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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/6/2015 6:17:27 PM

Montague Keen Message for July 5, 2015

My dear, we are happy to see so much information flooding out, regarding the Control System that controls your world. It is now being laid bare before you. Unfortunately many are still refusing to see the truth. Yes, I know that it goes against everything they had accepted as truth through education and conditioning. The Cabal has been very successful over the last 2000 years. They hid the truth well. Every country in your world, the whole of humanity suffered, through this control. Life became a struggle to survive.

Now, many of you are seeking out what was hidden from you. You are finding the truth for yourselves. All you needed was a little guidance. You now know that wars are fought to appease the controllers who demand blood sacrifice. Satanic Ritual Abuse is practiced every day as part of this control. You cannot stop it until you are prepared to look at it and then do something about it. Ask why your Police do not keep a record of children who go missing.The Police keep detailed records of all cars that are stolen, so I ask you, which is more important? You must wake up to all that happens around you every day.

Many also refuse to look with an open mind at Ireland. Until you understand what Ireland is, you are wasting your time paying lip service to the awakening.

Andrew Bartzis stated: “Ireland represents the most important part of the Earth system of original foundation before domination and control took effect. Domination and control had to see Earth as a positive unity consciousness species and begin to infect it at its most basic level. Ireland is the KEY to the vault. By bringing your intentions back to the surface and actually changing the energy of the surface ley lines so that the original Earth Grid begins overtaking the sacred geometry MASONIC GRID. Walk your feet over the land, bring your prayers, your intentions, begin practicing spiritual cleanliness. Begin to understand that the world you live in, particularly London, really is a haunted place.” (There is so much more, listen to it yourselves.)

Veronica: I was delighted to get this email from DW. He had asked for help to uncover the truth. I am sure he will not mind me sharing with you what he was excited to find out: “The druids are older than the Egyptians. Egyptian culture owes a debt to the druids of Ireland. The druids of Ireland were the first Makers/Keepers of Civilisation.” He researched this for himself. It is always best to find the truth for yourselves.

You have a choice. Do you remain trapped in the Control System of lies and deceit, or do you open your eyes and minds to all that was kept hidden from you. Put your prejudice aside. You were encouraged to look down on the Irish people. WHY? What do they want to prevent you from seeing? The Irish Government answers to the Crown and the EU. The answer to the freedom of humanity lies in Ireland. When Veronica and Andrew Bartzis planned a visit to Ireland, Veronica was attacked and almost lost her life. Andrew was prevented from even talking about Ireland again. Your controllers were scared at what they could uncover and so they prevented the visit. What is that telling you? Then the trolls were rolled out to sabotage the buying of a Centre in Ireland. We have not given up on the setting up of the Centre. It is still our dearest wish to release humanity from bondage and so create a better world for all through the centres. We will do it, it cannot be stopped, just delayed. The people of Ireland are waking up and saying NO. Now, we need them to learn what Ireland is, and how they can release humanity from the corrupt control. Everything you ever learned is the exact opposite of the truth.

The Cabal is fully aware that its control system is fading away. They cannot exist in the light. Your awakening is causing them BIG PROBLEMS. They will engage in many more random killings in an effort to cause fear amongst you. This exerts more control over your lives. Do not fall for this again. Enough is enough. All killing must stop. You have the ability to create a better world. Are you prepared to put some effort into it? The call is going out to humanity to take the necessary steps to free yourselves and all future generations. To the people of Ireland, you have the opportunity to release Ireland and all of humanity from BONDAGE. Make this your mission.

Come together and forget your differences. Work as one to free yourselves. You have nothing to fear. What can 1% do to the 99%? Without you, the Cabal is useless. They cannot function without your support. Look forward to eating good wholesome food, drinking pure clean water, and breathing clean air. This will make a huge difference to your lives on Earth.

The Cabal has planned to destroy as much as they can in September. This is the reason the Pope is visiting America. Do not think for one moment that he comes with good intentions. They plan to openly take control of your world. This is your time to make plans to prevent this destruction of humanity. This is your world that was usurped by them.

Veronica has worked with me since my passing, 11 years ago, to bring you the information that you need in order to free yourselves. It has been a difficult journey for her. She has lost family and friends in the process. The attacks on her continue. They change, every now and again, to catch her off guard. Hers is not an easy life. Her goal is to see humanity free, before she joins me in the afterlife. Will you help her achieve this?

