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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/3/2015 6:31:16 PM

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey. July 3, 2015.

SacredEvents are taking place everywhere on Earth that will bring about the necessary changes that will propel you into stability and the end of strife. It will take time but we are on hand to point you in the right direction.

The “clearing out” of all that has no place in your future may seem a formidable task, but with our help and assistance of Lightworkers all over the world it will take place quite quickly. To manifest the New Age and at the same time clear away all that is no longer required, gives little appearance of any form of order but it is controlled and well planned.

Each of you can lessen the impact upon those who only understand what they see before their eyes, by keeping calm and letting others know that all that is happening is for the ultimate good of all. As the old dies away, be assured that all that is to be introduced has already been prepared. However, do not expect too much too soon but be aware of changes that clearly signal that the New Age has begun.

What you will witness is the gradual removal of those who have positions of responsibility but have misused their powers. They simply cannot remain as they are unable to respond to the new energies that are coming in.

The old ways have to change, and we know that the vast majority of people realise that they have been successfully tried and tested. Now you are to join the higher vibrations and will benefit from the many advances that have been held back by the Illuminati for many, many years. Many of them are natural follow-ons to what you are already familiar with and have already realised are outdated. Even though they have been kept from you, they have been worked upon for many years and are ready to be put into immediate use. It means that there will be a whole sequence of changes that will quickly uplift your way of life.

Over the years matters have been attended to through the incarnation of those who have the knowledge and ability to move mankind forward. This applies to many inventions and changes that will help advance you in a relatively short time.

However, amongst the very first changes will be those that share the wealth of the Earth fairly and for all people. Such changes are tied to the re-valuation of currencies, so that ultimately there will be what you call a “level playing field”. There will no longer be the “haves” and “have nots” as the Earths bounties will be equally shared amongst all. Indeed, it will be one of the first major changes to take place.

However, we warn against taking our comments to mean that they are imminent, and you should realise that such changes will take time to be spread amongst you. As we have previously intimated, the poorest nations will be the first to benefit from the changes.

A welcome change that will no doubt please many people will be the gradual introduction of a free transport system that operates by using the energy that is all around you. Eventually the polluting fuels you use now will be replaced by energy that is pollution free. Such changes will be introduced in time but do not expect them too soon.

As you can imagine, some changes will affect people worldwide and much preparation will be needed to avoid causing havoc. However, you need to know that all areas of life on Earth will be addressed to ensure you move on from your present day outdated methods.

So Dear Ones, much is waiting for the right moment to be introduced, and the key to much of it is the removal of the influence of the dark Ones. Or perhaps we should say their complete removal so that they can no longer interfere with the plans for your future.

You should realise now that for eons of time your lives have been directed by the Illuminati to ultimately give them total power over you and your World. They have never achieved their goal, and now that they are no longer able to exercise their power they never will.

You may question why they have been allowed such an opportunity for complete control over you, and the answer is that it is for your experience and evolution. You have been literally forced to confront a situation that would not have been allowed to get out of control, but enabled you to test your resolve to withstand the dark Ones. Be assured that you all volunteered to experience the challenges involved, and now that you approach the end of your trials you are far greater for them.

You will certainly find your experiences of value, particularly if you chose to use them for the advancement of all souls. Bear in mind that as you once again become a Galactic Being you will almost certainly desire to let others have the benefit of your experiences. Not every soul needs to go through all experiences in person, but can take the benefits from one who has.

Remember that you are “All One” and when you seek to help each other rather than make personal gains as you do on Earth, there is no need for competition but instead co-operation. Instinctively your feelings are one of desiring to help all souls evolve, and that is why we are here to see you through the last stages of the old cycle.

As you begin to understand the Truth of your Being, you will find much more contentment in helping the Human Race in a positive manner. Raising your vibrations is both a personal aim as well as a collective move to lift you all up.

But time is now short for individual souls to join the New Age as, if you have not lifted yourself up to the necessary level, you cannot go further until you do so. On the other hand there is no urgency involved as you can, if necessary, simply commence another cycle of opportunity. If you feel that you are close to achieving Ascension, it is clearly worthwhile concentrating your efforts upon success. As always much help is given to you, but it is you who has to make the necessary efforts to achieve it.

