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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/27/2015 5:51:54 PM

More on Motivation and Spiritual Revolution


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I wrote yesterday that I’m feeling more motivated to help people wake up, and today, I’m realizing that I also want to be more dedicated to the spiritual path. I want to write about more things that genuine spiritual teachers and other sources have said, and I want to put the things I learn into play.

Most importantly, I want to learn to be centered and present in this moment. I want to learn more about heart-centeredness and responding to difficult or stressful situations in a more constructive way, and I want to explore my consciousness a lot more.

Some of you might have similar goals right now, and the best advice I can give is to be confident in yourself. Don’t let your dedication wane, even when you don’t think you can keep on, and try your best to stay rooted in the spiritually-driven way of life you want to cultivate. Don’t let anyone make you think you’re wrong for living the way you do, and stand strong when you face criticism or condemnation.

The spiritual path requires surrender, but when we look back on it, we’ll see that we only had to surrender things that kept us from making progress. We only gave up things that we can’t take with us into a higher state of consciousness, and giving them up is the hardest part. The journey’s always difficult at first, but it gets easier if we keep at it and stay true to our discipline.

We have to create this discipline in the first place if we want to stick with it, and I’ll admit that I really don’t have any disciplines. I try to meditate often, but I haven’t been very serious about it and it doesn’t always work out. Now’s a better time than ever to get serious about these kinds of things, because we have an opportunity to peer into the next level of existence and all we have to do is make an effort – or rather, a non-effort.

No effort needed… just enjoy it! Credit:

Meditation doesn’t require any effort, and the point of it is to get to a place beyond effort, beyond thinking and beyond the constraints of the external world. Its purpose is to connect us with our inner world, and unlike anything else in life, it encourages us to relax and lose ourselves in the bliss of our higher consciousness.

Meditation isn’t the only thing that’ll help us, and we can also take advice from the countless people who’ve glimpsed enlightenment and taught others how to do the same. I’m starting to open up to spiritual teachers again, and I’ve struggle with their material for a while because I’ve felt like much of it was too strict.

However, like others have said, we can filter everything we learn through the heart and only embrace what resonates with us. Our path will always be ours to walk in whatever unique way we want, but we can still benefit from guidance given by teachers who’ve realized their divine identity and are constantly filled with the spirit.

With the power of heart-centered discernment, I’m learning to open back up to spiritual teachers, listen to what they have to say, and only take what helps me along my journey.

This is only one aspect of the personal transformation I want to embark on, and there are a lot of other changes I’d like to make to my eating habits, the amount of time I spend on meaningless things that don’t help me (or anyone else) evolve, and the control I wield over my mind and emotions. I want to commit to a completely new way of life, and if I don’t do it now, I might miss the chance for good.


So from here on out, I want to truly dedicate myself to the spiritual path and, like I said yesterday, to the work it inspires. I hope this personal transformation can help those of you who are also struggling, and the idea is to eventually become an example for others to live by – even though I’m nowhere near there yet.

I’m not the role model I could be, but I’d like to become one. I want to show the way for others, but I have to find the way for myself first and the lifestyle changes I want to make will hopefully make it possible.

Like anyone else who wants to change their life and come closer to enlightenment, I know I have a long journey ahead of me and I’m excited to finally take the first steps. Feel free to start walking your new path, because we have a responsibility to transform ourselves and the world. Our personal transformation has to come first, and as long as we stick with it, our individual and collective evolution will be inevitable.

Share freely.

I’m a twenty-two year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/27/2015 6:04:22 PM

The Oracle Report, Saturday-Sunday, June 27-28, 2015

There is a lot of shifting in alliances going on right now. Saudi Arabia has to be thinking twice. The EU is looking straight into the face of collapse. Greece at the moment is front and center. There is much, much more going on in Eastern Europe politically, as well, as the US tries to surround Russia.

The world is beginning to wake up to big pharma and vaccinations/drugs, etc. The Pope’s message is not being received well, but many are confused and don’t understand the truth behind it. Climate change is becoming a big issue as the (needless lack of ) water issue in California comes to the fore, and so on.

