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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/28/2015 6:04:54 PM

Weekly Newsletter: A Long Creative Journey


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I wrote the following for the one hundred and fifty-third issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter, which you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month via PayPal (the subscribe button is at the bottom of this post) or via check/cash (head here for more information).

Income from the newsletter helps my family and I get by and ensures I can continue to offer free content, and every subscription is appreciated.

When we discover our passion (or passions), we begin a long journey of commitment and expansion. It isn’t always as easy or free-flowing as we prefer, and there will always be challenges we can’t seem to get past and disciplines we require along the way. Ultimately, it’s a process that teaches us about ourselves and how we can expand our abilities, and while it can be uncomfortable, it gets easier as we move through it.

The creative process can be challenging, frustrating and immensely rewarding at the same time, and it disciplines us in a way that few other things can. This is why commitment is so important, and while it’s easy to decide we want to do something, living up to that decision can be a lot harder. It requires more from us than we initially expect, but as long as the mind’s open and we can persevere, it’ll eventually get easier.

The beginning is always the hardest part, and things will flow more smoothly once we have some experience under our belt. We’ll have honed our abilities and achieved a good flow, and the people who gravitate to our work will appreciate the time we spent developing our talent. Not to mention that we’ll enjoy our work more than ever, and at a certain point, it’ll stop feeling like work and start feeling more like play.

Suddenly, this thing we love doing every day will reach massive amounts of people, and we can help the masses just by following our passion.

Maybe we can keep this in mind when we struggle, and however difficult things are now, they’ll get easier if we persevere and remember our goals. We’ll eventually be excited for a good challenge, because we’ll know that it helps us get better and reach our goals more quickly.

Everything we experience in life is a lesson, and this can especially be said for creative challenges. The whole purpose of a challenge is to help us become better, and instead of getting frustrated or annoyed when we hit a brick wall, we can empty the mind, come back to our center and try again when we’re ready. We don’t have to be upset, and we don’t have to give up after we’ve already come so far. All we have to do is breathe and let things sort themselves out, and if we stay centered, we’ll always find an answer to our problem.

All it takes is a little love and effort, and our creativity will start to pour out of us. We’ll have to try our best to keep up, and the more we practice, the less we’ll have to deal with a restricted flow.

With our inner love intact, our work will flow effortlessly as we awaken others to the things we’ve discovered, and other conscious people will be attracted to the love and the good vibes we put into our work. Along with sharing these good vibes, we’ll help them understand things that have been hidden and suppressed.

We’re rediscovering sacred truths that the elite have tried unsuccessfully to hide from the common man, but discovering these truths isn’t enough. We have to do something with our discoveries, and this is where our creativity and our passion come into play.

Once we have a creative outlet we can confidently pour our love and knowledge into, we can reach the rest of the world and help them awaken too. Provided we keep at it, our influence could grow so large that nobody can keep us from speaking the truth, and our victory will be a victory for love and our higher consciousness.

But we won’t achieve this victory without facing some challenges. We can handle them as long as we have love and centeredness in situations that require patience or perseverance, and we can persevere easily when we have love in our heart. We don’t require patience when we have love, because we’re already present and heart-centered and the temporary obstacle doesn’t bother us at all.

I feel compelled to say that heart-centeredness is the ‘big secret’ to life, creativity and spiritual evolution. I can’t tell you what’ll work best for you along your path, but in my eyes, heart-centeredness is a crucial component to enjoying our work (and life in general). We’ve all heard that anything’s possible with love, and perhaps there’s more truth in this simple statement than we realize.

Developing our creativity is a lot more fun when we have love, and we don’t need anything to enhance our work or make life more enjoyable. We have all the love and joy we require, and we can translate this joy into our work and make it even more appealing for people who are just starting to awaken. We can help them understand that spiritual evolution is just as joyful and liberating as it is difficult, and it doesn’t have to be a constant battle. We’ll be endlessly rewarded when we reach the next stage of our existence, and until we get there, we might as well work hard, help others and keep love in our heart.