You must be noticing that time continues to speed up and this is a sure sign that you are ascending. As you raise your vibrations, so you are leaving the old ones behind that have no place in the higher dimensions. This is by choice as they will have served their purpose in helping you to evolve.

Some souls are not yet ready to take such steps and they will continue to experience as before. You can however be sure that they will eventually learn their lessons and be ready to rise up. The beauty of evolving is that no one is forcing you to progress other than at your own speed, and it is a process of natural progression.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and as always in touch with Mother Earth and the Human Civilisation. Always bear in mind that you are ascending together. So you will continue to be involved with Mother Earth as Ascension takes place. You still have quite a way to go to achieve it and nothing at all will be allowed to stop your progress. We send you our love and blessings as always.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa. Channelled by Mike Quinsey. July 3, 2015.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/3/2015 6:35:41 PM

FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2015

Bob Fickes ~ As the World Turns, We Transform


As the world turns, our lives are also changing at a faster rate than before. Sometimes it feels like we are moving too fast and it becomes difficult to make decisions to change our life in the way we want to. All is well. Whatever you are feeling, it is the right time to make a change.
It doesn’t matter whether your mind agrees with that change or not. You are transforming from the inside out, not from the outside in. Your mind may not always agree with what your heart is prompting you to do. Trust your heart and take the step. Your heart feels your real future. Your mind only comprehends what it has known in the past. The mind can never imagine a better future than what we know from our personal experience.
The heart knows best. It is the home of God-In-Us. Allow God to move through you and trust that the simple desire of your heart is the way God tells us which way to go. Relax and trust that your heart knows where you are going even when your mind cannot understand.
Relax and trust. Relax and take a small step. See what happens and then take another step. You will change your future faster than you can imagine. The path of the Heart knows no limits. The path of the Heart is our best path. Relax and Enjoy!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/3/2015 6:38:00 PM

Sandra Walter: Focus, Activation and the Divine Self

sandra-walter-ascension-300x294Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

So much unfolded through the Solstice passage. June did indeed zoom by, and we are quickly moving into the July opportunities for expansion.

Deep gratitude to the Gatekeepers, Lightservers and all who anchored their intentions and crystals during the Solstice Gateway. Thank you for holding the intention, ceremony and service from the opening on Thursday with our first M flare, all the way through the 25th when our last M flare arrived. It was a brilliant shift, and the effects continue to anchor within us and the planet.

Many of you felt the deeper, more profound effects of participating in this activity; take note of your transformation. While the M-flares, radiation storms and magnetic fluctuations demonstrated the physical waves of light coming onto the planet, the light was directed at DNA activation and provided an energetic expansion to those on the path of Christed embodiment.

During Solstice the grid of I AM templates, stored in sacred sites upon Gaia and within deep crystalline beds (hence the crystal focus during Solstice and ongoing), released the next level of activations. These layers of energetic amplifications are released according to the ability of the collective to accept and integrate them.

For those who are energetically able to handle the New, your lifestream has woken up to yet another level of light. This is DNA-specific activation, and many of you are receiving assistance from the higher realms to upgrade your energy fields.

You consistently hold the finer frequencies of Divine Love in order to balance and accelerate the collective journey. As always, no one acts alone in this Ascension. Individual choice to learn and activate; collective service on the multidimensional level.

Christ-Light embodiers, note the shifts in your consciousness since Solstice. Your meditations, visions and activations will be consistently upgraded through these last months of the Equinox-Blood Moon Gateway series. The timing of activations will become less predictable as you embody your individual expression of the Golden Race DNA, and this is purposeful.

The Now is where all of your true power is held, and your comfort with absolute Presence will be tested. Be kind to yourself as the activations become less familiar; try not to hold onto coping mechanisms or integration techniques as the dimensions merge.

July Opportunities: Personal and Collective

Our July Gateways present on July 4 – 7; July 15 – 19; and July 25 – 29. They offer activation of higher skills, which will be important as the energies dramatically increase this year. Clarity, focus, and the ability to create stability through your Presence.

Note it is not presentational (savior, martyr, guru, magician); it is the Presence of Source, the Higher Self, the Higher Light, through your lifestream via your Solar Cosmic Christed Heart center. And it will get easier, beloveds. We are working through a massive amount of density in a relatively short time.

