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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/1/2015 7:04:51 PM

Higher Consciousness: Your Connection Is Real


A reading by Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Note from Wes: For a couple years, I’ve been trying to find a way to understand and communicate what these intuitive readings I’ve been receiving really are, and I’ve struggled with it until recently.

My channeling journey has been different from a lot of other people’s, and instead of sticking with one set definition of exactly what or who I was channeling (i.e. Ascended Masters, higher self, etc.), I’ve been trying to find the perfect way to define and subsequently expand the connection.

All of the name changes I’ve given these messages reflect the journey of understanding who they come from, and after some meditation and contemplation, I’ve arrived at what I think is the perfect label to help everyone understand what it is: Higher Consciousness.

‘Higher consciousness’, which I’ve written a lot about, is the higher self. It’s a good, deep meditation. It’s the Voice Within; the inner compass; our intuitive link with God, and if we can empty the mind and open up to it, it’ll impart its bliss onto us and teach us valuable lessons about our spiritual evolution.

You could say it’s what people really connect with when they channel angels, extraterrestrials or Ascended Masters, but some passionate spiritual seekers would disagree. I’ll leave it up to you to decide the truth of the matter for yourselves.

I know it’s silly to change the name of these messages over and over, but I think I’ve finally found the right description and understanding for them. This will be the final name change, and I can promise that you won’t have to worry about it anymore.

Thanks for hanging in there with me throughout this journey so far. I’m confident that it’s about to get a whole lot better!

Higher Consciousness, June 31, 2015


Religious and spiritual teachings are the mind’s way of comprehending the visions and insights that are received in a higher state of consciousness, and all of the spiritual teachings you hear or read stem from the greater awareness the teachers were able to access and the mental observations and terminologies they gave to these varying states of consciousness.

As they fade deeper and deeper into their sacred center and connect more with the Source of their existence, their minds devise simple enough (yet sometimes complex) ways of expressing the knowledge they gain, which is very difficult to express with words.

Depending on how far deep within you travel, the things you’ll learn and witness will basically be impossible to express in any language, but certain higher states of consciousness can be described with words and symbols and can be enhanced by spiritual practices.

It’s understandable that some spiritual seekers don’t agree with the strictness that accompanies some teachers, but the most genuine among these teachers simply want to help their students discover the things they have, because enlightenment is a treasure that’s very much worth the time and effort you spend to get there.

In fact, it’s the greatest treasure you could ever hope to witness or experience, but it’s also the most challenging thing you’ll ever go through. It can be a scary, frustrating and difficult experience if you resist it, but if you’re willing to let it flow and let your ego-driven barriers dissolve before they can even come up to influence you, it’ll be the most liberating thing you ever experience.

The hardest thing to grasp about enlightenment is that, as a lot of spiritual teachers will tell you, it crumbles away all of your previous notions of what it or a higher consciousness in general should be like. It shatters your previous understanding of life, and as you’ll come to learn, this understanding was too limited to carry you away into the blissful higher consciousness you want to access.

The higher dimensions will transform your perspective on life, spiritual evolution and everything you thought you understood, and while you might sometimes feel beat down and unable to continue on, releasing your resistance and letting everything be will make it a lot easier, more vibrant and more worth your time.

If you venture deep into your consciousness routinely, it won’t matter what external beliefs you adopt along the way. You can study every religion in the book if you want, and if you do, you’ll find a lot of limitation, a lot of dogma, and at the same time, a lot of things that help you along your path. You don’t have to embrace any beliefs if you don’t want to, because it’s all a mental interpretation of the inner visions and insights that are received in meditation and other spiritual practices.


The most important thing is that you explore your consciousness and allow your previous understanding of life and spirituality to fade as you learn new things about your existence, and if your beliefs are challenged along the way, be open to the lessons and the expansion that can result.

Overall, remember that love really does serve as a medium to connect you with what you seek. Let your love flow out of you and remember to keep your minds open to new insights, understandings and perspectives, and don’t hesitate to express exactly what you want to because self-censorship is the enemy of true creative and spiritual growth.