Veronica, my dear, please be kind to yourself. Take rest whenever possible. We will succeed, it is written so.

My love surrounds you, always. Your adoring, Monty.

Comment from Veronica

My web site has been hacked into. My interviews with Andrew Bartzis have been removed. Monty speaking from the Afterlife has also been destroyed. This shows clearly that “they” do not want you to look at Ireland.

Source: Montague Keen Foundation

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/6/2015 6:21:07 PM

Lee Harris: July 2015 Energy Forecast

Lee Harris(Transcribed and edited from Lee’s live video message.)

Hello and welcome to the Energy Forecast for July 2015.

I’m filming today in Mill Valley, Marin County, among the redwood trees. And redwoods, if you ever have the chance to experience them, are incredible, incredible beings. They’re like guardians. They’re so ancient and so powerful. So being down here among them feels perfect for today.

Collective Exhale to Build Strength

Part of the reason I wanted to come here is because when I tuned in on this coming month, the words ‘collective exhale’ came up as an energy theme. Collective exhale meaning, the intensity of the first six months of the year have now been powered through and for all of us this month there is an opportunity to just (Lee exhales) – experience the out breath.

And while you’re in the out breath, you will get to integrate and consolidate everything that has gone before, every part of you that has changed as a result and been influenced ready for where we are going next. Because new reserves of inner strength and the fire inside you are going to be very big themes for the second half of the year. So I’ll touch on that in a moment.

But first to come back to this idea of consolidation.

Energetic Themes for July

This message is especially for those of you who are pulling your hair out at me right now, and saying “there is NO WAY I can take an out breath, there is no way I can consolidate anything.” You’re the very people who really need to take space, slow down, stop answering the phone to everybody, do whatever it is that you need to do to calm down.

Because this first six months of this year have been faster and more intense than ever before. There is a mass awakening going on and an activation of our kundalini energy in all of us, which I’ll speak of more in a moment.

So within all of that energy going on around and within you, you absolutely have to take the time to calm your own nervous system down, when and wherever you can. So that it and you can get used to going in and out of this new speed we’re all in.

For those of you who are actually either doing quite well within yourselves or are beginning to feel that natural slowing down happening in yourself and your activities, July really represents an opportunity to consolidate everywhere you have been and everything you’ve been going through.

Many of you have spoken in recent months about the acceleration of intense and meaningful dreams, or the experience of old friends/partners/lovers from the past popping up in your life. All for clearing yes, and for you to experience a new relationship with your past.

July is the month where the stimulus and impetus of that clearing can calm down, and you can get to open out your heart, open out your mind and see how do you feel now and think about these old things now. Because life has really changed for everybody on Earth in the last six months.

So even if you tried to remember how you felt last December, it will be hard for you to actually get in touch with how last December felt, because so much is shifted.

And when we are more unconscious we can be chaotic in our human journeys. As in we can get pushed around by people or events and pulled from pillar to post (as we like to say in England), without really any sense of where we’re going or why anything is happening to us.

Strengthening Yourself Through Consolidation

But the more you wake up to the reality that energy is dictating everything that is happening to you and start to open up your senses so that you can feel that energy moving through you, and the energy coming toward you, the more you open up to energy being a part of every moment.

And with that awareness, the more you can start to consciously direct what it is you’re doing, where it is you’re going and what it is you would like to manifest next. This is a foreign concept to people who’ve never thought that way before, but to more and more people on Earth now, this understanding is becoming normal. You see it being normalized in everyday conversations.

So how do you know you’re a clear manifester? That what you wish to intend for can come to you easily? First, you need to consolidate what’s already inside you.

So by consolidation and July being a great month for that, I mean;

  • Sit and reflect on everything that’s happened for you in the past 6 months or more.
  • Journal and intend for where you would like your life and your journey to go next.

Take some time to consolidate where you’ve been, so that you can then very clearly decide where you would like to go next, rather than dragging the debris of the past into your future manifestations.

Visioning and Manifesting for Self and for ALL

And remember, when intending or visioning, there is no such thing as a ‘wrong’ goal.

Sometimes people will say to me, “Oh, well I’d like to manifest xxxx for myself, but when the world is suffering and others are worse off than me, I’m challenged by manifesting this for myself.” And the point is that the two things can coexist in you.