As we embark on the long creative and spiritual journey ahead of us, let’s remember to frequently call on love and centeredness – especially when we’re confronted by difficult obstacles. Let’s remember that all of our difficulty is caused by the idea that we’re separate from our Divine Mother and Father, which we could never be, and to call on love is to call on the Mother to help us through our times of struggle. She’s here for all of us, but we have to open up to her (which, again, is the same as opening to love) to feel her presence and receive her valuable teachings.

She’ll help us approach our work (and our life) with more love, enthusiasm and centeredness than ever, and if we call on her, she’ll make herself known when we need her the most. Our creator will always be with us, because we’re eternally one with him/her and the rest of creation. Let’s remember this when we struggle, because sometimes, all it takes is a little umph from the Divine Mother to get things moving.

This concludes this week’s planetary healing.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/28/2015 6:16:04 PM

What Might Post-Reval Project Gifting look Like? – Part 1/2

Michael 23After the Reval, many of us will be taking a portion of the world’s unworkability and gifting in such a way as to impact the circumstances that keep the unworkable conditions in place. I’d like to illustrate how my own project planning is going, to offer an example of one funding effort and the unworkability it addresses. I hope it assists you in your reflections.

The Projects and Their Process

A fund that I’ll be setting up has three projects at present:

(1) The Gender Equality Project will be funding women’s groups around the world (starting with Canada as a trial run, to get our grounding) to end gender inequality and gender persecution.

(2) The Vancouver Project explores ways of correcting imbalances within the community by seeing to the needs of single mothers, the elderly, sick, disabled and dying.

(3) The Youth Project Development Division will work specifically with youth artists, healers, inventors, etc., to bring their projects and dreams to fruition.

It’ll be a while before they’re all fully up and functioning. There’ll be much work in setting up offices, hiring staff, and creating procedures. And time out for a vacation.

Here’s how Archangel Michael asked us to proceed. He’s speaking at a time when we were just beginning to develop our ideas. They had not yet gelled into the specific projects they are now:

“The work is not simply for Lightworkers. It is to bring those who think that they are alone, isolated and forgotten to the warmth of Gaia’s hearth fire.

“Begin at home and get your feet wet. Begin with the disenfranchised adults – women, then men, then children, because the children will benefit right off the bat regardless.

“Then extend yourself to what you have thought of as the marginalized populations – yes, criminals and those who have been locked up because people label them mentally ill. Then spread your wings across the globe.” (1)

The Decision Makers and Their Process

This may be more detail than many people want. I’m writing specifically to financial wayshowers and showing the level of planning that can be done before abundance arrives.

In the judicial world of legal decision-making, the individuals who make the funding decisions would be considered tribunal members. I’m borrowing the term from the Immigration and Refugee Board (where I worked) and calling them “Members.”

Each Member is an independent decision maker, whose decisions cannot be overturned unless the Members are shown to have violated the law or the decision is shown to be patently unreasonable.

It isn’t enough to say that a decision is not the one I’d have made. If it’s reasonably open to the decision maker to have made the decision they did, then it wouldn’t be reviewed or overturned.

So as to preserve their independence, no discussion of a Member’s decision will be permitted until it’s made and, even then, no discussion will be permitted that constitutes gossiping, sidebarring, negative criticism, etc.

To allow sidebarring would be to jeopardize the Member’s ability to make the tough calls. Members might fashion their decisions under those circumstances so as to avoid criticism rather than to accord with the facts and claims of the case in question.

Discussion of the legal principles underlying a decision, of a “best practices” standard the decision sets, or of a well-carried-out interpretation of country conditions are examples of collegial discussions that forward the action rather than impeding it.

There will be Professional Development Days where country conditions are discussed, trends in decision-making, or the legal fine points of decision-making, credibility analysis, or the law.

(Concluded in Part 2.)


(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, through Linda Dillon, Aug. 6, 2013.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/28/2015 6:17:35 PM

What Might Post-Reval Project Gifting look Like? – Part 2/2

Michael 23(Concluded from Part 1.)

Reaching a Decision

How will they reach a decision in the larger and more complex funding requests? The legal test or standard of proof they’ll be applying is “a balance of probabilities.” That translates into “more likely credible than not.”

