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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/2/2015 9:15:03 PM

Believe in Yourself – You’re Here to Change the World


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

In a time when humanity is socially and spiritually evolving, believing in ourselves is more crucial than ever. We have to have faith and confidence in ourselves, even if the rest of society puts us down, because we’re here to help the world come together, transform our society and find the higher state of consciousness that’s seemed nonexistent for millennia. It’s been here the whole time, but we’ve been conditioned to forget about it.

Even if you don’t believe in ascension or any other spiritual concepts, believing in yourself is still crucial. Let’s say you aren’t a very spiritual person, but you have a deeply rooted desire to expose and bring down the corrupt elite. You won’t be able to contribute anything significant if you don’t have enough confidence in yourself to believe you can, but increasing your self-confidence will enable you to enthusiastically contribute instead of hiding in the shadows for the sake of comfort.

If we don’t believe in ourselves, then we naturally won’t achieve much in the way of social or spiritual evolution. We won’t be able to help society come together, because we won’t have enough self-confidence to talk about the importance of it. We won’t be able to talk about the corrupt elite, because we won’t believe in ourselves enough to take a stand against them and expose what they’re doing to our world.

We won’t be able to talk about spirituality, because no matter how much we study, learn or meditate, we won’t think we know enough to give a proper perspective.

Most people don’t understand that the little voice in our mind that tries to convince us we aren’t good enough is rooted in a lack of love and self-respect, and we have to learn to love ourselves if we want that voice to go away.


Anyone will tell you that we have to change ourselves before we can change the world, and an important part of this change will be to increase our self-love if we don’t feel like we have enough. Once we begin to love ourselves, our self-confidence will skyrocket and we’ll be able to pour our love into our work to bring humanity into the light. Since we’ll no longer doubt ourselves, we’ll have no problem using our voice and illuminating topics like corruption, spirituality and unity.

We’ll be able to give our perspective on the various issues that unfold every day, and we’ll do it from a confident, empowered space because we’ll no longer doubt our abilities. We’ll no longer stop ourselves from saying exactly what we want to say, because we’ll understand that our perspective is not only unique, but important. Everything we have to offer is significant, but we’ll fail to understand this if our self-confidence is so low that we don’t allow ourselves to flow.

Some people doubt themselves because of adversity or disempowerment they experienced earlier in life. Maybe they had a classmate or family member who ruthlessly picked on them or convinced them they weren’t good enough, and they’ve carried this lack of love and respect into adulthood to the point that they no longer believe in themselves. We have to overcome this kind of adversity if we want to contribute with any degree of self-confidence, and while it’s easier said than done, the rewards will be endless if we make an effort.

The greatest reward will be that we no longer stop ourselves from flowing with love in our hearts and clarity in our minds, and other people will be drawn to our work because of the confidence with which we’ll do it. The world is looking for self-confident wayshowers who can use their perspective and the love they carry within to help the masses awaken, and we can step up to fill this role if we can learn to love and respect ourselves.

Not to mention that when we believe in ourselves, it gets easier to believe in the rest of the world. We can help other people become aware of the things that are happening right now and the importance of getting active and using our collective voice, and we can encourage the masses to empower themselves, stand up to the one percent and take back this planet in the name of progress and prosperity for the common man.


We can help everyone understand that our world isn’t the way it’s supposed to be, and then, we can encourage them to come together to devise some kind of solution to the world’s problems. It all starts with the willingness to empower ourselves, and when we’re empowered, we’ll want the world to be empowered too. We’ll want everyone to understand how significant their role in the big picture really is, and while we’ll understand the significance of our role, we’ll also understand that we can’t do it alone.

No one individual (or group of individuals) can change the world, even if they make all of the personal changes that are required, and with self-confidence, self-love and self-empowerment will come a strong personal desire to empower others and help them return to their loving center.

Everyone has something valuable to contribute, so let’s recognize how valuable our role is and finally start doing the work we’ve come here to do. Even if we don’t go out of our way to empower others, the inspired work we do will show them that spiritual revolution really is possible, and then, they might get motivated to start working too. We need as much motivation and as many willing spiritual revolutionaries as we can get, because we have a lot of changes to make and a decreasing amount of time to make them.

The time will come when everyone’s empowered and willing to follow their dreams, and fortunately, most of these dreams will involve bringing down the elite and creating a fairer world that operates in the best interests of each sovereign citizen. This kind of world is closer than we think, and we just have to keep working to lay the foundation for a new society of awake, aware, free-thinking individuals who aren’t afraid to expose lies and illuminate the truth.