For example, if you want to manifest something that makes you feel more secure in life, but you feel bad about that desire because you recognize other people are in more insecure positions than you, let BOTH of those energies be true for you.

It means you would like to be humanitarian and help others as much as you can, yes, but you’re also going to still have this energy or desire that you want to feel a little more secure, whatever that means for you.

So you can work on manifesting or visioning for both at the same time (manifest for ‘world improvements’ as well as ‘self-improvements’).

Or, focus on your desire for you, and when it manifests you will get to a place where your openness will be that much more present as a result. Because you’ve manifested an element for yourself that you recognized would support you. Which then allows you from your feeling of support, to go out there and be more humanitarian towards others.

You’re Not Going Backwards (even though it may seem that way)

We live in a dualistic world and dualistic thoughts are very high at the moment, more so than ever before. Again, if you’re an aware or an awake person it won’t surprise you to notice how quickly you’re going through feelings or perceptions on a daily basis now, such is the speed of awakening.

And remember, you’re not regressing if you go backwards in your own perception. The idea you can have that you’re going over an old issue can be depressing for many, but this is part of the journey of evolution that we all go through.

I released a new A to Z of Energy video this month called You Are Not Regressing, You’re Evolving, so you might want to check that out if you are worried you’re going backwards. We can put a link to thathere for you so that you can check it out.

So as much as you can, take July to create space to consolidate and exhale. Take this space to decide where you would like to go in your personal life in the next six months, and also what would you like to see changing for and in the world for the next six months.

I spoke last month about one step forward, one step back (and occasionally) one step sideways being the energy of June for people in their lives. And we did see that playing out on the global stage too. There were some acts of progression, there were some acts of regression and there were some sideways energies that none of us saw coming.

July will be a lot more spacious because energy can only remain intense for a certain amount of time before it either fizzles out or explodes.

Major Theme: Kundalini Rising in ALL

And the space of July is important because of a strong message that I keep receiving about a more mainstream kundalini activation now happening in the collective.

Kundalini energy is essentially our life force energy. And the base or the root chakra is where it roots – the energy center in which we have the foundation our creative, sexual and life force energy.

In our current society, we tend to be comfortable living more up here (Lee demonstrates heart center area of the body up to crown chakra) than down here in our lower chakras. With spiritually developed people there can be a tendency to be open in areas of heart, throat chakra (communication), third eye (vision and intuition) and crown chakra (connection to spirit).

But in a predominantly ‘mental’ society, even spiritually-developed souls often don’t go down below and balance the lower chakras, as these are the more dense and muddy energies in our current society. This level of clearing and activation is the next phase in general for the world in its awakening.

The Stomach Center – The Body’s Focal Point of Our Relationships

A lot has been done, if you like, over the last 10 years also to rapidly develop expression of communication, understanding of senses and intuition and the opening of the heart. That’s becoming much more prevalent everywhere. But the next phase is to go down and purify through the stomach and activate that base.

The stomach is where our human relationships are, so many of you will have a sensitivity around or a withdrawal from many relationships in the next few months while you go through this kundalini activation. Because you won’t want to play it out through fighting with others.

Collaboration and Partnerships Can Thrive Now

Creative partnerships, sexual partnerships and anything that feels like a potent tribal energy will thrive during the coming months. Whether you’re dancing with a group, anything group-focused that has a wildness in the body and expression in the body, there will be truly cosmic experiences to be had in the next few months due to the Kundalini energy around us.

Some of you will go through windows that you’ve never opened for yourself through and in the body. But coupled with that, the ultimate aim of the life force awakening that is kundalini, is to get you to a place where all systems are go and all systems are open.

So it’s pretty big stuff and it’s not something that you want to go into naively or in any great hurry.

Bringing Freedom to The Fear Mind

Because it takes time for the body to learn to withstand having such an open, vital life force and it also takes time for you as a human being with your thoughts and fears about;

“How safe am I to be me the world?”

“Will I be judged?”

“Will people attack me?”

“Will people not like me as much?”

Burning through the Fear – Opening to Who You Are Here to Be

To burn through all of that inner-programming, and to allow yourself to become who you want to be or are to be next, is why you are here. Regardless of all of the people around you and how they may or may not react to it.

So this awakening in the base chakra will show up for you in very potent ways. In creativity and also acts around physical action, exercise, sexuality there will be an awakening of an energy and the life force in you that you will be able to privately explore, most of you. Some of you will explore it in partnership.