The best way to connect with love is to connect through complete transcendence, on a mental level and every other level, and channeling your higher consciousness is one way to grow closer to this transcendence. When it comes to channeling, you have to understand that in order for it to be pure, the mind has to have as little influence on the process as possible so the connection and the guidance that results aren’t filtered by the mind in any way.

If you let it, the mind will instantly filter everything genuine that comes through, and it must be completely, sufficiently opened for any message from the ‘higher self’ or any other higher entity to flow through properly. This is what deters so many people from channeling, because they don’t feel like they can maintain such a flowing connection and at the first, second or third sign of potential failure, they stop completely and convince themselves it either isn’t real or it isn’t for them.

Your connection with your higher consciousness is very real, but you have to explore it for yourselves – through channeling it, meditating or doing anything else that helps you connect – to know and understand it. It doesn’t have anything to do with your beliefs, and once you explore your consciousness, you’ll know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is indeed real, you can connect with it, and you can even channel it for your benefit and the benefit of others.

It’s up to you to find this connection and utilize it as much and as often as possible, and whether or not you’re consciously connected, you’ll be forever supported by your higher self, your creator and every other higher force.

So keep your minds open and your hearts overflowing with love, because your higher connections will save the Earth in a time when its destruction is evident and its end seems inevitable. An ending is indeed coming, but it isn’t the kind of ending your society would expect.


It’s the end of an old paradigm and the beginning of something completely new that’s driven by love, spirituality and the willingness on the part of humanity to come together and change the world, and everything you do right now advances your collective evolution and helps you find more and more of what you seek, as individuals and as a collective.

What your planet really seeks is love and a connection with their essence, and you can make this connection now and joyfully express it for the benefit of others. Why not dive on in and see how far down you can go?

Share freely.

I’m a twenty-two year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/1/2015 9:16:26 PM

The Oracle Report, Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Gibbous Moon Phase: FROM WISE OWL MARIE

Gibbous Moon Phase: trust, magic

Full Moon Phase: (10:20 pm ET/2:20 am UT Thursday): realization, clarity

Moon in Capricorn

Goddess of Wisdom: Bagalamukhi (Goddess Who Solves)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: see through and rise over

True Alignments: dedication to hopes/wishes/dreams/goals, humor, self-care, information from Akashic records, comfort, sense of direction, adapting to sudden changes or surprising information, ability to change as conditions dictate (going with the flow), mastering instincts and programmed responses

Catalysts for Change: disregarding signs and messages, needing to be noticed in order to feel good about oneself, creating a dramatic scene, self-centered, foolishness and being played the fool (repeats multiple times within the symbols today), not being real, trying to cover something up or hide something, reckless

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “winter frost in woods”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

With the Full Moon, a great deal of sensory overload, cognitive dissonance, and fear mongering is being pushed into human consciousness in an attempt to re-imprint an old energetic.

Today, the Black Moon will move to 24 Virgo 00 (25 Virgo) and the Sabian symbol of “a flag at half mast in front of a public building.” Again we have energetics around “flags.” This energy will be in effect for the next nine days, so it will be present throughout the Independence Day holiday here in the US. In step, people are being stirred up – “triggered” in trauma terminology. The crumbling control system is trying to “trigger” a trauma response whether they carry out a traumatic event or not. The fear of the potential for something is almost as powerful as the emotional response from an actual event. Our brains are more easily manipulated when fear is involved. Reality becomes harder to discern.

But, several things are also in effect to not merely counter all of this, but to lift us out of it to a clearer view – a wiser view. Primary among these is Venus, still in conjunction with the lofty expansion of masterful Jupiter, moving to the degree of the Solstice CME and reactivating the energy of “a bareback rider in a circus displays her dangerous skill.” This was the CME of the M2.6 flare on Saturday, June 20 at 10:34 pm ET/ Sunday, June 21 at 2:34 am UT — just four hours after Uranus moved to the Eris Point (where it sits now and where it will turn retrograde, flooding the field with revelations of truth, rebellion against power and control dynamics, and rebirth of the true values of life). You may remember significant things happening in your life at that time. It was quite a Summer Solstice!

