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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/6/2015 6:35:05 PM

Benjamin Fulford: Top secret negotiations continue as Greek “No” vote pressures Western oligarchy to surrender

(Benjamin Fulford) The Greek default and subsequent Greek “No” vote to payments of further blood money to bankers, has put a sense of urgency to ongoing negotiations for a new financial system, according to Western and Asian sources. At the same time, the Khazarian mob is resorting to increasingly futile threats and manufactured terror incidents in an attempt to stave off its inevitable ouster from control of banking.

The fact that 61% of Greek citizens voted to refuse to pay for banker’s reckless mistakes indicates a majority of the people at the street level in that country now recognize the criminal nature of the Western banking system. The fact is the Greek people now know they are not legally responsible for debts incurred by Mafiosi banker gamblers and will therefore not pay. This has set in motion the first domino that will lead inexorably to the bankruptcy of the Khazarian banking system and their criminal subsidiary known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION. A Greek default, as mentioned previously, is just the first domino that will be followed by Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, France, Germany and then the United States.

Read More: More than 61% of Greeks say ‘No’ in crucial bailout referendum – final tally

Read More: Understanding the Economic Collapse of Greece (8 Min Video)

The IMF has issued a report calling for a 20-year delay in Greek debt payments because if the IMF lists their loans to Greece as having gone bad, they will have to admit they themselves are insolvent. The world’s major creditor nations like China and other Asian countries refuse to lend more money to the IMF because it remains a de facto tool of the Washington DC criminals who wield a veto over that institution. The Washington DC cabal cannot bail out the IMF or the European Central Bank because they themselves are bankrupt as can be seen by the fact they are cooking their books. They have kept their debt frozen at $18.112 trillion ever since they missed a payment due on March 15th.

Furthermore, other dominos have also begun to fall. In the fuss about Greece, much of the world’s attention has been diverted from the fact that another AMERICA subsidiary, the Nazi government in the Ukraine, has also missed a payment and gone bankrupt. Furthermore, the AMERICA Puerto Rico colony, known by many as the 51st US State, has also publicly said it will not be able to pay its debts.The new element to this is that the contagion has now spread to China, the largest creditor of the bankrupt AMERICA and thus the country that will be left holding the bag. Chinese stock markets plunged by 30% in the last weeks, driven by retail investor selling. The retail investors know first-hand the real Chinese economy is stumbling because they are not finding overseas buyers for their industrial products.

The Chinese communist government also tried to get funds last week when it sent representatives of the Manchu imperial family to the headquarters of the Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi-UFJ, in an attempt to cash genuine historical bonds worth trillions of dollars, according to a Chinese government official. At the bank, they were met by junior officials who tried very hard to present bureaucratic obstacles to the cashing of the bonds. At the end, despite the fact the bonds were genuine, the Chinese and Manchus were sent away empty handed because recognizing the bonds would have bankrupted the Japanese government and Japanese financial system.

Japan’s financial system is already on the brink because of money that is being drained to postpone the bankruptcy of AMERICA. Financing AMERICA is why a recent survey by the Japanese government shows that 62.4% of Japanese say they are experiencing financial hardship.

The Russians and Americans also failed last week in efforts to cash historical financial instruments because again, the old financial system simply is unable to pay genuine debts they have incurred over the years, according to Pentagon sources.

That is why the first ever bankruptcy of a European country in the post-war era has added new urgency to ongoing negotiations on a new financial system, according to people involved in the negotiations.

In key negotiations aimed at setting up an alternative financial system, representatives of the White Dragon Society formally sent a proposal to Japanese Imperial Family and Japanese government calling for the establishment of a $7 trillion fund to finance the creation of a future planning agency. Japanese imperial family and government officials approved the plan in principle but requested a more detailed, written proposal. This was sent on Monday, just before this newsletter went to press.

The proposal calls for a Japanese government delegation to visit the UK, the US, EU headquarters, the Vatican, Moscow, the African Union, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and other power centers to get formal support for the future planning agency (informal support has already been given).

The future planning agency would be very different from the World Bank and IMF or even from the just starting up BRICS bank and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in that it will have a budget 70 times larger, enough to annually provide $1000 worth of goods and services to each man, woman and child on the planet. Furthermore, while the BRICS bank and AIIB help isolate the Washington faction of the cabal, they still operate on the Babylonian debt slavery model. In other words, they lend money at interest and expect to get paid back or else they will come and seize collateral. The planning agency will operate on credit, and will not require repayment, only verification that funds are used as intended and promised. New funds will be withheld from corrupt and incompetent groups who will then wither on the vine.

