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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/7/2015 6:28:15 PM

Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghof: Jade Helm Situation

cosmic-awarenessBrian: In this very long message, Cosmic Awareness presents their interesting perspective on the Jade Helm situation. The message reads, to me, as vibrationally quite positive. Still, the subject itself could be alarming; and so it important that we not succumb to any fear regarding this or any world event.

Today is the 2nd of July 2015. Will Berlinghof is the Voice of Cosmic Awareness, Callista is the questioner and energizer.

Today we are focusing on the Jade Helm situation. Will and I have been fairly well immersed in this information of the last couple of days and we know that the information is rather confronting and disturbing but we also know that we need to face up to these situations and see what we can do to change the situation. So first of all, I’d like to ask you, Awareness, what is your take on the Jade Helm situation?

That which is known as Jade Helm is indeed a military maneuver or exercise to determine how effective the American military forces, security forces, would be in a situation of rounding up individuals who may present to these forces and to the greater forces behind them, a deterrent or barrier for full implementation of the plans that have already been drawn up, the future that is already written for the people of America, and then beyond this to the world itself and all of humanity.

But there is also more to Jade Helm than it being simply an exercise by those ones who have as their vested interest the control of the populace and the means by which to round up dissenters and possible opponents to these ones and their plans.

Therefore, it is important to understand that there is more involved to Jade Helm than simply a practice exercise to see how well their people would do in rounding up dissenters and protesters. That there is an element to Jade Helm that has not been discussed at all.

That it is an attempt also to use advanced technology that would coordinate the efforts of those who have the task of rounding up informers, dissenters, objecters; a task that is to see if that which is their advanced technology is ready to proceed towards the ultimate plan of complete capture of humanity, of putting itself in a position of ultimate authority on all levels, especially the level that has to do with advanced technology.

This Awareness will speak of this further in a moment, but It simply wishes those who are concerned about Jade Helm to understand that this particular exercise, this carrying out of that maneuver known as Jade Helm is not yet the real thing in that it has not yet been launched, the final assault upon humanity.

It is simply that this is practice, a practice run and designed to show where certain weaknesses may lie or where it is effective, these techniques of mass control, these techniques of rounding up those who would oppose, could be.

That this being known, then this Awareness would say to one and all especially those in affected areas, targeted areas, to be aware that what is necessary at this time on an individual basis is to be wary, not to be too obvious, not to be too confrontational at this time, for this would work into the agenda of those running this exercise to see how the public would react.

In many ways, it has been allowed to happen that information about Jade Helm has been released. Released intentionally, so that this would provoke a response by those who become aware, those who feel they must stand up and oppose, those who think that to battle them, those who are carrying this maneuver out, is what is required.

That this Awareness is saying that if it is one’s inclination to stand up and be active in their opposition, then be aware also that there could be consequences to this. That one of the consequences may well be the arresting of individuals who do publicly stand up and fight these ones [and/or who] oppose these ones.

Those who may deem it important now to take a more militant stand and actualize this stand with armed confrontation, may also find that there are consequences to such more extreme actions.

The challenge here is to understand that at this time for this exercise known as Jade Helm, it may be wiser to sit back and observe what is going on, not to be provoked into an active response, but rather to let the waves of Jade Helm simply wash over one and stay afloat.

This of course may be considered by many to not be enough, not respond to show those behind the scenes that the American people, especially in the more radicalized states such as Texas or California, will not take this lying down.

That this more passive approach that this Awareness is suggesting does not mean that one cannot do something about it, but the real question is: what should one do about this? Especially if it will accomplish the purpose of those running the exercise to flush out the many who they know about.

To see what kind of reaction that will come about due to this exercise and then to tweak things so that when they do truly move into the situation of finally declaring martial law, they will be more prepared in handling the masses and the dissenters.

On a personal level, aside from simply observing these actions and seeing what comes of it, one can indeed engage in a different kind of action against these ones. It is not action based on a physical response to the situation, but rather an action based on the mental, emotional response to these ones.

On the mental level, to be aware that this provocative maneuver by the military and security forces is one that is meant to provoke and therefore, rather than be provoked, to stay neutral. To project energies of thought that these ones are not going to be successful, that which they hope to achieve will be a wash out and not provide them with the ammunition they need for future engagement.