So not “credible beyond the shadow of a doubt,” which is a much higher standard of proof but, to use other words, “probably credible,” “more than a fifty-percent chance of being credible,” etc.

Credibility is assessed by looking for implausibilities, improbabilities, impossibilities, inconsistencies and contradictions in the submitted request and its back-up documentation or any oral testimony that may be gathered or heard. If the evidence is plausible, probable, possible, consistent and uncontradicted, it’s assumed, on a balance of probabilities, to be credible.

With grants over $50,000, we may in the beginning use compliance testing, go teams, researchers, etc., to verify a group’s bona fides.

Compliance testing ensures that a product or service meets a defined set of industry standards as well as requirements and demands specific to that product or service.

In the case of companies or groups, it may be used to guard against fraud, misrepresentation, criminal activity, duplicate submissions, etc.

Go teams are an element of compliance testing. They’ll go out sparingly (only in the case of large or significant requests or requests upon which doubt has been cast) into the field, where needed, to confirm that circumstances are as they’re represented as being.

Researchers will supply the Members with research pertinent to a funding request – background information on the circumstances of gender inequality or persecution in that country or region, the group making the funding request, or any other circumstances the Members should know to allow them to reach their decisions in a clear, timely, and well-informed manner.

When it comes to gifting in countries that have had repressive regimes, that have social mores and values that have to be known and respected, or that have laws and regulations that have to be observed, the researchers will alert the Member. In some and perhaps even many circumstances, special provisions may need to be made to protect individuals and groups at risk. For instance, gifting an Afghani women’s organization with $50,000 might be akin to signing a death warrant for its members. A risk-free way will need to be found.

We won’t be tracking the use of the funds once they leave our hands. Archangel Michael has asked us not to spend time on that, but instead to ask for a report on how the money was spent if the group comes to us a second time.

This is the Mother’s money, he’s told us. If it’s asked for and gained under false pretenses, it’ll still have a transformative effect on the recipient anyways.

We know we’ll probably be scammed perhaps 10-15% of the time.

Any widescale provision for the wellbeing of a group is open to being scammed. Unemployment insurance, car insurance, medical insurance – in the past, there’s always been someone scamming something – or so it seems.

We accept that as a “cost of doing business,” rather than wasting our time excessively worrying about it.

But there’ll be less and less of that as our vibrations rise. I’m led to believe, those recipients who perform well will be handling a stream of funds that will go far past the original sum earned from currency exchanges.

Review and Expedited Streams

For us there will be two streams of requests: the “review” stream and the “expedited” stream.

A Registrar will receive all requests and channel them into one stream or the other. The “expedited” requests have been judged by the Registrar’s staff to be straightforward and non-controversial. They require a simple signature from the Member and little or no research will accompany the file.

The “review” stream comes to the Member’s desk with research attached and may require compliance testing or a go-team visit.

The funding decision will be made after study of the background research and the results of compliance testing and/or go-team visit, due reflection, and consulting the heart. “When your heart says contribute,” Archangel Michael has said, “then that is the litmus test.” (1)

For amounts over $50,000, a short written decision will be produced that gives the Member’s reasons for accepting the claims of the requester and gifting the funds.

It will acknowledge what the pertinent background research says, the testing done, and the grounds for reaching the decision.

Decisions will be stored in a database to allow for review and for statistical analysis. The principles of law that apply in the Canadian judicial system, which is very robust, will be the standard the projects follow.

Archangel Michael has asked us to act consciously as wayshowers and to make our arrangements capable of being used as industry standards elsewhere. So no $500,000 salaries for executives who do nothing. But generous salaries, with the employee having a say in setting amounts.

He further stipulated that we not simply reproduce the old Third-Dimensional environment of hierarchy, control, dog-eat-dog suspicion, etc. If we did, he said, he’d shut us down.

Compensation will include such things as a six-hour work day, a benefits plans covering medical, pharmaceutical, dental and hospital bills, a generous severance package, debt retirement, etc.