There are many great reads today that offer explanations to us. Take your time and enjoy them. It is part of the process of awakening and coming to understand our world. :) Hugs, ~Jean



First Quarter Moon Phase (Saturday):
take action Gibbous Moon Phase (Sunday): trust

Moon in Scorpio/Sagittarius (Sunday 11:22 pm ET/Monday 3:22 am UT)

Goddess of Wisdom: Bagalamukhi (Goddess Who Solves)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: uncomplicate things

True Alignments: creating connections and foundations, mysteriousness, tempering harshness with gentleness, free expression of feelings, imagination, thin veils between the worlds, truth, vivid dreams revealing guidance, facing forward, the Goddess

Catalysts for Change: pretending to be something one is not/overblown ego, unable to see or appreciate the blessings one has received, astray, half truths, attempting to persuade through manipulation, threats, continually worrying, fear of the unknown

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “winter frost in the woods”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

The rational mind rebels this weekend and effectively goes on leave. The increased solar energetics this past week have taken the rational mind to a new limit. This weekend, the magical mind rises up in balance. Like ribbons, the feminine energetics of creation and connection fold around the edges and bring about balance.

Rest, relaxation, and fun are the natural tendencies with this weekend’s energetics. But if this is in short supply for you, the best way to compensate is to focus on anything natural that you can find. There are trees even in concrete jungles. Birds are always around. Registering these things relaxes stressed minds.

Several of the Sabian symbols this weekend feature dancing. Dancing is another thing that relaxes stressed minds. Before the male wise owls freak out, this is accomplished merely by little happy dances. Going out “two stepping” is not required.

However, any situations that have developed where there is stepping out on people will result in definitive consequences when Venus stations retrograde between July 25 and September 6, 2015.

The skill this weekend is to uncomplicate things. So, since I have been trying to write this report for over two hours, I will take the message, too, and sign off for this week. As always, find beauty!

Archive of Phoenix Rising Radio from Thursday, June 25, 2016:

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/28/2015 5:41:12 PM

Archangel Michael: You’re Anchoring Light Upon the Planet

Archangel MichaelIn the course of looking for material on “stewardship,” I came across the following passage in my readings with Archangel Michael. It was so helpful that I decided to post it as one piece.

The occasion was Graham Dewyea’s creation of Light Stewards, which led to a discussion of stewardship.

“Yes, we understand that in many ways you feel at times that you are stewards in training but that is incorrect. I do not say this in a way that is intended to intimidate you but you have not been in training for some time.

“What you are doing is anchoring Light upon the Planet, upon Gaia in various undertakings, each specific to a little area, a piece of the puzzle but collectively you are responsible for a very large piece of that puzzle.

“So when I suggest to you that how you do this – yes, of course there is the individual work, there is the anchoring of Love, there is the anchoring of your Divine Creative Creator Self and the Knowing of that spark within, the acknowledgement and the activation – that is the individual work but then when you are also coming together as stewards, you are acting as activators, catalysts for the activation for that Divine Spark within others.”

The “individual work” is the work that faces all of us forever – to know who we are at essence. It’s the work that lightholders and loveholders specialize in. We also do that work but not to the exclusion of lightwork.

“Well, how do you do this? You do this by the adherence to consciousness, to heart consciousness, to Love, to the Divine Qualities, by not reverting back to drama, to chaos, to old patterns or behaviors. I need to emphasize to you, I am not saying this in a critical way.

“The drama, the chaos, the old Third Dimension can be exceptionally seductive. It is not only familiar. It is tried and true.’

The drama feels good. It’s exciting. It’s absorbing. It’s challenging.

If we were honest with ourselves, we’d acknowledge that lust feels wonderful, delicious. That’s why it’s been so enduring, even though Earth civilizations believe they’ve “grown up.”

Anger and hatred feel powerful. Enacting treaties between others against a common “enemy” feels reassuring. It’s hard to pass these ways of being by, especially, as AAM says, because we’re so used to them.