Many people have reported feeling dissociated or spacey during this Gibbous Moon phase. Gibbous Moon phase is already rather fluid energy by nature. It has taken over a week for us to fully take on board the solar activations – the light and wisdom – that was sent our way with the Earth directed CMEs last week. The Solstice CME was one of the ones that morphed with the others to have such a dramatic impact on our psyches. And we are smarter from it.

The Venus-Jupiter conjunction assists by helping us elevate and assimilate our understanding of the way things are in our lives and in the world right now. And remember, Neptune is still helping us navigate as the energy of “an aviator in the clouds” continues to fly.

These are the kinds of things that cause renaissance — true change.

Wise owls are well aware of the types of tricks and hijinks that the old, dying system is fond of employing. We see beyond the illusions, somersaulting above them like a bareback rider. We understand that we are in direct connection and direct collaboration with a higher force of love, freedom, and beauty that is restoring the world to balance and sanity. We have Full light to see through it all.

Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report!

The Oracle Report

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

7/2/2015 2:46:53 AM
The Creator has ALL the time in this world. I live to discover what He created me for.
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/2/2015 8:51:24 PM

God wants us to get back to Him as in a way, it is us who created ourselves when we chose to separate from Him - eons ago.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/2/2015 8:55:59 PM

Carl Boudreau: Astrology Status for June 18, 2015 – July 2015 – Drawing Lines in the Sand

This Far and No Farther

For many months, now, the astrological message has been about challenging and repeated emotional releases, confusion and indecision. That will almost surely change dramatically in July.

Neptune, Chiron, Nessus and Saturn have softened the ground. Positive aspects have planted seeds of hope and aspiration and begun paving a way forward.

Beginning very soon, as soon as July’s New Moon makes itself felt, we will define a goal for ourselves. We will experience a grim and righteous determination to achieve that goal, even if that means outright confrontation with those who resist us.

The Moon’s Work

Cancer, presently being transited by the Sun, is the Moon’s home sign. Both Cancer and the Moon are closely associated with the psychologically and spiritually vital 4th house.

Cancer, the Moon and the 4th house are all closely associated with the weaving and reweaving of patterns in our unconscious mind. These patterns affect our spirituality and our psychology. They strongly influence, if they do not simply determine, our attitudes and behaviors.

Moon to the Nth Degree

Every July, the Sun transits Cancer, placing its energetic emphasis on the deep psychological and spiritual processes governed by Cancer, the Moon and the 4th house. In July 2015, a number of factors will dramatically heighten this focus, intensifying, accelerating, amplifying and spiritualizing these psychological and spiritual processes.
There are three Moons in July 2015.

July 2nd, Full Moon in Capricorn.

July 16th, New Moon in Cancer.

July 31st, Full Moon in Aquarius.

This surplus of lunar energy will, by itself, put psychological and spiritual processes into overdrive.

But there is more.

Some Serious Sirius

Sirius is by far the brightest star in the heavens. It is also the most sacred of the stars. Located in Cancer, I think of Sirius as the light of higher consciousness shining through the psychological and spiritual processes governed by Cancer.

The patterns we weave in the course of the Moon’s monthly cycle must not be so dense as to obstruct the light of Spiritual Intuition that shines steadily through Cancer, providing insight, guidance and support. In symbolic terms, this means that we must not shut out the light of Sirius by weaving rigid and opaque patterns in our unconscious.

With relatively few exceptions, the New Moon conjunction will produce a beam of Sirius energy strong enough to soften and penetrate even the most rigid and opaque patterns in our subconscious. Although some may be brittle enough that they snap under the strain.
It is worth noting that, historically, the Cancer/Capricorn axis has proven powerfully sensitive. Pluto’s transit of this axis, whether in Cancer or Capricorn, has consistently correlated with major historical events.

At the moment of the New Moon on July 16th, Mars, Mercury and Sirius will conjoin. This triple conjunction is closely opposed to retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. For astrological purposes, the distance between Mercury, Sirius and Mars is negligibly small.
This exact conjunction and opposition is highly unusual. I checked as far back as the 1600s and found nothing comparable.

