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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/4/2015 6:01:15 PM

Jeshua via Pamela Kribbe: Inhabitant of Two Worlds – The Lightworker’s Mission

Pamela Kribbe

Dear friends, I am Jeshua; I love you all deeply. I respect who you are, both your light and your dark sides.

I call upon you, you who are the carriers of today’s new consciousness. In my life, I carried a torch of light and wanted to share it with humanity. I was a very human being, just like you.

I had anger and despair, just like you, but there also were moments of deep connection with my soul.

I was growing on the inner level, just like you. It is important that you stop seeing me as a perfect being, a master high above you. I am your brother, your friend, and I am not here to judge or to preach. I want to share my feelings of companionship with you, so please feel my respect for you.

I would like to say “hello” to you all, individually; please feel my presence in your heart. You are ready to change, ready to admit who you really are.

You are an eternal being who has traveled throughout the universe for many, many lifetimes, but you have become used to making yourself small and to measuring yourself by the standards of society. You think of yourself as a woman or a man, rich or poor, healthy or sick, and you define yourself in those terms, but you are so much more than that.

You are so free, and the biggest tragedy of becoming human in present day society is that you lose your sense of freedom. For so many ages, Earth has been enshrouded in an atmosphere of fear, and people have become disconnected from their original power and creativity. When you feel separated from your own essence, you start to behave in the ‘accepted’ manner and so you become out of balance.

When you are disconnected from your soul, you basically feel lost, continually, and there is emptiness, a hole in your heart, which you then start to try to fill with things from outside you.

You want to fill the hole with possessions, or power, or you lose yourself in visions of a perfect romantic relationship, and so you may become addicted to specific kinds of behavior or things. But the basic problem is that you feel disconnected from your own essence, from your soul.

A lightworker is a person who can no longer bear to live separated from their soul. They feel a kind of longing, a kind of homesickness in their heart, and as they become more mature, they start to realize that nothing coming from outside can fill that hole, which is why lightworkers become very interested in spirituality; they become seekers on the spiritual path.

They start their search because they feel wounded inside, but their wounds are not just their wounds. The wound of separation is shared by all humanity, although a large part of humanity is still seeking solutions outside themselves.

Lightworker souls are aware that the answer lies within, and because of that awareness they are meant to be teachers and healers, but a lot of lightworkers are struggling with a very low self-image. When they grow up as a child, they take in a lot of the judgments of their family and society.

Maybe they feel they cannot be as ambitious as their parents would like them to be. They are often very sensitive and need to withdraw and to experience quiet times to remain centered. They are often idealistic and many of them have artistic talents.

It is part of a lightworker soul’s mission to introduce a new kind of consciousness on Earth, but to be able to do that you need to firmly believe in yourself. You have to trust the voice of your own intuition and your feelings, not in an ego-based way, such as: “I am farther ahead of other people”, but in a heart-based way: by appreciating and respecting yourself, because that is how your heart can speak to you.

The pitfall for many lightworkers is that they lose themselves in feelings of inferiority, dismissing their true needs and desires. You need a strong personality to be able to disconnect from society’s ideas and to be yourself.

And that is what I would like to emphasize today: the importance of being strong and self-aware, which is a message about the male energy inside you.

When I was living on Earth over two thousand years ago, I needed to often isolate myself in order to remember who I was.

There were a lot of confusing energies around me, especially from the expectations of the people close to me. I needed to protect myself from that to remain connected to my higher self. Often, I would go to the desert alone to feel really close to God, to Spirit, and to keep my confidence.

It is the same for you. You are inhabitants of two worlds: you have one foot in today’s human society and the other foot in your soul’s dimension, the realm you come from.

You need to firmly keep your foot in that dimension, otherwise you become bogged down and fearful because of society’s pressure. You need your male energy to firmly say, “no” to demands and expectations that do not feel right for you.

So, in that sense, you must be a warrior, although not a warrior who is fighting and struggling with other people. To be a warrior means to be true to yourself, to disconnect often from the world around you, and to listen to what you feel, to what you sense, to trust your inner guidance.

I ask you to now travel with me in your imagination to the desert and to go there at night time. The temperature has cooled down and you see a sky above you full of brilliant stars. Imagine that you are there with me, and feel the mystery of the huge space around you – feel the mystery of life.

You find a place to sit down and you relax and go inside yourself. The desert is like an external gateway to your own inner temple into which you now enter. Inside that temple you feel connected to the fullness of the Earth and to all the stars in the Heavens.

You are such a great and vast being, and you tell yourself: “I accept my greatness; I am different; I am here to bring in a new consciousness.”

