance and the rechartering of a highly fraudulent set of international banking cartels. This can, by itself, change the world!

We ask that you continue to look inward and be ready to accept some new paradigms. When we first became immortals, we learned what each of us was positively capable of. Within each soul is a great caring “heart.” It is this potential that we are speaking of. Since you were born, your reality has refrained from asking you to use this hidden set of potentials. We deeply request that each of you seek out these hidden abilities and collectively employ them to aid humanity. As the degree of consciousness grows within you, seek out your newfound potential and learn how to best employ it to increase humanity's positives. You are a group of deeply caring individuals. Mutually explore how you can best use your inner potential to find a faster way down this long and winding pathway toward full consciousness. Together, let us demonstrate to Heaven how seriously we wish to assume this gracious mantle.

You are a most unique, gracious group of loving humanity. Yet there are still many among you who wish to seek out violence and continue the old, dark ways. Here again, use your growing consciousness to put them in your mind’s heart and start a process to reform them. Let us jointly introduce to them a new series of non-violent and loving behaviors. Miracles like these have worked in the past and we can by seriously doing this transform a whole host of these dark ones to the Light. Be aware of your abilities and seize this power to express your love for Gaia and for all of humanity. This great reservoir of Love and forgiveness can literally move mountains! Thus, a greatly caring humanity can alter its present reality and set the stage for the arrival of our spiritual and space families. We are therefore at the edge of this current “bad” time and are entering a reality filled with Love, Light and prosperity. Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today, we continued with our report of what is truly happening around us. The time for the new reality has begun. Take this time to breathe this wonder in and ready yourselves for the arrival of those you have not experienced in a very long time. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/8/2015 7:18:05 PM

News Special Edition: Why Sustainability Matters

Golden Gaia News Special ReportThe notion of ‘sustainability’ has gained considerable popularity in recent years, quickly moving away from the academia into our day-to-day lives. But what does it really mean? And why does it matter to you and me?

When we think about the term ‘sustainability’ we immediately relate to all those essential natural resources needed for our survival (e.g. water, food, energy sources, air) and all the current issues related to them – overexploitation, overconsumption, overpopulation, pollution, environmental degradation, etc. So ‘sustainability’ concerns our long term, interdependent relationship with the resources we need to survive that are only found in or derived from our natural environment.

In fact, the term has been widely used as synonymous with ‘sustainable development’, which was first defined by the World Commission on Environment and Development almost 30 years ago as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

This definition brought to light two fundamental notions:

1st: the concept of needs, in particular the essential needs of the world’s poor in contrast to the concept of wants of the world’s rich; and

2nd: the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment’s ability to meet present and future needs; in contrast to the notion of unlimited growth.

There are hundreds of other definitions of sustainable development out there. (1)

In spite of some differences in scope they all have in common two important things: the vision of the world as a system., and the reference to us, human beings, to the environment that surrounds us, and to the economy that stages our activities as three inseparable, interconnected sub-systems within the world, that greater system.

Hence, achieving sustainability is about caring for and securing human, environmental, and economic well-being.

By grasping this concept we can understand much better ourselves, our world, our relationship with and role in it, the extent of the problems we face, as well as how we can help address them. After all, what’s the point of being physically healthy, if we are poor and don’t have access to education? Or to have a secure income, but have to breathe a polluted air or drink contaminated water?

Our individual well-being is inherently linked to sustainability because they both have the natural environment as a common denominator. Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. We are part of the natural world and dependent on the use of natural resources to sustain our health, business, and activities.

Hence, if we care about our personal well-being, sustainability should matter to us.

Often what is good for our individual health is also a good strategy for the environment. For instance, by moderating animal protein we can enhance our health as we reduce the risk of heart disease, as well as help the environment as we reduce the demand for water and energy resources (raising cattle is a highly water- and energy-intensive process).

Similarly, walking or biking are not only excellent exercise options for the body, mind and spirit, they may also avoid resource depletion and reduce pollution when substituting a car or bus ride (by not burning gasoline or diesel from driving a car, for instance). Moreover, investing in one’s personal wellness and sustainability can translate into financial savings (e.g. better health reduces family insurance premiums, greater resource efficiency reduces bottom-line costs).