But there is a message here too that from September onwards, this energy (that the mainstream are now opening to over the summer) many of you will start to go out into the world and be a part of this wave of change. A coming period in which we see yet another rise of innovations and creativity to bring positive changes in the world.

Creators Are Waking

So it’s nothing to be afraid of, but a little like pregnancy, the pregnant mother (and also the father) tend to be very protective of the mother’s body and sensitivity during that phase. In order to make sure that the baby and mother are protected in a way they can both safely transform.

So think of it that way. You’re giving birth to:

  • Your creative fire
  • Your sexual fire
  • Your life force

All of these areas will rise in and through you in the coming months, opening new energies and catalyzing old blocks and limitations to release.

Traditionally when people are unconscious of Kundalini energy rising inside them, or they don’t really know what’s going on with their inner body, they will project it outwards. They might fight each other, argue with each other, or let that energy run into their outer life in ways that can be destructive or chaotic.

It’s the kind of person who walks into a room and everyone knows they’re there, not only because of the way they hold themselves, but because they move around that room and impact everybody and perhaps even the furniture. That’s a kind of life-force energy that is not centered, and not flowing in a balanced way through the body. Instead it’s playing out in a destructive or invasive way in the outside world.

So you’ll certainly see some of that behavior flying around within people who’re more unconscious of themselves, but we’ve seen that flying around for quite a while, because of course this energy has been growing for quite some time.

But the good news is that July gives you an invitation to have much more space around how you bring that life-force energy into your life and also, for the very intuitive among you, to start to recognize and feel that your inner body is feeling very different.

Miraculous Changes Are Possible

There is a reason that the inner body is feeling different. We can develop the upper chakras and it will sustain us so far. It will give us more open relationships, more open communication and feelings of well-being than we knew before, and that’s all well and good.

But the next level of awakening comes when we extend this openness down to the base and root chakras, inviting the awakening to reach full alignment. When this happens, miraculous changes happen in our outer world.

And miraculous changes are what we’re needing right now on the planet as a whole. We are going through these changes as individuals, in order for us to help create those miraculous changes as a whole.

So we’re coming into the second half of 2015 where kundalini energy is going to be an increasingly strong presence, and many people will experience spontaneous awakenings.

No Longer Being a Victim – Calibrating Your Energetic Experiences

So if you do have any sudden strange experiences in your garden or in your house, that are epiphany like or suddenly open you to see or feel something you hadn’t anticipated, just sit and breathe through it when it happens. (Lee takes a deep breath in and out) Tell yourself, “I am safe. I can receive this energy.”

Remember you’re in charge of the volume dial. Often with spirituality, we can feel that we are the unwilling participant or even victim of a spiritual or psychic experience that happens to us. And what we must remember is that you can collaborate with spirit. You can say words like, “I ask that this calm down now. I ask that this intensity slows down. I ask for a few days of peace.”

Remember to ask that of your personal experiences in life as well as when asking for help from angels or guidance or guides, whatever name you give it.

Openness, Stillness, and Peace

So we’re still here everybody. We’re still here on Planet Earth, one day at a time, one step at a time. But there is a very strong sense of an opening and a peace energy that is stronger than ever before, that if you make sure you are not being overstimulated and being a guardian of giving yourself to peace and stillness moments in your life, you will feel it deeply. It will infuse you. It will magnetically connect you to the right people at the right time.

And in the interim periods (for the hedonists among you, and I can relate to that ), yes it’s fun to always be in joy and bliss, but those times will probably be peppered with interim times where you need to perhaps power down for a while, or you find yourself spontaneously recalling a difficult situation or emotion.

For example, you may have a great career opportunity that presents itself to you, and you’re really amazed that’s happening. And yet, a few hours later, you might suddenly recall the time that you had your biggest career heartbreak that you’ve been working through the layers of.

This is deeply connected to the success moment. When you open in a higher direction, the lower part of you that closed down in the past, gets stretched and it rises up for release. And the more aware and awake we become, the more we consciously feel and see these things.

Self-Judgment Can Be Part of the Release

Don’t go to self-judgment if it seems you are in a ‘backward’ step. Catch yourself if you self-judge. Seeing your own self-judgment is just great awareness. Think of it that way.