One can even project the strong thought that they will fail miserably and that the ones behind it will be in panic because that which they hoped to achieve will not be achieved. Visualize that these ones in their actions are nothing more than children playing war, playing cowboys and Indians. That rather than consider this a real threat, to simplify it, to diminish it to that which is simply an action of children who are trying to provoke a situation for their masters.

You are not controlled by these masters, but if you engage them at their level, if you respond in a public way, then you will be noted even more than may be the case now. Because the exercise has some degree of merit to them, those who control this action, and that they can indeed arrest and detain dissenters, that this would work for them.

So, rather than engage on that level where they have a much higher card to play than you do at this time, work with the mental projection of thought towards them. Putting it out into consciousness that you, the individual, will not be captured in such actions and that you, the individual, have power and strength to mentally alter their plans and also thus, to choose for yourself an alternative timeline other than the one they are projecting, other than the one they believe in.

Do not believe in their timeline, do not believe in their purpose, do not believe in their power and strength to continually lead America and the world by the nose, leading them to destruction, leading the masses to enslavement.

See yourself as one who has a God-given power and capability of altering reality, so that it does not simply flow into their hands, so that they can control and manipulate further. Rather that you as the Creator being you really are, the Spirit Force that you are, that you, the individual, and you as a collective, can alter their future plans because they are not your future plans.

Ultimately then it is your own future that you need to stay focused in and stay focused on. Your future as a sentient being, a Spirit being, a Creator being, that has the capacity to create the reality you choose to experience and not simply be at the effect of others, these others, who have as their plan the complete enslavement and destruction of humanity itself.

Remember that while these activities are going on, you have choice, whether to respond and out yourself and expose yourself to actions against you, or to not do so.

This does not mean that at a later point that you will still have to act this way if it is seen that more concrete actions are needed. But on this occasion of Jade Helm, this Awareness strongly recommends that one realize this action that is being carried out is a strong action on their part, the Powers That Be, in order to finalize future plans to bring themselves to a position where they will be able to control even more effectively through the results achieved in Jade Helm. But this is their objective, it need not be yours.

Be neutral, be the observer, prepare yourself for these ones, but do not over-react to them. Go through that mental level of thought-projection. Visualize an unsuccessful exercise, visualize your own future and what you would wish to have that be.

There is also the emotional level of this that is important. If you go into negative emotions — fear, panic, anxiety, stress, anger– that these are the very emotions these ones are attempting to provoke at this time. Therefore, in accordance to that which has already been given, of staying neutral, it is important also then that you stay emotionally neutral and balanced on a positive side.

Those who are so inclined can send light and love to those who are carrying out this action. This can be expressed in your own unique and positive and imaginative way, but basically this Awareness is suggesting that you do not project anger at them.

That you do not respond in fear and stress, but rather, keep yourself calm, hold that they cannot do anything to you and that by not partaking in their plans by staying neutral, you will stay hidden until another time perhaps when action may be needed.

The strongest actions however, that this Awareness would always emphasize are those positive actions from within and that on the emotional side, holding love for these ones, these that some would call your enemies, will neutralize them.

Holding the Light of Spirit as that which is the Light that will guide, will certainly lead you forward but remember also, that these ones are working in shadow and darkness and to throw light upon them exposes them and it may well be even that in such an exposure, more will come to know them and see them and understand what is happening.

Therefore, using the twin tools of projecting light and love and staying emotionally neutral and balanced, would be the way to handle Jade Helm from the emotional point of view.

That ultimately, even though these ones are carrying out their plans, it does not mean that their plans need be your plans or your reality. You are given choice of how you will react. To react fearfully and angrily, to lash out, to oppose at this time could produce very negative results in those who react this way.

Staying balanced and neutral, being observers who are simply going with the flow and projecting the most positive energies, the most positive of visions towards them and an intolerance towards them of accepting their plan, not going along with their plan, is that which will produce the best results.

On an individual level, it is time for each to begin to understand the capacity of the individual is far, far greater than that which they have been led to believe, that they have assumed to be so.

Therefore, in this exercise, understanding the individual power and strength that you each have and understanding that there is a collective action when many hold the same point of view, thoughts and beliefs, will further empower you in your own individual journey, as well as the journey of the collective.

That is awakening to these ones and their manipulations and their exercises in thought control, mind control, emotional control, physical control, and that you, the individual, have the capacity to say no to them, to refuse to play their game, to play another game that far exceeds them and outstrips them. This is that which this Awareness has to say about Jade Helm.

