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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/28/2015 6:26:13 PM

Gold Mine of Information

Pot 3A number of readers have asked about Jade Helm. Here is Matthew’s comment on the matter:

“Numerous readers in the United States have expressed concern that the military training exercise called Jade Helm is a ‘red flag’ so the government can declare martial law, confiscate guns, and put dissenters in FEMA camps to undergo brainwashing.

“This is no different from the many other instances that also were labeled ‘red flags’—either outright false information disseminated to create panic or the assumption of individuals who tend to ascribe sinister intentions to whatever the government does. Please do not be drawn into the fear that is the basis of this melodrama from ‘either/or’ source.” (Matthew’s Message, June 24, 2015.)

While I used to provide the service of tracking down rumors (such as the rumor that Jade Helm was an attempt to take over the U.S. Government), etc., that time is long, long past.

But I do wish to point you to several resources on this site that I think many people may not be aware of.

The site is like a large piece of luggage with several compartments. If you take a moment to learn where the compartments (resources) are, you’ll tap into a large amount of pertinent information. Here they are:

(1) The Wikis

There are several wikis or databases attached to the site. The one of interest to most people is First Contact, which is a database of channeled material on all the themes we’re pursuing here: Ascension, Disclosure, abundance, accountability, the galactics, celestials and masters, vasanas, the constructed self, on and on. That resource can be accessed here:

There are several more wikis that can be seen from the main portal ( These include dictionaries or wikis on life after death (New Maps of Heaven, at, enlightenment (From Darkness Unto Light, at, and gender persecution (Gender Persecution, at

I no longer have the time to routinely add quotes to the Wiki. As soon as money becomes available, I’ll be hiring someone to go back to Nov. 2014 and add the relevant material from that point till now so that the wiki is up-to-date and full in its treatment.

But I do still add the most important quotes I see.

(2) The Library/Archive

There are thousands of articles dating back to September 2009 on all aspects of the Golden Age, located in the Library. The entrance is found by clicking on “Library Archive” in the banner or go here:

(3) The search function

Enter anything you wish in the search box (“Jade Helm,” for instance) and it’ll bring up anything on the site that contains that phrase.

If you want to be as specific in your search as possible, surround the phrase you enter in quotation marks (“Jade Helm”). That way you won’t get an article on a sea captain who wore jade and took the helm of the ship. I use the search function multiple times a day.

(4) Downloadable Books

I am currently uploading many of the books I’ve written to this area.Building Nova Earth is up there, Back to the Garden. I’ll soon haveGrowing in Every Direction at Once there and more titles.

Everything on this site is free. You have to get the humor in the fact that one person is charging people to get onto his site, one of whose offerings is Building Nova Earth. So people are paying to get what they could get from this site free. Ah me.

You’re welcome to use the material you find here for any purpose connected to the Mother’s divine plan. There’s no cost, no copyright, and no need to cite the source. (1) Just get the word out.

Sheldan’s sources said recently that the task will fall to us to make the newly-awakened aware of all that’s happening and calm their fears. Here’s the information you need to accomplish that task.


(1) No need to say that a certain quote from Matthew came from Building Nova Earth. Just credit Matthew.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/28/2015 6:32:03 PM



When they were created, the Divine wished to make in equal parts that essence of which all Creation exists of, and which itself existed of in two distinctive forms within the Greater Whole of the Godhood.

Therefore he created from the substance of energy of ONE single soul, two forms, a male and female form, so that they would enhance each other. Yet, at the same time each one would have a little of the other within their being, so that they could understand each other better and find a greater degree of equilibrium, when they truly became AS ONE again.

It was then that creation celebrated the conception and birth of the first twin flames, of the Central Fire of the Central Suns, and they were thus called Man and Woman, and they could only experience the total wholeness of their true soul, when they came together as ONE – thus manhood was created to fit perfectly into wom(b)anhood and in the process of union, they could create another being by becoming as one.

In the ancient Mystery schools of Egypt and those even more ancient that this, it was understood that twin flames had a specific soul purpose and mission to fulfill and acolytes were very carefully screened to see if they met certain requirements. For the High Priest and High Priestess of the Higher Temples of Ra, would read the soul records of babies when they were born and drew up astrological charts which would more or less confirm the readings and immediately identify such twin flames from the Great Central Suns, as they had a specific combination of attributes which identified them. They were known as the High Initiates.