All that is needed for the planning agency to get funds is for governments to finance it using government issued currency. Of course, doing this would put an end to the Khazarian mafia’s near monopoly control over the creation of fiat money and thus end their Babylonian debt slavery regime.

That is why we have seen a new rash of threats coming from the Khazarians. The latest was issued on Mossad linked website like DEBKA where Mossad agent Simon Elliot (aka El Baghdadi) threatened to blow up the Egyptian pyramids and Sphinx.

Read More: Simon Elliot: French Report ISIL Leader is a Mossad Agent

Read More: Kuwaiti preacher, ISIL call for demolition of Egypt’s Sphinx, pyramids

There was also an attack on the Egyptian army last week by Israeli mercenaries pretending (and fooling nobody) to be “ISIS.”

There were also numerous new false flag mass shooting incidents, and street theater events, in various countries attributed to “radical Islamists” (ie Khazarians) that have left the world public numb and indifferent. For example, British sources sent convincing evidence to this writer showing the so-called Tunisian shooting of British tourists was yet another play act.

In the US meanwhile, an African American was arrested for vandalizing an African American church and writing racist graffiti calling for the murder of African Americans. In other words, house slave Obama is following his Khazarian master’s orders and trying to start a race war. Fortunately, the multi-cultural, multi-ethnic United States is no longer fertile ground for race baiting.

The P2 freemason lodge in Italy sent a message to the WDS last week saying they were sick and tired of Benyamin Netanyahu and planned to get rid of him ASAP. Following upon the United Nations public labelling of this monster as a war criminal, you can be sure his days are numbered.

There are also growing signs of a very systematic attack against the Internet and electric infrastructure inside the United States. According to the FBI, at least 11 attacks on the internet and the US electric grid have been carried out recently by very sophisticated attackers.

Train derailments causing massive explosions or the release of toxic gas are also occurring at a pace of around once per week, indicating systematic sabotage against AMERICA’s infrastructure. The pace of sabotage operations is expected to pick up during the coming weeks and towards the autumn.

To this end, last week 2500 highly trained Nazi mercenaries were moved from the Ukraine to Colorado for as yet uncertain reasons. These mercenaries report to Khazarian affiliated State Department employees and not to the regular, patriotic US armed forces.

In a possibly related development, in what appears to be a desperate attempt to stop the gnostic illuminati inspired revolution against the cabal, police in Koganei, Tokyo, have once against put illuminati Grandmaster Alexander Romanov into a mental hospital. There, according to family members, he has been forcibly and heavily drugged for the past 2 months. A member of his family says he was he was acting violently and erratically and attacking people with a baseball bat. According to him, (the last time I spoke to him), he was the victim of violence and not the other way around. He certainly did have big bruises on his legs of the sort that would require a baseball bat to make.

In any case, gnostic illuminati sources say representatives will be arriving in Japan shortly to take his place in coordinating anti-cabal activities.

The WDS deplores violence and is working hard to act as a neutral intermediary between the gnostic illuminati and the cabal. However, if the cabal does not make real jubilee-type concessions soon; violent, bloody and chaotic revolution is a certainty.

Benjamin Fulford has worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, the International Financing Review, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun English edition, and the South China Morning Post before moving to Forbes magazine, where he was the Asian Bureau chief from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports pursued scandals in the Japanese government and business world. After leaving Forbes he wrote a series of books in Japanese some of which became best sellers, and began publishing on the internet.

Source: Benjamin Fulford — Weekly Geopolitical News & Analysis

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/6/2015 8:57:08 PM

The Oracle Report, Monday, July 6, 2015

I’m just posting now because I got to writing a piece about the material coming from Redefining God.
There IS more news and I will return with it shortly.



Disseminating Moon Phase:
share, communicate

Moon in Pisces

Goddess of Wisdom: Bagalamukhi (Goddess Who Solves)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: be reassured

True Alignments: cohesion, perseverance, release, infusions or transfusions of the heart, fascination, shows of affection and care, assisting someone lift themselves up, taking care of responsibilities, clarity about the purpose of things, gazing at beauty

Catalysts for Change: self-indulgence/selfishness at the expense of others and their feelings, breaking promises, easily distracted, illusions, unable to grasp the scope of consequences, loss of respect and command, making a mess of things, pretending to care, arrogance

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “winter frost in the woods”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

“After a heavy storm, a rainbow.” The planets combine today to deliver signs and messages that reassure us of better times emerging. Light returns to infuse our lives with rich color and blessings, as Venus moves to the enegy of this degree in the sky.