If you catch yourself being self-judging, remember that in the past you would have been unconscious about that self-judgment. Instead of just hearing the voice, you would’ve stopped yourself doing something because you felt that self-judgment.

If your reality now is that you’re just disappointed that you caught yourself self-judging, you’re absolutely heading in the right direction. Hold the awareness of the judgment. Laugh at it. Let it go. There’s no need to judge yourself just like there’s no need to judge anyone else. Everyone, including you, is doing your absolute best.

That’s July folks!

Lots of love to all.


For more from Lee, visit

“July 2015 Energy Forecast,” by Lee Harris, July 4, 2015, at

Source Link: Lee Harris Energy

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/6/2015 6:24:20 PM

Who Do You Wish to Be?

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s July 2, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at Energies introduced the past few days help you reduce your ego, need to be right, to control, to fear. Resulting in a more loving, peaceful, accepting you. This personal shift will likely continue through your month of July.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog ”Do Observers Make You Feel Guilty?”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

For eons, you created yourself to fit your 3D world. Now you are starting to create a new self-image with new capabilities. Such seems exciting – something you have long dreamed of. Recreating yourself any way you choose within the same physical earth being.

Creating a new you goes far beyond clearing fears and anger. It is about creating a new being with almost the same freedom as those of fairy tales with loving fairy godmothers.

You have cleared and cleansed. Now it is time for you to create a new being with new thoughts and focus.

You bemoan the chaos created throughout the globe as those who wish to retain 3D earth struggle do so even as the New Earth sun is rising. Before something new is created, the old must be shifted – or destroyed. So it was that you shifted your being from one of 3D fear to new you.

But who is new you?

That is the piece you are uncovering – and creating.

You accepted your key role of CEO of you. And you visited those segments that required attention in whatever form that necessitated. You are now a blank new you slate. Who do you wish to be?

Your concern is that you do not know who you are or who you wish to be. For eons, your earth emphasis has been what or who others wished you to be. Now that you can be you in all your glory – who do you wish you to be?

That is your current angst.

For now is the true point of discovering your joy.

You cleared and cleansed. You created new you. Now it is time to fill in the dots of new you.

So it is you are at a quandary for you thought someone or something would tell you who you are – more 3D conditioning that no longer applies.

Do you remember tales of a genie in a bottle granting a subject three wishes and, to your frustration, that subject wastes one of more of these wishes on something frivolous or limiting? Such is what now concerns you. Believing that somehow you will create in the wrong way, time or place. That someone should provide you guidance so the new you you create is appropriate for society and you.

All you need to know, the only direction you require is to discover that which gives you joy. Easy is it not? And yet, so very difficult. For as you create new you, you find yourself reverting to the guidelines of, “Is this good for society?” “Will this be difficult for my spouse?” “Will those I care about ignore or deny me if I become who I want to be?” “Am I deluding myself about my skill or power level?” All 3D questions that helped you remain small within the earth plane.

Now that it is time for you be as big as possible in so many ways, you are afraid that others will find you egotistical, inappropriate or selfish.

You can no longer pretend to be smaller than you are.

Many of you believe you can ignore that little voice that points you to joy, that you can remain in the murky 3D world that held so much comfort for you in eons past. Not because it represented who you are, but because not much was expected of you.

All that was required to remain in/on 3D earth before this transition was a small percentage of your totality. Now that most of you, including your inner being/CEO being, has incorporated into a large, almost complete you, you still expect/hope to be small. Such is no longer possible.

Even though you may find your greatest joy in tending a flower garden, you will never again be a small earth entity. That is over. It is time for you to be as large as you are – not as large as you think right or possible – but as large as you are.

Never again will you be able to hide your earth being in the shadows. For even in the shadows, your light will shine so brightly that others will wish to know who or what you are. Much as is true for your holiday sparklers. Those sparklers are not that dramatic before lighting, but once lite it is almost impossible not to note the beauty of their sparkling light. So it is for you. Perhaps, you feel dull and drab even as you are evolving into a Universal beauty, but once you act upon your joy, you will light up in amazing ways.

Now you question the thought of evolving into a Universal beauty. Have you ever found someone a bit unattractive until you noted their inner sparkle, their radiating heart, their joyous being? So it is for you. No matter your size, age or bearing, your inner light will draw others to you.

You wonder how such will be so if everyone shines their inner light? You are defining inner light as you now do your movie stars in which one movie star is dynamic and beautiful until the next star arrives. A short burst of light limited in scope and presentation.