Share freely.

I’m a twenty-two year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/2/2015 9:16:18 PM

Planet Alert July 2015, by Mahala Gayle

June 30th, 2015

What a month June turned out to be. Did you feel the intensity? I started feeling the intensity in the afternoon of the full moon on June 2, 2015 and it continued all month. If we thought June was intense, just wait and see what July will bring. This month starts out pretty good with a full moon on July 1, 2015 at 7:20 PM PDT. This moon is called “The Moon of Blessings and Magic” and Venus and Jupiter will be conjunct at this time. This indicates the Return of the Christ energy (Goddess energy) that is within all of us.

I received an email today with a headline saying “Star of Bethlehem returns for the first time in 2,000 years on 22 degrees Leo, which is the degree of Wealth, Esteem, and Power. Astronomers are calling this conjunction the return of the Star of Bethlehem because this is what the magi (astronomers/astrologers) have been watching and waiting for. This event will be like an announcement in the heavens of the long expected second coming when divine enlightenment rises like the sun, from the east to the west”.

The meaning of this conjunction on 22 degrees Leo is “A carrier pigeon fulfilling its mission, or Spirituality in terms of training for service to mankind.” We now have the successfully trained carrier Pigeon delivering the message it was meant to carry. This refers to spiritual energies that can now be used constructively, and it also means it is now time for us to educate the masses.

NASA says that Jupiter and Venus will merge into a dazzling “super star” in the Western horizon by the end of June, which means right now. It’s time to tune into this energy, which is one of the best aspects you can have in your chart. It rules love and money. It’s also a very good time to get married or have a party. The planet Uranus is making a perfect trine to that conjunction and Uranus rules change that brings in a new way of doing things. This means we will be going through a lot of changes, which could become kind of chaotic for the next couple of months.

Regulus, the Royal Star of the Lion, is the third star in this alignment in the heavens. Regulus is now on zero degrees Virgo and this brings in the Goddess energy. The sign of Virgo is the Goddess sign. This energy will be in effect for the next 2,000 years. Jupiter is considered the Father in Astrology and Venus the Mother. In other words this is telling us that the polarity we have been going through for thousands of years is about to change. The masculine and feminine energy is being balanced within us so we can focus on Love Energy.

Venus moves onto zero degrees Virgo on July 19th and turns retrograde on July 25th. Venus will stay retrograde until September 5, 2015 and on September 27thVenus will be on 22 degrees Leo, which was the degree of its conjunction. This may be the time when everything starts moving in a positive direction.

Next year on August 27, 2016 there will be another conjunction of these two planets. This next conjunction will be on 28 degrees Virgo. This past year, as Jupiter was moving through Leo, we learned how to open our hearts to more love. This manifested in some people as heart attacks. For most people what appeared as a heart event was just a symptom of their heart opening. Jupiter moves out of Leo into Virgo on August 9, 2015, where it will stay for one year.

It’s interesting that Greece is in a major monetary crisis now as this conjunction is occurring. Does this mean that the domino is about to fall and Greece is the trigger for a world monetary change? We’ve been waiting for this for a long time. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is about to come online in July 2015, and be fully established by the end of 2015. There are 57 countries that have joined this bank. The United States and Japan have not joined yet. In September we may start to feel the full effects of this new banking system. Financial events are happening now like President Obama announcing a Major Overtime Expansion Payment today on TV.

There are a lot of events that will occur this month. In my last article I talked about the Mars/Pluto opposition that will occur on the upcoming new moon on July 15th. At that time Mars will be on 14 degrees Cancer, right over Washington, D.C and Pluto will be on 14 degrees Capricorn. The Sun is almost on 14 degrees Cancer right now and we are already feeling the effects of this Mars/Pluto aspect because one of the manifestations of this energy is power and control over money. Look at what happened to the Stock Market on Monday, June 29th.

Maybe it is time to concentrate on any anger or frustration that is still hidden inside of us and bring it up to look at and release. Let there be peace in the world and let it begin with me. If enough people would do this we might be able to negate the negative effects from the Mars/Pluto aspect that is now in effect on 3D Earth.

Another meaning of the Mars/Pluto aspect is the possibility of war-like energy, including violence, riots, revolutions, fires, explosions, and power struggles between different countries. Washington D.C. is under the Mars aspect this month and Russia is under the Pluto aspect. Does this mean there will be more confrontations between those two countries? The Saturn Retrograde energy is over the Middle East and Africa. It looks like more violence or Earth changes will occur in those areas, and we might start hearing more from Iran.