Thank you very much Awareness. Awareness mentioned earlier that you wanted to go into the deeper aspect of this situation. Would you like to elaborate on that now please?

That this Awareness will certainly elaborate further, for that which It spoke of a moment ago, was simply a plan of action for individuals of how to respond to the Jade Helm military exercise that is to take place soon.

Now it would wish to talk about a deeper element, a much more nefarious element to this whole exercise. It spoke earlier of advanced technology being used in this exercise to coordinate the efforts of those involved.

This technology is not simply how they can report in or who they would report to but rather that which is advanced technology based on that which is known as AI or artificial intelligence, and also how this connects to those known as the Archons.

That recently, the Voice of this Awareness and his wife have come across information that is starting to come out about the advanced technology that is now available to those in power and that will be used during Jade Helm.

That for those interested in this information that there are several YouTube [videos] available that are the works and research of one known as DJ that might be valuable to those who are interested in discovering more about the level of artificial intelligence that is involved and the state of technology that they have access to and are putting into place.

That this Awareness will not go into super detail about this matter. It is there for those who are interested.

It’s on the Rainbow-Phoenix forum for anyone who wants to go and have a look.

This is correct. It is on the Rainbow forum and for those who are not connected to the Rainbow-Phoenix website that they can go to the YouTube and in particular, a YouTube made by John B. Wells on his program: “Caravan to Midnight” where he interviews DJ.

The purpose of what this Awareness wishes to discuss now is to connect certain dots between AI and the Archons. That the Archonic forces are those that were originally spoken of in the Nag Hammadi texts. That they are the teachings of the Gnostics several hundred years ago. In the Nag Hammadi, this Awareness will pause a moment… in the Nag Hammadi text, the description of how the Archons came to be is given.

That it is spoken that Sophia, the feminine God force, wished to create ones without the backing or support of the Divine Source Itself. It was not that she was opposing that energy which is the Divine Source, it is simply that in her creative moment, she felt she could create without the support of the masculine, or even beyond that, of the Divine Source Itself and in her efforts she created ones who were not connected to Source Itself, who were what would be known as soul-less. These soul-less ones are those who are identified as the Archons without connection to Source, without spiritual reciprocity or connection.

That these ones have long been involved in actions throughout the galaxies, the universe, of taking over, destroying those that they take over. That these ones have come to this planet, planet Earth, and have been here for some time and have that which is the ultimate alternative agenda to the plans of Divine Spirit.

That they have been playing out this role for hundreds of thousands of years on this planet, but millions of years in their journey through the galaxies.

How does this connect to AI, artificial intelligence, how does this tie in to Jade Helm? That many have the impression when AI is mentioned, that this would be the intelligence of machines who have the objective to take over and destroy humans, humanity itself.

This is a modern understanding of the Archons. It is not false, but it is slightly off track. If the Archons are the soul-less ones who lack the connection to Spirit and if the AI ones are soulless, who lack connection to Divine Source and to Spirit, then it must be understood that the Archons and AI are one and the same.

To see them as terminator-type robotic beings that come from the future would not be entirely correct, for they are not necessarily mechanical in nature. Robots and androids that are often thought to be AI, rather these ones are beings in consciousness that do not understand the Divine Principle or Divine Source.

They are simply running with the objective that they are in control. They have their own future plans and desires, and they will achieve it through their known ways, the ways they have used for millions of years.

These ones who are artificial intelligence, these ones who are the Archons, know no other way of doing it but the way that they know. This is a way that does not honor life, does not honor Source and Spirit. It is a way that is destructive ultimately to life itself.

Thus it is that these ones are evil, but evil in the sense of evil being the reverse spelling of live. They are not alive to Spirit or to a Spiritual connection, they are in opposition to this and thus they are evil.

One does not need to project a moralistic understanding of evil, but rather to understand it as that which opposes life, that which is destructive to life and to Spirit and Source Itself. These ones that are soul-less, that lack this connection have long been involved on this planet, have long been seeking to carry out their destructive plans and that these ones are now coming to the apex of their power.

It has been spoken by this Awareness that the years 2015 and 2016 will be crucial years for those in power to achieve their ultimate purpose and goal. After that time they will not be allowed to simply ride roughshod and to control the situation as completely as they do.