Our Divine Teams are consistently adjusting cosmic forces as best they can to accommodate our level of consciousness. For those on the forefront of embodiment, it can be challenging to walk through unexplored territory. Our collective ability as Lightservers – in Service to the New Light, Guardians of the New Light – to support everyone embracing the path of Ascension is key to our progress.

Be kind and generous with each other as we complete this mission of light on multiple levels. 2015 holds so much for us, however our focus is here, Now, on our personal progress and our collective intent to offer our experiences to as many awakened beloved ones as possible.

Pineal – Pituitary Upgrades

As the magnetics shift within Gaia, it assists the awakening of higher senses in prepared hearts. Many of you have received the pineal upgrades from the Solstice light. This is a good month to work with them, fine tune them, and adjust to the stronger connection with your multidimensional Self.

Adapt to the new areas of vision and sensitivity quickly, there is much more available. Welcome these upgrades with love, gratitude and honor; the language of higher communication seeks willing, respectful, balanced consciousness to commune with.

A word on the veil thinning

Obviously we have entered an energetic passage which supports drastic veil-thinning for 5D and beyond. Veils are held within the torus fields of dimensions; the time-space experience of densities. As we shift dimensions, we see more, feel more, hear more along the way.

Just when you feel the veils are gone, more appears beyond that level. Little by little, our brain, nervous system and consciousness accepts the unknown; that rate of acceptance is quickening with our Ascension. Our personal, collective and planetary veils are somewhat intertwined (and rightly so, this is not a place to have a full-blown consistent 9D Pleiadian experience … yet.)

While it is fascinating to participate in the comings and goings of the higher realms, it may also feel intrusive. You might note that the old requests for private time no longer work – that is where we are at, beloveds. The agenda has an agenda: activation, now, pay attention, learn, share, integrate.

Activations within the Ascension Column

For those of you experiencing the blinding light in your Ascension column, I send a heart-hug to you. This began about three weeks ago for me. A consistent beaming brilliant light of pure crystalline diamond-like light in my field, surrounding me within my Ascension column.

It is there all the time, at first with eyes closed, then it also showed up with eyes open after the Solstice Gate. It feels like getting beamed up, and beamed on. It is part of the multidimensional merge sequences, and can be powerful if you accept it with an open heart.

My surroundings glow, flicker and flash all the time now, and when it is activation time (I still have daily 2-3 hour activations in the afternoon) the light and presence becomes overwhelming.

My Team (Higher Selves, Guides, Masters, Archangelics, Galactics) explained this unfoldment: Last year the system for experiencing multidimensional merge sequences presented to me. It involved the torus-within-torus dimensional model I have taught since 2011.

I played with a new method and gathered intel on how it worked. I was encouraged by the Pleiadians to share it with my class; they said I would *knock it out of the park* when I shared this (an odd metaphor for someone not into baseball, but it is what it is).

It seemed we were arriving at the point where the torus system would be explored and accepted over the (outdated, or at least incomplete) merkaba. During the Equinox Gate, Archimedes presented in a direct message. One of Archimedes’ accomplishments was the math behind the volume balance of a sphere and a cylinder. This is also when Melchizedek introduced me to the map Teams.

They are template designers for the Solar Cosmic Christ Ascension, which includes some of my Higher Selves. They connected it with my material on the Ascension column and the tube torus.

It was a direct indication to get the merge sequence intel out there Now; a cohesion of all of the intel, which would lead us right up to transcendence. I released that intel in last month’s online retreat, added it to Ascension Path, and the new Ascension column activations began.

For me, this is a completion of a portion of my service; the final piece of Ascension Path. It also released me to the next phase of my experience of Ascension, which hopefully will encourage the class participants to do the same.

Even though I had a left-the-body, just projecting the hologram experience at the end of April, there was still this last piece to share. Funny how this multidimensional operation works, isn’t it? So now I AM into the brilliant light phase, which I feel was predicted by the white-room dreams and external-wipe meditations I mentioned earlier this year.

It is like a dramatic clearing, a consistent presence of gold-white-crystliine light. Violet beings have been more frequent, however the ever-present multidimensional merge of Self shines like a golden-diamond Christed light all around me.

This Ascension column merge also enhanced my experience of Solstice and the light coming onto the planet. To witness all the crystals which had been placed by LightServers all over this planet, the HUman heart grid unified in intention, and the lightship grid (a new one for me), all working together to accelerate Christ consciousness. Absolutely beautiful.