According to Astrology, the next two months will still see people releasing things from their past. This also includes negative world events coming to light for everyone to see. There are several different realities in affect right now and you have the choice of which reality you choose to live in. If you choose the higher dimension world, the negative part will cease to exist in your reality. There will be a lot of light coming to Earth in the next two months. This means the Hertz level of Earth (Earth’s heartbeat) will become higher, and this will make it easier to vibrate to a higher dimension Earth. I believe that by September, or before, those who are ready will be able to start manifesting heaven on Earth.

Then we have major events coming up in September. One of them is the visit of the Pope to the United States in September where he will speak before congress and the United Nations. He will announce the creation of a new organization that will be above the World Controllers and will include all countries. This sounds like a manifestation of the New World Order which could upset many people, but then it might be the best thing that has ever happened to us if we create it as positive. The whole world will be coming together as one. The goal of this organization will be centered on what to do about weather changes and how we can deal with them. The Pope has written a letter that is 184 pages long. You can read if you like. Check out the ZeroHedge article “God’s Man On Earth Tells Goldman It Isn’t Doing ‘God’s Work‘”.

As the sun and Mars move through the sign of Cancer, the East Coast of the United States will be affected. Cancer is a water sign, which rules rain and flooding and Mars is a fire sign. Mercury is still in Gemini, which is an air sign and rules storms and this energy was over the area from the Cascade Mountains to the Mississippi River in June. A lot of storms were felt in those areas in June. Now they will be felt in other parts of the world.

There are Earth changes happening all over the world. Japan is a very active area and so is Taiwan and the Philippines. And there was a large Earthquake in New Zealand about a week ago. Even though the sun will be going through Cancer this month there is a lot of fire energy in force right now. It’s my understanding that fire energy is also Love Energy. Let’s use the positive side of this fire energy and start creating Heaven on Earth. All is Well in My World! So Be It! Written in Love and Light.

***** Mahala Gayle *****

This is a moon of blessings. I am open to donations. I could use some help in paying my dentist bill. If you have a little extra money you don’t know what to do with it, send it my way. – donation button.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/3/2015 6:22:54 PM

Message from Matthew 6-24-15…

matthew29With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. As information from countless sources pours in, please keep in mind that only some is factual—much is disinformation, misinformation, incomplete coverage, skewed perceptions or uninformed opinions—and that everything that actually is happening is purposeful. This includes teetering or bankrupt economies; protests about injustices; terrorism; weather extremes and natural disasters; massive numbers of refugees; corporate and governmental shake-ups; and yes, even FIFA’s scandalous operation. Everything going on in your world is serving to fulfill chosen karmic experiences or aiding Earth’s return to environmental health or stirring minds that have been stuck in the oblivion of third density’s limitations.

It isn’t necessary in this moment that everyone understand current situations in the context of karma and balance, planetary cleansing and ascension or souls awakening—eventually that understanding will come to each individual. What is necessary in this moment is happening, and it is evident around your world: the peoples’ ever-growing determination to no longer accept killing, oppression, corruption, deception, pollution and impoverishment as “just life.” All light beings throughout this universe are beaming light and helping in many other ways to assist your dedicated endeavors to end “just life” conditions.

A number of messages some time ago explained what caused the 10-year delay in your society’s attaining the consciousness level anticipated by the Highest Universal Council when they formulated Earth’s Golden Age master plan. In a more recent message we told you that by the end of your year 2017, that decade of delay will be over—a fact that meant no more than that, yet it elicited a flood of emails.

The questions can be summed up as follows: Do you mean that no important developments can happen until the end of 2017? Is that when spacecraft crews will land and ETs living here will identify themselves? Will Earth reach her ascension destination in 2017? Can Earth really be restored to her original health and beauty in that short time? Does this mean all wars will continue until 2017?

Especially erroneous is the idea that our statement meant, or implied, that no significant developments can happen until the end of 2017. Beloved Earth family, with every passing day you are moving forward in transforming your world, an undertaking of unprecedented magnitude that is being achieved with unprecedented speed! We wish—as you do!—that everything this entails would happen in the blink of an eye, and it could if enough souls there believed it could. But few know they have this innate power, so progress in ways the populace can see goes according to what they think is possible in linear time, and they have no idea about major developments “off stage.”