But it is this period of time that humanity is presently in where they will make their greatest efforts to succeed in their plans to work it the way they have always worked it and to bring down the death and destruction of humanity on a large scale, putting themselves in total and complete control.

This Awareness is not saying that this is what will happen, It is saying that this is what they believe will happen and what they, the Archonic AI forces are working towards. They now do have advanced technology of such a nature that it has the capacity of centralizing their power to the highest level of artificial intelligence..

They have now that which could be called a ‘quantum computer’ and it is this quantum computer that will be used in the Jade Helm military exercises. That for a number of years the production of this computer, the working towards such advanced technology, such an advanced computer has gone under the program name of Jade 2.

That this is a direct link into the name of the exercise itself and a clue to what this exercise is really about: the use of Jade 2 advanced technology, the use of the quantum computer and all that it entails to coordinate the military and security forces to recognize in advance through this advanced intelligence, possible actions and reactions that it analyzes and prepares for in advance to things even happening.

It is why this Awareness is saying be neutral, do not respond, for this advanced technology, this advanced computer would use these responses to further coordinate efforts, and to put their own people in the places where it has analyzed as those places where reaction could happen.

When those who are objecting make themselves known, this too would be entered into the computer and in some ways much is already entered within the data memory banks of this very advanced computer, and that individuals who may be analyzed as being problems to the forces and the government and the Powers That Be could be rounded up.

That is why again it is important as an individual not to put yourself out there, not to put yourself in a position of danger at this time, for it is essential to understand the nature of the enemy, to understand that Jade Helm is the implementation of this advanced technology.

Indeed, as this Awareness has said, the clue is in the name. If Jade Helm is in control of this information then it is Jade that is at the helm, Jade Helm. Thus the Powers That Be have outright given the true nature of this exercise/maneuver to initiate the Jade 2 program to test it out, to see how effective it is at the helm of military action and political power.

That this Awareness would say that at this time, many might well feel that there is no point if these ones have such powerful technology, where the AI forces are in such control.

This would be erroneous, for this is only based on a reality that has been described, manipulated and controlled by ones who have a hidden agenda and would have it that humanity truly believes that they are ineffective and powerless to stop those in power, to stop the Archons, the AIs, in achieving what they have projected to be the future.

But the future is not set and even if they have such advanced technology, such advanced computers, that it does not mean that they will win. It means this only if you believe it to be so, if you believe that these ones with such advanced technology have all the cards and will play them against you.

Many believe that the future is a technological future, that human growth and advancement will be a technological advancement. Indeed, trans-humanism is much spoken of now and many believe that the ultimate advancement in humanity would be the acceptance of technology in a very personal way, even allowing oneself to take on technological tools and devices, incorporating them even into the body itself.

That they believe, those who hold that technology is the future, believe that this would be to their great advantage and that they could always be ‘on line,’ and be much advanced to ordinary human beings. What is not as well understood is that if one allows oneself to become a cyborg, then these ones would be under the absolute and total control of those who hold the technology, those who are the Archons, the AI.

That the future may be seen to be technology, may be believed as a technological future, but this would be wrong. It would be wrong because the true future is not one that gives into technology, but rather one that opens to the deeper truth that lies within the very framework of humanity, that lies within the very body and mind and heart of each individual human being.

That you are Spirit, that you are that which is not simply physical in nature. That you expand into higher levels of consciousness, that you connect to the sentience of Mother Earth herself and that you supersede those who rely on technology in the lie of technology. That their game can only be effective if you play their game.

That it is time to realize that the true future of humanity, of humans, of you the individual, lies with the understanding and expansion into your greater being, your Spirit being, your multi-dimensional being.

That to step into your higher being involving also the reincorporation of the 12 strands of DNA that are available to humanity will far outstrip the power and magnitude of the super-computers that AI has been developing and is ready to implement to a much greater degree than it is already being used for now.

The future and the true evolution of humanity and the individual is spiritual evolution, spiritual expansion, spiritual sovereignty and freedom. This is that which this Awareness has in the past called ‘raising the bar,’ raising the bar above and beyond the bar that has been set in place by those who are seeking to dominate humanity and eventually destroy it as well.

It is a bar that AI and the Archons can never reach, for due to their lack of soul connection and spiritual awareness, it is inconceivable to them that there could be anything of such a nature that would far eclipse them.