However, the results of us acting from lust, anger, hatred, etc., decidedly don’t feel good. The lost friends, broken relationships, left jobs, etc., testify to the fact that the New World will not be built on these qualities.

wolf 33

Which wolf do we feed?

And, at last, having had enough of the difficulties and disasters that arise, we cringe each time we feel lust and anger. And then finally, because they’ve been ignored and abandoned, those feelings begin to subside. We’re feeding the good wolf rather than the bad wolf.

I’m sitting across from a mother and daughter in a coffee shop, near Granville Island in Vancouver. They’re ripping apart one man after another. Judging, feeling superior, dismissing people with a word – how powerful we feel!

“That is why it has endured so long and why so many fully embraced it with both arms, legs, bodies, minds.

“So will there be situations where you catch yourself flirting with the old Third. Yes, my friends, there will be and what do I ask you to do?

“I ask you to take out your sword and shield, to deflect it, to cut it away and then with me and with each other to laugh, not in a cynical, sarcastic way and not in a way that is dismissive because this is not about being dismissive and saying, ‘Oh don’t worry, that’s all right’ but it is also not critical.”

Many of us don’t want to be bothered by other people’s complaints. Dismissing them with “Oh, it’ll all work out” or “There, there. It’s OK” is designed to close the other person’s complaining down. We don’t want to listen to others; we mostly want them to listen to us.

That isn’t what AAM is saying here. His “Oh, don’t worry, that’s alright” is a statement of forgiveness. If I were talking with someone and our converation went off the rails, a way of typifying what he’s saying here is to say: “Let’s go back to the last point of agreement.”

Returning to the point, though, our desire to be listened to and avoid listening to others is crazy. There’s no give and take and such an unbalanced way cannot endure. Sooner or later, people recognize what we’re doing and drift away. Or they get mad at us and try to “fix” us. Or they develop their own dysfunctional ways of countering our neglect. On and on the trauma and drama goes.

“It is observing, standing back, saying ‘Whoa, that was a close call. Look what we were doing?’”

I’ve never been able to achieve this degree of separation from my upsets!!! But I’d love to achieve it. It’s something to aim for.

“And then individually and collectively going forward, adhering not to what I lay out to you, not to what the Mother or the Universe or the Universal Law lays out to you, but to what you know is the Truth of conscious, loving behavior.”

The truth of conscious loving behavior is known more fully the more conscious we are and the more we know (transformative) love. It seems to me that we can (virtually) never actually know love fully; there’ll always seem to be a ways to go.

When ordinary love yields to transforming love, leaving the latter by yielding to drama and chaos becomes ever more painful and carries a higher and higher cost.

It’s not hard then to know what the truth of love says.

“It is what your hearts, your minds and your bodies yearn for. This is the most significant shift of all. It is the ability of you who have chosen to be stewards, leaders, to show the way. And that is how you do it.

“So it is not training. It is not giving each other permission to slip up now and then. It is by very consciously, not in a restricted way but in a full-hearted embracing way, going forward together. Is that helpful?’ (1)

Yes, very, Lord.

Going forward together. Not easy. Try adding financial impoverishment to the mix and social isolation. The groups that have made it intact from 2012 to this point stand to be congratulated.

Going forward together as part of a team is orders of magnitude harder than going together alone. How to have a team agree on goals and outcomes, how to keep people moving forward – without falling back into control and coercion paradigms – is a quandary whose solution is not generally discussed or known.

Now the Company of Heaven is making up for that deficiency in discussions such as these. I hope people out there regard these messages the same way I do: These are like marching orders for me.

Apparently we trained for lifetimes to do the jobs we’re doing now. The training wheels are off now and we’re feeling the energy and strength to do increasingly larger work coursing through us with each new wave of the Tsunami of Love direct from the Mother’s Heart and each new burst of intergalactic and interdimensional energy.

Channeled material used here is copyright by the Council of Love, Inc., 2015, and is used by permission.


(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, through Linda Dillon, Nov. 21, 2012.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/28/2015 5:46:14 PM

Feel Good News: Sunday, June 28, 2015

feelgoodnewstoesHappy Sunday, dear friends. As many of you know, I am a student of biology, and you can’t take the love of experimenting out of the student. This week, I decided to do a little experiment with Facebook.