(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, through Linda Dillon, Dec. 11, 2013.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/28/2015 6:21:18 PM


Bob Fickes ~ Love is the Key


When we open our heart and truly allow our love to move through us, the ocean of the universe moves through us and creates a miracle. In the scientific age we doubt that miracles are real. But in past generations before there was science, we trusted in the universe to help us. Now we have become so reliant on our mentally created reality that we no longer trust the universe and Mother Earth to take care of us.

We are all children of God. We are born from the ocean of the universe. This magnificent universe lives inside of us. Our own Divine Consciousness can create miracles. Not our human mind but that part of us that is one with the universe.

Love is the key. When our heart is filled with love, anything is possible. Our own consciousness has the infinite potential to create a better world. Beneath our shallow wave of ego/mind is an ocean of Infinite Possibilities that can bring our life into a more magnificent and more miraculous reality. This reality can only occur when we put aside all of our limitations and believe 100% that Love makes anything possible. Love can never be understood by our ego/mind. Love breaks our belief in limitations and opens our heart to Infinity. When we feel loved, anything is possible.

Buddha told us not to believe just because he said it. We have to trust and see for our self what our Buddha Nature can accomplish. The first step is letting go of all our limited thinking. The second step is trusting that we are one with the universe and anything is possible. Love is the key to open our heart and all of our consciousness to the miraculous.

I am looking forward to seeing many of you tonight for Group Meditation and follow-up with the Love Mantra!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/28/2015 6:24:39 PM

Paul A Philips: Humanitarian Transformation Reversing the Inversion

cache_2111799Increasingly people are no longer buying into the mind control programmes enslaving humanity since time immemorial. People are slowly but surely taking back their power realizing the ‘big lie’ that they’re powerless and need to be dependent on controlling authorities while in response disconnecting from those related implanted beliefs…

“Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality, governments destroy freedom. “

-Michael Ellner

Consistent with Michael Ellner’s great quote humanitarian transformation does indeed depend on ’reversing the inversion’ which in effect means turning things the right way up from the point of view of:

-When doctors change from being a party to Big Pharma’s profit machine destroying health to promoting it by having a genuine welfare concern for patients regardless of money…cache_32094900

-When lawyers no longer destroy justice through making laws favouring the rich but instead act in the people’s best interest…

-When inherently corrupt psychiatrists with their unscientific made-up mental disorders stop pushing expensive, unnecessary, toxic drugs with harmful side-effects…cache_32094921

-Instead of looking through the limited lens of biased corporate sponsorship and the narrow paradigms of academia scientists pursue science more openly going beyond the boundaries of materialism and into the realms of consciousness and spirituality… Embracing science and spirituality as one of the same…

-Instead of being under the thumb of the corporations and politicians the media becomes more open, has the courage and conviction to follow real journalism having honest unbiased reporting…

cache_32095499-Spirituality is free from the clutches of religion’s deceptive controlling matrix…

-Government goes from serving their lords and masters the world ruling elite’s corporatocracy to having we-the-people’s best interest at heart instead…

Etc… etc…

-Of course, this involves monumental tasking to make the necessary changes. However, the monumental achievement of forming any high and mighty foundation starts builds up on and ends through the results of brick by brick additions.

Absolute totalitarian control in the New World Order can be achieved this way but likewise so could the opposite. If people oppose the NWO agenda and counter it with the necessary brick by brick humanitarian changes then transformation will result.

Awakening, self help, activist, activism, humanitarian transformation, empowerment, NWO agenda

Transformation, reversing the inversion, also has a major trump card up its sleeve to play and help make these desperately needed changes happen. That is the unstoppable mass awakening through a shift in consciousness throughout the world.

We-the-people are more than just 5-sense meat-and-wire bodies in a 3-D world. We are indeed multidimensional conscious beings and with intention capable of manifesting a new paradigm different to the planned dystopia by the ruling elite and their associates through tapping into those higher dimensional realities…

-Listen to your heart, follow your instincts!

In love, peace and light


“Humanitarian Transformation Reversing the Inversion” by Paul A Philips, not dated, at

Original link: Humanitarian Transformation Reversing the Inversion

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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