Once we start paying attention to the notions around ‘sustainability’, we realize that everything is interrelated. We start looking at the economic system we live in through a different lens or, better said, without any lens. We then realize that it isn’t an isolated system that can only thrive through unlimited growth and greater divide between the haves and no-haves, but a system capable of continuous evolution through innovation and re-creation within existing boundaries (set by the environment that surrounds it), very much like the dynamic equilibrium we see in natural ecosystems.

Want to learn more about sustainability? Take the “Sustainability Tour” at:

Introducing the 30 Day Shrink: Fast, cheap and simple ways to reduce your carbon footprint, by Lindsay Wilson in Shrink that Footprint

Physical Health and Sustainability, by Candance le Roy in Talking Sustainability

Exercising our birthright to Sustainable Abundance. Namastê!




"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/8/2015 7:22:38 PM

Tiara Kumara: Morphogenesis – Activating Your Bliss Blueprint


Image: “Bliss Dance”, San Francisco. A Marco Cochrane sculpture.

Bliss Is Your Birthright.

This equates to the highest level of natural ecstasy,
a sense of total connectedness.

Activate Your Bliss Blueprint

Free Gift from the Morphogenesis Program
Audio Activator Download
“The Bliss Code”

As Gods on training wheels, we continue to learn about the subtle mechanisms through which we create our desired life and rise into our greater human potential. We are exploring the idea that there are certain perceptions that hold the key to opening the internal crystalline seals, giving passageway to the activation of dormant DNA code.

This keeps returning us to main golden thread… that life is product of how we think. As we perceive, life expresses. All of our beliefs, hereditary trait have combined to encode the building blocks of our physiological system. Essentially, we live out our lives according to a pre-programmed navigation system that is constantly being reinforced.

The awakening renegade spirit in us says, oh, but a minute, there is something more to this story! We deeply feel this, and yes, there is a very special essence to us that is not imprinted into the matter body. It lives in a whole other octave, transcending any idea of time. Our human senses are not even designed to detect it. We are talking about ‘bliss’, as an encoded language of light.

Bliss is the prime fundamental vibration of creation. It is the eternal, forever unchanging reality that permeates the universe. Bliss is your birthright. This equates to the highest level of natural ecstasy, a sense of total connectedness. It is the most central of all truths.

You can call it unconditional love, inner peace, whatever word you prefer. Just know, that you are made from this euphoric substance. It is your core sacred fire, the super electron of your being! It is the primordial vibration, the exquisite essence that propels everything in the matter world to crystallize.

Bliss illumines a clear path back to the totality of your God Self. One could say that the idea of enlightenment is simply to vibrate yourself as a bliss driven blueprint. If you can do this, you are in union with the vibration of All That Is.


Many of us certainly want to actualize high states of joy and bliss in our lives. Yet, how do we get there and most importantly, how do we sustain levels of constantly feeling inspired, fully aligned in our life’s purpose?

Activating the Bliss Blueprint

Live According to Your Preferences

jumpLive according to your preferences and what gives you joy. Any direction that excites you the most, and that gives you that full body YES, is the pathway to your next step. Just walk through that door of excitement, without any hesitation.

When you act upon this inner feeling state, you actually ground and center in the alchemical field of “now”. This instantly opens the door for more information to reveal. Simply by acting only upon whatever it is that YOU prefer, and what gives you inner jubilation… you can master the game of life.

Recognize that anything that inspires you the most is when your energy can coalesce in the most efficient and effortless way. Excitement is what tells you that this direction, situation or thing is most you. Whatever is mirror to you this level of elevated feeling, know that this is you; this is what you are all about.

Validate the Blessing of Self

windBliss is grace, as a divine blessing. To meet your rapturous self is to embody the knowing that your entire life is a blessing.

Bliss is simply to live in the blessing that is YOU. This means to consistently validate all of your life experiences and situation as a blessing, as an orchestration for your highest good.