Remember where you come from: a place of quiet wisdom from which you have been called to come down to Earth at this time. You are here to heal your inner wounds and to also provide an example to other people. I ask you to take yourselves seriously.

When you are inside your inner temple, there is a guide there who wants to offer you some help or advice. Remember your guides are your friends – really. You are very much soulmates, but because they are on the other side they see some things more clearly than you do with your human eyes.

When you allow your guides to come closer, recognize them as your friends and feel a sense of familiarity. Now ask your guides what it is you need to know right now. If you feel upset, or down about something in your life, you can tell them. Feel that there is a lot of help and guidance from this side, from this dimension.

You are so much appreciated for what you do, and your guides are there only to remind you of things that you already know.

Before you descended to Earth and incarnated in this body, you were a very aware being, so feel connected with your guides, for they are the representatives of the dimension of your soul.

Now imagine you leave this temple and you bring its energy with you down to Earth. As you are sitting here in this chair, in this room, allow the energy of your greater self, your soul, to be fully with you inside your body, and be aware that the world needs you; the world needs the particular energy of your soul.

I would like to thank you for your courage and perseverance. I honor you deeply, and even if you feel confused, or you are in pain, I can still see your light shining brightly. I am here to remind you of that light and to convince you of my trust in you.

© Pamela Kribbe

“Jeshua: Inhabitant of Two Worlds: The Lightworker’s Mission,” channeled by Pamela Kribbe, July, 2015, at

Source Link: The Jeshua Channelings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/4/2015 6:04:25 PM

Celestial White Beings via Natalie Glasson: Understanding and Awakening Your Ascension

background-657026_1280Dear beloved ones, we bring forth our vibration of bliss to you, surrounding and submerging you in the qualities of bliss.

This is not a quality of joy, happiness, or delight; it is akin to a cosmic happiness which fills your entire being on all levels, demonstrating to you that the Creator is fully present within your being.

Bliss is like a magic which is born simply from resonance with and acceptance of the Creator, rather than from material objects, experiences, or people.

When you are experiencing bliss, your entire being is rejoicing in the exquisite vibrations of the Creator. Healing and rejuvenation take place, which allows for sensations and acknowledgement of contentment, encouraging truth to arise. Thus, greater states of bliss are experienced as you commune on a deeper level with the Creator, becoming and embodying all that is the Creator.

For us, the Celestial White Beings, the vibration and experience of true bliss is a symbol of being united in oneness with the Creator. When sensations of bliss are continuous, ever expanding and deepening, then one is residing within the core of the Creator, moving in rhythm with the Creator, and embodying the Creator.

The vibrations of bliss, when experienced purely within the emotional body, meaning that bliss blossoms of its own accord within your being, then stirs the soul, asking and encouraging the soul to awaken within the physical body and reality, guiding further.

It is often through the emotional body that the soul can be comprehended and activated, as your emotions and senses allow you to feel and connect with the expansive nature of your soul, which the mind and your thoughts cannot.

When we speak of creating, embodying, and experiencing love within your being, and radiating it into your reality, we are asking you to use your emotional body, and your feelings and senses, to form a state of being which is open, active, expansive, and aware.

From this state, you are more easily able to access and align with the vibrations of the Creator, downloading and arousing the higher aspects of your being, as well as being able to more fully comprehend the expansive nature of the Creator.

Thus, states and sensations of bliss are born, which are a higher frequency of the Creator, born from vibrations and connections of love.

This is why focus upon love and the creation of the Era of Love upon the Earth are essential at this time. The process of manifesting love of all forms within your reality encourages you to enter into states of openness and willingness to connect with and remember the Creator within you.

States and experiences of divine unconditional love stir the soul, allowing the soul to present itself. The body and entire being then react, due to the presence of the soul creating states of bliss which further heighten the downloading of the Creator and your soul.

Focus upon love is immensely important to aid divine remembrance of the Creator, which is in truth the stirring of the soul in manifestation and realisation.

Our energy, the Celestial White Beings, holds the vibration of the origin of the Creator. We supported the creation of the Earth with our creative original essence. Whenever you connect with us, we remind you of your own original essence, the core of the Creator, which is so familiar to your soul.

This creates an instant awakening, alignment, and remembrance, deeply supportive to the ascension of your soul. The blissful vibrations you recognise in our pure white energy are that of cosmic awakening, alignment, and remembrance, peeling away all forms of illusions to bring forth truth.

With this understanding of bliss, you can recognise the healing powers within our light, which are always available to you, and how we can support your acceleration of resonance with the Creator.