Such is not true for new you. For those finding joy in the same areas as you will find you and relish the joy of being with you – no matter your age, appearance, demeanor, income level, education, geographic location, race, gender or any other 3D barrier. You will feel right together – as will those of other joys and interests. Much as is true in 3D for those who study the same topic.

The difference is that there will be no one more right than another. Differing opinions will be shared and processed, not demeaned or denied. For the function of joy groups is to create a new whole of whatever arena draws interest for that particular group.

Much as you now discuss weather – not in anger or rightness, but with different viewpoints. Some glory in a sunny day. Others wish for rain. Still others prefer a few clouds or a few more or less degrees. But no one argues what is. Nor does anyone feel they can shift what is in terms of weather.

So it will be for your groups of joy. It just is – but addressing is from various, fascinating viewpoints. And so you will. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/6/2015 6:26:31 PM

The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele: July 5, 2015

Arcturian Group July 5 2015Greetings once again, Dear Ones.

We wish to explain that because so much is happening on the deeper levels, you must be prepared for changes that will soon manifest on Earth in many areas.

Increasingly intense energies of transformation and clearing are bringing about physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual change not only for individuals, but also for Gaia who is a living soul and not a piece of dirt.

This information is not given to cause fear, but simply to help you to understand that certain events are vital and necessary in order for mankind to evolve. Know that always, those involved in Earth events have agreed on the deeper levels to be a part of the experience.

Never forget that you are not simply flesh and blood bodies living on a physical planet. The time is long past due for mankind to understand, accept responsibility, and correct the damage reaped upon Gaia and all her life forms in the name of greed.

As more and more people awaken, change is inevitable, but it often takes a catastrophe or some devastating event for people to even question these things and the question is, is money worth the continual destruction of life, including air and water?

As changes take place on Earth, learn to flow with them, not resisting or struggling to keep the status quo in the belief that “The good old days” were better.

The United State is celebrating a holiday of Freedom at this time. Do you truly understand freedom, or do you continue to believe what you are told about how free you are? Look around you, Dear Ones, and observe how society has gradually allowed itself to be deprived of multiple freedoms under the guise of keeping you safe. FEAR is an effective means of control. You need these rules in order to be safe, don’t you…? It is a NEW TIME.

Question everything you have heretofore accepted without question in the belief that anyone in authority must know what is best for you. You are at a point in your evolutionary journey at which you must reclaim the power and trust you ignorantly gave away.

Start by learning to trust your inner guidance and no longer acting as lemmings blindly following a just as blind leader over the cliff. It is time for peoples of all countries to stop waving flags and shouting: “My country, right or wrong, my country”. It is time to move into a consciousness of the Oneness of all people. It is a NEW TIME.

As a result of many lifetimes lived in the third dimensional energy of duality and separation, a universal ignorance of Oneness became the consensus consciousness of mankind. This sense of separation manifests outwardly as the haves and have nots of the world – some with power, intelligence, and strength and some without.

This belief system continues today, allowing those with the most money or strength to control everyone else. Up to now most have simply accepted this. There are still many people who have need for rules and laws and someone to tell them how to live, but for all awakening souls, it is a NEW TIME.

Pause and think before voting for the individual with the loudest voice promising exactly what you want to hear. Question, ponder, and most importantly, go within to experience the resonance of the state of consciousness of the candidate. Feel their energy, listen to the spaces between the words, trusting your intuition to guide you. This is how you begin to reclaim your innate power and move past the hype and noise created by those who would be in power.

This will create a true democracy, which was the intention of the Founding Fathers for the United States. The United States was founded on deep spiritual principles which over time have been manipulated for personal agendas and allowed to deteriorate from their original high resonating focus. When personal religious beliefs and narrow concepts are allowed to determine laws affecting all but benefiting the few, true freedom is lost and the ideals of a Declaration of Independence no longer exist.

Many still hold ideas of war with pride. We too honor those who selflessly sacrificed themselves because these brave souls were living out from their highest sense of right. Living out from your highest sense of right is all that is required of anyone. This way of resolving issues has been the consciousness of the world in the past and now. However, it is a NEW TIME.

There is a popular saying; “Freedom is not free”. Freedom IS free, it is the sense of separation and wars that act to prevent it. Violence can never and will never bring peace. They are two very separate energies.