The question is whether we are mentally still in the heavy storm or out into the light of the rainbow or vacillating between.

Given that the Moon is in Pisces opposing the Black Moon, and the Sun is making exact opposition with Pluto today, stormy weather may roll our way at times. The combination of these aspects increases potential for projection of our own and others’ shadow sides today. The “Catalysts for Change” list gives detail.

Though today’s energetics contain elements that can cause people to act from their most fearful and insecure selves – in the ugliest of ways – we understand that what is happening is transformation out of darkness into light. When people behave unkindly, hurtfully, or selfishly, they are operating from fear and a sense of powerlessness. Attempts to blame others always accompanies this, but it is merely projection — a poor coping skill that devolves into power and control issues. (When Pluto is involved, power issues often come in to play. With Pluto in Capricorn, we add control to the mix.)

The highest objective of the energy is to clear illusions and fears. As this happens, a rainbow of options opens. New experiences beckon. All of this is building toward the next New Moon, the New Moon in Cancer on July 15. A torrent of opportunities will flood the field of consciousness. Today, part of the way is being paved.

No matter what the skies bring us today, let’s remember to be on the lookout for the rainbow. Let’s watch as new perspectives, opportunities, and destinies arise. Let’s stand reassured. Here comes the Sun.

(Note: The Sun will make exact opposition with Pluto at 11:20 am ET/3:20 pm UT. The Moon will make exact opposition with the Black Moon overnight at 3:30 am ET/7:30 am UT.)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/7/2015 6:15:03 PM


Emmanuel Dagher ~ Reality-Shifting Surprises - July 2015

Beautiful Friend,

It’s an honor for me to connect with you in this way. On behalf of all humanity, thank you for choosing to be dedicated to a spiritual path that is quickly aligning the consciousness of the world with higher states of existence. It’s because of you that we are seeing things change so quickly!

The Summer Solstice of June 20/21, 2015 was monumental! It was almost as if a light switch had been turned on everywhere. There was an energetic sigh of relief that could be felt in the hearts of many.

Up until the recent Solstice, there was a great deal of overwhelm and anxiety among the collective. To many, it felt like a pressure cooker that was in need of a great release. Emotions were all over the place, and finding a sense of peace and grounding during the downpour of light we were receiving from the Sun and other celestial bodies felt distant, and fleeting.
The Summer Solstice doorway has been one that has and is helping many of us come back to our familiar self, though in a more refined way. The upgrades we’ve been showered with in the past several months are now in full integration mode.

At the beginning of July, the planets Venus and Jupiter appeared closer to one another than they have in a very long time. This is usually called a conjunction, and creates a powerful portal for extraordinary change to occur.
The Venus-Jupiter conjunction was able to redirect us back through divine inner guidance and synchronicity, toward the fulfillment of our deepest and most authentic desires.
Our path is being made fully clear; the energies are helping us know what direction we’d like to move in next. The Venus-Jupiter conjunction gave us a preview to the upcoming Venus retrograde of July 25 to September 6, 2015. Venus refines and restores the true values of life when it is in retrograde, so those six weeks will be an amazing time of beautiful expansion!
Confirmations of the Next Wave of Awakening
Back in April, a series of energetic upgrades and celestial alignments occurred that have created some of the most powerful waves of awakening we’ve ever experienced in this lifetime. It was one of those “Holy Moly” moments! But always remember, our Spirit does not give us more than it knows we can handle.
But can you imagine how those not aware of what’s going on energetically must have felt?
During an awakening cycle, every person on the planet has the opportunity to let go of old patterns that have run their course, and which may still be limiting them from expanding into a state of grace, flow, joy, and Universal abundance.
For some, lifetimes of old patterns are being released, while for others, baby steps are being taken. Whatever the size of clearings that take place, it’s all perfect.
We are now seeing concrete confirmation that the next wave of awakening is in full throttle. Whether it’s in our personal lives or on the world stage, everything is changing at the speed of lightning! Even us!
This next wave of awakening is showing up in our personal lives in a number of ways:
  • We are feeling a strong desire to align with all things that strengthen our connection to Spirit.
  • Deeply rooted memories and belief systems we’ve carried from the past are now resurfacing. (This happens whenever big clearings are underway.)
  • We are experiencing daily synchronicities and moments of déjà vu.
  • Our Inner Seeing/Feeling/Hearing and Knowing are laser sharp!
  • We are becoming highly aware/mindful of our surroundings.
  • We’re having lucid dreams that feel very real, almost as if we’re living in other worlds simultaneous to being in this one.
  • New ideas are blossoming that may impact the direction of our personal and professional lives.
  • We’re increasingly living out loud more, by expressing ourselves more fully, and no longer hiding who we are.
  • We’re building new soul friendships and connections, while releasing those that may not be aligned with the love and mutual support we desire.
  • We’re sometimes feeling a bit more moody and irritable than usual.
  • We’re experiencing vertigo and/or inner ear ringing.
  • We’re seeing a shift in our eating habits.
  • We have a desire to look up at the stars more often.