That notwithstanding, with great joy we tell you that activity in strategic areas is reaching fever pitch, so to say, and Earth’s energy field of potential indicates that results with far-reaching benevolent effects is on the near horizon. Nothing can reverse this forward movement, but its momentum could be slowed because the field is in constant motion as energy streamers zigzag this way or that in accordance with thoughts, feelings and deeds of every life form on the planet. Steadfastness in radiating your light will help to keep momentum in the fast lane.

Now then, we are happy to respond to a variety of questions. No, we don’t perceive China as “trying to become #1 with economic and military superiority over the US and Russia.” China’s leaders are no different from those in the United States, Russia and all other countries—they want a satisfied citizenry because that is the foundation of national stability. The government of China would like to show solidarity to the world, but largely due to social media, it is evident that there is conflict among those in power, much like it is in other countries during these tumultuous times. Powerful persons in all ruling bodies from community level to international are reacting to heightening vibrations—hardliners are digging in their heels, up-and-coming leaders are embracing the light. As “good vibes” keep accelerating, the hardliners will wane in numbers and influence.

Numerous readers in the United States have expressed concern that the military training exercise called Jade Helm is a “red flag” so the government can declare martial law, confiscate guns, and put dissenters in FEMA camps to undergo brainwashing. This is no different from the many other instances that also were labeled “red flags”—either outright false information disseminated to create panic or the assumption of individuals who tend to ascribe sinister intentions to whatever the government does. Please do not be drawn into the fear that is the basis of this melodrama from “either/or” source.

Another area of some concern is the risk posed by potential malfunctioning of the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland. First we say, if scientists in advanced civilizations and Nirvana had not deemed that your world was ready for this advancement, they would not have “filtered” to your physicists even the idea of this technology, much less construction and operating instructions. Yes, it is human to err, as your saying goes, and if someone does that, crews in ships overhead are prepared to prevent a serious outcome.

We have been asked if all who were involved in the shooting in the historic church in Charleston, South Carolina, agreed to play those roles. The nine persons who died and their families did agree, but their agreement, like many others during this stage of Earth’s ascension, contains what could be called a “contingency” clause. In this case, the clause stipulates that if racism no longer is an issue in your world, there would be no need to end the lifetime or grieve the loss of a loved one due to a racially-based incident. Lamentably, racism does still run deep in your society. The persons who died in the church and their families became the most recent souls to emphasize that the sickness inherent in bigotry must be cured, and that is the same purpose served by the young man who agreed to do the shooting.

Individuals who change genders respond to their awareness that heart, mind and body, they are not the gender identified at birth. While physical changes may be a more complex mental and emotional undertaking than persons experience in uncovering their homosexuality or bisexuality, all of these souls are claiming their authentic selves. An aspect of your society’s advancement is the honoring of transgender individuals, who, like everyone else, don’t know that they chose in soul contracts to be pioneers in this sense. People who resist accepting the validity of gender change—or of any sexual nature other than heterosexual—still are rooted in religious dogmas that have barely even a nodding acquaintance with the sanctity and divinity of every soul.

Matthew said the Illuminati made their money illegally and immorally so it can be recovered and used to eliminate poverty. Why don’t the people who’ll be in charge of the new economic system just take the money out of Illuminati banks now and distribute it where it’s desperately needed?” The individuals in positions to do this are acting with forthrightness within the laws of your society. To do otherwise would be acting in the same reprehensible ways the Illuminati have all along, thus employing the very tactics they are striving to eliminate.

Another needless concern is overpopulation. The number of people in your world is not the cause of starvation, subsistence living and lack of health care—unequal distribution of monies and Illuminati control of natural resources is. Many planets in this universe smaller than Earth have far more residents, who live peacefully in abundance and with respect for all life forms in their worlds. When Earth is restored to her original health, she could easily accommodate all the needs of double your current population—but please do not assume that this means there will be a population explosion!

Although the Illuminati no longer have access to the technology they formerly used to cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and severe storms, energy set in motion by those events has a domino effect. The energy of a quake, for instance, doesn’t stop when the tremors stop, but rather it continues to flow and generates a multitude of less powerful quakes before it dissipates. Although “ancient” negativity has been dealt with, “fresh” sources are bringing to the surface deeply entrenched remnants of the massive amount created long ago, and occasionally this happens in areas where natural disasters are considered anomalies.