Some of these would be reborn at certain times, and would have certain identification marks on their bodies which were read. A lot of these symbols and signs were in the etheric bodies, or the higher soul bodies, and those priestesses trained to read this, would immediately identify those who were called for higher service.

At the age of three they were then handed over the temple guardians for intensive initiation and training into the secret orders of the Mystery Schools, and they were trained according to their soul purpose and calling and the higher soul work they had come in to do.

In Ancient times these twins would assume leadership roles in maturity, and would have been trained extensively in the Mysteries themselves, and thus also were trained in the ancient sacred sexual rites, which they had been trained to do and to partake in, when they reached a certain age.

Such unions were considered sacred, and thus the higher the soul calling, the more the sanctity of such unions were honored. It was know that no third party could enter such a union for it would disrupt the sacredness of the creative energy and the focus of such energies to uplift and to expand the power that these two created in their union – or alchemical marriage, for here there were the rites of alchemy and sacred fusion involved and with it the whole cosmic understanding of the higher sun and moon equations, which were that of the sacred mystical paths.

Often in such union the triad would come into play where one would take on the neutral role of holding the space, or energy for the two, for it was known that such potent energy as created between the twins, was like a two-edged sword and thus had to be channeled in the correct ways.

The trinity of Isis, Osiris and Horus, then holds within its core this knowledge.

However simultaneously the twins would create another triad, with was then the fusion of the Divine Sun and thus the sacred fire and it in turn brought then the two triads together – that of the earth and that of the cosmic Sun and thus then the magical powers of the energies were unleashed which brought about the elevation of energies from which one then could literally change oneself and all that one aspired to change and in this then this energy was infused into the life mission work that these two then did in tandem and higher soul calling together.

The Mystical Sacred Union of the Twin Flames was never just for the mundane union as we humans now understand it, but rather was used as a specific mystical pathway towards the full radiation of the Central Sun with the two, and then in alchemical fusion to amplify this and thus this would then become that which brought massive consciousness changes in all whose lives it touched.

It was that central leadership role, that full Christedness which emerged once the higher initiatory status was reached and one could then channel this energy completely into the work, and the work would be amplified by these energies and thus these souls then in total higher service would create this energy between them, which would uplift and enhance the rest of the lives of those they ruled over or had under their wings.

It was a highly spiritual soul path, a Mystic path, which was different from any other, and it was higher path of love, which truly became an alchemical force. One did not embark on such a calling or pathway lightly but with total dedication and one centrally knew that this was never about the ego – but about that combined higher service work which one had agreed to render and incarnated for to complete.

These are the higher pathways of the Mysteries, which were often called the Higher Pathways of Destiny and Fate, and one would literally become that path, in order to be transformed into that higher SUN PATH, which was that of the Great Central Sun.

The initiations along the Sun Path, were incredibly severe and few ever made it to the top – mainly because if one could not hold the alchemical fusion and sacred fire energies because one’s vibrational frequency had sunk too low, one would disintegrate at some level. It was only the strongest who ever made it through and this meant that one literally was empowered with inner strength, with inner ILLUMINATION, with that MYSTICAL Energy itself and thus one took on the higher paths of resurrection and then ascension, in an illuminated mystical way.

One literally had to die onto the old earth self, and assume that which was not of earth but totally of the Illumined Central Sun. One retained one’s physical form yes, for the work here, but one was in a different vibrational state, which was cosmic and thus not of the earth.

In such alchemical unions commitment and the total understanding and agreement to walk this path together formed an essential ingredient. If one was not willing to totally disintegrate upon oneself, and to be revamped, reinvented, and stretched beyond the norm, then such a path was not open – it would be blocked on many levels.

For those Twin Flame who inherently know this, and have now returned, these Sun Paths are something they remember deep down, and when meeting their twin, immediately recognized and knew this.

A lot have had to go through stringent initiations in the inner planes in the last few years, and often felt like all was disintegrating and all was dissolved. Those initiations were meant to prepare these souls for the highest possible mission, and they know this. Most have an immense sense of higher calling and purpose – and are driven. To them this is the only path, the highest possible path and thus when coming together this is total dedication to this path and service and to each other and the Divine. There can be no shrinking – for it is the highest path for them. It demands ALL.

There are but a handful of such twins incarnated and they know who they are.

They have always done this work in other incarnations, in other dimensions, and life forms for they are cosmic and not of this earth.

Let those who have ears – listen with the inner ear.

Let those who have eyes – see with the inner eyes.

