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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/26/2015 6:51:50 PM

Motivation and Spiritual Revolution


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I feel more motivated than ever to use writing to awaken and uplift people, and in my view, we have every reason to be thankful for (and excited about) our role in transforming the world.

We can change the world by pouring our love and creative expression into it, and the more art we create here, the more minds and hearts we can open. We can help people bring some joy back into their life, and we can inspire them to liberate themselves.

It can be easy to get unmotivated, but it helps to remember that we’re doing all of this for a reason. We’re here to help everyone wake up and make the inner and outer changes that are required if we want to collectively evolve, and no matter how hard we try to convince ourselves otherwise, everything we contribute is valuable. Even the things we don’t think are so great can help people in one way or another, and this is why we need to keep at it when our confidence wanes and we don’t think we can contribute anything significant.

We have to stay inspired, and there are plenty of things we can do throughout the day to increase our motivation and our excitement to work hard in the name of the light. Even if we need to step away from our work now and then to cool our frustrations or just sink away into blissful nothingness, we can give ourselves this privilege and get right back out there with our motivation replenished.

We can stop and take little meditation breaks in between working, and if we enjoy our work enough, it’ll become a meditation by itself. Writing can definitely be a form of meditation, and for me, incorporating heart-centeredness into my writings puts me on a higher vibe and encourages more creative expression.


Our work will especially feel like meditation if we’re heart-centered while we do it, and the great thing about writing is that it teaches us to root ourselves in this moment. It requires a great deal of presence and centeredness, and we can’t really write if we’re impatient or our mind’s in another place.

I’m sure the same can be said for any other kind of work or creative expression, and persevering will teach us more patience, centeredness and motivation. When our workreally starts to get fun, we’ll realize that we have every reason to be motivated to contribute.

We have an amazing opportunity to transform ourselves and the world around us, and our work won’t just help us – it’ll help everyone who finds their way to it.

This is motivation enough for me, because like most of you, I want to help the conscious community in any way I can. I want to use my perspective and the things I learn along this journey to help you all through your struggles, and while nobody can show the way for us, that little bit of extra guidance always helps.

I think everyone should find a way to contribute, and we could change the world pretty quickly if we were all active in raising awareness and talking to each other about life, spiritual evolution, the fall of the elite, and everything else that’s relevant to a new world. Everyone needs to get active, and a few thousand people won’t be enough. The rest of the world has to follow suit, and as long as we keep it up, they eventually will.

Even if we have a 9-5 job that prevents us from expressing ourselves for a living, we’re still blessed with self-expression – we just have to figure out how we want to do it and make time whenever possible.

Nobody has to miss out on the chance to contribute, and those who can contribute for a living probably know by now that this is a valuable gift and we should feel blessed every day. I feel blessed when I consider that I can actually write about spiritual revolution for a living, and it’s one of many things that motivates me to keep going.


The intention of this piece is to motivate all of you to start expressing yourselves and helping others, and I highly recommend acting on any inspiration you receive from here on out. Inspiration is an intuitive compass that guides us toward our passion and our purpose, and we have to follow the signs we’re given as we travel this difficult yet liberating path back into our higher consciousness.

Let’s increase our contributions and make it easier for others to liberate themselves, because our mission here is important. No matter what we decide we want to do, it’s very important that we pursue it with love in our hearts and faith that we’re doing all of this for a reason. Our work won’t be in vain, and even if it takes centuries, the things we do now will eventually help the world wake up and make a change.

So let’s keep at it, and let’s remember to routinely call on love and the higher self to help us when we struggle with depleted energy or a lack of faith. Most of the time, they can redeem us and help us continue on, free of the limitations that seemed so real a moment ago. They’re powerful enough to help us wipe away our struggles and stay connected, and they also help us realize how lucky we are, how crucial this mission is and how much we can achieve if we stay motivated.

It’s easy to get motivated when we’re rooted in love, and realizing how blessed we are is even easier. The next step is to work hard and enjoy ourselves, and our heart-centeredness will bless us with abundant creative expression as we gradually bring the conscious community together in celebration of our spirituality, our creativity and the new world we want to see.

Share freely.

I’m a twenty-two year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/26/2015 6:54:13 PM

FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 2015

Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Bask in the wonder of life — go deep, soar high, follow your love and the joy of fulfillment is yours.

Dear One,

Life is a special gift from God, filled with infinite beauty. Your appreciation and gratitude for this beauty brings forth a new dimension of love within you. Take the time to pursue beauty. Find one flower and look with wondrous eyes upon this divine miracle. Notice the grace of a tree, the strength of its trunk, the power of the root system diving deep into the ground, and the play of the leaves in the sunlight. Put your arms around a tree and take a moment to sense the life force pulsing inside. This slow, steady pulse will soothe and calm you in times of upset. Try sitting with your back against a tree and feel the peace grow within you. Listen to the songs of birds. They sing for the pure joy of it. This is nature in all its glory, and nature will always remind you of the beauty and wonder of Spirit.

Nature is one of the easiest ways to bask in the wonder of life. Just being aware of the miraculous occurrences in nature will stir the life force within you. There will be a reminder of times when you were a child and wonder lived at the forefront of your awareness. When you do this, your life takes on new meaning, a specialness.

Go deep within the feelings that connect you with Spirit. Be aware that you are a child of a benevolent Universe. Know that you are guided and protected by the Angels, and that who you are has great value to the world.