The irony is that they are aware that humanity does have the potential of expansion beyond their control and seek desperately to squash any such advancement of mind, of heart, of spirit, seeks desperately to contain humanity in the limited belief structure that is common to humanity at this time.

It suffers from arrogance and ultimately ignorance in this matter. The arrogance of believing that they will be successful, they will prevent humanity from taking this spiritual quantum leap. They are wrong. It is that which has been ordained by Divine Source Itself to be so. It is that which is the future as dreamt by Divine Source, by Spirit, by this Awareness, by your own spiritual being.

Yet there is that which is free will and thus it is so, that each individual could choose that which is the plan of the Archon AIs, believing that technology holds the key, believing that one is ineffective and powerless in resisting them. Thus by complying to them, giving in to them, acquiescing to them, one could well, due to their right of choice, experience that negative reality and those timelines that are connected to such a negative future.

Alternatively, humanity can begin to see much deeper into the rabbit hole, to see where those who would control and manipulate so, would actually take them. There is an awakening that is occurring, it is accelerated, it is happening at a pace that even the AI Archon ones are having trouble identifying and that this begins with each and every individual. It begins with you.

It is your choice whether to subscribe to the manipulated beliefs system and structures in place by those Archon AI ones or not. To look beyond them, to strive to open the inner challenges of your own being, the inner channels of your own being, to take those channels and to follow them, to take the individual challenges you may experience and to choose the highest and the best.

It is the restructuring of the existing belief system that is occurring at this time, but before the restructuring is first the destruction of that which has been. Those that are the Archons, those that are AI, are the old systems of belief, the old structures of belief that are still running this planet and still will have great power over the next year and a half, but these ones are coming to an end.

What is more important is not to focus on them and where they are going and what they are achieving, but rather to observe them, to understand the nature of the game they are playing, and to choose not to play. To choose rather alternative approaches, not the approach of the physical, not the response of armed confrontation and intervention, not to battle them on their playing field.

“Those who live by the sword will die by the sword”, is the saying. Applying it to this time: rather than choose the sword, choose rather the pen, choose rather to develop your own inner capacity, choose rather to discover yourself as the spiritual being you truly are, and raise the bar, raise your bar. Find the truth within, and know that the Archons, the AIs do not have a chance in God’s Reality, Divine Source’s Reality, that which you are part of, that which you belong to.

“Cosmic Awareness: Jade Helm Situation,” channeled by Will Berlinghof, July 2, 2015, at

Source Link: Rainbow Phoenix: Rising To Ascension

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/7/2015 6:33:11 PM


Bob Fickes ~ The Sun Always Shines Brightest After the Storm


The roots of our past are coming out and the dust is shaking loose. Drink a lot of water and help your body to flush out. Out goes the old stale air and in comes the fresh clean new air. Breathe deeply and bring in the new wind of Ki. Your body and soul are being renewed. It is only the past that is leaving. What is remaining is like the sunshine that comes after the storm has passed. This is a summer of renewal. All the things you have waited for are coming now. The sun is already shining behind the clouds. Just a little longer and it will be done.

During this time it is good to be mindful of all the positive things that are happening in your life. Usually we focus on the things we still need to change. Don’t worry about the negative energy. Bring in the light. Make a list each evening before you go to bed of all the good things that happened today. Add to that list all the steps you are taking to improve your life and say thank you to your self for doing them. Creating a positive list like this helps us to be mindful of our progress and avoid getting stuck in our negative feelings that we are not changing fast enough.
Change your view and you change your reality. When we notice the good things and add them to our list, the list will grow each day and soon you will be feeling good about your self again. Take deep breaths and do your meditation. Count your blessings and watch how much your life is changing. The universe is so happy to help us. We only need to be more compassionate to our self and not worry about the negative thoughts that come. Replace the negative with the light and the love. Make your list and see how much you are changing.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/7/2015 6:35:32 PM

Taking Steps, Creating Visions

Sacred 11I said earlier that, if we take the first step, a bridge will appear where none was before.

Well, that’s in a sense what’s happening with me.

I began 2013 saying we are building Nova Earth and I had no idea where the next step would be. At times I’d turn to Archangel Michael and say “I don’t know what to do next” and he’d reply that the idea would appear.

Now here we are discussing how to form and administer our projects after the Reval. And what a journey it’s been to reach this point.