On the world stage, we’ve seen massive shifts occur in what it means for humanity to have respect for ALL people, no matter what their race, gender, sexual orientation, culture, or background might be.
Yes, we definitely have a ways to go yet. But big leaps have been made in how we treat one another. The collective is beginning to see that at our core, we are all the same.
More Surprises Ahead
In the coming months, many more empowering surprises will make their way into our lives and onto the world stage. Specifically, many of the seeds that are being planted now will come to fruition in October and November.
The key to receiving a surprise is to align with the flow of life. This just means that we allow ourselves to remain mentally, physically, and emotionally flexible.
The mind tends to gravitate towards structure, and can often be a bit more rigid in nature. It’s important to have a routine, but it’s also important to change things up often, to keep the mind, body, and emotions flexible and in a state of adapting to the natural flow of life.
Creating an Abundant Reality

When things change so quickly, many free-floating thoughtforms start to make their rounds in the world. Because the mind isn’t very comfortable with so much change happening at once, many of these free-floating thoughts usually highlight ideas based on fear and belief in lack, which are then circulated among the collective. This is because those are the two energies the mind has been accustomed to running on, to keep itself feeling safe.

A free-floating thoughtform is simply a learned pattern that circles around in the collective consciousness, and attaches itself to those who vibrate at a similar frequency.

As many of us know, lessons can be learned from patterns of lack, but those lessons usually happen in a challenging and uncomfortable way.

I have a feeling that you, just like many who have been on a journey to personal healing and expansion, are ready to let go of the discomfort and challenges that go with learning lessons, especially those having to do with lack of abundance.

The amazing thing about being in the energies we are in right now, is that we can learn our lessons quickly, and in an easier and more enjoyable way. This usually entails not overreacting to life’s occurrences, but rather living as the observer, where less judgment and more discernment is involved.

We deserve to prosper, and experience life to its fullest!

If you find your mind going into patterns of the expectation of lack, just be willing to observe what it does, instead of reacting to it. Then, find an opportunity to do something kind or generous for at least one person (preferably someone who is not very close to you, so that expectations are not created between you). You can do this at the local cafe, with a volunteer group, or wherever you’re able offer a kindness to someone.
Then watch how quickly the Universe begins to open up doors for you.

The first pattern many people go to when they get into a lack mindset is, “Where can I cut back on some of my expenses, especially on the things I don’t really need?” Then the first things to go are the things that are probably nourishing them the most. This pattern only perpetuates more lack, rather than shifting it.
So when “lack” comes up, instead of letting go of something that nourishes us, let’s immediately find an opportunity to be of service in our local community through our time, gifts, and energy.
You’ll see how quickly the energy of lack will dissolve!
With all of that said, we are living in the time we’ve all been waiting for, the one our ancestors spoke of thousands of years ago.
A higher consciousness is kissing the mind and heart of everyone on the planet! Yes, even those who may appear to still be operating in the old energy of separation are being impacted by it in some way.
It will be just a matter of time before they too soften into the wave of awakening that is now sweeping the world.
Till next time,

©2009-2015 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/7/2015 6:21:56 PM

St. Germain via Nancy Tate: Wake Up Call, July 06, 2015

St. Germaine 90Wake up Call: St. Germain, July 06, 15

Through Nancy Tate

I am here this morning to speak of a change in government. There is taking place right now a change that will free up not only a huge amount of funds, but also the people who are being affected by this freedom of their rights. It is a profound change that is taking place because there are minions behind the old governance who at one time did not feel they could ever be set aside and replaced. They did what they did to bring about the captivity of the people rights, and disguised what they were doing in a way that showed the people a totally false picture of what they represented.