It is the same with Mother Nature’s activity, but the intent differs greatly and intent has its own energy streamers. The intent of the Illuminati is to create negativity, which could be considered self-replicating because its energy sustains and empowers them; Mother Nature’s intent is to release negativity so it isn’t available to create more of itself.

A reader who saw a film of a reporter from the United States interviewing Vladimir Putin asked if there is any truth to his claim that he is not responsible for the unrest in Ukraine. Earth’s monitors in Nirvana apprised us of that interview, so we can state that Mr. Putin’s claim is truthful—it is Illuminati troublemakers who are responsible—and he also is correct in saying that the shared cultural history of people in Ukraine and Russia crosses national borders.

“Why is the US always seen as the bad guy no matter where on Earth trouble spots are?” Washington, DC, and Wall Street are the headquarters of the Illuminati’s Rockefeller faction, but since few know this, all of their operations are attributed to that country’s government. And not without good reason. From its very beginning that government has been riddled with Illuminati or operate under their influence, and later they infiltrated the CIA, FBI, FDA, NSA, CDC, UN, NASA and all other agencies that could further their aim of world domination.

Furthermore, the Rockefeller faction was extremely forceful in expanding its influence well beyond the United State whereas the Rothschild faction, which grew out of the original small group in Bavaria, concentrated its efforts in Europe. While the Rockefeller group still is clinging to some fragments of power, the Rothschild group is fast losing the last shreds of its former control of governments, banking and commerce, and the stronghold they once had in the Vatican is gone. Pope Francis is on a house-cleaning mission as well as speaking out against Illuminati-created world conditions that both factions have been trying to keep status quo. They are seeing their efforts becoming less and less effective; eventually they will see their utter futility.

It is so that we haven’t attributed the increase in light on the planet to solar flares; however, we have talked about the effects of light from all sources. In addition to saving Earth’s very life, effects may include unusual and temporary physical, mental and emotional conditions, and definitely intensifying light magnifies personal characteristics and behavior. Also we have told you light’s long-term—and vital!—effects: It transforms carbon-based cells into the crystalline form that are viable in higher vibratory levels and enables advancement in spiritual and conscious awareness. So yes, absolutely Sol’s activity is part and parcel of Earth’s ascension and yours.

We understand the feelings of the reader who wrote her difficulty in believing that anyone would choose a life of suffering or cause suffering to others, that the first is masochistic and the latter, sadistic. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine why souls would willingly choose either role—or that all of you have done the very same many times. It is with unconditional love for all others in the pre-birth agreement that some souls agree to act with extreme harshness so others can experience what they need to balance lifetimes when they were the abusive ones. When peoples live together happily and harmoniously, life on Earth will be in balance and no more back-and-forth lifetimes will be needed.

“Thousands of children are dying every day. How is it in keeping with LOVE and LIGHT that all these innocents are deprived of physically ascending with Earth?” The importance of the karmic aspect aside, Earth’s residents physically ascending with her never has meant living there throughout the journey to her destination in fifth density. Every single soul who has lived on the planet since its ascension process began 80-some years ago was or is physically ascending location-wise.

The aim of every soul in every lifetime is personal ascension—growing spiritually and consciously—and this has little to do with incarnation longevity or location. By embodying only a short time, a soul can complete contract provisions and achieve personal ascension. A person who lives 100 years and lifelong makes free will choices contrary to soul contract selections doesn’t experience what was needed to personally ascend.

Dear brothers and sisters, like every other person who has entered Earth’s spirit realm, when you transition and review your lifetime, you won’t measure it by how long you lived, but by how you lived.

Now we bid you farewell in words only, as our unconditional love always is with you.


Suzanne Ward

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/3/2015 6:25:21 PM

The Peace That I Am

Peace 1


A friend in San Francisco asked me if I was itching to go into outer space. No, I had to say; I’m more interested in inner space.

These are not the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. These are the voyages of the Spaceship Inner Prize. All aboard. I’m going inwards.

I spent some time last night before falling asleep in a place of peace with myself. I learned so much. I took time to watch life from this vantage point.

In one area, it turns out that I’ve had things completely backwards since forever.

I used to think that drama was the normal state and peace was abnormal. All you could hope for was to manage drama well, but not to have it stop.

Drama 1


Now I see that peace is the normal state and drama is abnormal. I leave the state of peace to join the drama. No one forces me to do it. I forfeit peace myself.

Sometimes it’s a competing desire. Sometimes it’s a particularly negative thought. Whatever it is, peace disappears and I’m back again chasing the impossible dream.