Kindwhile, a note on grounded visitors coming to Shasta

I get a lot of email about visiting Shasta this time of year. Where to stay, where the strongest spot is, how to meet aliens, get to Lemuria, etc. Everyone take a nice deep Creator breath and let the old light beliefs go. Stay open to the personal revelations of your journey when you visit a vortex.

Shasta is many things to many people: a Divine Mirror, an amplifier of whatever you need to experience on your journey, an interdimensional spaceport, a major Gateway on Gaia, or simply a giant volcano in Northern California. It can be heart-opening, scary, thrilling, deeply loving, activating, or purging depending on what you need. Some may choose to stay by the water in lower elevations where the vibe is less intense.

The mountain energy changes day to day because she is a Divine Gateway, just as you are becoming a Gateway. When you synch, all is well. When she out-vibes you, learn from it. As an Ascension Guide, my advice is to avoid the distractions of town, get on the mountain and receive.

In brief, honor the mountain and your journey; prepare before you go up. Wash away the external and get centered at Stewart Mineral Springs, pick up some crystals at Soul Connections, get food at BerryVale, sage yourself, and get on the mountain.

It’s one road up and down, no spot is better than another (I avoid the tourist areas), stop where you feel guided, put your crystals in the ground, open up and receive. Don’t move other people’s crystals (or take them), respect other’s ceremony and spiritual time with Shasta (quiet, please).

Easy Lightship viewing is best from the top lot (end of the road – 14 miles up). Bring water, warm clothes for change of weather, anything you need (no services on the mountain). Remember it is a National Forest, not a National Park. No campfires now due to the drought. Shasta has a few hotels, and rooms can be booked ahead on or go to for general info.

First-time campers visit the Ranger station before going up. I AM a very private person, despite my very public service. I don’t offer tours or gatherings in Shasta. If the higher realms let us cross paths, Divine. Note it is difficult to get most Shasta folks to adhere to plans or a schedule. Nothing personal, beloveds. Let the mountain share its gifts with you!

Crystalline Expansion NOW

Shasta presented some unusual anomalies in the last months, and my experiences grow more bizarre (the new normal). However, I AM guided to unlock more of the templates here and distribute those codes through the grid systems. Many of you guided to Shasta this Summer are involved in this project – honor the unlocking of our ancient creation, beloveds.

Everyone is invited to connect via your heart and your crystals in the ground during the gateway dates to receive the template activations for this passage. Remember, we’re leaving the crystals set up all the way through the last Blood Moon in September.

Feel free to plant more all over the planet, on all of your travels. It works; the higher teams see them and use them, no matter how large or small. Intention is key, and you will be connected to all the crystals you placed, as well as the crystal beds and aquifers. More light = more light!

In love, light and service,

“July: Focus, Activation and the Divine Self,” by Sandra Walter, July 2, 2015, at

Source link: Sandra Walter Creative Evolution: July 2, 2015

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/3/2015 6:50:45 PM
JULY 1, 2015
It’s Time to Call Your Angels; A Hathor Planetary Message

Tom and Judi Kenyon sent this today and it sounds like it’s an important one from the Hathors at this particular time with respect to what is about to happen in this density. The more of us who can remain grounded and calm, the easier things will go.

Tom’s unique vocal interpretation of the Hathors’ sound healings may be exactly what we need right now, and they include a link to one of those in their message at the end, free of charge within Tom’s Observations.

They explain how our thoughts and emotions affect our physiology and biology, and it is key to remain positive and not get lost in fear. It’s a choice. ~ BP

On the Nature of Angels

In this message we wish to discuss our perspective regarding the nature of angels.

This has nothing to do with religion. Rather it has to do with interdimensional reality.

For our purposes we shall divide the topic of angels into three broad categories.


These ephemeral beings are electromagnetic fields of intelligence, some of which have
form that is recognizable and some of which do not. These electromagnetic fields of intelligence interact with human beings in unique ways, and the expectations and beliefs of any given human have a lot to do with the nature of the experience. In other words, the belief system of the human being greatly affects what is experienced. Angels from the spiritual realms take many different forms and while some of them have energy fields that give the impression that they have wings, many of them do not.

These types of angels are created beings. They are force fields of intelligence that are sent out into the ethers, into the cosmos, to do the bidding or to take the action of their creator.