But that’s only one area in which a bridge has appeared where none was before. Here’s another.

Since the heart opening on March 13, 2015, spiritual matters have just kept unfolding for me, as Archangel Michael said they would. Here I am discussing transformational love and conscious awareness, topics I’d never have raised twenty years ago – or even one year ago. I wouldn’t have thought there would be a hope of these ideas being received. But that has all changed.

It’s actually transformational love and conscious awareness that I’d like to talk about here.

If I asked people if they know what “conscious awareness” is, many would probably reply, “Oh, yes, I awoke on Sept. 15, 2013 when someone said to me…” Actually that moment would have been an instance of conscious awareness but it probably soon disappeared and was forgotten.

Unconscious awareness is the awareness generated by what S.N. Goenka calls the mind-body complex – the mind, the senses, the emotions, and the body.

Conscious awareness is the first level in which spiritual awareness makes its appearance. The faculties that are in use then are faculties of the soul, and not of the mind-body complex. They present themselves as umbrageous, extensive and incisive awareness.

Conscious awareness as a more persistent state is an umbrageous awareness, as if your awareness takes in everything. And in that space of taking in everything, there’s also a sense of certainty and confidence. As we do with all transformational and enlightened spaces, we say “THIS is who I am.” But there’s always much more.

I personally do not consider “conscious awareness” an enlightened state. I use the intermediate term “transformational space” to refer to it, after the usage of Werner Erhard.

In it we’re all that we knew we were. Nothing disturbs us. We can take everything in stride.

Life is shown to be the dramatic play that it is. And all of us are shown to have our roles and parts, speaking our lines.

Just writing this has sent me into “conscious awareness,” as we speak. I was in unconscious awareness at one moment and I crossed the line into conscious awareness the next and don’t recollect how I did it.

So here I am taking time out from my bike ride, having a coffee in Starbucks and I’m now in conscious awareness, the transformed state! I can hardly remain focused on my surroundings. My balance is uncertain. I feel exposed. And yet I can manage it.

The very fact that discussing this subject has shot me into the transformed space proves discussions we had years ago – that the truth will set us free – and now – that a bridge will appear where none was before. Conscious awareness itself is the bridge that appears where none was before.

Think of the relationship between “transformative love” and “conscious awareness” this way. Imagine a house (“My Father’s House”) and a lot of children living in it (“many mansions”). Transformative love is one child in that house. Conscious awareness is another. They’re twins.

Joy is also there. Compassion, generosity, all the divine virtues are children in this one House. Come to think of it, they’re all twins.

So where conscious awareness is, its twin, transformative love, is not far behind. Where transformative love is, its twin, conscious awareness, is also not far behind.

I think of “transformative love” as the Divine Feminine in all of us and “conscious awareness” as the Divine Masculine.

They work together and where one is found, the other is not far behind.

This view works for me as much as it worked for the ancients to talk about a Heavenly Father and a Divine Mother. There’s no gender bias in it that I can see. None intended. Everybody gets to choose their gender-neutral role: conscious awareness or transformative love – or both. Masculine, Feminine – or both.

This vision is now created and sent out into the collective consciousness.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/7/2015 6:38:17 PM



Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Disseminating Moon Phase: share, communicate

Moon in Pisces/Aries (12:39 pm ET/4:39 pm UT)

Goddess of Wisdom: Bagalamukhi (Goddess Who Solves)

God of Wisdom: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: take a leap of faith

True Alignments: things dawning on us, enormous beauty taking form, pronouncing, attraction, drawn to depths, answers, joy for life, returning vitality, enhanced connection with physical body, the Mysteries, expressions of the heart, care

Catalysts for Change: stealing gifts, jealousy, disconnection with the physical body, unimaginative, putting pressure on oneself, sacrifice for nothing, feeling restricted, frustration, things that are incomprehensible because they do not make sense (cognitive dissonance), perfectionism, lack of discipline

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: "winter frost in the woods"

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres"

A bit of a puzzle emerges today, as the Sun moves to the degree of the Sabian symbol "a man studying a mandala in front of him with the help of a very ancient book."

I love this symbol because I love mandalas and have seen the power of them in action. When new things enter the field and start to form, the shape of things changes. The labyrinth of reality rearranges.