As I lay there in peace, it was clear that this was more “me” than the drama was. This was a potent and creative space; drama allows no potency or creativity. Everything falls apart with drama. Nothing succeeds. No one has the energy to really be serious about anything. Life is mundane and mediocre.

But a change of perspective revealed that we had misled ourselves. We were so mired in our own likes and dislikes that we paid no attention to the peace that we are at essence.

What did “peace” feel like? Both bliss and peace lead to a cessation of drama and discord but bliss sweeps them aside, whereas peace is so neutral, there’s no fertile soil for drama or discord to grow in.

How did the connecting with the peace that I am come about?

It came about because, earlier in that sultry evening, I’d been sitting on a bench in a popular section of town, people-watching. I may as well have been asking people to form up in two lines: one for “yes” and the other for “no.” I like this person. I don’t like that one. This one over here. That one over there. On and on I went, completely unconscious of what I was doing.

What insanity was this?

I said to myself that there must be a place beyond like and dislike – or craving and aversion, as the Buddha would say.

I saw that my creating something called “likeable” people automatically created a second class of “unlikeable” people.

It was a racket but it was also so basic to my daily ritual that I’d practically have to watch myself on film or TV to see it.

If you listen to a conversation between two teenagers, it’s almost exclusively like/dislike. “Oh, I love jasmine. But I hate patchouli. It’s too sweet.” “Oh, I crave lobster but not if it’s overdone. Oh, I hate that.”

I saw that like and dislike create the complexity in life. Crave and avoid – grasp and resist – and we leave the simple life behind.

It’s amazing how we’re climbing the same ladder of consciousness that Buddha did. We learn one thing after another, only to find that the great master taught the same lesson 2500 years ago. Everything old is made new again.

Soon we go from desiring to possessing and defending and perpetrating and forgetting. All along the way, the level of our awareness recedes.

Moreover, somehow we think that, if we know all of a person’s likes and dislikes, we know the person. Again we have it all backwards. Our desires are associated with the mind, the body and its senses – what Goenka called the “mind-body complex.” These are cast aside at death. Granted that our desires persist a few bodies beyond the physical, at last we leave them behind.

What a quandary. How to live a normal, average life and not desire? I asked myself.

That was the backdrop and finding myself in a moment of peace later was the answer, the response, the realization. I’d say there was a delay of perhaps two hours between the question and the answer. That’s positively speedy for me and may reflect the times.

The neutrality that peace is, the equanimity that results from it, allows life to flow over us like water over a rock.

So long as I stay away from strong preferences, drop my likes and dislikes, I’ll preserve my ability to contact the peace that I am.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/3/2015 6:29:54 PM

Mary Magdalene via Pamela Kribbe: The Power of the Belly

Pamela Kribbe

Dear friends, I am Mary Magdalene. I greet you all with warmth and joy in my heart.

You are known and familiar to me. We are soul mates as we all go down the same path together, but each in our own unique way.

Today, I would like to speak about the female energy and how it can thrive at this time, because this is essential for the change in consciousness that humanity as a whole needs in order to move forward.

There is a need for balance between the male and the female energies, both in the world as a whole and in the lives of individuals. The female energy has long been suppressed, damaged, and injured, and this has led to the dominance of a one-sided male energy.

At first glance, it might seem that the balance has already been addressed: Women in many countries have virtually the same rights as men. In those parts of the world, a woman can manifest herself as freely as a man, enjoy an education, career, position of power, and is able to amass wealth.

Yet at a deeper level, something is missing and out of balance. What actually happens when a woman strives for equality in this way is that she appropriates the male energy of dominance and control, and starts using it for her own self-interest and ambition.

That is not wrong, in itself, but the question is whether doing that deeply fulfills the female soul, just as the additional question is whether the male soul is deeply fulfilled through amassing power and dominance.

At this time, there are more and more people searching for a deeper fulfillment. They want to live from inspiration and connected with Earth and their fellow human beings, trusting in their hearts instead of reacting to fear.

These are ideals that now touch the hearts of young people. The old male energy of control and coercion has outlived its ages-old course; there is a new generation who thinks and feels differently. And herein lies the opportunity for an actual resurrection of the female energy, which not only includes a recovery of social and political rights and freedom for women, but also a true healing of deep inner wounds that have been done to the female psyche.

What has happened to the female energy in the past? It has been disempowered in many ways, both by mental and physical violence; and that history has been recorded, so I need not go into it here.