You are ready to experience true freedom, Dear Ones, the freedom that has been ever present as your innate birthright and can never be taken from you for it is who you are. However, freedom can only manifest from a state of consciousness that knows who and what it is – not who and what it has been told it is.

You are not meant to live according to the whims of corporations, organized religions, and big government. You ARE the corporations, religions, and government if you choose to be.

This does not mean you must stand in the street shouting and protesting, for often this simply gives an issue more power, not less. It does mean that silently, secretly, and quietly, you begin to trust your ability to make your own choices regarding what you believe.

It means working for change – questioning, pondering, going within, and then taking whatever actions you may be guided to take which may simply be to send Light. It means choosing not to limit yourselves to the “acceptable beliefs” of the third dimensional belief system.

Spirituality cannot be separated from daily living for it is one and the same, but the world in general does not yet understand this. God cannot be prayed to for victory of one group over another – there is only ONE. Bring your highest level of spiritual awareness to every physical, emotional, and mental activity of daily living and you will find more awareness is given for you have opened the door.

Realize that true freedom can only be experienced personally and globally when there evolves a consciousness that all people and all living things are Divine and One within that Universal Consciousness many call God.

Freedom is your soul, your identity, the reality of you as spiritual Beings. You can never be separated from it unless you believe you can be. It does not look that way because at this time the world is manifesting a gross ignorance of this.

Freedom is the essence of your very Being and as this awareness becomes a global state of consciousness, it will manifest outwardly as the peace so many seek, while yet believing that war and separation will bring peace.

Celebrate the birth of your country, Dear Ones, but never forget the real focus and intention that brought it into being. The event of Independence that you celebrate on the 4th of July is not finished, but only represents the first layer of many evolutionary steps necessary for mankind to evolve into a consciousness of real freedom.

This message is given as always, with love for you, our sisters and brothers.

We are the Arcturian Group

The Arcturian Group. Channelled by Marilyn Raffaele. July 5, 2015.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/6/2015 6:29:56 PM

The World Won’t Change Until We Do


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

It’s clear that there’s a lot of evil in the world, and it’s easy to get dismayed at our society’s current condition. Sometimes, we’re hit with the world’s ills when we least expect, and centeredness can be difficult when we try our best and still can’t get past all of the negativity and drama.

We only need to look around to see that our world’s broken. It seems difficult for most people to find lasting happiness, and while a corrupt, self-obsessed elite continues to blow the planet to smithereens for personal profit, most ‘common’ people struggle with negative, selfish and uncaring tendencies that keep us from a new world just as much as the elite’s crimes.

We’ve forgotten how to treat each other as fellow humans who are trying to survive and create a life worth living. We’ve forgotten that we’re all reaching for the same goals – to live, to enjoy life, and to do it with as little conflict or turmoil as possible. Some people create conflict out of thin air that others are forced to respond to, and they do it out of a lack of self-love, which fuels their anger and their inability to love or respect others.

We need to change the way we function as a society, and when we understand the things we’re all doing – not just the elite, but the common man too – we won’t just want to make external changes. It’s understandable that so many people want to change the outer world and bring an end to division, hatred and uncaring, and this is why people have embraced activism throughout the ages, but it’s incomplete if it isn’t accompanied by personal change.


Personally, our world’s condition (and the condition of our collective consciousness) has saddened me on more than one occasion. For me, this isn’t just about the corruption in our governments or big corporations – it’s about the mindsets, attitudes and behaviors of each individual, because we’re all responsible for our planet’s condition. The elite have only gotten away with their crimes because we’ve been too divided and complacent to do anything about them, and the condition of the common man concerns me just as much as corporate or government corruption.

Dethroning the elite might give us some temporary changes, but they won’t last if we can’t change as individuals. Any positive or progressive societal changes we make will be fleeting if we still have division in our minds and hatred in our hearts, and until we can change, we’ll never make any societal changes that last. The change has to come from within, and it has to start with us.

If I want the world or the people around me to change, I have to change. I have to change things from within and make life better for everyone around me before I have any hope of seeing the world change, and this puts me, and each of you by consequence, in a whole new position.

To be a true revolutionary, we don’t have to give speeches about corruption in front of a big crowd. We don’t have to plan or participate in protests that highlight the things government and big corporations are doing wrong, but I’m not discouraging it because it raises awareness.