To resonate with and as the Creator is to react as the Creator. Observing your reactions is a powerful way of moving through illusion into truth and clarity.

It is your divine purpose to ensure your reactions are born from a space of truth, alignment, and expression of the Creator, as your reactions are also your creations, fuelling and manifesting within your reality.

When your reactions are born from a space of love and maybe at a later time bliss within you, then you know you are unifying yourself with the truth of your being; the Creator.

We, the Celestial White Beings, invite you to take time to observe whether your reactions fuel your creations, and therefore experiences. By noticing the energy present within your reactions, you can recognise if it is the same energy present within the situations and circumstances presented by you, to you, in your reality.

We also invite you to experience our pure white light to build and awaken vibrations of love and bliss within your being, thus aiding further remembrance and alignment with the Creator to consciously evolve.

‘Beloved Celestial White Beings, I call upon your celestial and cosmic vibrational pure white light to enfold my entire being.

‘I consciously open myself to receive your light and divine intervention to form and awaken frequencies of love within my being.

‘May my inner love stir my soul to become in greater action within my being and reality. I consciously open myself to receive your light and divine intervention to form and awaken frequencies of bliss within my being.

‘May my inner states of bliss stir my soul to become in greater action and embodiment within my being and reality.

‘I consciously open myself to receive your light and divine intervention to form and awaken frequencies of remembrance with and resonance of the Creator within my being.

‘May my inner states of alignment stir my soul to become a pure reaction of truth from within my being, creating and manifesting the Creator through my expressions eternally.

‘I recognise the process of ascension taking place within my being, and the journey of healing and evolution I can experience through emotional states of love and bliss.

‘I am my truth now, and I invite the Celestial White Beings to support my conscious awareness and experience of this in my present moment.

‘May your light enfold me now, stirring my soul into manifestation with my conscious acceptance. Thank you.’

We invite you to sit or lie down, simply breathing our pure vibrations into your being, free from expectation, with a simple knowingness and truth within your awareness. Let us be of service and healing to you.

Due to the high quantity of the original energy and essence of the Creator within our light, we also invite you to hold the intention of dissolving illusions and expectations while calling upon our energy to unfold you.

In a time when love is the pathway to remembrance and heightened states of consciousness, we wish to make you aware that expectations hinder your spiritual evolution.

Intentions are a focus fuelled by divine energy. However, expectations are a focus fuelled by and engaged with attachment, and, in truth, the feeling of lack.

Emotional feelings and states of lack fuel a reality of separation, which causes pain and suffering on many levels of your being. Such energies and experiences are not aligned with the Era of Love, and so are require to be dissolved, dispersed, and erased, in order to offer a space and freedom for the experiences of bliss.

‘Beloved Celestial White Beings, I call upon your celestial and cosmic vibrational pure white light to enfold my entire being.

‘I consciously open myself to receive your light and divine intervention to dissolve, disperse, and erase any or all inappropriate illusions and expectations which are hindering and blocking my ascension, spiritual evolution, and remembrance of the Creator.

‘As I let go of and consciously become aware of illusions and expectations born from my creations, I encourage my soul to stir becoming in greater action within my being and reality. Thank you.’

We invite you to sit or lie down to receive our light and a deep healing to aid your resonance with and as the Creator.

In sacred bliss,
Celestial White Beings

“Celestial White Beings: Understanding and Awakening Your Ascension,” channeled by Natalie Glasson, July 3, 2015 at

Source Links: Natalie Glasson OmNA School ; Sacred School of OmNa

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/4/2015 6:12:21 PM


Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - July 3, 2015


The latest guidance for Lightworkers, from our friends, the fifth and sixth dimensional beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends and fellow Light warriors!

We realize that you are, in many parts of the world, feeling a bit weary of what remains of the third dimensional path you chose before arriving upon this Earth.
You have in fact chosen it many times before, and even ascended before now. But you have not, any of you, ascended from a third dimensional planet as that planet was itself ascending, and that makes this a remarkable and unprecedented moment — for you, and for your entire Universe.

We would say, in fact, that you are aware of how rare, how powerful, and how glorious a moment this is, even in the midst of releasing the last of the third dimension. You have just seen another solstice period — the Summer Solstice for those living in the Northern reaches of the world — and are no doubt still feeling the effects of this beautiful and empowering portal into higher energies.

Several remarkable things are happening, dear friends.
Not only are increasingly higher frequencies of Love and enlightenment — a sort of coming home, without your having to leave your physical bodies this time — coming into the Earth now.