My attention here is focused primarily on how the inner female energy has been affected by this violence. If you look at the collective female aura, as exemplified in the energy field of an average woman, you will see a void, a hole, in the area of the belly.

The area of the lower energy centers – the root, navel, and solar plexus chakras – has become disempowered and empty. For many women, there exist in those centers, and usually only half-consciously, feelings of unworthiness, fear, and uncertainty.

The original female power of the belly is one of being vital and grounded. A woman by her nature feels connected with Earth and the rhythms of the seasons, and the wisdom in her heart is one based on a natural sense of self-worth.

Unfortunately, this has gotten lost through the ages and without that base, that natural strength in the belly, a woman cannot connect in a balanced way with the world around her. She easily gives too much of herself to others and loses herself in that giving, and so she often is unable to take up her personal space and set boundaries.

If you have been wounded to the core through rejection, (sexual) violence, and humiliation, a shift in your energy field will occur: your consciousness leaves your belly, which is the seat of emotion, connection, and intimacy.

When it is too painful to be present in that area of your body, you will dissociate from yourself and pull your consciousness out of the belly. Your consciousness then rises up and lodges in the upper part of your aura, with the result that feelings become dull and depression can settle in, or a feeling of fatigue and of not having full access to your energy.

In addition to the trauma of the violence that has taken place, and the deep emotional confusion that arises as a result, there is also now the sadness and the emptiness of having lost yourself.

This is, in short, what has happened to the female psyche. Even though not all individual women exhibit this pattern to the same degree, this has still been a general trend, which one can summarize as follows:

  • The belly, which is the seat of emotion, sexuality, and intimacy, and is naturally and strongly connected with Earth, is relatively empty. It feels threatening to be present there, both because of the pain that lingers there as a memory and because of the power that lies dormant there – it is scary to encounter that power.
  • As a result of the retreating movement, a gap has been created in the energy field between the upper and lower energy centers, between the area of the heart and the area of the belly.
  • The energy of the heart, the center of inspiration and love, cannot express itself, flow outward and naturally connect with the world and with other people. This flow is blocked either because of too much fear and uncertainty, or because there is a need to connect so strongly with another that you lose yourself in that person and become emotionally dependent upon them.

Women who have never experienced violence in their lives – mental, physical, sexual – also often exhibit this reactive pattern.

Because old patterns can be carried on from previous lives, there might have been damage done to your female energy in the past that has yet to be sufficiently healed in this current incarnation.

In addition, as a woman, you become affected by the general female psyche, by the prevailing image of women and the collective experiences of the past.

Each woman has to deal with what I am describing here; it is not easy or natural for any woman to own the power of her belly and really be present from her heart in a grounded, self aware way.

Because this is a time of transformation of consciousness, it has now become all the more necessary to heal the energetic wound in the belly.

If you are going to develop on a spiritual path, and you feel the urge to live from your heart and your most sincere inspiration, you will discover that you, as a woman, are faced with deep-seated fears.

To stand out, to make yourself greater, and to enter into conflicts, does not come easily and brings you face to face with tough questions about self-esteem and being true to yourself.

In a sense, as a woman, you are asked to transform a part of the collective pain of all women. So in the healing of your own pain, you create new paths for the collective consciousness to expand.

Spiritual development is widely seen as opening your heart, connecting with others through love, and letting go of your ego. However, for women who have to deal with a lack of strength in their belly, this is where a number of pitfalls lurk.

If you connect to others without remaining solidly present in your belly, in your center, connected with your needs and your truth, then connection with others can quickly lead to a loss of self, and even to exhaustion.

If you are a highly sensitive person with an open heart chakra, who easily senses other people’s moods and emotions, you will benefit from a solid sense of your own limits, and for that you need a strong ego.

And by “strong ego” I mean you need a clear sense of where you end and where the other person begins. That sense enables you to be aware when you give too much, perhaps because you want to be liked or you dare not say “no”.

What a healthy ego affords is that you feel clearly and accurately what is happening with you in your interaction with other people.

The word ego has become distorted, and has come to stand for everything that is lower and should be released, but for women, this form of self awareness and establishing boundaries is extremely important.

For men, the process of development is quite different. Men have been raised with a different kind of morality. They are encouraged as a boy to differentiate, to compete, and to distinguish themselves.

This can be quite painful for men who do not feel at home doing that, who are naturally sensitive, thoughtful, or quiet.

But in any case, men are less encouraged to be giving, while ambition and aggressiveness are positively valued.