As I speak through this one, I am as well taking the time to submit this information to a network that is working under cover to be able to find their freedom to release the information as it became available in a way that is unmistakable and has all of the proof that is needed. In that way it cannot be denied once it is released to the public. This is why I am not releasing the information as yet that tells the complete picture. However, I can release through this one the scope of the height of the changes that are coming about.

I am St. Germain, and I now tell you another piece of the puzzle. It has been some time since the truths of what has been taking place behind the scenes were addressed as they are now, and will continue to be in the coming weeks. It is because of this that there have been so many periods of silence, followed by what some people have claimed to be lies and disturbing news that comes from sources that cannot be trusted.

I tell you now that this is all in the changing mode. As it is clear that what has been taking place has been for a reason, then you will also realize the reason and support it, and what comes from it. There is nothing that will be hidden from the public once this information comes in the pieces it will come from. As it does, then you will understand why it had to be this way, for the truth to come to you.

One more thing that I wish to share with you is that the onset of these changes around the world will bring about a huge difference in the way certain people in the present governance have been presenting certain things to the people. It will be obvious the reasons behind what has been shared and why it has had such an influence on what has been seen and felt in the minds and hearts of those who saw these things in a way that brought great doubt as the authenticity of the actions of those in those certain fields of governance.

I tell you all this, dear ones, for you to be able to see what is coming, certain signs that tell you how it is to be released and how it interacts with what you have been feeling for some time. It will bring about a new understanding of what your role has been in all of this and why you have felt recently as if you have been swimming in circles in an ocean of stolid waters.

It is about to all change, and you will begin to fill in the holes in the various puzzles that have been in your life over the past 10 years or more. Take your time now to enjoy the times and see them as the opening doors to the freedom of your power, the enjoyment of your lives, and the Love that encircles all of you.

It can bring you the assurance that you are in the forefront of the New Jerusalem in the eyes of those who see the birth of the new world that is yours and all of eternity’s place from which to see the picture of the beginning of the new way of being in heaven on earth and beyond. You are the power buttons and we are the pushers. The rest is all in our field of Love and life in the no-time zone. It is eternal Love and Life that we are creating in the energy of the Creator. Love to you all.

Thank you dear St. Germain,

Much Love, Nancy Tate

Source Link: St. Germain, Wake up Call

(Nancy Tate, “Wake up Call: St. Germain, July 06, 15″ at

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/7/2015 6:24:58 PM

Celia Fenn: Birthing the New Earth Soul – Changes and New Beginnings in July 2015


Beloved Family of Light, July promises to be a month filled with changes, transitions, and new beginnings.

You will feel these changes and transitions deep in your own being, but you will also see many changes ocurring on the outer or social levels.

The New Earth Soul is birthing into manifestation on the Planet with the assistance of the Diamond Crystal children, and so a new society and a new way of being is also being birthed that will meet your deep desire to live at a higher level of consciousness and being.

To assist this process, the waves of TimeSpace energy in July will facilitate changes. There will be two Full Moons in July, the second one will be a “Blue Moon”, which as you know is a powerful force for bringing up deep issues that are submerged in the subconscious, both of the individual and the society.

The Blue Moon itself will be on the 31st of July. The first Moon will be in Capricorn/Cancer, and with Pluto in Capricorn there are already powerful tides of transformation and change in activation. The second Moon will be in Aquarius/Leo, and will faciltate the New Earth energy into manifestation as you move towards the Lion’s Gate and the 8/8/8 on the 8th of August.

The month of July also brings you to the Planetary New Year on the 26th of July, and the “Day Out of Time”, on the 25th of July the day before. This is the moment that the Ancients understood that powerful Cosmic and Galactic cycles were completed and initiated in relation to the Earth.

The Day Out of Time is that moment before the new cycles start, and you are encouraged to spend the day in playful creativity, allowing the old to end and the new to begin. Decide for yourself what you need to release and what you need to begin as a new cycle, as you enter into this new cycle of powerful New Beginnings. The 26th itself is a good time to really focus your intention and attention on what you would like to create, manifest and achieve in the new cycle of 2015/6.

Manifesting the New Earth Soul on Earth

Beloved Ones, this will be a wonderful moment to fully birth the New Earth Soul on Earth and within you! The tight grip of Economic control and hardship on the Earth is loosening, and people will begin to feel that they can breathe and move again. They will be able to focus energy on becoming what they would like to be and experiencing the absolute joy of life on a higher level of conscious awareness. This is life on the 4th, 5th and 6th Dimensions of Physical Existence, and not just in the trap of 3D Duality and struggle.