We don’t have to do anything big or flashy to be true revolutionaries or world changers – all we have to do is change ourselves. All we have to do is examine our lives and how we interact with others (as well as how we conduct ourselves in private) to determine what changes need made, and make them. The hardest part is to actually stick with them, but if we’re willing to attend protests or give big speeches, then we should be willing to dedicate ourselves to our personal transformation.


Most people don’t understand that our attitude is paramount to the new way of life we want to create, and we have to step up and be the examples of personal change if we want others to follow suit. If we want the hatred we see in the world to stop, then we need to cease our own hatred. If we want to eradicate prejudice in the world, then we need to eradicate it in ourselves, which means treating everyone the way we’d treat a friend.

If we want people to stop fighting, then we have to stop fighting with the people around us, no matter how we do it. Even an argument between loved ones (or anything else we think is insignificant) is amplified in the collective consciousness and turned into physical conflicts between nations, religions, etc.

The things we do right here, right now determine the future we experience, and we can eradicate war, hatred, disease and hunger by changing ourselves to reflect the conscious, compassionate individuals we want to see populate the Earth. We have to be those individuals, and for most of us, this means we have to become them.

How can we expect anyone else to become more respectful or compassionate toward their fellow man if we can’t? We’re the ones who consider ourselves conscious of the things that are wrong with the world and the changes that need made, so why not seriously dedicate ourselves to the pursuit of personal change?

We’ll be more enthusiastic and authentic about changing the external world if we do, and even if it isn’t apparent at first, other people will respond to our joy, authenticity, and openness. When we can make life better for ourselves and the people around us, which requires a degree of selflessness, we’ll make them feel better, more open and more willing to gravitate to the qualities that can change the world.


Respecting others will seem easier for them when we can respect them. They won’t feel so constricted or cut off from that higher part of themselves that they require if they want thrive, and they’ll generally seem a lot happier and more complete. While our love and kindness won’t solely change them, the effect will be more notable than we initially anticipate and this’ll motivate us to show as much love and openness as we can, in every moment and to every person.

We won’t want to censor ourselves anymore, and this will in turn increase the openness of others. They’ll feel more comfortable around us and more willing to stay centered, and their hatred or intolerance toward others might eventually decrease.

If everyone in every country could do this, I’m confident that we could make some significant changes. I think we’d create a significant ripple effect that’d inspire, empower and encourage others to return to love and create the changes they want to see in the world while giving their perspective on the countless societal issues that need addressed.

All of the articles we write about government or corporate corruption are incomplete if we fail to stem the flow of thoughts and emotions in ourselves that cause corruption. What we see at the surface with corruption isn’t the whole picture, and the individuals responsible are responding to intensified forms of the same negative and selfish thoughts, emotions and habits that the conscious community still responds to on a daily basis.

We’re just as capable of corruption as our governments, and while we haven’t done the truly awful thing they have and this gives us a feeling of righteousness as we talk about all of their injustice, the truth is that most of us regularly receive and usually act on lessened forms of the same corrupting thoughts, feelings and desires.

The difference between us and the elite is that they’ve acted on these desires for so long that they’ve expanded and intensified the matrix of egoism, negativity and selfishness that encompasses them, and we could do the same thing if we don’t keep our negativity or our misaligned desires in check. We’ll expand our personal negative matrix if we continue to feed it, and for this reason alone, changing ourselves is important.

I’d like to focus more on my personal transformation from here on out, and it isn’t as much about being self-centered or egotistical as it is understanding that my (and your) transformation is the most important driving factor behind our collective evolution.


We’re transcending our old ways and adopting new ones that reflect the harmonious life we’ve been talking so much about, and there will come a time when we realize we need to speed up the process by playing a more active role in our own transformation. Otherwise, our evolution will continue to go at a snail’s pace and we’ll wonder why we never seem to make progress year after year.

Feel free to put more focus on your process and remember to help others along the way. Selflessness becomes natural and effortless when we have love for ourselves and we’ve solved the issues that held us back, and it’ll feel good to know we’ve helped others and made a positive impact on the world in any way possible.

Our self-love will increase, which will in turn motivate us to help even more people. As everyone starts this process and makes an impact on the people around them, love and consciousness will spread like the plague and for the first time in our history, we’ll be willing to come together, tear down our borders and reclaim our inner and outer freedom.

Share freely.

I’m a twenty-two year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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