Some folks adore Facebook for its ability to connect with family and friends. Some love it for the cute Meme’s, also known as photographs with sayings written on them, for those who aren’t in the know. Others can’t stand Facebook because it can tend to draw the drama into their lives.

I adore Facebook. Part of the reason is because I chose to interact with it only in a positive way. The other reason is because I decided to make my work life joy-filled, and much of my work relates to social media. If I am going to interact with any platform, it must bring me joy.

That was my decision. This week though, I decided to ask Facebook to literally bring me the good news. I did not search online for any news, as I usually do, but simply wanted to see if the good news would come to me.

Every single day, my newsfeed delivered me some good news. There was more than enough by the second day to totally fill one edition, so this represents the top picks from Facebook sharings that appeared on my newsfeed alone.

I hope you enjoy, and you may want to choose to see if my experiment plays out in your world as well. It’s amazing what this social media tool can deliver, and even more amazing when we choose to intend for it to deliver good news!

Bangladesh cuts its hunger rate in half!

According to a recent United Nations report, there are 216 Million fewer hungry people in our world than there were in the 1990’s, and 100 Million less than just 3 years ago!

This is amazing news, as hunger is one of the most critical, and most easily shifted issues facing our world. Bangladesh was once considered one of the most impoverished countries in the world, but they have recently turned it around by focusing on small farming mechanization, the empowerment of women and education for girls.

The country is now self-sufficient when it comes to the agricultural production of their rice staple crop, and this gives hope to other developing nations to also achieve the same status through focused sustainable platforms at the local level. Knowing that so many more people are being provided with the food they need to survive and thrive is certainly a wonderful thing.

Bangladesh Has Cut Hunger Rate By 50%, Leading Rest Of The World by Amanda Froelich for True Activist

A school for homeless children helps them shine.

This is a story of grass-roots support for a dream. When the PLACE, a progressive school for at-risk teens and homeless kids, in San Diego, CA, was in jeopardy of losing its home due to the building of a new baseball stadium, a group of inspired business people gathered at the Rotary Club, to figure out a way to find a new location.

They not only found a new location, they helped create an entirely different type of school for transient students in the city. The school was renamed the Monarch School and through its non-profit arm, they raised over $1.4 Million to subsidize the monies they get from the state.

The school not only offers education and extended before and after-hours care. They provide kids with clothes, a place to shower, a nap area, healthy meals and funds for parents who need help with documentation and transportation. The staff realized that kids couldn’t focus on learning without feeling a level of personal comfort, and so they focused on addressing these outside stressors that most kids will never experience.

The results are astounding, and the school’s space was soon overflowing with students, who went from earning D’s and F’s to B’s and C’s. The local Rotary club again came to their aid. The group raised another $15 Million and found a much larger facility for the school, expanding the services provided to include health care. They were also a catalyst to get local business and sports teams, such as the San Diego Chargers to donate equipment to this important fixture for the transient community.

Looking beyond what is and evaluating what is needed for a marginalized community is the key to creating projects that will work. This is a stellar example of thinking outside the box, and enlisting local businesses and non-profits to address a community need in the most loving and empowering fashion.

One-of-a-Kind School Gives Homeless Students a Leg Up by Dean Calbreath for the Rotarian

A young boy uses his allowance to design clothes for homeless kids.

This story broke my heart wide open. Xavier Elliott is a young boy who lives in Phoenix, AZ. His dad served in Iraq and suffered from PTSD, which led the family on a long odyssey through homelessness. They are finally getting back on their feet, and one would think that a young boy would then focus on being a kid.

Not so for Xavier. After watching his mother, who volunteers to run a support program called Arizona Veteran Families, using a sewing machine to make clothes, he asked her if he could use his allowance to buy fabric to make clothes for other homeless kids. His mom taught him how to use the machine and he began to work on his project to give to kids who have less than he does.