Let those who know – embark.

The time is NOW!

(Judith Kusel)

There are but a handful of such twins incarnated and they know who they are.

They have always done this work in other incarnations, in other dimensions, and life forms for they are cosmic and not of this earth.

Let those who have ears – listen with the inner ear.

Let those who have eyes – see with the inner eyes.

Let those who know – embark.

The time is NOW!

(Judith Kusel)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/28/2015 6:39:45 PM

Cherie Roe Dirksen: Ready to Give Up? Why You Should Soldier On!

Cherie-Roe-Dirksen_172x200When the Going Gets Tough

Life gets hairy — let’s face it.

“Perseverance, secret of all triumphs” — Victor Hugo

Let me paint a metaphorical picture: You’re standing at the checkout, waiting to pay. You’re going to make a beautiful meal when you get home and you’re salivating at the very thought of those steamed baby potatoes with melted butter and parsley, the carrots Julliene with coriander and the roasted butternut with creamy mushroom sauce. Then disaster strikes!

Your card is declined just as you’re about to whisk your shopping away and head off to culinary heaven.

You go home and eat baked beans on toast.

Take That Shovel and…

We’ve all been there. At some point or another along life’s many twisted and adventurous paths — we all come face to face with the discomfort of a bump in the road (to put it ever so mildly!).

You’ve basically got 3 choices when you hit these hurdles. You go get the shovel out the boot of your car.

Now you’re standing along the roadside staring at the bump, shovel in hand, and you can either:

  1. Shovel more sand and grit onto the bump — make it good and high (and more difficult to overcome)!
  2. Give up and toss that spade aside, or….
  3. Level that bump!

I know you’re all savvy and can probably see where I’m going with this, but let’s get more specific anyway, why don’t we?

Shovels Aside, Show Me the Gold

Now the key to success is very unlikely in excessively piling more dirt and gravel to the hurdle. It’s probably not the wisest thing to throw in the towel and declare defeat either…no! You show that bump who’s boss!

  1. Making things worse by playing the ‘poor me’ card (shoveling more sand on the bump) — we can all fall victim to feeling sorry for ourselves when life gets us down. It’s okay to have a little pity party rounded off with a tub of Ben and Jerry’s. However, inevitably you are the master co-creator of your experience and you’re going to need to pick yourself up off the floor and work on a game-plan to get out of the quagmire! The sooner you get out of victim mode the quicker you can bypass the obstacle and glean all the lessons it came to teach you.
  2. Packing it all in (tossing the spade aside) — it’s easy to give up and wave your white flag of surrender. But perhaps you have not yet fully tested your balls out — they may be stronger than you think (yes, you read right and feel free to reprimand my verbal conduct in the comment section below)? Have you ever thought about why you came to planet Earth — the playground of all things dualistic and difficult? Are you giving up on a dream, goal or ideal? Is your surrender empowering or disempowering? How about standing strong, head held high and facing those demons straight up? What have you got to lose? What have you got to gain? Are you in your truth and integrity? If yes, you walk on, sunshine! Climb right over that bump and show the world that you’ve got what it takes to overcome diversity (and some pretty impressive gonads).
  3. Riding the waves with grace and ease (leveling that bump!) — I’m not going to give you any clichés about lemons resulting in margaritas or soft drinks but what I will say is that when those waves hit and it looks like you may drown, try not to panic (when in doubt of drowning, try floating on your back — metaphorically speaking, ‘go with the flow’ or see where the universe is trying to take you). Instead, see that wave for what it is, what it can possibly show/teach you and why it came at that particular moment. There is gold to be mined in any situation and your job is to dig until you find your treasure — don’t leave any stone unturned. The best way I know to do this is with patience, understanding, compassion (for yourself and for others — hell, we’re all on this floating globe on the outskirts of the Milky Way, navigating the daily grind of existential interference) and a lust to understand the workings of the universe and why we’re all on this pick ‘n mix planet. There are lessons in everything and, if I may be so bold as to suggest, your job may be to cross the bridge so that you can look back, when you’re on the other side of your dilemma, and say ‘Ah, is that why that happened?! I’m sure glad I stuck with the program’

Let’s finish with that metaphorical painting I started earlier: So, a week after the baked beans on toast incident, you’re back at your local grocers when the checkout lady casually tells you about the food poisoning scandal they had with that dodgy new brand of creamy mushroom sauce. Boy, do you think your lucky now!