Soar high, and experience the incredible possibilities available to you at every moment. Anything is possible. Miracles are the natural state of being in the universe. Do not limit yourself by thinking you can't do what is important to you. Take the time to let your guardian Angel show you how you can accomplish all your dreams. In your meditation ask for this. You deserve to have that which makes you happy in your life.

Life is not meant to be a painful struggle without hope. Allowing new possibilities to play on the perimeters of your consciousness will begin the process of opening to full miracles. It is a process of allowing. It takes a willingness to have your life be happier and more satisfying, even if you don't know how to do it. This willingness allows the forces of the universe to work for you. Allow yourself to open to miracles and to wondrous joy and gratitude for all that is available to you right now. Call on your Angelic presence to open the way to the miracles you deserve.

That is why we say:

Bask in the wonder of life — go deep, soar high, follow your love and the joy of fulfillment will be yours.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
June 21, 2015

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/26/2015 6:56:29 PM

Inelia Benz: 7 Collaborating Steps to Raising the Vibrational Level of Planet

inelia_benz_2013I, Inelia Benz, am willing to collaborate with any species or peoples who want to raise the level of vibration of the planet and the joint collective.

The next question is, “how do we collaborate with each other?”

My personal answer to that question is:

1) We work on raising our personal vibration by processing fear,both our own as well as the collective fear. You can find the full text for the exercise I personally use to process fear here: (1)

2) We find what brings us joy, what excites us, and we do it. This raises our own vibration, as well as being the strongest clue as to what we are here to do.

3) We network with others who are willing to do the same. The moment of leaderless networks is here, we share, we communicate and we act. The only following we do is to follow our heart and our intuition.

It is not complicated, and does not require one “special” group, leader or belief system, tool or modality. We find what works for us individually and we go for it.

4) We realize we are joylightlove. This is our true essence, not something we “channel”, or “tap into”, but the core building block of each human being.

5) We change from “saving” to “empowering”. There is a difference between fixing the world, to empowering humanity to wake up and fix themselves.

6) We empower those who inspire us. I send 10% of my monthly earnings not to those who “need it most”, but to those who have inspired me most. Why? Because inspiration is pure life force. The more we empower those who inspire us, the more chi, power, capacity to do, they have to continue existing and inspiring others.

7) We release “being right”. We can get very frustrated by friends and relatives not “waking up”, or not seeing how fabulous our new knowledge, tools and connections are. What we have to realize is their higher self really does know better than we do :)

Inspiring those who empower, and empowering those who inspire, see you next week!

In joylightlove,

Inelia Benz and the Ascension101 Team

“7 Collaborating Steps to Raising the Vibrational Level of Planet” by Inelia Benz, June 25, 2015 via Ascension Updates Newsletter at


(1) Fear Processing Exercise:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/26/2015 6:59:39 PM

FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 2015

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ PORTALS OF SEEING

From now until the end of the year you will find yourself
In an accelerated Visionary capacity
As you have the eyes to see a great responsibility is birthed

Open eye visions happening as you are driving, as you are talking to another, as you are just sitting pondering. This ocular frequency is opening up eight separate portals within the eye structure. There are many parts of your eyes that are like a honeybee hive with hexagon structures. There are eight segments of geometric patterns within the eyes around the iris. These portals of seeing are coming as a gift for you.

Do not ask you to be flustered, fearful and angry over what you see. As the Seers, what you see is not always pretty. See with the eyes of the universe. You are becoming as listeners as well. You hear the thoughts of others, you hear the cries for help and silently you address them. You are so sensitive to these energies, we ask you to lift your senses, lift your seeing abilities, lift your listening abilities, lift your knowing abilities to a place where they cannot be dislodged. How many times a day do you ‘flunk’ in the name of the Light? Imagine all the people that don’t even think about trying, that don’t think about being a better person, or about doing a kindness.

Allow these truths to escort you into higher octaves of your own DNA patterning. you have played every role thru time and you hold that information within you. We try hard to prepare you with as many vibrational tools as possible. Trying so hard to Help you move effortlessly in a fluid manner through these shifts. You are the one that holds the light and anchors it. When everyone else gives up, you stand tall in believing.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/26/2015 7:03:53 PM


Bob Fickes ~ The Heartbeat of Mother Earth


As our hearts beat with the heartbeat of Mother Earth, the world we live in will change. The soul of Mother Earth is healthy, but her body is out of balance with the many things we humans have done to her. All of these conditions can be transformed as we transform our consciousness. Mother Earth will do the healing once she sees that we are changing our lives and realigning with Nature. There is no condition on Earth, including the nuclear problem, that can’t be transformed. Mother Earth can do this healing better than we can. She is only waiting to see if we are really ready to change.

All of the frustrations we feel are signals from the universe that we are out of balance.

As our egos melt into harmony with the rhythm of the universe through meditation, Mother Earth will begin to heal herself. We can already see examples of this in our sacred sites and holy shrines. They are glowing with new life and the land is being reactivated. This is a precious time for us to be alive. We are the generation that will change the future and provide a better world for our children to live in. The Time is Now.

I am so grateful to all of you who have participated in the Love Mantra Global Group Meditations and received the Love Mantra for your personal meditation. I will be returning home to Chiang Mai next week with a full heart. Thank you all so much! I Love You!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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