It is easy to fall into habits of invalidating the self. Most of the time, it is done unconsciously. Yet, the mirror of life is sure busy constantly reflecting experiences of invalidation. For example, if you constantly say, I do not like my job and remain at your job, this invalidates your truer desire. How many times do we say, I am so tired of this or that, and yet, do nothing about it? These statements completely invalidate the fields of blessing energy.

Invalidating the self is also when we buy into belief systems that are not necessarily in congruence with our truer feelings or what we really prefer to believe. How many times do we change our preferred choices in life in order to accommodate someone’s else opinion of us or their idea of what we should be doing?

Stand strong for how and what you choose to believe! It is just as valid as any other belief. You cease the invalidation by following your preferences and creating your reality based upon those preferences. Always, always remember that you are within God, and God is within you. God is experiencing itself through you as a human channel. This is your highest alignment and truth.

If you invalidate your own deeply felt preferences, then are invalidating the blessing that is constantly being showered upon you.

Keep Following All Inspired Thought

inspiredFollowing your inspiration is the easiest way to connect and be in tune with your Higher Mind.

Inspiration can be defined as the divine guidance that is exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind. To be inspired means that your mind has reached a stage where you are consciously and positively under the direction of your higher aspect of self.

This vibrational resonance is your true, core, natural being. When you reunite more and more with your core self, life evolves and blossoms into new awareness. Taking action on any opportunity that gives you a high degree of zip, zap and zest, is saying to the universe… YES! This is who I am. I believe in this with my whole heart and I am excited!

Joy, passion inspiration and excitement are feeling states that give valuable clues to your next step towards something. This ‘some thing’ is what you will actually be able to accomplish most easily, most effortlessly, because it inspires you. Your vibration is fully engaged and so the manifesting forces come in and give it to you through your tremendous flow of ecstatic feeling.

Activating the Bliss Blueprint is an excerpt from

The Program of “Morphogenesis”
Opening the Crystalline Seals into Avatar Consciousness

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/8/2015 7:24:21 PM

Matt Kahn: Energy Update July 2015 – Activating the Light Body

Matt Kahn

If your soul is the light of the Universe personified into physical form, then the light body can be understood as the emergence of the soul expressing itself through your senses.

It is more so a shift in consciousness than an object to pursue. As your light body activates, it signifies a deeper integration of spirit in form. As this occurs, you become aware of yourself as the light of the Universe experiencing life as a person, instead of a person trying to figure out how to integrate their spirit or activate a light body.

Layers Of Fractal PaintBefore I go into the common symptoms that confirm the activation of a light body already in progress, it is important to remember not to objectify this stage of awakening as any form of social status.

Let us not imagine those whose light bodies are activated as the “spiritual haves” compared to the “spiritual have-nots” who continue to stumble around in the darkness.

It is more insightful, loving, and compassionate to view each person as a unique seed that requires a specific amount of time in order to fully blossom.

Since the light of the Universe is an eternal field of subtle energy, it is essential to remember what light feels like once it has awakened. While there can be waves of ecstasy ebbing and flowing throughout the core of your being, the light body is like a vast ocean holding sacred space for each passing wave as a celestial body of emptiness.

Often misdiagnosed as depression or chronic fatigue-like symptoms, light body activation expresses the infinite spacious nature of consciousness that only seems so hopeless, daunting, or heavy to an ego dissolving back into the light of Source.

Throughout this process, it may seem as if partnerships or life-long relationships are disappearing, you are unable to find the passion you once felt, you might even be confused by a lack of direction or intuitive knowingness, or be emotionally triggered by the unresolved patterns in others, or perhaps just exhausted by an inability to function without an ego maintaining a false sense of control throughout your life.

This is why confusion, disorientation, frustration, apathy, and loneliness are each vital signs of light body activation in progress. As you make peace with these signs as a confirmation of light body activation already in progress, instead of judging them as symptoms to overcome, your consciousness naturally moves into a timeless dimension that exists within the physical body.

Your initial entry into the timeless dimension within you might seem confusing as your perceptions of time begin to melt away. Soon, you will be able to see time as merely an idea throughout your play that cannot burden or imprison you when fully integrated into the timeless dimension of eternal being.