As Winnie the Pooh so eloquently put it (with a little help from A.A. Milne):

“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”

“Ready to Give Up? Why You Should Soldier On!” by Cherie Roe Dirksen, January 26, 2015 at

Original link: Ready to Give Up? Why You Should Soldier On!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/28/2015 6:45:11 PM



Michael's Message


Note from Ronna

Hello, my dearest friends. My assistant, Cindy and I just returned from Sedona, AZ where I was a featured speaker at the KRYON "Master Channelers Summit" conference. There were approximately 600 people in attendance from all over the world. It was magical, inspiring, heart-warming and Soul-expanding. I wish all of you could have been present to experience the incredible Fifth-Dimensional environment we created. No one who attended will ever be quite the same.

I channeled July’s message before we left for Sedona, and it included a portion of what our Beloved Michael said to the conference attendees. He also told us, “You have stepped into a new, higher frequency, personal INFINITY PORTAL, wherein you are centered within the STILLPOINT OF GOD POWER. Behind you is the harmonized hologram of your past, and before you is the magnificent potential of your future. This is a golden opportunity for each of you to become a true, empowered, masterful cocreator of love, harmony, joy, abundance and peaceful coexistence.”

I am deeply humbled and grateful for the love, blessings and gratitude I have received from all of you. We truly are creating a Soul Family Group of momentous proportions. We ARE making a difference and we are a Divine Force that is changing the world; ONE LOVING THOUGHT AT TIME. Eternal love and angel blessings, Ronna


Beloved masters, we are constantly endeavoring to give you the most pertinent information to assist you to understand what is taking place, as well as a broad overview of what to expect, as well as methods, tools and exercises to assist you to move through the evolutionary process with the least amount of discomfort via the gift of grace (which is the refined energy of Karma). As always, however, we admonish you to accept only those concepts that resonate within your heart and Soul as your truth. You are to no longer follow anyone mindlessly, for you are to be the master of your own destiny, and as such, you must constantly exercise the gift of discernment.

There are many devoted messengers who are now receiving different aspects of the new Divine Blueprint for the future of humanity. They have dedicated their lives to bringing you the wisdom teachings for the present and future times of worldly expanded consciousness. They are striving to bring forth the greatest wisdom and most beneficial information possible, and in order to do so they must always strive for accuracy and impeccability. By their works, they will be known. They have diligently stayed the course, and many times, they have proven their dedication and commitment to their chosen mission—no amount of negativity can deter them or keep them from fulfilling their spiritual destiny.

You have separated your consciousness or fragmented yourself thousands upon thousands of times in order to experience the great diversity of Creation, and you have also reunited with many of the multiple facets of yourself more times than you could ever imagine. Each time you did so, you added more complex information and unique experiences to your Memory Bank Seed Atoms. The farther you moved away from the perfection of the Supreme Creator, and the deeper you moved into multi-dimensionality, the denser and less perfect your creations became, for you had less pure Light substance to work with. Therefore, there is no blame and there should be no feelings of guilt and failure, for each lifetime was designed as a carefully planned learning experience. However, this round of Cosmic Creative Expansion is now coming to a close. It is now time for you to reclaim your Self-mastery and the ability to create things of beauty and harmony in accordance with the original, higher-level Divine Plan.

You must strive for a strong, highly developed connection between the mental and emotional bodies, and also between the Soul and the multiple Facets of your Higher Self in order to develop refined spiritual values. As you tap into the higher frequencies of Divine Wisdom, brilliant ideas will pour forth from the higher planes of intuition. You may experience exhilaration one moment and depression the next as you gradually achieve a blissful state of awareness, only to lose it again. However, the times of depression will grow less intense and also less frequent. Be assured that your ego-desire personality will rebel and resist the efforts of the Soul and the Higher Self–it will try to keep you in your habitual practices/habits of serving only the little self and its selfish desires. You must tap into the realm of the Sacred Mind and learn to use your Spiritual Will and discernment. You must constantly monitor and critique your words, deeds and motives as you train yourself and gain discipline over the little self.

Millions of dear Souls are in the midst of what can be called the process of Ascension or traversing the multiple stages of higher awareness.