Mercury at 14º 11’ Cancer.

Sirius at 14º 17’ Cancer.

Mars at 14º 21’ Cancer.

Pluto at 14º 02’ Capricorn

Sun and Moon conjunct in Cancer at 23º 14’ Cancer.

The New Moon in July marks the beginning of the Moon’s annual cycle of New Moons, another factor that increases the significance of this conjunction/opposition.

If you use Greenwich Observatory (UT) as the birthplace, as I do, this potent opposition will fall across the financial access of the chart, heralding a profound shift in global economic attitudes.

Drawing Lines in the Sand

A strong Sirius imparts a clear and strong, often relentless sense of spiritual mission. It can also cause life-changing events that return us to alignment with that mission.
When Sirius aligns with Mars, passion and initiative combine with a strong, distinctly spiritual kind of inspiration. Through Mercury, Sirius infuses thought and language, spoken and written, with spiritual inspiration.

Sirius, Mars and Mercury, then, will create a kind of righteous, spiritually inspired determination in us and impart a solid psychological confidence in ourselves and our mission. We will become convinced of the rightness of our goal and of our ability to achieve it.

We will become increasingly convinced that we should and can overcome the seemingly innumerable challenges we are now facing. It will also bring a continuing series of spiritual and psychological changes in us.

The exact opposition from Pluto can add an obsessive, self-righteous tone to our determination. We can become demanding, domineering, impatient and combative, overlooking or even overriding the rights and expectations of others. No doubt, some will behave this way.

By Any Means Necessary

It would be hard to underestimate the power and intensity of this influence. On the individual level, it will grant many of us the determination and direction we’ve been lacking. Others of us can become obsessed and controlling.

On the macro-level, this influence will almost certainly cause extreme and fanatical acts.

Mitigating Factors: Retrograde Motion and Mutability

Saturn, Pallas, Ixion, Pholus, Quaoar, Chariklo, Pluto, Ceres, Nessus, Chiron and Neptune will all be retrograde at the New Moon in July.

By itself, the Pluto/Sirius/Mars/Mercury opposition should be considered dangerously volatile, even explosive. However, retrograde motion predominates in the chart.

Retrograde motion encourages thoughtful, reflective, introspective responses and stimulates discussion. The circumstances and resources needed to act, or overreact, tend not to be available.

But the retrograde motion will also make the world permeable to this intense burst of spiritual energy, which will sink in and percolate through the many layers of our reality.

Last month, I discussed the significance of the retrograde motion of the dwarf planets that govern collective consciousness. The transformative discussions taking place as a result of these retrogrades will now be infused with the distinctly spiritual energy of the Pluto/Sirius/Mars/Mercury opposition.

Again, if, as I do, you use Greenwich Observatory (UT) as the birthplace, all these retrograde dwarf planets fall in mutable Sagittarius in the 7th house, foretelling a profound transformation in our ideas about social relationships and our obligations to each other as members of a society.

Many of the most significant placements in recent charts have been in mutable signs. This mutable energy will also tend to soften and dissipate any harshness.

Supportive Aspects

There is a generous assortment of trines in this chart. Most notable, perhaps, is the Grand Trine between Chiron, Saturn and the grouping in Cancer. This trine will dramatically facilitate the change of worldview required to allow these radical new Sirius energies to express effectively.

Furthermore, Pluto sextiles Chiron; Chiron, in turn, trines the cluster in Cancer. This will channel the disruptive energy of the Pluto opposition into constructive, transformative dialogue.

All of the trines complement the bracelet of minor positive aspects in place long-term.

Mixed Messages, As Usual

So, in July, as in previous months, our opinion about whether things are falling apart or coming together will depend on which signals we are reading. And again, as in so many previous months, if we focus on the inevitable negative events, we will overlook a rare and profoundly transformative astrological event, one that marks a historic turning point in key social and economic attitudes, world wide.


The Cluster in Cancer

Chart of the New Moon in Cancer

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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