This process cannot be rushed, and is not a result of personal doing, but instead, a natural unfolding that occurs as you continue to slow life down and love what arises.

This can also resolve outdated old paradigm spiritual teachings, where the objective was to transcend time or view life as the eternal witness from outside the body.

In order to see life from a timeless dimension, it is essential to move toward your experiences, since the more deeply rooted you are in the body, the more spacious, liberated, and fulfilled each moment can be.

The objective isn’t to pull back from experiences, but to relax your body and breathe each experience into the core of your being. As you become integrated into the timeless dimension within you, your initial experience of life outside of time might feel like being mysteriously blank.

There may not be a sense of who you are, what you’re not, or any impulse to do anything in particular. The key throughout this stage of light body activation is relaxation.

The more you relax, no matter how odd or indescribable your experiences become, the more quickly your light body becomes activated for the wellbeing of all.

vastoceanOnce rooted in a timeless dimension of eternal being, you are able to guide the physical body that is still existing in the play of time from a higher vibrational and heart-centered perspective of quantum reality.

Through the eyes of quantum reality, since everything happens at once, choices are no longer associated with the need to control outcomes, but are acted upon to bring forth your highest consciousness to raise the vibration of your personal play.

While it is easy to think that since everything is happening at once in parallel dimensions, you can develop the ability to call any reality to you at will.

In truth, when you are fully aware of the simultaneous nature of reality, there is no longer a ravenous hunger insisting how satisfied it would be if only it had control over your play.

Instead, the mentality that arises from a fully activated light body is an unwavering sense of faith in knowing that everything is meant to occur at a specific moment in time, whether you work toward earning it or not.

Instead of trying to manifest outcomes at exactly the moment they are not meant to exist, a fully activated light body inspires you to use choices in each moment to anchor higher frequencies of consciousness throughout your everyday encounters.

From this higher dimensional perspective, the people, places, and things that come your way are like flashcards created to help you practice bringing forth more conscious responses.

This means the actions and behavior of others do not reflect something imbalanced in you, but were created as opportunities to match their unconsciousness with a greater conscious response. When someone complains, we respond with a compliment.

When someone judges you, say “thank you”. If someone is having a bad day, offer a smile. And, throughout it all, if anything triggers you, take it as a reminder of the perfect moment in time to stop and love your heart more sincerely and deeply than ever before.

The light body is the radiance of your soul that awakens once you have made peace with life’s divine plan and relaxed into the emptiness of being.

Once emptiness is no longer confused with sadness, grief, guilt, insecurity, or depression, but a gateway into liberated existence, the emptiness of being awakens the light of the Universe within you.

Once the light body is fully activated, each person, place, or thing can be welcomed, transmuted and returned to its original form, at the rate in which everything is breathed into your core and breathed back out as blessings for all.

As a way of assisting in the transformation of your journey, I have been given two light body activations for you to repeat out loud, as a way of anchoring fifth dimensional consciousness. For the first time ever, just by repeating the following words that I have been divinely guided to share, you can allow your light body activation to accelerate with peace, ease, grace, and joy.

I invite you to repeat out loud each activation – one at a time. First start by taking 3-5 slow deep breaths to ground your energy field, then repeat activation #1 out loud as naturally and gently as possible. After activation #1 has been spoken, take 3-5 deep breaths to integrate this activation:

Light Body Activation #1: “I allow the nervous system to recalibrate and transform into pure crystalline light as I am now.”

To move onto activation #2, start by taking 3-5 slow deep breaths. Repeat activation #2 out loud as naturally and gently as possible. After activation #2 has been spoken, take 3-5 deep breaths for further integration.

Light Body Activation #2: “I welcome the light body, I trust the light body, I am the light body, the light body I am.”

Summer field with white daisies on blue sky. Ukraine, Europe. BeYou can repeat this process throughout the day, while knowing it isn’t a matter of how many times you say it, but how often you provide the necessary amount of space to allow what you activate through your words to be revealed within you.