This process entails healing, clearing and harmonizing all of your Soul Fragments remaining within the Third and lower Fourth Dimensions. Once you attain the mid-level sub-plane of the Fourth Dimension, you are ready for a tremendous upgrade in consciousness, for you will then be ready to begin the process of integrating the refined frequencies of your multiple Higher Selves. This process will continue until you have integrated all the Facets of your Higher Self within the Seven Sub-Planes of the Fourth Dimension. This is the Ascension goal for humanity during this round of advancement in spiritual awareness. As you have probably heard before, Ascension is an ever-evolving, continuous, on-going evolutionary process and not a destination. You should also be aware that you have experienced different phases of the Ascension process many times before in a multitude of locations and realities.

Millions of precious Souls have returned their Spectrum of Light and Shadow to an accepted level of duality, and have begun the process of opening the pathways of communication with the great Beings of the Higher Realms. This means that a vast number of you have accomplished the monumental task of clearing the major portion of your personal Karmic debt. Your Energetic Signature is radiating mostly positive, favorable vibrational frequency patterns, and is gradually becoming attuned to your original Cosmic Soul Song. It also means that you have successfully reestablished the connection with and between your Sacred Mind and your Sacred Heart.

Many of you are now receiving impulses, messages of inspiration, as well as advanced information from your Higher Self, your guides or specialized angelic helpers. We ask you to proceed slowly, and allow your Higher Self to guide you through the process. By doing so, you will establish a firm connection with thecosmic frequencies of higher intelligence, and you will gradually and safely progress to the more advanced teachers of cosmic wisdom. As an aspirant on the Path, greater and greater cosmic truths will be revealed to you. However, you should be aware that the lesser principles of ageless wisdom will constantly be expanded to incorporate the unique rules, laws and truths of the next level of existence in the never-ending cycle of Ascension in consciousness. Remember, knowledge must be integrated and used in an appropriate, efficient way in order to be retained as wisdom. Spiritual/Human Beings are those who have developed their Superconscious abilities so they may begin to draw on the wealth of information stored within their Sacred Mind. Eventually, they gain the ability to draw forth inspiration and advanced information from the Higher Dimensions via the many fragments of their Soul Self, which are scattered throughout this Sub-Universe.

The Superconscious Mind / Higher Self is your link to the Spiritual realms. First, you may begin to get flashes of information/inspiration via your intuitive abilities and during meditation. The powers of the mind are greatly enhanced as an aspirant on the Path becomes more proficient and comfortable in using the higher frequency patterns of the Sacred Mind. As a result of tapping into the higher frequency realms of the brain structure, a good portion of your memory of past events will begin to fade, which will allow you to move out of the realm of theinstinctual brain/mind into the realm of the Higher Mind. Ascension is mind-expanding, a process of passing from one state of consciousness to another. The awareness expands to include all humanity, the Earth, the solar system and its workings. No longer is the focus on the little self. The ultimate goal is to become a galactic Being, and to eventually attain a Universal consciousness.

Become sharply aware that your emotions and your thought patterns are critical components within the process of cocreation, for they will determine the quality of the vibrational patterns you will send forth into your personal Twelve Ray, Flower of Life, Creator Wheel. The frequencies of the Seed thoughts you plant in your personal Wheel of Creation will determine the quality of what you will manifest and they will also determine what you will experience in your everyday life–whether positive or negative. These occurrences will be your barometer as to what kind of vibrational patterns you are sending forth into the world of cause and effect.

Your primary task/goal at this time is to develop a state of mindful awareness, as you move deeper and deeper into the frequencies of the White Fire Seed Atoms within your Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind, where you will find all the strength and guidance you will ever need. As you develop your cocreative abilities and become more proficient in your personal mind control and visualization abilities, you will understand how important it is to constantly monitor the frequency patterns you are radiating forth out into the world. Always be mindful that you live in a world of vibrating, neutral, cosmic energy–the forces of Creation–which are waiting for you to mold them into anything you can imagine.

For this round of human evolution and Ascension into a higher state of consciousness, the initiation process has been designed as a group event, not an individual attainment. You must be willing to assist those on the Path behind you in some way, so that as you are lifted up, so is all humanity. The Soul has a natural inclination toward group-consciousness. It is the Soul which seeks reunification, not the ego-desire personality. Advancement on the Path increases Soul consciousness and group awareness.