In men, too, there exists an energetic wound caused by experiences of the past. Men have become split from their own female energy, their feelings and intuition, and they experience this as a loss of joy, emotion, and connection.

There is a void in their heart – less so in their belly – and this void torments men just as much as women suffer from the empty space in their abdomen.

Both sexes have become damaged by the traditions in which you live and both sexes have become wounded in different ways, thus regaining wholeness involves different means by the two sexes.

For men, the emphasis on opening the heart is generally beneficial. Connecting with their feelings, allowing their vulnerability to show, and acknowledging the female energy in themselves, are fundamental ways toward healing for men.

But for women, it is in some way exactly the opposite. For them, the road to self-healing is through being true to themselves, maintaining clear boundaries, acknowledging their male energy, and recognizing and manifesting their unique gifts.

Energetically, it means that you take the energy of your heart, your soul, all the way down to the level of your belly. Thus it means descending deep into that cavity of the pelvis, which symbolizes the primal force of the female energy.

One of the ways in which women can come home to their base is through dealing more consciously with the anger that is stored in them. Many women suppress emotions of anger or disappointment, because anger calls up fear, or makes them feel powerless.

Anger is threatening because it might bring you into conflict with others, and if you feel you are not able to stand up for yourself and to express your anger, you feel powerless. Then the anger can turn into depression, passivity, or cynicism.

However, you can start to regard anger as a valuable signal that something or someone is violating your boundaries and so you feel hurt; a signal you can use to create positive change in your life.

By welcoming the anger, you take yourself seriously, which means that the force contained in anger can be expressed in a positive way.

The first step is to not see anger as something bad and to not condemn yourself for it. This is more difficult for women than for men, because they are more used to denying themselves and giving up their space to another, rather than demanding their natural boundaries.

This is the reason I want to address highly sensitive women who walk the spiritual path: take care of your belly power, own it, rest firmly within your own boundaries and dare to stand up for yourself.

You tend to associate spirituality with love, light, and connection, and those are essential attributes, but a balanced connection with the world around you depends on your ability to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong for you, to separate and detach when needed instead of unduly merge and connect. For that you need to fully value yourself, your own need, your own talents, and all your own emotions.

I lived during a time when free expression by women was not accepted, let alone valued. I felt a strong connection with the message of Jeshua Ben Joseph and with the essence of the Christ energy.

I was touched by his words, his charisma, and in that life I went deeper and deeper within to remember who I was.

There also lived in me a rage regarding the powers that forbade me to be who I was: independent, powerful, willful. I was regularly thrown back on to myself and I struggled with feelings of powerlessness and anger.

My belly was seized by the energy of frustration, and below that lay dormant a sense of inferiority, of self-doubt. It was my mission to come to terms with my lack of self-esteem and to let go of other people’s judgments.

This is the challenge for all women. When women are not fully present in the area of their belly, they tend to give too much to others from their hearts, to empty themselves in relationships with others, such as their beloved, their children, their parents, their friends.

To lose yourself in the other person is all too often a sign of not fully being at home with yourself, in your own base.

If a feeling of emptiness or alienation is dominant there, it is tempting to reach out to another to ease that feeling. You do this seemingly from love, but another motive lurks there: you need the other in order to feel accepted and good about yourself.

However, true spiritual growth means you learn to question – from what motive am I connecting with the world around me, with my beloved, my friends, my children, my parents?

Now choose one of those relationships and put your attention on your belly. Feel from that level how much space you occupy in this relationship or how much you receive. For example, imagine your loved one and ask within: “Do I feel fully accepted in the area of my belly when in his presence?”

Do the same with a girlfriend. Breathe deep into your center as you think of her and feel your response. Do you feel something is blocking or preventing your breath? Experiment with this as a guided meditation.

The key question is: can your belly relax in the relationship? Do you feel accepted and are you free to be yourself? Or do you feel you have to make all the effort and posture yourself in an unnatural way?

Perhaps you feel depleted of energy when you are with the other person; then your consciousness rises up toward your head and your awareness leaves your foundation, your belly.

When that happens, do not condemn yourself, but look with loving honesty at your own fear of being true to yourself and of taking up your rightful space. By recognizing your own fear, you transform it. And you are not doing this alone.

The collective energy field of women is changing. What you give to yourself benefits others and vice versa.

© Pamela Kribbe

“Mary Magdalene: The Power of the Belly,” channeled by Pamela Kribbe, July, 2015, at

Source Link: The Jeshua Channelings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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