Many will repeat these activations and feel instantaneous shifts, while some may not feel anything at all. It all depends on how sensitive you are to sensing subtle energy, which is much like noticing the most gentle breeze on a warm summer day.

When we put aside any tendency to approach our spiritual journey with desperation, intensity, or aggression, we can harmonize with the light of the Universe and call forth the higher aspects of self that allow each breath to be endless gifts of fulfillment – no matter the situations or circumstances at hand.

May these activations awaken a well-spring of perfection within you, inviting you to slow down the pace of your pursuit, so you may notice the light of divinity dancing as the beauty of form.

As always, take your journey one breath at a time, so not to get distracted by long-term spiritual goals, when in fact, the precious nature of this moment has so many gifts for you to receive. With many more energy updates to come, you can rest in knowing that all is well in the Universe, no matter how the growing pains of evolution appear in your world.

As your evolution continues to unfold, the Universe offers you every activation, awakening, and integration necessary to help you remember the journey that is already complete.

Even though the completion has already occurred, we are blessed with the opportunity to live out what is already so, as if it’s happening for the very first time. No matter how you are meant to blossom in the garden of divinity, may you love yourself more, not less, every step of the way.

Happy activating,
Matt Kahn

“Energy Update July 2015 – Activating the Light Body,” by Matt Kahn, July 7 2015, at

Souce Link: Matt Kahn – True Divine Nature

© Copyright 2015 True Divine Nature, LLC

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/8/2015 7:28:20 PM

Liberation and Self-Enquiry – You Are God


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

It’s been said that all of our unhappiness stems from a sense of being separate from God, and if we could understand that we’re one with our creator, that sense of separation (and the accompanying unhappiness) would fade as we merge with our higher consciousness and begin to live an enlightened lifestyle.

In my opinion, all we really need to do to come closer to enlightenment is align with love, because love brings us closer to our creator and our ability to help others. We realign with our creator when we return to love, and God has been waiting for us to realize our connection so we can explore our consciousness and make the journey easier for others.

Throughout the ages, various spiritual teachers have tried to bring us closer with our essence by reminding us that we’re one with our creator, but they can only do their best to show the way. Their teachings are intended to help us find something that lives within, and we have to search in our own minds and hearts to find the truth for ourselves.

Most of their advice is still helpful, but it’s incomplete if we don’t expand on it within. One of the things we might learn when we look within is that our sense of self – the “I” with which we’re so fascinated, leads us right back to God.

You might think our ego-driven self only disconnects us from our creator, but the very question of who we are can connect us with the part of ourselves we forgot about as we embraced life in a lower state of consciousness.

Sri Ramana Maharshi tried to help his disciples understand the nature of the “I”, and here, we’ll hear what he has to say about our godly origins and how we can remember them by asking ourselves who we truly are. As he’ll tell us, our sense of a disconnected, ego-driven self will diminish as we dive deep into our true nature, and we’ll eventually realize that we are, in fact, the creator of our reality and every reality beyond.

Sri Ramana Maharshi

First, he tells us that a lot of spiritual seekers are fascinated with self-enquiry.

“To all deep-thinking minds, the enquiry about the ‘I’ and its nature has an irresistible fascination.” (1)

In his words, asking ourselves who we are is the most direct way to realize that we’re our own creator.

“Self-enquiry is the one, infallible means, the only direct one, to realize the unconditioned, absolute Being that you really are.” (2)

Self-enquiry is more than repeatedly questioning our origin, as he reveals in a conversation with a disciple.

“Disciple: Is it not funny that the ‘I’ should be searching for the ‘I’? Does not the enquiry, ‘Who am I?’ turn out in the end [to be] an empty formula? Or, am I to put the question to myself endlessly, repeating it like [a] mantra?

“Master: Self-enquiry is certainly not an empty formula; it is more than repetition of any mantra. If the enquiry, ‘Who am I?’ were a mere mental questioning, it would not be of much value. The very purpose of Self-enquiry is to focus the entire mind at its Source. It is not, therefore, a case of one ‘I’ searching for another ‘I.’ … Where the ‘I’ merges, another entity emerges as ‘I’ – ‘I’ of its own accord. That is the perfect Self.” (3)

As we question who we are, where we come from and where we’re going, an answer will eventually arise and it’ll come straight from the source of our being.