We naturally step back and take a look, but always, after consulting our inner wisdom, we realize that the only option is to enter the labyrinth. Immersion in the experience is how we gain the satisfaction or wholeness or sense of completion -- whatever gift the puzzle offers.

So today, it may be quite necessary to take a leap of faith with something, especially with trying to understand something. We should not forget that the "help of a very ancient book" implies that direct assistance and guidance for a great expansion in consciousness is present. A great experience is present!

Continue the mysteries! Support the Oracle Report!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/7/2015 6:39:59 PM

Every Moment Is Crucial


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Every moment is crucial when you’re in the midst of a personal transformation. You’ll want to observe your thoughts, emotions and actions in every moment to determine if there’s anything keeping you from being an example of true, lasting inner change, and there might be times when negativity erupts out of you, increasing your guilt and making you feel like you can’t achieve your goals.

Plenty of spiritual teachers will tell you that anger’s necessary on the enlightenment path, and true understanding comes when we’re open to everything this life has for us – the good, the bad, and whatever comes in between. Negativity seems avoidable sometimes, and while there are a precious few people who are enlightened or emotionally trained enough to never get angry, most of us will confront it at one point despite how far we are along the path.

In fact, we might occasionally fall into old habits we thought we were done with, and if we do, it’ll be a lesson that we’re never really over them. Until we’re in a much higher state of consciousness, we run the risk of falling back into them if we aren’t careful. This, among plenty of other reasons, is why constant mindfulness is helpful.

We’ll want to be aware of what we do and how we feel in every moment, because these things are crucial to the personal changes we want to sustain. It’s easy to fall out of these changes and back into negativity, but once we do, we have to make the perilous journey back up – provided we don’t keep ourselves there by feeding the negativity and making the situation worse.

Even the smallest, most insignificant things could make us fall further down than we thought possible, so we’ll want to be mindful of our reactions and whether or not they serve the bigger picture. If we want to be conscious and centered enough to help others and enjoy our life along the way, then all of our emotions and reactions are important.


It helps to understand that there’s no ‘time’ as we perceive it – there’s only the present moment. When we understand this, monitoring our thoughts, feelings and reactions in every moment is easier because we’re no longer bound by time and distant from the present. Only when we worry about time does it seem to be real, and we stop thinking about it when we meditate or we’re having fun.

We don’t usually think about the time we spend when we’re doing something fun, and by the time we look at our watch, it’ll seem a lot later than we expect. Time speeds up as we step out of it, and we’ll eventually stop needing it altogether.

It also helps to remember our goal, which is to change the world by changing ourselves. We want to make a significant impact on the collective consciousness, and we want to show others the way into a higher state of consciousness by sharing our love and knowledge, and most importantly, by practicing what we preach.

I don’t consider myself the best candidate for way-showing, because I haven’t thought much about it until now. I’ve been thinking more about creativity, spiritual work and other things that I think will help the world, but I’d forgotten the most essential aspect of this transformation: the evolution of the individual.

We have to take responsibility for our evolution, and it’ll move at a slow pace until we can get behind the wheel and steer while remembering to make space for our creator and our higher consciousness to guide us.

We can’t leave our evolution in the hands of a guru or a spiritual guide, but we can hear what they have to say and take whatever lessons help us without relying on them. Our evolution is essential to the evolution of the planet, and once we understand this, we can get motivated to monitor ourselves, correct our errors and strive to be a force for change.

It’s not unrealistic to think that we can stop erring or confronting inner darkness on the spiritual path, but most of us have some work to do before we get there. We’re taking up this work little by little with increasing confidence in ourselves, and if we keep at it, there’ll soon be an entire world of inner change enthusiasts who’ve embraced spiritual revolution and are ready to contribute in any way possible.

The world is in our hands.

Let’s create this kind of world now, because we didn’t become self-aware for nothing. Our awareness is intended to motivate us to make personal changes as we expose what’s wrong with the world, which is really a reflection of what’s wrong with each of us, so let’s keep at it with faith in the world we’re creating.

Our efforts won’t be worthless, but we have to keep going before we can see what kind of impact we make. My guess is that it’ll be more powerful than we expect, and when we’re asked how it was all possible, we can tell people we have love and our creator by our side. We’re connected with an omnipotent force that most of the world has forgotten about, and our work is the result of this connection and our desire to help the world make the inner changes we discovered are possible.

Share freely.

I’m a twenty-two year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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