This creator can take the form of what might be referred to as a god, goddess, demigod or demigoddess, an interdimensional being, an alien intelligence, or even a human being. These types of angels have no free will of their own. They are created for the sole purpose of a particular intention.

In most cases an angel will continue on its mission with single-mindedness until the energy that created it is no longer able to sustain it. In some very rare instances these angelic beings can gain a level of self-awareness and an ability to make personal choices separate from the being that created them or gave them birth. This is a very rare occurrence, but it does exist.

Within this category of angels, you have a host of beings with many different intentions.

The focus of this message is on angels who have a life-affirming and positive intent.


A second category of angels may best be described as electromagnetic fields of intelligence that exist solely within the human body. These are force fields of intelligence created through the emotions and beliefs of the individual human. They are subtle energetic forces that move through the human body in response to beliefs and emotions.

One of the great abilities you possess as a human being is to create angelic forces within your body through the use of positive intent and positive emotion. We will return to this most important topic in a moment.


This third category of angels is not angelic at all, but it is a misinterpretation.

It occurs when a human being encounters an alien intelligence. This type of encounter can be misinterpreted as having been an interaction with an angel. Many of your spiritual and religious traditions have stories about encounters with angelic beings, or gods/goddesses who were, in truth, simply more advanced alien civilizations.

Our reason for discussing the topic of angels is two-fold.


The first reason is a practical one having to do with your spiritual survival through the massive changes taking place upon your Earth. In its simplest form we would say that the rapid changes upon your Earth are creating a reflexive fear.

With few exceptions human beings, by nature, distrust change. And when there is as much change occurring as is taking place upon your planet this natural fear response escalates, and this releases in your body damaging electromagnetic fields of intelligence.

So as a counter to this we will discuss the creation of positive consequences within your human biology through the creation of subatomic angelic forms.

Your sciences of psychoneuroimmunology, or the study of how thought and emotion affect your immune systems—as well as the newly emerging science of epigenetics, which studies how thought and emotion affect your DNA—are increasingly clear on the chemical and molecular agents responsible.

But we would like to take this a step further by suggesting that you actually create quantum field effects in the universe of your body through the thoughts and feelings you generate.

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It is here that we come to a fork in the road.

Due to the escalation of chaotic forces in your world, a growing number of human beings are experiencing increased feelings of fear, anxiety, hostility, and impoverishment. The list goes on, and it would be easy, if you were so inclined, to substantiate your belief that you live in an increasingly dangerous and threatening world.

On the one hand this is a correct assessment, but if you remain in this island of perceptual reality you will create damaging effects, biologically speaking, within your body.

The trick, if there is one, is to counter this perception with personal periods of renewal and solace. By this we mean creating ways to release biologically positive consequences through the creation of subatomic angelic forms.

How this is accomplished is quite complex. But in its simplest form, whenever you create positive thoughts and positive feelings you create biologically positive subatomic angels that move through the universe of your body. These force fields create quantum field effects that switch on positive biological responses thereby reducing the affects of stress.

In addition to purposefully creating positive thoughts and feelings, we believe a beneficial resource for you can be found in the last sound meditation we gave, called A Bridge between the Worlds. Simply listening to this sound meditation for twelve minutes, which is how long it lasts, once or twice a day can make a big difference in how you feel. (Note: A link to this sound meditation appears at the end of this message.)

We feel it is vitally important that you consciously release biologically positive force fields in your body on a regular basis to counteract the escalating madness that is swirling around you.

We would refer you here to an earlier message called Ecstasy and the Heart, as this information may prove helpful to you.

Our second reason for discussing the topic of angels is planetary in nature.

You are collectively passing through a very difficult and dangerous point. The destructive forces upon your planet in terms of religious fanaticism, climate change, corporate greed and manipulation, as well as dire threats to the very foundations of your eco-system are increasing.

You are now entering, from our perspective, a massive Chaotic Nodethe likes of which your planet has not seen for some time. If unmitigated, this Chaotic Node could result in the mass extinction of multitudinous life forms including many humans.

We are therefore calling into action all positive angelic forms from all spiritual traditions, from all life-affirming interdimensional beings, from all alien civilizations of positive intent, and from all human beings who are aligned with our intention.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/3/2015 8:04:48 PM

The Oracle Report, Friday, July 3, 2015



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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