Cloud Ships
Cloud Ships

But you are more and more acclimating to these higher frequencies, and to the higher tones and vibrations of the notes being sounded by the Angelic realms which every moment surround your dear planet.

These are bringing Earth’s reality to higher and higher levels — ones that will reflect peace, abundance, Divine order, human freedoms, and the natural beauty that Earth was always meant to offer all who live upon Her.

Understand that, as we have said many times, this is not something that is happening to you. This is something that is happening through you, and because of you.

You have called out for higher and higher levels of assistance, as did your Earth some time ago (on your current timeline). You then declared/required and are still requiring our ongoing aid in ousting the frauds, war profiteers, and exploiters who have long occupied the most powerful positions on Earth, in terms of human-made institutions and hierarchies.

And we have answered you, and shall continue to do so.

It is why our ships are positioned everywhere in your skies now. It is why we walk the halls of the Pentagon and the US congress, of NASA and yes, even your intelligence agencies, and the agencies and governments of nearly every nation upon the Earth.

Most certainly, we look to be just like you. But we are not.

We carry a far higher vibration, and the ability to morph back into our natural form at any time, or to dematerialize and observe Earthly goings on from the position of not being seen or heard.

And now you will ask, “If you have been here all this time — probably, for thousands of years — why didn’t you intervene sooner? Why haven’t you helped us out of the horrible exploitation, violence, and oppressive systems — all the lies — sooner?”

And of course we would have been more than pleased to have done so. For most of us have family, friends, colleagues, or twin flames living upon the Earth plane. We would have been more than joyfully happy to end our sadness and yours, by swooping in and rescuing you from your travails at any time in your history, and there have been isolated cases of individuals or groups being saved in just such a manner.

But to save an entire planet without His or Her request — that we cannot do.
Nor could we move in to aid you in any obvious way politically, until the heinous acts of September 11, fourteen years ago, were committed. That one act, created and carried out by your Earthly cabal, was a symbol of the trajectory your planet has been on for a very long time — one of the denial of your sovereign right to determine your own thought, your own lives, and your own destiny as a race of beings.

Once that “mass psychological attack” as it has been aptly termed was committed, the Universal law we had followed regarding Earth (which you may know by the popular term the Prime Directive) had been violated to the point where our intervention was not only possible but required. And so we stand ready, dear friends and family.

You feel the excitement building, and you feel your heart spaces opening and growing ever more powerful in this Ascension era — and well you should!

For we stand at the door of your world, and knock.

Open it wide, with your full and joyful expectation of governments disclosing regarding our presence. Open it wide, with your full and joyful knowing that Earth is ready now to take up Her place within the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds. And open with your heart full of gratitude that the nightmare is finally ending.

For though it is a certainty that the planet is ascending, the “how” and the “when” are always up to you.

It is not our story to write, or our play to direct. We wait upon you and your continued determination to speed along the decisions of your governments and the powerful, world-changing intentions of Lightworkers to break down energetic walls and barriers that were never meant to exist.

Understand that you are all-powerful, that you are no one’s victim, and that you have our absolute respect. You are one of us, and we call to you, just as you call to us. Look to the skies, and look within — we are among you.
Namaste! You are never alone.

Copyright 2015, Caroline Oceana Ryan
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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/4/2015 9:02:51 PM

FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2015

Waking Up to the REAL You

As part of our collective ascension to higher consciousness and continued lifting of the veil of reality, the very nature of our being is one of the biggest questions we all hope to answer.

The lecture below about “The Real You” by Alan Watts, provides the most eloquent description of what it means to “be” and why we are here “being” in the first place. We are all equal parts of the universe that have forgotten we are whole, and just as a wave is something that the ocean does, we are something that the universe does.

We are not puppets that are meant to be pushed around by life, the real “us” is the entire universe, and our ultimate birthright is to be the creative expression of the universe that we are intended to be here, to be. We were not created for a cubicle, and we were not created to be enslaved by “paper”. We are here to express ourselves, to live, create, and be free.

Releasing the fear of death and failure is our first step toward that freedom, because once you realize there is no permanence, and all is infinite just as the universe is, we can rest assured that the dream of life, can become our dream life.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/5/2015 5:36:03 PM

GaiaPortal 7-4-15… “Enrapturings are finished”

gaiaportal_logo147Not going to try to analyze this… yet. Anyway, it hits my innards rather “right on”.


Enrapturings are finished.

Essentials are incorporated into all Energetic up-levelings as their absence precludes existence.

Last messages have been heard.

First messagings of the New Era are recognized by the seekers.

Finalities are no more.

The moment is now.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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