What does this mean for you, Beloved Ones? It means that you can transcend the economic prison of Time in 3D and begin to create and manifest your own timelines and TimeSpace projects. This is what it means to master the 4th Dimension. In this space you can use the flows of Time to your advantage rather than being trapped within them as most people are. You will learn to claim your own timelines rather than simply giving your time and space to the timelines of those in “control”.

Then, in the 5th Dimension, you will learn how to flow with the energy of Unity Consciousness and “Oneness”. This means that you will lose your fear of the “Collective” energies and you will learn to “surf” or ride the waves of consciousness that wash over the Planet as the Deep Consciousness of Gaia and all who live on her responds to the incoming Light Codes from the Cosmic Heart. Releasing these fears will assist you to move beyond “ascension symptoms” into a more grounded and peaceful place when the Earth is in the process of integrating these powerful incoming Light Codes.

Then, as you learn how to master the 6th Dimension, you will fully activate all aspects of your creativity, and you will learn how to manifest through art, dance, song, poems, ceremonies, sacred space and many other forms of Soul Expression. Your Soul wants to sing and dance and create on the Earth, and the New Earth Soul will release this powerful creative energy that is activated by the Diamond Light Codes and will create a maginificent New Reality!

The Diamond New Earth Soul is a powerful being, whose inner light shines with Clarity, Integrity, Love, Joy and Compassion. In these waves of Change and Transition, you can work with the Diamond Light Codes to raise your frequency and reach into your deep Soul energies and birth a new Earth Being that expresses the wholeness, the Joy and the Vitality of who you really are on a deep level.

The Diamond Crystal Children are birthing in increasing numbers onto the Earth, to assist you to hold, manifest and create with these new levels of Earth Beings and Existence.

Beloved Ones, we ask you to FEEL this new energy stirring and moving within your Heart and Soul. It is not something that is outside of you, but is rather a deep longing to birth something new that arises in your Heart and is expressed by your Soul in the world. Follow your instincts, your inner voice, and your creativity! Follow the whispers and the promptings of your Soul as you birth a new way of being in the world that flows from your trust in the guidance of your Higher Self and the flow of Divine Wisdom in your life and on the Earth.

Yes, there may be pressures and tension all around you, but remember that the Diamond is formed through Time and Pressure within the Earth. So it is too that your Diamond Soul is forming and emerging from this pressure and being birthed into a new human form that is YOU! What a wonderful and joyous gift this is, and something that you can celebrate at this time!

The Global Economic Changes

Dear Family of Light, it is true that we have spoken of Economic changes, and that you have waited patiently for these. But we are happy to say that now is the time that you will begin to see real economic changes on the Earth. There are several activation points on the Earth where deep changes are occurring. The most important of these is in Greece, in the vicinity of the Andromeda Star Gate that is situated in the Aegean Sea between Greece and Turkey.

Much work has been done in these areas to allow for the flow of new energies and new ideas that are seeded from a higher level of Consciousness. In addition to the Diamond Light Codes that are transmitted through the Grid from the Great Central Sun, there are also Light Codes received from the Andromeda Galaxy that intiate or seed more creative and more harmonious ways of living, for this is the “gift” of the Andromeda Galaxy to Earth.

So, what you will see in this area is the beginning of the expression of the desires and will of the people, rather than a simple acceptance of what those in authority desire to impose. It is time for the voice and the creative will of all people to be considered in decisions. It is time for the Higher Consciousness and Will of Ascended Humanity to be expressed as a request for Abundance and Harmony for all living beings on Earth.

Beloved Ones, it is time for you to embrace the changes. Do not hold onto old ways of beings and habits of the third dimension. It is time to think beyond these ways and enter into a courageous expression of your New Earth Soul.

Embrace your inner wisdom, your power, your compassion and your creativity, and Dream and Imagine that New Earth that is waiting to be created. Do not allow what others say to pull you into fear and anxiety. Do not let the Collective waves of distress become yours, but allow yourself to be a beacon of Light and Hope, and a role model for new ways of living.

Trust what is and what is unseen, and know that you will be provided for in this great change and transition. Know that you are loved and supported at all times, and that you came to the Earth for this very reason, to be a part of these great changes!

Celebrate the opportunities that are given to you at this time, to fully master the New Earth energies and to step forward as an empowered and creative Being of Light!

“Birthing the New Earth Soul – Changes and New Beginnings in July 2015″ by Celia Fenn, July 6 2015, at

Source Link: Birthing the New Earth Soul

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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