Using social media, the family has collected donations of fabric and money to expand their project of kindness, to a community that they once belonged to and hope to support. Xavier is another example of the generous hearts embodying now, which certainly gives me hope for the future.

Formerly Homeless Boy Uses His Allowance To Make Clothes For Needy Kids by Cameron Keady for Huffington Post Good News

Elvis is building more Tiny Homes for the homeless.

We shared a story a while ago about a man named Elvis, who decided to build a portable tiny home for a homeless woman in his neighborhood. While she was overwhelmed by his kindness, so was the world, who supported his crowdfunding campaign that he set up to allay the cost of building materials for the project to the tune of $80,000.

This weekend, Elvis has decided to continue his streak of kindness by hosting a tiny house building marathon in the Los Angeles, CA area. He requested volunteers to come out and help with the process and learn about building tiny homes. What a kind and giving person, and a shining light showing the way to a world that works for everyone!

Calling All Volunteers: Elvis is Hosting a “Tiny House-Building” Event in L.A. by Helaina Hovitz for Good News Network

A local police officer pays it forward at a young girl’s lemonade stand.

Gabrielle Garcar, is 9 years old. She wanted an IPad to do her school work on and play a few video games. Her mom was not able to afford it, and so Gabrielle decided to take matters into her own hands.

She set up a lemonade stand in her Ohio neighborhood so that she could raise the money herself. Local Sheriff’s Deputy Zak Ropos stopped by for a glass of lemonade and got to talking with the girl, who explained the reason for her stand.

Zak really wanted to help her, and knew that the money from the stand would not be enough to fund her purchase, and so he thought to donate a used one he had at home. When he realized that the used one would not work, he went out and purchased a new one, with the permission of Gabrielle’s mom. He delivered it to the happy girl, because he wanted to join in with the other Lake County officers who regularly pay it forward in the community.

After this act of kindness went viral on Facebook, deputy Ropos said that he was just following the wonderful example of the other officers in his department, who are all so caring and would give the shirt off their back for the people.

Officer ‘pays it forward’ with electronic tablet for girl at lemonade stand by Eun Kyung Kim for Today

And finally…

Donations come in from around the globe to save a local greasy spoon.

Annie’s Clark Brunch is a fixture in Worcester, MA, which is a working class town, and home to many colleges and universities. The diner sits on the corner of Clark University, and many students over the years have considered it a second home, where they can get a comforting meal on a student’s pocketbook.

The Clark Brunch has been around for years, and due to the low prices maintained by Annie Jenkins, who has owned the restaurant since 1991, there was never enough money to update the kitchen to health codes.

Recently Annie received notice that the upgrades would have to be made, or the city would close the restaurant down. The cost of the upgrades was over $50,000 and Annie’s heart sank. She knew she didn’t have the money to complete the renovations and she thought she would have to close the restaurant.

Locals came to the rescue when they heard about her plight. They reached out to university alumni and created a crowdfunding page for Clark Brunch. Clark University also came to the rescue, offering a no-interest loan to Jenkin’s as the university owns the building. Annie is overwhelmed, as donations have come in from all over the world to support what she loves most, and renovations will begin this summer for completion before the fall term.

This story is a wonderful example of how social media can be used to help with what can seem like an insurmountable problem. The first step is always letting people know when you need help, and then allowing them to create solutions that were unheard of even 5 years ago.

It is also amazing to see the love pouring forth for Annie and the restaurant. She might never have known how important the place she created was to others, unless this difficult situation had not made her ask for help.

Loyal Customers Save Popular Worcester Restaurant by Lisa Hughes for CBS Boston

That’s the good news for today. Have a lovely day. See you all next Sunday as we explore more good news together.

Be Well. Be Joy. Be Love!


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
6/28/2015 5:50:31 PM


Abraham Hicks - Who Am I

Publicado el 27/06/2015

The audio material in this video is extracted from the Abraham Hicks workshop: San Francisco 07/28/2012 The material in this video as well as any other Abraham-Hicks materials are copyrighted by Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks. For additional information on Abraham Hicks or Esther Hicks, visit their website -

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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