We’ll eventually understand that we, along with our higher consciousness and everything else in creation, are God. All of the divisions and distinctions we used to place on our existence will be gone, and we’ll be left with the perfect unity of all creation. This is where self-enquiry is intended to get us, and if we keep at it, it’s exactly where we’ll be.

The funny thing about it is that we’re already there – we just don’t realize it. This is where Ramana Maharshi and other spiritual teachers come in, and they want to help us remember that we’ve never been separate from them, our creator, our higher consciousness or anything else we see around us.


Everything is eternally connected, and our failure to understand this has caused a lot of unnecessary conflict.

We experience release when we question our true nature, where we really come from and how we can get back into an enlightened space.

“Inquiring into the nature of one’s self that is in bondage and realising one’s true nature is release.” (4)

We all go through life with a sense of self, which is usually driven by the ego, but if we could enquire into what this ‘self’ actually is, the ego would fade as our higher consciousness and our purer understanding are revealed.

“Though the ‘I’ is always experienced, yet one’s attention has to be drawn to it. Then only knowledge dawns.” (5)

When we transcend the ego, we transcend everything that constitutes our illusory physical reality. Therefore, when the ego ceases to exist (or rather, when it’s understood as an illusion), the illusory creation as we perceive it is gradually replaced with Reality or true creation, which is driven by love and awareness.

“If the ego is, everything else also is. If the ego is not, nothing else is. Indeed, the ego is all. Therefore the enquiry as to what this ego is is the only way of giving up everything.” (6)

Once we inquire into the origins of the sense of a separate self, its illusory nature becomes apparent and transcending it (and/or using it progressively) becomes easier.

One of the most important things I take from these teachings is that the ego is as much a part of us as anything else, and if we want to reach our higher consciousness, all we have to do is travel through the ego by asking what it is, realizing it’s an illusion, and transcending it.

We have to understand the ego and every other aspect of our Being before we can find any degree of enlightenment, because understanding it, which requires us to embrace it and question it at the same time, is the best way to transcend it.


So we see, the question of who we are – what our ego is and what position we hold in the big picture – is a great way to liberate ourselves from the illusion of disconnection from our creator. When we realize we’re one with God, we’ll see that we literally are our creator and we’ve created everything around us for the purpose of growth, learning, and most importantly, fun.

We’re here to enjoy ourselves as we make the long climb back into the arms of God, and when we’re done with our play and we’re ready to understand our true nature again, all we need to do is ask who we really are and let the answers become apparent. They will every time, but only if we repeatedly refuse to buy into the idea that our creator isn’t real or we’re separate from him/her.

I don’t care for most modern religions, but I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is indeed real and he/she lives in each of us. In fact, it goes deeper than this – we are the Divine Father and Mother, and most of us fail to understand this as we go about our daily lives. However, with every meditation, every creative session and every inquiry into our true nature, our oneness with God will become increasingly apparent.

We just have to take the first step to enlightenment by striving to understand our divine identity. Things will fall into place from there, and as long as we’re dedicated to the path and to using our newfound understanding to help others, we’ll come closer to enlightenment and help everyone understand that they too are God.


  1. Ramana, Sri, Maharshi. Maharshi’s Gospel. Books I and II. Being Answers of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi to Questions Put to Him by Devotees. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam,1979; c1939, 72.
  2. Ibid., 50-1.
  3. Ramana, Sri, Maharshi, Gems from Bhagavan. Comp. A. Devaraja Mudaliar. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 1985.
  4. Anon., Who Am I? The Teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. Sarasota, FL: Ramana Publications, 1990, 21.
  5. Munagala Venkatramiah, Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi. Downloaded from, 31 August 2005, Question 92.
  6. Sri Ramana Maharshi. Forty Verses on Reality. Trans. Arthur Osborne. Mountain Path, October 1964. Downloaded from, 25 August 2005, Verse 25.

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I’m a twenty-two year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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