Over the years, many of you have joined in building Fifth-Dimensional Group Pyramids in many strategic places around the Earth. Often, the instructions we give you are in preparation for a bigger plan to manifest at some future time. It is now time for us to focus on the ever-expanding group of World Servers. Toward that end, over the last few years, the Group Pyramids around the world have slowly merged together to create one great Pyramid in the highest levels of the Fifth Dimension. This Pyramid is not as large as the World Pyramid, for there is a decisive difference between the two. The World Pyramid has been created for all humanity so that anyone who wishes to go there to commune with our Father/Mother God, the great Beings of Light and the Angelic Forces may do so. It is a place to express gratitude and to pay homage to our God Parents, the Supreme Creator, and the mighty Forces of the heavenly realms. It is a sacred place of the highest form, and all who wish to experience the bliss of Oneness, and share their spiritual abundance and unconditional love are assured a place there. In the future, these great Pyramids of Light within the higher realms will take the place of many houses of worship as the world’s religions begin to accept the advanced wisdom teachings mandated by our Father/Mother God.

The World Server Pyramids are reserved for those who are well on their way to attaining Self-mastery, and who have gained the right to share their integrated knowledge/wisdom with others. Just as with the Cities of Light within the Sixth Dimension, you are to first go into your personal Pyramid, and then make the journey from there into the World Server Pyramid. You will automatically gain entrance into the appropriate Pyramid chamber when your Energetic Signature/Soul Song reaches the required, refined frequency patterns. Thereafter, you will progress to the more refined chambers of Light as your personal radiance increases. Suffice it to say that this is one of the greatest opportunities you will ever have to serve humanity and the Earth.

Remember, you are not coming to a dead end–you are stepping through an Infinity Portal into a new beginning. You must decide what you wish to take with you into your new world, and you must lovingly, but firmly discern what you are to leave behind. As you expand your consciousness and tap into the wisdom of your Sacred Mind, where the higher frequencies of God-Consciousness are stored, your reality will begin to change very quickly.

We are aware that many of you are disturbed by all the negativity, injustice and chaos which are rampant around the world. However, deep within, you know that the great changes taking place will eventually result in a world of peaceful coexistence, harmony and abundance for all humanity. Be assured that you can be a positive instrument for change. Allow us to send forth the dynamic Rays of Creator Essence for this new era of evolution from our Father/Mother God to and through you, so that you may become a Beacon of Light. Dear ones, your radiant Love/Light, added to that of other Servers of the Light, will assist humanity and the Earth to move gracefully into the wondrous New Age of tomorrow. Know that you are dearly loved, and you are always under my protection. I AM Archangel Michael.

​​Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from :

Note: Please scroll down to the bottom of this email for links to foreign language translations.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/29/2015 5:56:38 PM

The Oracle Report, Monday, June 29, 2015

I’ve been told that Comments aren’t getting through.
Don’t worry; we must be doing something right!



Gibbous Moon Phase: trust, magic

Moon in Sagittarius

Goddess of Wisdom: Bagalamukhi (The Goddess Who Solves)

God of Wisdom: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: grasping truth when it glimmers

True Alignments: evolving mindset, reaching out, shifts in perception, the ability to laugh at oneself, creating harmony, tuning in to a bigger picture, noticing and acknowledging the skills/talents/uniqueness of others, inspiring greater things, connections

Catalysts for Change: illusions, reactions from instinctual nature, arguments that lead to stalemate, spreading disharmony/fear, distracted from mission, denial, in over one’s head, meaninglessness

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “winter frost in the woods”

Sabian Symbol for Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

A beautiful and remarkable thing has begun in the starry skies and is building through Tuesday night. The planets Venus and Jupiter are moving into the same “place,” shining a beacon as they converge at the degree of the Sabian symbol “a carrier pigeon fulfilling its mission.”

Clarity about direction, course, senses, intuition, beliefs, information, and assessments is delivered. The energy that is building provides guidance and information — special messages that guide.

The energy is “exalted” somewhat since Jupiter is involved. Jupiter teaches us things that stretch our minds, so whatever is happening now is designed to bring things to a much higher and expanded level.

Since Venus is the other planet involved, energy is added to what we value and love, taking those things to new levels as well.

This lofty event has a caveat. The conjunction of Venus and Jupiter makes an astrological aspect with Uranus. Uranus’ goal is always to change, adjust, or align us with what is in our highest and best interests.

We are just beginning to grasp the expanded perception, awareness, and insight that is on tap until the Full Moon and the Venus -Jupiter conjunction overnight Tuesday (exact conjunction of Venus and Jupiter is Wednesday, July 1 at 3:33 am ET/7:33 am UT). Until then, the magic of the Gibbous Moon phase continues to flow.

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The Oracle Report

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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